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A Jerk snapped with a loud crackle after watching pop momentarily
@DanielSank well according to @Danu you shouldn't learn GR from anything less than Carroll, and he has topology I think
Learn GR without any math
@Slereah is that a serious recommendation?
Care to take a guess?
@DavidZ Sigh...why did you remove that?
the answer is obvious... (both questions)
It's not obvious to me
All moderation decisions are nonobvious to me :(
@Secret huh?
Cannot find a better sign that say "any attempt to discuss further on the issue will be met with severe consequences" as an answer your "it is not obvious to me"
you know what I mean given the long history of everyone being documented in h bar
(This message is intentionally cryptic, yet direct at the same time)
how do we know which term is which?
@Secret Huh?
@Secret What do you mean? What terms are you talking about?
Tracing all the way back to the first equation

$$\frac{d^2 u_j}{dt^2}=\frac{d\Omega}{dt}\times u_j+\Omega \times (\Omega \times u_j)$$

why is the centrifugal force depend on the jerk of the unit vector of the rotating frame?

$$\Omega \times (\Omega \times u_j)$$
In Newtonian mechanics, the term centrifugal force is used to refer to an inertial force (also called a 'fictitious' force) directed away from the axis of rotation that appears to act on all objects when viewed in a rotating reference frame. The concept of centrifugal force can be applied in rotating devices such as centrifuges, centrifugal pumps, centrifugal governors, centrifugal clutches, etc., as well as in centrifugal railways, planetary orbits, banked curves, etc. when they are analyzed in a rotating coordinate system. The name has historically sometimes also been used to refer to the reaction...
@ACuriousMind I am talking about the 3 fictitious force terms, how do we know which term is which as all we have is just a couple of angular velocities, velocities and positions being related by cross products?
@Secret I don't understand the question. When you compute the fictitious force, you get those three summands. what is there to know?
@Secret That's not a jerk. It's the centrifugal acceleration
Jerk appears pretty rarely in physics
Since all basic equations are second order
I don't understand why is $$\Omega \times (\Omega \times x_B)$$ is the centrifugal force but not any of the other two fictitious force

How does one deduce which force is which by just staring at the 3 terms?
You don't.
You do it by performing coordinate transforms
@Secret You define that term to be called "centrifugal force".
You take the equation
$\frac{d\vec p}{dt} = 0$
You switch the coordinates to a rotating frame
You will see those terms appear
"which is which" would only make sense if you had defined "centrifugal force", "Euler force" or "Coriolis force" prior to getting those three summands. But you can't. You compute the total fictitious force, get three terms, and decide to call each by its own name
Although beware
It's not too trivial
Because the basis vector themselves depend on time
(if you use polar coordinates)
A rotating frame of reference is a special case of a non-inertial reference frame that is rotating relative to an inertial reference frame. An everyday example of a rotating reference frame is the surface of the Earth. (This article considers only frames rotating about a fixed axis. For more general rotations, see Euler angles.) == Fictitious forces == All non-inertial reference frames exhibit fictitious forces. Rotating reference frames are characterized by three fictitious forces: the centrifugal force, the Coriolis force, and, for non-uniformly rotating reference frames, the Euler for...
If you're asking why one should conceive of those forces as three distinct forces, just look at their dependence on derivatives - the centrifugal force is always there, the Coriolis force only acts on things moving with respect to the rotating reference frame, and the Euler force only acts when the rate of rotation is changing.
Since you've done some GR
Those are basically terms that the connection gets from coordinate change
I think this wikipedia article have worked through this
which is what I have jotted down the paper and convince myself by redoing the derivation

and yes I got those 3 terms. In particular

$$\frac{d^2 u_j}{dt^2}=\frac{d\Omega}{dt}\times u_j+\Omega \times \frac{du_j}{dt}$$


