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@heather if I dare voice a tiny criticism I'd say there should be a little more black space at top so the nose of the rocket isn't almost at the top edge. Only a bit though.
@Loong Is that shape so distinctive? I don't know about different rocket types, actually
@JohnRennie Enjoying very much my newfound audio nirvana
@0celo7 oh, so that's why you chose that notation. Then yes.
@AccidentalFourierTransform maybe I'm stupid, but what would the solutions of the Schroedinger equation be
@BernardoMeurer Excellent! :-) You and the speakers have made your peace then.
@JohnRennie can do, makes sense.
@JohnRennie I really like the B&Ws, so much in fact I regret not getting the 685s!
@0celo7 $\psi=\psi_1\psi_2$
Particularly if $[X,\Pi_x]=i\hbar$. then you're done, pretty much.
@BernardoMeurer Good, I was really worried you were regretting the purchase
@AccidentalFourierTransform where $\psi_1$ depends on $x$ and $y$, and $\psi_2$ only on $z$ or something?
I think I remember learning about separable Hamiltonians last semester
@AccidentalFourierTransform ... and $[H_1, H_2]=0$
@EmilioPisanty well yeah, of course
@EmilioPisanty Hmm...I'm guessing that's true here?
@JohnRennie I might go back and pay the extra for the 685's now that I cashed in some money from freelance programming
15-day return policy
@BernardoMeurer How much extra?
Like 70 bucks because I have a nice discount there for buying all my audio stuff with them
@0celo7 $P_z$ commutes with everything that's on the $x,y$ plane, of course.
Hii everybody
@BernardoMeurer OK, not much more then ...
@dmckee I just installed the android app and it works fine on my device (zte axon 7 running marshmallow)
Thanks @EmilioPisanty
maybe uninstall it and reinstall it, see if it works now?
@dmckee or go into the app settings and clear the cahe and stored data.
When your fingers are greasy and you don't want to touch the record so you just play the same side again
Ah, you've got the turntable hooked up. The phono stage works OK then?
Yes! I still need to check if the grounding is working well, but sound-wise it's great!
@heather I really like the alien as well :-)
@BernardoMeurer the phono input is the the one bit of that amp that I've never used as I junked my old turntable several decades ago.
@JohnRennie The noise floor it a bit high, but it works perfectly well otherwise :)
@EmilioPisanty Try to re-install Detexify. Back up, clear caches. Actually re-install Detexify. Test. Celebrate!
@dmckee "install" Detexify?
@BernardoMeurer There is an android app. See up-chat.
@BernardoMeurer every amp I've owned has had audible noise on the phono input. I guess it's because the phono gain is that much higher. You can get separate phono preamps to bring the level up to line input, but they tend to be high end and expensive. I'd live with the noise :-)
Ah! I was searching the Arch repos already
@JohnRennie do you think the alien "fits"?
@heather It looks cheeky and funny
@heather nah, it's funny but nor really a fit for space.SE, I'd say
@JohnRennie Schiit Audio (an awesome American audio brand) makes a very well reviewed phono stage that isn't that expensive
@heather i'd rather put an astronaut in suit there :)
@heather but I agree with ACM. It's not really a fit for a serious space exploration site like the SE. So reluctantly I'd lose the alien.
okay, anonymous' suggestion i might try though
@heather as it is your rocket looks really good in a deliberately cartoon way. I don't think adding an astronaut would work with it. Might be worth a try though.
(add curvature of spacetime)
@heather I find the alien being green a bit racist
What about the blue aliens?
I cannot find this alien anywhre
where are people seeing it?
@BernardoMeurer unless the noise is really bugging you I'd stick with the Marantz for now. See how you get on for the next few weeks or so.
u'r the alien
@JohnRennie I'm not buying anything else for this system for at least 3 months :P
No, I'm a citizen @BalarkaSen
American parents
Except for a record clamp and a stylus brush, those are absolute necessities
Stylus brush! Sacrilege!
Your tone arm is a precision instrument. You don't go bolting miniature brooms onto it!!!
I might get the Onzow gel cleaner, but its $$
I know, I know
But it's getting gunked
Clean the records!
That gunge is coming from the records.
This is the recommended way to clean a stylus
I brush them! But I gotta get a spin-and-clean to do wet cleaning
why do we have Amazon one-boxing but not arXiv?
@0celo7 I been asking that for years with no reply ...
Q: Can we add chat oneboxing support for arXiv preprints?

