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@Doctor have you found a way for the April 1st one to get all ?
the one that doesn't get parsed correctly by everything but the real xkcd?
This answer demonstrates exactly why I tried to keep my code generic: I didn't want to list out every single exception that I actually make in my code; I didn't want to list the actual method names; I didn't want to list the method declaration; I didn't want syntax suggestions. I had a single question about whether throwing exceptions for flow control was okay, which was promptly answered by B2K. I would be happy to debate this on meta. — grovesNL 11 mins ago
I just collect links
^^^ This is exactly why I was tempted to cast a close vote
B2K's answer is not a code review
Q: Why is this so ugly? It works but I think it could be much better

user2125348So I have these classes: [Table("OrderInfo")] public class OrderInfo { public long ID {get; set;} public long OrderID {get; set;} public virtual Order Order { get; set; } public long ItemID {get; set;} public double Qty { get; set; } public virtual Item Item { get; set; ...

@Mat'sMug Lol is it just me or is that another case of RTFM?
"I want a review on every aspect of the code."
@Mat'sMug I would give your answer an upvote but it seems like I'm too eager to be home so I've pulled a Mug...
I don't care about votes, it's about sending the right message about what this site is about. I have to say I'm quite frustrated with seeing that question not getting closed, and the not-even-close-to-anything-remotely-near-a-peer-review answer get 7 votes. I think the "short narrowed-down questions are ok" policy is hurting this site's content.
Especially when the OP explicitly states that he doesn't care about getting a peer review.
not posted:
> @grovesNL If you've noticed, B2K's prompt answer is not a code review. It does answer your very specific, narrowed-down question, but this comment confirms my initial thought about this question belonging on Programmers.SE. This answer is everything a typical CR answer would be - if it's not the type of answer you're expecting, then you're not asking the type of question that's a good fit for this site.
Incoming meta:
Q: Clarification on how to use generic code snippets?

grovesNLI recently posted a question in which I purposely only included a specific code snippet: Purposely raising exceptions to use catch In my original (unedited) question, it had a simple example of actual code that I'm using, with the method names and specific exceptions removed. The intent was to k...

@Mat'sMug Link ?
@konijn OP has brought this to meta ^^
@Mat'sMug I'm not sure the question would be well received on Programmers. Better ask a Programmers mod about what how good a Programmers question it would be.
Q: Clarification on how to use generic code snippets?

grovesNLI recently posted a question in which I purposely only included a specific code snippet: Purposely raising exceptions to use catch In my original (unedited) question, it had a simple example of actual code that I'm using, with the method names and specific exceptions removed. The intent was to k...

@Mat'sMug I'm tempted to throw another polite exploding bear trap..
I'm writing a meta-answer.
Q: Is this a safe way to parse out HTML tag attributes?

iambriansreedI needed a super simple parser to get html attributes and their values. I didn't want to load a big library or anything so i made this. I realize I am making assumptions here, mainly: Attribute values will be surrounded with either single or double quotes. The input string will end with > or '...

1 meeting, 200 messages later
I forgot that you all have jobs!
@Ben you need to place your meetings better then ;)
@TheDoctor its probably why Im in this room all day,
@TheDoctor Not all of us! (At least not at the moment)
@Vogel612 I do
(about to quit mine) ;)
Never had one
@Mat'sMug What? No more horrible VB6 code to deal with?
@SimonAndréForsberg only mine ;)
@SimonAndréForsberg Damn you are really far behind the current events....
@Vogel612 I know!
I expect it's only a matter of time before someone will tell me that there's been a man on the moon or something. You never know what you miss when you're on vacation.
I still think the proof does not back up the claim @cocco
I did not see anything saying this : it checks every 4ms (if the 170ms are passed) or more or less... depends on cpu and js engine.
@Mat'sMug hey
Questions about programming concepts should be asked on Programmers.Stackexchange.com and this question seems to be about whether or not it is a good idea to code using a specific concept. — Malachi 21 secs ago
I VTC'd this
A: Clarification on how to use generic code snippets?

