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I love input flame wars
Man, that's a whole hour just on one close reason ;-)
So, for now - HW questions is what we're looking into..!
@DavidZaslavsky but the most difficult/controversial/commonly used one
@DavidZaslavsky Well, that particular close reason is our favorite and is the most confusing
OK, let's get #3 out of the way: Anyone opposed to getting rid of the Math close reason?
We have a migration path to math now
And any exceptionally smelly posts can be trolley car'd
just a quick question - flag people can/can't vote to migrate?
@ChrisWhite they can flag to migrate
@ChrisWhite No, they can...
won't count as a vote
ok - but it enters the queue, and they can select math?
in that case let's get rid of the close reason
@ChrisWhite Yep...
@ChrisWhite What? the math one?
Not the migration path, the close reason
@DavidZaslavsky ?
I'm not seeing that.
@ColinMcFaul Flag> Doesn't belong> Off topic> Belongs on another site
@ColinMcFaul only works on new questions I think?
Oh yeah
@ManishEarth Yeah, that appears to be the only way for me to flag something for migration.
60day rule
Sure, the math close reason was meant to be temporary anyway
@DavidZaslavsky k
Right, for older questions, the flag menu says "(Too old to migrate)."
BTW Chemistry has to hurry up and graduate so we can migrate to them too ;-)
@DavidZaslavsky I already migrate to Chem :P
I mean get a migration path
OK, we probably should discuss the non mainstream one now. In the meantime, think about "engineering questions" and see if you can come up with a good wording if necessary
@DavidZaslavsky If the math-specific reason is supposed to be temporary, and non-VTC'ers are meant to use the general "belongs somewhere else" reason, then we should get rid of the math-specific reason.
@ColinMcFaul Belongs somewhere else has a specific Math subreason now :)
@ManishEarth Ah. Even better.
About the non mainstream policy, here's the way I put it:
@DavidZaslavsky I had proposed it for scicomp and chem...
Bad luck - only math had higher migrations...
> Any post that attempts to work within the bounds of what we have determined to be "mainstream physics" is considered on topic for this site. A question that proposes a new concept, but asks for evaluation of that concept within the framework of current (mainstream) physics is OK.
> Similarly, a wrong answer that makes false statements but claims to work within the bounds of a mainstream theory is also allowed. On the other hand, if a question or answer uses a non-mainstream theory as its premise and attempts to go forward in that direction, it can be safely deleted.
See also, the discussion below this meta.MO thread
Basically, our current reason conveys that established physics (one which you don't see journal articles about) is off topic
wait wrong meta.mo link
One alternate wording is:
> We deal with mainstream physics here. Posts should be about topics that have been published in reputable journals.
> We deal with mainstream physics here. Posts should work within the bounds of physics that has been published in reputable journals.
Well, but physics doesn't have to have been published in a reputable journal to make it mainstream
@ManishEarth I think this is far enough for theories...
That one's a bit awkward
@DavidZaslavsky We allow posts that propose new (mainstream) theories?
@Manishearth well, like what?
Not sure
I haven't seen any yet ..! :P
If a post is literally just proposing a theory, then it's not a question
@DavidZaslavsky Asking for evaluation of a new theory, then it is
"Does this make sense?"
Well, if it's more specific than "Does this make sense?" then yeah, it should be fine
This is tricky - we want to exclude people from proposing their own theories ("neutrinos are really cupcakes!!111!") - while still allowing people to ask "Is this theory I heard about on solid ground?"
So, any idea what the reason should be?
@ChrisWhite yeah
But I'm also thinking about things like Newton's laws. Their discovery was not published in a journal, because journals didn't exist at the time, but they're definitely mainstream physics
What @Chris said
@DavidZaslavsky Yes, I was going to mention that exact example.
it almost seems like the discriminant is "did you come up with this, or did someone else?"
@DavidZaslavsky yeah the journal reference is likely to be misleading
Hmm, yeah
@Chris I don't think that should be it though. If someone manages to ask a good question about their own, legitimate theory, that should be allowed.
@DavidZaslavsky not trying to be cynical, but has that ever happened?
Non-mainstream physics is kind of one of those "I know it when I see it" things
@Chris probably not
but I'm not sure
Again, there's a difference between a theory that proposes new physics and a theory that proposes a new way of looking at old physics, and asks for evaluation within the framework of established physics
Yeah, doubt that will happen.
