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@TobiasFünke That's not true; if the system microstate multiplicity increases sharply enough with energy, then there can be macrostate probabilities above ground state that is higher than ground state.
we were talking about non-degenerate
for distinguishable independent
If you have more than one particle, it will be difficult to keep the non-degeneracy
That's the point
well doesnt that depend on what the conditions are
how many energy states are available, what temp were at, etc
my textbook said in many cases it can be a reasonable assumption that there will be enough energy states available that at a high enough temperature the overlap is minimal
Yes, but that is not a disagreement: it said "in many cases"
i get it
and i think that's where you get fermi-dirac and bose-einstein statistics, right?
FD for fermions, BE for bosons
It is important to understand the difference here because it will be the important difference between microstates and macrostates multiplicity and how canonical ensembles give rise to the seeming stability of macrostates
FD and BE stats are coming from symmetry of the wavefunctions as required by CCR/CAR. It is slightly different from this point.
i was literally about to say how convenient, FD for fermion and BE for boson. then i realized fermion comes from fermi and boson comes from bose
Legend goes that Bose was trying to lecture about the catastrophe when he made a mistake in the lecture and ended up giving the correct result.
And then he couldnt get it published and had to bring it to Einstein's attention before Einstein helped get it published.
Not sure how true this legend is
the catastrophe?
UV catastrophe
At least this story is on Wiki
ive neevr heard it referred to as just the catastrophe but i guess im a FAKE physicist
(theoretical chemist)
i like stat mech so far though
its cool ive always wanted ot get into this im finally dipping my toes
im done being trapped at 0K
@ACuriousMind Im not sure how much of that we can agree upon. Nobody complains that positions and vector components depend upon the coördinates chosen, and that it takes some effort to focus strictly upon actually invariant physical quantities, yet somehow it is different when we come to QFT renormalisation.
@Allie mewth
Is this a typo in (14)?
Should it be $e^{-i\vec{k} \cdot \vec{n}}$?
separately, what is a physical reason for why space translation symmetry should imply that observables evaluated at opposite momenta are correlated?
1 hour later…
You seriously have to work on context. I can see where it will be obviously true, but contextless it is also obviously false.
are you talking to me?
mew mew
good night
mew mew good night
1 hour later…
2 hours later…
@naturallyInconsistent Fair point, but coordinates are also treated confusingly and strangely when they get into focus ;) (see all the confusion about the nature of GR)
@TobiasFünke In the topic of directional derivatives of functions and functionals, that we talked about. I have a question, which is mostly related to math, but I'd like to know the answer to it for personal reasons. I believe I can consider the total differential of a function f(x) as
the directional derivative in some arbitrary direction of an infinitesimal vector dx ? If the total derivative is taken to be zero, that would imply that the gradient of the function and the vector dx are perpendicular to each other. But at the same time the gradient points at the steepest change and the differential df(x)=0 gives the value, for which f(x) has an extrema. So how is it that they are perpendicular (gradient and infinitesimal vector dx) and not parallel?
Sorry, I do not have time right now to think about this. Perhaps someone else can help
I was able to figure it out
@imbAF hi. $\nabla f \cdot \vec{v}=0$ implies either perpedicularity or that either of $\nabla f$ and $\vec{v}$ are 0
the extremum stuff is when $\nabla f$ is 0
I was able to figure it out. If you are in a level contour and the infinitesimal vector dx is tangent to it, then the total derivative is zero, because the gradient is perpendicular to dx. If you are in an extremum point in that case df(x)=0 because the gradient itself is zero
And one cannot talk about projection
because in the infinitesimal region close to the extream point, there is flatness, and as such the gradient is zero
@RyderRude yes
Then, RR one question. When we jump to physics
@ACuriousMind yes, but that only strengthens myow point. People freak out over the myriad manifestations in inconsistent manners, so what are we supposed to do?
And the functional we consider the the action. When we say that we want the first variation of it to be zero and at the same time the first derivate as such, you'd get an extrema. The function that corresponds to the extrema value of the functional is found out by solving the EL equation @RyderRude right?
