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@ACuriousMind Look, I don't say doubt to make fun of Indians
my inner mathematical monologue is with an Indian accent
sometimes it just gets out
I also sometimes think in Scottish or California girl
@0celoñe7 I'm vaguely around if it's urgent
@EmilioPisanty I've decided to explore a Matlab solution instead.
I already know the language so writing a code will be much easier.
@0celoñe7 a'ight
@EmilioPisanty Actually, is there a way to manually adjust the step size in NDSolve?
@0celoñe7 hmmm, good question
I don't really care about processor time, I've got a very good CPU.
you can't control the actual step size
And I broke the kernel again.
but you can control the MaxStepSize
and also the StartingStepSize
but the step size is chosen depending on the Method
so you can't control it further
@EmilioPisanty Oh, so I can make it, say, 1E-8?
How do I do that?
If the max step size is small, then that's all I need.
@0celoñe7 just set MaxStepSize->10^(-8)
Right now I fear the step size is smaller than the distance between the singularity and where I am putting the initial condition.
Er, larger.
possibly relevant
Q: What are the Wolfram Mathematica NDSolve function methods?

Philipp G. SinicynWhat are the Wolfram Mathematica NDSolve function methods? I know that in Wolfram Mathematica I can specify solving method in NDSolve function, but I can't find a full list of available methods in documentation.

@EmilioPisanty Where do the "options" go, syntactically speaking?
@Kaumudi.H it's also noteworthy that I saw that message on the star board and had a pretty good idea who you were talking to
@0celoñe7 just before the ] that closes up the NDSolve[
@EmilioPisanty cool
@Slereah Preferred notation for the double of a manifold?
@EmilioPisanty why
since when are you a topologer
I'm not
no idea what the "double of a manifold" is
@EmilioPisanty Take a manifold with boundary, then glue it to another copy of itself along the boundary.
@0celoñe7 ¯\ _(ツ)_/¯
Works great for certain constructions that need a "whole manifold" but you don't care about what happens at the boundary.
@EmilioPisanty Why the face?
@0celoñe7 I was just at the Festa Major of my barrio
draw your own conclusions
@DanielSank hi (oops my ipad battery died & took off). fyi did you see this? Mostafa found it... they are talking about "deterministic CNOT gates"... wonder what you think of it... EP is not impressed lol nature.com/nature/journal/v541/n7638/full/nature21037.html
2 hours later…
@EmilioPisanty hmm
Give me all your gold and physics textbooks
I should go through xkcd sometimes
$${\Huge \mathcal{D}_{E_{V_{O_{M_{E_\Bbb{R}}}}}}}$$
haha, this is what you were doing all this while
That's some pretty good Latex skills
well, not really, I was doing my painful literature review because it is so hard to focus on reading articles, but I must do that as otherwise I have no idea what the data I have collected so far is trying to tell me
Review on?
(Not to mention the research proposal is due on August...)
the organometallics stuff my research is on (chemistry)
Oh nice. I've heard about that before. Good luck with the proposal submission
3 hours later…
@Balarka: Dunkirk is f*ing majestic.
Ah, you liked it then? :-)
@Kaumudi.H It's good old Chris's movie. Of course it is majestic..
@JohnRennie Are you kidding me? I absolutely loved it.
@Kaumudi.H a good way to spend a Sunday morning then :-)
I'm spending my Sunday morning staring at the rain and fixing servers ...
:-/ Sorry.
@JohnRennie Yes. I was so completely blown away and enthralled that I walked back home (~2 Kms) under the scorching sun.
Oh well. I shall make an extra special lunch later to compensate - haven't decided what yet ...
scorching sun - rub it in why don't you :-)
Huh? No, you do not want to be here right now. Enjoy the rain!
Gosh, it even made me cry, that film.
@Kaumudi Cool. I'll watch it after I get back home
Wokay. I hope you get a chance to watch it at the theatre; the experience won't be nearly as amazing, watching it on your laptop or anything.
The first time a gun went off, I almost jumped in my seat.
Yeah, I know. I don't think I will be as excited by the film as you are, however.
Nolan is very good, so I am counting on it.
