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Even when you're listening for it that really doesn't sound like "Hail Satan"
nac ew sey
I think I recall my professor saying in class at one point that $\partial_\mu \epsilon^{\mu\nu\lambda\sigma}F_{\lambda\sigma}=0$ but I don't remember why. I know this is two of the Maxwell equations, but I'm writing this term down in the context of a modified Lagrangian that I'm deriving the equations of motion in. Was there some reason with the properties of the tensors alone this is zero? i.e. that F is antisymmetric and something with the levi civita and the partial?
@GPhys Because that's $ddA$ I think?
it's also possible I'm just misremembering what he said and you can't conclude this at all
And for any differential form $dd\omega = 0$
@Slereah how does it become ddA?
$F = dA$
By definition
And $d\omega = \partial_{[\mu} \omega_{abc...]}$
And antisymmetrization can be expressed via the Levi Civitta tensor
I think?
Let's pick the 2D case
I think he had just said something about the antisymmetric properties of it
$$d\omega = \frac 16 (\partial_\sigma\omega_{\mu\nu} - \partial_\mu\omega_{\sigma\nu} - \partial_\sigma\omega_{\nu\mu} - \partial_\nu\omega_{\mu\sigma} + \partial_\mu\omega_{\nu\sigma} + \partial_\mu\omega_{\nu\sigma})$$
$$\partial_\sigma \epsilon^{\mu\nu\alpha\beta}\omega_{\alpha\beta} = ...$$
Might be a bit long to solve at work
but wait
antisymmetrization isn't via levi civita
It's via the generalized Kronecker delta
$$\delta^{\mu_1 \dots \mu_p }_{\nu_1 \dots \nu_p} = \begin{cases}
+1 & \quad \text{if } \nu_1 \dots \nu_p \text{ are distinct integers and are an even permutation of } \mu_1 \dots \mu_p \\
-1 & \quad \text{if } \nu_1 \dots \nu_p \text{ are distinct integers and are an odd permutation of } \mu_1 \dots \mu_p \\
\;\;0 & \quad \text{in all other cases}.\end{cases}$$
could still be correct
The equality is $$T_{[abc]} = \frac{1}{3!} \, \delta_{abc}^{def} T_{def}$$
you can probably sort it out
I found another source that says it follows because of antisymmetry of levi civita and "exchange properties of the derivatives"
also you get $$\delta^{\mu_1 \dots \mu_n}_{\nu_1 \dots \nu_n} = \varepsilon^{\mu_1 \dots \mu_n}\varepsilon_{\nu_1 \dots \nu_n}$$
@GPhys yeah that is why you get $dd\omega = 0$
I see that
$\epsilon^{\mu\nu\lambda\sigma}F_{\lambda\sigma}=2\epsilon^{\mu\nu\lambda\sigma}‌​\partial_\lambda A_\sigma$
not quite
$$F_{\lambda \sigma} = \partial_{[\lambda} A_{\sigma]}$$
Or does that cancel out with the epsilon?
i dunno
$F_{\lambda\sigma}=\partial_\lambda A_\sigma-\partial_\sigma A_\lambda$
Hm, is there a factor of 2 or not
the levi civita applied to the second, you can switch the last two indexes in the levi civita on the second term only and add a negative sign to it
I forget
then you relabel the contracted indexes
and sum them
is there a reason why $\partial_\mu\epsilon^{\mu\nu\lambda\sigma}‌​\partial_\lambda A_\sigma$ is 0 then
Every term of constant sigma and nu will be of the form $\partial_\mu \partial_\lambda A_\sigma - \partial_\lambda \partial_\mu A_\sigma$
I think
@Slereah the ($\partial_\mu \partial_\lambda$) is symmetric on these indices, because you can exchange them, and it's being contracted with levi civita, which is anti symmetric on those indices, so the result is 0
now I can write the eq of motion for whatever this thing is he had us do
is it a charge
it was the usual F^2 term, plus a term that looks like what I was just showing you, but multiplied by a scalar field, and then plus a term for that scalar field
Is it the whole scalar electrodynamic thing
Or is it the EM theory that's not parity invariant
$\frac{2}{f}\mathbf{B}\cdot\mathbf{E}+\Box\phi=0$ and $\partial_\mu F^{\mu\nu}-\frac{1}{f}(\partial_\mu\phi)\epsilon^{\mu\nu\lambda\sigma}F_{\lambda‌​\sigma}=0$ are the two EoM
where f was just a constant to fix the units for the extra term, and where I rewrote in terms of B and E just so I didn't have to write out that invariant
@EmilioPisanty Hi, it was about this post, physics.stackexchange.com/questions/371080/… we were discussing why the product states have measure 0
the first EoM is just $\frac{1}{4f}\epsilon_{\mu\nu\lambda\sigma}F^{\mu\nu}F^{\lambda\sigma}+\Box\phi=‌​0$
it says "extra axial electromagnetism"
yeah I think that's the one that's not parity invariant
1 hour later…
What is the valence of scandium? 3?
Yes, apart from a few esoteric compounds Scandium always forms the Sc^3+ ion in its compounds.
Hi @JohnRennie. Can I bother you with a freak question?
What, my professor said that it's 2 (going against the period table...)
@TheDarkSide you can certainly ask ...
Scandium is a chemical element with symbol Sc and atomic number 21. A silvery-white metallic d-block element, it has historically been classified as a rare earth element, together with yttrium and the lanthanides. It was discovered in 1879 by spectral analysis of the minerals euxenite and gadolinite from Scandinavia. Scandium is present in most of the deposits of rare-earth and uranium compounds, but it is extracted from these ores in only a few mines worldwide. Because of the low availability and the difficulties in the preparation of metallic scandium, which was first done in 1937, applications...
According to Wikipedia it's [Ar] 3d1 4s2
Because she said that I have to see the electrons in the last orbital, but I really disagreed with B groups
So yes 3
@JohnRennie There is some missing piece in this which I'm a little unclear about.
@TheDarkSide Yes?
More specifically, with @ACuriousMind's answer
That argument is fine.
OK ... ?
@Curio the Wikipedia article says: Scandium chemistry is almost completely dominated by the trivalent ion, Sc3+
@JohnRennie But that only guarantees $M_L = 0$ for a closed shell. How do we take it to mean $L = 0$? Since it is possible to have $M_L = 0$ while $L \ne 0$?
All the $p$ (for example) electrons have $L=1$.
But angular momentum is a vector so when you add up the angular momenta of the individual electrons you have to take the direction into account.
Right. So, how do we get $L = 0$ for a closed shell?
The $m = 1,0,-1$ basically means the direction is up, horizontal and down respectively
There seems to be some missing piece, no?
And if you have equal numbers of up and down angular momenta they obviously add up to zero.
@JohnRennie Hmm... Right, what seems to be a silly confusion to me is the following: consider the total spin of two spin half particles. It can be either $S = 0$, or $S = 1$. For the first, $M_S = 0$ necessarily, but for the latter $M_S = 0$ is still a viable possibility.
So, that possibility has $S \ne 0$ but $M_S = 0$.
Now, how exactly is this case any different from that case?
Hey hold on, an RPG mod in hbar !!
Hello @nitsua60! What brings you here? No flags I hope ...
@user929304 I imagine @ACuriousMind is referring to this answer
A: Are there more entangled states or non-entangled ones?

