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Taking bets whether @0celo7 knows who Calvin is.
Calvin had a uncle.
He was named Max, I think.
yeah, but he is a cool uncle
@ACuriousMind I say no.
@ACuriousMind The Protestant?
@0celo7 Nope
The one hanging out with Hobbes
@ACuriousMind Klein?
@ACuriousMind The philosopher?
Oh you mean the kid in the comics above?
Of course.
@Slereah Yes, of course the philosopher! What do you think I mean, some stuffed animal?
I'm not some feral ghoul.
@0celo7 Do you not know about Calvin and Hobbes
You filthy millenial
@Slereah I used to read them every day in the newspaper as a kid
So up yours buddy
That strip had the best final strip I've ever read.
It summed everything up so well.
Have you even read the Canterbury Tales
That is what we read when I was a kid
In the 14th century
Of course
It was garbage
literally the most boring thing every
the only good one was the one where the three people died
or was it two
Wow, you're sociopathic.
@HDE226868 I'm pretty sure that's not a false statement.
a weird thing about 1001 nights is that none of the stories most associated with it are in the original versions
Aladdin, Sinbad, Ali Baba
All are later additions
who? what?
they are all terrorists
I can hear @ACuriousMind smashing his head
@0celo7 Yeah, that was the sounds of my head crashing through the wall.
who is Sinbad
is Alladin the one on the rug?
It's Sindbad
Ali baba does sound like a terrie
"Sinbad the Sailor (also spelled Sindbad; Arabic: السندباد البحري as-Sindibādu al-Baḥriyy) "
The wikipedia disagrees
he has an an arabic name
put him on the no fly list
Pff, it's Sindbad der Seefahrer in German :P
who is he??
@ACuriousMind did it hurt
David Adkins (born November 10, 1956)—known by his stage name Sinbad—is an American stand-up comedian and actor. He became well known in the 1990s from being featured on his own HBO specials, appearing on several television series, and starring in the films Necessary Roughness, Houseguest, First Kid, Jingle All the Way and Good Burger. == Early lifeEdit == Sinbad was born David Adkins in Benton Harbor, Michigan on November 10, 1956, the son of Louise and the Baptist Rev. Dr. Donald Beckley Adkins. He has five siblings, named Donna, Dorothea, Mark, Michael, and Donald. Sinbad attended Benton Harbor...
@0celo7 No, my skull is very resilient
This is Sinbad
@ACuriousMind thought you once got a concusison
@0celo7 Yes. Once
resiliency does not mean no pain
does your head cushion your crashing through walls
@Slereah Dude. Fairly poor taste, that.
Making some baked potatoes*
So wrong but so delicious
I think Straumann is an unfinished book
There are at least two parts where he promises to do something later but never follows up
it happens
He will sell them as DLCs
@dmckee Why not remove it?
oh my god
someone said we should sanction Best Korea
"Don't use logical symbols at all. The symbols ∃,∋,∀,∃!,∨,∧∃,∋,∀,∃!,∨,∧ as well as the abbreviations s.t., w.r.t., are to be avoided in mathematical writing. In papers in logic, these symbols constitute part of the subject matter and are completely appropriate. In informal mathematical discourse, on blackboard or paper, they are often used as "parts of speech", in a sort of mathematical shorthand. However, they are not allowed by editors in formal mathematical writing."
do people live under a rock
Fuck you Munkres :V
I'll do what I want!
90% of countries have it sanctioned
$\forall$ is not allowed?
wait what
17 hours or so until I should go to bed
@0celo7 Oddly, no one has actually flagged it. And social cues can led to the development of consensus without outright censorship. Which I feel is to be preferred.
Should I rewatch Game of Thrones
you know
I wonder what Duffield is like
As a person
I don't think he has ever engaged in any non-crazy physics conversation
What does he like
@dmckee Oddly?
