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@BernardMeurer The best topology is the metric topology, honestly
You can use calculus stuff then
@0celo7 What others are there?
Manifolds are metric spaces, thank god
@BernardMeurer Innumerable
Not all spaces can be metrized
@0celo7 Sounds like a pain in the ass
What about
Why not?
The metric $\forall x, y. d(x,y) = 0$
@BernardMeurer There's an obstruction, I'm not sure what it is though
@Slereah that's a pretty shitty metric
@Slereah Wat
But is it not a metric you could apply to all spaces
@Slereah That's not a metric
It's degenerate
ur degenerate
You've been tainted by physics to call something that can be zero for two different things "metric".
it fails the positivity axiom, sam
I put the hinges on the fuckboy's hands
@ACuriousMind To be fair, the mathematical literature on GR (yes, it exists), does that too
@BernardMeurer Congratulations, you played yourself
Have you seen the shoe closet video @BernardMeurer ?
@0celo7 Yes
I'm a sneaker guy but I have no clue what he's going on about in that vid
He's like "know what I mean" and the dude interviewing just nods and thats's it
@0celo7 He names his bloody shoes
I name mine too
"comfortable walking shoes that are bad for driving"
"running shoes that are disgusting"
@0celo7 Like an average engineer you suck at naming things
wtf are you people talking about
"cool gray shoes that make a weird noise"
let's just call it "ARM"
"sick AJ1s that blind you in the sun they so fresh"
Sure, let's have x86, x86_64 and x64 be different things
@ACuriousMind shoo old man
Is this how you feel when you encounter algebra? :P
"these things look like alien shoes"
@ACuriousMind Idk what he's talking about, I'm complaining about hardware engineers
@ACuriousMind yes
I'm talking about shoes
Also trying to prove this damn theorem
@ACuriousMind 0celo7 has the ugliest shoes
@ACuriousMind Did you know that if $\Omega\subset\Bbb R^n$ is open and star-shaped, then $\Omega\approx\Bbb R^n$?
@ACuriousMind I need a yes or no!
It's for science
@BernardMeurer I will teach you topology
what do you want to know
@0celo7 What's topology?
the study of open sets
What's an open set?
a set whose complement is closed
What's a complement?
do you know what a venn diagram is
show me one
@ACuriousMind can you take over?
You got yourself into this, you're getting yourself out of this :P
@BernardMeurer Do you know what a set is
Do you know what $\cup,\cap,\emptyset$ means?
@0celo7 the first two yeah, union and intersection (right?)
the last one is what the bank shows me when I spend too much
brb laundry
@BernardMeurer A topological space is a set $X$ with a collection of subsets $\mathcal T$ called a "topology" such that $X,\emptyset\in\mathcal T$, $\mathcal T$ is closed under union and finite intersection.
Elements of $\mathcal T$ are called "open"
what's that funky 0?
Empty set
@Slereah can give you the definition
note the union can be infinite
More like $\varnothing$
Definition of what
the definition of it
the empty set
is it the set such that no set is a subset of it?
The one I usually see is $\varnothing = \{ x | x \neq x\}$
Wait, if $\mathcal T$ is a collection of subsets of $X$ then why is it that $X \in \mathcal T$ and not the other way around?
that's not ZFC though
or does it not make a difference?
Because $X$ is a subset of $X$
Fuck you guys
@ACuriousMind help
How is $X$ a subset of $X$?
$\mathcal T$ is just the set of open sets
@BernardMeurer axiom of set theory
Empty set axiom is $$\exists x \forall y. \neg y \in x$$
Well you asked
you can then prove that this set is unique and call it $\varnothing$
Well okay so given a set $Ç$ I can state that $Ç$ will always be a subset of $Ç$?
I love me some funky characters
@Slereah Oh, nice proof!
nice and short
@BernardMeurer ok, next definition
$C\subset X$ is closed if $X-C$ is open.
THEOREM 1. $X$ and $\emptyset$ are clopen.
Can you provide the proof?
Wait wait
What's $X-C$? The elements in $X$ not in $C$?
Is using a laser as a murder weapon at a very large distance viable
@BernardMeurer Yes
@Slereah Not yet
The pros are
@Slereah No
Infinite range, basically
Only limited by the curvature of the earth
But on the other hand
@BernardMeurer other notation is $X\setminus C$
I don't know the attenuation by distance
How much power does a laser beam loses with distance
@Slereah are you trying to kill me
In generic atmospheric conditions
@0celo7 Don't be silly
As said
You said an open set has a complementary which is closed!
Earth's curvature is the limiting factor
And you're too far for that
@BernardMeurer Yes
so if $X-C$ is Open, $C$ is closed, thus X is clopen!
You could hop on a plane
@BernardMeurer No.
$U$ is open if $X-U$ is closed.