Emilio PisantyI'm assuming that you have a finite-dimensional base Hilbert space $\mathcal H_0$ and that you're building your full Hilbert space as $\mathcal H=\mathcal H_0\otimes \mathcal H_0$. In these conditions, the set of separable states has measure zero. (It gets a bit more complicated if you have $\ma...

@EmilioPisanty I think I was
@ACuriousMind ;-)
@TheDarkSide not flags--I've just got this room on my list of "favorites," so I suppose I appear to be popping in and out more often than I intentionally do so.
@TheDarkSide An RPG mod with a pair of physics degrees, mind you =)
@nitsua60 Heh. You should hang around here a bit more then. We don't have enough physicists around ;)
@nitsua60 Ah! Alright! I was only wondering ...
Q: Have LAGEOS' germanium corner cube reflectors ever been used?

uhohWhen I was writing this answer about the LAGEOS satellites, I notices that four of the over four hundred corner reflectors are made of optical germanium rather than fused silica. Fused silica (FS) is transparent to some wavelengths in the infrared, but it's limited. For a wider transparency win...

bounty expires in 3 days...
@Blue I think I'm here most of the time. I wouldn't call myself a physicist, though--that was a former life.
@ACuriousMind we played Left 4 Dead 2 btw
@Phase interesting addition: Aside from making more sense of the concept of CPT symmetry, Kaluza-Klein also explains the not-officially-discovered-but-definitely-strongly-hinted-at Z' boson, so is possibly actually worth looking into, at least for curiosity's sake
this is a mess
what an awful calculation
@GPhys supersymmetry on the other hand, is distinctly lacking in recent years of particle physics, I'm told ;)
Hi guys just in case someone is interested in Complex Systems, I would like to mention the Area 51 version of this SE -
Complex Systems

Proposed Q&A site for scientists, students, and other aficionados of complex systems, including networks, nonlinear dynamics, chaos, pattern formation, and self-organizing systems.

Currently in definition.

