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What did you expect?
@Sᴋᴜʟʟᴘᴇᴛʀᴏʟ Who called them?
Yep. No worries though, you got me. Self-policing doesn't get anyone suspended.
@yuggib I want to say it's $\operatorname{dim} V-1$. But I don't know how to prove it.
@ArtOfCode Did my flag bring you here?
@user36790 Yup
@ArtOfCode Pretty fast!!
@user36790 Did you flag your own thing?
You are Zoom.
@0celo7 I'm great ;P
@0celo7 any dimension between $0$ and $\mathrm{dim}V$
@0celo7 there's your answer
I'm basically always watching the flag counts...
@ArtOfCode oh.
(by zero I mean $\mathrm{ker}\,\alpha=\{0\}$)
@user36790 so you flagged both your messages?
@Sᴋᴜʟʟᴘᴇᴛʀᴏʟ no.
of course if $\mathrm{dim}(\mathrm{ker}\, \alpha)=\mathrm{dim}V$, then $\alpha=0$
only one, the other one was still in time to self delete
@yuggib Hmm
@ArtOfCode thanks for the fast response
But what I said is damn true
@Sᴋᴜʟʟᴘᴇᴛʀᴏʟ Anytime :)
@yuggib What is the projective space of $V^*$
The answer is 7
this book claims it is the set of hyperplanes through the origin of $V$
@ArtOfCode Wrong.
@0celo7 I have no idea
the answer is always 7
@ArtOfCode $5+1=?$
Time for a new controversial point of view
it's stupid, not controversial :P
@0celo7 : Define 5, +, 1 and = please
@0celo7 also wikipedia claims something similar
@Slereah 5 = {0,{0{0}{}0}...{}0} something
@0celo7 Definitely 7. Because the quantum wobblejig subjugates the primary aspect of the inversion matrix, and adds an extra 1.
You can define mathematics with integers as primitives, you know
@yuggib yes, the book says that the one-dim subspaces of $V^*$ determine hyperplanes in $V$
@ArtOfCode Wrong.
Haven't heard from JD in a while.
You missed him by 5 minutes
@ArtOfCode You complaining?
@0celo7 anyways every finite dimensional real vector space is essentially $\mathbb{R}^d$, and its dual is again $\mathbb{R}^d$
What a shame.
@yuggib I'd ask for a proof
but I probably know it
for once
@0celo7 I dunno, it's quite fun to have a good old heated debate every now and then.
@ArtOfCode I think I've been banned for over a week in total for talking to him
@0celo7 I know you know it
Debates with JD are not fun
He is a wall
@yuggib I do know it
@0celo7 Advantages of being a mod, can't get suspended
He only has one string to his bow
but what's your point about it
@Slereah Debate with him is futile; he will curb you down by any means.
@ArtOfCode how much damage could a rogue mod do?
could they permadelete a bunch of questions
delete user accounts
stuff like that?
Only one way to find out
Nothing irreversible
By a CM
@ArtOfCode there should be an infinite hierarchy of $\text{super}^n\text{-mods}$, $n\in\mathbb{N}$, each one with the power to suspend the $\text{super}^k\text{-mods}$, $k<n$
@Slereah go to @dmckee 's school, steal his laptop and try it out?
@0celo7 I can anonymise your entire chat history then delete your user account. If I script that, I can make it so that nobody in chat ever existed.
good plan...
@Slereah it's not even a bad plan
I know where he is
I can be there in 10-ish hours
I think
Then I can redact the content of every single chat message and purge the history, essentially permanently deleting all the messages.
8 hours ago, by skull petrol
Q: Has anyone ever hacked Stack Overflow?

PraveenWhile chatting with friends about hacking, a guy said that "if a site is getting popular/ or any competitive, it will somehow face severe hacks. Some used to expose it, others hide it". Out of curiosity I wanted to see if any such thing happened to Stack Overflow. Since Stack Exchange (being 5 ...