Kyle KanosSE chat has a support for oneboxing non-SE links like Wikipedia, I was hoping that this support could be extended to arXiv. For those that are not familiar with arXiv, it is a website/service that hosts pre-print editions of articles in Physics, Mathematics, Computer Science, Quantitative Bi...

@BernardoMeurer I misunderstood what you were suggesting. I thought you meant one of those brushes that you fix to the tone arm so it sweeps the record as it plays.
@JohnRennie Hell no!
I mean a proper stylus brush :P
:-) I was a bit surprised you had (so I thought) suggested it!
It's these, but they're not as safe or good as the gel
Styluses (styli?) aren't that delicate. Just use a brush and IPA purloined from the lab.
@KyleKanos have a bounty
@JohnRennie Indian Pale Ale?
Iso Propyl Alcohol
You non-chemist you!
@JohnRennie Ah, I thought the same as ACM :P
@anonymous it's posted
Well you could try cleaning the stylus with an alcoholic beverage :-)
If anyone wants to give me something
@heather Peace at last :)
@EmilioPisanty Thanks!
@JohnRennie What are preamps for?
=) hope it at least approaches what you originally wanted. I know I"m not very good @anonymous
Not phono preamps, just preamps
@JohnRennie I take it you read the news about "unionized med-school students" and wonder why people take the time to remark on their electrical charge states
@heather Do you want some nice calc exercises to solve?
@0celo7 Loved solving them with me :P
@BernardoMeurer, sure. I might not be able to work on them right now though.
@BernardoMeurer Good question.For the line inputs the pre-amp doesn't do much more than control the volume before feeding the signal to a separate power amp.
@heather So you're telling me you hate me and never want to talk to me again? Okay then.
@JohnRennie But why would you want to control volume if the amp also has volume control?
@BernardoMeurer uh...I think you're reading into it a little much.
@EmilioPisanty when I started work at Unilever we still has secretaries type up hand written reports. My boss discovered his secretary had transcribed inorganic anion as inorganic onion.
@BernardoMeurer do power amps have volume controls? Traditionally they're a black box with an input at one end and speaker terminals at the other.
@heather Hmpf
@JohnRennie Ah, I thought they had volume control, guess not
Okay, now preamps make sense
@BernardoMeurer You sound grumpy
Anyway, I'm off. Work in eight hours.
You're not going to watch "The Big Game?"
the big game?
Super Bowl LI is the 51st Super Bowl and the 47th modern-era National Football League (NFL) championship game. The American Football Conference (AFC) champion New England Patriots will play the National Football Conference (NFC) champion Atlanta Falcons to decide the league champion for the 2016 season. Super Bowl LI is going to be played at NRG Stadium in Houston, Texas on Sunday, February 5, 2017. It is going to be the second Super Bowl to be held at NRG Stadium, the other being Super Bowl XXXVIII in 2004, which also featured the New England Patriots; and also the third time the Super Bowl has...
Not a fan of American football I'm afraid ...
@KyleKanos I'm broke now
uh...sorry, but I consider football rather stupid.
baseball is much better.
@BernardoMeurer Is that some sort of clue for me to be sympathizing and offer you placement in my home as a surrogate son?
The big game was yesterday when the Scots played their little hearts out and managed to beat Ireland. An amazing display and a very well earned victory.
@heather Baseball is too a slow sport for anyone with an active brain to follow
England's win against France was less impressive.
@KyleKanos I could take that right now. If you want to buy me a stylus brush I'll also take it
the gunk on my stylus is driving me crazy
@KyleKanos it is not! Besides, you don't see baseball players getting brain damage.
:35237625 The average team hits the ball 8ish times a game. 8 hits in three hours! How is that "not slow"
What just happened?
@0celo7 William Wallace free
@KyleKanos Baseball is a fast game
@ACuriousMind why kill the baseball message?
@0celo7 I removed a conversation about politics, cf. the starred message.
@BernardoMeurer I don't get the reference
... compared to cricket
@heather The average baseball team hits the ball 8ish times a game; so over the course of 3 hours there are 16 events worth paying attention to
@ACuriousMind I didn't think that was about politics
@KyleKanos, there's something wrong with that statistic. I've seen a baseball game, and it's NOT that slow.
ohhh, you can reply to future messages?
2 messages moved from Trash
Mod abuse
@EmilioPisanty fat fingers :P
@heather I've been to a few baseball games in my life. It is that slow
i thought it was okay to talk about politics @ACuriousMind
besides, that was like a passing reference, not even a conversation.
