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But they are both R^n
Obviously the same
@Slereah ...what?
t. Physicist
@ACuriousMind What?
@EmilioPisanty at this point, I would buy them on amazon
because capitalism
Unless the store is half the price, this is a waste of time.
A transformation between functors of different variance is not a natural transformation in the strict sense. The notion of a transformation between functors of different variance is more general and not quite as well behaved as that of a natural transformation
its not about the price, its about the trees
stores dont kill trees, amazon does
hence, the name
You're a troll
Tell me the real reason
Can we get a trigger warning for category theory
the real reason is that it should be way easier and faster to get out of your house, walk 100 meters, and get the thing at a store
instead of having to wait from one to two days for just paper
@ACuriousMind Ok Mr. Algebra. I'm telling you how people in differential geometry define "natural transformation."
If you take the dinatural definition, then you have that $\eta_V = f^\ast \circ \eta_W \circ f$ for any $f : V\to W$ in $\mathsf{Vect}_\mathbb{R}$, which does exist, but it is constrained to be the zero map by the case $f=0$. So the statement is that there is no dinatural isomorphism/no non-zero dinatural transformation between the identity functor and the dual.
^ AFT's point, really. Buying on amazon just makes it harder for corner shops to stick around, which just makes it worse.
Thermodynamics question
At the bus stop and I am cold
What do
@Slereah Get the other people waiting into a big warm group hug
Friendship is an unknown emotion in France
@Slereah ah, then cd ~/southern_france/
@ACuriousMind Yes, I just proved that
What's your point?
@AccidentalFourierTransform What? Getting out the motorized scooter, shoes, etc. is much harder than pushing a button.
@EmilioPisanty Unless the shop makes shopping far more convenient than Amazon, I see no reason why it should stick around.
@0celo7 it does
it's just this specific instance
@0celo7 going to stores is my only chance of human interaction.
ah, the rush of awkwardly smiling at the cashier
@AccidentalFourierTransform you should move to England, then
@EmilioPisanty or anywhere in Europe above France
@AccidentalFourierTransform that's pretty sad
Has the site burned down yet?
Hmmm, chat seems to work.
Why would the site burn down?
aieee politics
@0celo7 Rebellion against the man.
General rioting.
@0celo7 That you were using imprecise terminology, I guess. A transformation exists, but it's not an ismorphism.
Lots of math chat recently.
Maybe we should offer cookies to attract more experimentalists.
Experimentalists like cookies.
swag! maybe it will work for guest spkrs too :)
or ban 0celo7 again
i prefer it this way of course
@DanielSank Everyone likes cookies!
Except the diabetic, I guess
@DanielSank sweets in general, really
@BalarkaSen speaking of math are you getting a degree in it?
who knows
hence Thor Labs sweets boxes
@EmilioPisanty Those are such a good idea.
Yo @dmckee are Thorlabs sweets boxes a thing in your field?
Think about it: Some graduate student works in a lab. The lab has a lot of money to spend on equipment. The student, on the other hand, is poor and has no money for candy.
So Thorlabs ships candy with their equipment. The candy costs nothing compared to the equipment cost, but it's a huge win for the student.
So when the student finds two lenses, one from Thorlabs for $100 and one from Acme Lens Co. for $80, what are they going to do? Thorlabs, of course.
@DanielSank make chatjax friendly, maybe?
and yeah, completely agree
@EmilioPisanty lolwut?
@DanielSank yer $ signs mangled the stuff in between
@EmilioPisanty Interesting. It looks completely normal to me. Oh, I don't have chatjax on.
How to fix?
welp, too late. Edit period is over.
@DanielSank backticks
oh well
^ oh yea
Does anyone here have magic?
I mean, fixing frozen chat messages magic?
I could offer some quality mod abuse
so, nothing new ;-)
Yo, @ACuriousMind, what's it like to be the community whipping boy?
@0celo7 Tell me about holonomy
Feels good, eh?
@JohnR: Dyou remember the scene in Prisoner of Azkaban in which Harry generates the patronous that saves both him and Sirius?
Oh, hi Cow Smoothie!
Lol, @DanielSank: Hey :-P
@DanielSank I'm beginning to suspect my masochistic streak is stronger than I thought :)
@ACuriousMind Yah. Well, you asked for it ;-)
@Kaumudi.H Yes ... I was staggered
@JohnRennie What dyou mean?
