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We are talking about the question that you voted to close. about random numbers
OK, official business... we're talking about that question on random numbers
Can we talk about Giles?
@nhgrif - lots of things to comment on. The simple ones first.
This question's on/off topic-ness aside
As it was migrated, it was extraordinarily gray area.
You could just comment on his answer... that would have immediately pinged him.
Moderators shouldn't be migrating questions that we have to have meta discussions about.
That's that.
I mean, end of discussion there.
We can have the discussion about this question's topicness on the meta.
That'd be better.
Q: MS Dos script to monitor ftp files and zip them periodically

ArjunI have an ftp server that keeps getting gets three types of files. 1) Output 2) Error 3) Response All the three files have the same file name like xxxxx.xml. I want to scan the error folder and get the files modified after a certain time. Then get the same files from output and Response and 7Zip...

no, that would not be better.
But other moderators don't need to be migrating stuff here that's (at best) a gray or (or at worst, off-topic)
we cannot have a meta discussion about every question
No shit?
This isn't every question.
If you can't see that this question is definitely a gray area, then perhaps you choosing not to run for moderator is the best thing for this site.
I'm only concerned with what's getting migrated here.
Really? you want to go there?
@nhgrif That's surely true. But for example, a heuristic optimization algorithm may produce some results, which may be completely horrible, since the OP has no idea what he's doing. So there should be a chance to ask. The SO people send him to CR, the CR people send him to hell.
Stuff that gets migrated here should be an unquestionably good fit for the site.
No. that is not true
I'm done
I'm just entirely done.
We'll just accept anything that anyone entirely uninvolved with the site wants to dump here
And we never migrate anything away
No question on any other site will ever be a "perfect good fit here" before migration
Just stop
don't waste your breat
because apparently I'm the only community member that doesn't get it
and if that's the case, I really don't care
2 days ago, by Donald.McLean
No, personality clash.
I'll just stop taking part in the community if I have to fight tooth and nail for every tiny ounce of some maintainable scope.
because it's not worth the effort.
@nhgrif - you have to learn to live in a world where things are not as black and white as you make them out to be.
At this point, people (besides you) are just disagreeing with me because they feel I've acted childish over the past few days.
@nhgrif Sure, it would be preferable if the moderator asked us about it before migrating the question here, or studied our topicness more. Moderators can make mistakes, just like everyone else. Gilles believed the question would be on-topic here and thus it was migrated.
And people keep acting like I'm absurd for wanting everything to be perfectly black and white. That's a stereotype that you put on me @rolfl and now I unfairly have to defend so aggressively every stance I take.
moderators are actively encouraged now to migrate without asking first.
@nhgrif Why? You have an opinion and we have an opinion. We disagree. But what's the problem?
Because every time I try to even slightly unmurky the waters and clarify anything, I get yelled at about "black and white"
Just stop that nonsense.
Stop it entirely.
so... we're grown up now and have to just "deal with it" @rolfl ??
@nhgrif Why do you need to result to ad honimen-attacks?
@nhgrif That is not true. I regularly ask for your opinion, and regularly agree with it, especially in the areas of apple-related expertise.
@nhgrif Honestly, now you are starting to sound paranoid... We can separate one issue from another. Some people will agree with you on some things, while others don't agree on other things.
There's a difference between wanting things to be a little more clear to newcomers so that can more easily understand what is and isn't on-topic (an issue that's clearly a problem)
And wanting everything to be letter-of-the-law.
That's not what I want. I just want to add a little more clarity and at least make sure that all of the gray areas are pretty thoroughly talked about
By the way, I have just been typing, not reading, but how's that SNR now?
How come these messages aren't getting dumped out?
because it's Signal
because this is 100% on-topic for Code Review general and site-specific
Q: Laravel user permission system

kbckI wanted to create a simple and easy to use permissions system. The ones I've found on the Internet would need to attach every permission to a route manually (e.g. Entrust). My idea is to build a permission name out of the current action, so for example method 'store' in 'TestController' becomes...

Q: Date composition from day, month and year input

ChrillewoodzI need to concatenate 3 input fields into a string which is formatted as a date dd-mm-yyyy, using type="date" or new Date() will not work in my scenario because Firebase doesn't allow it for some reason. I came up with a rather ugly solution, but I'm not quite sure how to improve it. delete is ba...