Apparently it's about 1-3 dB/km
Depending on humidity
So up to a factor of 1000 per km
I'm guessing doing it from another city is out of the question
Good luck getting that to work down here
100% humidity
Do you live in Atlantis
Oh well, my murder laser rampage will have to wait for another day
I mean there are lasers powerful enough to do that, obviously
I would go for ACM first if I were you
But they are military lasers
A bit suspiscious to get
@0celo7 So what's the proof?
$X-X=\emptyset$, which is open by definition, so $X$ is closed.
$X-\emptyset=X$, which is open by definition, so $\emptyset$ is closed.
Who the fuck came up with this crap?
So anyway
Black holes have spaghettification
Neutron stars have the lasagna phase
What other pasta based physics exists
is spaghettification actually a thing?
People should add a naming class to the physics curriculum
my personal favorite maybe something for you all to look into :) en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flying_Spaghetti_Monster
Pastafarianism :-)
@JohnRennie Do you want to adopt me?
@vzn That's offensive
@BernardMeurer I have not been lying awake at night considering the option.
@JohnRennie Dang it
ask bob
Why do you want to be adopted? If it's to get into a European university you do realise we've just voted to leave the EU?
@0celo7 Bob doesn't like me
@0celo7 huh? why?
@JohnRennie Nah, you just seem like a suitable candidate
Thanks (I think)
he wants your blood
@vzn I don't have to explain
@JohnRennie He means you're old enough so he can quickly inherit :P
@JohnRennie Have you built a large, exuberant fortune which I can inherit?
@ACuriousMind You're starting to know me too well :v
@0celo7 offensive to atheists or (most) theists maybe but not agnostics presumably, not sure about nihilists :P
@BernardMeurer sadly not, I spent most of my money on drink, drugs and sex
@ACuriousMind If I have a continuous function defined on all of $\Bbb R$, will it be bounded above even on open sets as long as they are not all of $\Bbb R$?
@JohnRennie Do you still have the first two?
I know for compact sets it's bounded, of course
but if I can put the open set inside of a compact set
then apply the compact rule
it should apply to the open set inside of it, right?
@0celo7 Clearly not, consider the open set $\mathbb{R}-\{0\}$.
@BernardMeurer do you mean do I still indulge in the first two, and if so does that imply I stopped indulging in the third?
@ACuriousMind I meant bounded, ACM
@JohnRennie Yes. No.
you know what I meant
Bugger! I just got outbid on a VDSL router on ebay. Damn!
open, bounded
@JohnRennie I just specified the first two because I don't want to have sex with you
@BernardMeurer Thanks (I think)
@JohnRennie No, he's saying you're too old for him
@0celo7 No. I'm saying I like women
Well matured like fine wine
lol, sure
@JohnRennie More like white wine gone sour
Or alternatively stinky and oozing noxious fluids like matured cheese :-)
... though preferably not me
@BernardMeurer: is it a CS degree you're thinking of doing?
@JohnRennie I shift between CS and CEng, but since I had to decide for Portugal I just said whatever and picked CEng there
but CS is cool too
(gad everything ultimately deteriorates in here with 0celo7 around) :( ... hey @Bernard when does your school start anyway
@vzn September
what the hell
Moving to Lisbon next month
@0celo7 When's Michelle going to Romania?
It's just that I don't know anyone with an interesting job in IT who did a CS or CEng degree.
@BernardMeurer cant remember did you say you didnt have family there?
didn't know she was
@JohnRennie I've heard that before
pretty sure she hates me anyway
I'm fairly certain I'm not competent to graduate in anything else though
@vzn Yeah, no family
@0celo7 Boohoo
she thinks I hate women!
no thanks to you
I'm sure you won't have any problem getting a good CS/CEng degree, but I think you might find the course a bit disappointing.
From my (limited) experience universities aren't into the sort of hard core hacking that's the most fun.
@JohnRennie Yeah, everyone tells me that but, hell, what else will I do?
University seems to just be shit
Why not just join a startup?
Are there computer security undergrad degrees?
Bob does not associate with people who haven't gone to college @BernardMeurer
@JohnRennie I want a degree in something
Otherwise I'll loose my inheritance
@0celo7 Neither does my family
Fair enough, if you want the degree then I'm sure you'll ace it with your experience.
@0celo7 No, you do CS and focus on security
And I'm sure you'll find lots of like minded hackers
@JohnRennie Also there's a lot I don't know, I'm a noob still
If you gather together several thousand highly motivated and smart youngsters they are more or less guaranteed to get to some interesting stuff.
@JohnRennie Problem is getting into a school where the smart youngsters are :v
@BernardMeurer Wait, after your whole experience with this application process and what you told us yesterday you still believe that the smart people end up at certain schools?
Every university has several thousand highly motivated and smart youngsters. Just because a university isn't Ivy League doesn't mean all the students are doing janitorial science.
@ACuriousMind Well, yeah I guess they do
@JohnRennie I guess that's accurate, yeah
@ACuriousMind: is this answer correct in saying that uncharged particles like neutrinos do interact via the EM force courtesy of the higher loop diagrams:
A: Can neutrinos interact by the EM interaction and gravity?

