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@Blue circle of life.
@0celo7 huh?
Yeah, sort of
@Blue it’s the circle of life
Just that it's not a perfect "circle" ;)
Just closed curves
And we're at the moment stuck on why it is closed
And how to derive that from the equation
@Blue it’s homotopic to one
Biology is really only up to homotopy

  the no-normie zone

no normies allowed
In case you can give any advice on how to proceed ^
@Blue You blocked me on there. How rude.
What the hell have I ever done to you?
I never did that
I'm removing gallery mode
let me add 0celo7 to access
if you remove gallery it's going to be spammed by other people
@vzn Wow! Another useful thing would be, a $100 muon generator.
hello . .
@vzn I'd make one but plastic scintillators are harder to get hold of than the inverse of a 50x50 matrix.
I tried looking but to no avail :c
@ACuriousMind Schoen and Yau write O(n+1,1) for the coformal group of the sphere. Why n+1? Do I need to get BBS out from under my PC?
@0celo7 @BalarkaSen did you ever play the Old Sonic games?
@RoryAlsop are you guys really like this or acting? how can you guys be so rude. I wish you be near death and something like this happens with your rescuer, only then will you understand cruel human. — Ram Keswani 2 hours ago
@Phase Yep
I did
I bet that guy is Indian
Do you guys remember these bonus stages
@BalarkaSen what’s the domain of discontinuity of a group action?
@0celo7 @BalarkaSen You may be interested to know [if you didn't already] that it's actually a Torus
@Phase coughs I think you mean a mug... coughs
@CooperCape you shut your mowf
No wonder; they're identifying opposite sides of the square
square or rectangle
@0celo7 Not sure. Maybe it has something to do with discontinuous group actions
@Phase Aww but how am I supposed to drink my tea from my torus if I have to shut my mowf... :c
$G$ acts properly discontinuously if the $G$-translates of $K$ hits $K$ back finitely many times
for any compact $K$
@BalarkaSen That's not maths and you can't convince me otherwise
I shall firmly place my hands on my ears and enjoy baby maths
@BalarkaSen yeah because I’m interested in the quotient being a fold
But the statement just doesn’t make sense. Maybe the proof will explain
@SirCumference holy shit I wasn't surprised at all until I saw the user has 1k rep
@Phase He got all his rep from a single question.
sidenote ever since I deleted my account I'm scared to ask questions or answers
I went from 500 rep to 100, and now I have 101. If I get downvoted, will I lose chat and meta privileges?
Your account doesn’t exist
Wtf are you
Stuck between two realms
But nah it's just the chat link
@Phase Why do you have two SE accounts?
I dont
Haha 106 on Christianity
Ikr its my highest rep now
Wait so why doesn't the chat link work?
Because afaik it sort of establishes the link in the tile when you first join the chat, and doesn't change
when I deleted my account it probably changed the link in some way
perhaps the number before the name
You know, I have to wonder
Was this question on the hot network or something?
Q: Do we need Maxwell's Equations since they fail to account for an experimental fact at least in one occasion?

ganzewoortThis question is an outgrowth of What is the difference between electric potential, potential difference (PD), voltage and electromotive force (EMF)? , where @sb1 mentioned Faraday's law. However, Faraday's law as part of Maxwell's equations cannot account for the voltage measured between the rim...

If so the algorithm is worse than I thought
Maxwell isn't the fraud
Einstein is
gravity is electromagnetism $_{research\space flat\space earth}$
In physics, Kaluza–Klein theory (KK theory) is a unified field theory of gravitation and electromagnetism built around the idea of a fifth dimension beyond the usual four of space and time. It is considered to be an important precursor to string theory. The five-dimensional theory was developed in three steps. The original hypothesis came from Theodor Kaluza, who sent his results to Einstein in 1919, and published them in 1921. Kaluza's theory was a purely classical extension of general relativity to five dimensions. The five-dimensional metric has 15 components. Ten components are identified with...
@Mithrandir24601 I see you are also Woke
I've read about kaluza klein in like 2 popsci books and tbh all I remember is there's a guy called George or something and there's a dimension like a hosepipe
@CooperCape have you diagonalised two commuting matrices yet?
Can't say I have? Just staying casual
youve diagonalised one tho right?