$$\Omega \times \frac{du_j}{dt}=\Omega \times (\Omega \times x_B)$$

I recognise the $\frac{d^2u_j}{dt^2}$ as the jerk of x_j

OK I mistaken, because I misread the $\frac{du_j}{dt}$ in $\Omega \times \frac{du_j}{dt}$ as jerk, it is clear now
@Slereah Apparently fourth derivatives appear in civil engineering problems.
also it's used in like
rollercoaster mechanics
uh, @Slereah how do you actually calculate the acceleration in Schwarzschild spacetime felt by a stationary observer
Isn't that just from the geodesic deviation?
@user507974 I mean you don't need anything beyond the techniques in GR and QFT
probably not
which I certainly wouldn't call advanced math
since it's basically physicists' level complex analysis and tensor calculus
@FenderLesPaul hahaha
You've never taken a look at the Cauchy problem?
Who cares about the cauchy problem?
Math people
It's the interesting part of GR
Who cares about math people?
@FenderLesPaul </3
@0celo7 I love you for who you are not what you do!
well good because I do fucked up shit
I had way too much fun doing this in AssCreed
@FenderLesPaul what about twistor GR
that uses sheaf cohomology
Do people use twistor GR?
@FenderLesPaul maybe one or two
also I'd hardly call the proof of the pos energy theorem easy math
Literally none of that has to do with AdS/CFT related research
do you not need Kähler geometry for that?
Did that ER = EPR business go anywhere, by the way
@ACuriousMind what's the space called that's like the set of $k$-planes through a vector space
@0celo7 Grassmannian
@Slereah it's still being advocated by Susskind and Maldacena as a solution to the firewall paradox
@ACuriousMind nice to see you're not consistent :)
Mr. Gauß
@Slereah although I think a lot of people don't buy it just yet
because it relies on very special situations: eternal (double-sided) black holes and thermofield double states
(that was a trick question to see if you'd spell it correctly with ß)
@0celo7 I actually just didn't know that Graßmann has properly an ß in there
Also wasn't it extremely vague
Like "They both have the same entropy"
Only ever saw Grassmann, even in German contexts
Hermann Günther Grassmann (German: Graßmann; April 15, 1809 – September 26, 1877) was a German polymath, known in his day as a linguist and now also as a mathematician. He was also a physicist, neohumanist, general scholar, and publisher. His mathematical work was little noted until he was in his sixties. == Biography == Grassmann was the third of 12 children of Justus Günter Grassmann, an ordained minister who taught mathematics and physics at the Stettin Gymnasium, where Hermann was educated. Grassmann was an undistinguished student until he obtained a high mark on the examinations for admission...
@0celo7 I can look it up, too :P
@ACuriousMind :(
it took me a while
@Slereah I don't think it was vague
@ACuriousMind So I saw Hansel & Gretel, was very disappointed that it wasn't in German.
Couldn't say
I don't know AdS/CFT theory
it basically said that you can regularize the entanglement entropy at the horizon if particles are entangled through ER wormholes
would be cool if it was true though
because it would provide a very cool conceptual picture for how space and time emerge from entanglement
but QM is wrong
Would be neat
Does it provide an alternative interpretation of QM by the way?
Similar to whatever vague shit Penrose did
QM interpretation through topology
Not that I know of
but I don't really understand the details of ER=EPR very well
I should look it up but then again I'd have to learn CFT
The horror
There are a bunch of KITP lectures on firewalls and ER=EPR and fuzzballs
you should watch them they're pretty instructive
let me find the link with the videos
I should probably learn AdS/CF first
@Slereah CFT is even worse than quadratic equation theory
they aren't all super technical talks
The ones by Marolf and Susskind are very intuitive
Susskind is crazy
"The Case for Firewalls" (Marolf) and "ER = EPR" (Susskind)
he always eats during talks
Maldacena's talk is more technical
So does Richard Stallman
Also just for kicks you should watch the talks under "The view from GR"
The ones by Jacobson, Wald, and Hawking are fine
but Bill Unruh's talk is hilarious
that guy is legitimately a nutcase
Plenty of crazy dudes in the field
Unruh is just freaking crackpotty haha
Penrose, Tipler, Mallett
Hawking is crazy too
not physics crazy, just crazy in general
Stallman is a legend
@BernardMeurer never heard of him
never heard of him
Are you stuck in repeat now?
@BernardMeurer never heard of him
"Compute the entropy increase of the ice/water system due to the melting of the ice cubes
and that due to the warming of the resulting water, within the assumption that the resulting
water does not exchange an appreciable amount of heat with the remaining ice."

