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just started to rebuild my consecutive login streak and tomorrow it will be gone again
life can be cruel
@JeroenVannevel Why?
I only have 40 in a row/
@JeroenVannevel @Jaroen, it is already tomorrow.
@rolfl I know, I'm talking about tomorrow's tomorrow
@JeroenVannevel Don't worry, that never comes.
Ahhh, give me your password... and .... ;-)
Hah! If I wanted to put drawings as answers, I'd do it myself
^^ good call, was flagged (and dismissed?)
Now I can't even tell what I was saying
The world isn't ready for my outstanding sense of humour
Jan 16 at 0:19, by nhgrif
Your chat messages sht themselves the moment your try to **boldly censor yourself!
Yeah, it was flagged, I dismissed.... and we are the tame room, and then my edits are a bleh
@Mat'sMug I resemble that comment
@Jeroen - your flagged chat history is... colorful. Why do people flag the things they do... like, seriously.. this was flagged? :
I mean, yeah, but sure,
Yeah I know, I don't understand it either
Nothing wrong with Biebs
I particularly like a song of him
of him, or by him ;-)
Some people (including me) don't like him.
Important distinction
Ah, by him of course. I'm not into worshipping yet
But, I didn't flag that (at least, I don't remember doing it).
I'm not that in to suppressing people's freedom of speech.
He might be a donkeycave but that doesn't mean I'm going to ignore a good song whatever by him
I'm not voting for him in a dalai lama election
Well, I have nothing wrong with people listening to him either.
I'm just not going to listen to him myself.
Oh... Guess what day tomorrow is?
Looks like I missed the meme party
Haha yeah
I wouldn't know.
Hello Rubba-dubba-duck
Suspicious at all?
Q: Add JPanel to JFrame

user3530547I just finished a fairly easy homework assignment. Basically all I had to do was add six JPanels that were just text boxes with color names as the text. However, the color of the font had to match the text, so for instance, black had to be black, blue had to be blue, etc. It works find but it j...

A: Add JPanel to JFrame

Hovercraft Full Of EelsI would recommend: You're using a GridLayout(2, 3) -- good. I'd make it actually a GridLayout(2, 3, GAP, GAP) where GAP is a constant that allows a gap between JLabels. Then if you set the background color of the JPanel to yellow, make the JLabels opaque and white, give the background JPanel an...

In Dutch we say "lied van hem" -> "song of him". The "by him" version ("door hem") isn't used as much. However when you say "of him", you mean our "over hem" -> "about him".
Slight intermezzo
@Phrancis I refuse!
@Marc-Andre I don't blame you friend :)
Q: Writing Fasta file to a list in Java. Reading the file returns null

NicoFishI am a novice programmer (I stopped coding for two years). I have been trying for a few days to fix this. The Database my lab was sent (I am an undergrad lab stuge) was screwed up the RNA and DNA data was mixed so I am trying to separate it by using ultra conserved elements in the RNA (I have not...

Q: Add JPanel to JFrame

user3530547I just finished a fairly easy homework assignment. Basically all I had to do was add six JPanels that were just text boxes with color names as the text. However, the color of the font had to match the text, so for instance, black had to be black, blue had to be blue, etc. It works find but it j...

@JeroenVannevel You would want to say, "a song of his" to convey that accurately
@rolfl I've noticed that as well. It doesn't appear to have been cross-posted, either.
@Phrancis mmyyeaah, that makes sense. Thanks!
Much obliged
Huh, this is a new one on me... public sealed class SpectrumBeatDetector... What does sealed mean?
can't be subclassed
@rolfl 38 seconds (if I'm correct) is really quick for an answer...
Java's final class version
Ahhh ok
but sealed only works on class definitions
@rolfl what am I not seeing?
@Mat'sMug Check the time
The 38 seconds between a huge question, and huge answer.
Yeah. That ^ wtf?
There's just no way.
Project Almanac.
That guy is a serious power contributor, I would be really surprised
That is a bit suspicious indeed
Two accounts, prepared ahead of time?
why not just post a selfie like everyone else?
Their SO rep is through the roof
Someone could, in theory, write a bot to auto-reply to questions that have been asked before similarly. You could use Lucene to check the scoring.
I think what's happened is likely the question was asked on SO, and the answer prepared there
the SO question was deleted at about the time the answer was ready
Maybe they know each other in a way and hovercraft already knew the code and they just post it
so he posted here instead.
Ahh well. Maybe.
that seems probable
It's a short piece of question code though so counting the graceperiod as well..
I can't see deleted stuff on SO
You could just ask him?
I could.... but, I could also just move on.
@TylerHarden Speculating is more fun though
Speculation, if I recall, speculation caused numerous global recessions.
But the question and answer looks good... so unless he's using both account to upvote himself, I would say I don't care if he own both account.
Oh, I hadn't reloaded my SO question page yet
Code Review recession - scandals because of speculation.
Looky here:
Same question, asked 35 minutes ago, deleted 27 minutes ago
And a comment that refers to Code Review
Including OP acknowledging it's in the wrong place
Q: Go Back to Previous Item

