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@skiwi unless you want to edit 513 questions manually, yes.
@Jamal You work quickly. :]
Is this how the ns* tags were dealt with? — nhgrif 1 min ago
@rolfl I had a feeling he would say that ^^
@Rootix Thanks to you, we got the answer. They are TRNG. Someone in code review gave me enough knowledge to get the answers. Here is the answer, which probably will be deleted or downvoted. So here is the answer again. — ncomputers.org 41 secs ago
@Duga Something to downvote.
soo... that post now has a selfie answer by OP..
which is most probably at least blatantly wrong
and at worst a copy of the text on a product site...
Yes, showing a exceptionally deep misunderstanding.
That answer should not be deleted.
down and delvoted from my site..
It's where the reality loses to one's believe.
@SimonAndréForsberg Why not?
@SimonAndréForsberg It isn't reviewing the code..
To anyone who might want to delete this answer: Being wrong and being an answer are two different things. There is no real reason to delete this answer. — Simon André Forsberg 14 secs ago
It sort of is. I'd probably keep it and downvote it to minus infinity.
@Vogel612 Does this answer review the code?
A: Generating random numbers from thread timing in C++

GillesA true random number generator (TRNG) is a source of bits such that each bit has a probability of exactly 1/2 of being 1. Your code is obviously not a TRNG since its bias will heavily depend on the timing of operations. A pseudo-random number generator (PRNG) is a deterministic algorithm that pr...

What you have here is a source of entropy: a bit stream which is not fully deterministic.
@Vogel612 it's not a product site, it is his own blog or homepage.
The transformation (out, tmp) → (outBase+tmp, tmpBase+num) has cycles; if you fall into them you'll emit repetitions for a while until the scheduler hits.
^^ and it's new.
which is still spam without disclaimer..
On the programming side, you should initialize all variables.
It's no spam. It's just a backup in case it gets deleted here.
damn > not working on my keyboard right now, so I can't quote
@Vogel612 I don't think that's spam.
> These codes generate true random numbers because:

They implement a linear congruential generator, which generate pseudo-random numbers.
Unpredictable data races upgrades the pseudo-randomness into true-randomness.
CPU time jitter upgrades the pseudo-randomness into true-randomness.
@Vogel612 Yeah, it doesn't even link to the correct site (the OP's). Lots of site promotion, too.
that's what the OP says ^^ How's that different from Gilles' answer?
All in all, you seem to be trying to generate random numbers by flailing around in the dark. That doesn't work.
Gilles is actually referring to the code
OP is spouting marketing slogans
I see nothing wrong with adding references to an answer. References is not spam.
aside from the fact that the references come from Gilles answer
@SimonAndréForsberg They delete it, because they want to avoid the spread of knowledge. The answer is here. — ncomputers.org 1 min ago
@Jamal What...
I hope the OP didn't post that code just to have the opportunity to post that page. I have already sent a warning about question quality but haven't heard a response yet.
I guess, he didn't (there was a discussion on SO and he seemed to be really interested). However, after getting a valuable answer, he claims his BS.
I'd say: Do not delete, downvote and ask everyone to downvote too.
What's the lowest score here?
@Jamal I doubt that he did that. I sincerely think he just wants an answer, and of course he wants his code to actually be a TRNG.
The page given in your comment should've already been included in this post with the entire answer text blockquoted. This isn't much of a code review anyway since it wasn't specifically written for this code. — Jamal ♦ 2 mins ago
@Jamal Any reason for that guideline? ^^
I disagree with that suggestion to post the answer as a blockquote anyway.
But it was given verbatim from another website.
@maaartinus People can vote as they want to. No need to ask everyone to downvote.
@Jamal his own website
How do you know he didn't copy his own answer from Stack Exchange to his own website?
Is he not allowed to publish his thoughts, as-is, on both Stack Exchange and his own website?
> Release date: 2015-06-18
okay, but still his own website
Btw, @Vogel612, even if it isn't "a Code Review", whatever that is, it is still a direct answer to his concern about the code being a TRNG. As such, it is an answer.
under the assertion that they can actually assess correctly whether that is a TRNG or not. In the light of the comments on Gilles' answer and the drama they produce I take the "easy way out" and say.. they don't.
@SimonAndréForsberg Sure... but everyone who sees it will do. At least I hope. +++ What I meant was not "ask everyone to downvote" but rather "ask everyone to have a look at it".
As this is exceptional. Worth seeing.
@Phrancis I think it makes writing SELECT statements harder, honestly.
@maaartinus that is totally ok to do.
@Phrancis How can that title typo not have been Jamalized?
aaaand ... Ethan did it
@SimonAndréForsberg I agree with you: Good people wants to prevent the spreading of wrong knowledge. Bad powerfull people pays to avoid the spreading of good knowledge to preserve their power on good people based on their ignorance and lies. I was also naive until I found the truth :D — ncomputers.org 53 secs ago
@EthanBierlein LINQ for PHP? roflcopter
$this.query = "SELECT ? FROM ? WHERE ? ? ?"
Make your little PDO thing then. And bam you're done.
@Phrancis when I last checked, prepared statmementds didn't work that way, right?
@Jamal No offense against Russians, but suddenly that guy sounds Russian...
@Vogel612 Well, I made one in Groovy the other day and it worked basically that way.
It's too chatty, anyway. I do get the feeling that he doesn't understand this site.
@Phrancis I tried that with java PreparedStatement and it failed miserably, because the column names need to be known before preparing the statemnt
That'd be like making dynamic-SQL but with prepared statements eh?
the table name too I believe
Well, in any event, I'm just going to step away from that one
You can simply use positional arguments. What I did was

