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@ACuriousMind Was ist eine "stetige Riemannsche Metrik?"
Ah, is it just $C^0$?
(put it simply, while under the usual social norm saying how myself is bad at this and that seemed like being hard on myself, in truth to me it is not so different in saying a statement. I tend to say the truth unless the truth is known to have dangeorus consequences (e.g. coporate secrets or other sensitive information)
Saying the truth is good. Saying it succinctly is even better.
yeah, with the help of acuriousmind's and many h barers, I go from that verbose guy back in the 2013 to being able to write simple sentences like these
@JohnRennie Been putting garlic in everything
I still need to work on my stream of consciousness habit though, cause one reason I do that is because I like people to know how I think (provided it does not have implications to my future)
@JohnRennie I am protecting myself from the interdimensional vampires (Hillary, Obama, etc.)
but again, this is a chat not a blog, and people don't really like seeing paragraphs all the time
@0celo7 How are they interdimensional?
@Sid they travel between dimensions
Claim: If any of you knew me in person, for some reason you will never found me verbose
@0celo7 How?
@ACuriousMind I thought the h-bar was Secret's blog where others can on occasion sneak in a word edgewise
@Sid If I knew, I would stop them
garlic is fine
improves almost any food
check it out
weirdest thing ever
YouTube was a dating site in 2005
no way
@EmilioPisanty I tend to distrust random internet sites.
@0celo7 what?
is the hyphen necessary
That's the wayback machine
Never heard of it...
@0celo7 all goverments suck your lifeblood I'm afraid. The different flavours of governments just suck slightly different amounts in slightly different ways.
a wild mod appears
@AccidentalFourierTransform yeah, presumably somebody flagged something?
@JohnRennie yes, I am hardcore anarchist
@EmilioPisanty I didn't see any flags ...
Huh. Talk about standards that nobody follows. According to ISO 80000:3, In English, the names repetency and angular repetency should be used instead of wavenumber and angular wavenumber, respectively, since these quantities are not numbers. (source behind paywall).
ROs can see flags?
Though I think the police and fire service are worth paying for. Actually I think the National Health Service is worth paying for too :-)
@gerrit yeah, well, that's what you get when you paywall your standard so nobody can see it and nobody has any incentive to even look at what it says
@gerrit cool. I'll be using repetency from now on
@AccidentalFourierTransform I would have absolutely no idea what you're talking about if you did
Not me, I am unrepentent
@EmilioPisanty I don't have access to the ISO standard myself either, but I do have access to the British Standards Institute implementation, which is also behind a paywall but which my university has access to. I do agree and think having standards behind paywalls is even more stupid than having scientific papers behind paywalls. But I don't think people would start using repetency if ISO and BSI went open access.
Apr 3 at 20:19, by AccidentalFourierTransform
@ACuriousMind I like being misunderstood
@Sid High rep users see flags, or at least some flags. I don't think room owners have any special powers in this regard.
ROs are just for pinning, removing stuff and something like that I think
@gerrit yeah, well, that's some prescriptivist linguistics of the dumbest kind, but if you then make sure that nobody can read it, then...
@Sid ROs can suspend users also I think
For small intervals
@Blue No, but they can kick users from their room.
@Blue we can kickmute users. First kick is only for 60 secs, second is longer and the third is for 30 mins. But that's the maximum power we have.
Ah, right. Kicking is done, correct.
I don't understand why it's called "kicking". lol
Kicking them out of the room
@JohnRennie Yeah, but sounds funny :P
@Blue It's been called that way in internet chats like IRC for, like, forever, so now we're stuck with it.
@ACuriousMind I get it :'D
@EmilioPisanty What.
@ACuriousMind evidence don't lie
Biggest scam of the century?
All these days, I have been using a dating site without knowing?
@EmilioPisanty Apparently it was indeed intended as a dating site!
13 mins ago, by Secret
https://www.cnet.com/news/youtube-started-as-an-online-dating-site/ Media proof
Ah, nvm me then
@AccidentalFourierTransform Hey, btw, it appears I'll be needing a new flatshare soon
I'm not sure I follow the train of thought that thinks "dating site" is the obvious choice for "something with videa".
starting between August 1 and September 1. Can you ask around your contacts to see if anyone has a room to fill?
Yes, why does uploading video help you establish carbon isotope ratios?
@ACuriousMind Who the hell says "videa"?
@EmilioPisanty Someone who can't type :P
@EmilioPisanty sure. What happened to your previous place?
or is it for someone else?
@AccidentalFourierTransform Flatmate's sister is moving into town
so its for a she. That usually makes things easier
@EmilioPisanty Bizarrely, in the rest of the standard, ISO don't even follow this recommendation themselves. They use the word wavenumber, except where they define it, where they say "do not use the word wavenumber".
I'll let you know
@AccidentalFourierTransform No, flatmate's sister is moving into town, and flatmate's kicking me out to make room =/
she's not willing to share it? ;-P
@EmilioPisanty You don't seem to have a great flatmate, do you?
Ideally around Sants / Hostafrancs / Eixample Esquerra / Poble Sec / Sant Antoni / Raval kinda area, or a fuzzy cloud around that constellation
@Sid flatmate's fine, she's just making rational decisions much as anyone else would do
@EmilioPisanty Is Barcolona so expensive, or do you just like living with other people?
@ACuriousMind been sharing for a pretty long time and I can't fully be bothered switching to the full formal estate-agent route
@EmilioPisanty well, if they are kicking you out, they should find you a place, shouldn't they?
