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@vzn yeah, if only there were an arXiv version and a search engine to find it =P
> Author Contributions All authors contributed to the preparation of the manuscript.
Literally cannot type
:38904090 Even then you need to reference the problem that was unsolvable beforehand and tools you bootstrap off of. Historical really-short dissertations generally have six to ten references.
None of us did any research because, you know, we're that good
@EmilioPisanty thx =P
there's someone called L. Sapienza? how's that for a foreshadowing surname...
You know what would be really nice? A userscript to check the open DOI (whatever it is called) for any link or page you happen to have.
If I had any copious spare time I'd look into it.
@dmckee you mean something like oadoi.org?
Could be...
or how exactly do you want this to work?
or possibly also unpaywall.org
@EmilioPisanty lol, quite to the contrary!
@vzn what?
@Blue It seems to me not for physics majors. but I think it is fine to stay with EM textbook solely, as EM is quite straight forward. (as long as you get used to vector calculus)
I am from Hong Kong. and I bought my textbooks in Taiwan
if you are not familiar with vector calculus, Purcell's EM has a very very physics introduction.
@dmckee wow
My speed of reading paper is extremely slow. One of the biggest challenge is whenever I counter a concept sth I don't understand (say, what they are measuring), then I found myself having hard time knowing what is going on (even with wiki).
@Shing yeah, that gets easier with time and as you delve deeper into (and therefore become more familiar with) an area
@Shing I generally use one of three strategies for dealing with that situation.
Q: How to read papers without falling into a rabbit hole?

gwgOften while reading a paper, I will see a citation that that seems more relevant than my current one. I'll switch to the new paper, only to experience a similar feeling. Or maybe I need to look something up on Wikipedia. An hour later, I'll still feel as if I didn't really digest anything. I will...

^ potentially useful
1. If I don't need to understand a claim like 'a <such-n-so> can be represented by ...', I just accept it. Not something I did for my dissertation, but for reading outside your specialty.
2. Stop reading this paper while you backtrack the critical idea. During the preparation of the theory chapter in my thesis I actually marked my place in papers and make a physical realization of the cs-theoretical stack on my desk. Then resume when ready, which generally required going back to the beginning of the paused paper.
3. Accept the idea for now and come back to it latter, then reconsider the paper where it arose in the light of your new understanding. Again, for my thesis I had to maintain a written list of ideas to explore and papers to reconsider when I understand them.
But like I said, you get faster with practice.
@vzn depends on what you mean by working.
I'm trying to find my way in these topics
As a curiosity, what music do you listen to to help you concentrate? — Ant May 12 '16 at 23:01
Does music help? I only resort to music when, for example, it's 3AM and still two chapters remain for the tomorrow morning exam
@vzn To be honest, I find that a fair amount of those kinds of statements by people in quantum nanophotonics are strawmen to a significant degree. It is indeed a cool new effect, but it's only "not accounted for in standard quantum optics" if you bend and twist things so that you take a view of what "standard quantum optics" means that's narrow enough that your stuff falls outside it.
Someone who's not in that sub-subfield can very reasonably say that this is very much a part of standard quantum optics.
This is not to devalue the science, but be mindful of the epistemological strings that may be getting pulled to hype things up and redirect funding that way.
@EmilioPisanty This effect is based on the recently-noticed transverse spin of light.
Does something like this (already present in the theory but unnoticed) count as new physics?
@Mostafa that's a bad question. It is new physics, but you don't get to imply that it wasn't describable by the existing theory.
Also, beware when anyone says X effect is "unnoticed"
33% of the time the effect was noticed earlier and the writer is simply not aware of it
33% of the time it was noticed, and people thought 'huh, that's curious', and moved on
33% of the time it's actually new
reminds me of this ^ (from Berry's anticipations of the geometric phase)
@EmilioPisanty too early to tell but they are talking about stuff like a "deterministic CNOT gate". think theres something really new going on here. one might even say in a moment of weakness... gasp, revolutionary... alas there can be a vast gulf between experimentalist language and theory at times... something to keep ones eye on. it will certainly take me awhile to grasp some of this stuff... but overall think their excitement is justified...
@EmilioPisanty that's a really good article.
i have it bookmarked.
@EmilioPisanty This one belongs to the third categoary. People have noticed previously that in total internal reflection of a TM wave, the evanescent wave has two field compenents that are $\pi/2$ out of phase, but until recently no one looked at it as a new polarization (or spin) degree of freedom of evanescent waves as a universal effect.
