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@skiwi If there's no exception, yes.
@Hosch250 Only mods can see deleted comments.
It isn't deleted, just the question is.
@RubberDuck So then it's not dead code
This is.
> retval = False
@Hosch250 Oh. What question. Is there a chat link?
The one we all responded to on SO.
@RubberDuck Ah yes
@Mat'sMug @RubberDuck I just got reminded about this:
Dec 12 '13 at 19:16, by rolfl
@SimonAndréForsberg - my favourite 'catch' was someone who, for performance reasons, declared:

private static final IllegalArgumentException IAE = IllegalArgumentException("Illegal Arguments");

and then just `throw IAE` when he needed one.....
Dec 12 '13 at 19:17, by rolfl
He then wondered why the stack traces were not helpful.
I don't quite understand @Simon. What exactly does that do to the stack trace?
@Hosch250 Oh. Sorry. I thought you meant CR. I don't have that kind of repo on SO.
OK, I should start posting more WPF answers there.
Trouble is, I'm lucky to get 2 upvotes for 2+ hours of work.
Q: Rock Paper Scissors game

yasarThis is a very simple rock paper scissors game implemented in Haskell. import System.IO (hFlush, stdout) import System.Random (getStdGen, randomR) data RPS = Rock | Paper | Scissors deriving (Eq, Show, Read) instance Ord RPS where Rock `compare` Scissors = GT Scissors `compare` Rock = ...

That tag isn't too active.
@RubberDuck The stack trace is created once, when creating the IllegalArgumentException, which is a constant. So no matter from where you throw the exception, the stack trace will always be the same.
Ohhhhhh. Oh oh oh. Okay. It's static.
Yeah. That was dumb. Make the string a constant, not the exception.
Q: C++ tcp socket retry mechanism

hypheniWell I'm wrting a C++ client application which will send some data to server and wait for its response. Now the protocol is to wait for specific timeout and then retry for specific times. If all goes wrong client will report a failure communication. I have implemented the whole matter in a non ...

Updated and posted an answer inside of 4 minutes :)
now vote, people - show 'em how active we are!
I voted.
And, I'm glad I have an answer to be voted on :))
Only 10 more votes to a C++ badge.
> ~8 people reached
> ~49k people reached
The top is the new guy, the bottom is me.
I highly doubt my number is accurate.
Maybe divide it by the number of questions I have and it will be closer.
Q: Container with allocator copy assignment

Alexander BilyI am trying to write a simple Buffer container class that will behave like std::vector. It should construct only elements that are truly within the buffer, so the rest of the buffer ([size, capacity)) is left uninitialized. This is my current copy assignment operator: template <typename Type, t...

> ~492k people reached
@Hosch250 I like to think it is ;)
@Mat'sMug Have a cookie star.
We are just proving we aren't very active - his question has only 8 views.
Let's see, what can we do to draw views in?
Seeing stuff like this annoys me:
  if((iRet > 0) && (FD_ISSET(m_hSocket, &fdWrite)))
    return true;

  return false;
As does seeing stuff like this:
if (bSuccess == false)
> First, you should not compare values to boolean literals in an if statement as the statement evaluates boolean values anyway.
@nhgrif Yes?
Nothing (not even boolean variables) are guaranteed to evaluate to a boolean value.
And that is why you shouldn't compare against boolean literals.
Ultimately, false is generally 0, and true is generally 1 is you look at how the values are defined (if you took the byte and treated it as if it were an int rather than a bool).
So, I take it I should change that point.
Your first point is correct, your wording is incorrect.
Some library might return the value integer value 2 even though it's a method that is declared as returning a bool.
If we compare that value to == true, the == comparison will almost certainly return false.
But the value is non-zero, so it should be treated as true.
Now, why is it that false has only 0 and true gets everything?
But you recommend this also:
if (bSuccess) { }
else { }
But if you look at his code, that structure won't work.
Wouldn't we want to have true be a stricter set?
bSuccess can change within the if part.
Where, he has that in many places.
@nhgrif and this is why I don't do C++
It's not a problem limited to C++.
Oh, OK.
I'm curious how .NET would handle it if you were using a C or C++ library from .NET...
    if (bSuccess == true)
      // Receive data from socket
      char chRecvBuff[MAX_RECV_LEN+1] = {0};
      bSuccess = ReceiveSocketData(chRecvBuff, MAX_RECV_LEN+1);

