On the Nominations page, why is it "meta participation" that is used to describe nominees' participation and not just "site participation" or "Ask Ubuntu participation" or "Stack Exchange participation"?
1.) Except for helpful flags, the data is from meta.
2.) The participation data itself is meta-data.
3.) Meta participation is "more important" in regards to a moderator's work, as it pretty much details how to deal with what, which is the kind of stuff a moderator has to sort out.
@gertvdijk Look, elections are meant to be serious, but anything coming from that guy needs to be a joke, lets take it that way...
@gertvdijk oh, that, would assume that the people that do it would be somehow involved already with the site to be able to do it and ofc if anything goes bad we kill it.
I have a David vs Goliath case here involving a teen moderator on Stack Overflow. His display name is BoltClock.
I'm a low reputation SO user (less than 150 points) who was recently suspended for Voting Irregularities by BoltClock. Eventually the mistake was corrected by another non-teen moderat...
@Manishearth What with me helping with our Cleanup, lurking the Regulators Room and having a helpful flag per day with "only" 1k rep and a couple of months here, and active Meta participation, I'd say "quite much, but refinable".
@TheLordofTime I agree with @FEichinger, you don't need 3k rep to get an understanding of close voting. The more helpful flags you have, the more you understand close voting.
@Manishearth I would prefer to improve it alongside closing it, so the resulting answer is viable for a Q&A format - after all, the issue should still be described in the best manner possible, when found. I've often suggested edits alongside flagging in the review queue (sometimes it's just not doable on the spot), and I find this the most beneficial in the long run, even if it takes a little more effort when dealing with a post.
@FEichinger Good answer -- closing is supposed to be used as a "timeout" for questions needing improvements. One should always close if a question is closeable, regardless of it's salvageability :)