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@Yann MCVE's on CR would lead to duplicates and reviews which can't be implemented in the real deal.
^ that
I learned a thing or two by hanging out with you pros.
I return!
And I suppose that makes sense. But if someone came in with a 100k line codebase and wanted us to review a fraction of it, that'd get closed off
So we want reasonably minimal
And we want the section to be complete, and working, so that's the C and the V taken care of.
I agree that in the SO sense, we don't necessarily want MVCE, but we want our own version of it
@DJanssens @Duga currently scans for comments mentioning Code Review and Programmers, and Software Recs. She determines whether or not the comment is recommending the asker to post on that site, and it is in that process that I thought n-grams could be used (somehow), so that she knows that some words can be replaced with other words and therefore it is easier to know whether or not the comment is a suggestion to post on another site
@Mast I don't really see how that question would belong at Programmers...
@Yann If someone would come in with broken code and ask for how to fix it, that would also be closed, but these are three different close reasons, is it not? I doubt that 100k line code would be closed as being "example code".
@SimonAndréForsberg The user is basically asking whether that snippet of code is idiomatic or not. I recently asked something similar on Programmers without trouble.
@Yann No, that would actually be allowed. As long as people stick to the character limit of-course and insert enough context.
Relevant meta:
Q: Should we have a "Too long" close reason?

Mat's MugSeveral questions (including some of mine) have lots of code. Some of those have ridiculous amount of code and should probably be broken into two, three, sometimes even four questions. When it's a recent post, we can comment and ask the OP to edit and often they'll happily comply. But when it's...

@Mast Is there some equivalent "too short" question?
Q: Short answers and code-only answers

ChrisWWhat should we do with: Short answers (for example, "I suggest you use [hyperlink to this standard API] instead.") Code-only answers (for example, an improved version of the code in the OP) Such answers could be improved (e.g. by adding an explanation of why the suggestion is helpful). Is it...

Yes, yes there is
@Yann That's about answers.
For the general 'what's too short/long':
Q: What is the appropriate length of a Code Review question?

Billy ONealWhile Stack Overflow questions often contain segments of pseudocode or purposely abbreviated code in order to make the question more palatable to other readers, for something like a Code Review, the asker is generally going to have to post their actual code that composes a given system (otherwise...

@Mast I never seem to learn what's on topic on Programmers. I just don't want them to end up getting our trash as well. Before recommending Programmers to an OP, I'd recommend visiting the Programmers chat room and asking them about it.
@Yann that's about answers though, not questions.
@SimonAndréForsberg Yeah, just noticed after I pasted the link
Q: What is the appropriate MINIMUM length of a Code Review question?

DaggObviously related to this, but I want to know the opposite. How short is too short? For example this doesn't seem long enough to be appropriate for a code review: Highlight input if empty The entire code sample: /* highlight input, if it is empty */ $(function() { var highlight_if_no_val=f...

Q: Do one-liners and other narrowed-down code qualify for a code review?

Mat's MugEvery once in a blue moon, a question gets posted (often as a new user's first post) where the OP is asking a quite specific question about very minimalistic code, for example: if (strstr($url, "?")) { $url = strstr($url, "?", true); } There is something to say about this code, of course....

Q: Why is "Random value excluding both limits" considered an off-topic question?

Lars EbertI recently asked this question: Random value excluding both limits The code to review is as follows: do { var random = Math.random(); } while(random === 0); I know it is short and looks like stub code, but it actually is my real live code to generate the random number. I did not simplify ...

@SimonAndréForsberg I didn't recommend it to the OP for exactly that reason. As long as I'm not 100% sure (or as sure as one can be) I won't make such recommendations.
hey @skiwi
In chat it's perfectly acceptable to talk about such edge cases though.
Q: Why is "Random value excluding both limits" considered an off-topic question?

