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feel so demoted about working today
1 hour later…
@ArthurHavlicek Only today? You're a lucky person :)
And hey everyone :)
@Tinkeringbell Haha. Well I took a day off. I feel a bit bad to do that on last minute but it has been accepted so far.
@dhein That's a very good meta post, thank you :) Also, you should probably post a "This answer is being discussed on meta" under the answer
Also, if it isn't too much work, could you keep me up to date regarding what happens with this answer? (if a consensus is reached or if an edit is made on it)
@ArthurHavlicek Sounds good :)
@ArthurHavlicek I hope you'll feel better tomorrow
@scohe001 x)
I had yesterday off :P because carnival holiday
@ArthurHavlicek Also, don't feel bad about taking a day off. I'm pretty sure your employer would rather you take a day off than paying you for not doing nothing all day
I woke up very sleepy though
I finally got a good nights sleep, for the first time this week :)
@Tinkeringbell Yay for you!
@Ælis Thank you. :) Yeah, just posted such comment after I wrote my message here :)
@Ælis I will try :)
Erf, that answer has a lot of jargon in it
@Ælis Yep. I can notice a difference already :)
Quality sleep is important :D
There was a study that anecdotally showed that having 6 instead of 8 hours of sleep for 10 days straight reduces your mental awareness, intellectual performance and general wakefulness equivalently to staying up 2 days straight
so yeah, getting enough sleep each night is very important
AFAIK sleep and the quantity needed really depends on people
That's true. I need way more than my parents or my brother to feel functional :)
I function best in all areas with 6 hours only
part of it is quality of sleep
I really need to get a sleep study done sometime
My fitbit seemed to suggest that my sleep between Monday and Tuesday was 'Fair' XD
It was only 4,5 hours.
if I wore a fitbit it would be an unfitbit
I'm doubtful wrt smart devices when it comes to sleep
Whenever I feel like I had a shitty night my smart watch says my sleep depth was amazing. Heck no, I barely slept! :p
It usually gets at least my time of falling asleep and waking up pretty right... but yeah.
@avazula Maybe you should have a discussion with your smart device and figure if the 2 of you have the asame understanding of "amazing"? :P
@dhein She's not very talkative :p
@avazula The narrow-minded kind of smart device... I see... Its an apple, isn't it? :P
@dhein dear cash no, I'm not what you'd call a fan :p
Although I do have a macbook at work and so far it feels better than coding on Windows (it's still not as good as Linux but still :p)
I have a Withings.
@avazula You're not a true fan unless you spin around blades really fast to create artificial wind.
@avazula Same
@Mithical it's called "hot air"
Mi Band 4 user here, it detects my sleep duration fine :D
But apparently if you sleep more you get worst rating for some reason
My band bugged and detected I was sleeping in the middle of day (when I wasn't) for like 7 hours plus my night hours and it said it was a terrible sleep :p
not sure if i have a screenshot of that
@avazula It was rather an overt act stating my mind about apple, rather than intending to accuse you of using an apple device :P
@Mithical I was thinking the very same '^.^
@avazula you can use both on a Mac if you wish :p
it comes with a lot of work though
@dhein I understood :) but it was funny to go on :p
@CaldeiraG I know! I do it actually :p
@avazula Duck me! >.< Again I managed to fail my own joke :D
@dhein kwak
@avazula nice :)
Q: My boyfriend has problems with his family and I don't know how to support him

Migena Z.Some background info • My boyfriend 23 • Me 21 • His brother 19 • His mom 45 • His father 53 I am in a relationship with my boyfriend for 4 years and we are living together for 2 years. At first 6 months we were rating then his family give us their house ( they have 3 ) which didn’t ...

@ThelethalCarrot - After having been on the receiving end of a woke-brigade attack because I dared to suggest that Hermione might have a race rather than an ethnicity, I can only imagine the OP doesn't take kindly to people trying to push their own agendas onto their post — Valorum 2 mins ago
That user is (in)famously permanently (lifetime) banned from chat network wide
...if anyone remembers to re-issue the suspensions...
true, the original suspension runs out in 224 days
still, persistently annoying and angering shog hard enough to eat one of the two (I think) only ever handed down lifetime chat bans is a feat
@ExtrovertedMainMan This is off topic, sadly... Do you think it'd be suited for the site if it was focused on how to tell their boyfriend it's not his fault instead?
@avazula Only if it includes 'what have you tried already' or 'what do you think won't work/will go wrong'
As with every question ;)
@Tinkeringbell Of course.
@ExtrovertedMainMan I feel bad for them :\
Me too
My family's pretty much a mess but I'm blessed by their love
hmm, sounds like a mess
@JAD you have the same avatar as DarkCygnus but turned upside down
@Magisch I consider that a matter of perspective
also, theirs is a bit more yellow
Nah, @JAD is turned 90 degrees to the left and DarkCygnus is turned 90 degrees to the right.
@avazula Thanks :'D
@Magisch but yeah, it's been like that for a while. Although mine went rightside up recently
Damn! I voted for DarkCygnus cause his avatar gave me an impression of feeling used to it. And since I find everyone in here socially skilled I voted for them despite I didn't like their text too much.... Huh anyways... With 3~4 candidates per side not that much of a decision to make x'D
Not saying you should, but I think you can still change your votes
I'm running too
although there's a strong field of candidates this year
Q: What kind of things can you take from a hotel?

fedorquiHotels normally provide a big amount of sets (well, depending on the quality, but however, many!) that can help you feel more comfortable there. So for example you can get towels, slippers, candies, pens, shampoos, shaving kits, sponges, ... The same in the self-service breakfast: pastries, bre...