@Sid I don't have any particular complaints about how this was handled, but this is not the place to discuss the context, sorry
@EmilioPisanty Doesn't ICFO have accommodation within it's campus for postdocs?
@EmilioPisanty Well, you need not switch to buying real estate directly!
@EmilioPisanty Of course. if you are fine with it, there should be no qualms
@Blue campus is pretty far from the city
@EmilioPisanty Oh. I see. So it's not a fully residential campus.
@Blue there is a campus residence, but ICFO is not in Barcelona proper
@EmilioPisanty I see. Are you a native citizen of Spain or are you from another country?
citizen of the world
@EmilioPisanty BTW you don't have a European passport, don't you?
you should get the Spanish citizenship or something
Public forum, eternal transcript and all that
::looks at everything, is disappointed::
that is what she said
@AccidentalFourierTransform $\Large 😂$
@AccidentalFourierTransform Citizen should refer to a "city"'s native ideally :P This is another word whose usage sounds strange to me.
@Blue What if I told you that polis, the Greek word from which we derive "politics", also just means "city"? ;P
hehe :D
and zen, the Japanese word, also means "city"
so citicity
@JohnRennie privatize everything, clearly :P
@0celo7 stern European look
@0celo7 It's hard to explain to US Americans just how touchy the privatization of the NHS is as a topic in the UK
@ACuriousMind Your igni tip was right on the money
really helps against groups of foes
Interestingly the amount of tax paid by UK and US workers is roughly the same. But we get free health care included in that, and the US doesn't.
`@JohnRennie We bomb more people than you...fair trade-off imo.
duh. That isn't supposed to be a good thing
So you chaps in the US have to pay about the same tax as us, then on top of that pay health insurance as well. But I'm sure privatising everyone does work, ish ...
@Sid :o
@JohnRennie ooooh, this is a tough one. Do I poke fun at the American with the expensive health system, or do I poke fun at the brit about the impending brexit NHS doom?
@EmilioPisanty I think the pay for European health workers working in the NHS is going to have to increase to persuade them to stay. We don't have any alternative. Without them the NHS would grind to a standstill.
Which I guess is good for Europeans wanting to work in the NHS. Though of course the pounds they're paid in are going to be worth less :-)
@JohnRennie I agree. It is inconceivable that the current government would allow the NHS to grind to a standstill.
Not intentionally, but the competence of the current government is beginning to seriously worry me.
yeah, well... people elected them. Surely, they would be more competent than any other alternative
what is all this news about teleporting photons?
@Sid right now in the UK we have a choice between the devil and the deep blue sea. Both the leading parties are basically in a shambles.
Tell me one political party in the whole world which is not in shambles.
@HritikNarayan Which?
@Blue I would guess it's the Chinese demonstration of entanglement between a photon on Earth and in space.
The article is such an annoyance to read
Oh, I had read about it. I don't think it's a very new concept(?). Had read about it in one of Michio Kaku's pop science book around 5 years back.
there's no "breakthrough" as such right?
@HritikNarayan well, it's a significant technical advance.
@HritikNarayan it's a technological improvement on existing results
To use this technique for routine global communications requires the sort of long distance entanglement being studied in these experiments.
@EmilioPisanty I was looking at the ICFO website. Will I be allowed to visit ICFO next year to get an idea of the ongoing research in Photonics and related areas? They seem to have some cool projects going on.
@Blue visitors are always welcome
> To optimize the link efficiency and overcome the atmospheric turbulence in the up-link, a series of techniques are developed, including a compact ultra-bright source of multi-photon entanglement, narrow beam divergence, high-bandwidth and high-accuracy acquiring, pointing, and tracking
None of those are easy problems.
Entangling stuff is hard
Entangling stuff over a distance of 1400km with a turbulent atmosphere in the middle is a good deal harder
@EmilioPisanty Well, how should I apply ? I saw that ICFO has a Photonics Congress for Young Students but that seems to be only for school students.
@Blue that kinda depends on what kind of visit you want
Do you just want to poke around in a guided tour?
Are you looking for an open day kinda event?
Or have you got a specific group(s) that you would like to visit?
@Mostafa :-thumbup
@EmilioPisanty I want to get an idea of the current research in the areas of Photonics and Quantum Mechanics (Experimental). Like a workshop cum tutorial or something like that.
Also if I could get hands-on experience in some small scale project that would be nice(if possible that is)
BTW, I would probably be a noob compared to all the scientists there :P
@Blue that will depend on your background - are you at uni? doing a masters? looking for a masters? looking for a phd?
@EmilioPisanty I'm in my first year of under-graduation in electronics engineering. Next year i'll be in my second year. I want to pursue my masters/phd in applied physics after my engineering is over.
@Blue ok
have a poke around outreach.icfo.eu
I'm self learning quantum mechanics at present
@EmilioPisanty Oh, thanks
I cleaned my mousepad
turns out it's blue, not navy
a decade of grime has been lifted
In the "Plan Your Visit" section I am filling up my details in the student section. But, in the third step they are asking for "Title of the scientific research project
". What do I write there?
@Blue Dunno. "Looking for undergraduate research opportunities"?
Describe your background and what you want to get out of the visit in as much detail as you can
and dont mention your criminal record
Q: What kind of flags should be raised in the following cases?