> We deal with mainstream physics here. Anything giving an aura of child pornography is off-topic for this site.
(Obligatory supreme court reference.)
Let me conclude..! *Proposal* --> NO..!
*Check if something is right?* --> Not yes... Okay'ish --> I have seen "closed as TL" if it's far too basic ..!
For example, this controversial question is the latter type. It doesn't propose a new theory, it proposes a new way of looking at strings and asks if it works.
I would say the characteristic most shared by non-mainstream posts is a disregard for existing evidence
Oops... No TL now..! :/
@Chris thanks ;-)
@DavidZaslavsky hmm, yep
@Manishearth One thing about that question is that the OP did not seem to have the requisite background knowledge to be proposing new ideas in string theory
yes, but I'm not sure if that's a good criteria
It certainly doesn't cover all non-mainstream posts
Also, it sounds like "Only PhDs can talk about new physics here". Not really, but along the same lines as that.
And posts like that can perhaps also be grouped under too broad or unclear. So I don't think we necessarily have to tailor our non-mainstream reason to them.
@ManishEarth yeah, pretty much. Not that you need to have a PhD to ask about new physics, but you need to have a solid understanding of the relevant existing physics to ask about new physics, and that solid understanding is at a level that most people can only acquire in grad school
> We deal with mainstream physics here. Personal ideas that propose alternatives to standard treatments are off topic unless they have been deemed worthy of investigation by some part of the physics community, or have been shown to explain previously unexplained observations. As a rule of thumb, topics that would not be mentioned in reputable journals are a poor fit for this site.
^ Meh - just a draft to get people commenting on something definite
@ChrisWhite Oh.. my... What a lengtheeeyy comment for personal theory..? Wouldn't the theorist be busy to read that?
@ChrisWhite I like it
More possible thoughts: We are not a substitute for peer-review, and cannot evaluate new theories. While some questions can lead to legitimate new theories, your question will need to
be specific in order to fit this format.
@CrazyBuddy you'd be surprised how industrious crackpots can be - many of them I feel would make good scientists/mathematicians if only they had been given a mainstream education
@ColinMcFaul Yep. That would also go nicely in the accompanying meta post
@ColinMcFaul That I think is the main idea that should underlie this close reason: that we can't evaluate new theories.
But it doesn't necessarily need to be in the close reason.
@ChrisWhite Very true... ;-)
@ColinMcFaul that is definitely needed somewhere - several of the other science sites already make it explicit that they are not there for preprint checking, and we should follow
I agree; we don't necessarily need it in the close reason. I'm mostly trying to feel out what the difference is between "good" new theory questions and "bad" new theory questions.
CS has this:
> Questions about the general correctness of unpublished preprints and solutions of major open problems are off-topic. For more information, see [our policy for questions about preprints]."
@ManishEarth Er... do we have a policy on personal theories..? :P
N-M physics = personal theory
@ManishEarth I like that wording with "preprints and solutions of major open problems" replaced with "personal theories."
@ManishEarth == ? or are you assigning your personal theory to NM physics? :P
and maybe adding a sentence to the effect of "specific questions might be on topic."
@ChrisWhite Grr. free(ChrisWhite). There. Problem solved.
> We deal with mainstream physics here. While specific questions evaluating new theories in the context of established science are allowed, questions about the general correctness of unpublished personal theories are off topic. For more information, see Physics Meta
i like that.
I'd like to see something more along the lines of "may be allowed" in the first part of the second sentence.
@ChrisWhite: Okay... the 10k user is contributing now :D
"generally off topic"
@CrazyBuddy hat did he do? Vote to delete in the review queue?
whoa - [meta]() -> [Physics Meta](http://meta.physics.stackexchange.com) in chat? Testing: Physics Meta()
No, [meta] --> Physics Meta
[main] --> Physics
@ManishEarth VTD? I thought it was for 20k users..!
(Nah... he doesn't review at all)
[help] --> help center when used in a comment
Maybe flip it around:
> We deal with mainstream physics here. Questions about the general correctness of unpublished personal theories are off topic, although specific questions evaluating new theories in the context of established science are usually allowed. For more information, see Physics Meta.
@ChrisWhite Oh, also you can see full review queue history now. And you can vote to delete closed questions with <=-3 score.
