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00:00 - 22:0022:00 - 00:00

In any event, it does seem clear based on the reference that you have to lose a bounty to someone who is faster, or something like that.
@LoganM Try that, then
Don't you have other accounts?
@JNat Will do.
Try to post an answer on my question
@JNat You mean, on anime?
I'd rather not post answers that aren't real answers.
My goal is to do this as legit as possible.
@LoganM Ok then
@LoganM I didn't mean a fake answer. But maybe an answer a bit worse than the other one, though correct
@JNat Hard to do that without it being redundant.
Anyway I think I can find a better question to do it on.
Just got Eureka without doing anything.
We get a hat for getting starred today?
@Mysticial Enjoy
Who doesn't have it?
@LoganM thx!
If you need the hat for getting starred today, post a picture of a loli and we will star it.
@Mysticial I'm not sure if this needs the clause about hats today. I'll star lolis any day.
user image
ignore kite/shugo
thanking you....when do i get the hat?
@Memor-X NOW
lol, you should get it within a minute or so
@JNat nope, nothing...it's not the johnny 3 hats is it?
@Memor-X wait till a quarter of hour
@LoganM what's Before It Was Cool for?
wait, i got it now, i have to manually go into my collection rather than waiting for the notices or hat count to increase.....lol, Winter is coming and it's 31.6°C outside
@Krazer This one was revealed on MSO (though we figured it out here a lot earlier thanks to @Yuki). Create a tag, and have at least one other user ask a question in the tag. May also require your first question to be upvoted, not sure.
@Braiam Don't know if you were paying attention, but we've figured out some stuff about your hat. It requires you to lose a bounty to a faster answerer. It also seems to have started before the normal WB period.
@Memor-X No, it's the one I'm wearing
lol that literally just got posted on meta:
A: How do you get the IG-88 hat? *spoiler*

Travis JAs we all know, Fett gets the bounty for finding Han Solo. But here is how you do it, IG-88 style

@LoganM So now all you have to do is post a better answer in my question, with another user :P
@JNat No, I want Bounty Hunter still.
Once you know how to do this one, it's actually easier than Bounty Hunter.
So you need to get one of them from somewhere else
I just have to find any old bounty question, and post an answer.
@LoganM I got mine assured
It needs at least 1 upvote.
but I can get that
Then wait for the bounty to end and I'll get the hat.
@MarkS. That ain't no loli, if that's what you're after
@LoganM How can you get the Eurekaaaa!
@MarkS. i think it's from Utena but then again that's soley based off the fact that 1) it's a girl, 2) she's dressed in a guy's outfit, 3) looks oldish animation
@LoganM man... I know now why :(
@JNat Better character than any Loli. @Memor-X From the Utena movie
@MarkS. That's not a loli. lol
@MarkS. I don't think @LoganM will agree with that
@Mysticial I thought that typo was on purpose
@Mysticial and @JNat: Yeah, I know
@JNat unless he use a Dvorak keyboard, it was on purpose
@MarkS. is it any different from the original series?
@JNat he lack balance, i can drop quite low doing that
@Memor-X The style is quite similar; the plot is different
@MarkS. was asking about the plot, guess i'll have to find where i can get it
@Braiam I don't thing it is the exact reason, though close, so I leave comments there.
Q: Who was Guild Master Makarov in Edolas?

Shadow ZorgonWhen in Edolas, the story reveals that there is an alternate version of every person there, with similar yet opposite characteristics. One of the main people I could never get a confirmation on being there was Makarov. At one point, a Edolas Fairy Tail guild member says that the Guildmaster is de...

@hwlau is plausible since I answer most of AU bounties
@Braiam I have tried to scan them, but there are 2 exceptions within 25 sampling who would answer any bounty questions at all.
So, it must be something that a person answering bounty will very likely doing
yay TWGOK!
@Braiam what is TWGOK?
The World God Only Knows?
@Braiam What about it?
I don't know what to answer...
I don't know what's goin' on here...
Some unknown abbr floating around
meh, this room needs a funny name... like "The Bridge"
@Braiam The Bridge is funny? lol
@JNat only the name... everything else is crazy
Q: What should we call our chat room?

AlenannoSince I can, because I am me and I can... Ok, now seriously. :P I have the privileges to change the chat room name and description, so let's propose new names! Consider that you should: Propose a name (possibly explain why that name); And a description if you want, even if maybe we can keep th...