If it is so, then, why is it that the extrema of the functional for when $\delta S=0$, happens to correspond to the shortest path?
or is not the case?
it need not be the shortest path. the configuration space need not even be a metric space, so u have no notion of "shortest'
for the free particle, it happens to be the shortest path
Ok, so then Hamilton's principle, how is it different than the math we talked about
In the sense, what is it saying
please elaborate
I am trying
Hamiltons principle is saying that the actual path is the extremum of the action
it doesnt say anything else
But nothing about the type of extrema, and no information about the path characteristics, whatever those may be i.e length or whatever else
no ... its main purpose is to give u the EL eqn (which u can call a path characteristic)
"length" is usually not well defined for paths in the configuration space
but in theories like free particle GR, the action turns out to be equal to the path length
this is just a co incidence
note that u would also be using Hamilton's principle for "path" taken by fields, like $f(x,y,z,t)$
clearly there is no meaning of the length of this function
I was under the false idea that the action says that the system chooses the shortest path, because in the example that we were given on the topic, it was that of a ball going from a to b, and the fact that the path taken was the shortest. So I related $\delta S=0$ with the shortest path. Wrongfully of course
@RyderRude You are right.
@RyderRude One more thing I want to ask, because of something you said, which was:
""length" is usually not well defined for paths in the configuration space"
But isn't the 3D Euclidian space such a space? Don't we talk about paths in this space?
@imbAF yes. it is just a co incidence
@RyderRude Right
@imbAF the 3D space is the physical space. for $n$ particles, u need 3n dimensional configuration space. this is the space (+ time) on which the path of Hamilton's principle lies
e.g. for two particles, u would consider a path in 7D space (6 dof for the particles and 1 time)
I see
for fields, the configuration space is even crazier. it is an infinite dimensional manifold
I understand now fully
@RyderRude I am working towards manifolds
But if I may say, configuration space, seems like the phase space, it resembles it
minus the fact that you can no generalized momenta
but time
@imbAF the configuration space is usually defined without time
paths of the systems lie on $\text{configuration space}\times \text{R}$
@imbAF the phase space usually has twice the dimension of configuration space
this is because the configuration space only encodes positions, while phase space also encodes momenta
u can do a Legendre transform to go from Lagrangian to Hamiltonian mech. this will translate the physics from the configuration space to the phase space @imbAF
@RyderRude Thanks for the overview
@naturallyInconsistent Despair :P I think you perhaps read my response to SillyGoose as agreeing/supporting this common view, but I was more just trying to explain what that view is. I'm not really agreeing with it - but as I said I'm not comfortable enough with my own understanding of renormalization to have a strong opinion either way
People learn about coordinates in high school when they don't know anything and then they basically never learn it again until GR
Why do people almost never talk about cofibers except for the homotopy cofiber
What's so wrong with the regular cofiber
are you saying people need more cofibers in their diet?
descartes had the idea about co ordinate systems before anyone had even formalised real numbers
this is because one gets an almost rigorous idea of real numbers by thinking of them as x.yzwuvabcd......
i dont see anything non rigorous about this tbh
the set is defined as the set of these infinite sequences. and one can define the field operations like how one teaches it to children
i think the only "wrong" thing with this approach is that it takes the base-representation as fundamental
@RyderRude In configuration space of a system, a points represent what/interpreted as what? I am asking this because, I read the following about action functional S :
"Action principles start with an energy function called a Lagrangian describing the physical system. The accumulated value of this energy function between two states of the system is called the action." https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Action_principles#:~:text=Action%20principles%20start%20with%20an%20energy%20function%20called%20a%20Lagrangian%20describing%20the%20physical%20system.%20The%20accumulated%20value%20of%20this%20en
@imbAF what the point represents depends on the system. also, wiki shouldnt call it "energy" to avoid confusion
@imbAF the general idea is that, if $q$ is a point on the configuration space, then $q, \dot {q}$ should correspond to a state of the system
this is analogous to phase space where $(q,p)$ represents the state of the system
@imbAF for particle mechanics, what the point represents is an aggregate of the positions of all the particles, which is why the space is somethign like $R^{3N}$ when we have $N$ particles that each each move around in $R^3$
u might also learn tangent bundle and cotangent bundle. the cotangent bundle is how the phase space relates to the configuration space
as in , the phase space is the cotangent bundle of the configuration space
Ok I see
While I have no idea about bundles etc just yet, by the time I reach there, with this in mind, I will be able to understand the connection
@RyderRude For a particle in $R^{2}$ the set of configurations, that need to satisfy mathematical constrains, give a manifold, right? Would this manifold in this case, be a surface in $R^{3}$ ?