This is for the close reason, right?
@DavidZaslavsky yep
That works too
Yeah, I was debating which order that sentence should be written
@ChrisWhite Btw, see Magic links
@ChrisWhite By far, the most useful one is How to Ask ([ask])
David's wording definitely flows better; I think there is a small chance someone reads it as "Some personal theory questions are bad, but some are good, and yours might just be in this category"
> specific questions evaluating new theories in the context of established science
is pretty objective
so if a question is a non "within the context" question, that immediately shuts it down
If a question is "within the context", then we may have issues
I'm just talking about word order - usually when there is a "but" I think the wording following it is what really applies; everything that came before was a setup for a plot twist
ah right
but smoothness of speech is just as important as parsing rules, so I'm not against David's wording
My thought is that by putting the wording about non-mainstream questions being off topic first, we subtly induce people to first think that their question is off topic by default, but then if (specific exception) applies to it, maybe it is on topic.
It's a meme!
@DavidZaslavsky yeah
@DavidZaslavsky do we want these questions to be reworded? are some of them salvageable? (I don't know the answer to this - just asking)
For those of you who use the terminal a lot: finalterm.org
@ChrisWhite Sometimes.
See, we have those "PERPETUAL MOTION MACHINE TROLOLOLOL" questions
And then we have the ones which propose something newish and ask for evaluation, but have a good question hidden in the core
@ManishEarth Cool ;-)
@ChrisWhite I think in most cases they are not
Yeah that too
most cases (the ones you don't see) aren't
@ManishEarth "essential stuff such as vim does not run inside Final Term yet" :(
I know, I know
Ok, well then I like David's wording - can we apply bold?
> We deal with mainstream physics here. Questions about the general correctness of unpublished personal theories are off topic, although specific questions evaluating new theories in the context of established science are usually allowed. For more information, see [Physics Meta].
same bolding as the current one
Yeah, I was just too lazy to copy the bold
BTW now I want cupcakes :-/
@DavidZaslavsky If you were using Final Term it would have copied the bold for you :P
huwhat now?
@ChrisWhite This is an example of what most non mainstream things look like (we get more N-M answers, though)
@DavidZaslavsky finalterm.org. Terminal that's really a GUI in disguise
Even 2 hrs. isn't enough for us to discuss a simple close reason... Lazy? or Complex'ey?
I think we're within $\epsilon$ of a consensus on this one
@CrazyBuddy The whole point of these close changes was to introduce clarity
On both sides
I know...
@ManishEarth I remember that post - I have a downvote on it
It's now much clearer to me what I can flag on SO. And I bet some of our VTCers have realized that HW sans concepts is off topic even if work is shown
@ChrisWhite ah
5 mins ago, by Chris White
> We deal with mainstream physics here. Questions about the general correctness of unpublished personal theories are off topic, although specific questions evaluating new theories in the context of established science are usually allowed. For more information, see [Physics Meta].
^ any objections/improvements?
Crap... I hate HWs to the core..! Shall we ban and kill everything in it? :P
@ManishEarth It might be worth making a faq meta post about non-mainstream physics now and putting that link in the close reason
The post can just be a stub for now, and then we can fill it in afterwards
@ManishEarth: I was satisfied with 3 quotes I think..!
@DavidZaslavsky Yep
Anyone up to doing that?
I could try
But not right now
Same here, I don't feel like doing it right now. I could later today (~10 hours) though.
So, we've finally clarified 2 of our reasons..?
+ math
the only question is "what do we do with that third slot? engineering?"
I don't know if we want engineering for our third spot, but we could just steal the math wording: "Engineering questions are off-topic unless they relate directly to physics. These quesions might be on topic on other SE sites. Possible suggestions: DIY, EE, robotics, reverse engineering, patents."
we have a patents site?
@ChrisWhite Don't just stick with Physics.SE. The world is a lot bigger :D
whoa - it's beyond beta even
neutrinos are really cupcakes!!111!
@ChrisWhite never was beta
It's a special tie up between E and USPTO
I think they may have fast-tracked it
part of its mission is to research prior art and ID BS patents
@Gugg That explains the Opera Incident. They were deflected by NACHOs
@ColinMcFaul yeah. They started it off with a theme and all. Never had a beta period. Doesn't exactly have elected or pro tem mods either (They have one)
tpg had a point about the third slot
A: What will our list of close reasons look like?

