@DavidZ hey thats a heavy thing to say, cmon theres lots of common ground in here... :| ... think its science itself that tends to get (over)specialized, compartmentalized, fragmented...
@ChrisWhite I'm baaaaaasically a python-first person and I understand pointers just fine. In fact, in Python everything is a reference, so it's not hard to understand pointers.
While this isn't probably what @DavidZ was talking about when he mentioned argument passing, it is a very important and often neglected aspect of python.
@dmckee I completely disagree. The beginner absolutely must be informed of this.
@DanielSank It really depends how 'beginner' you are talking about. I don't want them worrying about naming when they are trying to understand the behavior of assignment in imperative programming.
Unfortunately, this also means that beginners learn to debug by running their program and reading the Exception messages instead of doing sane things like learning to use a compiler and/or writing tests.
I'm telling you, if you don't have the debugger running and you run some long simulation, but hit a syntax error at the end, you've just wasted an hour that a compiler would have saved you.
Now, motivated by this, you start writing tests where you run your sim end-to-end with a small data set just to make sure it works at all.
...I guess you should do that in compiled languages too though...
Ok let's say that it's still a good idea to write end-to-end "does it work" tests, but that in python they're way more necessary than in e.g. Java.
We provide a careful proof of Theorem 5.1 from Bott & Tu. The main body of the proof is taken from this MO post.
Let $M^n$ be a smooth manifold. An open cover $\{U_\alpha\}$ is good if each nonempty finite intersection $U_{\alpha_1}\cap\cdots\cap U_{\alpha_k}$ is diffeomorphic to $\Bbb R^n$. The...
And I love to write units test for bugs. Find bug. Write a test to prove that it is doing it wrong. Check in the test. Fix the bug. Run the test to prove that it is now doing it right and you haven't broken anything else. Check in the fix. Drink beer.
The essential ingredient in quantum error correction is that with a multi-body system, you can measure some degrees of freedom without measuring all of them.
Therefore, you can check whether something went wrong without actually measuring the logic state of the qubit.
It's kinda similar to if you could tell whether a bit flipped, but not what it's initial state was.
However, if I hide one of the three particles and you only have the other two, they won't behave like a normal quantum state and you can't write a wave function.
You have to use this thingy called a density matrix.
@BernardMeurer I think the py3 Protocol lib is dumb.
@ACuriousMind More or less. Also that the arguments about the multi-spin rotation are right.
Basically, I'd like to make sure that the example is correct. I've been looking for a simple way to demonstrate decoherence when a single spin "goes missing" for quite a while. My original example (used in thesis) was to a three-spin Bell state. The trouble there is that the reader has to know why Bell states are interesting.
@DanielSank I think the example is correct. What I'd remark is that one can get the impression that you choose very special states at which you stop the interaction with the environment to then show that the angle dependence has vanished.
@DanielSank Yes. What I mean is that in this case, the decohereed state eventually returns to its original state if left undisturbed, doesn't it? I.e. the example is a nice illustration of how decohoerence works, but "true" decoherence still has another aspect (I guess it's just the large number of variables in the environment) that prohibits states once decohered to "become coherent again"?
You might recall that the arrows in the universal properties of the product and the sum are exactly opposite - the product has projections out of it, and the sum has inclusions into it
So this is the reason it turns the sum into a product - it reverses all the arrows, and turns the u.p. of the sum into the u.p. of the product. Or rather, that's the reason that if there's an identity for sum and product, we should expect them to turn into product and sum under contravariant functors.
However, a priori a functor has no obligation to preserve sums/products at all