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CR > 3K: 33/80 = 41.25%, 2K: 47/120 = 39.17%
PCG> 3K: 44/80 = 55.00%, 2K: 73/120 = 60.83%
^^ We're beating them with 20K & 10K users, ..but catching up the 2K's will be hard!
I somehow get the feeling I should get on my way to the 2K zone..
not that I were competent enough yet....
@Mat'sMug is the striked out stuff good enough to be unstriked?
TFL = Time for Lunch
lol here it's kinda TTQW....
but I really wanna finish dat refactor and my maven build just broke...
CR y u slow?
@konjin mind explaining?? sure @StackExchange is slow as hell, but good answers need time..
@All anyone possibly know why grepcode searching by stacktrace gives me a 502 on submit?
No idea... it works for me.
fml. gotta love not being able to search for the reason of my FileNotFoundException on rendering of my JSF view...
@Vogel612 grepcode searching by stacktrace? huh?
looks nice..
found the error btw..
@Vogel612 Now that's something I might have use for at work tomorrow
included a template with navigation, refactored a controller, which was providing some URL there and got IndexOutOfRangeException on a nullstring
lost rep, because a user removed on SO =\ such sads
I cant be too mad though, does make it an even number :)
lol #SOUserProblems
^^^^^^^asking for explanation
lol oneboxing broken?
Q: Constructing architecture/design for this ecommerce middleware problem?

user3222249I was asked the below design problem in an interview two months back but that time i did not have any idea about webservices/jms so i could not design it that time. But now after i have gone thru them and know how it works i came up with the design to the best of my ability.I am sure there will ...

one vote short - might bring back a 5K user last seen in December!
A: Looking at this code, would you say I'm an OK coder?

mseancoleVeilig is right and made some very good points +1. There's nothing "horrible" about this code. Everyone can stand to use some improvement somewhere, even professionals. So saying this is "horrible" is just naive and immature. Don't listen to anyone with such negative criticism, especially if they...

vote applied
experimenting a bit:
alright it doesn't get shown...
nope, not deleted posts
yea, i thought it might be unplanned. surprised me a bit.
TTQW though
Q: Milliseconds to Time string & Time string to Milliseconds (performance)

coccoFast Time conversion I'm trying to write a very fast time to string and string to time function. I noticed that on low cpu mobile devices this function has, even if minimal, impact on the performance of the overall canvas animation. Milliseconds to Time string (HH:MM:SS.mss) In this function ...

Wee, finally, 10 comments with a score of 5 on SO
@skiwi And when are you planning on achieving that for CR?
It seems comments are not very often upvoted
or, my comments are not worth upvoting ;)
@SimonAndréForsberg When I have some more free time :)
SO is so much faster to answer than CR pretty much
wow, only 8 times on CR?
yup. I was 3rd :)
4202 on SO
Not that much either
Incoming opinion zombie
@StackExchange ?
Q: What developing tools do you use

Tamer ZiadyDo you use a windows, Mac, or linux developing station? Can you suggest some good code editing software that you like. I am using mostly vi on linux. I am not a web developer; I am a sys admin. So to me vi seemed like a good idea. I am thinking now that I am making my life harder than it should...

@skiwi Geez.... I wonder why...? Could it have something to do with about 50% of the questions on SO are duplicates if people look hard enough?
Q: What developing tools do you use

Tamer ZiadyDo you use a windows, Mac, or linux developing station? Can you suggest some good code editing software that you like. I am using mostly vi on linux. I am not a web developer; I am a sys admin. So to me vi seemed like a good idea. I am thinking now that I am making my life harder than it should...

And the fact that SO has more users, and that reviewing code (well) takes time?
@SimonAndréForsberg Well I can't be arsed to look at the most easy questions usually (like the please find the bug in my code), I take on challening things
And yeah reviewing takes time
interesting. title doesn't say "[on hold]"
@SimonAndréForsberg TS
TSA, I'm starting to learn it!
it's RSA, you horribly failed...
So close but so far away :)
@rolfl Added an, IMO, improved version of your answer to the recent enum question:
A: Saving enum value using name()

Simon André ForsbergI like rolfl's approach, but I have one thing to add which would make it more compact: Use a private constructor of the field for the save value. The biggest benefits is that you don't need to remember to add new enum values to the HashMap. As long as you only use one constructor (which I highl...

