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Here is a Christmas present to all, the most complicated ode you'll meet in an undergrad, whose solution is a pain, solved in 4 lines:
Just did the same thing with the Hermite equation in the harmonic oscillator!
@JohnDuffield what is your opinion of a residue, the kind of thing that you'd see in complex analysis, especially when they arise in physics? en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Residue_(complex_analysis)
Doo doo doo
At the airport
@Slereah where are you flying?
To the family for christmas
Gonna be boring
@ACuriousMind from what I can read conical neighbourhoods seem to be a cone from 0 to infinity that include the point concerned
But the diagrams I saw of it make me wonder
Maybe they are just poorly made
did you post the diagrams here somewhere?
Could be I guess?
But it is not very explicit
Doesn't look like a very helpful diagram, but it does look like a cone
Well yes
That is to ve thankful for
It is described as being such that if a point p is in the neighbourhood then so is ap, with a > 0
Sounds like it should be a cone from 0 to infinity
Should I reopen this? Or maybe ask the user to clarify how his question is different?
@John Rennie That was a clear case of misuse of power — InquisitiveMind 14 mins ago
@KyleKanos I have a similar situation, but I only need one more vote.
I figure one little sock-puppet vote isn't that bad, right? Right?
(And besides, you're all my sock puppets anyway, so...)
@JohnRennie It's not a misuse of power, gold badge holders are given this power precisely because they are thought to be able to judge whether two questions are sufficiently duplicate, and to call these two questions dupes is certainly defensible. You could advise the user to read through the older question and refine their question by removing the parts that are answered there and explaining which ones are not and why.
hello everyone
Let's see how bad your bad-question-itis is.
Well, at least bad title.
seems like a too broad question too
Hmmm, you seem to be in the second stage of bad-question-itis.
Very good.
my mom made her pancakes (::takes bite, keels over in happiness::)
@DanielSank how many stages are there?
@Kaumudi.H, congrats! It's finally here! =D
@heather I want!
@heather Four or five.
@DanielSank chocolate chip, too =D
I've already eaten three (though in my defense, they're not huge)
Awwwwww that sounds amazing.
^ My mouth open, awaiting pancakes.
::virtual chocolate chip buttermilk fluffy delicious heaven-made pancake::
^pancake for you
With silly amounts of maple syrup and/or butter?
no, just plain, because it is chocolate chip
i might add some syrup on the next one
::skeptical face::
Maple syrup and chocolate chips are friends, Heather.
yes, true
How are you chatting here and pancaking at the same time?
okay, 6th pancake will have syrup and butter
@DanielSank magic
I'm the only one at the breakfast table, so I have the computer next to me.
You know, the equals-sign-for-eyes emojis are sort of a trademark of yours around here.
I do prefer the equals sign, yeah.
Ooooh, "Hello!" to your dad and mom!
"Thank you for feeding our honored member pancakes"
my mom says "Hello" lol
with a startled look on her face =P
@DanielSank I think @EmilioPisanty also uses the equals sign, but doesn't post as many emojis as heather in the first place
Dat sample bias.
The Rarita Schwinger equation is a nightmare
@ACuriousMind, interesting hat
@DanielSank the temptation to throw things off even more by posting a bunch of emojis is strong
@heather and I have no idea what I got it for
that's the best thing about secret hats
@heather Do it. Come to the dark side.
@ACuriousMind Hmmm, I don't participate in the site enough to get cool hats.
they're rather cryptic this year, there aren't many hat triggers guessed as of now
Every time I see something I could answer, it's either a dupe or too broad etc. etc.
Hats are also triggered by voting, commenting or using other site functionality (like the one for searching on three distinct days)
So posting answers isn't necessary to at least get some
I just have to type in the search box on three days?
Sounds easy enough.
"the characteristic polynomial is of the twelth degree in frequency omega"
@Slereah Ok... throw out small terms.
Nobody should ever handle a twentieth degree polynomial.
@DanielSank Hmm, seems I upvoted that one too. Maybe I can make 8 sock puppets and then use (at least) one to upvote that one too
@KyleKanos I'd appreciate that more if you weren't already my sock puppet account.
Hmm. Maybe just for that, I'll make a minor change to your post and un-upvote you.
I did some reviews... do I get a hat?
@KyleKanos :|
I once got all but 1 hat a couple years ago
I didn't get anything for it
@KyleKanos wow
@KyleKanos that's a lot of hats
I think it was like 24 total hats, I got 23 of them. Or something close to that
No pancakes, but ...
@JohnRennie sorry, but pancakes are always better.
@heather sweeter, certainly :-)
That is a vegetable risotto garnished with Punjabi chole
And it was absolutely delicious.
hmm, that does sound good
risotto is super good
See that @Kaumudi.H ? I do sometimes eat vegetables! :-)
only sometimes though =P
on rare, festive occasions
@heather These things have to be done in moderation :-)
Actually I really like chick peas, though I'm not sure whether they count as vegetables. I'm very fond of Moroccan cooking and they use a lot of chick peas.
chickpeas are very good
so's hummus
@JohnRennie, out of curiosity, how could I find a good open-source project on github to contribute too?
@heather I don't know any good way other than by accident. I became a contributor to Kodi because I used the software myself and felt there were some ways in which it could be improved.