Lars EbertI recently asked this question: Random value excluding both limits The code to review is as follows: do { var random = Math.random(); } while(random === 0); I know it is short and looks like stub code, but it actually is my real live code to generate the random number. I did not simplify ...

Monking Skiwi
@Mast good good, all is well then :)
, and it's not because I made a Hot Network Question
@skiwi You did? I don't see it in the list.
Keep smiling, tomorrow will be worse.
@Mast No, it's just hot where I live :P
Yeah... the thunderstorms were pretty creepy yesterday already, I don't want to think about tomorrow evening
@skiwi got one at 5AM today.
I'm half dead because of the heat and it's not getting better by the huge lack of sleep I got me this week with elections and all..
The timing is awful, got a very heavy deadline Monday so I'll have to haul through the weekend.
40C, yuck.
Yesterday I already had my shot of adreline when a thunderstrike hit 1 or 2km away
Appareantly it killed a tree
> While the warmer weather is being enjoyed by many, governments advise people to stay out of the sun during the hottest part of the day, use sunscreen when outside and drink plenty of water. (from BBC)
I would have expected people to be smart enough to realize that, without the governments having to advise them...
@SimonAndréForsberg Well... not everyone is that gifted
You have to understand. This is the UK. We're not used to this yellow skycircle.
I would've liked to watch the Grand Depart of the Tour de France tomorrow, but I'd better not to do that now
@Yann I was watching the news this morning and noticed something, is it ever above 30 degrees in the UK?
Not really
@SimonAndréForsberg They got a heatplan active around here. Nobody knows why it's necessary, but basically the government yells lines like that.
@skiwi The jokes about us being a grey rock aren't really exaggerations
@skiwi Their weather-forecast for the next year: Rain
90% accurate.
We do have the best railways over here, the trains fail when it's winter (freezing), when it's autumn (leaves) and when it's summer (too hot)
but not in spring?
@Mast Next/Previous/Every. One day there'll be a magnetic swap, and the weather will still be the same
Q: Overriding Equals

NarayanaHave I over-ridden GetHashCode properly in the below code? public class ODPair { #region Constructors and Destructors public ODPair(string origin, string destination) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(origin)) { throw new ArgumentNullException(origin, "Origin of...

The trains only fare well in absolutely average circumstances. That's what you get for sticking to the spec.
@Vogel612 Well, they also fail then, but not because of general reasons
In spring they're still revalidating from three quarters of misery.
Eh, I just ran into a strangle problem, how do I unit test the current time?
@skiwi not at all..
I've got a method that sets registration date to now, and I want to verify it
But I can't check if it's equal to now, because now may not be equal to now
@skiwi But by the time that you check "now", "now" will be "then"
@Yann Exactly
(Howdy vs. Monking)
the current time is not defined. You could spy on System and verify now has been called
@Morwenn Mowdking
@SimonAndréForsberg So Dugo just looks for the string 'Code Review', 'Programmers' and 'Software Recs'? Or How does the determination of it being a recommendation take place?
Morning all btw!
@DJanssens that's a little complicated....
for codereview: yes.
it seems pretty obvious if someone mentions code review, it's a match :D
for programmers there is a scoring algorithm
Tell me more :D
and I don't know exactly for softwarerecs..
Reading through it... and it may be advised to inject a Clock instance into my application?
@skiwi Save 'now' to an intermediate variable?
It opens up a new can of worms for testing the application though, right now it mocks most of the stuff, but then I need to actually test inside a Spring container
I could inject a Clock that always shows the same time
Can you simulate your clock?
That's what I did with VHDL simulations, make the testbench toggle the clk every couple of nanoseconds, depending on the frequency.
Java already has this method I just found out:
public static Clock fixed(Instant fixedInstant, ZoneId zone) {
    Objects.requireNonNull(fixedInstant, "fixedInstant");
    Objects.requireNonNull(zone, "zone");
    return new FixedClock(fixedInstant, zone);
What does it do, fix 'now' to a given point in time?
@Mast Yeah
Seems to be enough to allow for testing
@DJanssens for Code Review and Software Recs, it is that easy. For programmers, because of it being a common english word as well, it looks for certain series of words that are often being used for suggestions to post at other sites and then it gives scores to the words, and if the score is above a specific range, it posts it. See github.com/Zomis/Duga/blob/grails-dev/src/main/groovy/net/zomis/…
Somebody tried to unzip a file resulting in 2.15 Exabyte.
Q: Windows File is ludicrously huge and I cannot unzip it