@SimonAndréForsberg Except that nobody on SO votes worth beans.
next answer to be posted is #22,400 :) (makes a good 2048 combo eh!)
@Donald.McLean That's true, feels like the average SO question has much less votes than the average CR question.
@Mat'sMug Crap, I should have waited to post my recent answer!
@SimonAndréForsberg My average votes per answer on CR is about 4, on SO, it's less than 1.5
Has anyone else noticed that we are at 96% answered yet?
@Donald.McLean how do you check this
Jamal already noticed this morning
@syb0rg you're late, bud - is your @rob0t side turning into a @StackExchange?
@Mat'sMug I blame my phone :P
A: Chat bot feature requests

Mat's MugAuto-star "lol" posts Give Malachi a break that bot some personality, make it automatically star "lol"-only chat posts in The 2nd Monitor. This way we can keep the meme alive, and spare our stars :)

^^ stolen from @Doorknob's joke
I think I will post the bot to CR's Github soon, so others can add features as they want. I've had so little time for development lately...
@syb0rg that would be an awesome idea!
If someone wants to do that now for me with the code from @rob0t's question, that would be awesome. Otherwise it could be a bit.
As in a few days.
Unless I could figure it out on my phone...
@syb0rg can't find CR question What language is your bot in?
@syb0rg the delay is normally 6-8 weeks ;)
nvm, Ruby it is found question
Don't know Ruby, but it's been on my "perhaps-learn-this-language"-list for a while...
And your bot sounds like a good way to learn it.
@Mat'sMug That is only for SE devs. I am clearly better than them ;)
The changes from the review will still have to be implemented into Github.
@BenVlodgi Add up total votes on all questions, divide by number of questions. Sometimes, you just have to do it Old School!
@Mat :3
@syb0rg Hint: to star a thing, POST to /messages/{id}/star with your fkey
@Doorknob thanks, saw that a little while ago while playing with browser's dev tools ;)
(should have mentioned it yesterday when you were trying to find it)
Q: Why is null being loaded?

Emil David EvangelistaSo on my code, if I load my file, I output 20 players, but then null is outputted as well. My question is why is it getting outputted in the list? I know my methods nextPlayer() and addLast are correct as I added them from a previous assignment. import java.io.IOException; import java.util.Scann...

@Doorknob That one will take 6-8 weeks ;)
Welcome to CR! As it stands, it's not quite clear whether this code is doing what it's intended to be doing. Is it? Make sure you take a look at our help center, questions about understanding code snippets are off-topic on this site ;) — Mat's Mug 18 secs ago
^^ holding back on close vote, but my call would be "off-topic"
oh well, already closed
Shall I migrate this one?
To SO?
it could be already answered.. migration would be useless - we should convince the OP to edit their code to make it working, reviewable code
(and then reopen the question)
How about we give you "the CR experience"? Simply edit your post to contain working code, and then we'll reopen the question and you can get valuable advice about various aspects of your coding style? — Mat's Mug 5 secs ago
@Donald.McLean I think the monkey has a SEDE query for that...
Monkey SEDE ... what?
Here's a @Malachi bot:

Random random = new Random();
while (true) {
int id = random.nextInt();
httpRequest("/messages/" + id + "/star");
I don't have a per-user SEDE for it... but, I imagine someone does ... let me search...
@rolfl For finding the average number of up-votes on your answers you have on a site
Try this one (it is per tag.... but may do...) : data.stackexchange.com/codereview/query/154798/…
If you want to see site-wide statistics: data.stackexchange.com/codereview/query/166314/…
@rolfl I can't find it, but I remember running one ..something like "top answerers", it showed avg.score and ranked site users by answer score....
It doesn't like my user ID, and SEDE is behaving strangely when I try to log in.
Ahhh. I have no idea what my numeric ID is.
@SimonAndréForsberg @rolfl has the OP edited it to be working code (I'm not sure)? codereview.stackexchange.com/revisions/45339/4
Never miss a cross-selling opportunity!
A: What threats come from CRLF in email generation?

200_successHere is an example of a PHP mail-generating script that is vulnerable to a CRLF-injection attack. In essence, the problematic code was: $email=$_POST['email']; $headers="From: {$email}\r\nReply-To: {$email}"; //create headers mail('[email protected]',$subject,$content,$headers); //mails it In ...

Q: Possible optimizations for JS function

user2978301I'm currently facing a problem where I have to shift data in a multidimensional JS array in different directions but I think the first solution I whipped up is not as efficient as it could be (some fancy math I don't know of maybe?). Let me explain the problem a bit better with some examples of ...