So I'd start by looking at what software you use on a everyday basis and think how it could be improved.
hmm, okay
Any commonly used open source software is likely to be big and complicated, but you'll often find there are little bits of it that can be improved without having to learn the whole thing.
libre office draw drives me nuts every time I use it
Alternatively, if there is some software that you wish existed, or commercial software that you wish had a free equivalent, you could get together with some friends and create a project for it.
hmm, okay
@heather you could have a look, but Libre Office is a huge project with dozens of contributors already, so that's a tough place to start.
@JohnRennie yeah.
hmm, what do i even use...
i use texmaker, but i like texmaker
Aah, chole.
and okular, i don't use much, but when i use it it works well.
Hi guys, happy season!
@SwapnilDas, hello =)
Hey, sup?
(Excluding the ceiling and sky)
the clouds
outer space
nothing much, I'm on christmas break
how 'bout you?
I'm here loaded with heavy math books ;)
what books?
A jee book named A Das Gupta, mechanics and all physics.
You know, indians don't do Apostol :P
@SwapnilDas what's wrong with Apostol?
Idk. Do you find Apostol encouraging fast solving?
Apostol has been helpful, though i don't know what you mean by "fast solving".
Solving problems in shorter ranges of time.
some of the problems were quick, others took longer.
I'm also a bit of a poor measure because I don't know all the stuff you do, so some of the problems would probably be easier for you.
Oh. Here, we memorise and solve a lot.
You will learn with time.
When I was young like you, I was damn intersted in Particle physics
good evening :)
@heather How many problems on an average does each chap of apostol have?
@Sanya, hello
I don't remember exactly
@SwapnilDas hmm, let me look...
In my book, there are 184 questions for just introductory coordinate geometry
well, there's 3 to 4 sets of exercises in a chapter, each set of exercises has 20 to 30 problems, and there's 16 chapters
so there's 48 to 64 problem sets
hmm, so a low estimate, taking 3 sets a chapter with 20 problems a set, gives 960 problems.
@SwapnilDas O_O? I don't even know what "introductory coordinate geometry" exactly means, but I'm sure 184 questions are a bit of an overkill ... :O
a high estimate, taking 64 problem sets with 30 problems a set, gives 1920 problems
but then, Apostol Vol. 1 isn't all calculus, it includes linear algebra
and I'm not doing all the chapters, let alone all the problems.
My book has the preface, saying it has 4000 problems in exercise
@Sanya I'm also pretty sure Indians are a bit obsessed with having exercises to practice on because of the large importance of standardized exams with such exercises there. :P
@ACuriousMind You are very true.
I am astonished
Well, it is 'one' of the 3-4 books Indians refer for jee.
In just one subject, maths ;)
problems plus in IIT mathematics?
Yeah :)
Apparently the problem of the Rarita Schwinger equation is that its hyperbolic character isn't Lorentz invariant
Well, you guys shouldn't be surprised to know that we use 5 + 2 + 1 or 3 for physics.
Also the conical neighbourhood seems to be like a direction, but slightly wider
To avoud being of measure 0
I meant 8 to 10 books ;P
Microlocal analysis seems to be hot shit in QFT lately
I really need to learn more bout it
I keep seeing things about it
@SwapnilDas other people use a lot of books in their studies too - but they define "use" a bit differently ;D
I might agree. High aims need big number of books, in India.
I can confidently say that we Indians have the most depressing childhood than any other country's children.
@SwapnilDas LOL
@VishnuJK You have enough of experience :P
I'm still to enter that phase.
I dont prefer having lot of books
becz i actallydontfinish any
Actually finish one is beneficial than halfly solving 5 :P
@SwapnilDas Ikr
One thing, finishing is an incredibly irritating task.
lazy task
i use a lot of books...but i use the internet more. i haven't really been learning things rigorously (i couldn't tell you the formal definition of a derivative, but I can solve enough that I know what's going on); I figure that's for when I actually take the class; i've been trying to learn things intuitively.
Young guys often do like that. Even I did.
@heather You'll learn more effectively than us.
@SwapnilDas, I don't know about that.
i think it's more because i'm lazy; i really should just push myself and learn it in full.
I prefer reading my tuition books more becz i know what it is and is easier to recollect
@heather Same here
Doing lot of problems destroys creativity and makes us mechanical.
@heather Tried Brilliant.org ?
Indian parent thinks mark is all it is
To be frant its how india works
Of course.
@SwapnilDas I have not ::googles::
@SwapnilDas Are perparing 4 jee?
huh, cool
i might sign up
Yes, NSEP particularly
which class ur in?
I'm in 10th.
Damn Son
Chill out u got 2 more yrs
Lol why?
10 is a piece of cake
Chill? Never for the next 2 years.
Atleast now
Nah. I don't care for 10th
Next 2 yrs will be pain in the ass
I want to do more stuff, so working hard from now.
Hmm dedication!!
Bye, got to do Cengage (My life..)
The demigod of jee books @heather
@SwapnilDas, o, i'll look it up
have a good day
Thanks, you 2 :)
@heather where are u from?
@VishnuJK, U.S., iowa
i was expecting Andromeda galaxy
yeah, i live with the ewoks
it's pretty great
chewbacca drops in every now and then
Hii @VishnuJK
how to get the arduino environment on a chromebook...hmm.
Hi, everybody.

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