@Mostafa sure. But I really don't buy the "this breaks out of quantum optics" line.
It's new quantum optics, but quantum optics it is.
@vzn That's funny. Maybe that's a bit of a... dogmatic... view of just how new this is.
Seriously. This is all just the known lego blocks. In an interesting new configuration, but there are plenty of claims out there that are rather overhyped, or which have been engineered to downplay the full breadth and generality of the previously-existing frameworks.
And, just to emphasize: overhyping stuff, and falling uncritically for undue hype, hurts science.
(also, "vast gulf between experimentalist language and theory" is a ridiculous statement. In quantum optics, and particularly in the parts that interface with nanophotonics, theory and experiment are as closely wedded as it gets.)
i'm not sure I follow your statement...at all, really @vzn
@EmilioPisanty I agree. Having known that the handedness of the polarization of the evanescent wave depends on (is locked to) its propagation direction, their idea of coupling this field to a spin-polarized emitter is quite straightforward.
@Mithrandir24601 rytsas
@heather rytsas! How are things going?
pretty good =) how about for you?
@heather except for the headache I got about an hour ago (which has thankfully now passed, although I'm still going to have some ice cream...), pretty good here as well :) I think I've got the PhD options finally sorted out :)
nice =)
(also, ice cream's always good, though i'm sorry about the headache)
@heather What's the point of having an ice cream?! It's bad for your tooth.
and has no nutritional benefits overall.
Do you eat things merely for their nutritional benefit?
@Mostafa Momentary pleasure? Who cares about long term benefits anyway XD (I agree that we should though. That's why I've stopped having fast food often.)
@ACuriousMind I don't eat something that has no nutritional benefit and is harmful to my health
@Mostafa Because it tastes delicious :)
Also, I'm thin and light enough that what most people consider unhealthy, I can eat without worrying about things like how fattening it is
@Mithrandir24601 "tastes delicious" is something in your mind that can be changed. But the fact that it's bad for your health is something in the external world that can't be changed.
@Mostafa In what way is it bad for your health? - it all depends on how much you eat relative to what else you're eating. Yeah, eating lots of ice cream all the time would be bad, but having some now and again doesn't do any real harm
If you have 1 ice cream per month that isn't really harmful. Having an ice cream every day might be. Also, if you brush your teeth everyday it shouldn't matter much. :) As for the calories: I've promised myself to exercise for an hour each time I have something like pizza, burger, ice cream etc.
Even if it's bad for your health, it's still delicious. I'll rather have some increase in the probability to get bad teeth than never eat ice cream again.
@Mithrandir24601 OK but if you don't end up eating various sweet foods/desserts/snacks every now and then, which means eating sugar all the time.
And I've just got back from 2 hours of solid hard exercise, which means I need to eat something :P
@Mithrandir24601 What type of exercise? :P
Yeah... I don't really eat much in the way sweet foods/desserts/snacks with the exception of ice cream and jam (if jam even counts). I'm not counting chocolate as I go for the 'as dark as I can get' variety, which definitely isn't sweet :P
@Blue Kung Fu and Taichi
@Mithrandir24601 Wow. Keep it up man!
Was meant to be purely Kung fu, but I got a really bad headache at some point, so switched to doing Taichi
I used to learn/practice Karate upto 10th grade but then had to leave it due to academic pressue. Hoping to get back soon :)
Aw :/ It helps with the academic pressure!
@Mithrandir24601 I didn't even have enough time to sleep in the last 2-3 years in high school due to competitive exam prep. Leave alone Karate :P
I used to sleep just for around 3-4 hours a day
@Blue You'd be surprised how doing something completely unrelated can actually increase productivity (if you're me anyway)
@Mithrandir24601 You learn Kung Fu at any club? Or yourself?
@EmilioPisanty hi, lol at your referring to anything published in Nature as "overhyped" and insinuating that the researchers are merely jockeying for funding. this is 1st rate science and groundbreaking, other expert scientists will agree, and get tired of the constant haranguing of topnotch/ worldclass/ genuinely new results in this room :( ... there are probably several physics revolutions underway as we speak, but one would never guess it talking to the "authorities" on this site :(
During term, I go to the University society and outside of term (like now), I go to the same instructor's public classes :)
Oh. Same here. Our school had a Karate club and then it closed down (due to lack of participants). Later I joined the sensei's classes which he used to hold every weekend. :D I really enjoyed it a lot.
