I think this wikipedia article have worked through this
which is what I have jotted down the paper and convince myself by redoing the derivation
and yes I got those 3 terms. In particular
$$\frac{d^2 u_j}{dt^2}=\frac{d\Omega}{dt}\times u_j+\Omega \times \frac{du_j}{dt}$$
$$\Omega \times \frac{du_j}{dt}=\Omega \times (\Omega \times x_B)$$
I recognise the $\frac{d^2u_j}{dt^2}$ as the jerk of x_j
OK I mistaken, because I misread the $\frac{du_j}{dt}$ in $\Omega \times \frac{du_j}{dt}$ as jerk, it is clear now