Hosch250I have a Back function, and it is growing. I also think this is terrible, but I don't seem to get how it can be improved: public void GoBack() { NavButtonUsed = true; Forward.Insert(0, Back[0]); Back.RemoveAt(0); if (Back[0].Title.StartsWith(" ") && CurrentItem.Menu != Back[...

Everyone leaves, and Code Review is un-graduated.
@Mat'sMug 1+2=fizz
@Mat'sMug 1+1=3, for extremely large values of 1.
fizz+buzz = fizzbuzz
No no no... fizz+buzz=8
@TylerHarden I swore your name was Tyler Durden for a second.
@Phrancis Not always.
Assuming ofcourse the first "1" is numeric integer value of 1 unit, and the second "1" is infact an expression variable equal to "1.9999999..." units
Also, only guaranteed when using string concatenation.
@RubberDuck It easily could be. That is my favorite movie of all time.
ya'll can't do math
int one = 2;
int two = 3;
Console.WriteLine (one + two); // 5
We're all Tyler Durden deep down.
@RubberDuck That we are.
@RubberDuck that's it. out of stars.
> coding
There are 10 kinds of people in this world. People who know binary and those who don't.
@Mat'sMug Damn, that didn't take long.
Sweet! I'm only 50 rep from 1000 on SO.
@RubberDuck I'm one of the first.
@Jamal that's another 1050 from ;)
@DavidK Pretty soon we'll have created base-onomatopoeia (as opposed to that god awful base-10 used by mainstream mathematicians). — Pharap Jul 23 '14 at 11:23
Night fellas.
@JeroenVannevel How did you find that?
Night ducky!
@Mat'sMug I may never reach it, though. I'll surely get Copy Editor before then.
@rolfl I follow a bunch of tags on SO using a search query. Hadn't reloaded the page in a bit because I just finished a movie
It was still on there
Just skimmed through the top, SO isn't as active at this hour
Ahh, OK, that makes sense... i was wondering whether there's a special trick for 20K users ... ;-)
Well do have access to Echelon
but I didn't need it this time
Is Schloss a good name for a utility framework in C#/F#?
It's pretty cool, methinks.
Ok awesome.
Reminds me of male peripherals though
It is German for Castle
@JeroenVannevel "Dongle" always reminded me of those too.
Schloss seems nice, and not particularly polluted with other things named the same
I should probably put some code up on CR, it's been a while
Time to get me a burger... wife is very late from trip. Yay for in-laws delaying travel.
It's the third time I've used this approach in a project, each time improving it a bit. I'm satisfied with it now
@Jamal look what I've found!
Nov 12 '13 at 19:02, by Jamal
@Malachi: That's correct. Fortunately by then, I'll still have editing privileges, but I'll lose everything after that. I am looking forward to trusted user privileges, primarily so that I can cast delete votes on answers.
Customized exception code coming to CR in 15...14...13...
@TylerHarden expecting @CaptainObvious?
@Mat'sMug ?
the customized exception code coming to CR..
sounded like you had posted some code on the main site and then counting down to @CaptainObvious' transmission of the post '~'
Ah @CaptainObvious is a channel bot?
I was counting down
Still am
a chat feed... everytime I tried counting down, I ended up in the double-digit negatives...
I think the most notable aspect of the code I just posted are the Troll comments.
> I have a code review brewing
wait, is it a troll post?
@Mat'sMug Not at all, I'm just a bit cynical with my commenting sometimes, since no one but me usually reads it later.
ah, got it
        // throw this sexception
Q: Customized Exception

Tyler HardenI am building my "base exception to end all base exceptions" class in C# and was looking for some opinions on my implementations so far. Ideally my usage of integrated Rethrow, Throw, and ThrowFatal methods for some syntactic sugar. using System; using System.Collections; using System.Collection...