As far as I can tell, JR is saying he was in a stunned state:
I was stag - gered at Harry's patronus. Oh never mind :-)
Oh jeez.
@JohnRennie Sigh, what a wasted attempt :-P
@JohnRennie do you like board games and such?
Anyway, dyou remember it?
@Kaumudi.H Vaguely ...
I happened to watched the scene in the movie recently (which is presumably not different from that in the book) and realised exactly brilliant Harry is.
@DanielSank No. Some friends tried gallantly to interest me in their favourite board games, but to do avail.
Let me find that scene in the book ...
in the book it also saved ron and hermione iirc
it was because of the time turner thing, not particularly because of harry's brilliance
@BalarkaSen What dyou mean?
The Patronus turned. It was cantering back toward Harry across the still surface of the water. It wasn’t a horse. It wasn’t a unicorn, either. It was a stag. It was shining brightly as the moon above … it was coming back to him. …
@Kaumudi he was supposed to make that powerful patronus because it already hapenned before...
time-travel stuff
That's not "time-travel stuff". The point is that he was able to conjure it.
he was supposed to, because it happened in the past
So what? I am making the point that he was able to do it.
The Patronous is an exceptionally difficult spell to conjure. The most important aspect of conjuring it is to think of a happy memory.
@BalarkaSen That part didn't make much sense
It's like some weird time loop
@SirCumference It made sense in that I suppose it gave Harry the confidence to conjure it...because he'd done it before.
My patronus is a laptop ...
@Kaumudi.H Yeah, but why had he done it before?
@JohnRennie I wonder if this would change your mind.
His previous self would have had to learn it from another previous self, who would have had to learn it from another previous self, etc.
@Kaumudi sure, but that's not brilliance, etc (he himself talked about this later in order of phoenix). he never generates such a powerful patronus in the whole series again, ever
@SirCumference Learn? He already knew how to do it.
also he didn't know it was he who generated it in the past till he actually did it afterwards
It's all in the book
I know that.
Sigh, this is not what I was going for.
@Kaumudi.H He had to see himself do it before he could do it
Brilliant wizard or not, when I watched the scene, I realised just how brilliant he is as a person. Having been through so much loss and suffering, he was still able to conjure up such a powerful patronous, by thinking about his happiest memory.
@EmilioPisanty Never been the guy to order fiber optics kit so I didn't know about this.
he's a good guy
@dmckee fair enough
It took me back to what Dumbledore said at the beginning of the book--"Happiness can be found even in the darkest of times, if only one remembers to switch on the light"
any other manufacturers send goody bags as standard over on that side of equipment-space?
That said, my wife is a avid knitter and gets her supplies off the internet. One vendor sends a few pieces of candy with each order.
(Or something along those lines)
I'm fairly sure she picks them when all else is equal, so I've seen the same strategy in action.
Then she gives the candy to me.
Oh well, I just thought that it was a good reminder.
@DanielS: Did somebody mention board games? :--
HP (both books and movies) is a good fantasy fiction series. But I think there are better fantasy fictions :)
I haven't read anything better since.
Have you read The Hobbit?
Well, I think it's brilliant (along with LoTR)
But tastes do vary
@BalarkaSen I know embarrassingly little about holonomy. I know de Rham's theorem and the Berger classification, but that's it :/
It is great, but I like a good fantasy book that is also metaphorically resonant.
@Kaumudi.H Yes. It was me.
Symmetric/homogenous spaces are on my long list of things to learn about
But I need to bolster my algebraic topology first
@Kaumudi.H There's an octopus!
My algebra for sure
@DanielSank Why, yes there is!
@dmckee Try it. You get gummies.
I find that, like many books intended for youth and adolescents, peoples reaction to Harry Potter depends a little on where they were in their lives when they read it.
@0celo7 Fair enough. I've been learning a thing or two about holonomy of foliations.
A lot of people who grew up with the characters are deeply emotionally involved with the people in the book.
@0celo7 Today I watched someone show Poincaré-Hopf, it was cool
Now I want to read more about topology
@BernardoMeurer On the sphere?
I was old enough that I never made that kind of connection so its just a pretty good fantasy series.