@BAYMAX Isn't that a part of math/physics?
Yes it is interdisciplinary
Please have a look the reason on why creating such a SE site in the last line!
Okay, makes some sense, but I guess you'll have a hard time finding experts for that site
Too narrow scope
so... my email 3 hours ago said chat time now... is that correct though?
Yes, it's chat time now :P
But DavidZ isn't here yet it seems
Drat, I've lost mathjax on my laptop again...
Hmm... lets hope for the best though, at least the users who answer questions related to Dynamical Systems, Non-linear Dynamics, Chaos theory, Complex systems at least may take part there, let's hope for the best!
Ah, the link worked that time, mathjax is back up...
Complex systems, very computer
science ish topic that.
@CooperCape rearrange the expression, but also you have the second derivative wrong
it's not $k^2 u$ it's $i^2 k^2 u = -k^2 u$
I volunteer to take over
@0celo7 is that your cat?
@JohnRennie this was a surprise:
As a side note, none of the transitions you list are possible in the real world because none of the states you list are possible in the real world except for the ground state. The NIST ASD marks all the $2p^5 3\ell$ configurations (search for Ne I) as having term symbols $^2[1/2]_J$ and $^2[3/2]_J$, which means that they're not LS-coupled; they're primarily split via intermediate coupling as explained here. — Emilio Pisanty 39 secs ago
but it got even better
@EmilioPisanty that was a lot of effort to go to for a homework question :-)
@Phase that comment is on the rude side ...
@JohnRennie that's satire right?
I agree with the sentiment but not the way you have expressed it.
I think you should delete the comment
I doubt 0celo7 would mind
@JohnRennie it wasn't effort for a homework question
it was to show up an OP who hadn't put in any effort
there's a difference
@JohnRennie that makes a lot more sense
I was legitimately confused
@EmilioPisanty in principle yes there's a difference. Whether the OP gives a damn is of course another matter :-)
@Phase incidentally, you didn't vote to close. Or at least that post has only one close vote, which is mine.
@JohnRennie I retracted the close vote after I deleted my comment
Figure I'll just leave that sort of stuff to high rep users
@Phase maybe, why?
@0celo7 it's just a pretty cute cat
Mine are jet black and go from rubbing against you purring to scratching like hell, yours looks chill
@JohnRennie frankly, I'm quite pleased with the episode
that's the smallest and cleanest example I've seen yet with intermediate coupling
Ok so first you think I’m gonna sound like a 300 stone fatso and now you think it’s strange I have a nice looking cat
Not very nice, wtf
@0celo7 *sound like a man firing guns on mic
the ones in the linked Q&A are in ytterbium
way off on the other side of the periodic table
and with wonky excited states, too
@Phase only 300 stone people do that
much easier to forgive those states for not having $L$
but the first excited state of neon?
@0celo7 I dont think 300 stone people do anything
I think they just die from hyper obesity
The heaviest ever human was 1/3rd that
Idk how much a stone is
@0celo7 "stone people" is a demeaning term to talk about cavemen. Plus, why do you need 300 of them?
@0celo7 never learn
the stone as a measurement unit is an aberration and it needs to be erradicated
If Emilio hates it, it might have merit.
Here in the UK we have atrocious conventions
Rest of the world: "How much do you weigh?" "About 90kg" "oh, ok."
We use miles, stones and kilograms, celsius
It's a mix of all of them
UK: "How much do you weigh?" "About 90kg" "Wait. How much is that in stones?"
@EmilioPisanty at least we use Celsius
depends on the size of the stone, dunnit
@Phase the UK's alleged "metric-system-ization" is a sham
@EmilioPisanty proposal: reform the units systems of all countries to give measurements of mass in $\frac{E}{c^2}$
though to be fair, you did get rid of the ridiculous Old Money
What... What's Old Money..?
To be fair the stone is banned from commercial use. You can't go into a shop and buy anything in stones.