@BalarkaSen Let me know after you watch it.
I am not excited by it or anything but it did make me feel things.
Sure. Everyone has variable taste in films.
my english seems to be slowly deteriorating
Lol. More like your typing skills.
have you watched this new movie called Arrival by Villenevue
Lol. No, I haven't.
Is it good?
it's fairly recent, so maybe it's gonna be on your nearby theatres
it is very good.
not my favorite Villeneuve, but pretty nice
...which film are you talking about? The one directed by Denis Villeneuve, yes?
Wtf, mate, that released in November of last year.
it's fresh yup
Sure, but it's certainly not still playing in any of the theatres here.
Is it still playing in theatres near where you live?! :-o
The only Villeneuve I know is Giles Villeneuve and I am pretty sure he has nothing to do with movies..
nah prob not
i don't check theatres a lot
...I see.
What's IISER, Pune like?
Haha, I see. Two of my friends study there.
what's the opposite of claustrophobia called?
i have this
Well, only one as of now but the other will be joining next week.
oh cool
@BalarkaSen Oh, erm, I dunno...
i think iiser students are on a break now and they're pilling us workshop students in on their rooms while they are away
They are, yeah. I see.
> Agoraphobia is an anxiety disorder characterized by symptoms of anxiety in situations where the person perceives the environment to be unsafe with no easy way to get away.
> These situations can include open spaces, public transit, shopping malls, or simply being outside the home.
uh, well, it's rather like being panicked by the hugeness of the campus
it's like a friggin city dude
i get lost in here
Wow, I see. You should visit IIT, Madras, then, sometime.
One can enter the campus on one side of the city and come out on the complete opposite side.
i have been to IITKGP for a short while and it's kind of large there too
Oh, right, I see.
Is the campus beautiful?
it's kind of nice. but hey i'm an underground man, i don't subscribe to the concept of beauty
Of course, right.
Do you have the workshop all day?
9:30 to 5:45 I think? starting tomorrow
Oh, so now you're left to explore the campus etc.?
sort of
i am not gonna
Lol, so are you just holed up in the room they assigned to you?
actually i wanted to talk to one of the faculty but i'll meet him on the workshop anyway so
oh right now i'm on the guest house. i'll be assigned my room later today
Oh, right, I see.
@BalarkaSen I'm still thinking about Dunkirk so I'm not quite ready to immerse myself in other pieces of art just yet.
that was just an isolated song from my repository of songs that come up when triggered by certain words or phrases
quite irrelevant
Diamond Dogs is a friggin good album nonetheless
i don't think you'll like it
@BalarkaSen Me neither :-P Call it upbeat shit all you want but I'll take Coldplay. Still, not this moment though. God, that movie was so good.
it kind of sucks when people get exposed to good pieces of art i am curious about before me
:-P Why?
it's hard to be an egoist :P
but hey that's why i delve in fantastic pieces of underground shit nobody gives a ... about
:-P Ah, of course.
If my family doesn't move to Kerala next year and if you join CMI, I'll buy you a coffee and you can explain, using words, all you've learned about existentialism...if you want.
@Balarka: It's OK if you'd rather pass, lol. I'm not an exceptionally interesting person to have coffee with :-P
huh, I thought Balarka was a Physics-guy and not a Math-guy.
@Balarka: Hey, as much as you'd like to stay holed up in ur room, I could even be your tour guide if you do fancy getting to know Chennai.
@Kaumudi.H I'm totally down for that. But pls, cocaine, not caffeine
Tall order, that one, but I'll try :-)
my internet's dangling out and i have to get some food and look around for my room
so see ya
@BalarkaSen Bye! Try and have fun :-P
@TheRaidersofLasVegas Hello :-)
Pretty good, actually. Still reeling from having watched Dunkirk. And you?
> still reeling from having watched Dunkirk.
I should shut up before I start treading the oversell waters...
It's stopped raining :-)
Nice :-) It's still boiling hot here.
Heh, it's all gloomy weather here. I just want to sleep, eat pakodas and binge-watch videos. :P
I wanted to buy the cream bun/cold coffee combo they sell at the counter at the cinemas here but I was Rs. 10 short :'-( Made me real sad, that.
