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Basically, iterate over them.
@Malachi I don't recall a single verse in the Bible saying to upvote questions on SE sites.
@Hosch250 I don't recall that verse either.
I'm sure there are Eric Lippert's on all sites.
@Malachi That's good.
I'm going to try writing a query for all SE sites, that ranks them.
And if you are counting answers in that query, the religious sites get a LOT of spammy answers.
@Hosch250 This is only questions.
I can easily make it answers, though.
Code Review has the best percentage of Positive questions, even when compared to Tex
I need to get back to work though
@Hosch250 You have heard people say, “Love your neighbors and hate your enemies.” But I tell you to love your enemies and pray for anyone who mistreats you.
Closest, I think.
@Mast Not the same at all.
you should also save the query and post the link @EBrown
But you'd have to make it a question on Hermeneutics to be sure ^^
@Malachi I will when it's done.
Downvoting is not hating.
@Hosch250 I said closest, not 'the same'. You won't find anything like that.
Also, "Spare the rod and spoil the child."
Spare the downvotes, nobody gets educated to post good questions.
@Hosch250 That's the Old Testament. SE is New Testamental (I hope)
Hopefully a bit of both, actually
@Mast Jesus said "I have not come to abolish the Law, but to fulfill it."
I might need @rolfl for this.
The NT doesn't invalidate the OT.
I know.
@Hosch250 no it doesn't. but we are getting very far from topic here....
@EBrown well done.
@rolfl I need help with a SEDE query, sir.
@Malachi I agree, I'll shut up.
@RubberDuck Thanks, currently working on a way to query all sites at once, though.
good points though probably better suited for The Upper Room or the Library
okay guys. serious question
What's the squar root of -1?
can I post part of a SQL where statement?
@rolfl i
@rolfl i
or j if you're into electronics
I think I broke SEDE.
OK..... good, we're all i's.
It's all good.
@EBrown - the stats are misleading because on Code Review we are really good at 2 things....
I think I missed the joke.
@Malachi SQL fragments? as a CR question? expect an unwelcoming community ;-)
most of the query won't make sense because of the amount of tables involved,
@rolfl Well the stats won't lie.
They do.
stats tell the story you want them to tell
but the code works, and I am looking for a better way to write that part of the where statement
Two things, 1. we downvote bad questions and close them fast. 2. downvoted and not answered questions are auto-deleted.
These stats tell an interesting story.
Those stats have no deleted questions.
Q: Floating point equality in "Numbers.java"

ambigram_makerFloating point inaccuracies are really annoying. I understood that in its true sense while developing the next version of Point (this time I'm actually foolproofing my code). Before I upload it for review, I want a class that I wrote, called Numbers to be reviewed. Numbers.java package library....

@rolfl that
the internet must be busy today
They might not have deleted questions, but they still have a nifty story to tell.
I guess that I could post the whole code....
or the major portion.
StackOverflow.Ru has pretty crappy stats.
28.07% voted above zero.
In Soviet Stack Overflow, posts downvote you.
And somehow the Portuguese site has no questions below 0.
They must have all theirs deleted.
@rolfl do you think there is any security risk if I post a production ready SQL Query, to my Database?
Workplace has the highest percent of non-deleted below-zero voted questions.
@Malachi What's the downside, a full time position as a customer of your employer?
Is there an easy way to print the number that the record corresponds to in order as a column in a query?
I am not giving any information, and the query has to be run on the Database right?
@Malachi - where I work I can't do that, where you work, I have no idea. Ask your boss.
he has told me that the code I write is my code.
@rolfl I'm not allowed to do it either.
Then again, at IBM, the code is our property, and giving it away is frowned on.
to be safe, I just won't
Also, you work for the criminal justice system, surely there issomeone you can ask....?
Code Review ranks 100th when ordering these results by the percentage of questions voted to the negatives.
@Malachi that's the best choice when you're not sure
Meaning, 99 sites have higher percentages of questions voted negative.
	AND (
			(@SearchType = 'criminal' AND Code IN ('CRI', 'MAG', 'POA'))
			OR (@SearchType = 'protection' AND Code IN ('FPO', 'STA', 'DOM'))
			OR (@SearchType = 'both' AND Code IN ('CRI', 'MAG', 'POA', 'FPO', 'STA', 'DOM'))
that is what I figured out yesterday for simplifying my case statement/if statement
@EBrown link?
@Malachi Getting one around.
100 out of how many?
@Zak There are 147 that it queried.
We are at position 100/147.
don't know how easy, but could you filter by a minimum activity level?
It sounds like your code works, but you're unsure of your solution. This would probably be better served on Code Review. — Steve 44 secs ago
@Zak I can filter by a minimum number of questions posted, easily.
see if Firefox plays nicer
that would be interesting. I hypothesize that among sites which are large enough to not be micro* sites (for some value of questions), we're noticeably nicer
in relation to the others
If we assume that sites with more than 25,000 questions are acceptable (which includes Code Review) we move from 100/147 to 24/28.
who are the other 4?
Which is good, by the way.
Stats, Gis, Sharepoint and Tex all have lower downvoted question percentages than us.
But, this doesn't include deleted questions.
@IntensifierDescriptorMan You cannot vote on your own questions/answers/comments/messages.
lol, forgot they were questions only
Oh wow.
> All the SEDE question voting patterns!
You cannot use that as a title for a Question on CR.
@Malachi That's great. My previous employer claimed all code I wrote, possibly even that in my spare time. By contract.
Because question and ! cannot be in titles.
> All the SEDE voting patterns on questions
Is acceptable.
A: Negativity specific to CR