meed96I use an online file backup service (Backblaze) and recently got a new computer. Several files on my old computer were too large to move via my usb drive so I decided to download them from my backup service. Specifically the files included 3 videos consisting of about 20GB. However...when I pro...

Turns out Windows was making a funny. Header mismatching or something I guess.
@Mast Not a zip bomb?
Q: Reverse a Linked List after kth position

Bagesh Sharmapublic class LinkedListReverseKthPosition { private Node root; private int size; public static void main(String args[]) { LinkedListReverseKthPosition ls = new LinkedListReverseKthPosition(); ls.addFrontNode(10); ls.addFrontNode(11); ls.addFrontNode(12); ls.addFrontNode(13);...

@Yann No. I think the zip was incompatible with the default extractor. The extractor didn't know that, went looking for data on the wrong place (or actually for wrong data on the right place) and parsed the data to a number.
Resulting in 2.15 EB
@Mast Neat. Or, you know, not, unless you make a habit of buying multiple exabyte hard drives
I wonder what would have happened if they had the space
Depends on how the extractor works.
If it uses the size found in a matter, it may try to blow up the existing data to that size (Windows, you never know).
However, it probably won't.
If you get any output at all, it will be corrupt but roughly (in a few orders of magnitude) the size of what it should've been.
On a totally unrelated matter, is everyone here aware we have a newsletter?
No, is it exciting, with a pithy comic strip?
@Mast I get it every tuesday
@Mast Where can I find it?
I hope this won't blow up in horrible ways
    static nowInstant = Instant.now()

    static doWithSpring = {
        clock(Clock) { bean ->
            bean.factoryMethod = "fixed"
            bean.constructorArgs = [nowInstant, ZoneId.systemDefault()]
A spring, a clock and a bean factory walk into a bar...
@Mast Time stops.
This might be better for CRCool Guy 51 secs ago
@DJanssens Here's the source code
Q: Click! program in java swing

Cool GuyI've created a program where the user is, at first, presented with a window with a yellow circle (random size, random coordinates) and a Start button. Once the user presses Start, the circle, when hovered over, will turn red in color and when it is clicked, another circle (random size, random coo...

Q: Implementing Gossip Algorithm

evans_murithiI have implemented the gossip algorithm in distributed systems. Kindly review the code, and advice on what to improve on. Gossip class import random import socket from threading import Thread import time class GossipNode: # hold infected nodes infected_nodes = [] # initialization...

Q: Controller class in Controller namespace - renaming?

KaiReally short question: I have a namespace called Controller, which logically contains all the controller classes of my application. However, I have an abstract class that contains all of the common logic shared by all my controllers. The logical name for this abstract class is, to my mind... Cont...