Oh, @JohnR: BTW!
I re-activated facebook and unfriended two of my friends from school. I've decided to quit feeling bad about not accepting friend requests from people whom I will likely never again see in my whole life.
What prompted me to do so was that I found my future roommate on Fb. I sent her a friend request and a message, letting her know who I am.
@Kaumudi.H Your roommate doesn't know that you are going to be her roommate?
No, man, we haven't met yet. My college starts only the week after the next.
Facebook has its uses ...
@Kaumudi.H Eight days!
She accepted it at first but unfriended me in 5 minutes :'-( Didn't go well, my first interaction with my roommate.
@Kaumudi.H How do you know she is your roommate if you have never met her?
I wouldn't read too much into that
@Sid I asked my warden at the hostel.
She might simply want to wait until she meets you in person
@JohnRennie Roughly, yes. We're supposed to attend an orientation program a few days before classes start.
@JohnRennie Heh :-/ Perhap she was apprehensive about accepting a virtual stranger's friend request.
Perhaps you have now creeped her out and she thinks you're a psycho stalker :-)
:'-( But I didn't do any stalking!
She's literally the only person on Fb with her own name.
Bring along a collection of axes and unpack them ostentatiously in front of her
@Kaumudi.H It could be someone else too..
@Sid Nah, all the details match; she studies at the college and in the very same dept. my warden mentioned.
I wouldn't really pay attention to someone claiming over fb that they will be my future roommate. It sounds too creepy to me.
Huh. I would've been suspectful at first but I'd have called my warden to know if it was legit.
@JohnRennie :-) As it happens, I'm going to be alone for the first week; she's a senior by one year and her classes start only one week after mine.
@Kaumudi.H Wait, juniors and seniors live together?
Yeah. We're the same age, really, seeing as I too would've been in my second year by now had it not been for the drop year.
Hope that you will not be ragged there. :P
Nah, ragging is strictly prohibited on campus. We even had to sign an agreement during admission. We have a relatively small (1500-2000) population on campus, too, so it wouldn't be easy to get away with it.
Mum's sick so now I gotta make lunch for everyone. Toodles!
@Kaumudi.H I use my own name. So do all but a few of my friends :P
@Mithrandir24601 What names do few of your friends use? Reddit-esque names?
@Sid Nah, they just use slightly different versions of their own name, so if you know them, you can recognise their name, but if you don't know them (just had their details on a piece of paper or something), it doesn't seem to be them
(by 'few' I mean about 1-2%)
1 hour later…
Will the massive particle accelerator in China open many job opportunities for physicists?
Don't say that. Trump will want to put a particle accelerator along the north side of his wall, to balance out the solar panels on the south side.
Anyone online
@jyotishrajthoudam Nope :P
Somebody has asked "is my kitten a girl or a boy" (along with a close up photo of kitten genitals). I'm so tempted to answer "neither - it's a fucking cat".
I knew someone whose job was sexing chicks. That is looking at day old chicks' bottoms and deciding if they were male or female.
A very important job in the egg production industry since males aren't very good at laying eggs :-)
That first sentence is so open to being misunderstood.
@JohnRennie Does ":-)" accurately reflect your feelings about what happens to the male chicks? :P
Sadly being a male chick in the egg production industry isn't a great life choice.
Though being any form of fowl in the egg production industry isn't exactly a great lifestyle.
is it faster to try to create unique field and catch error if duplicate, or to check first
I guess with checking theres also a race case
@Tobi wrong chat room?
yh soz
From the RSPCA Australia web site - "research into alternatives to allow chick sex to be determined in the early egg incubation phase should be urgently progressed". I wonder how that would work.
@DawoodibnKareem Well, the obvious way would be to take a sample from the egg and do a karyotype, right? (Of course that's too expensive)
isnt this physics
@ACuriousMind How do you take a sample from the egg without damaging the shell and making the egg unviable?
@Tobi Nope, animal husbandry.
@Tobi yes it is the physics chat but there don't seem to be any burning physics questions at the moment :-)
i learned that in a level physics
PET, gamma camera, CAT,
whats the last one
with electron spins
Bit expensive for the egg industry ...