You know, I frequently have little brothers looking over my shoulder..
@CaptainObvious A bit late to the show, eh?
I feel like an idiot that on my first CR question I manually hit spacebar four times in front of all the lines of code I needed to format...
Ctrl+K ;)
I did that this time :D
Is there a specific reason you're using ArrayList?
Let me refer to my notes, there is a reason!
(can't be)
Legacy code should be the only reason
or interfacing with legacy code
I was under the impression (looking at my code for the previous project that existed in), that because I allowed object[] to be passed as "additional info" as well as other exceptions, that it was proper?
Leaving now, see you.
Nope, I'll strike it with a hammer
Ps: you never allow any "additional info" to be passed, right?
Or am I looking past it?
Not as of the current revision.
Wanted to get some consensus on the direction I was heading in
takes notes
"public void AppendAdditionalInfo(params object[] AddInfLst)
if (AddInfLst == null)
for (int i = 0; i < AddInfLst.Length; i++)
object Obj = AddInfLst[i];
if (Obj is object[])
That is how I add additional info.
you should add all relevant code to your question
if it's written, it can be reviewed
It isn't relevant, because I never added the functionality to the SchlossException class. I was pulling an ApplicationExceptionBase I wrote for another project into my utility framework, adding additional functionality.
Well shit, I'll just add it and get slammed on my terrible coding all around, since I'd actually prefer to have this procedure be optimized.
Now we're talking.
Get all that messy stuff in there
Updated. prepares to be torn apart
^^ TS
@Mat'sMug ?
Theoretical Star - I ran out.
@Mat'sMug RSA and bye all
@Mat'sMug Ah, +1 real star for ingenuity.
A: What's a Zombie? And what are the many other memes of Code Review?

Mat's MugMeme: TS | RSA Originator: SimonAndréForsberg (TS), rolfl (RSA) Cultural Height: star-power Background: The 2nd Monitor is quite a star-happy chatroom. How many of you know that there's only a number of times you can "star" a chat post - a star cap (like the rep cap and the vote cap, a star ca...

blame @SimonAndréForsberg and @rolfl ;)
Thanks, Santa!
There is so much meta & meme regarding this. Why is this called The 2nd Monitor?
Also I have a new 9-5 chat room to occupy my time while at work.
CodeReview was conceived on an old British battleship
The first one sank
The second one - of type monitor - survived
Hence, here we are
Q: What should be the name of our main chatroom?

Mat's MugOur main chat room is currently called Code Review General Room, with "General discussion about Code Review." for a description. I propose The Zombie Hunters' Lounge, but I'd like the community to post their ideas here (1 per post, include why it's the best name), the one with the highest number...

Ah, was going to link there lol
Makes perfect sense, and I currently, in fact, have T2M (this chat room) open on my second monitor.
    // poopy, messy code
> Like I said I'd probably delete all comments anyway if I had to clean up that code, but these ones I'd delete twice.

> --Mat's Mug, 10 minutes from now
@Mat'sMug Still brewing?
> IBM to cut 111,800 people from its workforce
I don't recall seeing a number that high a few weeks ago in that press announcement
This is 26% of the workforce
> If that figure holds true, that would make it far and away the largest corporate layoff event in history, breaking the record previously held by IBM, when it cut 60,000 in 1993.
@JeroenVannevel Would this be better:
private string GetAdditionalInfo(List<object> additionalInfo)
            StringBuilder additionalInfoString = new StringBuilder();

            foreach (object obj in additionalInfo)
                if (obj is Exception)
                    additionalInfoString.AppendLine((obj as Exception).ToString());
                    if (obj is List<object>)
                        additionalInfoString.AppendLine(this.GetAdditionalInfo((obj as List<object>)));
@TylerHarden Ctrl+K also works in chat FYI
You're using the stringbuilder which is good, but you're not using the as/is idiom
@JeroenVannevel I don't understand how I'm not?
ps: stringbuilders are typically called sb. It's the one time where it's acceptable to abreviate
You don't need the is
take another look at my example
Oh, my comment above is wrong. I meant you're not using the as/null idiom. You are using the is/as
Ah, both is/as are casts, where as just doing the cast and if it is null guard.
Q: Best practice to format MMyyyy to MMyy

Panadol ChongGood day, The following is my sample code: String month = "09"; String year = "2014"; String monthYear = "092014"; The monthYear format is MMyyyy, I wish to format it to become MMyy. Thus, I am doing it as follow: Method 1: final SimpleDateFormat oriMonthYear = new SimpleDateFormat( "MMyy...