@Duga Formatting is messed up.
@CaptainObvious I'd love to write an extensive review on that. Nice question, especially for a newcomer.
@200_success I promise I won't discuss with you about your answer, but I feel I have to ask. Do you consider to nominate yourself for moderator election ?
@Mast What's the gossip algorithm?
@Yann 'Here! Data! Pass it on, please.
@Heslacher Are you planning to run?
Back in 40m
@200_success I still don't know. Have a little bit of a timing and language problem. Almost no time and not english native. Have to look up to many words..;-) I have the feeling that for me the spare time I have, also I am always arround here, is better invested in answering questions.
I see.
I'm… procrastinating.
Again a word to look up ;-) Done.
@200_success It's got 4ish days, don't worry too much
I asked my female boss, wether we can quit work early because it is so hot. Her answer: Sure you can quit work at 6 PM ;-)
Be glad that she doesn't make you work 'til sundown ;P
In northern sweden that's a pretty fun thing to say in summer; the sun never set ;P
I have a non-orthodox question for you all.
Imagine that you are forced to use PHP
Yes, ...
And you trully hate how the string-related functions work
From deep down of your soul
If you had a string library to handle all the stupid things
What structure you would think that most people would be happy with?
Something like Javascript or C++ string-like style
I think PHP developers would like to see PHP code like PHP
I would
What do you mean?
Even if it's sucky
I like what I know and I know what I like
@IsmaelMiguel Having a library write/read it like another language looks weird to me
that ^^^^
What about one that makes the 'sucky' part go away?
@IsmaelMiguel I still think it looks weirder that there's all of a sudden an other language in my code
And remember, the one taking over your code after you or has to work along with you may not hate PHP at all.
I don't hate PHP
Some people seem to have a masochistic love for it.
I just think that the string library is kinda messed up.
@IsmaelMiguel And since you asked for my opinion I'm letting you know that I think it's messed up to have another language syntax in your code.
Not the syntax
I was thinking something like bringing the C++string library to php
Or Javascript's string library and it's way of working
I see @SimonAndréForsberg seems decent
and you use a threshold for the score?
you could actually train a classifier for this purpose, but the problem is that you need labeled data.
@200_success "People do, however, get used to said functions and when they come to a better designed language they get lost because they have to implement some of these somewhat vapid functions themselves."
It has a spelling mystake.
@DJanssens I've thought about it as well, it's possible if some people in here could classify 100 strings each, but haven't had the time to implement something like it
In addition I don't really know if the accuracy will be good enough. The keywords that are used atm are handpicked and of high quality. If those appear you are pretty certain they are talking about Programming SE. So tbh I'm not 100% sure if it's gonna be better.
@200_success I really don't like the PHP-way of using strings
Even though I use PHP everyday
The arguments are all mixed up
No disagreement there.
The expected result isn't always expected
The whole thing is a ball of confusion and non-sense
I just wanted to put a bit of order in that chaos
But in a way that people are happy with
There's a problem, though. "Fixing" the mess can't make it better. Part of the problem with PHP is that there is no coherent design; everyone just implemented what they wanted. You would just be adding yet another way of doing things.
That is not true.
I would use a way that already exists and that everybody is happy with
I really would like to see something like the C++ string library in PHP
Javascript has cool things, but not everybody is happy with it.
Sure, it's nice that you can pass a string or a regular expression and the Javascript engine does the appropriate thing with it
But is everybody happy with such thing?
I think you're too focused on what you want to ask a question about other people's opinions. AFAIK most people want to keep their code syntaxes separated; now I'm in JavaScript so I write JavaScript. Now I'm in PHP, now I write PHP...
It's not syntax...
Syntax is the structure of the language itself
(Personally, I love Brainfuck's syntax)
It's about the library
If it is no-one's interest to have the Javascript string handling in PHP, or C++ string library, then I won't write it
You can write it for fun if you want to, but if you're trying to identify a need I'm not sure there is one.
I guess there is no need then.
Not from the general populous at least... But that doesn't mean that you might not need it. It's totally ok to make something because you want to.
I know
But I wanted to write it if it had any use
It's up to you to draw the line of what's worth your time, but I'm just saying that only you having the use of it does count as it being of use. I'm sure there might be someone else who'd like it, but I don't think the general populous of PHP programmers are dying for it... (I'm sure it would have existed by now in that case)
You're right
But if they were dying for it, I doubt I would be their saviour
But anyways, thanks for the help
Yeah, it's hard to be the innovator though. If you want to be the savior you need to make up something that doesn't exist yet that people will love when they see it.
Like Node.JS
If you had asked people if they needed a serverside JavaScript they would have said "no" now people love it and it's spreading like a plague ;P
But for that, you have server-side V8 in PHP.
@Gemtastic So let's make client-sided PHP :P Instead of JavaScript
But you are correct.
@skiwi XD
could we please get server-sided script languages stuffed into.. some cupboard never to be touched again??
@skiwi Well, I somewhat try to do that
I love to write polyglits
@IsmaelMiguel Then do it because you love it
Also, there's phpjs.com
Not everything has to be useful
Or whatever it is
My bills application is not unique or extravagant, but I enjoyed making it.
@Gemtastic I know, but I wanted to write it in a way that everybody likes and makes sense of it
I know, I'm just saying that it's ok to do it just because you love it too.
@IsmaelMiguel aiming for "everybody" in the most cases goes wrong,
It's a little like the rule of three taken to the power eleven
@Vogel612 But imagine what it is to spend 3 days writting something and then everybody looks at it and says: "This is worst than PHP's original library!"
@Gemtastic I know, and that's why I wanted to write it
But I want it to make sense too
It doesn't have to make sense if you enjoy it
But it does need to make sense to be enjoyable to use
@IsmaelMiguel When in doubt, write it idiomatic.
Use STL, don't go hacking around just because you don't like the standard functions.
And what's STL?
Q: Push-relabel with gap heuristics