It's site business => Signal
now can we keep these two (or more) problems separate?
Do we want what one user wants, or what 99 users want? That's exactly why we have meta, and then you can see what everyones opinion is... If you see that your opinion is unpopular, then it could be that you are wrong.
@skiwi s/you are wrong/people simply disagree/
^^ that+
@SimonAndréForsberg +1
@SimonAndréForsberg Well yeah, "wrong" is the wrong word
In the end, it is about opinions. Who could possibly be "right" and "wrong"?
In that sense, no opinion can ever be wrong
(Trying to steer the topic back to Code Review before we go off into Philosophy about right and wrong...)
Well, it might be his internet, but it's hard to have a conversation with an user that's not here
Code Practical and Code Theory go hand in hand, and often questions are borderline, If the code practical doesn't fit the code theory, how you clarify how important the code theory is to the execution of the code practical, should be determined.
OP believes his code is true random, it's not, as proved by @Gilles, but whether that mean his code is classified off-topic or not is determined by the level of importance true random has to the question.
8 mins ago, by Vogel612
so... we're grown up now and have to just "deal with it" @rolfl ??
relatedly on the migration itself..
soo.. mods seem to be encouraged to migrate at their own discretion
@Vogel612 I don't quite understand what you mean by that.
@Quill Spoken just like someone who's running for moderator :)
that was in reference to rolfl's defense ("mods are encouraged ...") when nhgrif stated that the question was gray area upon migration
@Vogel612 I'm under the impression that "deal with it" means that you can make a meta post about it, or ping the moderator, there's stuff you can do, but it doesn't seem like the decision can be turned back
@Vogel612 yeah, I was quite suprised about mods being encouraged to "migrate first, ask later" so to speak.
Hiya @Gilles welcome to the 2nd Monitor
Good, @Gilles is here.
So I'm told I shouldn't have migrated that random generator question?
@skiwi migration in general is a beast
I'm only an occasional user of Code Review, but it seemed on-topic to me.
@nhgrif, @Gilles is here
The code compiles and runs.
Honestly, it is a very grey area question. We did get the same question yesterday as well.
5 mins ago, by Quill
Code Practical and Code Theory go hand in hand, and often questions are borderline, If the code practical doesn't fit the code theory, how you clarify how important the code theory is to the execution of the code practical, should be determined.
OP believes his code is true random, it's not, as proved by @Gilles, but whether that mean his code is classified off-topic or not is determined by the level of importance true random has to the question.
It doesn't do what the asker expects... but the asker doesn't know that!
@Quill that's not the original form of the question.
@Gilles Read my comment on the question (if it wasn't dictatored away).
The only problem with it was that the OP didn't know whether or not the code did what he wanted it to do. It was in a sense more about understanding the code, than doing the same thing in a better way.
@Gilles to clarify... is this question off-topic for cs?
I've only skimmed the transcript, so just quickly: my name is Gilles, spelling it correctly will help finding me. I'm almost always logged in to the main chatrooms of the sites where I'm a mod, so you can always ping me there.
I have stuff to do, and this chat room isn't fun, so if you want to talk to me personally you can find me here (later).
@Vogel612 Definitely, otherwise I wouldn't have closed it there.
And either I was doing it wrong or CS doesn't have a chat room. I tried looking.
CS is allergic to code in questions
@Gilles We're to the most part Code Practical to your Code Theory
but we like both, for some values of both
@nhgrif All Stack Exchange sites have a main chatroom. You can find it by going to chat.stackexchange.com and selecting the site name after “a list of rooms about”
@Gilles IIUC the super-collider-dropdown also gets you to the main chatroom.
then again I don't use that link anymore
The Computer Science chat room is boringly named “Computer Science”, description “General discussion for cs.stackexchange.com
Hiya @Bhathiya
It seems more like a SO candidate for me, because the user isn't convinced that he did a good job in coding it (either a good job in coding excellent code, or a good job in coding a mess, albeit a working mess)