I think JD is a nice person
Do you want me to flag it :p
@0celo7 If it is so objectionable that it needs removal, rather than just coment.
if I'm talking about Saudi Arabia in a formal paper
is "Saudi" the official thing I use for people/things from SA
like "Saudi laws"
Physics GRE scores release in 4 1/2 hours D;
is Al Jazeera reliable?
@GBeau I've got a couple of student waiting on these as well.
at this point I'm just ready to know so I can make the final decision on the distribution of schools I'm applying to
@0celo7 Probably for some things. Should be good for the same easy to verify fact that you'd trust any real news agency for. Probably better than most on "mood of the street" in the Arab world. Don't follow them enough to have much more opinion that that.
@dmckee they covered a Saudi weapons deal well
I'll scour the Times, etc. for the info, just to be safe
@Slereah He's right, you know :P
@dmckee I thought you teach freshmen
@0celo7 And upper division. And lead a miniscule little bit of research.
@dmckee how many in your group?
It's a tiny school, we're got four, count 'em four, physics teachers.
I saw one of our governor's chair's groups (in the NE department, which is the largest in the country [world?])
was like 20 grad students and postdocs
@0celo7 3ish right now. If you can count the freshman and the guy who's got the permanent engineering job promised.
they use a lecture hall for group meetings
because they can
And one of those three is one of the ones waiting on the GRE scores. She'll be leaving us at the end of spring semester. ::sniffle::
@dmckee wait what
my high school had more D:
Show off.
they are all shit
except for the one I had senior year
but she's getting old, forgetting a lot of stuff
doesn't even remember any QM
My high school only had one. But he had gotten his MS after retiring from the Air Force with 24 years and a Master Sargent's rank.
to be fair she was an electrical engineer
Somehow he had no trouble controlling the classroom...
but she apparently did a double major in undergrad
@dmckee my dad did 24-ish years and retired as a colonel, he served in 'Nam
scary dude if you get on his bad side
@dmckee are you scary
this paper is supposed to be 1200 words
that's nothing
I'm 1100 in and I'm not even half done
@dmckee not you? :P
@0celo7 No not me.
wait a moment
are you at Mizzou?
or is that a different Missouri Univ. that has that nickname
Why would I use ReaserchGate when I have a inSpire profile?
ah that's just Univ. of Mo.
@dmckee didn't know you have one
@0celo7 Apparently I'm demanding and difficult but not only am I not scary, I'm sympathetic. Or something.
Or maybe I was being buttered up.
Dr. Garoutte has an interesting picture on the faculty page
@0celo7 He's a snappy dresser and he really does look that happy most of the time.
@dmckee interesting
I cannot figure out Dr. Sundararajan's degree list. "Ph.D., & M.S., University of Idaho, M. PHil., M.Sc. and B Sc., Bharathidasan University, India"
Does she have 5 degrees?
Also, typo, might want to tell her that :P
Hm, potatoes
Dan Marsh seems like a cool guy
time to stop procrastinating
gotta finish this paper
@0celo7 The whole department get along well, and knows their stuff. Dan can teach anything in the physics curriculum with about 30 minutes notice.
@dmckee Not to knock the school, but it's probably not a very big curriculum?
no string theory
@0celo7 Well, no. It's a basic undergrad curriculum with relatively little advanced work. Originally our big mandate was to train students to transfer to Rolla for engineering degrees. But Dan has been the point man on adding advanced courses to the catalog. It's just that he needs a couple weeks notice for that.
what's the "seminar" about
@0celo7 No one to teach it. I certainly couldn't. Our recent retiree might, except that he's badly burned out and doesn't want to come back for a few years.
@dmckee that was a joke, you won't find a string theory class at UTK either
at least on a regular schedule
@0celo7 It's a directed research (library or lab) project with a term paper and a public presentation. For some students it's pretty blah, but other actually make something of it.
one of the guys who does hep-th has taught seminars on advanced gauge theory and strings in the past, but nothing this semester
The ones working with me were able to use the project they were doing for me as the core of their seminar, which is by design.
but you bet we have experimental and applied stuff every semester
one of the PhD students in my group is taking a course on quantum crystallography or something
it's apparently a really good class for nuclear engineers
@0celo7 I'm jealous. I can't even run a "lifetime of the muon" experiment with my current kit.