Mat's MugI decided to downvote your question instead of casting a close vote, because of the relatively new consensus about narrowed-down questions, to which I don't agree. So I let your question go, with a downvote. After 2 days there still hadn't been a single close vote on it, so seeing that it had be...

@Mat'sMug good job on keeping cool there. With such a rant on an answer of mine, I'd probably had unleashed hell...
@Vogel612 thanks, had that discussion happened 2 days ago, I could have lost my cool. Now OP has had their answer, dust has settled, Episode V: The Close Police Strikes Back...
Damn I wanna star that, but I used all my stars by 3 hours ago..
@rolfl I'd love to hear read a mod's input on that meta post ^^^^
Generic Answer for a Generic Question ▼▼▼▼
A: Purposely raising exceptions to use catch

Malachiin your first answer there is a performance hit that doesn't need to be there. try { if (GetDataFromServer()) { return ProcessData(); } else { throw new Exception(); } catch(Exception ex) { return null; } when you exit the if statement to enter into ...

A: Post Mortems - Episode I: A new hope

jliv902I was not a part of this, so this answer is based only on what the OP has shown us. I am afraid that I may catch a lot of flak for this post, but here is how I see things. Part 1: Embedding Code Let's go from the beginning: @RavenHursT broke our rules for not posting the code here. @rolfl post...

I love that one.
@Malachi isn't it a bit counter-intuitive to VTC and then answer??
@Vogel612 yeah I know. but I think the question begs for it
i need to get some work done afterwards....lol
you should read through the meta answer on the PostMortems.
"don't stoop down to OP's level"
@Vogel612 wow
@Mat'sMug in what respect??
The whole answer
Hurts, right?
also I find "the elephant in the room" connects with this
you could ask his (or her) opinion on that, too ;)
Work done this morning: 0. Time to grab lunch, I'm exhausted.
@Mat'sMug Well, VB6 is used to create problems, not to solve them.
Q: IsoStorageManager

Vitalii VasylenkoJust a manager for a speedy async saving objects to isolated storage. Most interesting file is https://isostoragemanager.codeplex.com/SourceControl/latest#IsoStorageManagerLib/IsoStorageManager.cs and extension https://isostoragemanager.codeplex.com/SourceControl/latest#IsoStorageManagerLib/As...

