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That's why the term "indefinitely integral", even if rather loose, is kinda cute
@BalarkaSen I dont get that
My maths lecturer called integration the inverse of differentiation
But that would imply $D^{-1} D f = f$ but it isn't
since $D^{-1}$ isn't injective
$D^{-1}$ is not really an operator, is the point.
It sends a function to a family of functions
Namely, $D^{-1} f' = f + a$ for any real $a \in \Bbb R$
It's badly multi-valued
@BalarkaSen Yup. For many functions, the integral is the difference between two antiderivatives, but the names "definite" and "indefinite" only serve to confuse high school students.
For all intents and purposes, $D^{-1}$ is an operator, $D^{-1} = \int$, and this perspective gives a very nice derivation of the Euler-Maclaurin formula, but formally you will run into problems very quick
Why even blend the line when the distinction is often noteworthy?
I've been meaning to look into the problems you run into, there is weird link to Laurent series
@SirCumference It does confuse everyone in high school, yes. Ask any high schooler who hasn't learnt beyond their texts (in particular, they have to be in the complement of the various kidlets in hbar and Mathematics (uh...)), and they will fail to explain the relation between area-under-curve and antiderivative.
It's become a blackbox in calculus education at this point
The terminology just propagates this blackboxing memorization thing more and more
instead of clarifying it
@BalarkaSen I remember my Calc II prof emphasized "Unlike the derivative, the antiderivative by itself is not useful, due to the constant (it could be any number). Rather, the use lies in comparing antiderivatives."
At the very least, that gave me a clear realization that the two were different concepts, which cleared a huge chunk of my prior confusion with calculus.
It reminds me a little of how people often solve simple ODEs by separation vs. how I prefer to do it.
How do you do it
As an example, take $x'(t)=-x(t)$ with $x(0)=1$.
I think the usual approach would be to write that as $\frac{dx}{x}=-dt\implies \ln x = -t+C$
and then obtain $C=\ln x_0$ upon evaluating at $t=0$
whereas I prefer to do it as $\int_{x_0}^{x(t)}\frac{dx}{x} = \ln x(t)-\ln x_0 = -\int_0^t dt=-t$
better yet, write d/dt(log x(t)) = -1
and integrate
yeah, same idea
well, no, I am not writing out the differentials
That's important because it's a standard policy to handwave about the differentials
In Calc I you integrate functions
In Calc III you integrate forms
mostly I mean that I prefer to write it as a definite integral rather than an indefinite one
and learn to know integrating forms is the only thing that makes sense
(eg otherwise change of variables goes to shit)
@Semiclassical Ah
OK, I see
it's a little thing, of course
That's a good point actually\
but i like being able to say that i'm integrating from $x_0$ to $x(t)$, rather than have the limits be indefinite
the bike meme is awesome
So I just spent like 30mins answering this guy with shitty matrices full of nasties and after I answered he deleted the question... smh.
that's always shitty
Discussion: _Is Engineering intrinsically a science_
My opinion: _No_
Huh. Why isn't it italicised
o wow
truly denied
@Phase Multiline messages break formatting.
"In a brilliant series of six papers Elie Cartan answered the questions left open by Lie for transformation groups in an arbitrary number of dimensions" thoughts?
@ACuriousMind aw :(
It's always fun to have a good diss at biology for no reason...
@Phase Use single asterisks on both ends for italicizing, double asterisks for bolding
I wish I knew biology :(
underscores work too tho
@SirCumference That's not the issue, underscores work, too.
Oh, huh. TIL
@CooperCape Careful, the biologists might shoot back
(casually adds vpn as libgen blocked in uk smh)
That sadness when you are on the last day of your bounty but there are no answers...
@Semiclassical Congrats, you're doing the mathematically correct thing :)
@Semiclassical separation of variables, while correct in the end, is a heckshow in the middle
@ACuriousMind I knew exactly what that link was before clicking
@Phase Excellent
xkcd nerds
@0celo7 ODE separation of variables, or PDE separation of variables
@Semiclassical ODE, PDE is also bad for reasons
I dislike how PDE separation of variables is usually presented
it comes off as more confusing than it needs to be
I mean, it comes down to: Rather than trying to solve the PDE in general, let's look for some particularly simple solutions.