      // Verify response packet for proper GUID
      if (bSuccess == true)
        CString csRecvBuff = CString(chRecvBuff);
        bSuccess = ValidateACK(eSendMessageID, csRecvBuff, csSendPacketGUID);
        if (bSuccess == true)

    if (bSuccess == false)
.net has a strongly-typed bool type. A Boolean is a Boolean.
Strongly typed or not, @Mat'sMug, it's still an entire byte.
Objective-C and Swift also have a strongly typed Bool. It can still have a value other than 0 or 1 if you're using a library written by a moran.
Because it's still an entire byte.
    if (bSuccess == true)
      // Receive data from socket
      char chRecvBuff[MAX_RECV_LEN+1] = {0};
      bSuccess = ReceiveSocketData(chRecvBuff, MAX_RECV_LEN+1);

      // Verify response packet for proper GUID
      if (bSuccess == true)
        CString csRecvBuff = CString(chRecvBuff);
        bSuccess = ValidateACK(eSendMessageID, csRecvBuff, csSendPacketGUID);
        if (bSuccess == true)
That looks ugly.
Probably because he's only using 2-space indents.
a strongly-typed bool can't have a numeric value of 0 or 1. it has a value of true or false.
No, the nested if (bSuccess)es.
I would probably check for failure instead, so I don't have to nest them.
No, @Mat'sMug... your IDE won't let you compare it to anything other than true or false, which is different from the values it can actually have. It's still an entire byte.
it's not the IDE, it's the compiler that won't allow it.
Yes, but what if you are using a C++ library?
Yeah, IIRC, it is cheaper for processors to handle everything in chunks of bytes rather than bits.
Or a C library?
again, I don't know C++
You may not, but you can use a C++ library from .NET.
yes, using unsafe blocks
where anything goes
And a C++ library can define a function or method which claims to return a bool and ends up returning a byte that looks like this: 00000010
And your .NET code gets that byte as a Bool and it will treat it as true in every scenario except the one in which you write:
myDotNetBool == true
In which case, the == returns false
The point is, don't compare against boolean literals. Ever.
Well, regarding your first and second point. Thats a microsoft convention used in most of the cases, so I do follow that. Third and Fourth points are just to make the code more readable in my opinions. — hypheni 6 mins ago
@hypheni Never compare against boolean literals. Ever. I'd be more okay seeing a GOTO statement than a comparison verse boolean literal. — nhgrif 1 min ago
I've upvoted that comment ;)
@nhgrif I killed the troublesome points, is it better now?
I don't like that guy's comment.
Me neither, but you responded as good as I could.
He basically says "Your answer is useless and I'm changing nothing because I already like how I have my code."
Well, it got me 2 votes closer to a C++ badge, so useless it is not.
Yeah, I probably shouldn't be badge hunting like this, but it is fun.
I just created an Xcode project called "BoolsFools"
I wonder why I had to star that three times.
well, my compiler seems fine if b1 is non-zero, but this may not be all compilers.
Q: Deduplicate data

AnthonyI currently have an implementation that helps us deduplicate data but I know it's slow. Here's an example, note that I'm using OpenStruct here when really these are Mongoid objects pulled from the database. require 'ostruct' vendor_data = [ OpenStruct.new(activity_id: "abc123"), OpenStruct...