Jo SoThe following implementation of push-relabel with gap heuristics seems to work in my test cases. However, it fails to be accepted at an online programming problems platform ("wrong answer"). I was having a hard time understanding push-relabel, but I think I now understand it well enough. Still I...

Q: Brainfuck interpreter in Clojure

JohanI'm currently learning Clojure to try to get a good understanding of functionnal programming, so I wrote this brainfuck interpreter that takes a filename on the command line. I tried to make it as correct as I could, but I'm sure there are many things that would make more sense that I didn't thin...

@CaptainObvious to get a good understanding of functionnal programming, so I wrote this brainfuck interpreter
Is writing a Brainfuck interpreter the new Fizzbuzz?
I wrote a full class to run and convert Brainfuck code
It would convert to C and PHP
And would run the code, usinv eval in PHP.
It was over a year ago
@CaptainObvious It it tells "wrong answer" in an online test, the code is broken, right?
@Morwenn OP believes it's only failing an edge case
If it does, it works to the best of OPs knowledge and is on-topic
Yeah, because edge-cases are hard to predict
Q: Rational number implementation

InBetweenI've been recently working on a custom rational number implementation. Due to not very interesting reasons, using this implemetation is not an option. I'd appreciate comments of anyone who has the time to review the code. The posted code is free to use, so you can make good use of it should you ...

It may be as simple as an off-by-one error.
Or breaking when you try to run [[
It's different if somebody can't get some Project Euler solution to work, this is bigger.
More room for weird input.
Q: Two tables with different length of records, unable to join together in MSSQL

Acumen TechieI have two tables with different no. of records as below. I need MSSQL query to display the result. Can anybody help this. Table 1 WoNo DelvNo DelvItem DelvQty WO\23 DLV-20 34s C YARN 750 WO\23 DLV-20 40s C YARN 750 Table 2 WoNo RcptNo RcptItem RcptQty WO\23 RPT...

@CaptainObvious vtc for broken code
@Quill Not just that, it's an overall lousy question, even if it would've been posted on SO.
Although, at least he got his spelling right.
Thoughts about this?
Q: Controller class in Controller namespace - renaming?

KaiReally short question: I have a namespace called Controller, which logically contains all the controller classes of my application. However, I have an abstract class that contains all of the common logic shared by all my controllers. The logical name for this abstract class is, to my mind... Cont...