EBrownTo throw some more accurate numbers into the mix: Here is the query for the following results: http://data.stackexchange.com/codereview/query/358329#resultSets As of 1 Sept 2015 14:26 UTC-4, there were the following breakdowns for questions (on SEDE, which is always behind): Code Review: 2650...

More data in there.
Here is the super query to see for yourself: data.stackexchange.com/meta.stackexchange/query/358351/…
Apparently Workplace is the most unwelcoming out of all of them.
hw on earth does a community like Wordpress function when 2/3 of their questions are either 0 or negative?
@Zak Where do you see that?
You mean Workplace?
@Zak No idea. But who uses wordpress anyway?
Oh, yeah. Same thing with StackOverflow.Ru.
aw, my pinned start aren't pinned anymore :(
In the Russian Who Wants to be a Millionaire game show, the audience often gives wrong answers intentionally. You'd be lucky to get right answers at all on SO.RU.
SO - 4.8 Million questions at 0
That's interesting.
3 of those are mine
> Msg 8169, Level 16, State 2, Line 6
Conversion failed when converting from a character string to uniqueidentifier.
I need one more upvote here.
declare @SupplyOrders table (
    cam_groupid uniqueidentifier
insert into @SupplyOrders(cam_groupid) (
    /* All desired order GUIDs with `union` in between selects: */
    select '9F845AB4-29D3-4E88-896C-957508958E3'
select * from CustomerAppMessages
    cam_groupid in (select cam_groupid from @SupplyOrders)
order by cam_inserted asc
I swear this was working earlier today... :|
It's missing a number.
957508958E3 is short a digit.
OMG nice catch, I would've looked for that all day
@Mast make sure you read everything that you sign. don't sign if you aren't willing to abide by all the terms.
@Malachi I read it and knew what I was getting into.
It was a half-year contract though, a one-off.
I'd never sign a long-term contract with such clauses.
I'd never really appreciated how much SO dominates the traffic for the SE network
@EBrown your first link only gives 4 numbers....???
@Malachi Yeah, that one was only for one site at a time.
The second link set gives all the sites.
Below More data!.
77% of all questions on the SE network are on SO, and it account for 86% and 87% of all the 0-voted and negative questions
I'm amazed 14 mods is enough
Make that 18
@200_success Great link, thanks.
anyway, TTGTB. Monknight @all
@SimonAndréForsberg Wish granted ;-) Here
Seriously... writing code is one thing.... debugging it is another entirely different [thing/nightmare].
Writing programs with very few bugs and then needing to debug is even worse
@skiwi Wow.. you found bugs in my code already?
@ambigram_maker that's why we don't write clever code. programmers spend 10% of their time writing code, 90% reading it. Code is at least twice as hard to debug than to write; if you write clever code that you don't know how you got to work, how do you expect to be able to debug it? ;-)
@EthanBierlein Hello
@EthanBierlein Its like 1:48 am in India. ;-)
Oh lol. It's about 3:20 PM in Minnesota.
Yeah... I should probably go to sleep now... lol
@Mat'sMug How much of the time is spent writing tests?
@skiwi that's the other 90%
Ah, right :)
cough cough
10% + 90% + 90% fits in my schedule, I don't see the issue
the other 10% is sleeping I guess sleep is for the weak
No, that's calculating
@Mat'sMug Sleep is unnecessary.
@200_success Looks very random at the moment. Was there a purpose to it earlier/later today?
Why was that flagged?
(apparently falling nose-first on the keyboard is deemed offensive)
Irrelevant message (I assume it was an internet snore...)
@Mat'sMug That got flagged?
Wow. I should post more keyboard smashing and accumulate all the flags.
yes. and mod-deleted (I removed it) ...and it didn't ban me somehow
@Hosch250 So many messages are irrelevant in SE chat.
SE Podcasts being random is not surprising.
> So many messages are irrelevant in SE CR chat.
@Mat'sMug Now I'm thinking about the poor soul who tried it the first time, when it would ban him.
60/100 days knocked out for [badge:fanatic]!
Q: Reading awkward text fields

