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Anyway, welcome to the chat session, everyone!
I guess we can call it a day
We don't have much of an agenda today - if anyone is new to the site or chat and has some questions, this is the ideal point to get them off your chest. Otherwise, just talk about whatever you want. Any interesting developments in physics lately?
"world still quantum" is not a strictly new development, but I guess we can't be too picky :P
@ACuriousMind agreed. its trying to look at a "different loophole" called "selection" which has not been considered/ studied as much.
One of my answers was in the hot network questions sidebar. Can we make that happen again? I liked that.
@NowIGetToLearnWhatAHeadIs Heh. For better or worse, we have no actual influence on the HNQ algorithm (unless you propose changes at Meta Stack Exchange)
Just wishful thinking
see a JEE tester in here. would like to say "thx for opening separate room for that" & think it works better/ well. encourage others to experiment with opening rooms.
actually it did help

 Problem Solving Strategies

General chat for high school physics. For MathJax see meta.sta...
we were discussing problems few minutes ago
@NowIGetToLearnWhatAHeadIs youre ~½ joking right? you know how seemingly random that algorithm is right? (not to mention controversial etc)
Chat session?
r.i.p chat session
@YashasSamaga hmm?
@vzn Ya I was joking.
@ACuriousMind I'm new to the site
there isn't anything to talk about lol
It's not very chatty today
can I pls have an introduction
@0celo7 youll be fine if you follow the rules/ be nice :P
wow @JohnRennie sure looks like a handsom chap
0celo7, chat session. Chat session, 0celo7.
@vzn that sounds like a stupid idea
@0celo7 that sounds like troublemaking :P
I have a chat idea
It's just funny that you write a simple explanation of a relatively well-known thing and then it gets featured and all the sudden you get tons of upvotes with very little work.
Why isn't there a button on the PSE chat to launch mathjax
@NowIGetToLearnWhatAHeadIs welcome to the randomness of user generated content/ votes/ ratings/ likes democracy
Currently as it is I have to keep a mathjax button on my bar
@NowIGetToLearnWhatAHeadIs muons experience time dilation got someone 1500 points
you can use ctrl+w for that
It could be perfectly used as a simple button on the site itself
why hasn't mathjax been integrated into the chat? there are plugins but what's preventing the devs from introducing mathjax in the chat by default?
I mean it's not too complicated
@Slereah Simply because chat is not a priority for the SE designers/coders, I think
just make a button that launch the script
@YashasSamaga SE software is relatively mature, there are many (good!) proposed chgs but rarely is much new implemented
It doesn't even have to be a design thing
Just put a link to the script
oops, I'm here
Something on my phone is silencing my reminders :-/
@ACuriousMind I demand an introduction >;(
@0celo7 Are you aging backwards? :P
goo goo ga ga
@ACuriousMind I never got a chat session introduction, pls
this is discrimination
@0celo7 wow that explains a lot :P
@DavidZ so hows china these days? thinking of staying/ moving?
@NowIGetToLearnWhatAHeadIs Well, sometimes a well-written explanation of a simple thing is worth the upvotes. How much effort it cost you does not always correlate with how good it is. Sometimes it's really just an unexceptional post that got lucky, though
I'm not in China anymore
@DavidZ no kidding wasnt aware (did you mention?) where are you at now? new work?
Why aren't completely wrong answers deleted?
@YashasSamaga reasons
such as "frequency is inversely proportional to amplitude" (I read it somewhere today)
@YashasSamaga period amplitude
who decides whats wrong and whats right?
The answer I receive every time for that question is, "the answer is an attempt to answer and how correct it is does not matter"
@AccidentalFourierTransform the pope, the president
@YashasSamaga there is some disagreement about the deleting of wrong answers ...
@AccidentalFourierTransform I was talking about the silly answers which are obviously wrong.
