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I think the word printer has changed its meaning in the last century, maybe even longer than that.
But then I went downstairs for a few minutes, and some of the best singers in the company are rehearsing a song from "Rent." It's so pretty and emotional.
Yeah. I don't really know. And the OP was quoting from a book, I think.
It's weird to me to read that "printer" is only used with computers! (in one comment)
@JimReynolds I think so.
It's not so much that I think I did anything bad.
But a struggle with a strong worry about that.
Is there something in the planet's atmosphere weirding people out lately?
No, don't worry. I think the OP should understand that. (Or so I hope!)
@JimReynolds Did you deploy some kinds of devices or gases on Earth, huh?!?
Is it in time's nature?
To quote @Iplodman.
I think forgiveness is in time's nature. (inspired by the movie I just saw)
that one?
At 3:07 in the video.
Oh, but the wrong video, it seems. Haha.
She spoke about forgiving more powerfully elsewhere. :D
Eh, I think she said forgive clearly!
@JimReynolds I see. I didn't know her, so thanks for letting me know about her!
Oh, she was in Iconoclast, too?
The TV series?
I'm not sure if I will call it a series, but I guess it is. I've seen it sometimes on the Sundance channel.
I didn't pay much attention to the show because I didn't know the celebs in the episodes I've seen, but it looked like a great show.
She just died recently. Very inspiring. Wow. That movie does look powerful.
Oh, no!
@JimReynolds It's the best movie for me this week.
Yay! Im
And it happened in a place closer to where I live than I thought!
I'll download it.
And ... mail the production company a check?
Which movie are you all talking about?
BTW hello
@Freddy The Railway Man
You mean the location of the camp, Dam?
7.1 not bad
Have anyone tried Imitation game?
Yes. Very good. Heavy!
@JimReynolds Yes. I didn't know that the movie was about what happened over here. Actually, when I heard its name in the promo clips on HBO, I thought it was about some railway builders!
Oh, wait, it was on Fox Movies channel.
Logical enough.
So, basically I missed almost the first half!
Often the most deeply moving or meaningful movies are not the most popular.
We like those happy movies where nothing bad happens. Like Titanic.
I don't know exactly why, but I made myself laugh with that one, too.
"Gentlemen, it has been a privilege playing with you tonight..." "Umm... wait, the ship is sinking!"
Somehow I can remember that scene (of the violinists) better than the ending!
Q: Which is right? "..require that it have.." Or "require it to have"?

JasonStack Additionally, to achieve goals, the organization requires that it have hardworking leaders, people get motivated, attempts be organized, decisions be made, and operations be controlled and directed. I am skeptical on how to use the verb "require" when I want to say that it is necessary for s...

Interesting. How often do we use "Something/someone requires that ..."?
(On the other hand, I think I've heard "It's required that ..." often enough.)
requires that seems formal.
Or often used in heightened language.
Decorum requires that we refrain from talking on a cell phone during a funeral.
Oh, and it needs the subjunctive mood, too, I think.
Requires that requires that we use the subjunctive?
So "[T]he organization requires that it have ..." is normal, I think.
@JimReynolds Yes.
Say Yes to life!
This Man from India is not interested to be on your plate tonight, Jim...good night guys :-)
Good night Dam
Hehe! Good night @Man_From_India!
Good night, @Man!
@MARamezani Say good night to MFI, quick!
Oh, there went the party.
Quickly good night MFI!
@JimReynolds Where?
There is so much gibberish in the chat I don't feel like reading the log.
Ah it feels good to be posting some answer in meta.SE. Watch my answer:
A: Is it advantageous to a beta site to postpone or abstain from answering your own question?

MARamezaniWould your answer add anything to the answer they provided? If so, then writing an answer is not only appropriate, but appreciable. There was never a limit to the number of answers, and there shouldn't be. If you're concerned about the activity, commenting on issues (if any) is enough proof fo...