@ArtOfCode So evil.
@Sᴋᴜʟʟᴘᴇᴛʀᴏʟ grabbing a laptop of a mod is not hacking
Then I can move to the main site, and destroy every user under 500 rep. Delete everyone else, delete all the posts.
Suspend the Community user.
What happens at 500?
@ArtOfCode lol
So yeah, a rogue mod can do a lot of damage.
@ArtOfCode Maniac.
3 mins ago, by yuggib
@ArtOfCode there should be an infinite hierarchy of $\text{super}^n\text{-mods}$, $n\in\mathbb{N}$, each one with the power to suspend the $\text{super}^k\text{-mods}$, $k<n$
@user36790 All theoretical, of course :)
Why did someone star that google map?
@ArtOfCode hahaha
If someone wants to find me, cool
You now have my office location
@0celo7 maybe some stalker
actually you don't have my office
I think you have the main server building
@0celo7 Office location? Interesting
@BernardMeurer if you want my office, it's in SERF
I've seen some mods rage quit.
Not a pretty sight.
Site or sight?
The site got ugly too
People digging through the transcript and flagging stuff
I think physics could use some more chaos
All because shog shut down their chatroom
dammit shog
@Sᴋᴜʟʟᴘᴇᴛʀᴏʟ I have a mission for you
@ArtOfCode can you ban shog?
@Sᴋᴜʟʟᴘᴇᴛʀᴏʟ let's say I was hypothetically meeting my SO's mother for the first time today. give me a question to ask
any question
What does SO stand for?
@Sᴋᴜʟʟᴘᴇᴛʀᴏʟ I was googling
I hate acronyms
those related words
41 secs ago, by yuggib
I hate acronyms
@yuggib why
@0celo7 because only urban people can conceive
@0celo7 BTDNHMU
@yuggib epic lol
@yuggib because they don't
me up
because they don't neighborly hold me up
ok, that's not a very good reason
you're almost right on the first part
but "do not" are separate words for me
because they do not have meaning
Because they do not help my understanding?
@ACuriousMind what the fuck
@ACuriousMind almost
the m-word is not the one I intended...I am not so selfish ;-P
but this is a poor example, good acronyms are obvious
@0celo7 BTDNHMU is pretty obvious
@ACuriousMind: Probably, I got something to that Gibbs Energy problem
@yuggib not really
Have meaning usually @yuggib
@yuggib you're bad at acronyms
but this is beside the point
I will ask one (1) question
someone give me a question
@Sᴋᴜʟʟᴘᴇᴛʀᴏʟ no, it was "help mutual understanding"
not obvious
c'mon one question
make it something funny
@0celo7 In which position did you conceive your daughter?
@0celo7 Exactly. The acronym proves its own point, it's elegant.
@ACuriousMind No, it isn't.
@ACuriousMind btw I tried to troll her, went over her head. I've had too much practice, I'm too subtle
That is hard to believe :P
Which part?
I'm extremely subtle.
@0celo7 Let's say I am willing to believe you have had much practice.
You can deduce which part I'm doubting :p
@ACuriousMind Do you really think I'm beyond trolling her?
Ask her if she likes your sense of humour, after you tell her a few good jokes :P
@Sᴋᴜʟʟᴘᴇᴛʀᴏʟ I heard a good joke the other day
let's give it a test run
@0celo7 Your deduction skills evidently need a bit more practice
(though that is a possible interpretation of my statement)
a 70yo woman wants to get married
she puts an ad in the newspaper
@ACuriousMind: Actually the enthalpy would be $$\mathrm dH = \underbrace{w'}_{\textrm{non-expansion work}} + \delta q$$
(1) he must not beat me (2) he must not walk over me (3) he must be good in bed
so one day someone rings her doorbell
it's a man in a wheelchair with no arms and no legs
@0celo7 wtf!
he says he wants to marry her
she's obviously surprised, but he says