Whats the other tomography method i forgot
At the moment the cheapest solution is to pay someone to look at the chicks' bums
@DawoodibnKareem Uh...teleportation devices? :D
I like the idea of using a CAT to check the sex of chickens.
@Tobi MRI?
yes thanks
@DawoodibnKareem Sounds a bit like making the wolf the shepherd ;)
@Tobi That's nuclear spin not electron spin though
I think if we want to eat eggs, we have to live with the fact that male chickens are going to die. Just like, if we want to eat meat, we have to live with ... well, you know.
yeah i didnt actually learn about i just remember it involved spins
and thats why im not taking physics at university
@Tobi just out of curiousity was your original post about adding rows to a SQL table while trying to have the manual equivalent of the autonumber column?
basicallyyy, i think
using email as primary key
so dont want duplicates
I've decided to just catch error
I would seriously advise against using an email address as the primary key of a table. Use an autonumber instead. You can put a constraint on the table to keep the email addresses unique if you need to.
Why autonumber?
@Tobi it's a simple way of having a unique primary key
Because databases are good at assigning unique numbers. If you try to re-invent the wheel, you end up tying yourself in knots over race conditions.
But its an extra field that i dont feel is needed
and i can quickly search by email
There's no race condition with string primary key assignment
So you want a situation where every other table that has to have a foreign key into this table stores the entire email address?
Sounds far more wasteful than just one extra field in one table.
its easier to refer to user by email than a random number
Also, what happens when someone changes their email address?
its automatically handled
if another user with same email exists, errors thrown
@Tobi no it isn't
no error?
You'd have to find all the other tables that link to your email address table and update them too
it will cascade
You'd have to change a whole bunch of fields in a whole bunch of other tables, and update them all atomically, if someone's address changes.
because its the primary key
Which RDBS are you using?
same things for a number
Meanwhile, the tables all get restructured on the disk. Please don't do it. Pick something immutable to be the primary key, or use a surrogate key.
In SQL Server it most certainly won't csacade.
I've never encountered a DBMS in which it would automatically cascade. And I've worked with many of them.
if u change primary key, it doesnt cascadee???
@Tobi no, because the number doesn't change. Just the e-mail address changes and that isn't a foreign key
@Tobi no
ok ok i will make email unique and use ai
Good. You will thank us both later.
This is how people all round the world design databases. The technique has stood the test of time.
Chick sexing and RDBMS - is there no end to the skills this chat room can provide?
Well, I have only one of those skills. I still don't know the sex of my youngest pigeon, and it's already a couple of months old.
I have to confess I have never sexed a chick either. I believe it is done by recognising subtle differences in the shape of the cloaca.
@Tobi Did you really mean for uname and email to be integers?
forgot to make them varchar
i dropped the table because i couldnt be bothered ttrying to figure out how to remove primary
havent used sql in like 2 years
@JohnRennie For pigeons, you have to feel the shape of the pelvis.
Or just wait until EITHER one of its male cagemates mounts it OR it mounts one of its female cagemates OR it lays an egg.
Pigeon genitals are not visible outside the pigeon. Despite this.
But then sensationalism and bigotry have long been good sellers in the newspaper industry
since when were birds so interesting
@JohnRennie To be fair, your link and my link don't actually contradict each other. But the headline in mine is misleading.
@Tobi I breed pigeons. Why shouldn't I talk about my hobby?
What exactly is it, idk
ANyone have tips on password hashing
I used bcrypt last time, serverside
is that good?
it was like 8 rounds or so
then transmit passwords raw text via https
so no sniff
Like, properly
@DawoodibnKareem Do you send messages with them or do you just breed them?
or eat them
@Tobi "What Is the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow?" – on topic
good to see that avatar glitch is now fixed
Q: Infinite chain of wells

Toby PeterkenIf I have an infinate chain of wells and a particle that could exist in any of them: $$ |\psi\rangle=\sum^\infty_{-\infty}a_n|n\rangle $$ where $$ a_n=\frac{1}{\sqrt{2}}\left( \frac{-i}{3}\right)^{|n|/2}e^{in\pi} $$ What is the probability the particle exists in the wells $n=0$ or above. Let $...