Does anyone know of a programming-related site where ideas can be discussed? Similarly for example to how the java mailing list works
You mean... Programmers?
@skiwi - you should try this site
@Vogel612 I think programmers is once you have established a good thought about how it should work, but I have not gotten that yet
@rolfl Is that intentionally linking to this room? :)
um..... yup ;-)
@skiwi well then you need somewhere to bounce your ideas..
and a chat is perfect for that,.
Well if you got time, then there's no problem in doing it here
anyway, TTQW, so I can't help you :(
@Mat'sMug At the time of the incident, @Vogel612 asked for there to be a meta-post on it.... I said yes, but to wait.
It's the big HTML form thing, I am trying to come up with some language-independent template of how the form should look like
It consists of <input> and <select> elements mainly, where the select elements also have a set of values
I know it was not handled right, and that is why I am agreeing to analyze it..... lessons in there for everyone.
I was thinking that some jquery/javascript reads that 'form-file' and then renders the form for it
@Malachi @Mat'sMug Next time, just flag it for migration to Programmers.
1) Does that approach make any sense?
Ah, something important which I forgot to mention: My idea is to let someone else create the form elements, and he doesn't know HTML nor any programming related language.
@200_success thanks! was the migration done unilaterally?
@skiwi this sounds like Windows Forms Designer for webforms. You might want to look at balsamiq mockups, for something similar without the generation code.
Hmm, that website hurts to look at though
But it doesn't require any programming experience whatsiever.
What would be preferable? An UI to edit individual input fields, or via a text file? An UI means that I'd have to make it aswell, but might be worth the investment
Why not both?
The thing with balsamiq mockups is that it doesn't generate code
The text file would not have a very nice format I think
just wrote my fav line of C# yet.... probably will get a lot of hate if I post if for a review.
It actually was supposed to be one line, but I pulled out repeated strings, and since I used tryparse, I had to also declare an int =\
static void Main()
    int num;
    string file = "AssemblyInfo.cs";
    string id = "[assembly: AssemblyFileVersion(";
    if (File.Exists(file))
        File.WriteAllLines(file, File.ReadAllLines(file).Select(s => !s.Trim().StartsWith(id) ? s : string.Join(".", s.Trim(']').Trim(')').Trim('"').Split('.').Select((n, i) => i != 3 ? n : !int.TryParse(n, out num) ? n : (num + 1).ToString())) + "\")]"));
@BenVlodgi wat
That is unreadable as hell unfortunately
It opens the AssemblyInfo.cs and increments up the build number
@skiwi - quit complaining, your lambda's look just about the same in terms of trashy.
Only, you put the '.' on a new line... ;)
there is supposed to be a bunch of ways to get it to work, but I find them to be eradic and inconsistent, so I just wrote this
@rolfl :( that's harsh
@BenVlodgi I'll never read your C# answers with the same eye now
@skiwi Getting my head around the 1-liner Java8 Lambdas/streams, is the hardest part of them.
@Mat'sMug oh cmon, you have to get a fuzzy feeling when you 1-line a crap ton of code
Might be just my opinion that splitting it over multiple lines makes it easier to read ^^
I actually wrote it as one line... didn't condense after the fact
could not believed it worked
@BenVlodgi I don't. code. like. that. ever.
But pssh, I think @BenVlodgi mentioned he knew that code wasn't his best
Uhm... where's that 'OMG it worked' image?
@Mat'sMug then you've never gotten high off of coding
I don't. smoke. code. ;)
don't smoke it, or don't inhale it?
maybe I've been doing it wrong
Where did my nice multi-line lambda-stream-expression go?
hey @janos
Hey @janos
^^ copycat :p
You mean something like this?
QuadIntInterface sum = (a, b, c, d) -> a + b + c + d;
Ah I found that stream I was looking for
List<Map<Integer, String>> mapList = new ArrayList<>();
Map<Integer, List<String>> response = mapList.stream()
        .flatMap(map -> map.entrySet().stream())
I used all the proper linq and lambdas I could, so there is no unnecessary code in here....
well there were a few things I did differently than I normally would have just to not go multiline
like... selecting from a list and using indexes, instead of simply saving the list, and addressing that index
Q: Increment up the build number in AssemblyInfo.cs on every build

BenVlodgiI just wrote this short little program to increment up the build number for my projects every time I build them. After compiling this exe, I just call it in the pre-build command line. I did take out the filename string because I used it twice, and I figured I'd get some flack for that. static...

I could take your code and put every .on a new line... Might not want to do that though
hah, I do that sometimes... same with all the ternarys ?
new line some of them
Q: Increment up the build number in AssemblyInfo.cs on every build

BenVlodgiI just wrote this short little program to increment up the build number for my projects every time I build them. After compiling this exe, I just call it in the pre-build command line. I did take out the filename string because I used it twice, and I figured I'd get some flack for that. static...

SE, you so slow
hello there
Ah, @SimonAndréForsberg, long time no ping :)
Welcome, @grovesNL
I've been away for 12 days and @Nobody has missed me? :(
@200_success I didn't know it was good for programmers until the comment on @Mat'sMug's answer
@BenVlodgi do I understand correctly that you only want to increment z in x.y.z ?
@SimonAndréForsberg You are not, apparently, as missed as @kleinfreund
@rolfl @kleinfreund has been away much longer than me though. And I wonder if @Nobody remembers kleinfreund, so I'm not sure if @Nobody misses kleinfreund or not...
Although I met plenty of Germans while I was away, I don't think anyone of them was @kleinfreund.
@SimonAndréForsberg: The name @kleinfreund rings some bells but I think I never met him here
@Mat'sMug Yes. I believe it was off-topic for CR, on-topic for Programmers, and is a question worthy of keeping.
a vet?
shouldn't it be TheDogetor?
this answer was strangely unsatisfactory
Well, i changed my avatar after i created my account (like 4 months after)
@konijn Wordpress is PHP.
@TheDoctor: You can change your display name too, if you want to.
Pimping question and it's answers:
I tried to change it to The Doctor ♦ at one point
Q: Printing the most used words from phrases

Sillicon TouchI have a collection of phrases in a List. Each phrase is a String Array where each element in the array is a word. I create a List<Entry<String, Integer>> which holds the words as keys and the times used as value. Everything is sorted by value in descending order. Then what I do is print the t...