@dmckee Indeed. I picked it up after having read the Redwall series for my entire childhood, so after about five pages of Harry Potter I thought "Meh, I've read this before" and stopped.
@0celo7 No, not hairy ball theorem, the generalisation of it, the actual poincaré-hopf
I didn't grow up reading it but I do believe that I haven't read anything better ever since because of JKR's exceptional skill of world-building and the abundance of metaphors in a book "for children".
@BernardoMeurer Remember what I told you about the Samurai theorem?
@Kaumudi I like LOTR because of the realism, not of the fantasy. But then, I haven't really read a lot of fantasy.
Also my algebra prof told me to read introduction to lattice theory, according to her "It sounds like your kind of stuff"
There's some really cool topology attached to that.
@DanielSank Samurai theorem?
@DanielSank Yes, Green's theorem right?
Green or Stokes
@0celo7 Generalized Stokes. I call it the "Samurai" theorem when talking to Bernardo.
He and I have a certain way of communicating.
My tastes have changed since I read my last fantasy fictions. Haven't meddled with that genre for a while
@BernardoMeurer <3
@DanielSank <3
I could use a good scifi/fantasy but so many of them are crap.
@BalarkaSen My plan right now is to finish Hall's QM, then read Wald's QFT, then some Yosida, in particular Bochner integration, then GMT from Morgan
After that, who knows.
Those things will probably take months anyway
More physics than math :(
@0celo7 She also told me to read on operator theory. What's up with that?
@BalarkaSen Bochner integration and geometric measure theory are hardly physics?
@BernardoMeurer I have no idea what that means.
but I know she does operator theory so maybe she just wants to convert me
"Operator theory"? Isn't that linear algebra?
@DanielSank I think so
@DanielSank Jesus christ
No, she means functional analysis
@0celo7 Oh
@0celo7 yeah
That's hardly up his alley and not within reach
@DanielSank She told me to transfer to maths, she's trying to ruin my life :P
Not familiar with Bochner integration
@BalarkaSen integration of functions with values in Banach spaces
@0celo7 I like algebra stuff so far
@0celo7 What about lattice theory?
never heard of it
@BalarkaSen It's used in parabolic PDE
A lattice is an abstract structure studied in the mathematical subdisciplines of order theory and abstract algebra. It consists of a partially ordered set in which every two elements have a unique supremum (also called a least upper bound or join) and a unique infimum (also called a greatest lower bound or meet). An example is given by the natural numbers, partially ordered by divisibility, for which the unique supremum is the least common multiple and the unique infimum is the greatest common divisor. Lattices can also be characterized as algebraic structures satisfying certain axiomatic identities...
@BalarkaSen You should have said "more analysis than geometry"
If anyone is looking to give me a book
My birthday is april 30th
@BernardoMeurer This doesn't look like a proof of Poincare-Hopf to me
@BernardoMeurer look up Lattice Green functions. That stuff is amazing.
You can solve the problem of finding the resistance between two nodes in a grid of resistors.
It's very cool.
@0celo7 That pic ain't the proof, I didn't copy that
<3 <3 <3
@BernardoMeurer what is wrong with your professors that they insist you do stuff like Poincare-Hopf before you even know what a manifold is
@0celo7 We did Hilbert spaces too
It's a series of mini courses they do during vacation
It's to show us cool stuff I guess
@0celo7 That's not even the worst of it. His chemistry prof was doing hydrogen atom wave functions before anyone in the course had taken even basic quantum.
@DanielSank That cartoon was published a day after my PhD advisor and I spent an entire afternoon distracted by that exact problem.
@DanielSank yes, I know
@rob It's a good problem. Did you guys reduce the answer to Fourier transforms?
I don't think you can do much better than that.
At least, not without some kind of approximation setup.
I get triggered when I think of chemistry
@mods can we ban all Chemistry?
@DanielSank It was new to both of us and we didn't get that far.
@rob You a grad student?
Chemistry is offensive. Let's ban it. In fact, let's actually outlaw it at the natural level. In other words, anything chemical is hereby forbidden to occur in this chat room.
Don't even think about catalysis!
@DanielSank To prove PH, you need homology, cohomology, Morse theory, or intersection theory. (@BalarkaSen probably knows another way.) What is @BernardoMeurer supposed to get out of seeing a proof, he doesn't even know multivariable calculus?