@Semiclassical yeah but when you sum and get a series, who knows if the result converges
that's never addressed
one usually just assumes completeness, yeah, at least in physics/engineering texts
you need some nontrivial facts from Fourier analysis to conclude anything about series solutions
I don't know the relevant results off the top of my head
which I'm sympathetic about tbh
at the end of the day, the point of doing it in a physics/engineering course is not to entirely understand why it works but to be able to use it in applications
How do you solve $y' = \frac{1}{2} \frac{x^2+1}{y}, y(0) = 1,$ formally without doing something wrong if SoV is so bad
rearrange that to $2yy'=\frac{d}{dx}(y^2)=x^2+1$
then all that's left is integration.
@Semiclassical yes!
to say it differently, if $\frac{dy}{dx}=\frac{f(x)}{g(y)}$ then you can rewrite that as $f(x)=g(y)\frac{dy}{dx}$
@Semiclassical Yes!
Ok, so lets assume we can't use differentials when solving ode's via SoV, what about ode's which require integrating factors to be solved
then integration gives $$\int_{x_0}^{x}f(x')\,dx'=\int_{x_0}^{x}g(y(x'))\frac{dy}{dx'}dx'=\int_{y_0}^{y‌​(x)}\!g(y)\,dy$$
I don't understand the problem with using differentials
I am happy breaking the rules, rule-breaker n'all that
I love differential forms but still just feels like you're defining things away
@0celo7 the above is what i think one should be doing for SoV
@bolbteppa defining things away does solve problems
though to an extent the differentials route is just shorthand
it basically transforms what used to be "how do we do this?" to "what are the key constructs whose definition makes this problem trivial?"
you just need to be damn good at finding those definitions
There is some famous witty French saying about 'solution by definition' or something, can't remember/find it
@bolbteppa ping me if you do
Cool, was pretty good (aargh memory)
@bolbteppa I guess the problem is $dy$ and $dx$ don't mean anything much mathematically (over here). I was confused about this differential stuff too, till @BalarkaSen pointed it out.
They do mean things mathematically
or they can, at any rate
It's just sophisticated to write down the precise meaning
My sense is you formalize this by referring to 'exterior differential systems' so you can solve ode's in $n$ dimensions (i.e. total differential equations) but again just attaching definitions to the hand-waving $dy/dx = x/y \to ydy = xdx \to \dots $ (thanks)
@BalarkaSen I mean you said $dy$ is actually $(dy/dx)dx$ (1-form or something)
That is correct my man
i'll say this for the differentials way of doing it: It notationally treats $x,y$ on equal footing
You get two perspectives if you view ode's as differential forms, a) as curves, b) as a bunch of sheets
@BalarkaSen You gotta teach me differential forms this December :P
It's also there in Arfken chapter 4. So I'll pre-read from there :)
@Blue Sure thing
Yay! :D
What’s your motivation to learn them
@0celo7 Me?
Being called a hand-wavy physicist is the last thing I want to hear from mathematicians :P That's my primary motivation...lol
@Blue if a mathematician doesn't call you hand-wavy, then doesn't that kind-of make you a mathematician?
@Blue physicists abuse differential forms though.
There's a wikipedia page on Mozart and scatology. My life is a lie.
Nothing has meaning anymore.
@Mithrandir24601 I don't like to be bounded by the narrow scope of words like: physicist, mathematician, engineer. I have always considered all of these three fields to be mutually dependent.
@BalarkaSen wtf
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart displayed scatological humour in his letters and a few recreational compositions. This material has long been a puzzle for Mozart scholarship. One view held by scholars deals with the scatology by seeking an understanding of the role of it in Mozart's family, his society and his times, while another view holds that such humour was the result of an "impressive list" of psychiatric conditions from which Mozart is claimed to have suffered. == Examples == A letter of 5 November 1777 to Mozart's cousin Maria Anna Thekla Mozart is an example of Mozart's use of scatology. The...
I am dead bro. Don't ask me anything.
"such humour was the result of an "impressive list"[2] of psychiatric conditions from which Mozart is claimed to have suffered"
There's even a linked page on Toilet humour
Wikipedia's standards have just....
gone down the toilet?
yeah :P
@Mithrandir24601 thx much, mutual feeling, it was very mind expanding for me too, hadnt heard of that key area/ line of investigation, think its rare that pro scientists say/ admit some context where "I dont know" & sometimes very meaningful when they do, to be contd :)
@ACuriousMind is trivial really a German word?
