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2 hours later…
Q: How to let parent know we're kicking them off our video streaming account because of what they watch?

NeutronStarMy spouse and I have an online streaming account (Amazon Prime video) that we use and that we also let my parents use, with one parent in particular being the one who actually uses it. This account is and always has been ours, and we pay all the fees for it. My parents do not live with us. Ove...

3 hours later…
@El'endiaStarman Oh hi snow!
Any else El'endia ? ;)
did you intentionally use comma wrongly ?
@Ælis why is this question being asked now ? I think I read similar on meta.SO
@EmC insurances.. Are you voting for warren ?
@ankii primaries aren't til March here, so I have time to decide ;)
at this rate I don't even know who'll be on the ballot lol
some new dude declared he was going to run just in the last week!
@EmC after bloomberg ?
@ankii yup, Deval Patrick. a former governor of MA
@EmC ah I decided not to watch Seth Meyer's youtube video when I saw the title
this morning itself
I've been reading Vox (.com) and I find it highly supportive of Warren. Looks like I should read some other media too to neutralise echo chambers.
it's always good to diversify :)
Something Fox viewers should do too
Vox, on its YouTube, heavily criticises and mocks it.
ehh. I guess I'm not too surprised :/
you're not revealing which side you're on, at all !!
skills _/\_
hahaha ;)
I am actually trying to upload a cat picture right now, but failing for some reason
might be size
Upload it to imgur first then to stack.imgur via answer box or directly here in chat
I love it when their eyes close when getting scratches
Do cats make puppy faces too ?
that's why I'm up past my bedtime.. I can't get up while she's on my lap and purring ;__;
puppy faces?
when she's sad, it's mostly expressed in the tone of her meows. she does make guilty faces though :P
hmm cats have more sounds.. Dogs have more expressions
telling from first hand information
that reminds me, I saw this super cool video the other day, of a dog that could actually understand some words..
presses buttons to make sounds
that make a broken sentence
sounds like we saw the same story :)
I saw it on 9gag
might be reddit too, idk
Q: Why would you give another person power over yourself?

VashkarzasIn relation to (As far as I'm aware) still ongoing CoC drama I happened upon the politics of non-binary pronouns and what they mean to people. I have read a fair amount of the discussion surrounding the issue and some supplementary info and one question keeps rolling back to the front of my head....

if it's one one, it's probably on the other :P
@ExtrovertedMainMan ://////
the ending forced me to DVote
it's like trying to get bad evidence on-record in a hearing
@EmC buzzfeed feeds on buzzing stories on the forums like reddit
don't know about HuffPost, but it has a very bad name for a credible news agency
yeah I'm not sure, even without the CoC references, it would be valid... almost too intrapersonal, imo?
but Juno has finally jumped off my lap so I think I should sleep on it first ;p
Night! even though the room is lit like day
1 hour later…
@EmC Isn't that primarily opinion-based anyway?
2 hours later…
@AJ I just approved one of your edit on MSE, that feels weird ^^
@Ælis Happens.
And I am used to it. I approve suggested edits of moderators of other sites.
So, I just realize how easy it was to stalk a specific user thanks to the "Network profile" (I'm especially talking about being able to follow every comment they make!). Honestly, this is scary/terrifying. Especially if said user has taken special care of "hiding" every community they are part of (yes, I succesful stalk a specific @user who did that).
I mean, I understand how it can be useful to have a regard of everything that you did. I also understand how that could be useful if you want to follow what CM are saying (since they are talking in an official capacity). But having those information for everyone and visible by everyone is just...
I mean, you can even see what someone else as in their favorite!
Seriously, does SE really don't see any problem with that???
3 hours later…
I'm adding this as a comment because it's not an answer but my reason for lack of an answer. It seems that if the "adult content" watcher were restricted to watch only "G rated" films, that would be perceived just as bad as being cut off altogether. So unless there were a way to wipe the recently watched history clean, I see no solution that would not involve hurt feelings. — Jennifer 442 20 secs ago
#23466 Jennifer 442 (1394 rep) | Q: How to let parent know we're kicking them off our video streaming account because of what they watch? (score: 2) | posted 10 hours ago by NeutronStar (637 rep) | edited 7 hours ago by OldPadawan (17792 rep) | Toxicity 0.0 | tps/fps: 0/0
Matched regex(es) ["possible-aic"]
Q: Can someone give me some examples of "pleasures"?

