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@TheLordofTime Like, there are a dozen of moderators under the age of 18, and the vast majority are either 15 or 16.
I linked to that post for one reason: Because I wanted to make everyone think long and hard.
Also, SE doesn't care about age. I specifically asked them. As long as you're 13+, you're ok.
you aren't fast enough to stop me from seeing things.
I can't be when you're a mod :P
not to mention room owner.
But even I saw it. :P
no, you can't when I've got the tab open and I'm looking at it intently, wishing for it to tell me your secrets.
@Seth :)
4 hours later…
On the Nominations page, why is it "meta participation" that is used to describe nominees' participation and not just "site participation" or "Ask Ubuntu participation" or "Stack Exchange participation"?
1.) Except for helpful flags, the data is from meta.
2.) The participation data itself is meta-data.
3.) Meta participation is "more important" in regards to a moderator's work, as it pretty much details how to deal with what, which is the kind of stuff a moderator has to sort out.
Alles Klar. Danke! Hope I got that right ;)
You did. :)
5 hours later…
@vasa1 This would be a valuable question on meta. Perhaps you and @FEichinger could ask and answer it there?
@EliahKagan Okay, I did my part ... just a copy/paste job!
Have to say: I hate all the candidates nominated until now...
Ops! Wrong chat! :)
@EliahKagan: I can't see your Nomination...
1 hour later…
@BrunoPereira ouch. I hope you weren't talking about the elections for AU.
@BrunoPereira That is so mean of you! :(
All candidates suck, just in different ways.
@jrg Come on. Nobody's perfect.
Or, as Bill Murray says: "People are morons". Including myself.
@jrg That is fully true.
@EliahKagan you going to run?
OK, I recall Qbi nominating himself earlier. He has since withdrawn it seems.
Good the first guy to go against me is @TheLordofTime
@jokerdino Aaaaah, yeh, you're right.
@jrg No, I don't think so. I'm honored people want me to run, but I really cannot commit to being a moderator right now. Thx though!
I think Evan Carroll just withdrew.
That just didn't happen.
Oh, it did.
I'm afraid it did.
@jokerdino LOL
Given the past incidents, I am quite surprised.
Nice news!
Which one was he?
@EliahKagan Had you run, my first vote would have went to @EliahKagan :)
How sweet :)
@jokerdino it is
Now the evil @TheLordofTime is trying to make me withdraw:P
@FEichinger That is actually sad, was eager to hear all the blabbering and mindless logic's of his answers during the town hall activity :(
@BrunoPereira Same here. :(
I was disappointed. Takes all the fun of reading nomination comments.
It may be fun, but it's not constructive. Reading other nominations of him earlier and other sites are fun enough imo.
By the way, can current moderators moderate the nominations?
@gertvdijk No, else this would be a dictatorship...
@BrunoPereira yes, but if noone can flag or moderate it, then it's an easy target for spam, isn't it?
@gertvdijk Look, elections are meant to be serious, but anything coming from that guy needs to be a joke, lets take it that way...
@gertvdijk oh, that, would assume that the people that do it would be somehow involved already with the site to be able to do it and ofc if anything goes bad we kill it.
@gertvdijk I'm sure SE employees can moderate the election.
@Seth \o
Hello :)
There's @AmithKK going into the dragons mouth nominating himself.
@Seth yey. back at 14
1 hour later…
@EliahKagan Oh man. :(
@FEichinger I just wanted to clear this up. I DID NOT WITHDRAW. I was expelled from the election.
They were scarred that I would win. And, rightfully so.
There seem to be a lot of teen candidates
@EvanCarroll Yep. I'm totally buying that.
It may be interesting to read the following meta post (specifically the answers, the question is utter nonsense)
Q: Evaluating the risks of allowing teen moderators on the SE network

user774411I have a David vs Goliath case here involving a teen moderator on Stack Overflow. His display name is BoltClock. I'm a low reputation SO user (less than 150 points) who was recently suspended for Voting Irregularities by BoltClock. Eventually the mistake was corrected by another non-teen moderat...

Warning: Drama
Yeh, since we kinda harbor the exemplary teen mod, we're already aware of that ... And have discussed that every day since nominations started :D
I think we even had a couple of links to that Q yesterday.
@Manishearth yeah, @jrg all ready pointed that out.
I got that :)
@smartboyhw i'm not trying to make you withdraw or not, i'm entitled to ask you questions :P
@TheLordofTime Yep. And you should.
I have quite a few questions I want to ask, though I'll probably ask them at the THC
hands @Manishearth a box thta says "Random Questions"
Put your questions in there :P
oh, the Town Hall. Good luck candidates!
@FEichinger You're only 1k. How much do you know about the philosophy behind closing?
@Manishearth this question, @smartboyhw
(sorry for the ping, but its a valid question)
Yep, it is
@Manishearth What with me helping with our Cleanup, lurking the Regulators Room and having a helpful flag per day with "only" 1k rep and a couple of months here, and active Meta participation, I'd say "quite much, but refinable".
Can't ask this one during the THC. It requires a very loong answer.
@Manishearth eeyup
@FEichinger great :)
@TheLordofTime I agree with @FEichinger, you don't need 3k rep to get an understanding of close voting. The more helpful flags you have, the more you understand close voting.
They are almost the same thing.
If you see a question that can be improved, but is closeable in it's current state, what would you do?
@Seth agreed too, however, i'm still entitled to ask my questions :P
or let Manishearth ask them for me ;P
true, true.
@Manishearth I would prefer to improve it alongside closing it, so the resulting answer is viable for a Q&A format - after all, the issue should still be described in the best manner possible, when found. I've often suggested edits alongside flagging in the review queue (sometimes it's just not doable on the spot), and I find this the most beneficial in the long run, even if it takes a little more effort when dealing with a post.
@Seth @Manishearth yeah, well, when it was undeleted, I tossed the link to everyone.
@FEichinger Good answer -- closing is supposed to be used as a "timeout" for questions needing improvements. One should always close if a question is closeable, regardless of it's salvageability :)

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