^^ sounnds like a PCG question
sounds as if you wanted to impersonate a mod? ^^
it didnt work :(
@SimonAndréForsberg That would've been so easy in Java 8
@skiwi Then write an answer explaining how to do it in Java 8 :)
@SimonAndréForsberg I'm afraid it's not in scope, isn't the point of CR to review someone's code, and not create completely new code?
@skiwi Creating completely new code can often be a part of reviewing someone else's code. As long as you describe how/what/why it is better, I think you have tons of possible reputation to gain there.
@SimonAndréForsberg: And as long as it solves the same problem :P
Might be something worthwhile to do when I'm at work tomorrow ;)
Yay, just pushed a major internal patch on my TCG
Showing 12 changed files with 676 additions and 310 deletions.
@Nobody True, forgot about that minor detail :)
Excerpt from codeisunrelated.stackexchange.com :
> I dislike your graph walking algorithm so I have written up some nice textformatting code
@janos That is correct, just the build number. the revisions and such I would like to manage manually
@nobody whats that site?
@Mat'sMug I believe it was some edgecase scenario dealing with dates and how the number was being generated
plus I'd rather it was sequential :)
@BenVlodgi sequence gets broken the minute you're more than just yourself working on the project...
its always just me =\
plus I have some private repos, which also... just me
the build number isn't professional, just something for me to look at
IDK, the number of times I hit F6/Build is just... I don't see how the build# would be any significant for anything other than when you have a release build or something.
It was C#... but we hacked it up with Perl ;) — Mat's Mug 18 secs ago
@BenVlodgi I updated my answer, I hope it will help, though there's some Perl in there, hope you don't mind
@TheDoctor: A hypothetical site I just made up that would allow giving answers as @SimonAndréForsberg described (the ones with code that does not solve the same problem)
Oh. it redirects me to a strange, presumably virus-filled website
@janos I thought about regexing our the "..." but was too lazy :)
thought so ;)
@TheDoctor: For me it ends in the standard SE site not found page
how can you quote a comment in chat?
@BenVlodgi: paste the link to it in its own message?
I'd be careful using the * it will stop working on June 4th 2179 when the day becomes 65536 — ThePower Nov 7 '11 at 14:37
oh come on!
by then the CLR won't even exist anymore...
The profile text of this user is some interesting read:
Welbog, Super Mario Land
31.9k 6 66 82
Is it just me or is the language of that profile just a little bit... oh I don't know... offensive?
just to give some context:
Classic (and hilarious) example of profanity in the "About me" box: Welbogjadarnel27 4 hours ago
@Mat'sMug probably not
"I lost 15 lines of code following this one weird tip!" :) — Flambino 1 min ago
@Mat'sMug: At first I thought this was a comment on an answer how to reset your version control system
I think we put more time and effort into out ads than any other site.
I have seen the voting for another site and there was no discussion, I think it was the Game Dev Site
this might be related to the fact that the CR community is much more active
We ♥ CR, that's why ;)
@Mat'sMug that should be a T-shirt too
I can't grok merge sort, which wouldn't bother me because merge sort is terrible, except that I need to implement merge sort for school ;_;
@undergroundmonorail: what is so terrible about merge sort?
except that you don't like it?
Probably that :P
It seems slow, but I haven't done anything formally to test that hypothesis
it is stable and guaranteed O(n log n)
Is that good? I feel like you're assuming I'm better at this kind of thing than I am :P
quick sort is the fastest (comparison based) sorting algorithm and it has O(n log n) in average and O(n^2) in the worst case (though there are extensions that make it O(n log n) in almost all cases)
and O(n log n) is the proven lower boundary for comparison based sorting
^^^ what he said.
@undergroundmonorail - complexity is not that complex....
@rolfl: except where it gets complex
@rolfl I feel like I could learn it if I really felt like it but
i don't know, video games i guess
1 is good for those times when you can do a direct calculation that does not need scan a data set.
merge sort is one of the simplest algorithms for sorting that I know of
n is good for those times when you know you have to scan all the data.
log n is not great when your data is small, but, when you have lots of data, log n essentially disappears.
Insertion sort is bad, though, right? I'll have no idea what to believe if insertion sort turns out to be good
lots of data basically > 1000....
insertion sort is O(n^2)
So, a sort algorithm of O(n log n) is pretty damn good when n is > 1000