tpg2114Okay, so I've flagged two questions now that I felt were off-topic but none of the reasons we have in the list fit. We need to expand the list some... In both cases, the question was not: Homework About math Outside the mainstream Belonged on another SE site. In other words, none of the reaso...

Also, engineering questions: worthy of a close reason?
non-VTC-enabled people have to choose something, and we don't have a generic "this is just off topic" reason
What's the origin/reason of including 1's in a series of !'s ("!!!!!11111!!!!11!1!1!")?
AFAICT the generic close reason won't usually be needed.
@ManishEarth We could put one in the list and always deactivate it later
@DavidZaslavsky Yep. I bet we can data.se the close reasons
hmmm, perhaps we can come to an understanding that flagging is primarily to get it into the queue - the VTC people can take over handling spelling out the exact reason - just a suggestion
speaking of @tpg2114 ...
@ChrisWhite so basically flag with any random reason?
@ManishEarth would that hurt things?
@ChrisWhite not really
IIRC close voters don't even get to see which off topic subreason was used by flaggers
I'm trying to remember - when a question has been flagged but not yet voted to be closed, what does the review queue say? I think it doesn't even tell my why it was flagged
what @ManishEarth said
@ChrisWhite It only says "off topic", "too broad", etc
Sorry I'm late, trying to catch up on what I missed...
@tpg2114 oh, there's a lot
@tpg2114 A lot..!
summary - we chose wording for HW and non-mainstream, got rid of math (since there's a migration path), and are now debating the third off-topic close reason
Btw guys, I'm posting the proposed reasons on meta as we finalize them
Q: Chat session to discuss and possibly finalize close reasons