We did not reach consensus, back in private beta
Or rather, we reached the consensus that we should leave it as is
@Braiam Not my fault. I even suggested a (lame) name
Samurai Flamenco has gotten more amazing every episode (well, maybe not episode 2), and it's only half done. It's kinda like Gurren Lagann in that sense.
@MarkS. I have enjoyed it more than I thought I would
Especially after the twist
Which I absolutely did not see coming
@Braiam "Beyond to the Ethereal Horizon"
I messed that up
I'm off
cya guys tomorrow
So, are there any mods here that aren't obsessed with lolis?
@MarkS. we kicked out those...
@hwlau I could tell you, but I'm not sure if it's actually a good idea.
That's kind of unfortunate. Variety is good for a growing site maybe
You might be disqualified from getting it if I tell you how to do it.
With that said, you can ask Manish or anyone else with the badge. I'm pretty sure everyone who has it knows what you have to do to get it. Most probably better than me.
@LoganM So, you are saying the same thing as kalina?
@hwlau yeah, for now
Why I should ask Manish rather than you?
Manish did tell me to find it a the MSO, but I don't get what it mean
He has a better sense of what is fair to tell you and what isn't.
in The h Bar, yesterday, by ManishEarth
@hwlau It's secret :P Dig around on MSO, you can figure it out
A: Winter Bash 2013: Secret Hats

Shog9They're not really all that secret if we give it all away so easily, are they? Here are some hints - if you can figure them out, you're on your way to some SECRET hats: ...then I took an arrow to the knee. Earned ten of the most meaningless points on the 'Net I live... AGAIN! He ain't no drag...

@Krazer Is it real hint? I read it few times, but dont get what they mean
@hwlau some of the ones tell you how to get it while others, I'm not sure
@hwlau In any event, there are at least 10 people with the hat, so you can try asking elsewhere. I will give you a hint that I got this badge on Anime SE for something on Anime SE. Most people got it on MSO, but I most definitely got it here.
I live... AGAIN! = Kabuto Helm
Earned ten of the most meaningless points on the 'Net = Unicorn
So if you pay attention to everything I've done over the past week, you could probably figure it out.
The trick is to be named Logan M, clearly
@Krazer Oh. I never read any riddle before
@LoganM I only know you become crazy with hathathat...
@hwlau Yes, I am pretty crazy about hats.
from JBM to JWH = Hipster?
@MarkS. Can you try that first, it is hard to revert
but @LoganM will not get mine!
@Krazer I was thinking that one was Chuck Yeager.
@hwlau Are you asking me to change my name it LoganM?
@LoganM I can't be that crazy like you
both were fast
@MarkS. Yes
@hwlau no
There are only so many people capable of putting together words that stir and move and sing = Hipster?
You may have to go to Puerto Vallarta, break the law and then fight extradition to get over this one = Headphones?
@Krazer It's a reference to John Wesley Hardin. His gun that he died with was inscribed with that. The gun itself is a Colt M1877. That model in particular was nicknamed "Lightning". Hence I think it's for FGITW.
@Krazer 'This one is supposed to be hard.
I have to go now, my planet needs me.
@Krazer Seems, it should correspond to the "I am not hearing"
@LoganM Methinks it's a reference to Dog the Bounty Hunter
@Krazer Did they have an episode like that? I don't know, haven't seen the show.
If they do, that is probably IG-88
Only confirmed bounty-related secret hat.
and it doesn't seem to match anything else.
Solve these riddles and it's yours = Lightbulb?
"...then I took an arrow to the knee" makes more sense for Hipster
"There are only so many people capable of putting together words that stir and move and sing" seems related to gospel music
Q: Why does Goku wear different Gi in DBGT?

krikaraI've always wondered why he changed his gi to a blue top, white belt, and yellow pants. Is this perhaps due Akira Toriyama never creating the actual DBGT series? If so, is there an substantial evidence?