Though I did spend an hour trying to diagonalize a matrix today with 'generalized soemthing eigenvectors' that wolfram popped out only to realise that you can't
I've diagonalized a few matrices, yes... Mostly 2x2s cause 3x3s are soooo much effort omg
@Phase I never said I agree with it ;) (How could I, having never even looked at it), but I have to admit, I've spent the last month wondering how CPT reversal symmetry makes fundamental sense - PT reversal is essentially a reversal of the metric, so how does charge fit into this??
@CooperCape 3x3's shouldn't be much harder than 2x2's
Get the characteristic equation and solve it and you've done all the real work
@Phase Yeah they're not but like bro inversing them is death
I swear to god I failed 7 times in a row...
just compute the eigenvectors
Uh huh...
Ok say that you have an n x n matrix
It's only diagonalisable if it has n eigenvectors, not necessarily distinct. You can make a matrix $M$ such that it's nonsingular, out of the eigenvectors
I'm sure you do.
then sandwich the original matrix between the inverse of M and M
just use a linear algebra package to do it
Yeah... that's what I've been trying to do. Because I saw a q that said find
like LAPACK on fortran or numpy on Python or Octave or w/e
So I was like "let's diagonalize this bad boi" but it only had 1 eigenvector
From first glance it seems nonsingular
Then balarka started talking about Jordan norms earlier and I was like 'oh shit boi that's ma name' but those looked hard so I moved on.
You can have only 1 eigenvector
How can you have an eigenbasis from that though?
*1 eigenvalue
my brain wasn't thinking straight
@Phase it's alright this is a positive space
I mean I remember writing down $\lambda_{1,2,3}=1$ somewhere...
@CooperCape I linked a nice video on Jordan normal form few days back. Did you watch it?
With the super excited teacher :P
@Blue Whaaa for real? I can't say I did... :o Have you still got it or shall I go link hunting?
Mmmm I remember seeing that
Its just not diagonalisable
Just that I was like "way in too deep for me"
By any way I know at least, since a condition for diagonalising is that there are n independent eigenvectors
@Phase It was a sad conclusion I came to... :c Any ideas on finding it's nth term other than spotting a pattern in $A^2,A^3,A^4$ etc.
@Phase Yeah that makes sense now because to have a basis it's gotta have the same vectors as the dimension thingy
@Phase Minimal polynomial having simple (non-repeated) roots is necessary and sufficient though
@Blue I'll give it a watch thanks :p
He does seem excited tho
I would love this guy as a lecturer
He's so enthusiastic
Well I just found my canonical form
take that suckers
@SirCumference Literally, a "collection of works", without further context I can't be more helpful
@0celo7 Well...the global onformal transformations in d dimensions are the Lorentz transformations in two dimensions more. Look at how ordinary Lorentz transformations map to Möbius transformations - the global conformal transformations in 2 dimensions - for motivation
@ACuriousMind This is for you: youtube.com/watch?v=hopeFgwApCM
@0celo7 recommend a game
atm Im contemplating AC black flag purely because its like 5 quideronis
Please watch it. That man's a legend
why is this group named the h bar?
Because it's a pun
$h$ is a fundamental constant, and often $\bar h$ is more useful as it's $\frac{h}{2\pi}$
Hm how do I write an h bar properly in latex.
latex works on chat? :O
its just syntax on my screen
Yeah, look at the top right
Install the Bookmarklet
@Phase \hbar:P
personally I've gone with chrome extension SE chat mathjax
@ACuriousMind ....
That's what I get for trying
maybe need to refresh
@Phase Being a humble highschooler I've only ever really seen $\hbar$ in $E=\omega\hbar$ and Heisenbergs ting... what is it used for...
@BalarkaSen this is his best [trigger warning cus he talks about questionable content]
(Not that I know Heisenbergs ting other than the equation)
yeah i have seen that
@CooperCape $E = \hbar \omega$ and $T = \frac{p^2}{2m}$ with p being defined with the debroigle relation is all you need to.. 'derive' the Schrodinger equation
Yeah I derive the schrodinger equation like everyday tell me something new smh
I hesitate to say "derive" strictly, since it feels like cheating, and you start with a plane wave solution, but it's neat at least
(jk.. thanks tho... :p)
'cheating qm'
It feels like it
uh huh...