sunnyI have written nested while loops to read in some of the columns in a text file that looks like this: comp id subreddit created ranks recorded_at rank_length 0 3ckf7b pics 1436373189.0 [1, 1, 3, 5] [1436392502, 1436396101, 1436399701, 1436403301] 4.0 0 3csv79 Upli...

Those numbers on [badge:electorate] bother me.
@EBrown So vote one more time.
Vote on more posts ;!
Problem solved.
@Mast Just did.
I just don't tend to vote a lot.
I know a post you can downvote.
@Hosch250 What one is that?
@Hosch250 That's on Meta
BTW, it is in the close vote queue.
I voted UWYA.
Downvoted already anyway.
What is he asking anyway? That we change the voting costs?
That is a question for SE.Meta, not, CR.Meta.
Q: Derpifying Images

irywJust wondering if there was someone out there that could offer help in optimizing my script which "derpifies" images. <?php /** * If you don't understand what this does * you have no hope as a programmer. * */ function usage ( ) { // Ahhh the marvels of echo, such a wonderful tool // yet...

0 upvotes, 29 downvotes.
That's thé indication you're doing something wrong.
@Mast It could be the indication you are being a troll.
Favourited 8 times...
If that keeps up, he'll even pull a badge from it.
Probably because of the answers.
@Mast That question was discussed a while ago
@IsmaelMiguel I know.
I've been around for a while
@nhgrif Uh, I found this on google: zeering.com/…
@IsmaelMiguel If we both know, we should really stop stating the obvious, don't we think?
Yeah, we have CaptainObvious for that
@EthanBierlein You know how to report such things?
There are a couple of such sites around.
@Mast Nope
If they don't award attribution, they're illegal and actively hunted down.
Hmm, I'll send an email to the Stack Exchange team or something.
Yup, got it.
Please indicate what problems you are having (compile errors, runtime segfaults, etc.); if you are just interested in a code review, that's a separate stack exchange — Foon 7 secs ago
Q: Organising a javascript file

Rob MorrisI have a javascript (jQuery) 'init' file with various variables/event handlers and functions that are currently written in no particular order. I've read that it's good to organise these by declaring variables at the top of the file, using an init function and binding event handlers etc. Here is ...

@EthanBierlein if you click the "View Answer" link, it gets you to SO
but yeah the Q should require attribution too
A link really isn't enough.
@nhgrif your selfie is on zeering
They're still just putting it there without attribution to the question, the user, or Stack Exchange.
@Mat'sMug I've already linked him to it.;-)
@EthanBierlein indeed
I think I'm finally catching the hang of
if this code is working as intended and you want it reviewed for e.g. readability, best practices etc. Feel free to bring it over to codereview.stackechange.comZak 44 secs ago
@Mat'sMug I've seen worse, where they had copy the answer as well and everything was showed on their site
I rather liked how the community rallied around it
@Zak If you don't know, skip it.
@EthanBierlein you used the dedicated box to report scrapers in the contact form?
@Zak That should not be a point of interest when reviewing such things.
It either deserves closing or it doesn't.
too bad there's no badge for hitting -10
@Mat'sMug There's a badge for removing it.
can't be removed now
Answers do that, yea
@Mat'sMug would have been a nice consolation prize....
[badge:wrong-question] - asked a meta question that scored -10 or less
[badge:wrong-answer] - posted a meta answer that scored -10 or less
the irony? suggesting these on MSE will most certainly earn you them badges
@Zak No. It's a valid question, just presented … um… ungracefully. Let's just drop the issue. Don't feed the troll by taking further provocative action.
@Mat'sMug No, it will earn you the appropriate amount of votes. Not the badges ^^
A: Optimal method for writing bytes to file