70 yr old still want the 3rd condition?
I have no arms, I cannot beat you. I have no legs, I cannot walk over you
She asks "oh yeah, but what about the third part"
@0celo7 don't say far
@user36790 That's correct if $\mathrm{d}p = 0$.
He smiles and replies "I rang the doorbell, didn't I"
@0celo7 HaHaHaHa
@Sᴋᴜʟʟᴘᴇᴛʀᴏʟ pretty good, huh?
Not the joke you should use.
did you get it?
yeah, the twist that he has telekinetic powers is nice
Your SO's mother will kick you out of the house.
@ACuriousMind Actually PV work in the 1st law gets nullified by the term in the definition of enthalpy $P\mathrm dV$; this all happens at constant pressure
@Sᴋᴜʟʟᴘᴇᴛʀᴏʟ Not at their house, she's coming to visit her on campus
@user36790 "constant pressure" is exactly what "if $\mathrm{d}p = 0$" means.
Stick with a safe question like what she thinks of the arts and sciences etc.
And that's why it is wrong to write $\mathrm dG_\textrm{system}= -T\mathrm d S_\textrm{universe}$
@ACuriousMind not contradicted.
@Sᴋᴜʟʟᴘᴇᴛʀᴏʟ what
Try to act smart :P
@Sᴋᴜʟʟᴘᴇᴛʀᴏʟ uh, that's what I do here
What was her favourite subject in school?
@Sᴋᴜʟʟᴘᴇᴛʀᴏʟ what?
oh I thought you were asking me that
she's a lawyer, so
is there an evil class?
Tough call.
@ACuriousMindl: And the chem book when it takes $$\mathrm dS_\textrm{suuroundings}= \frac{-\mathrm dH_\textrm{sys}}{T}$$ is actually consudering $w'= 0$, IMO.
@Sᴋᴜʟʟᴘᴇᴛʀᴏʟ what do you mean
Ask her what she thinks the LIGO results mean to the future of astronomy.
@Sᴋᴜʟʟᴘᴇᴛʀᴏʟ Why? I don't care about that.
@Sᴋᴜʟʟᴘᴇᴛʀᴏʟ Will she care about it?
You'll find out.
+ it's a nice safe topic
You don't wanna get into a word game with a lawyer :P
@0celo7 I probably can, actually.
I don't know what effect banning a moderator has, but I'd expect so.
How many CM's are there across the network?
@ArtOfCode In this case, it will probably have mainly the effect of you losing your diamond shortly afterwards ;)
@Sᴋᴜʟʟᴘᴇᴛʀᴏʟ hmm, self-help book, what do I call her mom
if she doesn't insist on anything right off the bat
@ACuriousMind apart from that effect...
@ACuriousMind what if he bans all of the admin staff
and then takes over the site
The developers have lower-level access, I would be highly surprised if you can shut them out.
Then they get the devs to unban them directly in the DB... unfortunately if the devs are on the opposite side, you've already lost.
Guys any rec for undergraduate book on electricity magnetism?
@0celo7 No. Use madam or Mrs ....
Madam lol
You use Sir for the dad
Not butting in, but some women do like getting called Sir. Make's them feel strong.
Though I don't know what you are talking 'bout so sryy.
@Sᴋᴜʟʟᴘᴇᴛʀᴏʟ he's not there
How about Mam
Go with Mrs. ....
Mam is too British sounding.
you can always go with Frau
She'll probably say you can call me by my first name if she likes you.
Call her dudette, it's flawless
trust me
Have you finished punching the walls? :P
Good reminder, brb
@yuggib I could pretend to be German
There, now I'm done @Sᴋᴜʟʟᴘᴇᴛʀᴏʟ
Then whenever I do something stupid I can pass it off as a crazy German thing
I sneezed all over the food. German thing, it's a wellness thing.
I step on her foot. German thing, sign of respect.
I'm so super pissed man
I don't think I'll make it till april
I say "shieeeeet, you fo real". German thing, colloquial slang in the Palatinate.
@yuggib I like this idea.
@0celo7 ;-)
Q: Science, Theology and Magic. Why it seems only science and religion became widespread while magic is still localised in some communities, and