You start with $u(x,t) = e^{i(x - ct)}$
see if you can get the rest
Mmm u wot mate
Ok I'll give you a bit more
what's going on with the finding out the shape of orbit in this pdf: madscitech.org/tm/slns/l5e2.pdf
I'll leave it until like uni qm... yano
when I find out what stuff means
And I can do mafs
$x - ct = kx - \omega t$, by debroigle relation
It's all just simple differentiation
Right sure
Just see if you can think of ways to get the expressions i wrote above out of the formula
Doesn't schroeys have partial diffs?
Yeah but if it's 1 dimensional it's not something you really need to worry about
so what am I getting from where?
The expressions I wrote above for Energy [total] and T, the kinetic energy
and then just sandwich a $Vu$ on the end when you're done : P since you need a potential as its Total = Kinetic + potential
Okay... be back in like 2 years
It's really quite cheaty but I thought it was neat the first time I did it : p
You're overestimating the problem and underestimating yourself
Classic coopeycapey
Just see how you can differentiate $u(x,t)$ and get out constants you can plug in the planck and debroigle relation
Okay right
tip, your definitions for the E and T will include a derivative of $u(x,t)$
Okay. Oh my goodness
and the equation is no higher than order 2 [$\frac{d^2}{d(some\space variable)^2}$]
let's do this
Idk if you've seen it written that way before but $k = \frac{2\pi}{\lambda}$, so $p = \hbar k$
yeah I had that down
Well not p=hk but k=2pi/lambda
I'm not sure where I'm going with this aha
@Phase sounds "not entirely off" to me. what is "tenuous" about it? whered you get the quote?
You'll need the debroigleboi
@vzn a creationist fb page
: P...
okay so we have p=h/lambad
llambadda : P
Keep it as hbar k
@Phase lol ok you got me but frankly, top physicists have said similar things.
It's just easier here
Okay suure
@vzn anyone can be loopy, wasn't there a famous physicist who went around praising oranges and vitamin C as a cureall?
just because top physicists have said that doesn't make it any less corny
@vzn it appears to be a chemist en.wikipedia.org/wiki/…
@Phase the basic ideas are not off. this reminds me of a zen koan about credibility.
How are you supposed to pronounce DeBroigle btw
de broy or seomthing
no le
de bruh look at the top of his diffraction pattern [wheeze]
@BalarkaSen It's a silly situation where of course modern physics doesn't adhere to materialism in its naive infancy - to say physics is not materialist in the naive sense is both completely uncontroversial and completely true. Of course, that's not actually what people using such quotes want to argue for.
@ACuriousMind "consciousness affects matter and so we create the universe"
Is the usual argument
damn Neumann
@Phase googling the quote, couldnt find it, but did turn up this blogs.scientificamerican.com/cross-check/…
@vzn it was a creationist fb page : p
@Phase right. similar sentiments elsewhere from erudite philosopher(s) etc
@ACuriousMind I don't understand what it means to say "physics is not materialist". That people do not study physics out of the fundamental desire to understand matter and the desire to possess and consume it? Sure! The quote seems arguing that scientific (or, more specifically, physical?) progress is a massive argument against materialism. That's just pretentious garbage, IMO.
Okay @Phase so..
$T$ goes into $T=\frac{\hbar^2k^2}{2m}$
@CooperCape You got somethin?
@BalarkaSen No, this is about materialism as an ontology - that all "things" are made of the same "fundamental stuff" (=material).
In no way does scientific progress affect the mass notion about material and the abstract interactions of material which is more or less the base of the human civillization in postmodern times
@CooperCape Yup!
and $u(x,t)$ can go into $u(x,t)=e^{\frac{iEt}{\hbar}$
Yeah but thas ugly af
Which is $u(x,t)=e^{i\omega t}$
wait what am I saying
Your statements are wrong but not too badly
You're missing the x parts
@BalarkaSen I understand that your Soviet philosophy training leads you to think of materialism as an ideology, but it has a much older and traditional meaning as an ontological viewpoint :P
so ummm
Define an operator $\hat T$ so that $\hat T u = T u$ like an eigenvalue equation
take that approach for all of em
Okay right...
Lemme get back to you on this
I gotta go now
@ACuriousMind Ah, I see, yes, I was indeed thinking about ideological materialism.
I'll think on it
But your $u(x,t)$ has both x dependent and t dependent
: p
@CooperCape I'll write what to do
I promise
I feel like maybe I explained it poorly
I must say I do not have any intelligent comments to make on ontological materialism.