So, I guess we never decided anything on comparative review?
Not as far as I know. I converted to be against it as a general rule.
If you aren't sure, post one, review the feedback, then post the other.
Now, I wouldn't VTC based on a question being a comparative review - especially if it is good, but I wouldn't ask one either.
This answer doesn't really do much to explain why posting the code as a comparitive review actually garnered some sort of answer that posting one version or the other of the code wouldn't have managed to gather. With that in mind, I'm not sure why this answer has so many upvotes. — nhgrif 8 secs ago
What do you want to have decided?
Personally, I'd like to not see them.
It seems that people agree they're on topic. I can live with it.
But I don't feel like, we're really decided that as a community. So for now I just downvote them.
You're prerogative whether they're on topic or not.
This might be a bad comparison... but I think asking a comparative review question on Code Review is sort of like asking an "Is it possible..." question on Stack Overflow.
"Is it possible..." is a terrible question for Stack Overflow.
You should instead be asking "How do I..."
"Is it possible..." is a Yes/No answer. And just out of habit, people will answer the "How do I..." part of the question.
"Which is better..." is an A/B answer. And just out of habit, reviewers will ignore the fact that you've asked which is better and attempt telling you how to write the absolute best version of either.
The fact that you've included two versions of the code in your question just makes that more difficult to do.
"How do I..." is inseparable from "Is it possible".
Either the answer is "You don't and can't", or it is "You can, and here is how".
Yes. If there is an answer to "How do I..." then the answer to "Is it possible..." is obviously "Yes" (unless the answer to "How do I..." is "You can't.")
The difference is that on Code Review, you have a lot of liberty to answer the way you want. The exact way the question is posed isn't as important — it's just a way to get the conversation started.
Okay... but a comparitive review question actually tends to narrow the conversation down. Personally, once someone has shown me two versions of code and asked which is better, it's hard for me to start thinking about what the best way I might do it would be... first I feel the need to tell them which one actually is better.
Which one is better is irrelevant unless one of them is perfect and cannot be improved upon.
You have the liberty to do that. You also have the option not to do that.
In practice, those questions are rarely answered by "A is better" or "B is better".
So while we can manage comparative review questions, I don't think they're good for the site because they're markedly harder to deal with than regular questions.
If it were that obvious, then the OP wouldn't have need to ask.
@200_success Exactly... so why are we even allowing them? Why don't we close them as too broad. They're asking for two reviews in one question.
So, basically, pick the one that you think is more promising, then review that one.
Better yet, write two answers and garner double the rep.
"rn"s here look like "m"s on my screen.
The asker should pick the one they think is most promising. They should ask for a review of that one. Then based on feedback of that one, perhaps implement feedback from version A into version B and ask about improved version B.
As a second question.
Whatever. Most question askers aren't CR regulars, and don't think like you do. Whatever it takes to get the conversation started is fine, I think.
I know you're Mr. Anti-hypothetical, @200_success, but what would you think of a comparative review question which compares a class written in Objective-C to one written in Swift?
These languages can be compiled together.
It's not like .NET where they have to be entirely different DLLs. They can compile from raw source into the same binary.
Two ways to accomplish the same goal?
This conversation seems as productive as the rationalist/empiricist debate in philosophy.
Same as any other comparative review.
I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because it belongs on codereview.stackexchange.com — QuantumMechanic 40 secs ago
And just asking for a general opinion of each, rather than asking why one performs markedly better than the other?
Same as any other comparative review you'd consider on-topic with the only exception being that in this case they're in different languages.
… or whether they are an accurate translation of each other?
And in this case, the specific languages are Objective-C and Swift, which are more interchangeable than any other two languages I'm familiar with.
So, the question is, "Should I write this in ObjC or Swift"? Close as Primarily Opinion-Based, maybe?
That's not the question though.
If it's C# or VB, that might be the question because it's a library level decision. You can't make that decision on a file-by-file basis.
In a single project for a single binary, I can interchange languages at will on a file-by-file basis.
I wrote one implementation of a class in Objective-C, another implementation in Swift. Same as any other comparative review, except I also used different languages, because Xcode let's me do that.
Why is it primarily opinion based if the implementations are different languages, but it's not opinion based if Implementation A uses library A and implementation B uses library B?
I assume that the two pieces of code are more or less obvious translations of each other. In that case, what is there to compare?
I told you to assume that the question is what you would consider a perfecetly fine legitimate comparative review in every aspect, then throw on top of that the fact that it is two different languages.
7 mins ago, by nhgrif
Same as any other comparative review you'd consider on-topic with the only exception being that in this case they're in different languages.
I'm having a hard time envisioning the type of question that you are envisioning.
I'd prefer to continue discussing when this happens.
Feel free to post such a "crap" question yourself to make the point.
Q: Save bunch of data to CoreData

DudiI have a ViewController with a bunch of data and I want to save it to CoreData. I have manager class which add, delete, find etc. that kind of data. My first thought was to pass this data to manager as objects like that: func saveEvent(sender:AnyObject) { println("\n Tytuł: \(titleCell.tex...