Oh, it's about "your own question".
I think it's a good answer.
Is it a meta, about your own meta?
Is it about whose meta is beta'?
Anyways, did anything exciting happen when I was out?
@JimReynolds It's about whose beta meta is meta beta.
@MARamezani No, I think not.
We gained some insights into the nature of time.
@JimReynolds I can see that. You like balance.
Where is this world going to?
Where has it been?
@JimReynolds In my pocket. But it fell when I was biking somewhere.
Get your hand out of your mouth. You don't know where it's been!
That's kind of weird.
Because your hand could have been in your pocket.
@JimReynolds Then I had a world in my hand?
And we just mentioned time inversions.
And we just inverted time mentions.
You invented electricity too?
Hullo @oleq!
I'm going to make some tea. By the way, hello @oleq! Welcome to the room.
@DamkerngT. Drink some on my behalf, would you?
Drink half on me.
console.log("Hallo again!");
Babel fish?
(I adore the Hitchhikers guide to the galaxy (:)
Nah. I was babbling random.
@Iplodman The're amusingly stupid.
They're amusingly brilliant, too!
The plot wasn't exactly concrete, but it was fun to read.
@MARamezani The water isn't boiling yet.
@JimReynolds I'm being quoted? Woo! :)
@DamkerngT. Then, boil some water on my behalf. A semi-chemistry experiment.
Q: Published or released? [This book was "released in 1890" or this book was "published .." ?]

user37421What's the difference in meaning between publishing a book and releasing a book?