@ACuriousMind now, now, it is all your words against you
eeeee I think I have the perfect source for a question someone has. this doesn't happen that much, very exciting
11 hours left and I will finally change my username
so ready to ditch, signore?
@imbAF i dont understand the question...
i think u r saying that, if the configuration space is $R^2$, then the solution to the EL eqn is a surface in $R^3$
It is said that: The set of configurations of a system in configuration space, form a manifold
I don't know what that is
but I would assume that geometrically, for 1 particle in $R^3$
the manifold would be a surface in $R^3$ ?
i think it is just saying that the configuration space is a manifold?
ooh it is talking about constraints
Yeah, I am trying to understand, geometrically what a manifold is, the same way that if I tell you a vector in $R^3$, you imagine a arrow in some direction
@RyderRude Yes, because of constrains, you get a set of configurations, which give the manifold
So, I simply wanted to visualize a manifold, the same way I can, for a vector
And i considered the simple case of 1 particle in $R^3$
i think what ur book is saying is that, e.g. if the particle movies in $R^2$, but the particle is confined to a sub-space of $R^2$, then the set of configurations that the particle can take is a submanifold of R^2
But I don't want to derail to much. If my intuition about how a manifold looks like is wrong. Maybe in the future I get the right idea
i cant tell without much context
@imbAF If you don't know what a manifold is but the text you're reading is using that word as if you should know what it means, you're simply reading the wrong text for your level.
what i can tell is that. e.g. say, the particle lives in 3D space. but say, the particle is confined to move in a circle. then the space of configurations becomes a cirlce which is a sub-manifold of $R^3$
@imbAF have you looked up a definition?
@imbAF u need to learn manifolfds, yes
If you want to understand what a manifold is, you should read an actual text on the topic, i.e. either some GR physics texts or math texts on differential geometry. If you want to understand classical mechanics, you should read a classical mechanics textbook. Whatever you're doing currently, these questions reveal it is not working at all.
I thought you were discussing manifolds earlier this week or was I mistaken?
I am reading about configuration space. That is a concept present in mechanics. And as to how a set of configurations of the system is defined, it involves the use of manifolds. And I don't know what that is. I simply wanted to know whether my hunch about what it looks like (visually) was correct. But I don't want to invest much on it, since as @ACuriousMind said, that is beyond my level at the moment
But I am taking a course which involves manifolds, topologies etc. So once I reach these concepts, things might be clearer
I don't think it is beyond your level...
visually, a manifold is just smooth shapes like circles, torus, planes, cylinders, etc. this is what u should be intuiting @imbAF
@RyderRude ok
but not every manifold is visualisable ofc
@qwerty In my bachelors, we never talked about manifolds, unfortunately
@RyderRude the whole point is that they're doing that and this has led them to the misguided idea that $\mathbb{R}^n$ is not a manifold - that's where the strange question about constraints and surfaces above comes from
@ACuriousMind Yes, I am attending a differential geometry course
@ACuriousMind ooh
@imbAF I'm sorry, how are you attending a differential geometry course and don't know what a manifold is? The definition of a manifold should be the first thing you learn in such a course.
@ACuriousMind No, we start by Axiomatic set theory
@ACuriousMind ACM suggesting to use a GR book for DG... Is everything okay, man? D:
@imbAF did the book mention constraints or did u think the word "mnanifold" had to imply constraints?
"this has led them to the misguided idea that $\mathbb{R}^n$ is not a manifold - that's where the strange question about constraints and surfaces above comes from"

this went over my head :S
@RyderRude it did
@imbAF what
@SignorFeynman no, not really, I'm getting desperate here :P
@imbAF oh. i think ur book is talking about submanifolds of $R^n$
@ACuriousMind Logic -> set theory -> topology -> Topological manifolds -> differential manifolds -> Bundles -> Geometry (simple and metric)-> applications in CM,EM,QM,SP ,SR & GR this is the structure of course
@imbAF that's like a plan for a two-year lecture series, not a single course
Hmmm... The lecturer does mention that we, in physics, won't dive in deeply in the mathematics side
i.e proving something
oh, it's a physics course
"A manifold is a bunch of coordinates, guys"
@qwerty They asked about whether the "configuration space" is a surface in $\mathbb{R}^3$ because they didn't realize that the normal $\mathbb{R}^3$ is a perfectly fine manifold on its own (and hence an admissible configuration space) because the visualization is that we always draw manifolds as these little embedded surfaces/shapes.