Pretend the top two snippets are Objective-C.
May be better on codereview. — Brad Christie 24 secs ago
An ObjC implementation that doesn't use a dictionary, vs. a Swift implementation that uses a dictionary?
Or vice versa.
Because that's this guy's question. "Should I use a dictionary or a class?"
Q: editing code. different loop/ different structure.

hectorso I can only come up with this code logic. I'm curious if anyone can come up with a better code structure(loops, checks) than what I have done. I need to change the structure because my teacher was unhappy with the for loop and if else's for whatever reason. The code takes an English phrase an ...

To restate…
> I had this Core Data code in ObjC. I rewrote it in Swift, and decided to use a dictionary. Which is better?
Kinda crappy question, I agree. Downvote if you want. Answer however you wish.
Maybe discuss the merits of the dictionary.
Maybe discuss the fidelity of the translation.
Whatever you feel like saying.
All I feel like saying on comparative review questions can be said with the flat-topped triangle.
The question might be of poor quality. It might even be closed as Unclear, if it's really muddled. Or as Opinion-based, as mentioned above.
Or as Too Broad--seeking two reviews...
But to decide that such comparative reviews are generally off-topic and not permissible? Absolutely not, in my opinion.
That too.
Or perhaps, to make a point, I should just review the aspects of his code which are identical between both versions (and only that).
That works too. Basically, the fact that it's comparative review doesn't necessarily make it a bad question.
Guess we'll have to agree to disagree on that.
If you can't decide between two pieces of code which is better, it can only be because you haven't adequately defined your criteria which would tell you which is better, or because you haven't adequately tested your code against those criteria.
There may be type of badness that are correlated with being comparative review.
Before you spend a lot of time writing an iOS app in Visual Studio for Windows...
Can you build the binaries properly from Windows?
Like, can you build to a device? And will Visual Studio build the .ipa file that you can install to devices via iTunes and that you need to send to iTunes Connect?
I'm not entirely sure about that but I also read that you can now use Obj-C in Visual Studio to build Windows Apps
Yes, but as I asked @Hosch250, what would be the point?
Anyone who knows Objective-C really well isn't necessarily going to know the Windows frameworks really well.
If you're familiar with obj-C and want to try your hand on Windows?
And anyone that knows the Windows frameworks really well likely won't know Objective-C really well.
Learning the frameworks is more than half the battle. If I were an Objective-C developer that knew nothing about .NET, it'd probably be easier for me to learn VB.NET or C#.NET, both of which will have tons of example code, than it would be for me to learn Objective-C.NET
@QuantumMechanic It's off-topic for Code Review. str.length() will fail to compile. — 200_success 33 secs ago
^^^ Someone is getting a collaborative answer in comment thread form.
It's interesting, sure.
I actually think that I'd prefer Objective-C to Visual Basic or C#. Maybe, I don't know.
But the Objective-C on Windows won't be the same as what it is on OS-X.
However, I'd gladly review any Objective-C.NET code...
And by the way... @RubberDuck this may be an actual need for the tag... to distinguish Objective-C.NET from Foundation Objective-C
SO's review tag now has a description, although temporary until it gets roastedddd of the system
Q: Why does the Batmobile have a "NO STEP" sign?

WikisThis (silent) video shows the Batmobile in the new Batman v Superman movie: However, 14 seconds in we see: Why would ...