Does this assumption mean that the water continues to rise in temperature before all the ice has melted?
It certainly sounds like that, but that's wrong isn't it?
@DavidZ oh I know that, don't worry!
@Qmechanic I'm in principle up for doing more. But no pressure ;)
the stronger will the repulsion due to the Pauli principle be, since it can never happen that two electrons possess exactly the same spin and the same probability to be found in an extent of space. in his answer he has written about pauli's principle but o don't understand what this principle will do here
@0celo7 Are you teasing or do I actually have to explain why that's an absurd statement?
@sharafzaman I can't explain it any different from what I have written there. The "first" reason why you can't push matter into other matter is electromagnetic repulsion of the electrons. But when you try to overcome that by just applying more force, you'll hit the point where the matter turns into degenerate matter, and then the Pauli principle becomes the main obstacle to further compression.
@DanielSank dunno, is Danu wrong?
@ACuriousMind hey i it true that if i press something by my hands too much its atomic size decreases so electrons come close to each other
@0celo7 It makes an absurdly general statement. Some people need GR for applications and don't need to understand it in the way Danu wants to understand it.
Sep 12 '15 at 10:29, by Danu
I, as a self-learning conservative, don't think it's a good idea to learn GR at all until you're ready for something like Carroll's book.
@DanielSank you should fight him about it
@ACuriousMind How come in calculus we learn $\lim_{x\to c}f(x)$ first and then $\lim_{n\to\infty}a_n$, but in analysis we do it the other way around?
@0celo7 How would you propose to define $\lim_{x\to c}f(x)$ if not by $\lim_{n\to\infty}f(x_n)$ for every sequence $x_n\to n$?
@ACuriousMind Uh, $0<|x-c|<\delta\implies |f(x)-L|<\epsilon$?
The standard way?
Hm, yes.
I guess you can do it both ways, but a sequence is a "simpler" object than a general function, so it seems somewhat natural to start with sequences
I guess, but in calculus one always does it the other way around.
In fact most first calculus courses do not cover sequences.
Since I'm still not exactly clear on the difference between calculus and analysis, that statement doesn't mean much to me
@ACuriousMind You should read a calculus book to educate yourself.
But I'd guess it is because calculus is about computing stuff about functions, so it would be somewhat strange to start talking about sequences instead.
@ACuriousMind Maybe.
But the way I was taught sequences in calculus was this
We learned about limits of functions at infinity, so stuff like $\lim_{x\to\infty}f(x)$
then we defined $\lim a_n$ like this
let $f(x)$ be the function so that $f(n)=a_n$
then $\lim a_n=\lim_{x\to\infty}f(x)$
@ACuriousMind now I'm pretty sure that's wrong in general
but when we had stuff like $a_n=\frac{n}{\mathrm{e}^n}$ it worked.
@0celo7 Well, the $\lvert x-c\rvert < \delta$ doesn't make sense for $c=\infty$.
@ACuriousMind >implying we did $\epsilon-\delta$ in high school
oh boy you are German
we calculated limits by looking at graphs
@0celo7 Uh, no, you told me you wanted to define $\lim_{x\to c}$ by that.
@ACuriousMind how I define things and how the class defines things are not the same
the class never defined limit
we just used them
then your answer is that analysis is rigorous and calculus isn't :P
yes, calculus is to analysis what physics is to math