Vishnu JKAll objects and fields that have a nonzero mass, energy, or momentum interact gravitationally, and so do neutrinos – although they're very light and hard to produce so the gravitational force from any neutrinos we know is undetectable at this time. Neutrinos also have negligible but nonzero inte...

@dmckee AAAh ksdjaf sadf pointers halp
@BernardMeurer Hmm?
I ask because I thought so and upvoted it ...
@JohnRennie yes
Thanks, my upvote is justified then :-)
@dmckee If I have a variable foo that has a method foo.read, and I want to pass that onto a function as a pointer so that in that function I can do bar.read() and it will actually be changing foo (pass by reference) how do I do that?
@JohnRennie Well, you can have electromagnetic lines and loops in higher order diagrams. I wouldn't personally use the phrase "interact via the EM force", but the effect is there.
C++ keep's crying blood whenever I try and reference a method of a pointer
@ACuriousMind Do you know/like Kvelertak?
Uhg. Pointers to member functions are a special case with tricky syntax and nasty semantics.
@dmckee See, salkdjfhassdaf pointers!
@ChrisWhite Halp
Or do you really mean just a pointer to object.
Why would you pass a pointer to the member function rather a pointer to the object?
@BernardMeurer ...are that those experimental Swedish musicians you once linked?
@ACuriousMind That's Wintergatan, Kvelertak is a norwegian hard-rock metal-ish band
fooObj *p = new fooObj();`
allows you to access a member function (method) by
p->bar(baz, quip);
@BernardMeurer: In the UK Radio One has a rock show on Sunday evening, and the DJ Daniel P. Carter is very keen on Kvelertak.
@JohnRennie I'm passing a pointer to the object, but the compiler isn't liking it when I try and access the member function
@JohnRennie Their new album is neat
@ACuriousMind A convex set is star-shaped about any interior point, right?
This is equivalent to (*p).bar(baz, quip) but easier to read.
@dmckee Lemme try
@BernardMeurer I'm not so keen on the metal end of the rock spectrum.
@JohnRennie Do you like Jazz?
All my life I have hated Jazz with a passion. It is the most boring form of music there is.
@BernardMeurer I like jazz. I really do. But I never want to sit and listen to it for more than a few minutes at a time.
But most jazz players seem to like to cut ten minute tracks.
Impedance mismatch city.
I used to get dragged along to Jazz clubs at uni and I found drinking myself into insensibility was the only way to survive.
@JohnRennie yikes
even worse than pop gangster rap?
@JohnRennie Oh god hahahaha
@dmckee Some cool new Jazz: youtube.com/watch?v=pTloZPT62IM
But then I like psychedelia and space rock, so my taste in music is highly suspect :-)
space rock?
This is fairly typical of my listening these days:
oh god
what is this
sounds like a 60s movie soundtrack
It's got a stupid intro
Fast forward past it
@0celo7 Nothing can be worse than the soundtrack for Ladyhawke. Ruined what could have been a really good movie.
@dmckee No worky
cannot convert ‘cv::CascadeClassifier’ to ‘cv::CascadeClassifier*’ for argument ‘1’ to ‘void loadFromHeader(cv::CascadeClassifier*, char*)’
@dmckee I don't know, @BernardMeurer says my music is atrocious
It is, it really is
@JohnRennie this isn't bad at all
@BernardMeurer I actually listen to incredibly popular music
you don't know what you're talking about, clearly
@0celo7 That's why it's bad
Or, actually, that's not why it's bad
what kind of logic is that
but in recent years incredibly popular has been a marker for bad
@BernardMeurer It says that you are trying to pass an object where it expects a pointer-to-object. But I can't help much without seeing your code.
In the code I used above, you would simply pass p as it is the pointer-to-object.
@dmckee Here you go
It's a little messy
the function I'm trying to implement is the one at the top
What line is throwing the error?
No, wait
wrong error
Well, you defined faceCascade with
CascadeClassifier faceCascade;
So it is an object. Not a pointer to object.
Make line 23
loadFromHeader(&faceCascade, face_array);
or make line 21
CascadeClassifier *faceCascade = new CascadeClassifier();
for fucks sake me
Let's see :v
@dmckee Works! Thanks!
The former is probably better from a RAII prospectice as long you are happy with the default initialization.
Resource Acquisition Is Initialization. It's a set of practices for preventing memory leaks (ideally, or at least reducing their number).
If you're going to program in c++, you should look into it.
@dmckee Reading on it now
oooh, I found a rare moment when people aren't talking about differential geometry
No. We're talking about c++, instead. Because this is the physics chat room, that's why.
I guess these are the things we all have in common: programming and math. Everyone's specific interests in physics are too niche to provide any common ground.
Yeah. You hear a lot of programing and technology talk in the bar at conferences, after all.
C++ is funky
well, that's one way to put it

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