My friend managed to take the cute receptionist, they have a kid now.. — Nean Der Thal Dec 12 '14 at 16:49
@CaldeiraG Apt username too...
Caveman with a club dragging a wife ;)
is @IPSCommentBot still alive?
@IPSCommentBot cat?
@CaldeiraG Being awake does sound like terrible sleep tbh
Yay, my internet is back! \o/ I will now go binge-watching my current favorite TV show :p
Wooo! Enjoy :D
@CaldeiraG It hasn't been for weeks now
@Belle :p not wrong
@Ælis yay :) out of curiosity, what show?
@CaldeiraG "Crash landing on you" (a korean love story)
@avazula Ah I see. Couldn't someone run it on a computer?
@Ælis nice, enjoy!
Thanks :D
@CaldeiraG It's currently under troubleshooting. I'm trying to see if it's pingable
Since it's open-source and all
But I understand :)
I wouldn't run it on my work computer ... and I don't really have time to see what's happening rn :/
I see :) just a idea I had
an understandable one :)
I couldn't run it on my computer because it's normally turned off when i'm off to bed/work
@CaldeiraG oh right, this too haha
yeea :P i'm hoping to get a RPi working 24/7 after I upgrade my pc
I just got this while debugging
'm sad
Yeah, I'd be too if that was only temporary ;)
Pretty cat :)
I'm proud of myself today. I was panicking because I had too many bills and there was no way I could pay them all before the due dates and the late fees kept piling up. I emailed all the people I owed money to ask them if I can pay in terms until enough responded so I could afford all the bills again, then paid the remaining ones. Finances sorted!
Financial problems give me a great deal of anxiety. It's fair to say I've made many choices in my life just to avoid that.
I've been dragging this out for months, paying way too much in late fees because I missed some payment when I struggled last summer. Turns out, if you're polite, companies are very happy to offer payment in terms for way less than the late fees.
Good job. That must not be an easy thing to ask either
Thanks. It wasn't easy. My troubles were spiraling out of control because I kept refusing to sort them.
Most of them should be gone in 2 months, except for one that only had a 10 month payment plan. That bill is yearly and I'm automatically signed up for the payment plan for next year, so that's solved too :)
@Belle \o/!
Most companies really are happier to have you pay in terms than having to pay people to make you pay the entire sum ;)
except banks
banks will reorder charges to make you incur maximum late penalties
I've read enough Twitter to know the American system is crap like that... it's basically a business model there, apparently. I've never had to do this with banks over here, just healthcare...
More good? news: Had a talk with the manager. He thinks I can do the taking over a coworkers job, but if I don't like it at all he'll help me find another project :D
@Tinkeringbell :party:
Q: My girlfriend says that she might slow dance with other guys, is that okay?

CarterMThere is a upcoming dinner/dance that my girl and I are going to. She told me that she might slow dance with other guys (ones that she knows) if they ask her. I said it was okay but it still bothers me but I didn't tell her I wasn’t fine with it. I’m fine with normal dancing but slow dancing with...

@avazula Maybe this weekend? ;)
@Tinkeringbell That'd be nice!
4 messages moved to Trash
Sorry, I went a bit crazy for a sec :p
@Tinkeringbell I've never incured overcharge fees so far, so
@ExtrovertedMainMan Uh, OP deleted it
@Magisch Nope. I put the lower limit for my bank account on 0, I can't overdraft.
also I'm financially super paranoid
@Tinkeringbell Wait, your banks let you do that?
yeah, you can set an overdraft limit
We just have to know if our account is out of money and not try to use it if so to avoid penalties
@Rainbacon Yep.
@Magisch me too ...
Which is good, but isn't as much appreciated by companies that can do an automated withdrawal, e.g. health care. They often send you an annoyed e-mail when their things bounce.