Jennifer 442In George Orwell's book Keep The Aspidistra Flying, someone says, "the trouble with him is he has no pleasures." Wikipedia defines pleasure as "a broad class of mental states that humans and other animals experience as positive, enjoyable, or worth seeking. It includes more specific mental state...

1 hour later…
Just to add onto what @OldPadawan has said, I don't really see any angle of interpersonal skills or communication here, which is usually a sign it's not a good fit for the site. If you're having trouble understanding what's meant here in the written text, you may find better luck on ELL. — scohe001 1 min ago
#23469 scohe001 (14726 rep) | Q: Can someone give me some examples of "pleasures"? (score: 0) | posted 1 hours ago by Jennifer 442 (1394 rep) | Toxicity 0.0 | tps/fps: 0/0
Matched regex(es) ["possible-aic"]
@chumpbot tp
Marked this comment as caught correctly (tp). Currently marked 1tps/0fps. beep boop My human overlords won't let me flag that, so you'll have to do it yourself.
@chumpbot huh?
Matched reason "possible-aic" for regex ^just(?!\Wto\W(confirm|clarify|make\Wsure))
@chumpbot Where is the confirm, clarify or make sure??? Oo
@chumpbot fp
Marked this comment as caught incorrectly (fp). Currently marked 0tps/1fps
@chumpbot Also @scohe001, seems like we don't have a white list anymore :p
@Ælis That's what I've been saying for $(AGE_OF_BOT)!
@chumpbot No you weren't!
Also, give me a cat now @chumpbot
@chumpbot That's... not completly a cat...
Ah, a cat and a dog, that's nice!
@chumpbot technically that's a type of cat...
@Ælis you can add ppl back if you want. I don't remember who all was on it, so I didn't bother
@scohe001 I'm not sure I know how to do so ^^ Anyway, it's fun seeing you being reported by the bot :p Maybe we will also see a mod been reported :D
Pshh you have no excuse now that I rewrote the whole help page!
11 messages moved to Trash
No one must know :p
See, this is why it nice to be a RO. So no one know you have made a mistake :p
Post is currently hot! With 10 comments in the last 3 hours: interpersonal.stackexchange.com/q/23469
Ooh look at that. The new feature works
@scohe001 I really like that you are working on the bot. It's really nice to have new feature :D
@Ælis I unhid most of them the other day
@user58 Oh, I didn't even notice x) Yeah, "Communities (165)"! But still, it feels really weird to be able to see all the comments that one specific user has ever left!
Newest comment: Hi user647384! Welcome to SO! And get out too, your question is off-topic! Check for help.
Next comment: -1 I believe you're terribly misrepresenting the current state of the economical affairs in the current political climate of momentary excitations and bumps in stock market values.
Comment 3: . . . HELP A SNAKE . . .
Comment 4: I consider myself a skeptic and hence you and your ideas are dumb.
Comment 5: Ham, I want ham
Funny thing too, I just read these a while back
. . . and took some . . . liberties.
Any technique is going to be controversial unless you make it genuine. It's going to feel like... Well, a technique, like I'm being "handled." — Robert Harvey 17 hours ago
@EmC I just learned that there is a mod called Em.. I feel betrayed, they should only be one of you. How dare the other mod called themself Em!
The M-mod didn't use to be called that
That's even worst!
@M.A.R. You should probably stop reading comments. Those people don't sound very nice (at least some of them)
@Ælis esp. when they're being bitten by snakes
Well, it was three different people (I think), those comments, but an artist can just assume they were all bitten
Post is currently hot! With 11 comments in the last 3 hours: interpersonal.stackexchange.com/q/23469
@Ælis haha I've seen them in the TL before and got confused momentarily when seeing the pings :P I think they had the name first though..
@EmC It doesn't matter. You are my moderator, so I'm on your side! :p
@chumpbot hmm, it just posted earlier 10 comments in last 3 hours, is that WAI? @scohe001
@Ælis :D as long as they don't run for mod here. then one of us might need to change names!
@M.A.R. 0__o
@chumpbot @scohe001 Will we have the warning every time a new comment is posted there? We might want to have a duration limit between two reporting of this sort on the same post
@EmC yea that's the bug. There's nothing stopping it for re-reporting a hot post. I finally thought of a good solution in the shower last night though, so I'll be implementing it today.
@Ælis nah I'm going to make it so every post can only be reported once (per the bot's lifetime. If the bot is restarted, it'll reset)
@scohe001 oh great :D
@scohe001 Haha, nothing better than a hot shower/bath to give you ideas on how to solve your problems! :D
Do you have better suggestions for the wording on the message while I'm already in there?
It seems pretty clear to me, so no
1 hour later…
Why do people assume that they can dump their grievances with the network on IPS ?
because they don't read the help/on-topic before posting? :P
aw, no magic link
user image
Did someone say magic link?
Post is currently hot! With 10 comments in the last 3 hours: interpersonal.stackexchange.com/q/23469
@chumpbot garrr you're getting fixed right now too!
!!/reports chump
...did I forget the command or is it borked
Note: If <botname> is the only argument, it can be ommitted and the command will be seen by all bots. If <botname> is "*" all bots will repond as though they've been mentioned.