So it will take a couple of lectures to reach to manifolds
@ACuriousMind Is that a bad thing?
I think ACM meant that it's possible, since it's a physics course. In Math, that would be basically almost an entire Bachelor program
Well, actually DG is considered graduate level :P
@ACuriousMind ohhh :S I see. I would not have thought this was a pitfall, since you usually say it has n dimensions. Like the way a mathsy book will even say 2-sphere instead of sphere.
@imbAF Not necessarily, but when you say "a differential geometry course", that sounded like a math course. If you put a pure math subject next to the word "course", the default assumption is not that it's a "for physicists" version :P
Ahhh, nonono
It's a differential geometry course done from a physics professor, for physicists
It culminates by showing how we use all we learn in CM, SM, etc
Yes, so it's not a math course.
I don't know where the communication problem lies this time :P
@qwerty "I would not have thought this was a pitfall" applies to a lot of things I read here :P
We are all clear this one time xD
The most interesting thing so far, was to learn that the empty set, is the only set
im having trouble reading things. my head starts to spin
Is it normal when you're writing an answer that the preview doesn't show an image you've uploaded, only a link?
i feel really bad. i cant study stuff i want to learn
hopefully it gets better
@RyderRude are you okay otherwise?
no... i have some conditions
it is interfering everywhere
i cant be specific for anonymity
I'm sorry to hear. Hope you feel better soon
thanks.. i will try to work on it
it is getting bad. i was able to learn some stuff in the past years
this is not a serious solution but I have also thought about what I would do if I couldn't read
Nov 12, 2024 at 19:03, by qwerty
earlier this year I tried to work out what resources there are for learning high level maths with limited eyesight
thanks. it looks like a comprehensive program
@qwerty sorry about ur eyesight problem
Will figuring out what constants go where in fourier transform haunt me forever?
I don't know how much it or braille actually used. I think that just making text bigger on screens is preferred these days
@RyderRude nah i dont have serious problems, just an overactive imagination...
@qwerty oh..
i read words but miss most of the meaning cuz i am feeling miserable
i will try meditation etc
thanks for support. cya
take care
@SillyGoose yes
@qwerty not normal normal, but the preview can be weird sometimes
ah cool! yeah, it shows the image now and I didn't change anything. weird
@RyderRude Doing too much philosophy without physical exercise is not a good thing. Mens sana in corpore sano.
Stat mech is underrated in its profoundness
@DIRAC1930 Boltzmann would agree
@qwerty Mhhh? What happens when you read math?
When talking about geometric mechanics (1) , symplectic geometry (2), contact geometry (3), Poisson geometry (4) , usage of Lie groups in mech,...

What would be the "roof" term that accompanies all of that? Is it geometric mechanics?
I believe the usual umbrella term would be "analytic mechanic"
@ACuriousMind literally keeping me up at night 😢
@User198 it sounds like geometry
@Slereah Hm. Thanks. That occured to me, but I wanted to be more specific, otherwise I could just say its "mechanics".
@SillyGoose But that is from maths perspective; differential geometry. I was thinking more about mechanics but described via geometry.
is there even a roof term? unless, of course "mathematics"
what is the physical interpretation of (16)?
This is a translationally invariant lattice system and (16) is a two-point correlation function of a field defined on the lattice
i feel there should be some relation to conservation of (quasi-)momentum
but (16) seems weird, to me it says that the field correlations are only nonzero for exactly opposite (quasi-)momentum
@User198 It's literally just "mechanics" but done by mathematicians/mathematical physicists :P
If you want to do rigorous formulations of classical mechanics, that's the kind of math you end up with; there no particular "choice" involved to use geometry instead of something else, differential geometry is just the right tool for the job, since the physicists are writing down differential equations on spaces mapped by real coordinates
I believe the nlab occasionally calls it "prequantum geometry" when it's feeling fancy
I think the nlab is continually feeling fancy ;)
they are fancy lads
@SillyGoose How can a lattice system be "translationally invariant"? You're expecting people to infer a lot of context here
@ACuriousMind i mean by lattice translations
but i think the form of (16) should also be the case in an actually translation invariant system
that's a discrete symmetry, why would it be associated with conservation of anything?