but not the current pope, he's a commie
@vzn back in the US
@YashasSamaga It's not part of the moderators' job to judge correctness
@YashasSamaga We have generally decided that "obviously wrong" is a slippery slope we don't want to slide down. Once you allow deletion of "obviously wrong" answers, people will get into fights what constitutes "obviously" wrong answers, and generally it is not moderation but up- and downvoting that is supposed to signal correctness/usefulness on SE
the new users don't get to see the heavily downvoted answers, right?
I thought the light coloured answers were visible to users only e.e
@YashasSamaga they are greyed out for everyone, but not hidden from anyone afaik
@DavidZ (reading your blog, re work life balance etc...) any ideas on next directions?
@vzn Thoughts, yes, but I'm not sharing them until things happen
@ACuriousMind what about you hows academic life going
Shouldn't we talk about the homework policy?
@JohnRennie Can you please let me tell you about topology?
@0celo7 aieee o_O
It will take 10 minutes of your time
@vzn Still working on my master's thesis, not much new to say
@ACuriousMind what was the topic? (sorry cant remember)
@0celo7 you're going to have to give me up as a lost cause I'm afraid
@JohnRennie whyy
@vzn Singular limits of supersymmetric compactifications of M-theory - string theory model building, in a broad sense
@ACuriousMind what's the string theory of a black hole?
@ACuriousMind dont know a lot about this but arent some saying SUSY is now limited with LHC (non)results?
@0celo7 That was the plan, though part of that plan was also having a meta post up. @DanielSank kind of "claimed" that task and he's still working on it.
But if you have something specific to bring up about the homework policy, this is a fine time to do it
@vzn Yes, we haven't found any SUSY so far, yet the SUSY models are the computationally most accessible models so we still hope to learn something from them as toy models
There are also reasons to believe (at least people I trust claim that there are) that even if SUSY is broken it may be broken below the string scale, so that the compactification should still be supersymmetric even if our low-energy theory isn't
in theory salon, Feb 18 at 16:15, by vzn
saw this last nite on appletv, awesome flick, recommend it CERN documentary / Geyrhalter
@adults My girlfriend's dog was put down. What do I do?
What can I say?
Only serious answers please.
@0celo7 Nothing. Provide hugs as neeeded.
@JohnRennie But what do I say?
She texted me, I guess she just found out. I'm at work, I can't go do anything
@0celo7 Nothing. Just be there with the hugs.
I can't be there!
@0celo7 try sending her flower/ crying (etc?) emoticons, isnt that the thing among youngsters these days?
@DavidZ maybe consider guest chat session sometime?
@ACuriousMind apparently there are still people doing research in general topology
wonder how one gets a grant for that
@vzn perhaps sometime in the future
> Manifolds!! manifolds!! manifolds is all I hear.
Is this the hypersphere guy!?!
@DavidZ soon seems like good time while your latest adventure is still fresh, up to you :) (did you say "maybe" last summer? hard to remember)
@vzn Maybe I should put it this way: I'm not interested, though I don't rule out the possibility of changing my mind in the future
@DavidZ oh, ok :|
@vzn I'll do one.
Why does a crystalline solid have 3 translational degrees of freedom?
@0celo7 srsly? am not opposed to that. trying to recall if we ever discussed this. thought you popped a trial balloon once
@YashasSamaga x,y,z??
@0celo7 how?
the atoms are fixed into the lattice
they can vibrate in their positions
you just edited in that "crystalline"
but can they move in the x, y, z direction?
yea I just added that
so crystalline solids have just 3 vibrational degrees of freedom?
Aluminum exists in the crystalline form?
I think the heat capacity is like $3k$ or something
so it shud have 3 degrees of freedom in total?
so three degrees makes sense
0.5 kt for each degree
dU = n1.5R dT
well then it would have six
dU = Q
dQ = n1.5R dT
Q: What are the six degrees of freedom of the atoms in a solid?