ManishearthWe have a bunch of proposed close reasons here, and there recently have been a few more good ones brought up there (Like Chris' alternative homework close reason or tpg's "engineering" close reason). We need to have some consensus for these, so we'll hold an extra chat session next Tuesday at 16...

votez plz
Okay, got it... Thanks
Looks like our community is really doing the reviewing..! (especially close votes)
I didn't review today (and, I see that there are 14 in the queue) o_O

Homework Close reason discussion

2 hours ago, 45 minutes total – 195 messages, 5 users, 0 stars

Bookmarked 17 secs ago by ManishEarth

45 minutes. wow
I would propose some sort of other catch-all like "Doesn't fit into the types of questions in our FAQ" for the 3rd type so the flags show up in the review queue unlike custom messages that only go to mods
I would rather see that than an "Primarily engineering based" reason

Non Mainstream Physics close reason discussion

1 hour ago, 56 minutes total – 167 messages, 5 users, 3 stars

Bookmarked 4 secs ago by ManishEarth

points to remember: (1) we can petition to have a 4th reason - SO has 5 already
(2) we can abuse flags and just have flagging people use any flag to get it into the queue, let the VTC people figure out a good reason
@ChrisWhite Physics.SE vs SO..? Woah..? o_O
(@tpg2114 we don't actually see what specific sub-topic of off-topic was chosen in a flag)
So then what's the purpose of having sub-topics at all?
@tpg2114 That's only for flags
Oh i see
@tpg2114 that's a good question
only the SO overlords can answer that
It seems to influence the message put under the question about why it was closed
So when voting to close, do you choose a reason why it should be closed?
And that's how it gets decided what the message is?
@tpg2114 yes
When VTCing, the reason chosen is shown to other vtcers
and finally, the reasons come in the banner
So the whole workflow doesn't really matter for flaggers?
if multiple off topic reasons are chosen, you get a bulleted list
@tpg2114 Apparently yes
@ChrisWhite I'm not even convinced we really need more than 2 yet :-P
Basically we flag to put it in the queue, so what our list is doesn't matter
@tpg2114 IMO you guys need "off topic" and "belongs on another site", OR the full features
@DavidZaslavsky well my consideration (3) was we can wait and accrue data on what is being closed: engineering, off-topic in some other way, etc.
That's what it looks like to me too
'm asking a meta pst on this now
@ChrisWhite yeah, that works
@ChrisWhite I probably can tweak my data.se query for that
Maybe, we don't have (or very diffuse) questions on other topics (which we don't remember)
Cause the only need for reasons is to make it easy to put boilerplate messages when it closes right? That's just to make life easy since VtC'ers can always put in a custom message to cover other reasons
Isn't 3 enough..?
@tpg2114 Yeah...
Maybe I should spam myself now..! (before everyone disappears :P
"Everyone wish me for my b'day" before "today" ends (only a few mins left) --> I turned 18 finally (It's quite special ya know) :D
@CrazyBuddy You're, like, an adult?!? o.O
@ChrisWhite No... I lied till now ;-)
So I think we don't need a 3rd reason until we see some stats on what's the next most common reason
@tpg2114 Isn't 3rd reason engineering..? hello..?
I thought we're still thinking about it ;-)
I don't know if that's the most common one or not though
Same to me..!
4 mins ago, by Crazy Buddy
Maybe, we don't have (or very diffuse) questions on other topics (which we don't remember)
placeholder suggestion:
> The subject matter here is not a part of physics as defined in our faq.
feel free to tear it apart
I'd be happy with something like that
@ChrisWhite Yeah..! Let's override everything to this one..! :D
It may overlap a little with other reasons, but I'm okay with them not being mutually exclusive - users should pick out the most specific reason that applies
@ChrisWhite And, you didn't notice that our FAQ has already been changed to help center..! :D
but I suspect @DavidZaslavsky thinks we should leave the slot blank for now?
It would go straight to that page instead
@ChrisWhite oh, no, I'm all for putting something in that slot, even temporarily
much better link
A: Chat session to discuss and possibly finalize close reasons

ManishearthReason #2: Non-mainstream physics Bookmarked chat conversation We deal with mainstream physics here. Questions about the general correctness of unpublished personal theories are off topic, although specific questions evaluating new theories in the context of established science are usually a...