And now thatI think about it, I did take my son to a game and we watched a batter get KTFO by a ball to the face
@ACuriousMind Did you watch Rogue One?
There might be some brain damage from that
@heather And if I let the references slip and a full conversation develops I'll be at fault for not nipping it in the bud.
@KyleKanos is KTFO the phrase you used with your son to describe the event?
@0celo7 Yep
@EmilioPisanty No, he wasn't paying attention
meh star wars
@ACuriousMind Did you like it?
@ACuriousMind and again, I don't understand why talking about politics is a problem.
@KyleKanos Isn't your son a newborn baby?
I thought it was very good
better than Ep. 7 for sure
@BernardoMeurer No, he's 7 years old. I have a newborn daughter
@KyleKanos Too many kids, I lose track, my bad
@0celo7 Ep 7 was a hybridization of Episodes IV & V
@heather Oh I wish I didn't either. Let's say I've seen enough of it across the network in the last few weeks to know it rarely ends well.
@0celo7 Yes, I thought it was pretty good
There is an old concept called "stage coach rules".
@BalarkaSen no idea why it's popular.
@dmckee Only rob the stage coach if the driver isn't armed?
i've'nt seen it either so...
Or is it: Let the ladies face forward?
The idea was that when forced to spend hours together with a bunch of strangers you kept the conversation on topics that wouldn't cause bitter disagreements.
#6 was pretty good: Firearms may be kept on your person for use in emergencies. Do not fire them for pleasure or shoot at wild animals as the sound riles the horses
@dmckee Oh, that.
So, no politics and no religion. And if they'd had it at the time I'm sure college football would also have been on the banned list.
@KyleKanos #6? There's a list?
@DanielSank See the link in my message above that one
@dmckee ...and the merits of various programming languages/editors.
@dmckee Hmm, didn't think college football was that provocative an issue
To be sure the chat space doesn't have the 'forced to spend time together' aspect, but it also leaves a permanent record and that makes people defensive.
#4 is my favorite.
@ACuriousMind I don't think this (chat.stackexchange.com/transcript/message/35237626#35237626) qualifies as anything offensive/abusive . It was just a fact based conversion. Trash messages when you find it is abusive/offensive or it disrespects someone. I believe that was a blatant misuse of your mod power. Nowhere on SE it is written that you cannot talk about politics. Check this (meta.stackexchange.com/q/289398).
@BernardoMeurer There's only 5 kids, it's not that bad
@KyleKanos That's more than the number of friends I have
Hmm. You need to step outdoors more than spend time here
@KyleKanos #7 is pretty good, too.
@KyleKanos Now that I have a hi-fi I'm never leaving my home
> Goes to uni tomorrow
@KyleKanos I worked for a while at the University of Alabama. Tide fans are rabid. People who hate the Tide also hold that opinion to an unreasonable degree. Not good if they can't establish a little space.
@anonymous There is a starred and pinned message right here that says "Please don't bring politics here". Regardless of what the network at large says, you are kindly asked to refrain from discussing politics here. Trash is for anything moderators and room owners deem inappropriate for their rooms (abusive and offensive material is outright deleted and usually also draws a suspension).
you should see anyone in iowa on the day iowa state plays iowa. I agree with @dmckee =)
@ACuriousMind Well, who pinned the message?
@dmckee My wife's girlfriend attended Univ. S Carolina & hates Clemson (my alma mater). She was very upset that Clemson ̶b̶e̶a̶t̶ crushed Ohio State and then went on to win it all
Are you sure everyone agrees with the pinning?
I need a good ADC
@dmckee It makes me wonder if non-hungry coyotes are not dangerous.
But I didn't think that was common
@anonymous The people in charge of this room.
@KyleKanos They played a damn fine championship game this year. Can't say I like the outcome, but they earned it.
They played a damn fine championship game last year too.
how do you know what to round too when solving a problem?
@heather You don't round
@KyleKanos I didn't actually see that one. I only saw the one this year by chance.
@KyleKanos the book i'm working through does.
@ACuriousMind It doesn't seem right that a room owner or moderator can pin a message and force everyone to follow it without majority's consent. A moderator or room owner cannot make rules. They should just ensure that no one breaks rules.
@dmckee Last years' game was basically the same game as this years', except Alabama held on to the ball long enough to drain the clock to like 20 seconds before letting Clemson get it back
@anonymous To be fair, I don't mind my comment being migrated away. I knew I was going to be pushing a boundary & tried skirting around it, but it's not at all a big deal to have it moved

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