It's a dup!
Eh? Why can't I find its dup?
Releases a piano on top of @MARamezani's head.
@DamkerngT. Hehe!
@JimReynolds Where's the piano?
Oh, to Arau's most recent meta post, J.R. has added an answer.
The list of words that you would have to replace in this answer to make it "up-goer five" compatible is : sensitive, frequent, readers, English, absolutely, accomplish, restricting, list, acceptable, speech, idiom, include, link, idiom, concrete, examples, related, tactics, effective, simpler. I would have tried to check against the CEFR 2 list, but I can't figure out how to sign up for it. — ColleenV 2 hours ago
Colleen is obnoxiously phuunnily awesome!
I think "up-goer five" is misleading.
@JimReynolds Publishes a piano on top of @MARamezani's head-- damn you English!
@Iplodman Haha, my head is going viral.
LOL :)
LOL. (No pun intended (pun intended (no pun intended (pun intended))))
Gasps-- since when did I have access to the review queue? :o
@Iplodman Why :O?
I didn't realise! :)
Who's reviewing the reviewers?
@JimReynolds RIA.
(Reviewers Inspection Agency)
REA (Review Enforcement Agency?)
RNA (RiboNucleic Acid)
Oh, I meant Reviewers Nomination Agency.
@JimReynolds Reviewerers.
@DamkerngT. Revieliplicators.
@MARamezani o_O
@DamkerngT. O_o
Wrap-gifters? What do you mean?
White girrafers?
Warp tigers?
Imagines a world living together harmoniously and in peace.
Wasp tillers?
Except for the damn Russians!!!
@JimReynolds You're saying that, and you do know what happened yesterday, right?
Curses Russians. Turns red and shakes.
Um, what?
Car bombing in Thailand. That's weird.
I rather not say, if Dam hasn't.
@JimReynolds That was Dam testing his new CPU.
@JimReynolds Please don't forget that we have some users from there, too.
@MARamezani Argh! My CPU,
Shooting star!
@DamkerngT. How many killed?
I know. But I'm too over to be serious.
(I meant bugs)
Casualties: 0
Or . . . well that thought always gets me in trouble.
Bangs on cell door.
@JimReynolds You definitely should've been here during the... well,...
Ice age.
@JimReynolds Get orf yer' bars ye lousy villain!
(woo, that's some simile @Dam, now isn't it?)
Don't know, but I like all Ice Age sequels.
In the end, you know, we're all just continues philosophically, leaving room inspired, yet reflective in a bittersweet rhapsody.
@DamkerngT. I especially loved 3, but Continental Drift was not phun.
Even though I haven't watched all of them!
Oh boy, snailor's gonna need some star hunting. :P
Yay! Got yet annnother reviewer
She-has a high-star worthy-to-inane comment ratio.
You O.O to o.o?
There are other rooms
As @Stoney says,
2 days ago, by StoneyB
You guys give a new depth to the phrase "oriental inscrutability"
@JimReynolds With X users speaking in 83647 rooms.
It's like you're reading my mind while experiencing your own mind unconsciously.
@JimReynolds That's the power of nerdiocitifiedity.
not the room you are looking for?
Nah, the slash doesn't verticallify.
This is "Women over 40 discussing romance novels"
@JimReynolds A room to talk about anything you want.
But I'm sorry, your comment falls outside that scope.
But please do give personal certification.
@JimReynolds It's "primarily opinion-based", not off-topic.
*MARam's purported existence is semi opinion-based.
I think poorly, therefore I might be.
@JimReynolds What? My perverted... Oh.
I am no longer that filth-obsessed person.
Last night, I was drunk on kerosene.
@JimReynolds I can see that from a look at the starred messages.
@JimReynolds O.0
Will they NEVER go away?
It's like the international police agencies outside my door.
@JimReynolds They? You mean flies?
Use PLZZZZZZ a lot. :D Seriously though, as long as you don't target anyone and use inappropriate words (i.e. insults and "them's-fighting-words sequels") you'll be fine. Also, as people reflect to informality in different ways, (which means, one finds hey there inappropriate while the other one looks at formality as sarcasm) this question renders "primarily opinion-based". All in all, I'll stick to hello. — MARamezani 9 secs ago
Hahaha. You sucker!
Hehehoho. Me sucker!
I am going to get some rep points from my stupid answer before it gets closed as off-topic.
Did you see my answer?
I saw your comment as soon as I pressed enter.
You make me laugh.
Is that a compliment?
Raises large hammer over his head, ready to strike.
Pun intended (no pun intended)
Sits down, puzzled.
Why would a robot make tea?
I'll take the yellow one.
@JimReynolds To use it in his radiator.
(I forgot to mention that I finished my Pine bookends!)
@Dam's tea maker:
Is that a tea factory?
Just for you.
@Ipl That is very cool!
@DamkerngT. It's a tea maker maker maker maker factory.
@Iplodman That's really neat!
Actually, that Do|tic sentence of mine is making some sense after all
I noticed the book on the very left: 6,000 Ways to Make an Iranian Chemistry Student's Death Look Like an Accident.
May I borrow it when you're finished reading it?
Hey, Gone Girl. I've heard that title!
Which doltism?
@MARamezani Police police, but only when police police police that the police are policing to a politically appropriate degree, that the police are policing to the best of their ability.
@JimReynolds Weren't you the author? O.o
Am I the only one who didn't like the movie?
@DamkerngT. @JimReynolds Thanks! :)
Which movie?
@Iplodman ;-)
Gone Girl
@JimReynolds 0.o
I should be more cautious. There are other @Jims out there.
@JimReynolds Goge nirl?
Gone Girl
Did you see Iplodman, the Movie
Rone gigl?
That's the Swiss version.
@JimReynolds All I've heard was its name and its popularity.
@JimReynolds Where he says my books need me?
Um, nope.
Noge rigl?
I am not aware of the film! I must buy tickets immediately!
@Iplodman Which film? Iplodman?
@MARamezani Yup! :)
Reading aloud from his autobiography: Jim Reynolds's firm body glistened in the sun . . .
@JimReynolds Firm? Get real.
I said WORM-like.
Get your ears checked.
@JimReynolds Modified two hours ago.
I go sleep. I want to wish all of you very pleasant thoughts, if you belong to the correct religion.
@JimReynolds Let's bomb you to see which religion is the best.
My organization believes in "truth."
And that one should do "right."
I'm not sure I was prepared for such a political (and potentially offensive) branch of discussion ;)
@JimReynolds And that "one shalt not commit adultery with coffee tables".
These days I'm dirty-minded.
Offers Iplodman a brochure.
With a bomb in it.
A hug bomb.
Hug bomb blows up.
Gah, it's too warm!
(Seriously, 25 degrees over in the UK. That's like a heatwave to us!)
@Iplodman To US or to UK?
UK c:
@Iplodman That's a very cool and nice weather for me!
Where are you?
Bangkok, not very far from the equator!
@Iplodman Kinda hot for me, BTW.
But ideal for bicyclinationificationicization.
@DamkerngT. I remember you had a sad life, right?
Oh, wow!
I mean, without snow.
@MARamezani Wait, why, oh, snow!
No snowmans. Really sad.
I've touched real snow only once in my life!
@DamkerngT. Did you freak out?
Umm... I think tea must have some effects on me!
Ahan. So, you didn't freak out. Your tea did.
Or maybe you freaked in.
> In current usage, the word "freak" is commonly used to refer to a person with something strikingly unusual about their appearance or behaviour. This usage dates from the so-called freak scene of the 1960s and 1970s. Julia Pastrana, a woman of unusual appearance.
Oh, it's relatively new!
@DamkerngT. I have an article in the works about Stack Exchange, by the way c:
About Stack Exchange?
Yeah c:
It's kind of an open letter to the community.
@Iplodman Tell me more.
Oh, interesting! Where can we read it?
@MARamezani @DamkerngT. It'll be done soon! :)
@DamkerngT. In the toilet.
@MARamezani You saying my writing is poop? ;)
@Iplodman Depends on the interpretation.
Wait. People read poop in the toilet?
Jimbie should've been here
@MARamezani Maybe in the john.
Ah, my bad article!

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