`queryFactory.query("SELECT a, b FROM t WHERE c=?', c)`.
It's about as short as using String.format. I've cached the prepared statement, but I haven't measured the performance.
@Phrancis that one doesn't show up on the frontpage anyways, give it another week and it'll get auto-cleaned
And, DVLR :D
Q: Sufficient implementation of subset sum for 45 min interview

Matthew HogganProvided I am still preparing, and I don't fully have my head wrapped around the dynamic programming approach (Geeks for Geeks). If I provided the implementation below in an interview, and explained that there was a dynamic solution that could speed the solution up for a small N and S would my te...

@EthanBierlein Hello!
!olleH sicnarhP@
Wow. The 2nd Monitor has a ton of room owners...
Someone talking about me?
Help! There was a meta question a while ago about a lot of points in answers being repeated a lot across different questions. Anyone knows which one I am talking about?
I saw one a couple of months ago, but alas, I have forgotten it's name as well.
You said room owner and poof here I am
@Malachi Are you just magical like that?
Time to get back on the bike though
I think this was the one I thought of:
Q: My reviews feel like a broken record

cimmanonI don't know how bad it is for other languages, but for CSS reviews, I feel like I keep pointing out the same mistakes every time: Lack of shorthand Failure to use more semantic HTML5 elements when they're appropriate (eg. section vs div) Unsemantic class names Some of these things I would ex...

@Malachi Don't !
The codereview link was mine; it's been replaced with rawkit (also by me and a friend). — Sam Whited 7 secs ago
Enough for now. Have fun with this, if you want, and make your own lists! data.stackexchange.com/codereview/query/330823/…
A: Stack Exchange Data Explorer is up. What now, Wonderland?

PhrancisCategorized lists of tags I took the top 500 tags and (with the help of a few fellow contributors) made some loosely categorized CREATE TABLE statements that you can drop into your SEDE queries and JOIN to the Tags table. Example usage: CREATE TABLE #DatabaseTags (Name VARCHAR(100)); GO INSER...

IMHO this question would be more appropriate for Code Review Stack Exchange. — Robin Krahl 9 secs ago
This question could be suitable for Code Review, as long as (a) your code works as intended, (b) your code is real code, rather than example code, and (c) your code is included in the body of the question. If you wish for a peer review to improve all aspects of your code, please post it on Code Review and delete your question here on Stack Overflow. — Phrancis 9 secs ago
Are the dimensions of things considered "magic numbers?"
Probably not... Not sure though...
In a heavily graphical setting, like libGDX, I wouldn't say so. But... well, context helps
Right, I should elaborate. Say I'm setting the size of a scene, and that's literally only used once, and will only ever be used once---is it still considered good practice to make final variables for that?
If it's literally only once, nah
@Legato Maybe a separate variable in a tight scope.
You'll should leave comment otherwise.
(And maybe also not-otherwise.)
Yeah, comment should suffice
final int SCENE_HEIGHT = 75;
final int SCENE_WIDTH = 200;
Scene scene = new Scene(layout, SCENE_WIDTH, SCENE_HEIGHT);
Scene scene = new Scene(layout, 200, 75);
I'll go with the former if it's what's more conventional, I'm just confused about where to draw the line sometimes.
Former is probably preferable, from a standards standpoint
The second looks fine, but you should include a comment.
Q: Android SQLite code feedback

abujafarI have been through a few sqlite tutorials and wrote this code on my own to reinforce the principles. The tutorials I went through varied widely in a few areas so this is what I came up with as a combination of everything. Other than the two classes I have listed below, All I have is one activi...

@Legato IMO, it's not necessary to extract those constants
@Hosch250 why the need for a comment? The constructor for Scene specifies that it is height and width?
Not that kind of comment.
A comment saying why the magic numbers 200 and 75.
Gratitude for the input @SimonAndréForsberg
@Hosch250 isn't that clear, given the Scene constructor?
Not really.
Why 200 and not 300?
Because 200 and 75 are the height and width I chose? Isn't most code arguably arbitrarily chosen? I feel like I could comment "This fits nicely/isn't too large" or something, but couldn't you just say why not 199 and 73?
Apologies if any of this comes off confrontational, because I really appreciate your input.
No, not confrontational.
Awesome, thanks again.
My first tag was jamalized earlier. :P
I can't spell raspberry, apparently.

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