It's technically off-topic, it's stripped code.
But I'm not going to close it.
Yeah, I'd close
I got the edit for the unable to join before close ;-)
I have voted to keep open, because naming is imho a valid topic for code review.
It is grey a area here.
@Heslacher true, but a name can not easily be determined without sufficient context
also it's always about "review of any and all aspects of the code"
Imho for the given question the context is sufficient. True about your second point, but still grey for me.
Does anyone have any suggestions on where to go to get a wordpress template I'm working on critiqued?
No idea.
@Heslacher Same here.
@JordanDevelop Wrong room, there's probably a dedicated Wordpress chat somewhere on SE.
@JordanDevelop it sounds on topic for me...
depending on what exactly you want reviewed that is
if it's about the design itself... maybe you can ask the people over at UX
otherwise you could check back with the people over at WordPress Development
Also you are having only a naming question, you should nevertheless post the whole code here. Code review is about "review of any and all aspects of the code" so usually this question would be closed as off topic. Give us a chance to review your code. — Heslacher 10 secs ago
I feel like I coded my website wrong and inefficiently. It feels really unorganized.
hmm.. then you may just be right here
@Vogel612 If it's about code, yes. If it's about style or UX, which I thought at first instance, it isn't. In this case, it could be on-topic if the question is phrased well.
@JordanDevelop you may want to check out the other questions on the site..
It's not so much of a wordpress problem. I was having trouble before I decided to port to wordpress.
@Vogel612 done
@JordanDevelop Trouble is off-topic. Inefficient code is on-topic.
@Vogel612 Flagged it for spam, since that's in essence what it is.
Stop flagging this question as off-topic. It's fine:
Q: Push-relabel with gap heuristics

Jo SoThe following implementation of push-relabel with gap heuristics seems to work in my test cases. However, it fails to be accepted at an online programming problems platform ("wrong answer"). I was having a hard time understanding push-relabel, but I think I now understand it well enough. Still I...

> This seems to be a request for work / disguised spam. Would you mind checking a little deeper as to what's going on here, please?
@AlexeyStolybko So basically you search a solution (which is off-topic like MicroVirus pointed out) and neither want to do a lot of coding or install software on the servers ? If you want to stick with File.Copy you should show us your code and ask how it can be changed, perhaps this is even a topic for the codereview area of stackexchange. — Marged 35 secs ago
> it fails to be accepted at an online programming problems platform ("wrong answer").
@Vogel612 Please help by contributing to the Git. That's not a request for Code Review, that's recruiting people.
can I ask a question about a problem I'm having with my bootstrap grids?
@Vogel612 Yes, on an edge case. We see questions like that often.
@Mast but spam is "advertising a product"
@Vogel612 He's advertising his Git.
@JordanDevelop "problems" are usually an indication that your code is not ready for review
How is his code not a product?
@Mast true that....
@JordanDevelop If it's not working as intended, go to SO. If it is working as intended, come here.
then again I already flagged for moderator checkback and I don't want to spamflag now...
Not saying you should, just that I did.
I can't vote for deletion, but it should be nuked into oblivion.
Closing isn't good enough in this case.
So we agree on what should be done.
meh. abusing spam-flags as delvotes is not a good idea IMO
then again the spam-flag is justified in itself....
@Vogel612 That. I'm not abusing anything, although I would have delete-voted it if I could over spam flagging it. But both are appropriate.
/me back to work, ping me if something interesting happens :)
The code is up here for review. I wasn't sure which stack was most appropriate for this question specific to naming conventions. — Kai 1 min ago
@Heslacher Wouldn't that invalidate answers?
okay these seem to want to be merged..
@Mast naming answers are equally valid on the full code question
> If your namespace only contains Controller classes
^ this is what I don't like to see in answers
The op now added a "related question" link.
assumptions mean that OP hasn't been clear enough on the code...
@Heslacher I think that's a good solution.
@Vogel612 Which is what you get with stripped examples.
@Mast which is exactly why they are off-topic
if we need to guess the probability is high we're wrong
and then the answer doesn't help op, much less anyone else
@Mast That question (Push-relabel with gap heuristics) is not fine — the OP is essentially asking us to debug their code. We only have their word for it that the bug is to do with "edge cases".
@GarethRees Closed.
I knew it was an edge case itself, but I thought it was on the safe side.
Tamagotchi farm
Question, if you encounter a question on SO that is fit for CR but that is already answered, should one still comment that it's better to post it on CR next time?
Depends on the age usually, >= 2 weeks, sure, otherwise not really
Monking, @Mat'sMug
Monking, @Mat'sMug.
@DJanssens as a FYI, can't hurt. We can never have too many users... right?
If your code is working, but you want to improve it, you should post it here: codereview.stackexchange.comcosmo0 1 min ago
^^ like that
let me copy that.
If your code is working, but you want to improve it, you could post it here: codereview.stackexchange.com — DJanssens 42 secs ago
note, [codereview.se] makes an automagic link to the home page... but it's probably better to link to /help/on-topic
@Duga that was fast
@Mat'sMug Duga must've just had her coffee for this morning ;-)
I'll keep that in mind.
Duga is 'female'? :D
yes she is...
deal with it
She's a girl named Duga! all swedes starts to laugh while the rest of the world wonders if that's brain damage from fermented herring
Q: Optimizing K-means clustering code