gotta fix a bug introduced by gone-on-vacation incompetent colleague... opens up CustomReports.bas... 51,400 lines of code, kill me now.
@Mat'sMug TTQW?
@Mat'sMug: Didn't the line count already do this?
@Mat'sMug when did you put in your two weeks again?
haven't signed anything, ... yet
Insertion Sort and Bubble Sort are the two that always seemed to me like very "human" strategies for sorting a list. If given a list and was told to sort it, in my head I'd be doing something somewhere between the two, probably. That's why I figured they were terrible, humans are bad at everything :P
@undergroundmonorail I'd say in the real world, you do IList<T>.Sort and move on...
That's the MS world, which is not quite 'real'.
@Mat'sMug Haha. I meant pencil and paper.
@undergroundmonorail: Most sorting algorithms are simple enough to be carried out by humans
@Nobody They can, but by instinct someone told "sort these things" probably isn't going to reinvent quicksort.
@rolfl: Sorting should definitely be provided by any language (-library) that wants to get used
^^^ which is why there is Collections.sort(), and not IList<T>.Sort
@undergroundmonorail: Sure it is not the most intuitive thing to come up with first but after having understood it is the easiest to carry out
@Nobody Yeah, that's what I meant. Like, I might do quicksort, even (depends what my memory is like that day) but my mom wouldn't.
that is not the point
your mom would not come up with it
It's the point I was trying to make at the beginning! :P
but if you show her how to do it and she feels the speed improvement she will use it
Yeah, definitely
I can't remember the last time I did anything in my head other than a 'disorganized' bubble-sort
Like sorting the cards in a hand.....
this goes up, that goes there, check, well, this goes between those, right, done.
One time I tried to do quicksort on my hand in Apples to Apples and not only did nothing end up in the right place at all because I'm terrible, but also 80% of the time it took to do that was thinking "Is J before or after S? Um, before. L, before or after S?..."
I must confess that I also don't use organized sorting when it comes to sorting some things in the real world
at least people don't start bruteforcing: try every permutation and decide if it is sorted :)
In computer science, bogosort (also stupid sort or slowsort) is a particularly ineffective sorting algorithm based on the generate and test paradigm. It is not useful for sorting, but may be used for educational purposes, to contrast it with other more realistic algorithms; it has also been used as an example in logic programming. Description of the algorithm The following is a description of the algorithm in pseudocode: while not isInOrder(deck): shuffle(deck) Running time and termination This sorting algorithm is probabilistic in nature. If all elements to be sorted are distin...
I already had the tab open :P
@rolfl true, I meant List<T>.Sort()`.
this is a randomized algorithm
doing the permutations is deterministic
It's similar
@undergroundmonorail No discussion on sorts is complete without mentioning the sleep-sort.
Sleep sort! <3
but then again: normal human beings are not capable of structured permutations
haha SleepSort FTW!
Sleep sort (in italiano: ordinamento assonnato) è un algoritmo di ordinamento basato sul tempo. Sleep sort lavora associando un contatore ad ogni elemento da ordinare. Ogni contatore è inizialmente impostato con il valore dell'elemeno che deve essere ordinato. I contatori sono poi decrementati alla stessa velocità. Quando un dato contatore finisce, l'elemento associato viene aggiunto alla fine della lista. Poiché i contatori si fermano a seconda della grandezza degli elementi, la lista sarà ordinata una volta che tutti i contatori sono fermi. Può essere implementato utilizzando i timer de...
^^^ always better in italian!
where it is called the 'siesta-sort'.
@rolfl: Isn't siesta spanish?
only in the afternoon
baahhhh pedantic ;)
@rolfl: Is this an instance of: "All these european languages are basically the same"?
> where it is called the 'siesta-sort'.
> where it is actually called the 'ordinamento assonnato'
but, people trying to be witty call it the siesta-sort, because they forget their languages (being bilingual English/Afrikaans does not help me much).
But, the 'sonno-sort' has a ring to it.
I wonder how much Americans can differ between for example Polish and Croatian... for me who's been traveling a lot in Europe and meeting a lot of Europeans, distinguishing most European languages is quite easy. But for others I guess it's very difficult...
haha take anyone from Texas, put 'em next to a New-Yorker and a French-Canadian trying to babble English, you'll notice quite fast enough ;)
lol, yeah... the Texas dialect is quite... special...
Q: Civilization 5 Mod validator part 2