So apparently, you can just install android apps now and conversion from iOS to windows is only required a 'few minimal changes'
Maybe @nhgrif. Personally, I think if the .net tag stays around, it should be used for questions regarding actual framework code. Which would be extraordinarily rare...
and I guess they've dropped Spartan as the name for their browser, converting to Microsoft Edge
1) Changing frameworks entirely counts as 'few minimal changes'? Okay.
2) Did Microsoft get the memo that last WWDC Apple announced Swift and this WWDC, Apple will be *strongly* pushing everyone toward Swift (away from the 30+-year-old Objective-C)?
These logic apps seem pretty cool
Actually... that's something that probably needs more attention...
He just set up some sort of cron job that downloads twitter messages based on some conditions
I'm not sure how Microsoft is making it work exactly...
Logic apps?
But if your iOS code on Windows is using a Windows port of the frameworks... what's it going to use when it's actually on the iOS device?
Windows phones are struggling because it lacks a good app ecosphere. This is MS's way to nudge companies into releasing Windows compatible apps.
I think you're thinking backwards @nhgrif. This isn't for windows devs looking to write Obj-C. It's to woo iOS devs into releasing on Windows.
Oh, I see...
So I just do all the actual work on OS X, then port it to Windows to build the Windows phone version of the app?
But not to build the iOS version of the app.
Microsoft wants stuff on their app store... but I don't see Visual Studio in the OS X app store.
Right. You already have an app that's doing well on iOS, but don't want to support it in Win because it would take a total rewrite in a totally different language.
Now it's much easier to port and expand your market.
Which is in turn good for them. They're bootstrapping.
I read this good documentary on it though: forbes.com/sites/gordonkelly/2015/04/29/…
Why wouldn't Microsoft just put "Visual Studio Code" on the OS X app store?
I surely hope whoever wrote this code discovers Code Review...
@nhgrif They released it only 2 hours ago, maybe they just couldn't time it with an app store release?
Azure is extremely extensive now. Even more than it already was
I'm following Hanselman's (very funny) presentation and it's astonishing how many options Azure has
@JeroenVannevel They could've put it on the app store at any point and only just now made it available if they wnted.
@nhgrif Meh, I'm not going to guess why or why not. We'll see in the upcoming days
Probably won't be on there.
Q: Continuable if error is null

webjayI made a method that I can use to avoid having to handle errors from callbacks. What it does is, call the passed method only if the first argument is null. So essentially it will bypass to the last method, if an error occurs. Feedback is welcome. /** * continueIf * * Returns a continuation m...

What would be hilarious is if you could run iPad apps on your Windows desktop.
I'd be very impressed. You can't even run iPad apps on OS X desktop.
The only way is if you have Xcode and the source code so you can compile straight into the simulator.
That article is silly...
Microsoft have OneNote and Onedrive on the Mac App Store, so it's not they couldn't, but that requires Apple having a copy of the source code, remember
> Developers on these platforms are also often perfectly happy with using a regular code editor like Sublime Text instead of a full IDE like Visual Studio.
@Quill No it doesn't.
I've never sent source code to Apple.
I have 3 apps on the iOS app store.
> Developers on these platforms are also often perfectly happy with using a regular code editor like Sublime Text instead of a full IDE like Visual Studio.
Article was written by someone who has never used Xcode or Eclipse.
> The editor features all of the standard tools you would expect from a modern code editor, including syntax highlighting, customizable keyboard bindings, bracket matching and snippets.
Article was written by someone who posts terrible questions on SO because they don't know how to use a debugger.
@nhgrif Don't you have to submit a compiled version of your app, that they review?
Yes. A compiled version.
Hmm, okay
@Quill If you've downloaded an app from the iOS or OS X app store, your device has exactly the same thing that is sent to Apple.
Which means Apple can just download the app from Microsoft's site, like I just did.
I thought I read somewhere that Apple goes through the code to make sure there aren't little bugs
And they'd have exactly what they'd get if Microsoft submitted it to Apple for app store approval.
Apple has lots of tests they run, but they don't get any source code.
@nhgrif (unrelated) Have you used an app called Knock before?
I've heard of the fictional app called "Bro" though.
Anyone else watch Silicon Valley?
heh, so I just found a page on the website of the company I'll be started with in June...
So far I've met the two "Lead iOS Developer"s plus one other iOS dev (they did my technical interview). And the other two people I've been talking with are the CTO and the VP of Technology.
Demo of IslandWood at 1:56 of keynote.
So... how is this different from Notepad++?
And ASP.NET/NodeJS support
ps: press f12
F12 does nothing.
You've basically got a browser console thing, same as you get with f12 in the browser
The html page it defines it the IDE
F12 isn't doing anything anywhere.
It probably doesn't help that I don't know anything about the languages this is supposed to support, but I can probably write ASP.NET.
f12 opens the webdev console in chrome for me
Oh. I use Safari.
So... there's no UI for this thing on OS X.
Want to set up your keyboard shortcuts? Have fun modifying this .json file.
Damn. You can change the UI of a running WPF application
Just change the property (which you can find using an HTML-like click-on-element) and it updates live
So from here, I click "Keyboard Shortcuts" in hopes of editing some keyboard shortcuts. Wanna know how you do that?
Modify keybindings.json...
Heaven forbid there be a UI for doing this like software has had for three decades at least...
lol. Wow. That's ugly.
yeah, they're going full-on for json setting files
Q: A rapidly-growing script that visualizes Wifi sniffing