@dmckee what do you need for that
I saw a cosmic ray the other day on our $500,000 spectrometer :P
Do it like people used to do it man
With a fog chamber and a camera
@0celo7 A bucket of liquid scinitlllator, a couple PMTs plus some HV and DAQ.
DAQ? my group has a DAC
what's a scintillator?
I could must the LOS with some help from the chemists, but I don't have the DAQ.
@dmckee well, we are R1
and we have oak ridge nearby
Data AcQuisition.
But I suppose you could spell it the wrong way with a C if you really wanted.
what does R1 even mean again
1 billion dollars in grants?
@dmckee DAC = diamond anvil cell = way to compress and heat small samples to ridiculous levels
@0celo7 It's suppose to mean a tier 1 research oriented program. In effect it means most of the department gets grants and publishes regularly.
The NE department publishes all the time
dunno about the others
I wonder about researchers at ORNL who have part time positions here...do their papers count for UTK as well?
@0celo7 Yes. Bridge positions are an indicator of a strong research orientation. And a lot of those people are on "soft money" which means all grants all the time.
@dmckee I know there's some special relationship between UT and ORNL. For one, ORNL is run by UTB
So all the research professors have access to the labs
UT–Battelle, LLC is a limited liability partnership between the University of Tennessee and Battelle Memorial Institute that manages the Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) for the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE). UT–Battelle assumed management responsibility for ORNL in April 2000 after winning a competitive procurement process. After the conclusion of the initial five-year contract with DOE, the contract was renewed for a second five-year period, extending through 2010. == See also == Top 100 US Federal Contractors == References == == External links == About UT-Battelle...
DOE doesn't run any of the national labs directly. They always farm it out to a university or a consortium of universities.
So the university runs the labs?
@dmckee what about Y12? if you know anything about it
Y12 is where the keep the nukes
Can't sya I understand the reasoning behind that.
and the plutonium
The Y-12 National Security Complex is a United States Department of Energy National Nuclear Security Administration facility located in Oak Ridge, Tennessee, near the Oak Ridge National Laboratory. It was built as part of the Manhattan Project for the purpose of enriching uranium for the first atomic bombs. In the years after World War II, it has been operated as a manufacturing facility for nuclear weapons components and related defense purposes. Y-12 is managed and operated under contract by Consolidated Nuclear Security, LLC (CNS), which is composed of member companies Bechtel National, Inc...
also contractors
@0celo7 Don't know anything about that. My work has never taken me to high security areas.
some of our upper classmen have internships at Y12
but...nuclear security is boring as all hell
apparently the positions aren't that competitive because no one applies...
@dmckee you do neutrinos, right? (stupid question, I read your linkedin)
I saw a paper which proposed a nuclear defense device using a neutrino beam
Somehow you got some neutrinos and antineutrinos and then shoot them at the warhead, causing a detonation. somehow
@dmckee does that pass the HEP common sense test?
@0celo7 You'd need unreasonable beam densities unless the device was pretty damn unstable in the first place.
Nothing wrong with it in principle, but the entire main injector beam at Fermi lab gives you neutrino events per minute in a multi-ton detector...
And they call up Illinois power before they fire the thing up to ask fro some space capacity to be brought on-line...
how do you focus a neutrino beam
@dmckee Sorry, what?
@0celo7 You make it as well focused as you can manage (which isn't very) and then you cope... physics.stackexchange.com/a/15007/520
@0celo7 They call the power company to let them know they're about to crank up the accelerator. SO the power guys can make sure the spare capaicty is on-line and a black-out won't insue.
It was worse when the Tevatron was still running. That thing called for an entire plant all by itself.
@dmckee ohhh spare capacity
Ah. Yes. My finger think they no better than my head.
*they are
I think ORNL just gets TVA to power them.