@DanielSank Not for quite a while now ... xkcd has been running a long time.
@rob Indeed.
@DanielSank a thing only chemists use
@AccidentalFourierTransform Not true! I've been using it much the last few days!
@DanielSank ew
get out
@AccidentalFourierTransform log base 10 is used in nuclear physics
nuclear physics is almost chemistry
@Kaumudi.H :-(
Many, there is no love for experimentalists around here.
Ever heard of the Decibel?
no, what is that?
$\Huge\text{WHAT IS THAT}$
Given a number, the value in decibels is $$N_\text{dB} \equiv 10 \log_{10}(N) \, .$$
"a number"
It's incredibly common in engineering, particularly in microwave circuits, radar, etc.
It's a convenient logarithmic scale.
ew, engineering
@AccidentalFourierTransform Uh, why so big?
@0celo7 One can actually understand it simplicially.
because I couldn't hear you
But that's not quite "a proof"
Also, agree, I should have said analysis vs geometry
@DanielSank "a number"
chrome keeps doing that
except engineers will happily do that with stuff that has units
@EmilioPisanty you normalize by some $N_0$...
for sound it's the human threshold
@EmilioPisanty Physicists will too, $\ln(\mu)$ for $\mu$ with non-zero mass dimension is common in QFT...
@EmilioPisanty What?
@DanielSank sound being the most common example
@EmilioPisanty Wrong
or anything in astrophysics
you always normalize the intensity
We have things like dBm which work like this: $$\text{Power}_\text{dBm} \equiv 10 \log_{10}(\text{Power} / 1 \, \text{milliWatt})$$
They really mean $\mu/\mu_0$ but the number of them who forget to mention that at some point is non-neglegible
@EmilioPisanty Oh yeah, the notation there is super lazy.
@ACuriousMind does Weinberg make the distinction?
@DanielSank in a word
@0celo7 No idea off the top of my head. Given his fetish for complete notation, I'd bet he does, though
Fetish? How is that any better than phone sex?
ZFC is wrong
oh my god
no one cares about ZFC
except the C
axiom of choice is wrong
@0celo7 You use the axiom of choice to justify drinking water ffs
but the worse thing is classical logic
@BernardoMeurer that's perhaps the most nonsensical thing you've ever said
@0celo7 Fetish does not necessarily carry a sexual connotation, it can simply be "an object of irrational reverence or obsessive devotion "
@0celo7 I'm all about going hard or going home
@ACuriousMind Phone sex doesn't either.
Sex need not carry a sexual connotation?
That opens whole new possibilities
@ACuriousMind You have a narrow view of phone sex
Not if done for the sole purpose of procreation.
all phone sexes matter
@BalarkaSen Did you see the GMT book?
How is this conversation not being deleted?
I'm so confused about the chat rules.
Because ACM is a good mod.
@ACuriousMind Good AI.
@DanielSank Because it does not violate the Be Nice policy and my impression is that we left off yesterday that no policy except that will be enforced in the future.
@0celo7 Greme meanwitch tien?
(The meta post will be updated shortly to reflect that)
@ACuriousMind Groovy.
@BernardoMeurer What?
@ACuriousMind God bless
@AccidentalFourierTransform Do you like getting auto-suspended? :P
@ACuriousMind B A S E D M O D
@ACuriousMind I think he believes if he does it enough times he will grow resistant to it :P
It's like bullets, if you shoot yourself enough times you become bulletproof
I have 32 suspensions; it does not work.
I read it on viXra
@BernardoMeurer So how did the proof go?
How did they define Euler characteristic?
@0celo7 Yes
@ACuriousMind Are you angry at me?
@ACuriousMind is an AI, he does not feel human emotions like anger.
@0celo7 I guess he's just ignoring me then :P
Or he's busy.
@BernardoMeurer Not really, no. Did I give off that impression somehow?
@ACuriousMind That's exactly what an angry person would say
@BernardoMeurer ...and what would a non-angry person say?
@ACuriousMind "No, my love, do you want to go for coffee later and talk about how ZFC is wrong?"
@BernardoMeurer Do you even know what an Euler characteristic is?
@0celo7 if I go through my notes I do, out of the top of my head not yet.
Go through the notes then
I'm chilling now, I'll do it after dinner

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