We could just un-defaultify the default close reason
This could be confusing though
> The Physics Meta bit will link to a specific post once we have that written.
I'm already confused
There's already a default there, so it probably would be confusing to add our own other default
Default for whom?
For people who are just flaggers, there isn't a default option
For me :-P
i.e. mods
I'd rather see that particular issue fixed by giving flaggers a default close option, or just taking out suboptions for flaggers entirely, or something.
Yes, I'm all for taking out sub options for flaggers assuming there's a help thing somewhere on reasons to flag
The point is, it's an issue to be fixed in the design of the SE system, not by sticking in a hackish close reason
Anyway I have to go
@DavidZaslavsky yeah
See you all later
See ya
C'ya David ;-)
So by that, Engineering is a bigger issue that non-mainstream
Note: This isn't accurate
The Engineering and mainstream ones are determined from the text in the comments
OK, any ideas for an "engineering" close reason?
I'll draft up a meta post for "What's the point of giving flaggers subreasons" thing
what did @Colin say?
> Engineering questions are off-topic unless they relate directly to physics. These quesions might be on topic on other SE sites. Possible suggestions: DIY, EE, robotics, reverse engineering, patents.
scrolls up
@ManishEarth Not now... I'm half-a-way to sleep..! o_O
oh that
Not sure about the "possible suggestions" bit
It would need tweaking
IMO "directly related to physics" is a bit iffy too. But I can't think of anything better
Well what's the issue we're trying to prevent? It's more questions like "How do I build/design X" right?
Or anything that asks about an engineering problem
::enters tag-wiki mode::
> This question appears to be about engineering, which is the application of scientific knowledge to constructing something new. As such, it is off topic for this site, which deals with the science of studying how the natural world works.
Like "Why does <complicated system> [not] display <phenomenon>?"
Okay.. C'ya everyone... gtg to "other works" :D
But how would you define that? "Why are airplanes made of aluminum" is a good question though right?
@tpg2114 true
@tpg2114 yes
@ChrisWhite yeah, nice
Plus, design-of-experiment questions should probably be on topic too... "How do I build a supercollider" as an extreme example (which would be too broad obviously)
yeah, that's broad
Basically I think questions about why engineering decisions are made would be okay, but questions about how to make engineering decisions would not be
But I don't know how to put that into a clear, concise close reason
> This question appears to be about engineering, which is the application of scientific knowledge to construct a solution to solve a specific problem. As such, it is off topic for this site, which deals with the science, whether theoretical or experimental, of studying how the natural world works.
@ChrisWhite I had just copied that from the current Math wording, and changed Math -> engineering.
The possible suggestions sentence would need re-writing.
and.... @tpg2114 is correct, all the engineering closes are for "how to make my engineering decision"
I struggle with this often - explaining to people the science and engineering may work closely together but have fundamentally different goals
I was thinking to point people to other SE sites where something would be on topic
@ChrisWhite However, asking why an airplane flies is on topic. Airplanes aren't natural
@ColinMcFaul In those cases we try to migrate
But they fly because of the properties of the natural world
Unless it's a bad question
I think the key is the why instead of how
@tpg2114 I know. But the usage of "natural' could be misleading
@ColinMcFaul that would be nice, but the engineering sites are so diverse - we can't have a pre-written response mentioning electronics be used to close a chemical engineering question
Just like the usage of "practical problems" in the FAQ
@ChrisWhite good point
@ChrisWhite True, and that's probably the fatal weakness of that approach to the wording.
Here's an engineering question that asks why:
Q: Why does Guillotine have of 45 degreed blade rather than the one parallel to the ground?

ComptrolWhat is the point of having 45 degreed blade in Guillotine? After all, the pressure-Force over Area-blade imposes to the neck is the same either way.

oddly enough, that ^ probably belongs on cooking.stackexchange.com
But true
I'm not sure that's an engineering issue though
I'd like to see what happens if we migrate it
fwiw SO once migrated to Cooking
@tpg2114 that too
I'm sure there's a nice simulation somewhere of the shear forces involved...
Guys, I suggest you have a look at a couple of questions here if you've not done so already
And yes, I have seen computer simulations of babies being shaken, blast waves hitting people in the face, and a simulated fist punching a head... It turns out there's a lot of complicated physics involved with how the brain moves inside the skull
@tpg2114 yep.
@Qmechanic Hey there :) We have semi-finalized two close reasons, and are working on getting a good wording for "engineering question"
> This question appears to be about engineering, which is the application of scientific knowledge to construct a solution to solve a specific problem. As such, it is off topic for this site, which deals with the science, whether theoretical or experimental, of studying how the natural world works.
IMO this is better. Less emphasis on the "natural"

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