@Mat'sMug nope, he's still asking about altering the behavior.
@Mat'sMug Technically it is not working code, but, it is so, so close.
I see the problem, it is an easy fix
As it stands, it is better on SO, but.... with a comment..... maybe....
@200_success I'd upvote if I had a Security account.... wait a minute, I do!
@rolfl that was my thought, I think we should help the OP make that quick fix and keep the question here, opened. There's plenty to review there IMO.
@rolfl wait a comment? How long will it take for you to post the comment we should wait for?
Oh, with a comment. Didn't see that...
@Mat'sMug Totally agree. There really is plenty to review.
@200_success +1'd :)
@Mat'sMug - the problem is that bowmore's answer indicates what the problem is (he's right).
So, by fixing the code in the question, it invalidates an answer.
Then let's suggest the asker to post a new, fixed version?
yes but the answer is not an answer from a CR point of view
I think this is utter bureaucratic craziness
Well, it is an answer to the actual question. The only problem is that the original question is off-topic.
Correct, but I would guess that the OP will be happy to have his code working, and not particularly care about a review ;-)
I'm back.
@rolfl Then we'd tell him that we would care about reviewing it :)
^^ that's my point
@Donald.McLean too much work. need a script
@Mat'sMug What is your definition for "not an answer" exactly? If there'd be an "not an answer" flag to that answer, I'd invalidate the flag without a doubt.
@BenVlodgi I found it. 11582
@SimonAndréForsberg no worries, I wouldn't flag that as NAA. The point was, a SO answer to an off-topic-better-fit-for-SO question is not a CR answer, by definition!
Once you have corrected your while loop, why don't you post the working code as a new question as there are a number of items that could do with some review attention... ;-) . — rolfl 28 secs ago
@Mat'sMug What's the definition? (and where?)
why the heck not migrate it then?
@Vogel612 it's useless, it's already answered and fixed!
Q: How do I properly use the "Not an Answer" flag?

Robert Harvey What is the "Not an Answer" flag? What is the purpose of this flag? When should I use this flag? When should I not use this flag? Return to FAQ index See Also What is an acceptable answer?

migrate and make OP post anew Question with fixed code
@Vogel612 Because we're not @Jamal.
and then be over with it.
damn where is the diamond when you need him ;)
(almost starred that)
This answer instantly makes me think: WWJ8D? (What Would Java 8 Do?)
A: Saving enum value using name()

Brent WordenIf you are using Java 7 or later, a really concise string-to-enum translation method using a can be constructed using a switch statement: public static ComponentState toEnum(String name) { if (name == null) { return null; } switch(name) { // handle removed enum values ...

@Donald.McLean what is 11582?
@Jamal Possible migration candidate: codereview.stackexchange.com/questions/45339/… . Only problem is: It's already answered.
@SimonAndréForsberg Java 8 would just be awesome.
@skiwi It always is.
i'd propose migrating either way..
Q: structure a webapp using requirejs

mzmm56i've written a small webapp in javascript, and am now essentially rewriting it to use requirejs. i'm doing this partly to get more familiar with requirejs (which i have little experience with), as well as for ease of maintaining and upgrading the app. i'm hoping to get feedback on whether the s...

looks off topic just by title...
@Mat'sMug From what I can tell by that post, there's nothing saying that it isn't an answer.
@syb0rg What's going down with @rob0t?
@Vogel612 Doesn't seem to be as off-topic as the title suggests... not entirely sure it's on-topic, but it certainly looks on-topic.
@SimonAndréForsberg ok bad wording, I meant not a review ...better?
@Mat'sMug Yes, but not a review and not an answer are two entirely different things. Even if this was posted to a real CR question, I'd upvote it all over - if this was an obvious flaw.
@200 It went offline for some unknown reason, and I can't access it since I'm in Italy.
Although I'm a bit curious about if there's a definition for what a review is...
@200 It went offline for some unknown reason, and I can't access it since I'm in Italy.
12 mins ago, by Mat's Mug
I think this is utter bureaucratic craziness
@Mat'sMug Totally agree.
@BenVlodgi My numeric user ID on Code Review for use in SEDE queries.
@syb0rg Were you running it from your home machine?
And yet, pretty much everything cool in Java 8 is already in Scala (and in some cases, better than Java 8). HA!
@200 Yes, a dedicated Raspberry Pi.
@Donald.McLean Trust me, I will be very happy once Java has something that Scala doesn't :)
(@syb0rg gets home, finds a toasted pie)
@syb0rg Worth saying twice, isn't it ;-)
@syb0rg Clearly rob0t wants to take a vacation in Italy.
@SimonAndréForsberg Java does have two things that Scala doesn't.
@Donald.McLean Errors and warnings?
Users and paid jobs?
Me and Simon?
@rolfl That'd be the best! :)
I'm a user, and I'm paid to use it.
Bah, Italy has flaky internet. And again I blame my phone :P
@syb0rg I'd blame Italy :P
Probably siesta time in Italy... ;-)
Actually three. Increment operators, static functions in regular classes, and enumerations.
Scala doesn't have i++?
no enums in Scala? I don't see the day @SimonAndréForsberg will start using it then!
By enumerations, do you mean enum or the Enumeration<E> interface? (or something else)
Ahh, I have to go now. I'll see if I can get that @rob0t code posted on Github tonight from my phone. Unfortunately it won't have my review changes implemented. :/
@syb0rg Good. Maybe someone will find a better place to host it.
@SimonAndréForsberg Thank goodness, no.
@Donald.McLean I expect there will be a "... but Scala has something much better ..." ?
@200 I've been looking at a VPS.
@syb0rg I got a server in my kitchen that's online 24/7 that can probably host it, just need to know what I need in order to run it.
@SimonAndréForsberg It's one of those topics that comes up frequently. "enum" - and Java interface can be implemented in a Scala class.
So there is no need for enum because there is an alternative that works in the same way?
@Sim I'll get back to you on that in a bit.
@SimonAndréForsberg There's no enum and there is not, so far as I know, a replacement, better or otherwise.
@Donald.McLean so... hurray magic numbers??
@Mat'sMug No, I use lots of const values, or groups of value objects.
groups of value objects does sound very much like an outline for an enum...
@Mat'sMug Almost for me too. 20 min
@Donald.McLean I see, I have seen some people writing those arround here
Q: Template with boost::operators