@TylerHarden please let me know if it's too harsh... ...
I don't mean it to be a rude post
but I think this class should be burned
Yeah I can find myself in that advice
I didn't take either of your guys' advice as rude or harsh. It is honest, which is what I like.
So there is no reasonable expectation for me to be encapsulating C# functionality into methods. Makes sense.
My argument there would almost be that, for the purpose of managing the code base, I would be able to tell apart my "super excpetion" from BCL exceptions from this difference. The end result being that my SchlossException will eventually have logging and other facilities built into the base class.
I wouldn't expect throw new SomeException(); to break anything because I'm not going new SomeException().Throw();
@JeroenVannevel whatever happens it is not likely going to be much fun.
@TylerHarden no! an exception isn't a logger!
@Mat'sMug Not even to notify me as a developer when an unhandled/unexpected exception occurs?
I mean, an exception isn't an exception-handling framework...
Holy f* I just scared the crap out of myself by seeing my reflection in my door
^^ crap I want to star that so badly
So what I want is an exception handling framework.
@Mat'sMug RSA
a joke ;)
@rolfl Well, I hope you're part of the survivors and that the numbers are exagerated!
So this exception class is completely and utterless pointless?
Time for my bed (well, Black Sails S2E01)
Later skaters
Later Jeroen, and thanks.
Maybe I'm just not a fan of exception inheritance hierarchies, but I always derived my custom exceptions from System.Exception ..
Well I intend to have a number of unique exceptions for my CQRS implementation, and I want all the exceptions I create in Schloss to inherit from SchlossException, if only to indicate hierarchy.
I never knew of rethrow as a keyword. WOw.
Then again here I am using .NET 2.0 deprecated types like they're candy.
So the reason why additional Info is pointless is because by definition, a more specific exception will define it's "additional info" in it's exception message, right?
not only in its message... if I need some string FileName as "additional info" in a custom exception type, then I'd take a string fileName constructor parameter, and initialize a private readonly string _fileName; field that would back a public string FileName { get { return _fileName; } } property ;)
usually the message and type of the exception is enough though
@TylerHarden yeah.. your ReThrow method is actually not rethrowing the exception and preserving the stack trace...
BTW I'm not a boring mug:
Q: Down with FizzBuzz... LOL

Mat's MugThis post is the result of reading through and following the LOLCODE Specification 1.2 ("smoking the manual", right?), and writing and executing my code on compileonline.com. My "hello world" was going to be a fizzbuzz. I like it because it nicely illustrates the basics of a language - variables...

Q: Merkle tree java implementation

user63786I am working on merkle tree implementation. I am just wondering whether I can request a code review here? Code is available here https://github.com/gomathi/merkle-tree

@Mat'sMug KTHXBAI ;-)
I'm not going anywhere lol. But maybe you are
@CaptainObvious Off topic.
Please take over there, I have to go.
I'll upvote tomorrow if fixed.
Ok, good night @Mat'sMug!
@Mat'sMug So how do I properly rethrow and preserve the stack?
Q: Best practices when building a bootstrap modal window

TokTok123I've built a modal window as seen in my modal HTML and CSS code below and was looking for any tips/advice regarding how well I've applied any best practices in both my HTML and styling with regards to building a modal window. Here's the tutorial I followed Here's my modal HTML code: <div class...

@CaptainObvious Best practices when writing a title for a question
@Mat'sMug In codereview.stackexchange.com/a/78599/12390 , how about *"Part Two - Gloves off" // JK
monking btw
Monking @all
monking @Heslacher (I already saw your activity in answers ;-)
looks like a productive Monday morning
monking @janos, yes one quick shot ;-)
Q: Stack program issue

Jose Manuel AlarconHello can anyone help me with my code? This stack program is supposed to give you the result of an input of characters (words and ? #) when it reads ? It deletes the word that goes before it, and when it reads # it deletes the whole list of previous characters, for example: fgsjdjabc?d#fg? So the...