Tasha CampbellI currently have this working code for computing the new centers within the K-Means algorithm: /* Delta reduction and accumulate new centers */ delta = TOD(0.0); for (i = 0; i < SIZE; i++) { cluster_id = membership_new[i]; new_centers_len[cluster_id] = new_centers_len...

@Gemtastic there was some nice joke to it, but I never quite got it..
It's a swedish proverb to say that something really great is named/called Duga
Duga = good enough
It's a verb
I think I still don't get it...
~lost in translation
That's why I said:
> while the rest of the world wonders if that's brain damage from fermented herring
Is @RMunroe a bot?
/me back to work....
Literally translated Duga means 'good at doing'
@Yann no not quite
But ask Simon, he knows best
@Yann A feed, not a bot
it's a rss-feed with a nicer name than "Feeds"
@Vogel612 Ahh, fair enough. I was wondering if it was Randall, and he was just doing some quiet self-promotion
@RMunroe Such a simulator. Would take StackEgg to the next level.
hey @EthanBierlein
hey @Heslacher
hey @bazola
Q: Testing the collision with personnal template class

Pierre Antoine GuillaumeI'm trying to implement a Collider class, extended by Circle and Rectangle which will have to interfere with each other to test collision, or if the other Collider fits into "*this". I tried to implement it as a template class, but I can't get it to work, as I get many errors about templates. I m...

hiya @EthanBierlein
hiya @Vogel612
hiya @EthanBierlein
hiya @Mast
Okay, so I answered that one question here, and I've been told that it's the wrong answer here. Should I delete my answer, or would it be better to leave it be?
I have no particular reason to believe that I'm right over Emily
@Yann Emily is one of our resident experts.
The obvious course of action would be to find out how it really should be done and improve your answer with that. If you dig deep enough and take your time, you could even write a better one than Emily did.
That's called learning.
@Mast You might be right with that, although I'm pretty sure that that would require more effort than I'm currently willing to put in for that particular thing
That's your choice to make.
I think that the only reason I'd leave it there is if she didn't give my answer as context. Given that she did, I think that probably answers my question
@Yann you could drop a comment below her answer stating you'll delete yours (if you do)
@Vogel612 Yeah, I have.
@Mast That translation isn't accurate. It's a general word for something that's (kinda) good enough. If you want a banana but they only have apples and though you don't mind apples at all, you wanted a banana, but now it's apple or no fruit so it's good enough (det får duga)
I suppose you can translate that scenario into "it'll have to do" (det får duga)
But the proverb that something's named duga is an expression of that something's awesome

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