Donald.McLeanGiven the care and effort that has been put into performance within the JVM and Java standard libraries, it is a virtual certainty that the second implementation will be faster. However, does it really matter? Worrying about optimization is generally only useful if the system performance is inad...

Hey thanks for the feedback, appreciate the response! Been awhile the class has evolved a bit since then. But the general feedback is always good. — Justin 3 hours ago
On a three year old post
@200_success I asked because it was already in the review queue for closing
@Quill waking the dead? ;-)
@Quill Is that as in syncing an address book, rather than a concurrency issue?
no clue
@Mat'sMug waking the long dead and rotten
Q: When only an Async method is available

Bill GreerI have a Windows 10 Universal App (IoT) project with a class called SignalQueue. My class requires a file called MyFile.txt so I want to make sure it exists in the constructor and if it does not, then I create it. There is only an Async method of creating a file in a Windows Universal App. Is m...

sounds more like TTGTB
yeah.. I didn't have much sleep last night
1 hour ago, by Mat's Mug
the other 10% is sleeping I guess sleep is for the weak
in my face... @Zak weren't you... gone to sleep?! ;-)
> Check organisation analyzers of Vannevelj #27
@Mat'sMug I was intending to, then CR drew me back in :)
sounds familiar
but now I will actually be going. Night.
Sounds familiar alright.
The other night, I meant to go to bed, but I started discussing RD.
I didn't get to bed until 1 that night, so I had to go to bed at 11 last night.
I meant to be coding yesterday. Instead I wrote a meta.
Thank you, Santa.
@Mat'sMug isn't there a way to report those? Meta SO?
@nhgrif there's a dedicated checkbox in the contact us form, to report scrapers
oy. I was just going to post an answer on generics but someone beat me too it. :/
@EthanBierlein Stop editing that answer.
There's nothing wrong with it's current form, defend why your edit makes it better or leave it be.
markdown syntax for numbered lists, for the record, goes like this:
(yes, all items are #1)
@Mat'sMug I've never used a space the number before.
Leading space is optional.
hmm I always prefix lists with a space for some reason
You can also use an ascending count.
@Mat'sMug Me too
but all-ones makes it easier to reorder ideas ;-)
Ah, that is a very good point.
(quite arguable for a 2-point list, but still)
It should have list formatting if the user wants to have a list.
@EthanBierlein Why?
It's easier to read.
It add's more whitespace, and it's more clear to the reader that they're looking at a list of items.
It's a fresh user. A first post.
If you edit something: TELL THEM WHY!
ORDER BY 1,5,4,2,6 -- WHY!?...
@EthanBierlein Better :-)
Anyway, TTGTB
Ladies and gentleman, your shitpost of the day:
Q: Can Comcast see me naked?

SaraI got a new laptop within the last month or so and have started my own adult entertainment website. I have a TON of success on here, but that's besides the point. Recently I have had more Comcast guys show up at my door asking me if I need all sorts of work done. They seem kind of like creeps an...

I will vote to delete this, if all are in agreement ▼▼▼▼
A: Nested object to hierarchical object list

JotchIf you wanna work with LINQ, probably the code below could help you: public IList<Layer> GetLayers() { IList<Layer> data = Db.GetLayers(); IList<Layer> hierarcy = new List<Layer>(); data.Where(x => x.ParentId == 0).ToList().ForEach(x => hierarcy.Add(x...