AndreasA monoatomic ideal gas has heat capacity $C_v=1.5$ which comes from the three translational degrees of freedom. For solids at high temperature, $C_v=3$, implying six degrees of freedom. What are those six degrees of freedom? I do not know much about how solids work, but I suppose translation and...

There are 3 directions of vibration: namely the components x, y and z and each of these directions has 2 degrees of freedom; one of potential energy and one of kinetic energy. So in total there are 3×2=6 degrees of freedom.
kinetic energy and potential energy are separate?
Danu says there are 3 translational degrees of freedom
Nanite's answer answers my problem.
BLAZE's answer also makes sense now
@DavidZ I wasn't super encouraged by feedback on the draft. If you have time later let's pow-wow?
@YashasSamaga I do believe this is derived in Shankar's QM book for the Einstein model. I can give you a page if you want.
@DanielSank Sure, though I probably won't have time today.
@DavidZ OK. I was hoping that draft could be asynchronous pow-wow :-)
You really like that word
@0celo7 Shankar's Principles of Quantum Mechanics?
@YashasSamaga yes
@DanielSank Oh, I assumed by "pow-wow" you meant something more synchronous than leaving comments on the draft
I got a PDF of it ty
@YashasSamaga check the chapter on the harmonic oscillator
@YashasSamaga A proof is given here vallance.chem.ox.ac.uk/pdfs/EinsteinDebye.pdf
In particular, I would like to know your goals. I'm still not sure whether you support the idea of fixing the immediate objectivity confusing bits, because you sort of said you didn't, but then sort of said you did.
@DavidZ I did, since the draft didn't work.
@YashasSamaga page 220
I suppose that ends the chat session, then. Two weeks to the next one....
I wonder if we should stop the pre-scheduled chat sessions, and arrange chat sessions as and when they are needed.
@JohnRennie like idea of recurring mtg to draw in engagement but DZ founder sure doesnt seem into it much at moment :|
This just in from main:
> there is not a relationship cause i have a dog and my fish ate my cookie so i have a dollar and i need a home to go see my carpet
That spares the mods from having to keep the time free when, like now, there just isn't anything to talk about.
@DanielSank link?
@JohnRennie I dunno, the point of the chat sessions is really to get people in the room, more than to talk about specific things. So I think even if we don't have anything particular to talk about, it's still useful to have them.
yeah, proof?
@vzn it's not that, it's just that I keep missing them - today because my reminder was silenced, as I said, and I didn't notice when it started.
@JohnRennie I generally support only having meetings as needed, but this one seems like a good idea because we e.g. welcome the n00bz.
(The chat sessions shouldn't rely on me to run them, anyway. Anyone else could handle the introductory stuff.)
@DavidZ I can't recall a single regular that would've showed up first during a chat session - it doesn't really draw people into the room for times other than those sessions themselves.
Q: Could AnyOne Tell Me How It works?

DestineeI have heard that the way that bats bite people, is by their razor sharp fangs yet i caught a bat with a team of experts and no fangs were seen. I have been confused ever since and i need to know how they get their food and blood and manage to eat it. I understand this question is illogical, yet ...

@JohnRennie think biweekly is not that frequent & sustainable even with low engagement/ agenda etc
And it's often a bit awkward right now - one week we have an empty agenda, like today, and other times we're rushing through topics because it's full of hotly contested/interesting stuff
Hmm, missed it today.
@ACuriousMind see that as more a PR problem than an issue with the mtgs per se
Q: Relationship between amplitude and frequency of a wave

MichaelWhat is the relationship between amplitude and frequency of a wave? Some say there isn't any relationship, some say that there is, but from their answers the relationship is still unclear.

@ACuriousMind That could be, but having seen the effect chat sessions had on this room in the old days, I wouldn't be so sure. This room used to be dead. We'd go for days without anyone posting at all. Chat sessions changed that.
@DanielSank I was talking about that Q earlier! "Frequency is inversely proportional to amplitude."
those are very bad answers
It could be that the chat sessions are not so useful now that the room is self-sustaining, but I personally think there is still enough value in them that it's worth keeping the regular schedule for the times when we do have something to talk about.
and I am too emotionally sensitive, to an extent that I feel bad to downvote a new user's answer
@DavidZ FWIW I rarely show because of the time. It would be nice to modulate the time.
@DavidZ agreed but it kind of needs a (consistent? rotating?) leader
I volunteer.
@DanielSank We could do that. Maybe have a meta poll for a new time slot.
@vzn I didn't think so, but if that's the case, we can plan accordingly
@DavidZ predict there will be no ideal time (too much variance in user time zone/ commitments etc) but a meta exercise to try to determine one seems worthwhile
@DavidZ Hm, maybe we could shift it periodically instead of fixing it so that people in other timezones/with different schedules might show up, that might encourage some new faces
@ACuriousMind Yeah, that's a promising idea IMO
@0celo7 really hard to tell if you are serious about anything you say :(
@vzn even the current time isn't ideal, and never was, it was just the best compromise
Q: When should we have regular chat sessions?

David ZI'd like to set up a regular series of chat sessions, to allow us to discuss events on the site or in the world of physics, and to boost our community spirit. Or something like that. Anyway, what time works for people? Please upvote any times that work for you, downvote any that don't, and if not...