@nhgrif s/dictatored away/deleted/ (adding your own subjective emotional feelings to that won't help you really. Just trying to help here)
I was also known as JaDogg
@skiwi That's true for every code review question.
@Vogel612 I think it's supposed to, but it usually brings me to the generic page
@Bhathiya Hey, long time no see.
^^ me 2, just checked.. then again the first room there is the main chat
Anyhow: if I made a mistake in migrating it here, I apologize. But so far I haven't heard an explanation of why it would be off-topic.
@rolfl But in the question it seems like the user is asking too many questions about his own code, as in he doesn't really know if what he coded is what he wanted
@Gilles behaviour verification is off-topic-ish since OP can't assess whether the code works as intended
@Vogel612 I don't understand this sentence
@Vogel612 but at the same time, pointing out edge-cases is fair game too.
so. one of the premises for codereview is: "The code works"
@CaptainObvious VTC for potentially broken, missing code
it doesn't stop quite there, because works is quite the broad field..
Does chatsey app work ?
works includes: "compiles, runs, and does what I want"
@Gilles @Gilles - the user has code, it runs, he believes it works, he's looking for input. Those are the base criteria for on-topic here on code review. The text surrounding his question was not phrased in the normal code-review style. I changed that.
the problem with that question is the last part.
That's normal for migrated questions.
It's a little difficult to verify randomness so you have to reason about it.
@Gilles Personally, I think the original question (before @rolfl's edit that improved it) leaned towards off-topic because the OP wanted to understand what his code does, and was not primarily interested in "How can I do the same thing here in a better way?". That said, as I said it is very grey and I don't blame you for migrating it. With @rolfl's edit, it will likely stay here.
^^ that
@Vogel612 Understatement of the day: "a little"
@SimonAndréForsberg That was about my take on it too, and instead of fixing the situation with a close-vote, I fixed it with an edit... which I believe is a preferable solution.
because a close-vote (or rather successful closure) kicks the question into the limbo
dead somewhere between two sites and locked on both..
@Vogel612 And that would be wrong because of the answer. Wherever it lands, it should stay fully visible.
@maaartinus let's ignore the answer for now, it's all about the question here
@maaartinus if closed, the question and answer would be deleted here... it would be "unmigrated" and "closed" on the soruce site.
rolfls edit hugely changes the intent of the question from "help me verify this code" to "give me a general review, oh and if you can, please mention the randomness in it"
the earlier basically is off-limits, since it's a statment doubting whether the code works as intended
and the latter works just fine here, but is probably not what OP wanted
OK, then it's just about where it will be found. But aren't closed questions less visible to search engines or something like that?
@Vogel612 that is true, but, every question on code review is abou reviewing any and all aspects of the code, with a specific focus on some things....
@rolfl then again that question wasn't originally posted to CR...
CR works differently from other sites.
that ^^^
an answer that doesn't address the "problem" in the question is NAA on other sites
It worked
here you garner upvotes for it
The migration system is a bit of a mess. For migrated questions, I am often focused on giving their users a better Stack Exchange experience, that involves being a bit more hesitant to closing the question and exploring alternatives for how the question can remain open.
and I think nhgrif doesn't...
which leads to unhappiness when personalities and "dogmas" clash
that said, Hello and Welcome to the 2nd monitor @all @Loufylouf
@Vogel612 @all is my bot I'm currently working on
@Quill - I'm going to give you the bot rules then....
@Quill maybe you want to put that into the chat profile text then...
No bots in this room unless they are tools, and not toys.
all bots have to prove their function in another chat room before being allowed to operate in here.
@Vogel612 Good call
@rolfl Of course, it's not a toy
@rolfl Yes, I haven't turned it on here, yet
Still in R&D, so that's a little off
if bots become a nuisance in here, I will suspend the account indefinately.
@rolfl Or just kick and warn? Or too afraid it might auto-reconnect?
Q: Python script to append the contents of the latest Stackage nightly build to the global cabal config file