the smelly nonrigorous cousin
Yeah, so...what was your question again?
@ACuriousMind hmm
I don't have one, just stuck on a PDE proof
and if I ask you or @yuggib, you'll demand to know the function space and topology
@ACuriousMind Sigh, I was staring at $-x\phi\phi'|_1^b$ for 15 minutes, trying to figure out why it's $\ge0$. $\phi$ has Dirichlet BCs -.-
@ACuriousMind hey is it true that if i press something by my hands too much its atomic size decreases so electrons come close to each other
53 mins ago, by sharaf zaman
@ACuriousMind hey i it true that if i press something by my hands too much its atomic size decreases so electrons come close to each other
but this is quite annoying this SE site has so many restrictions
@sharafzaman "Atomic size" is an ill-defined concept. On the scales where it is well-defined, it doesn't change, and on the scales where you might like to say it changes, it doesn't make sense to speak about it. Atoms are not little billard balls with definite diameters.
@sharafzaman All of the "restrictions" are in place to facilitate good, focused questions that can receive useful, clear answers.
then on physics overflow no restrictions but still good question even better answer
@sharafzaman "no restrictions"? "Only grad-level and above" sure sounds like a quite heavy restriction to me.
@ACuriousMind according to this chat, anything from analysis to sheaf cohomology is the starting point for "grad level"
that is just for namesake but even highschool students ask question @ACuriousMind
@sharafzaman The restriction is not on the type of asker, but on the type of question. If you like PhysicsOverflow better, why are you here?
because i want to make some score on this site
and chat room here is the best
@ACuriousMind Internet points.
no reputation @0celo7
i mean i want to make some reputation
@sharafzaman Yes. Internet points.
@0celo7 The only reason to want to get rep that I can see is that you like this site and want more reputation to help shape it.
@ACuriousMind bwahahaha
so naive
some people just want swag internet points
don't indirectly point at me lol
@sharafzaman But why do you want reputation if you think the site is "annoying"?
because i love physics!
@ACuriousMind Hey, please calculate $$\int_1^b\sin\left(\frac{n\pi}{\log b}\log x\right)\sin\left(\frac{m\pi}{\log b}\log x\right)\frac{\mathrm{d}x}{x}$$
@sharafzaman That doesn't make sense. What has a love for physics to do with gaining reputation on some internet site?
@0celo7 Ew. What's the $\frac{1}{x}$ doing in my Fourier orthogonality relation?
okay! i agree i like this site but here are lot of restrictions
@sharafzaman Such as?
@ACuriousMind also note the $\log x$s
oh, can one substitute $u=\log x$
when i see a great post and i want to clarify my some question i can't comment unless i get 50 reputations
@0celo7 Oh! I somehow parsed that as $\log(a)$
@sharafzaman Comments are not for asking follow-up questions. The 50 rep condition is there precisely so new users don't do that.
@ACuriousMind u sub works!
If you have a question, ask a question.
see, @ing my questions to you answers them half the time
@0celo7 Yes, it does
@ACuriousMind yes even if i ask a question i gets duplicated
@ACuriousMind doing eigenfunction analysis of the operator $x^2D^2+xD$.
@sharafzaman You mean, it is closed as duplicate? Then you need to make clearer what about your question is different from the one already asked.
Q: my question is about gibbs energy, entropy and all that