@Krazer That one seems needing some editing to something? CW or tag wiki?
@Krazer This is an exact quote from the novel "The Space Merchants". I don't know anything about it though.
It is really damn hard, it looks like I am hearing aliens talking here
@LoganM hmm in light of this it might be for unique ip clicks
> “There are only so many people capable of putting together words that stir and move and sing. When it became possible to earn a very good living in advertising by exercising this capability, lyric poetry was left to untalented screwballs who had to shriek for attention and compete by eccentricity.”
@Krazer Sounds like publicist badge or something.
"He ain't no drag" is clearly a reference to "Papa's Got A Brand New Bag"
@JNat "The loli club."
@Mysticial I'm in favor
thinking maybe something with the top tags
Maybe it's just me, but it seems like 90% of the hats are actually really ugly on my avatar. Or at least, they obscure Miki without any appreciable benefit, which is basically the same thing. Anyone else get that impression?
@LoganM How about the rabbit ears?
@hwlau Need to get that one
But it requires 10 questions on one site
So it will be a little while
@LoganM You can't ask questions quickly? Someone are good to come up with questions, but I am not.
Maybe you can post many suggestions at MSO
@hwlau I can ask questions quickly, but it's annoying to people here if I do it too much.
We used to have an event where we would all post questions on Saturdays, and I regularly had 15+ such questions.
I think no one with care if you do it at SO or MSO
But now I prefer to only ask a few a day.
@hwlau I don't use MSO much. I don't really like the culture there. As for SO, I don't know how to write a "hello world" program in any language so that's off the table.
Ok, you dont know programming. Then stick to the site you like.
I could easily do 10 in a day. I may do that later, but for now I'm more concerned with getting peanut gallery, I see your point, full house, and IG-88
Q: Steampunk movie about Demons

JackThis Movie or series has a few key points. I want to remember the name of it badly since I liked it so much years ago. any help would be appreciated set in a Steampunk world, dull, rainy. Humans practice magic there but require protective suits else they become corrupt and turn into demons. s...

@PlanetExpressDelivery that last dot point almost made me wasn't to throw up, if it was something like with Dante's parents (with Sparda actually being in love with a human) then maybe it would have been tolerable, maybe i just have a weak/twisted constitution to that subject
@ton.yeung Looks like we’ve figured out the other condition. Needs at least net score of +2‌​ to count.
Sorry for strange text I was lazy there
But the +2 can come long after it's posted.
@ton.yeung I got 42 on the same question I got Hello World. I also got a "Notable Question" badge the same day.
It was #3 on the hot questions list for a few hours too.
You only need 500 views, which is cake on MSO.
I got 2500 on Academia with a silly question tho
If you can find the right mix of silly and serious, the question will catch on like crazy.
Not so much for MSO tho since MSO doesn't appear on hot questions list.
(which is probably a good thing since otherwise it would dominate all the other sites by far)
out of all the names/clues of hats, i'm suppressed there's no "the cake is a lie" or something along those lines
@Memor-X That reference is too obvious. Everyone would get it and there would be no mystery.
"...arrow to the knee" is pretty close for all practical purposes though
How about "Service Factory" as our chatroom name?
Or "Maid Cafe".
@Mysticial that one might be better since it's more anime/manga centric
@Mysticial I think it has to be something a bit peculiar, like "The Bridge" (who plays video games on a bridge?!) or "The Comms Room" (I don't even know what that's supposed to mean)
"Hikikomori Hangout"
@LoganM The Comms Room is probably a reference to the hidden Communications Room that the Commander sits in and oversees the game in things like the Commander View in Battlefield 4 of in general RTSs
@Memor-X Comms Room is for Server Fault
Anyone else notice that Eureka loads way faster than all other hats, especially on e.g. this page?
For me, the ones with Eureka load the hat at the same time as the avatar, but all other hats take until after the page finishes loading everything else.
I can't come up with any better name than just "The Maid Cafe".
@LoganM imma attempt to whore a hat from this on MSO
@Mysticial "The loli club" was better IMO.
@Krazer Which one?
@LoganM Yaeger
@Krazer Oh go ahead. I thought you were trying for a meta guru badge, which I would advise is probably too much for this level of info.
@LoganM I'm not entirely in favor of "The loli club", since "Loli" might come across some people the wrong way. (even if we're perfectly fine with it)
@Mysticial okay, write it in katakana then so that people won't know what we're talking about
Anyway maids are okay too I guess if we're desperate.
there must be some other thing that anime/manga can associate with besides maids and lolis, not saying either is bad
pick your poison :)
@Mysticial don't know what that is
@Mysticial isn't that more general across all media
@Memor-X NEET
@Mysticial no
@Memor-X it's inevitable
@Krazer oh.....that's not associated with anime is it, it's a general term and more politer tan saying Dole Bludger
@Mysticial I personally like the sound of "The Boundary of the Ethereal Horizon" or "不可視境界線の境界, Fukashi Kyoukaisen no Kyoukai" of the "Hat Cafe"
Q: What inside Hachikuji's bag?