!!/on <botname> - Turns on the bot (if it isn't already on)
!!/off <botname> - Turns off the bot. When the bot is off, it will only respond to !!/on.
!!/notify <botname> <type> <on/off> - Turns notifications on or off. Currently there are two types: "regex", and "magic"
!!/alive <botname> - It'll tell you if it's alive
!!/reports <botname> - It'll tell you what the current reporting settings are for the current room
No that should work. I might've borked something. Let me look into that
@EmC I wish comments also beautify links..
@ankii upvoted :D that seems like a nice little feature to add
When I am linking 3-4 questions, that takes double the copy pasting and then I have to manage brackets too!
!!/reports chump
regex_match: true
magic_comment: false
There we go @user. Just needed a restart
@chumpbot What is "magic_comment"?
Something from an older time...not really used anymore (I think I dropped support for it completely after the refactor)
A magic comment is one that contains https://interpersonal.meta.stackexchange.com/q/1644/31,exactly, in it. From the good old days when the bot was first created for tracking the effectiveness of that link...
So any comment left after a magic comment would be reported
Oh, I see, thanks for the explaination ^^
@scohe still working on that? Can I make a suggestion?
"inactive_post" and "hot_question" should probably be added as their own report options, if that's possible
@user58 super possible. But it'll require db changes, so it's a bit more of a pain. I can add them later
@scohe001 (thumbs up) thanks
Do you have a problem if--while I'm in there--I remove magic_comment completely?
@scohe001 go ahead
@user58 (thumbs up) thanks
I though about you all:
Well, here I am, my topic having been exiled to chat. I have a question I'd really like to have answered, but it's just not good enough for IPS SE. It involves the George Orwell book Keep the Aspidistra Flying, where someone says someone else "doesn't have any pleasures". Exactly what are these pleasures? Can anybody give me some examples of pleasures? (I know what the word itself means, I need examples of what various people call pleasures.) I hope someone can help me.
If you're asking what pleasures are in the context of the book, that would be on topic at Literature.
The book simply mentions "pleasures" without defining what they are. I'm trying to find out what these pleasures are. They are not enumerated in the book.
@Jennifer Yes, so asking "What are the" pleasures "mentioned in George Orwell's" Keep the Aspidistra Flying "?" would be a good question on Lit. I can't guarantee that you'll get an answer, but it's probably your best shot.
Someone might be able to provide an answer by using the context to make a reasonable guess, or by other uses of the word by the author...
I'm not sure. The specific pleasures I'm looking for are NOT in the book. I've read the whole book and there's nothing more than that one sentence. Any answer by from LIT SE would just be pure speculation. OTOH, any answer here would just be speculation as well.
You may be surprised. I've seen some answers to questions there that at first seemed unanswerable.
I suspect Lit would have a better chance of an answer because they'd at least, theoretically, be drawing from context
what do either of you think those pleasures might be?
Without having at least read the context, I can't say.
I'm going to bed now.
4 hours later…
Q: When is it appropriate to mention someone else's suicide attempt?

FFNSo, earlier today my friend and classmate attempted suicide. He's in the hospital right now and will probably be okay, bit I dread the next time he'll come to college. I know there are triggers and we need to avoid them, but I do not know WHAT those triggers are. I know I can't just approach him...

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