sharaf zaman I learnt that Gibbs energy is a free energy to do work! Tell me, what is this free energy and what is the work done (I mean what kind of work). Please also provide me an example of Gibbs free energy, like which energy and what work it is doing. Entropy is said to be a measure of randomness in a ...

That's not closed because it is a duplicate.
It's closed because "Those three questions are rather unrelated, please ask them seperately.", as I say in a comment there
see this question there is no answer for the first 1, if i ask for another question it will get duplicate as tag
@sharafzaman I don't know what that's supposed to mean.
@ACuriousMind My PDE prof is so sad. I've seen him erase $\in\mathbb{R}$ and $\propto\delta_{mn}$ after writing it on the board because the engineers in the class aren't used to that notation
@ACuriousMind i mean if i ask again i will get a duplicate tag so i will get -2 points and i don't want that to happen
@sharafzaman That's...not at all how it works.
You get "-2" for downvotes, which have nothing to do with close votes or duplicates.
A tag is something like , and has nothing to do with duplicates.
And you're not supposed to "ask it again". You're supposed to choose one question in there, remove the other two and ask them as new, separate questions.
@ACuriousMind How does one show, easily, that $\sin(\frac{n\pi}{\log b}\log x)=0$ $(n-1)$-times in $(1,b)$?
@ACuriousMind i see.
@ACuriousMind $\log =\ln$
@0celo7 Well, you know when the $\sin$ is zero, right?
That doesn't mean it's not a math question. Trust me. You will get the "full download" over there. There are entire mathematical fields like functional analysis which live and die by this very question. Flag this to be moved to the math folks and you will get much better answers. — CuriousOne 1 hour ago
::referred to the triangle inequality ::
@ACuriousMind Last time I checked, $\sin n\pi=0$
@yuggib lol
T__T this explains a lot about his level of mathematical knowledge
but I haven't been to PDE class in ... 2 days
jeez fingers
@0celo7 do you know the triangle inequality?
@0celo7 Exactly. So solve $n\pi \frac{\ln(x)}{\ln(b)} = m\pi$ for free $m\in\mathbb{Z}$.
@yuggib maybe
I used it about 5 times on the analysis homework I just completed
@yuggib Experimentalist ;)
because apparently then you know all functional analysis
@yuggib oh shit, really?
see the above technical explanation
@yuggib huh?
"There are entire mathematical fields like functional analysis which live and die by this very question"
--- referring to the triangle inequality
@yuggib isn't it just $d(x,y)\le d(x,z)+d(z,y)$ with $d$ the distance function of a metric space?
@0celo7 It is
that inequality might be the wrong way around.
@ACuriousMind ok, that was like day one in analysis
Hint: yuggib does not agree with CuriousOne's statement :P
@ACuriousMind I'm countering sarcasm with sarcasm
hint ^
@ACuriousMind uhhh
How a single vowel can make the difference between enlightenment and being stumped... :D
$x=\exp \frac{m}{n}\log b$
(I'm referring to your edit of "ohhh" to "uhhh")
I feel like one should be able to simplify that
@ACuriousMind I know
@0celo7 Good :)
@ACuriousMind why would you think otherwise?
@ACuriousMind ok so why is $\exp\frac{m}{n}\log b$ in $(1,b)$ $(n-1)$ times
Hey guys, if you had only 3 lessons (aka relatively small self contained subjects) you could give to a student to kind of summarize kind of the essential idea behind being a physicist what would you teach them? They dont have to be strictly physics, though they should kind of be focused on ideas to help orient a person to think as a physicist
@ACuriousMind Oh, that's equal to $b^{m/n}$
ah, now it's clear because $m/n<1$.
@user507974 Lesson 1: Don't bother proving equations have solutions, just solve them.
Lesson 2: Bathroom conversations are legitimate citations.
Lesson 3: Always trust Einstein and The Evidence.
lol mathematicians vs physicists is always a great one
you can have more time, I meant something on the order of 5-25 minutes per "lesson"
Time for my weekly rant about academia:
Q: Interviews for academic teaching positions and "diversity"

Markus BezekI am a Masters student in math, who loves teaching, and rather than go on for a PhD would rather teach at a community college. I've noticed in many of the schools to which I am applying the they emphasize the need to understand diversity and teaching to diverse ethnic, economic, and ability popul...

@user507974 Depends. How much do they know already? Do you want to make them to become interested in theoretical or experimental physics? Or do you perhaps only want to make them interested in science?
Everyone's basically like "oh yes, you do need to be understanding of diversity, cause black people learn differently from white people"
@ChrisWhite Hmm, does learning vary by IQ?
If so, in general, that would be true.
@ACuriousMind if you need them to they can have a qualititive understanding of calculus and math in general
for scientific topics maybe 2-3 minutes of an intro to prereqs
Math in general?
lower than calc,
they know well
@ChrisWhite That's not what DanRomnik's answer seems to be saying to me. He's actually saying it's not about their mode of learning facts, but about teaching and it not being a pure and rational transfer of knowledge, but also about human interaction, inspiration and such things.
so like a us high school student, maybe taken a first level calc class
I've taught Caltech geniuses, Princeton privileged rich people, and convicted felons who aren't up to high school standards by age 30. Asian, White, Black -- I teach them all the same, and I can't imagine how I could alter my lessons based on their skin color.
maybe they like science but theyre just curious what physics kind of is
> convicted felons who aren't up to high school standards by age 30
@ACuriousMind: Can a post from here be migrated to Chem SE?
Tell us more...
@user36790 Only by mods
@ACuriousMind O.O

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