This question seems too broad, and I don't think it's to do with computer hardware or software. It would be better on the security SE maybe — Mrfunny744 38 mins ago
whatever happened to don't migrate crap
This is more a question for stackexchange CodeReview. Add your question there and I can write you an answer and describe my jsFiddle. Please have a look at this fiddle so you'll get an idead how you could refactor your code. — AWolf 39 secs ago
@Mat'sMug I don't think it actually cares about the ascending count -- you can write whatever number you fancy. Ergo: you don't have to think about re-ordering
Please note, if this is migrated to Code Review, the title must describe the purpose of the code, not asking to improve it. — Ethan Bierlein just now
This is really more of a Code Review question, which is a separate Stack Exchange site, rather than a Stack Overflow question. Whilst your code is indeed terrible, it's not an inherently bad code review question. — Puppy 57 secs ago
in Cardshifter TCG, 8 mins ago, by Stack Exchange
posted on September 01, 2015 by Guillaume Laforge

Is it really already September? Time flies so fast in the Groovy ecosystem, and although the northern hemisphere was taking some Summer vacation breaks (at least that’s what I did!) there was quite a bit of interesting content published! Regarding events, after successful and busy Greach, GR8Conf US/EU conferences, we’re getting ready for September’s

check the bottom of the "Articles" section
Groovy looks pretty cool.
Except for the lack of semicolons.
@Mat'sMug wut. Bug or feature?
Something about a lack of semicolons in a Java-like language makes me twitch a little.
@EthanBierlein You can put the semicolons in if you want ;p
wow, check out the answers to this ELU question...a lot of them do not fit --> english.stackexchange.com/q/270528/48140
If your code is working, you should move the question to codereview.stackexchange.com, that's the site more focused on improving the code — Darth Hunterix 10 secs ago
I just lost 4 reputation points on ELU
TTGH finally
I think I may be starting a large flame war.
So... Is it a bad idea to create a model in MVC that contains a list? For the life of me I'm having trouble coming up with a sensible way to add/remove items from it.
I just posted a comment on this Javascript code here.
The comment reads:
> This code is horrendous. There are style issues everywhere, lack of whitespace, variable and function names are bad, there are awful comments splattered all over the place, and it's designed in a very rigid, functional way. Honestly, this code looks like someone smashed a keyboard until something that worked came out. Your profile description of "very good programmer" is not accurate in any way whatsoever. Do you even know any other languages?
@EthanBierlein Perhaps you should recommend them to come here.
Over the top @EthanBierlein
Be nice
Working on a nice comment now
With some suggestions.
Why not just work on a nice answer?
It's not on Stack Exchange.
I can't post an "answer".
what the carp is up with that meta rant by [random user with only consonants]. .....
smn wth n x t grnd pprntly
The user was (I assume) mad that one of their posts got downvoted and closed, so they decided to "troll" meta.
@RubberDuck way over the top
@EthanBierlein I was actually wondering how nobody told them they were a troll
@Vogel612 Which one?
Q: Negativity specific to CR

wvxvwFirst of all, some simple statistics. codereview.stackexchange.com 26490 - questions asked 345 - rated negatively 1.3% (negative of the total) tex.stackexchange.com 94800 - questions asked 150 - rated negatively 0.16% (negative of the total) I counted pages, this is why the number of quest...

Ethan was faster
needed to reopen 2 tabs.
I had the tab open
@EthanBierlein -14? Seriously :o
That's rather negative.
I think it's the lowest voted question on meta..
@EthanBierlein you can use semicolons if you want to, you just don't have to
Which reminds me..
I come here, after an evening of enjoyable time with my friends...
and the chat is filled with groovy and whatever talk, but meta has a question burning...
Chat has been burning for hours today already
don't mind me then
@JeroenVannevel Chat burning? I was around for the meta burning, but not chat. What happened?
burning as in: it was discussed here at length
So... Really. That asp MVC thing.... Anyone ever modeled a complex object before? I don't really want to manage its list of children in a different controller/view.
Modeled how?
Bbiab. Sry.
Q: Using $_POST and $_SESSION - passing variables between pages

WesI have an index page which gets passed $_POST['timestart'] and $_POST['timeend'] variables. In addition, I have a cart page that has variables passed to it from the index page, and it passes variables back (with header) to the index page depending on what is done. In order to retain the initial...

It was time for me to add my answer:
A: Negativity specific to CR

Simon André Forsberg First of all, some simple statistics. (...) I participate in several other SE sites, and until today I only had this vague feeling that TeX is kinda welcoming and Codereview is not so much. I understand that you have good intentions by posting statistics, but there are a couple of probl...

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