On 15 February 1971, known as Decimal Day, the United Kingdom and the Republic of Ireland decimalised their currencies. Under the old currency of pounds, shillings and pence, the pound was made up of 240 pence (denoted by the letter d for Latin denarius and now referred to as "old pence"), with 12 pence in a shilling and 20 shillings (denoted by s for Latin solidus) in a pound. The loss of value of the currency meant that the "old" penny, with the same diameter as the US half-dollar, was of relatively slight value, while the farthing, which was worth one-quarter of an old penny, had been demonetised...
It's only use is in measuring weight, and it's popular there because most peoples weight is of order ten stones so it's an easy number for the non-nerds to manage.
@JohnRennie What a totalitarian thing to do.
@JohnRennie could you delete that please
"most people" is discriminative to @0celo7 and his 300 stone physique
That’s the kind of government overreach that really boils my blood.
@0celo7 it's done for consumer protection. To stop unscrupulous traders using obscure units and getting away with overcharging because most people aren't good at converting units.
In the UK the only legal weighing system is metric. That means consumers only need to get used to one price per unit weight.
In the UK we like our governments to do this sort of thing on our behalf, or at least we keep re-electing them when they do it.
If people can’t convert units maybe they deserve to be cheated
@JohnRennie if I understand things correctly, that's the kind of government overreach that really boils 0celo7's blood. It's the Land of the Free, dammit, and if unscrupulous traders want to cheat people out of their money then they should be Free to do so.
Exactly, but with less sarcasm.
@0celo7 I'm afraid I think that's a very insular viewpoint.
Perhaps we should stop people being allowed to reproduce unless they show competancy in mental calculation. Can't have them polluting the human germ line now can we?
@EmilioPisanty do we really 'know' dark matter exists?
What if GR just needs a revision?
@Phase it's hard to revise GR
Many people are thinking about that
@JohnRennie There's no need for that
@JohnRennie Nah, because that forces people to not have consensual relations which is Evil.
@JohnRennie Cornwall will inbreed themselves out of fertility
Or at least its hard to revise it and keep the theory sensible
@Phase There are many suggestions for revisions to GR e.g. f(r) gravity, but none of them have managed to explain away dark matter while staying consistent with observations.
@JohnRennie but there's no need to necessarily rule one out this early in the stage right? Provided my head isn't too deep in the sand, we haven't directly detected any evidence for other models like WIMPs yet have we?
@EmilioPisanty Evolution in action :-)
my prof used to say...if it looks like dog shit and it smells like dog shit, it's probably dog shit
@JohnRennie well, they got away, didn't they?
This time ...
@JohnRennie exactly
that story is much funnier if you add ozzy accents to the quotes, too
@Phase no, and indeed there's a lot of soul searching among the WIMP fans because it's beginning to look as if either they don't exist or they interact so weakly we'll never see them above the cosmic neutrino background.
does this one-box with a picture?
Srsly? The meat we put in these traps is bait. For crocodiles. Don’t swim in them! It’s stupid, and illegal. @qldpol @7NewsCairns
@Phase in fact the whole dark matter area is looking like it might be headed for a paradigm shift. Neither GR modifications nor WIMPs seem to be doing the trick.
Paradigm shift gives many points on the crackpot index
@JohnRennie maybe the fault lies with the filthy astrophysicists
not wiping smudges off their lenses
My own personal favourite is something along the lines of Verlinde's entropic gravity idea.
That is, GR is an emergent theory. It's the large scale limit of some physics we don't currently understand.
String theory
Say anything else and Lubos the Tank will destroy you
Well no. String theory predicts gravity in the sense that the low energy limit is a spin 2 quantum field. But at low energies that is the same as GR so it would have the same problems with describing dark matter and dark energy.
@JohnRennie get left for dead two
@0celo7 you recruiting more merry members?
Interesting times though. It's fun to think that there might be a radical overhaul of the way we describe gravity and it might yet happen before my own personal universe ends.
@EmilioPisanty Thank you Emilio!
@user929304 no worries

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