Wrichik BasuConsider the following two cases: The question asked shows no research effort. It could have been easily solved with minimum research from the side of the user who is asking. But it does not belong to homework-and-exercises tag. The question is unrealistic, that is, it does asks about somethin...

@EmilioPisanty Oh. Thanks. I'm trying to describe my situation in detail under "what is your query".
@EmilioPisanty Done. I mentioned my qualification and my interests and that I would like to know about the current research and take part in some project if possible. Hoping for a reply from them. Thanks a lot for your help. :)
@Blue no worries
good luck with it =)
@AccidentalFourierTransform lol, does eating non-veg food qualify as a criminal act? XD Other than that I have killed a few mosquitoes I guess. And I ate my classmate's tiffin once all by myself (well, that was a pizza and I couldn't resist :P).
@EmilioPisanty =)
@EmilioPisanty I don't know Spanish language. Will I be able to converse with people there in English?
Phew :P
Random person here: Anyone play Dota2?
Q: Why not introduce a private messaging system in Stack Exchange?

Wrichik BasuMany times, it has happened that after a certain answer to a question, there has been considerable amount of commenting. Sometimes, it has happened that the person asking the question has wanted to have a heart to heart talk with the one who answers his question. But at times, these discussions c...

For what it's worth, @-tagging in chat only works if the user has posted in the room in the past 2 days, as far as I know. — David Z ♦ Sep 7 '11 at 22:01
Is it still true? ^
No, it seems. For example @Sanya had talked 27 days ago.
Mods can do a super-ping however
They can ping anyone
If they are currently in the room you can ping them.
@Blue You mean it isn't true?
Let's check. @JoshuaLin
@ACuriousMind Are bruxae very powerful vampiresses or regular ones?
try pinging Lubos
Joshua Lin's last message was 10 days ago
Hi, everybody.
@0celo7 What is a vampire exactly? is it dangerous?
@Mostafa Doesn't work. Was he in chat before?
@Mostafa last time I said anything about vampires, I was banned
@DanielSank Hi
@DanielSank Hello
@DanielSank hi
@DanielSank Hello
@0celo7 Why? how do you know it was because of discussing vampires? They don't discuss suspensions in public
I shan't repeat it

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