Well $e^{ik}$ is still conserved in the sense that it commutes with the hamiltonian
I mean, in terms of particles all that $\delta$-function is doing is indeed momentum conservation: the ingoing and the outgoing particle (two-point function is "1-to-1 scattering") have the same momentum
@ACuriousMind hm how is this so, i am seeing that it says they have opposite (in direction) quasi-momentum
I'm not sweating a minus sign :P
probably if you want to interpret this in terms of particles there's some convention that gives you a - on the outgoing particle
I just know that in hep-th QFT (which certainly is Poincaré and hence in particular translation invariant!) you always have a $\delta$-function in the momentum-space functions that enforces total momentum conversation between the inputs and outputs
Right that i have seen before
here, for instance, the difference could come from your position-space version not being time-ordered (because you're not doing particle scattering), so this momentum-space function is not a scattering amplitude
Hmm i see
@SillyGoose at first sight I would say that it's the same thing that happens for the propagator, which in momentum space is diagonal
We can integrate the action of a system over arbitrary small time intervals, and hence get arbitrary small values. But does it physically have any meaning when the action of a system is smaller than $h$?
It's usually used as a vague scale for quantum behaviour?
@User198 Why would it matter? What "physical meaning" does the action have anyway?
Classical behaviour is usually $S \gg h$
also: The Planck units are not actual lower bounds or discretization steps for the values of physical quantities in mainstream physics.
Alright, thanks.
h itself isn't really a value with much meaning in itself as far as the action goes
A: Is the Planck length the smallest length that exists in the universe or is it the smallest length that can be observed?

zeldredgeShort answer: nobody knows, but the Planck length is more numerology than physics at this point Long answer: Suppose you are a theoretical physicist. Your work doesn't involve units, just math--you never use the fact that $c = 3 \times 10^8 m/s$, but you probably have $c$ pop up in a few differe...

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Almost... :)
> Update: Things are taking a little longer than expected, and we're still working on chat.meta.stackexchange.com. Once this one is finished, the other chat servers should still only take up to 15 minutes.
in Tavern on the Meta on Meta Stack Exchange Chat, 5 mins ago, by balpha
@ThomasWard most noticeably, it's much faster now because the database now lives alongside the application
balpha is the dev in charge of Chat. And he originally wrote it.
@User198 ive been doing stretching
good evening
1 hour later…
Good evening
I saw on one page today (not about physics, but a page connected with education in general; some university information posts and some administration): "Schrodinger equation can be regarded as a statement of conservation of energy in quantum mechanics." Idk why they are writing about the Schrodinger equation at all. xD

But how wrong is that?

I think it is wrong, because (I guess) the person writing that thinks that $i\hbar\frac{\partial \psi}{\partial t}\equiv \hat E= \hat H \psi$ so $\hat E= \hat H \psi$ and that is wrong. Should I notify them that that post is wrong?
@User198 I don't understand what you mean (your equations do not make any sense to me). However, "Schrödinger equation" can mean the time-dependent Schrödinger equation, which for hermitian and time-independent Hamiltonian implies unitary time evolution and that the energy expectation value is constant: $\langle \psi(t), H\psi(t)\rangle= \langle \psi_0, U^*HU\psi_0\rangle=\langle \psi_0,H\psi_0\rangle$.
or any other similar statement regarding the Heisenberg EOM and so on.
That being said, I wouldn't state a a sentence like this (the statement you post).
@SillyGoose I wish I was doing cond-mat theory like you
Well quantum optics anyway
@TobiasFünke Ok thanks.
@TobiasFünke Maybe I overcomplicated, disregard the equations. All in all, saying that "Schrodinger equation is a statement of conservation of energy" is not a correct statement (even meaningless), right?
@SignorFeynman oh no, nothing really
morning all
@User198 Well, I would say it needs further specifications ;)
hey qwerty, how are you doing?
I am currently preparing a talk for tomorrow... I started today :3 heeelp
ooooh good luck!!
I'm well, thank you! excited to work on a phys.SE answer later today
niiice :) feel free to post
although I guess I won't understand much
thanks. but I don't need luck: I need time haha
aw it's tomorrow, you can do it!! I have known enough academics to know that the art of writing a talk on the plane three hours before a conference is a common one...
:d yeah I guess so
OK, I gotta go. See you around, and have fun with answering!
@DIRAC1930 trying to do CMT XD feeling like i am failing
@TobiasFünke good time, then
Break a leg, anyways!

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