If you enjoy it, then it's definitely worth going to :)
Yesterday I finally decided to fill that tooth. I explained for the dentist how she should drill (from what side and to what extent) to incur minimum damage, based on my studies of the tooth structure. What do you think she told me after ~2 minutes of my explanations?
has the sensei stopped teaching then?
@Mithrandir24601 I think he still teaches. I last spoke with him 2 years back. I have his contact number and am planning to get in touch with him once my uni starts.
She said I haven't studied dentistry for over 10 years so that you tell me what to do :\
@Blue Sounds good! I've got the details of a good Wing Chun instructor (possibly master?) to go to, but I've not yet got round to it (and I've been here nearly a year...)
Our sensei was a good cook too. He sometimes used to cook chilli chicken & chowmein for us. :D (About once a month)
then he has succeeded in life
@Mithrandir24601 "succeeded" ?
@Blue As in, he is good at everything that's required to have a good, fulfilling life (based on my opinion - I love cooking)
@Mithrandir24601 Oh, yeah. Indeed. Hehe. :D My cooking ability is limited to making instant noodles XD
(I'm not being exactly literal, but the gist is that he sounds like a great guy, who lives a healthy lifestyle, loves cooking and seems to get on well with his students, so what more do you need? :P)
@Blue Oh dear :P
@ACuriousMind did you know it is possible for Radovid to kill Keira Metz?
@Mithrandir24601 Learning how to cook is necessary if you want to have a healthy life. Another thing you should do is to cut back on sugars.
and damn starches
@Mostafa I'm already borderline underweight at best!
@ACuriousMind I'd prefer not to eat at all and inject all the necessary nutrients and keep my teeth intact.
@Mostafa Sigh, what?
that ^
@0celoñe7 No (I haven't really read through alternative possibilities since I'm pretty certain I'll play the game again sometime)
@ACuriousMind I don't think it is possible to kill off everyone Mass effect style
I would like to do a run of ME so that I barely survive the end of the second one
my first character was unrealistically successful
@ACuriousMind How does New Game + work?
@Mostafa What are you gonna use those perfect teeth for if not eating? :P
@0celoñe7 Haven't tried it yet
@ACuriousMind This...
@0celoñe7 I don't think so either, I think at least Yen always survives
@vzn That is an ad hominem and it is inappropriate for this venue. If you cannot see nuance in others' opinions and all you can do is attack crude caricatures of them, then please take that elsewhere.
A few words about "significance and originality", journal articles and "hype".
@ACuriousMind When I can't both eat and have good teeth, I choose having good teeth.
I don't know anything about quantum optics and haven't read the article in nature, so I don't have a dog in the fight, but I do know a thing or two about people and promoting articles.
@Mostafa What you're saying is nonsense.
Lots of people eat and have good teeth. Maybe you need to brush your teeth.
All the good journals require a paper to be "significant and original" (or other words to that effect), and the most competitive ones expect authors to argue explicitly that this is the case with their article.
Wording those arguments is part of the game.
And there are (at least) two camps on the matter.
One camp buys in wholeheartedly to the game, and another plays reluctantly and grumbles.
One of the strategies of the game is to claim that a result is a first by restricting the field in as many ways as needed to get there. Everyone does this if they need to.
But not everyone feels good enough about it to make a big deal over the matter.
I have plenty of respect for nanophotonic quantum optics, as I made very explicit in my earlier comments, and indeed I agree with the position that it is not just a quantitative improvement but a difference in kind that allows quantum optics to do a rather large number of things that it couldn't do before, and that it is incredibly exciting new ground.
I've seen articles in the popular press that take one of those highly bounded and limited claims of priority and treats it like—being a "first"—it is obviously revolutionary.
All I can say about them is "Meh. Have some perspective, dude."
"A probability space $(X,\Sigma,\mu)$ is called a Borel probability space if $X$ can be endowed with a Polish topology"
No idea if that is the case here, but I look for people to display some judgement in evaluating such claims.
That's the only math term named after a country, I think
@0celoñe7 There is also "Polish" and "reverse Polish" notation (prefix and postfix).
@dmckee Hmm. Same country, too...
On the other hand, having worked in quantum optics for over six years, I do have some perspective on what quantum optics has traditionally been seen as encompassing, and I am happy to explain the differences between that traditional understanding and the artificially-small box that the new techniques are painted as breaking. However, if you're not interested in those details, and just want to draw caricatures, then to each their own.
Wouldn't that be named after a language or nationality @0celoñe7 not a country?