Shinobu Oshinoon anime, Hachikuji always carry a large backpack everywhere. What's in the bag? and why she always carried it? Did she also carry it on LN? (I only watch until episode 5 in Monogatari Series: Second Season, so I don't know if there will be any explanation about this)

Okay I've posted a trial answer for IG-88. It's clearly correct and also clearly inferior to another of the answers so I hopefully won't get the bounty but will get at least an upvote (1 is all that is needed AFAICT)
@ton.yeung You can make it in like 15 seconds but w/e
don't feel obligated to if you don't want to.
I think I will probably get at least 1 upvote by the end of the period.
@ton.yeung ?
show me
@ton.yeung send me a screenshot... I see what I'm supposed to see
@ton.yeung wrong direction
@ton.yeung wait a bit first
@ton.yeung hoping to attract ttention/ interest with my post
@ton.yeung necro
1 hour later…
Update on hats: I've gone through the network rankings list. If there are any more secret hats (and Shog's hint suggests there is 1 more), they're quite difficult to figure out or else not yet available. Currently no users with over 10 hats network wide have any secret hats except the 9 which are already fairly common. Manish has all 9 if anyone wants to know what they are.
dat Eureka hat...
Just noticed that apparently I'm the only person with over 30 hats and without the unicorn hat.
We need to have more meta activity so I can get that one. Not sure how though.
Maybe I'll try making some meta posts over the weekend.
@LoganM direct us~
command us~
@Krazer Okay, but first I need to do other stuff. Right now I'm writing solutions for an exam. Later today I have to proctor and grade it. After that I'll be dedicating 100% of my waking moments to hats.
@LoganM as you command, o chapeaued one
3 hours later…
Just noticed that apparently former moderators also get mod hats, even if they didn't get mod badges. Of course, devs also get mod hats, but former devs don't get anything. (Except if they were moderators before they were hired, in which case they get it on those sites).
1 hour later…
Q: Are Jupiter Sisters real?

Shinobu OshinoIn the wiki, it said that Jupiter Sisters are named after Roman gods and goddesses. Are they really a group or something? Or Wakaki Sensei just randomly select and choose a suitable character for them? Are their trait match with the real one? And also, is this picture based on real place?

Q: why there are many scenes in the anime that takes place on the roof?

Shinobu OshinoWhy there are many scenes in the anime that takes place on the roof? Especially the roof of the school? School roof became a popular place for its students who want to be alone with no one else there. Sometimes they come in for lunch, or just relax there. Angel Beats!, Boku wa Tomodachi ga ...

1 hour later…
@Krazer Not me ^_^
"death" and "receiving enough bodily harm to cause death," that is, "killed," are separate concepts in Japanese culture
there are two words in the japanese language that denote death, see...
死ね= shine = "to die", also other variants like nakunaru = "to pass away" and a few other niche variants and then there is 殺す= korosu= "to kill"
the thing is that even though the word means to kill, the actual definition can mean, to cause enough damage to result in death
die and kill is different in english too :/
So when you see "he wouldn't die even if he were killed"
it actually means something more like "he wouldn't die even if he were to be shot/hanged/stabbed/burnt/other-things-that-cause-death"
but since the word korosu's first definition is "to kill" the majority of translations put it as such
@Krazer is difficult to translate jap->eng, give em some credit :P
sounds weird in english, yeah, but that's because english is weird too
translations are too literal, people forgot to translate cultural differences
@Krazer So basically "Madara wouldn't die even if he were killed".
Sounds about right :D
also the word "korosu" isn't used in that line at all (in the image). the joke is that she suddenly realises 失血死 (a term meaning "death from blood loss") means to die. Which should be obvious.. the line is intentionally goofy because, well, it's Mako.
Need two users' assistance with getting a hat, who can help?
@ton.yeung Go to meta.stackoverflow.com/users/166899/… and upvote all comments from today
@ton.yeung No
Only votes on posts are counted
I wouldn't have you do anything illegal :P
@ton.yeung Thank you
@ton.yeung Now need to wait and see. I think I already have five
Yes, perfect thank you
@MadaraUchiha -sama has the unicorn!
@Krazer your building is nowhere close to the one in the question :P
Q: Why didn't Madara disapear after the reanimation jutsu was released?