Marcus Vinícius MonteiroI've made the following python script to to append the contents of the latest Stackage nightly build to the global cabal config file (instead of going to the site, copying the page and appending it manually...). I would appreciate your feedback: """ Appends the latest stackage nightly sources fr...

(I mean, that could happen, you haven't coded the bot)
@rolfl It's supposed to be a ping all kinda bot, but I have my concerns about it's use. I may make a meta, or just discuss you yourself or another mod before I start using it
I would suspend the bot account... (the real person account has real-person rules.
the risk of automated-mayhem on an automated system is real.
I'm surprised @Duga haven't completely run out of control yet.
On second thought... it has, just not in this room...
that ^^^
I had a mishap with it earlier and the timeout function broke and went all terminator, but the min time between posts feature stopped it
and, if duga did, I would suspend duga too ;-)
@Quill I'm still not friends with the forced chat timeout
(and unsuspend when I was assured the issue was resolved).
@skiwi It's a pain to deal with, right?
also as a human you actually sometimes hit it
@Vogel612 Yeah
@Vogel612 Correct, as far as I'm aware, I'm a human and not a bot
@skiwi Just how aware are you ...?
@Duga caught a whole lot of specific comments directing old questions about to Programmers, so that comment had to be ignored. And she has spammed about 50+ commits during git merges and pushes to a fork...
that's why you "merge early, merge often"
so that duga doesn't have to go mad
@Quill - for reference, here's a bot that never made it to this room: chat.stackexchange.com/users/116745/…
that has been fixed in @Duga now though. Now she only posts a maximum of 10 commits to chat.
in BlueCheese Monster's Home, Aug 7 '14 at 14:41, by BlueCheeseMonster
@Malachi And on this day, you shall paint eggs for a giant bunny.
Feels like enough of a toy to live in Target
You don't need to .= the initial errorList as it is a declaration. You can just attach .= "</ul>" to the echo statement. You have extra whitespace in your initial array, and three missing spaces between your commas. You should have extra whitespace between your boolean operators in the for loop — Quill 37 secs ago
I just did a code review, of a code review
@Quill Good, so I can do a code review of a code review of a code review
This is exactly why I down-voted that question:
A: PHP: Best way to handle multiple IF statements (working code)

Bhavin SolankiYou can use array and for loop for this : $array = array( "emailInvalid","passLength","passLowerCase","passUpperCase", "passNumberSymbol", "passMatch") $errorList .= "Some text <ul>"; for($i=0; $i<count($array); $i++){ if(strpos($errorDetails, $array[$i]) !== false){ $errorList .= "<li>...

@SimonAndréForsberg s/question/answer
@Bhathiya I use it all the time. It tends to be hard to scroll up the transcript at times, but other than that it works pretty well
@Mat'sMug I tried to get it to work yesterday...
I wasn't able to..
couldn't even log in...
@Vogel612 nope. question. I down-voted the question just because that answer would be a possible answer.
because of $errorList .= "<li>Some text</li>";
Ah yes
@Vogel612 That was me
Why does PHP need a separate operator for string concatenation?
@EthanBierlein Because PHP is going to be... well... PHP
Hmm. Maybe it's because of type issues?
@EthanBierlein Why does Python need to obfuscate their Ternary operator?
@Quill Because Python prefers to have keywords over character operators? I honestly don't know.
@EthanBierlein It's still backwards :P
true cond if cont else false cond vs. cond ? true cond : false cond
Hmm. This might still be a little unclear, but Python's ternaries might look slightly clearer if they looked like this: if [ condition ] then [ value ] else [ value ]
@EthanBierlein But isn't that Bash?
@skiwi I don't think so. The square brackets are just there to signify that something else would be put there.
For example: if random.randint(1, 10) > 5 then "Greater than five" else "Not greater than five"
@EthanBierlein I think there is some language where the conditional operator is just an if-else statement like that... (could it be Scala perhaps?)
probably not Scala...
perl ..... comes close.
I see we got an 11 candidate.
Happy 4th of July, everyone.
Happy 4th of July, everyone Americans.
Q: I created a DB schema for a project relating to collecting comments for web pages, is relational the way to go and how are my relationships?

Joshua Kemmerer I'm curious if relational DB is the way to go, if the current relationships in the diagram make sense, and whether it will bode well for coding.

@Chrillewoodz I'd like to talk to you about your use of tags in a number of your questions.
Perl is weird
@EthanBierlein because strings are a lie
The cake string is a lie immutable.
@EthanBierlein no... there is no "String"
a String is an abstraction
SELECT * FROM Greetings WHERE Phrase LIKE 'MONK%';
Welcome back SQLGUY!
A "String" is a sequence of numbers arbitrarily mapped to signs that may or may not be letters and terminated by \0
How's it going?
Well, you missed some, issues.
@Mat'sMug My stupid bot always beats in ultimate tic-tac-toe. It's not good, but I'm terrible.
This question is not a candidate for Code Review because the code is not working the way it should (it does not handle space, and lower-case "none", and more). — rolfl 1 min ago
Q: Attempting to add functionality

fox.joshAll, You guys have been instrumental to my process of learning the ins and outs of Java programming. I would like to have your expertise review my code and add any valuable input that my program needs or areas that could become more efficient. The two areas that I am having issues with are having...

not quick enough
Q: Attempting to add functionality

fox.joshAll, You guys have been instrumental to my process of learning the ins and outs of Java programming. I would like to have your expertise review my code and add any valuable input that my program needs or areas that could become more efficient. The two areas that I am having issues with are having...