↑ this is a duplicate, right?
I swear I've seen those eqns before
@EmilioPisanty Good memory.
@ACuriousMind but it's not on OP's profile page
maybe he deleted it?
@EmilioPisanty it was automatically removed by the roomba. I undeleted it.
@ACuriousMind ah, that's what it was
Did you guys hear Danu's news?
@vzn What part of this is "not impressed"?
2 days ago, by Emilio Pisanty
I have plenty of respect for nanophotonic quantum optics, as I made very explicit in my earlier comments, and indeed I agree with the position that it is not just a quantitative improvement but a difference in kind that allows quantum optics to do a rather large number of things that it couldn't do before, and that it is incredibly exciting new ground.
If the only way you are capable of discussing my previous comments is to misrepresent them, then simply stop discussing them, period.
@TheRaidersofLasVegas Did we hear da news?
never mind, I should let him tell ya'll
@TheRaidersofLasVegas What are you talking about, it's still starred!
yesterday, by Danu
in Mathematics, 18 mins ago, by Danu
So I got a PhD position in Hamburg :D
birthplace of hamburgers
indeed (I just learnt that today they are a german invention)
@ACuriousMind I found coordinates in which the geometric and Riemannian normals agree
Where is @JohnRennie ?!
I got a guy claiming Oxford is better than Cambridge!
@Sid Hand JR an axe. :P
In other news, what I want to prove isn't wrong.
good news
I am just too lazy to write the proof now.
Just pull a Fermat
I did prove this, which feels like an achievement.
I also proved those vague statements in Giaquinta about mean curvature and distance functions.
maths chat is currently occupied by 3 users which are quarks of a proton
meanwhile I am still stuck in literature review limbo
@EmilioPisanty congrats
@heather thanks =)
@heather I owed you a response, didn't I?
yesterday, by heather
i was looking around and I see from this indicates there is some sort of connection between phase and polarization (I was going to ask a question on the main site to clarify) but generally, is it easier to detect polarization than phase?
yesterday, by heather
I.e., if phase and polarization are connected, if I change the phase, can I look at the polarization of each photon and see if it has changed due to the change in phase?
@EmilioPisanty I dunno about "owed" - you don't owe me anything, if anything I owe you something for putting up with my idiocy =)
what do you mean by "phase and polarization are connected"?
As in, the relative phase between the $y$ and $z$ components determines whether the polarization is linear or elliptical/circular?
well, my dad was saying that phase and polarization affect each other, so changing the former (i.e., like i'm doing with a mirror) would change the latter). I looked around, and while many sites seem to say that no, there is no connection, i did see that one site i linked above, which seems to indicate there is a sort of connection.
@EmilioPisanty i suppose, yes.
yeah, that's a pretty weak connection
ok, a new activity that will help me to be more focused has occured. Given how both the h bar and maths chat are busy and I am still in limbo, I am gonna head to that activity and brb later
there's a difference between the global phase of the beam and the relative phase between the two polarization components
if you want to be able to muck with that relative phase, then you need a material that will impart a different phase (i.e. have a different refractive index) for the two different polarizations
that might sound a bit nuts, but it's actually pretty reasonable
Birefringence is the optical property of a material having a refractive index that depends on the polarization and propagation direction of light. These optically anisotropic materials are said to be birefringent (or birefractive). The birefringence is often quantified as the maximum difference between refractive indices exhibited by the material. Crystals with non-cubic crystal structures are often birefringent, as are plastics under mechanical stress. Birefringence is responsible for the phenomenon of double refraction whereby a ray of light, when incident upon a birefringent material, is split...
okay, one moment. i'm mildly confused.
A waveplate or retarder is an optical device that alters the polarization state of a light wave travelling through it. Two common types of waveplates are the half-wave plate, which shifts the polarization direction of linearly polarized light, and the quarter-wave plate, which converts linearly polarized light into circularly polarized light and vice versa. A quarter-wave plate can be used to produce elliptical polarization as well. Waveplates are constructed out of a birefringent material (such as quartz or mica), for which the index of refraction is different for different orientations of light...
how are there two components to the polarization?

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