J_mie6Here is another portion of the same program that I would like optimizing (85-95% of the time running the program is spent within this class!!!) so that it runs faster, especially for users who have less powerful computers. Any optimizations for this section of the code would be greatly appreciat...

Q: How can I make this code more secure?

rooz farI am trying to make this code that creates accounts in a cpanel/whm account. could someone please let me know what needs to be done to make this more secure? here is the code: <?php /////// YOUR WHM LOGIN DATA $whm_user = "username"; // reseller username $whm_pass = "password"; // t...

I'm a Newfoundlander (Canada) in Texas and apparently my accent is hilarious to the Texans.
I wonder if @Jamal talks like that? (Where is that Editing-obsessed moderator anyway?)
hey @grovesNL! didn't notice you here! Welcome to the 2nd monitor!
lol then he should pop into here any minute now
@SimonAndréForsberg I swear that I made that edit before coming here. :-P
Thanks @Mat'sMug. Figured this is a better way to connect with this site instead of discussing rules in meta comments.
@grovesNL generally, unless you've been screeched yourself, the NL accent is funny in the rest of canada too... ;-)
@Jamal There you are :)
I wonder how many Jamalizations there's been in the past 12 days?
@rolfl Very true. I'm planning on bringing some screech down here during my next trip home.
how to win friends, and influence people ;-)
Have you been screeched in?
Nope, but my in-laws were, about 3 months ago....
quite the occasion.... I must say
@SimonAndréForsberg IIRC there's a SEDE query for that
@Jamal, I don't see the reason behind your edit! the code already creates accounts so that works fine. I just need to make it more secure! — rooz far 1 min ago
A real screeching-in, not just a tourist thing .... my father-in-law was the minister in Springdale NL for 8 months.... they earned it
@Jamal may I lol?
I'm prefer to not see hundreds of "How can I make this code secure?" titles.
Well, I am pleased for the tag
@rolfl: Good for him. It's a fun tradition and pretty entertaining to watch.
Well, yeah.... I'm a 'bloody immigrant' in Canada (and have been for 13 years now), but I really like some of the traditions you experience all over the place.
Nothing like what I experienced in Texas ... ;-) Don't tell Jamal.
Spent a week in Dallas.... I should dig up the picture I took.... actually, I can't post that one. I got in trouble for it, but the sign on the bank I was working at was something like: Visitors are requested to leave their firearms with the receptionist
@rolfl I moved to Houston in August and it's been quite the change for me. The food is great though.
Yeah, I do enjoy all the firearms restrictions listed on the side of pubs.
Q: Uploading image picker photo ios

MaximilianI have the image picker which retrieves an image from the inbuilt camera: - (void)imagePickerController:(UIImagePickerController *)picker didFinishPickingMediaWithInfo:(NSDictionary *)info { [info objectForKey:UIImagePickerControllerEditedImage]; UIImage *chosenImage = info[UIImagePicke...