It's not something I think about
$\hat T u = \frac{-h^2}{2m} \frac{d^2}{dx^2}u$
Sorry for the confusion.
as k^2 comes out of d2/dx2 u
and the minus sign cleans it up and keeps it positive
@BalarkaSen But indeed, the abuse of such quotes is of course intended to generate such confusion - the critic wants to equivocate the ontological claim with the ideological claim in order to "defeat" ideological materialism with the power of science :P
Hahaha, quite true
@Phase okay thanks... lemme get back to this in 30 mins ~~
For the total energy E, you want to use E = hbar w, so you differentiate w.r.t time and get $i\omega u$, and use that to write $\hat E u = i\hbar \frac{d}{dt}u$
Ok dude have fun
That's why I was initially a little irritated at the quote.
Just having parent time cause haven't seen them since like 7 am yano
(Still living at home problems ;p)
Fair dude, enjoy it while you can
This is a recurring problem: There are two things denoted by the same name, and arguing for one meaning is completely uncontroversial, while the other is. So a common tactic is to establish the claim for the uncontroversial meaning, and then sneakily change the definition in order to establish the controversial claim you actually cannot defend
Parents may be annoying but its nice to live with people who [hopefully] have your best interests at heart
@ACuriousMind coughs feminism
@ACuriousMind Truly.
This kind of debate is mostly propagated by people who read actual thesis on neither of the things sharing the same terminology, and copy-paste quotes from other people to establish some silly argument
Unfortunately, the internet is populated by such people
@Phase It occurs in most debates that involve the notions of equality and fairness, no need to single any particular use out :P
We are equal in the Cloud
@BalarkaSen Yeah, humans like to put neat little labels on things, and end up labeling wildly different things with the same label :P
Very true.
I still don't know what torsion of a Levi-Civita connection has to do with traditional meanings of torsion. Even the Frenet-Serret notion of torsion.
And it's often really hard to detect that that's happening - like you said "it's nonsense to say physics is/isn't materialist", and this wasn't even an emotionally charged debate. When it gets to the stuff people really care about, you'll sometimes not get the chance to clear up the confusion until it's too late.
isn't the levi-civita connection defined as torsion free
@BalarkaSen What are "traditional notions of torsions"?
@enumaris Thanks, I mean torsion of a connection.
Also, what @enumaris said :P
@ACuriousMind Yeah. Actually I myself am prone to such follies for certain notions that I believe in.
I try to work on it and listen to other people
> you'll sometimes not get the chance to clear up the confusion until it's too late.
@ACuriousMind Torsion as in mechanics, for example
Real life works better for these cases, since it gives no downtime for the person's own belief to become defensive and wall themselves off from other views
I can't find rhyme or reason why torsion was brought up in this chat
@BalarkaSen I actually have no idea what torsion in mechanics is :D
Both notions of torsions are distinct concepts. One describe the "act of making things rotate", the other is more about how many times you multiply something to get the identity
Oh, it's a thing which measures how much an object twists under application of a torque
I guess it's a bulk mechanics thing
You people hate bulk mechanics don't you
oops I confused torque with torsion (mechanics)
@BalarkaSen Ah, I never cared for that, yeah
In that case, yes, as balarka said, torsion characterise the amount of twisting
Who am I to care about bulk mechanics, an engineer? :P
inb4 bulk mechanics
But yeah I don't see a connection with torsion as in curve geometry, either. Torsion of a curve measures how far it is from being flat (contained in a plane in R^3)
Which is kinda ironic, because torsion of a module measures how far it is from being flat too ;)
I do believe that's a coincidence
So in summary, there are 4 notions of torsion:
1. Mechanics: The twist introduced when an object is under a torque
2. Algebra: Number of times an element multiply to itself to give the identity
3. Differential geometry: The deviation of a curve from a plane
4. General relativity and tensors: Measure how much a frame is being twisted.
I do believe that our simultaneous use of "I do believe" is a coincidence
@Mithrandir24601 not available in my country
All of these, in an abstract sense, involves the idea of "deviating from something flat" and "wound around something"
That was pretty cool I have to admit. I’m not a big enough contrarian to hate on it
What was?
@goodnight Aww :/ It's an octopus putting on shells to distract a shark :)
@Mithrandir24601 I want to see that. can someone ask danielsank to release the tapes

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