3 hours later…
monking @SimonAndréForsberg
monking @Heslacher
TTUD (Time To Update @Duga)
which means that one commit for @RubberDuck and StackMonkey will not be counted in next daily update, sorry about that @rolfl and @Mat'sMug
@SimonAndréForsberg Noooo
monking @skiwi
zomis@bubble:/var/lib/tomcat8/logs$ psql -h localhost -U duga -W
Password for user duga:
psql: could not connect to server: Connection refused
        Is the server running on host "localhost" ( and accepting
        TCP/IP connections on port 5432?
great, I am not accepting connections from my own IP...
@SimonAndréForsberg Niiice!
That's a Lunix serveur?
the funny thing is that if I don't specify -h localhost it works.
TunnelInfo info;
        int nabtoStateInt = -1;
        NabtoStatus status = NabtoStatus.OK;
            info = getTunnelInfo();
            if (nabtoStateInt != info.nabtoStateInt || !status.equals(info.getNabtoStatus()))
                System.out.println("opening tunnel... state:" + info.getNabtoState() + "/" + info.nabtoStateInt + ", status:" + info.getNabtoStatus());
                nabtoStateInt = info.nabtoStateInt;
                status = info.getNabtoStatus();
this snippet bothers me
@SimonAndréForsberg wait wut?
try specifying -h
@Vogel612 yes, you heard me correctly...
but I don't see how I can define the variables inside the loop and still use them properly to compare iterations
@Vogel612 tried that, also doesn't work
@Pimgd It also bothers me, but I don't exactly know why
not my interface
where's the monkey when you need him? (@rolfl)
I can't change the internals of TunnelInfo/NabtoState/NabtoStatus
It's too early, maybe at 12am our time!
Yay for this university subject, there's no real guideline in the naming scheme used for lecture slides
I just gotta hope I'll be reading them in the correct order
private void waitUntilConnected()
        TunnelInfo info;
        int nabtoStateInt = -1;
        NabtoStatus status = NabtoStatus.OK;
            info = getTunnelInfo();
            if (nabtoStateInt != info.nabtoStateInt || !status.equals(info.getNabtoStatus()))
                System.out.println("opening tunnel... state:" + info.getNabtoState() + "/" + info.nabtoStateInt + ", status:" + info.getNabtoStatus());
                nabtoStateInt = info.nabtoStateInt;
moved it to its own function since it doesn't interact with... anything.
Q: Calling Stored Procedures vb.net

Richard GlassI have this piece of code for running a Stored Procedure, and I was wondering if there is a way of cutting code like: uPar = .CreateParameter("@PropertyID", ADODB.DataTypeEnum.adInteger, ADODB.ParameterDirectionEnum.adParamInput) .Parameters.Append(uPar) .Parameters("@PropertyID").Value ...

=/ It's a prodder that checks if the connection has been made - and it does so by checking in a spin loop... but I can't make it async as I want to know the moment it's connected
I solved it by connecting to my own internal ip of instead of
... I know some versions of SQL servers have the option to explicitly deny connections from
@Pimgd according to my pg_hba.conf, I do accept them...
@Pimgd If you see ugly code and cannot change it, then it's really the best you can and should do
local   all             postgres                                md5

# TYPE  DATABASE        USER            ADDRESS                 METHOD

# "local" is for Unix domain socket connections only
local   all             all                                     md5
# IPv4 local connections:
host    all             all               md5
# IPv6 local connections:
host    all             all             ::1/128                 md5
# Allow replication connections from localhost, by a user with the
I'm rewriting the nasty parts
     * Opens the tunnel, blocking until it is opened.
     * @param localPort The port to open the tunnel on.
     * @return whether the tunnel is now open
    public boolean open(int localPort)
        if (localPort <= 0)
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Using port 0 for a tunnel is invalid, as are negative ports.");

        if (isOpen())

        this.localPort = localPort;
        tunnel = device.nabtoTunnelOpenTcp(localPort, remotePort);
@Pimgd Except that your open method can close ports...
substitute Tunnel for connection; it's a connection class
Granted, you open it again after you close it, but isn't it unexpected that you are closing the port if it is already open?
public boolean open(int localPort)
        if(localPort <= 0)
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Using port 0 for a tunnel is invalid, as are negative ports.");
        if(tunnel != null && isOpen()){
            tunnel = null;
        this.localPort = localPort;
        tunnel = device.nabtoTunnelOpenTcp(localPort, remotePort);
        TunnelInfo info;
        int nabtoStateInt = -1;
        NabtoStatus status = NabtoStatus.OK;
previous version
I dunno why I close and then open it again
head-scratching happens
because it can be open on a different port?
Maybe it's previously connected to a different port?

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