No deals on noise-cancelling headphones
I thought today would be the year
@0celo7 yes
Mozart was left-handed runs
Left handed people are probably psychopaths. It’s no coincidence the Romans call it sinister.
@ACuriousMind do you agree?
@ACuriousMind what’s the German word for rate?
@0celo7 No. In fact, the "bad" meaning of sinister comes from ideas that being left-handed is wrong, not the other way around
Goddammit no sale on stereo amplifiers either
@0celo7 Rate
What do I have to do to get a sale on audio equipment
@ACuriousMind Are you left handed?
@0celo7 yes
@ACuriousMind You son of the devil
Let's burn him
@0celo7 the real question is, why are you not left-handed
Let's burn him right now guys
Feb 3 '16 at 2:20, by 0celo7
(I'm a leftie.)
ahaha interesting
@ACuriousMind I thought that was in a political context!
@bolbteppa I am :P
Who here is not left-handed (shame)
Times are a changin', freaks taking over etc
@0celo7 Are you left footed too?
@0celo7 Are you left-footed or right-footed?
@0celo7 you eat with your left hand?
Usually left handed people are left footed
I'm right handed, but I pick my nose with my left hand, and I'm left footed
what does that make me
@BernardoMeurer broken
@Blue what on Earth?
@Sid I eat with both
I have reached such a very high level of intelligence that I am mostly ambidextrous.
I thought you don't like to eat with hands...
@Blue He means utensils.
@0celo7 so, can you write with both hands at the same time?
@0celo7 Why are you talking about yourself in third person
@0celo7 Can you masturbate with both hands too?
Or just your ego ;)
.. Lol
@0celo7 Try to increase it to a level that you can do everything with all fours.
It's called practice (I will leave it up to the reader which sentence this refers to)
@BernardoMeurer lolol
I cannot write with my right hand at all
@BernardoMeurer Yeah. I like to rotate.
You triggered our AI
@BernardoMeurer I’m kidding :p
@Sid no, that’s one thing I can’t.
@ACuriousMind are you gonna delete it?
@Blue my toes are actually very dexterous. I can pick things up with them
I share that trait with a sister
@0celo7 Start eating and writing with them too ;)
@0celo7 That is true
Some people can do that
I can eat toes
Whose toes?
If I told you I'd make the FBI's job too easy
I can sort of attempt to pick things up with my toes and I succeed for a short duration
Human toes are badly shaped. A little bit of modification would make them more useful
Also, we need a couple of spare hands
Blue thinks he’s smarter than YHWH
@0celo7 Meh
As if i believe in YHWH
No blasphemy pls
@Blue Is this the Artin book? It's the only one I could find not on Libgen (which is blocked in UK)...
@CooperCape Give me your mail id
(It's trashy because it's my spammy one don't judge)
I do believe it's what I signed up to runescape with.
Check your mail
Yeah I got it :), thanks
Time to djvu->pdf
Libgen is blocked in the UK?
@CooperCape Use Sumatra pdf app ;)
Ahh okay, thanks
It can read djvu, epub, pdf, everything
You should convert to PDF anyway
@0celo7 Yeah... it gives out an error somewhat like "Blocked by the high court..."
I tried to use vpn but the internet always cut out ~~5Mb downloaded
@CooperCape wow, how are academics supposed to function
Without money?
Even if you have money I probably use Libgen five times a day
The library doesn’t have everything
True. Libraries are too old-fashioned. 90% of the books I need are either already in circulation or unavailable. Libgen is the way to go
@0celo7 They aren't supposed to.
Isn't it a tad illegal? Idk... All I know is high court people are nonces
@CooperCape Yes, it is illegal
Okay, just checking
So, perhaps, high court people aren't nonces.
It's not the court's fault it's illegal, no
I mean technically they could... yano... remove copyright laws... ;p
jk, ofc.
The nonces are the people who have created a system of publishing where getting all materials you need is basically unaffordable to the average customer
I swear any academic book is like $$$ wow
Prolly need black friday deals on textbooks
ACM is about to sing the Soviet anthem. Textbook prices are always a touchy subject.