@Codebender As said by rolfl above, this does not belong on Code Review. Please read Be careful when recommending Code Review to askersSimon André Forsberg 45 secs ago
@rolfl You were quick enough, it's just that the OP were too quick.
face-desk ?
That, too.
Where exactly does this belong? I posted it here and get diverted to code review. I post it on code review and it is on hold. I apologize for not understanding the exact area to post the question. While technically the code does work (except for added features that I am attempting to add or understand). I will be happy to post in the correct area just asking for little guidance. Thanks a lot — fox.josh 13 secs ago
@EthanBierlein Ah I see
@Duga Why do we have to be the ones that end up guiding the users right?
Because SO users still haven't learned the right way to post comments.
Q: Remote control reciever for robot control

user2813274I have built an RC car and attached a Raspberry Pi to it - in order to control it, I wrote some Java code to listen to commands over the network and make the car move accordingly. import java.io.BufferedReader; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.InputStreamReader; import java.io.Pri...

For getting help with implementing features, Stack Overflow is the place. But you should show what you have tried and provide a clear problem statement to show exactly what is stopping you from implementing it. Code Review is for questions like: "This code does exactly what I want it to, how can I make it better?" — Simon André Forsberg 18 secs ago
@Codebender was just one person suggesting Code Review, and his suggestion was ill-advised this time. Some questions are not suitable on any stack site, because they are not good candidates for the Q&A nature of the stacks. This is one of those. Your question is not a well-contained and specific question as required for SO, it is not a general problem about programming and relevant to all Programmers, and it's not working code needing review. What you need is a teacher's assistant, partner, manual, or friend. — rolfl 39 secs ago
Nice way of getting @Duga to post in The Whiteboard, @rolfl ^^
huh... I guess.
> What you need is a teacher's assistant, partner, manual, or friend.
in The Whiteboard, 1 min ago, by Duga
@Codebender was just one person suggesting Code Review, and his suggestion was ill-advised this time. Some questions are not suitable on any stack site, because they are not good candidates for the Q&A nature of the stacks. This is one of those. Your question is not a well-contained and specific question as required for SO, it is not a general problem about programming and relevant to all Programmers, and it's not working code needing review. What you need is a teacher's assistant, partner, manual, or friend. — rolfl 50 secs ago
Linking to Programmers or their help center is one of the best ways to make sure that @Duga catches it.
Why does The Whiteboard have the tag, ? Is there something here that I'm missing?
tags are just tags... someone probably thought it was funny....
They probably copied from 2nd monitor
Hi, @Bhathiya.
it appears to have been there since early 2014 .... search indicates it was added here: chat.stackexchange.com/transcript/21?m=14567327#14567327
What's The Whiteboard anyway? Is it an offshoot from something or is it something big?
Big enough.
It's the Programmers.SE general chat, IIRC.
Also, it's where they hid Jimmy Hoffa.
Perhaps they had the same idea as CR
@Hosch250 Jimmy Hoffa is hidden on the dark side of the moon.
Who the hell is Jimmy Hoffa?
@EthanBierlein You don't know who Jimmy Hoffa is?
No. Barrage me with information.
James Riddle "Jimmy" Hoffa (born February 14, 1913 – disappeared July 30, 1975) was an American labor union leader who vanished in late July 1975, aged 62. He is widely believed to have been murdered. Hoffa was a union activist from a young age, and was an important regional figure with the International Brotherhood of Teamsters (IBT) union by his mid-twenties. By 1952, Hoffa had risen to national vice-president of the IBT, and served as the union's general president between 1958 and 1971. He secured the first national agreement for teamsters' rates in 1964. Hoffa played a major role in the growth...
I love that chatfeature
oh, okay. I understand now.
Yo, yo, yo, the second monitor! Is everyone over here at code review doing well?
I haven't been here for a while!
Aside from chasing flags, that is.
We're good, you?
@Unihedron I'm great!
@Quill What bot are you talking about?
@Mast @all
Stole my idea, I see?
@Hosch250 I don't remember you expressing it
Oh, I suggested it a while back, and someone said to make it a StackApp.
I think everyone's caught up in a "bot craze" of sorts. I'm making my own as well right now.
I don't care, I don't know JS.
Q: 50 State Info Program