Don't know how much their collider takes.
@dmckee Do you know of any HEP books that take a field theory approach? Thomson's book is nice but it's kind of strange because he never gives any field theory reasons for the stuff he derives using old-fashioned perturbation theory.
Walecka makes a lot of use of QFTs in his book, but it is aimed at relatively low energy physics (JLAB-esque, few GeV stuff). It might still be interesting to you, because it spends some time on why to use field theory in some places and old-style approaches in others.
However, I don't think it is available on-line.
@dmckee I have a school library...
The only other HEP book I know reasonably well is Perkins, and it is very old fashioned.
Intro to modern physics?
@0celo7 I think the title is "Nuclear and Subnculear Physics"
or the nuclear physics
@dmckee yeah
@0celo7 Yeah, if you are asking about Perkins.
I got to take Walecka's class at William and Mary while I was at JLAB. He arranged for us to get parking pass, even, which are like gold on that campus.
@dmckee anything that has "modern physics" in the title makes me cringe
@dmckee been there once
where in VA is JLAB?
30 minutes south of W&M. In Newport News. You are more likely to have heard of "Hampton Roads" which means the 5-7 little cities around the mouth of the James River.
I've been to Richmond many times
not that far away
@dmckee I dread having to deal with parking next year
@ACuriousMind That is silly, IMHO.
@ACuriousMind Is that a problem?
@DanielSank The ends do not justify the means.
Convex normal neighbourhoods are pretty important for causality theory man
You're just now figuring this out?
I knew that before I was a man
I just am seeing a
lot right now :p
why three posts for that, you could have said that in one
You are still not a man
@Slereah wtf what is the condition
Have you even killed a man yet
why would I admit that
That is the threshold of manhood
I'm not stupid, COP
No problem, BOY
@DanielSank Yeah, I think it is a problem when you want to discuss morality but your definition of what even constitutes morality doesn't include that which other people might call their morality.
Top of the Eifel tower. December 28.
2000 hours local time.
Be there or punk out.
No guns.
Just you and your favorite knife.
@DanielSank E.g. people hold moral positions that there are some actions which are never moral. This is not a morality by your standard because there's no other goal achieved by not commiting those actions than that they are, well, not commited.
Watching Game of Thrones again
Joffrey is such a little bitch
@Slereah you down for making a trip to Deutschland around Christmas?
wait are you actually in Paris
that's a long ass trip
Also got stuff to do on Christmas
and new year
like CTCs?
closed timelike christmas
That plus getting drunk with friends and fireworks
what kind of person are you
on the devil's nectar
do you even wear a suit to the store
or at least a nice polo and khakis
Hoodie and jeans
Sometimes I don't shave for weeks
I don't think @ACuriousMind has ever shaved
@Slereah wow aren't you afraid you might get shot
I'm not in America
And I am as white as the driven snow
as my dad said after the referenced incident
hoodlums are hoodlums no matter their color
do you can be a white as snow gangster
Yeah but you need the swastika tattoo and all
not really
And it's too much of a bother
but I got mine a while back
was near a tat place
"why not"
Plus you have to shave your head every day
Quite a bother
is your linkedin picture not you
because you're bald in it :P
or almost
Well I shaved to take a nice photo
@0celo7 That is one of the most foolish pithy sayings in history. It only makes sense if you ignore half of the ends.
For example, suppose Alice kills ten people to save a thousand.
People would say the "ends" are a thousand lives saved, and the "means" is killing ten.
That's dumb.
Then ends includes the ten dead people.
But what does Bob do
@ACuriousMind Well, I think it's important to clarify what we mean with our words before engaging in what could be meaningless discussion.
@Slereah If it's a quantum system, he probably has a particle which is entangled with Alice's.
Depending on the result of the collapse, he will kill a cat
In any case @ACuriousMind, I think you'll find it rather difficult to talk about morality in the "usual" sense of "what people ought to do".
I'm sure Bob is entangled with Alice's "particle"

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