I managed to post two heavy C++ template questions on SO in two days. Way to go.
Aha, I don't understand this teacher...
He is asking me to ask another teacher (above him), and he adds that teacher in the CC field of the email
Jeez, I should turn all my joking comments into ads - they're getting more +1s than most of my actual ad suggestions :) — Flambino 27 secs ago
@janos sorry didn't see he had a List<> there, should've looked at it
TTQW, later @all
bye all
bye said @Nobody ever
... I've actually been working today
argh, I hate it when I need to modify my code in an CR answer when I am halfway done with explaining the code
Q: Refactor module for calls to internal image service

Troy WattLooking for help refactoring the following code to follow a Functional Programming paradigm. The first function builds a configuration object with default settings and optional presets, while the buildResourcePath will assemble a url for the image service. getSizedUrl and getSizedSkuUrl returns...

A: Printing the most used words from phrases

skiwiAs others have pointed out the most obvious improvements already, I would like to talk about Java 8. Maybe you cannot use it yet, but I would recommend looking into it and this answer should proivde useful for anyone reading this. My main focus point here will be designing the code such that it ...

Welp... that cost me nearly 40 mins
Was not intending to cost so much...
Java 8 has just been out for a month, and I already start talking about Java 9 in my answers...
Now goodnight all
gnight @skiwi
Q: Alarm Clock Java

user41135I have a question regarding a program that is to run an alarm clock and display the time (HH:MM AM/PM) and also trigger the alarm and display "ringing" at 12:00 AM. I am a beginner in Java and I am a little lost. I believe I have most of the skeletal work done. This is much like another question ...

^ Looks like this beginner hasn't yet heard of indentation (and there were no tabs in the markdown). Should make for a good review.
Here on Code Review we are used to long questions don't worry too much about it. Welcome, btw. I hereby also invite you to our Code Review Chat, feel free to drop in now and then ;) — Vogel612 1 min ago
Definitely need some sleep now. 'Gnight everyone.
Q: Simplifying a path

bazangPlease be super brutal, and treat this as a top technical interview. Thanks! Worst Case Analysis O(n) //please confirm Space complexity : O(n) Problem: Given an absolute path for a file (Unix-style), simplify it. For example, path = "/home/", => "/home" path = "/a/./b/../../c/", => "/c" Cor...

Q: Homework Help - Please fix this

JasonI am trying to complete an assignment, the question is; Write a class encapsulating the concept of daily temperatures for a week. Write the following methods: A constructor accepting an array of seven temperatures as a parameter Accessor, Mutator, toString, an equals methods A method returning h...

^^ do you guys allow homework?
if it's finished
That doesn't look like it is.
Q: Best way to traverse an almost complete undirected weighted graph

user2288240I need help with an optimized solution for the following problem http://acm.ro/prob/probleme/B.pdf. Depending on the cost i either traverse the graph using only new edges, or using only old edges, both of them work, but i need to pass test in a limited number of milliseconds, and the algorithm f...

I hope this is not a bear-trap:
For the future, perhaps you should ask a question at Productivity about how you can be more productive in doing your homework on time. — Simon André Forsberg 16 secs ago
You must be new here ?
Or I've had too few bananas? What do you mean exactly, monkey?
A: Alarm clock with "ringing" functionality

Jeroen VannevelCalendar You created an alarmclock, which is really just a time-representation. A Calendar has both a date and time component. I strongly, strongly suggest you use that so you can let your user define how he wants his date represented and let the API handle fancy stuff like timezones, summer hou...

that code wasn't even close to working
What are we supposed to do with it? Leave it open?
I can't believe how you guys do this all day.
I can't believe how anyone could do anything else all day....lol :)
@SimonAndréForsberg we had the bear-trap incident... ;-)
You must have missed it ;-) happy holiday
@TheDoctor In our defence.... have you seen this... : data.stackexchange.com/codereview/query/167924/…
Umm... ok
I know those are only internet points .... but ....

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