Even if they were $15 apiece I would still use libgen. I know hundreds of books, I’m not gonna buy all of them
It's all about knaawwledge
Russia does it right. I love them for that :P
Of course many books are Springer and I have legal PDFs of those
Spinors are tensor densities, spinors are projective representations, spinors are things which transform under a spin group in a certain way, fun times
Textbook pricing is ridiculous
Hang on a sec - let's annoy everyone here.
Why can't math or physics be simple
It's simple if you stop at the simple bits.
Even 'simplicity' in algebra can be incredibly complicated at times
Fractions are hard
2+2 is 4 minus 1 that's 3 quick maths
(go on, hate me.)
Okay putting scissors in your mouth is not a good idea owwwwww
i probably shouldn't ask why
Yeah let's keep it that way
Let's just say my top lip is not a happy bunny
It'll all be good.
@Semiclassical its an english past time
We put scissors in our mouths and sing rule Britannia, first one to slip up and mention regicide gets stabbed
Oh wait
Yeah... was playing with my brothers
...that's a bit messed up
Yeah but when you dont have any more logs for the fire and the police confiscate your technology and router so you can't be exposed to dangerous outside information what else is there to do?
There's only enough clothing and food for one child, in a family of five you gotta cut down
Can't wait until I can leave home and go to Uni... get out of the South cut-off
m8 born a southerner die a southerner
Also whereabouts in the South? I'm from Devon
Oooh nice... I live near Lymington if you've heard of that but it's 30mins west of Southampton
@CooperCape I was in Southampton just last Sunday :)
@Mithrandir24601 Oooooh any particular reason?
Also... I'll be in Bristol next Wednesday ;p
@CooperCape Being taught Kung Fu by a Shaolin monk :)
Right... Average weekend then?
@CooperCape Ahh, any particular reason? :P I'll be doing more Kung Fu next Wednesday :)
@CooperCape Well... Normally I only get 2 hours on a Sunday afternoon as opposed to... 6-7 hours requiring waking up before 5.30 am and not getting back until around midnight...
Shaolin monks are insane
@Mithrandir24601 Bristol offer holder visit day I do believe it's called
It is quite a drive
That's quite cool
@CooperCape Ahh, OK - Possibly end up seeing you around then... I'll be the one carrying a sword
(although obviously, not out in the open - it'll be in a bag that goes on my back)
@CooperCape Yeah, I was with friends, so it was a good drive :) Maybe not so much for you though :/
@Mithrandir24601 "Have you got any questions for us?" "Yeah... ummm do you know a guy with a sword that maybe goes by the name of Mithrandir24601... just... out of interest..."
If you actually do see me, the bag is relatively thin and narrow, dark blue and has Chinese on it
lol okay...
I'll look out for it... I guess.
@CooperCape (my actual name is Ross)
Too socially awkward to say anything and it would probs weird you out but... I'll stare...
Oh, ok...
@CooperCape Nah :P To be honest, chances are that you won't see me around (I'm still in the depths of the engineering department until we get official permission to move to the office in physics)
is @CooperCape 's real name... Cooper? :thonk emoji:
Although if you do, you're free to talk to me :P
Ewww engineering ;)
@CooperCape We were supposed to be moved out by now, but red tape :/
@Phase Nah it's Jordan... Coopercape->Koopa Kape Mario cart track
Classic red tape...
@SirCumference Bernardo is right
@0celo7 About what?
us being bros
Q: How to building an AOM driver with a DDS board? What is Evaluation Board? Does the community welcome engineering physics question?

MichaelHow to building an AOM driver with a DDS board? What is an Evaluation Board? Does the community welcome engineering physics question? e.g. use AD9915 chips to build a ~400 MHz AOM driver.

Ah, yeah, duh
I see everyone is announcing their real names
It's time to announce mine
We will have proof if X ends up happening
@BalarkaSen who is?
@BalarkaSen I 'announced' (rather, someone correctly guessed) my real name months ago :P
well it's pretty hard to guess my real name
@BalarkaSen It's Salarka Ben, obviously.
Did someone guess your name? Huh...
Ben Salarka actually sounds pretty dope
@ACuriousMind I was going to guess Enlarkse Baa
well none of that are correct
ma nama jeff
@BalarkaSen Balarka Sen is your real name.
Jeff vine
@CooperCape Yeah, I gave enough hints in my AMA post
@Mithrandir24601 Come to CA, let's hang out

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