JohnAfter the reanimation jutsu was released Madara didn't disappear with all the other reanimations? Why is that?

@JNat I challenge you to try to find another rooftop garden in Kyoto and steal my checkmark
@Krazer Believe it or not, I was trying to find it two days ago XD
I looked through the blocks a bit to the north of yours
Because in the screen that appears mid-episode, that's the area that is featured
but well, I found nothing
However, the shapes of yours and of the one on the question do not match :P
I'm not gonna look through all of Kyoto
At least not now :P
@JNat just for you I'll go into OVERDRIVE MODE to improve this answer!
but make sure you comment to my answer pointing this out
pls be ciritical
@Krazer Ok
@Krazer I won't be able to do this right now, though.
Maybe later on
But I'll most likely leave an answer. Although I did not find the building, I can point some things out that may help in finding it, in case it even exists
Q: What happened to Nara Shikaku's (shikamaru's dad) plan to beat the juubi?

AneeshmgJust before the alliance's HQ is destroyed by the Juubi's long range attack, we see Shikaku telling his plan about how to beat the juubi to shikamaru, which gets off paneled. Did that plan ever get executed at the battle field? If yes when?

Q: can someone tell me the name of this old mecha anime/movie?

user3047I remember watching it in the early 90s on VHS and feeling slightly scared. The villain had horns, brown hair and wore brown clothes . The name star avengers comes to mind. i ve tried to google the name but nothing comes up so its not the right name. can someone please help?

3 hours later…
I managed to get the Peanut Gallery hat. Still no unicorn hat though.
@LoganM Ask @MadaraUchiha -sama.
@JNat I'm not a cheater.
@LoganM Oh, ok
I totally didn't cheat by asking the second Outbreak Company question from an anonymous account. It wasn't cheating because I had no idea how the hipster hat worked at the time. Also, deleting that question immediately after to try to hide the criteria of the hat as long as possible isn't cheating. It's just strategy.
@LoganM The unicorn hat is most easily achieved on mso.
That's the hint I'll give you without cheating. If you want another one, do say :)
@MadaraUchiha I really don't like posting on MSO.
@LoganM I never said anything about posting.
@MadaraUchiha Commenting counts too
@MadaraUchiha I think I got it, from your posts here earlier today ;)
BTW I don't need hints for any secret hats. I know how to obtain all of them.
@LoganM Except for the unicorn :D
@MadaraUchiha I know how to get the unicorn. I just want it on Anime, not on SO.
@LoganM Well then, by all means, go :)
@MadaraUchiha Need more meta posts to comment on.
@LoganM Make some
@MadaraUchiha Too lazy
@LoganM Too bad.
@LoganM No unicorn for you :P
Speaking of being lazy, @MadaraUchiha my accounts still haven't been merged yet, and they haven't contacted me. Do you know anything about it?
@LoganM I'll ask
@MadaraUchiha thx
@LoganM check our room
@MadaraUchiha Saw it. I'm now way closer to Robocop than I was before that was handled.
Q: Can you tell me where to find this manga?

skjssfwhere can I find this manga:ginga sengoku gun yuuden rai(known as thunderjet in english) I've looked everywhere on the internet but I can't find it

@LoganM =)
@Sakamoto ?
If I'm lucky I could get it today.
@MadaraUchiha No, on Math
Just realized that the account merger triggered a rep recalc on Area 51, and I'm back below 2k rep.
That is really sad.
Let's see if this gets me any hats:
Q: What happened to this user's rep?

MysticialThis user is only displaying 56 rep. http://stackoverflow.com/users/2354107/user2638924 But surely (s)he as much more than that. The user has also never given out any bounties.

@Mysticial They probably gave out an invisible bounty of 100k.
I landed in a tree today, had to wait until a nice wind came by. It's lonely on the road.
@iKlsR wat
I don't know if that image is SFW.
There we go.
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