@DanielSank well, the TL;DR of my view is this: we're looking at two possible ways to change the homework policy, yours and mine. Yours is a relatively small change in wording, mine is a major change in content. I don't believe your change fixes all the big problems with the current policy, but I do believe it represents a net improvement. I support your proposal as long as it's understood that I still believe there are significant problems that your proposal doesn't address.
@DavidZ nice, but notice there was no response other than yours :| (2012!) o_O
I was kind of confused about where your draft fits in, though - it seemed to be more in line with my plan (fix the big problems) than with yours (make a single specific change)
@vzn Why?
@vzn Yes, I believe that was based on some earlier feedback from a few people who would be most likely to attend. The "floor" was open for someone to suggest an alternate time, if they preferred.
I'm not a nihilist
@0celo7 try reading boy who cried wolf
my mom used to tell me about that
I thought it was pretty stupid and nothing like me
@DavidZ Is anyone who voted on that post even still around? ;P
@ACuriousMind Well of course I have no idea who voted on it
Q: Reviews of laser-laser interactions

Amir SagivI'm looking for reviews or introduction to nonlinear laser-laser interactions. My interest ranges from CW lasers to pulsed lasers, coherent combining in nonlinear regimes, solitons interaction or any of their specific applications. Thanks

@DanielSank aha, thanks. I remember that one.
A: Additional chat room owners?

David ZOur first appointments as additional room owners are Chris White and John Rennie. Welcome to your new role! We'll continue to add additional room owners in the future as needed, and as qualified candidates become available.

dusts cobwebs
It's OK, I'm only brain dead
@YashasSamaga hm, maybe... I think it's certainly not a good question, but not sure if it's actually off topic
@0celo7 maybe she had some reason for sharing it with you... maybe sometime think on the words self awareness/ denial...
@DavidZ He/she also said looking for "Reviews". Not sure what he/she meant by that.
@YashasSamaga Review is a standard academic term.
Survey works too.
I just learned a new meaning for review lol
A review article is an article that summarizes the current state of understanding on a topic.[1] A review article surveys and summarizes previously published studies, rather than reporting new facts or analysis. Review articles are sometimes also called survey articles or, in news publishing, overview articles. Academic publications that specialize in review articles are known as review journals.
@heather 1200 words.
@Danu lol everyones a critic eh? thought the movie was mostly indistinguishable from the strip. do you not like the strip? agreed movie was not much by (hollywood) movie stds.
@vzn He's always a critic.
Hello everyone :)
@0celo7 & youre a rap critic. eg eminem :P
I'm not constantly in a bad mood.
@0celo7 never said that. "criticism" is not nec regarded as related to authors mood, its also like "intellectual analysis" etc. eg literary criticism, movie criticism etc. then there are other meanings of "criticism"
@yuggib I knew that compact resolvent trick. It's in Evans.
@DavidZ btw thx for helping accomplish all that, like to see/ encourage/ promote engagement in all different forms :)
"the molar heat capacity of any substance must go to zero as the temperature goes to absolute zero." why?
textbook says it violates the third law of thermodynamics but how?
@YashasSamaga That depends on your exact formulation of the third law
@YashasSamaga The thing to take away from this is that serious review articles are a big project and are usually undertaken by up-and-coming stars (partial to announce the breadth of the mastery, but also to place the developing tools in context for the established practitioners) or end-of-career sages (to pass along their large body of knowledge and set the record straight on issues which have developed a questionable folklore).
@ACuriousMind My textbook has the Carnot statement, Kelvin statement and Planck statement.
Kelvin and PLanck statements are the same thing though.
@YashasSamaga In any case, Wiki has your answer
@YashasSamaga The thing I hate about that caption is that it doesn't admit to the statistical nature of the process. It's not a picture of an atom, it is the overlay of many pictures each of which contains very little information about the overall structure. But the ensemble tells us a lot.
I am going to guess that it is going to some some QM stuff
The entropy simply diverges if you can't suppress the $1/T$ factor by a heat capacity going to zero.
ok now it makes sense
@AccidentalFourierTransform if you're out there....(cue dramatic music)
ping me
Is it possible to add a vector graphic to an SE answer?
@DavidZ thank you, that is quite clear.
@SirCumference No.
Q: Allow SVG image uploads

bgoodrI am unable to upload SVG image files to Stack Overflow. So I would like to know why it is blocked while other image formats are allowed. SVG images are useful for diagrams such as tree diagrams for algorithm discussions.

Dang...same time
@dmckee Ninja'd :)
This much more recent post seems to suggest they are noodling improvements, but doesn't give any hints as to how they prioritize these things.
Here is a work-around (from the original link, none-the-less), but I think that unofficial hosting sites are being officially discouraged these days.
Hmm...testing in the chat:
<img src="https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/1/1a/Blank_US_Map_(states_on‌​ly).svg">
@SirCumference upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/1/1a/…‌​ly)‌​.svg
@Mystic Huh, neat
Just paste the link
@Mystic Does that work on pdfs?
Or just svgs?
@SirCumference Don't think so
Just svg
k thx
that person even commented "Nice answer very very good " for themselves
What is a-goin' on around here?
Times are not a-changin'
Hey physicists.

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