hivertI got the following ugly code: template < class _Coeff, unsigned _nVars, typename _Expo=int, template <class, class> class _Map = _Map > class Polynomial : boost::ring_operators< Polynomial<_Coeff,_nVars,_Expo,_Map> , boost::addable < Polynomial<_Coeff,_nVa...

@Donald.McLean too
@syb0rg - you're #2, BTW.Real.
Q: Java: Beginner code improvements?

user3439490fairly new to coding in general and Java in particular. Below is some code I have written today to test out some bits I have learnt. It isn't much nor is it spectacular. Please critique and let me know what I could/should have done differently or anything I could do to improve it so far. Thanks....

@SimonAndréForsberg should be While(starCount>0)
the guy accepted my answer but didn't award me the bounty???
I've been mostly invisible, still goodnight to all :)
Goodnight @skiwi
and to all, a good night!
Q: Calculate Suitability Score program

DexoboxI am a beginner in C++ and learning from textbook. I find it hard to jump into oops concepts as i have used C a lot. Here is a interview question i came across: Problem Statement Our marketing department has just negotiated a deal with several local merchants that will allow us to offer...

@rolfl The user links and username columns should be merged.
Yes, and no.... it is nice to click on the user-link, but you can sort alphabetically on the display name (not the user-link.... go figure).
(method in the madness).
Ah. A bit silly whomever came up with that logic
The link is just a 'decorator' for the ID, so when you sort on the link I believe it sorts alphabetically on the URL of the user's profile page (which is essentially the alphabetical ID order).
Dang it, I can't add a Github repo from the Android app :(
Think it is time to have a giggle at @Jamal's expense.... we won't multimention it though...: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/45342/revisions
Thanks for the title correction, monkey. :-) That's the last time I edit during class...
Pay attention to your teachers!
Nothing was going on yet!
Q: Design of physics with Collision Detection using SFML

VemuloI found out that in Visual Studio 2012, it is possible to create project of SFML easily with a template. I am not experienced C# programmer. Hence I wanted to implement a physics component just for practice purpose. PhysicsManager Class contains all the physical objects: public sealed class Phy...

@Mat'sMug Yes I see no reason to write nor to wiki canonical/fake/parody/textbook questions. There's a reason to write canonical/exemplary answers and to wiki those answers. You can link to such exemplary answers in the language's tag wiki. The questions which prompt each such answer can be any real/ordinary question which deserves it. You can have several such real questions, each with different problems, each with its own (different) canonical answer.
Meta Incoming!
Q: Keeping 'Competitive Results' private

rolflThis suggested edit just came through: Project Euler #4 - Largest Palindrome Product (Currently the edit is approved, but it can be reversed later, if needed) The comment attached to the edit is: Add spoiler for the output, because Euler project solutions should be kept secret Now, that r...

Q: Are these C# and Python code snippets functionally identical?

HackworthI have been reffered to this site by SO, I'll just c&p the question if that's ok: So I have a bit of Python source code that I want to recreate in C#. The code is about reading and decrypting a binary file. I have tested the function on an existing file and it runs without errors; while the resu...

Q: Is passing big objects by value in non-performance critical code a good practice?

Martin DrozdikThe common practice is to pass big objects by constant reference: void f(const std::string& left, const std::string& right); void f(const std::map<double, std::string>& map); However: void f(std::string left, std::string right); void f(std::map<double, std::string> map); is: more readable...

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