Though it's gotten better, and you usually get an e-mail first now that they're planning on taking money. Then you can make a quick call to e.g. ask them to wait a few weeks for the next paycheck or arrange terms :)
amusingly, I cant get the television authority to figure out how to deduct from my account
I have to call them to pester them that I owe them money
I don't have television yet but I do hope it'll be better than yours! :P
because I would very much not bother to call...
I watch a grand total of 2 hours of tv a week :/
Oh, I do watch a lot more... The 7:30 or 8 o'clock news, DWDD, and me and my parents have recently started watching 'Typisch' together too.
That last one is fun if you like people watching.
mostly sunday sports
@Tinkeringbell it's tempting, but they asess a late fee of 20% total due every month of nonpayment after 3 (iirc), so if you wait long enough you'll make like the woman in the town over who owed them over 20k€ after a couple years
I dont watch tv, but I have a device that theorethically could (a computer) so I have to pay monthly
I don't pay television tax
Cause I don't have a TV o/
@Magisch :/, they want to do that over here too
I don't think we have tv tax
they just assume everybody has a tv and fund the public broadcasters from other tax sources
@Magisch Ah, oops. That sounds massively unfair.
it does. Taxes are fine and all, but it shouldn't be my responsibility to remind the agencies that I owe them
In an ideal world, it shouldn't be. They keep sending me mail saying I have to pay them, but the payment option I selected is autodraft (which they're bad at doing, apparently)
I've always been confused about the TV tax, especially in the UK
I have people who say there is only a tax applied if you want to watch BBC content, other says that even if you're using youtube on the computer you need to pay the tax
All in all kinda of a mess
over here the only way you get out of paying it is if you have no device that can receive or disseminate public TV offerings (nothing with internet, no smartphone, no tv, no radio)
so more or less everyone pays
I pay on the taxes, it's like 4€ per month on the water bill I think (or less)
@Magisch yeah that's what I'm usually familiar with
I think it's 22€ a month here?
for tv?!
In Netherlands TV is mandatory to pay for tv. It's generally included in your gas and electricity contract for some reason.
17.50€ I was wrong, 17.50€ per month for all public tv, radio and websites
@Belle uh? what? I haven't heard that one before
only reason I have TV is because it's part of the internet package
@Magisch that's pretty steep
Mine's €13.95 iirc. I don't even use it :\
wait, is that just tax or do you then also get the actual content? @Magisch
Thats the fee you pay
for having a TV capable device
the content itself is freely available on the tv, radio and internet
but you would still have to pay the tv provider to get the tv signal?
17.50€ plus the cable tv + internet plan, that's a pretty big bill
@CaldeiraG ^ :'(
Eeeehhh ^^'
@CaldeiraG ... what if my car is already paid off (too dark?)
@EmC Depends ... what color is it? :p
just noticed the link title: "seen at my local car dealership". that's a bit worse lol
@avazula silver :D
Winter fairy!
White walker
my last car was white!
I don't know enough to know if that's a good thing to compare it to though..
2 hours later…
@EmC They're pretty darn cool, come on
They just happened to be on the wrong side of the story
I'll take your word for it :p
@M.A.R. Hey, you're you again :)
In the name, or in spirit?
Good, spirits are haram
The alcoholic kind or the horror movie kind?
Well, I changed it because I remembered how painful it was when folks changed their username and avatar
@Tinkeringbell or
And well, because Sha.
in Tavern on the Meta on Meta Stack Exchange Chat, 3 hours ago, by Shadow Wizard is Ear For You
(you'll always be M.A.R for me ;))
Sha should stick his nose in his own business :P
Hmm, that he hasn't been
I bet his nose is one of those hawky slender noses
I've already given a description of mine
@M.A.R. I may have used sneaky mod powers to figure out who you were before you changed it back >.>
. . . which is a very weird thing to say in chats. And unsettling a bit.
@M.A.R. I don't know... I can't get a good idea from his Twitter pic.
@Tinkeringbell No blue doves in Iran
Ah. Well, given there's such a thing as privacy on the internet, you'll have to take my word for it then.
@EmC Well, it was mostly because of myself
@Tinkeringbell His WhatsApp profile picture isn't any help either... ;)
I like a half-sense of half-consistency
25 %
@Tinkeringbell Only for a few months.
Or maybe it's already over.
I'm pretty sure Google bot can predict my next message
Banana milkshake Ford muscle car Titanic
Pretty sure it predicted that.
Oh, cute picture @M.A.R.!
of course it did :)
@Mithical well, people say what's inside is important, yet I don't see anyone putting a CT image of themselves on their profile.
@Ælis Perspective. I say it's an evil kitten plotting for world dominance
Or maybe it's a CT image of me.
There's a kitten inside me, controlling every movement.
@M.A.R. Yeah, that does sound more like you :p
Ratatouille but rated R.
3 hours later…
Q: What should I take into consideration when resuming conversations online after an extended lack of contact?

EriolI've been exchanging messages online with someone of the opposite gender for an extended time now. We live in different countries. I think we get along fairly well, and there have been situations where there is a romantic undertone to some of our conversations. Early this year, I lost my phone a...

@ExtrovertedMainMan those first two tags... :thinking:
Q: How to deal with a job-interview where you know the interviewer?

hifetI quit my last job because the project I was working on didn't seem to go anywhere and I was disappointed by that. I took a long break to change my mindset and to do some other not-job relevant stuff. Recently a headhunter approached me with some job offers. Due to the break the job hunt isn't g...

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