d33tahBelow is one the current version of my wifimap script: #!/usr/bin/python """ Sniffs on the WiFi network and generates a graph showing the communication between the devices, including information about the announced SSIDs. Will loop infinitely - kill the program with SIGINT in order to stop it g...

That's fine that the settings are stored in .json format.
Why isn't there a UI where I edit it and then their app edits the .json file?
Why do I have to edit the .json file?
What is this, 1987?
I think we'll see lots of updates to Code the next few weeks
I can edit Xcode's keybindings by finding that setting file and editing it manually with a text editor too.
Give me some "code" I can paste into this thing to see what debugging is like?
I don't know any of these languages really.
So, what languages does "Code" support?
Why? Why wouldn't Microsoft have created an IFileDialog interface that could be mocked?
why what?
Sorry. Random outburst.
My code needs to open a folder picker dialog.
I'm pretty sure WPF has one.
Now, I want to mock that dialog for my test, because, ya know, GUI in my unit tests and all..
But there's no interface for it. Just a hard implementation.
WPF might @Hosch250, but this is all COM tech, so we use winforms.
Well, this has been a success Microsoft.
Why doesn't Code offer to do this for me?
It barely does anything, and the little it does do requires dependencies it doesn't install? What kind of circus is this.
I'm actually not sure if it's needed
There's so much new information, it'll be easier to parse once a few days have passed and the MVP's have blogged about it
I'm about to read up on what exactly came new in 3 blogposts by MSDN teams
Well, I pressed run, and this came up.
I copied & pasted the stuff from rolfl's calculator Javascript.
I'm not going to put it in, I'm just going to use VS.
What I am putting in, though, is the latest Win10 release.
I have that installing in a Hyper-V VM this very second.
Hmm, I don't know if this is intentional, but the swirly waiting dot thing is now slightly oval instead of circular.
@nhgrif Did you install the terminal code function?
No, I did not do that extra step. It's unnecessary.
I see
That extra step is just if I want to launch the application via the terminal.
Which... will just launch the same app and still won't run the code.
I know, just curious as to whether you would
If it did something besides just launch the editor.. if it were an actual set of command line tools, I might've installed them.
(If I knew about them)
Ooh, Windows now makes you pick who owns the device - a work organization or you yourself.
That is probably related to BYOD safety.
Does anyone know any good companies that host SMTP servers?
Q: Self Implemented Hash Map Performance

CraigI have written two hash map implementations, one that stores Vertices and one that stores self implemented vectors of Edges. They are all fully functioning, however in my application they are quite slow and was hoping if anyone could point out how to improve their speed. Vertex Hash Map public ...

Any Hitchhiker's Guide fans here, enjoy this gem musical piece from the 3rd season radio show...
(sorry for the random interruption ;)
Trying to set up a new VM.
It isn't connecting to the internet ATM.
I have it set up the same as the other one...
I didn't know there was an Internet Automatic Teller Machine.
At The Moment, of course :)
It boggles one's mind (my own, at least) that there is no simple, native way to import/reference a JavaScript module within a different JavaScript module.
OK, it is now working.
@sᴉɔuɐɹɥԀ Are you using VSCode?
@nhgrif IDE?
Using Spring Tool Suite (Eclipse + extras)

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