fox.joshHere is my instructions for creating this program and the functional code for your review. Write a Java program the displays the State bird and flower. You should use your IDE for this exercise. The program should prompt the user to enter a State and print both the State bird and flower. The use...

OP seems to have posted it again.
Hmm, maybe the OP has refactored it so that it works...
@Hosch250 Even people who write it don't know it.
Nobody knows JS.
Nobody will ever ever ever ever know JS.
@Hosch250 I remember talking about it a while ago but transcripts are no fun, if you want to search go right ahead
Q: 50 State Info Program

fox.joshHere is my instructions for creating this program and the functional code for your review. Write a Java program the displays the State bird and flower. You should use your IDE for this exercise. The program should prompt the user to enter a State and print both the State bird and flower. The use...

heya fellas
hey @janos
hey @Ethan
does that latest from Captain Obvious really deserve -4 ?
Yeah, because the code is an exact repost from an earlier question that was closed.
he reworded it
But the code didn't change.
As far as I can tell.
his code seemed fine to me, and very much reviewable
59 mins ago, by Duga
This question is not a candidate for Code Review because the code is not working the way it should (it does not handle space, and lower-case "none", and more). — rolfl 1 min ago
he fixed the lower-case None in the second post here.
exploding bear trap.
and dropped the request for adding features for him
Hmm. I'm going to vote to undelete it then.
space-handling is still iffy
but, the question is, I believe, on-topic
That can always be covered in the review though.
Man, I am finding it hard to be not-sarcastic. I think I should head off for the weekend ;-) Have a good one.
the guy probably thinks we're an unfriendly bunch. not so great.
you too have a good one!
Seeya @rolfl
Q: 50 State Info Program

fox.joshHere is my instructions for creating this program and the functional code for your review. Write a Java program the displays the State bird and flower. You should use your IDE for this exercise. The program should prompt the user to enter a State and print both the State bird and flower. The use...

he's back, and getting some encouragement
we're not so unfriendly bunch after all ;-)
Now the question just need to be improved.
Apologize for the downvotes. Your question were so similar to your previous question that we thought your code hadn't been changed. Thanks for updating your code, I believe this question is now on the on-topic side of things. I hope you will get some nice reviews. — Simon André Forsberg 7 secs ago
Hmm. I'm gonna see if I can do a review on that.
@Ethan you're in a good position to beat me in the weekly leagues this time
as long as QP manages to stay away a bit longer ;-)
@janos You're not far off though. I don't think anyone's going to beat Q though.
It went from -2 to 2.
even if I cap, I'll be at 995, but you can reach 1144 ;-)
Maybe... I did post some answer a little bit ago. I don't think anyone's noticed them yet.
@EthanBierlein Sometimes nobody will till weeks later.
It's how it goes.
Yup. I really don't care though. As long as a question at least has a good answer, then I think it's good.
There we go, answered:
A: 50 State Info Program

Ethan BierleinDisclamer: Not a Java expert. First off, why are you using System.exit(0) to exit the loop? Wouldn't it be easier to just use break? Secondly, you have some spacing issues. For example, for (int index=0; index<stateInfo.length && !found; index++), would become for (int index = 0; index < stat...

@SimonAndréForsberg 2475 views!
@janos You're ahead of me by one rep point :D
@Mat'sMug on my Sudoku C# Solver?
Aaand now you're not ;-)
@EthanBierlein thanks to Santa ;-)
Thanks santa(s)!
lol, on the Shield your Code Review on GitHub
Oh, I was thinking a Dictionary.
@Mat'sMug oh, that... right!
Hmm. Maybe I can even beat Q if I post a ton of answers today.
A HashMap is probably good too.
posting a ton of answers usually has that effect, yes
I should kill a zombie.

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