Secretand why is only science reproducible enough to be demonstrated to others at will? ========================== The books Harry Potter and the TV series The Librarian opened my curiosity to the 3rd major branch of social phenomenon known as magic So we basically knew there are (at least) 3 major ...

Example of a broad question
Frauline: a queue of women
@0celo7 that might back fire, if she's taken German
@Sᴋᴜʟʟᴘᴇᴛʀᴏʟ maybe
I don't think she speaks German
@ACuriousMind what are some good German sayings
Like really German
Vorsicht ist die Mutter der Porzellankiste
Lieber den Spatz in der Hand als die Taube auf dem Dach
Was du heute kannst besorgen, das verschiebe nicht auf morgen
@ACuriousMind For once I've heard of these
The last one has an English equivalent.
Go Spanish, call her señora
Although I like my version "do not today what you can do tomorrow or weasel out of doing altogether"
Great, I need not bother writing answers today, I hit the rep cap from that silly time dilation question alone
Your SO is going to look at you funny if you start with the foreign languages:-)
On the other hand, most new questions seem to be pretty bad anyway :/
@Sᴋᴜʟʟᴘᴇᴛʀᴏʟ one gf in high school got...uh...excited when I spoke to her in German
Possibly the only person to ever get excited when hearing Pfälzisch :P
@0celo7 nobody could get excited with german... ever
Not even a German?
@Sᴋᴜʟʟᴘᴇᴛʀᴏʟ No, because in that case excitement come from the meaning and not from the language
@ACuriousMind oh no, I didn't want to poison her mind
@ACuriousMind if we ever get in a Skype call with BM, we need to go full dialect so he can't understand us
Of course. @yuggib how narrow minded of me :-D
@0celo7 That's impossible because I don't speak any dialect
I have a few not-exactly-standard German quirks, but it's far from any specific dialect
@ACuriousMind how? Surely you grew up speaking some dialect
He's too refined to have an accent :P
And for the record I can speak hochdeutch
@0celo7 Not really. Dialects are not strong in urban settings.
@Sᴋᴜʟʟᴘᴇᴛʀᴏʟ I can speak with and without, I just like the sound of it better with
Hmm, English has many accents in urban settings
ACM might disagree, he made fun of my German the last time we spoke
Disagree that I can speak without a dialect
Accents in German work differently than in English
I'm in class right now. ACM might be able to explain better
@Sᴋᴜʟʟᴘᴇᴛʀᴏʟ In contrast to English, there is one standard variety of German upon which everyone agrees it is the default. It doesn't matter where you are from, it doesn't matter how old you are, there is one version of "Hochdeutsch". Also, it is rarely mostly a matter of pronounciation. A varying number of standard words is replaced by regional varieties with their own peculiar etymology.
Yup. A potato is a Grumbeer where I'm from.
I'm sure ACM thinks that some horrific monstrosity.
@ACuriousMind Technically, there's one standard version of English - but dialects have a lot more impact on how people speak than they do in German.
While many people are able to not use the words peculiar to their dialect, it is very difficult to get rid of the ingrained differences in pronounciation for most - but unless you are pronouncing the words in the Hochdeutsch way, you're not speaking "properly".
@ArtOfCode The English speakers are much more tolerant of the variations. Someone in a formal, non-regional setting speaking something else than Hochdeutsch (with maybe a slight non-standard pronounciation) is very rare
@ArtOfCode Not really.
@0celo7 Ever heard a Scotsman talk?
Or an Irishman?
Or a Yorkshireman?
They're all speaking English, but their dialect has a big impact on it.
Who's to say that's any more or less right or wrong than VA beach English?
I'm saying there's no standard for English.
That's where you're mistaken. There is a standard, Oxford English. Usually known as Standard English.
It's where the Oxford comma comes from, it's where the technicalities of everything come from.
How many people can speak that perfectly?
It's the technically correct version of English.
I guarantee 100% of Americans can't.
Oh, that's irrelevant. In German there's a standard pronunciation for everything.
Everyone agrees on it.
@0celo7 How many people can speak Hochdeutsch perfectly? About the same ratio, I reckon. Speaking a language perfectly requires extensive knowledge, which people who aren't language scholars just don't have.
In theory, everyone learns Hochdeutch in school.
Oh, there's no standard pronunciation, unless you accept the Oxford dictionary guides as standard.
@0celo7 Well in theory everyone learns proper English in school, but...
@ArtOfCode We're talking about pronounciation in German.
That's what my point was. There is a universally agreed upon "correct" way of saying things in German.
Oh. I thought it was just language standards in general. In that case then och aye laddie get ye back to whit ye were doin'!
That too. But the pronounciation is what makes it different from English.
@ACuriousMind That about sum it up?
English dialects have varying vocabulary, sayings and syntax too. That's not unique to German.
@ACuriousMind Yeah, not saying Isch is hard.
The fallacy of accent (also referred to as accentus, from its latin denomination, and misleading accent) is a specific type of ambiguity that arises when the meaning of a sentence is changed by placing an unusual prosodic stress (emphasis on a word), or when, in a written passage, it's left unclear which word the emphasis was supposed to fall on. == History == Among the thirteen types of fallacies in his book Sophistical Refutations, Aristotle lists a fallacy he calls προσῳδία (prosody), later translated in Latin as accentus. While the passage is considered obscure, it is commonly interpreted as...
...and then there's this^
One sentence has 6 different meanings :-/
One sentence with 6 meanings? Sounds like Portuguese to me
Or a really good euphemism.
@Sᴋᴜʟʟᴘᴇᴛʀᴏʟ That has nothing to do with dialects, that's just the fact that intonation carries meaning.
We don't even need italics for that crap, we just say whatever and everyone understands a different thing. Everyone fights and then we drink to it
@ACuriousMind just an added complexity :)
Q: What exactly does Wave-Particle Duality imply about the motion of a particle?

priyam dubeyI've been reading about quantum mechanics and I've been trying to understand the wave-particle duality. What does it exactly imply about the motion of a particle... say electron? Is it a particle moving in waves or a wave made up of particles!!!? I read somewhere that the wave is about the positi...

I can't understand why they think like this.
I'm really tired to see such questions.
They expect like some pop-sci answer
But actually they are damn devoid of any prior knowledge of this
You get tired too quickly for a n00b :)
@Sᴋᴜʟʟᴘᴇᴛʀᴏʟ want a list of these questions?
@Sᴋᴜʟʟᴘᴇᴛʀᴏʟ O,O
O,O is an owl.
Are you an owl?
@0celo7 I see everything.
@ACuriousMind hmmm 2 years later I'm much more knowledgeable and enlightened than that user36790
@user36790 Perhaps. So don't act all high and mighty like "I can't understand why they think like this."
@Slereah : debates with JD are not fun for the people who don't follow my references, and who paint themselves into some indefensible corner. I don't make stuff up, I'm not some my-theory guy.
@ACuriousMind ookay
@JohnDuffield But Einstein was wrong.
@JohnDuffield: Have you met Einstein?
3 hours ago, by skull petrol
Feb 16 at 23:02, by 0celo7
@Secret corriolis force
@ArtOfCode show time
The curved path information of the corrolis effect can be retrieved from the rotating frame (the one where a stright line is produced) by noting the distance between a fixed pair of points varies in a manner that forms a curve
That's my interpretation...

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