@TheRaidersofLasVegas maybe
Where is the Jewish Notation
A Jewish space
@TheRaidersofLasVegas It's named after the country, namely the Polish school of mathematics that flourished there.
@0celoñe7 I'm the one who spends like 40 mins a day taking care of his teeth, yet had to fill a tooth yesterday.
Not considering the fact that flossing and brushing after you eat anything as the best strategy dentists have come up with is utterly stupid and impractical, it doesn't %100 prevent your teeth from decaying.
You're doing something wrong, bud.
Nothing prevents your body 100% from decaying. Life is a terminal condition.
The country is Poland.
Is that^ false?
Poland is a country.
@0celoñe7 What do you mean?
@ACuriousMind you're basically saying that we should accept that we can't prevent our teeth from decaying
@Mostafa If you had to fill a tooth, you're doing something wrong.
It's not normal.
Polish is not a country.
Jewish is not a country.
@Mostafa That's strange. Probably you've started taking care of your teeth only recently after you got a cavity. If you brush properly twice a day that's sufficient to keep your teeth healthy.
@0celoñe7 The cavity started ~10 years ago when I didn't floss routinely, so yes. But I'm saying this is really stupid that we have to fight bacteria and keep them out of our mouth to keep our teeth healthy!
@Blue ^
@Blue Also he is probably overbrushing and will have gum problems.
bacteria have been always here, and will always be here. everywhere
@0celoñe7 no. I do everything in the most scientific way possible
You don't even need to floss. Use a good mouthwash and brush everyday. That's enough.
I'm going to read this to have a better understanding of how tooth functions amazon.com/Cohens-Pathways-Pulp-Expert-Consult/dp/0323096352
@0celoñe7 Yeah. Overbrushing will also cause uneven removal of enamel...
@Mostafa You're going overboard...
@0celoñe7 I don't trust (most of) the dentists.
@Mostafa That's fair, they stand to make more money if you have bad teeth.
If you don't have enough knowledge yourself, they do the easiest thing for themselves
Root canal for example. They love root canals, while a vital pulp therapy may be possible to keep the tooth alive
Yup, been there done that.
(root canal, I mean)
Actually, I had a triple root canal done.
not fun
Yall need to eat less sugar.
from chapter 23 of that book^
@0celoñe7 I eat no sugar (except fruits)
Stay away from soda pop.
You should note that concepts like new technologies and research are almost completely foreign to most of the dentists and doctors. They usually love to stick to their old techniques and tools.
You're generalizing from your own experiences and prejudices again.
@ACuriousMind I said most of them.
It makes good business sense to use techniques and tools that make them the most money.
I would do the same.
This is really true everywhere. and one important reason is that they don't trust new methods when they have a working, well-tested one. It's more like a technician job, rather than a scientist's.
They're not scientists.
Doctor's are not scientists
Applied scientists.
They are supposed to use tried and tested methods. But a handful of them are indeed involved in new research work.
Sorta like engineering
+ business men
@Blue Depends on the Doctor - a GP won't really do anything in the way of research (although it's still possible), while a consultant quite probably does
@TheRaidersofLasVegas I'm saying that we (people here) generally have the viewpoint of a scientist who is always open to new ideas, and therefore may mistakenly think that doctors are the same too. But they are generally not like this. (actually the exact opposite most of the times)
and I generally agree
@Blue Well, all of them who do medical research certainly are. The rest are probably in the same category as physicists who work as engineers or programmers - applying their science but not actively contributing to it.
@Mostafa As I sort of hinted at, consultants aren't like this, but GPs are more likely to be like this
See this for example:
Digital dentistry refers to the use of dental technologies or devices to carry out dental procedures rather than using mechanical or electrical tools. The use of digital dentistry can make carrying out dental procedures more efficient than using mechanical tools. == Technologies used == Some of the technologies used in digital dentistry include: CAD/CAM and intraoral imaging — both laboratory- and clinician-controlled Caries diagnosis Computer-aided implant dentistry — including design and fabrication of surgical guides Digital radiography — intraoral and extraoral, including cone beam computed...
the "limitations": cost, lack of desire to adapt to new dental technology, and misunderstanding of new technologies.
BTW has there been any progress related to this news ?
The Wow! signal was a strong narrowband radio signal received on August 15, 1977, by Ohio State University's Big Ear radio telescope in the United States, then used to support the search for extraterrestrial intelligence. The signal appeared to come from the constellation Sagittarius and bore the expected hallmarks of extraterrestrial origin. Astronomer Jerry R. Ehman discovered the anomaly a few days later, while reviewing the recorded data. He was so impressed by the result that he circled the reading on the computer printout and wrote the comment Wow! on its side, leading to the event's widely...
Personally I think it's just another instance of ^
@Blue As long as it's not another microwave oven.
lol :D
@Blue Wow! just got conclusively solved, no?
Seems so!
Most of these alien stuff is blown out of proportion by newspapers anyway
Yeah... Researchers be like 'Aliens aren't impossible, they're just the least likely outcome', causing media to be like 'it is likely that we have discovered aliens!' :P
To be fair, aliens are orders of magnitudes cooler than "a cloud of hydrogen gas" :P
what is life if not a cloud of hydrocarbon gas
@0celoñe7 let's see you live on Jupiter
@EmilioPisanty Provide me the rocket ship and I will go.
@0celoñe7 What prevents life from being made of something like silicon or say plutonium? :P
@0celoñe7 do you want to take a submarine with you?
@Blue let's not do the silicon life gag again
@EmilioPisanty what?
@EmilioPisanty nah
@Blue God
Q: Silicon-based life

userMy question may not be suitable here, because it's more of astrobiology. Life as we know it is carbon based. Is life based on silicon possible? What would the conditions for habitability for silicon based life be? Can both carbon- and silicon-based life co-exist? Is any silicon-based life foun...

Q: Should this astrobiology question be reopened?

ManishearthSilicon-based life was closed for being off topic. It's possibly an astrobiology question, and was migrated from the old Astronomy.SE. In which case it is on topic by current rules. Probably. (we might want to have a more critical look into exactly which topics from Astro we have made on topic,...

@EmilioPisanty Let's do ytterbium then XD
@Blue oh, ytterbium is the best
Ah, 1800s analysis was good
... if what you're into is comparing the frequency of a dipole-forbidden transition with that of a dipole-and-quadrupole-forbidden one, of a single trapped ion, over and over again, for five years
"Dirichlet saw no need to prove this principle"
@0celoñe7 isn't that a bit of a misstatement? as I recall the story, the only thing he skipped as obvious was the existence
but this was a long time ago
also re silicon life CC @dmckee who I imagine has fond memories of that discussion I just linked to
@EmilioPisanty I don't know exactly. Seems hard to show uniqueness without a maximum principle.
I don't know if he had a maximum principle.
¯\ _(ツ)_/¯
Following Evolution's silly logic, we would fight silicon-based invaders with antimony.
@EmilioPisanty There is a harmonic function on $B(0,1)\subset\Bbb R^2$ with infinite Dirichlet form.
Very mysterious.
@EmilioPisanty Did close votes not age away back then, or how did Qmechanic's close vote manage to not be binding in 2014?
Not all harmonic functions arise variationally...
@ACuriousMind yeah, I was just going to remark on that
it's not something you see often nowadays
turns out there's periods of PSE history when Qmechanic wasn't a moderator
Yeah, but he was elected in 2012, which means his vote apparently hung around for more than two years, while close votes nowadays typically age away over a period of...uh...a month or so? (too lazy to find the meta post)
In fact, this might have been one of @Qmechanic's last non-mod close votes - the 2012 election ended on Dec 10th, 0:00, and the close vote was cast on Dec 9 '12 at 21:48
@ACuriousMind yeah, that's weird
how'd you find that review so fast?
I can't quite figure out what caused that review to be stopped, nor can I figure out why it suddenly started anew on Feb 27 '14
@ACuriousMind that's a separate review ticket, though
700 pages...
volume 2 is another 700...
@EmilioPisanty Mod magic, the mod timeline contains a bit more info than the ordinary one
How am i supposed to read 10,000 pages of math books
@ACuriousMind ah, well, lucky you, then
@EmilioPisanty Yes, but there was no flag raised on the post. I see no reason for that review to have started at all, nor any reason for the first one to have stopped after only Qmechanic reviewing it
@ACuriousMind and this is him still acting as a regular user, then
Maybe Qmechanic being elected moderator caused the review system to think it was done, but didn't upgrade the actual close vote to a binding one?
That would at least explain why the first review was aborted
@ACuriousMind maybe?
sounds reasonable enough
you should ask on the mother meta
Another fun fact: The question has gone through reopen review twice (1, 2) since its closure.
One of the "leave closed" voters being "Community" :D
This question is a gold mine for odd system behaviour
By giving up gaming @0celoñe7
Reset your "priorities."

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