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01:00 - 16:0016:00 - 00:00

i have 117 :p
@AlexRobinson 385 here :p
@nick012000 Poking people into doing what you want is simply not nice. I'd suggest you watch the way you interact with other people in here.
the mod tools is only for questions (>2k)
i swear, one day i will post an answer that i feel is actually good enough
@avazula I'm only worried about "nice" insofar as I avoid breaking the SE global rules. I don't mind burning social capital to get my question undeleted. Whatever works.
@Nick it sounds like we're going in circles here. You've made your case on meta and you've made it again here. If you have more to say, put it in the answer itself, so future voters will see it. If the only point here is to continue "poking" people, I'm going to ask you to drop this conversation.
7 messages moved to Trash
Again, I don't see anything productive coming from this. What's been said has been said. Let's move on from this conversation.
I wish it was the weekend already
I want a vacatiooooon
2 messages moved to Trash
Turkey day's only two weeks away!
Do y'all have something similar in France?
@scohe001 How's the piggy doing?
Really? Wow! Time flies ...
Funny how you guys are the only one to celebrate it (AFAIK
He's been a cold boi lol
yeah, I follow his adventures every day :D
@avazula there's no comparable holiday for y'all tho?
@scohe001 well, there's Christmas for our Christian friends, but otherwise no, we don't have one
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never heard of Turkey day till now
we have Christmas XD
@avazula oh yea! Forgot you were a follower lol my gf is the one controlling that
@CaldeiraG thanksgiving is too much of a mouthful. I prefer turkeys :p
@scohe001 realizes she might have talked to scohe's gf
I follow the piggy but I only put likes :p
@avazula oof I wish Xmas stuck with the Christian friends over here. Instead everyone has to be subjected to holiday music. It's already started and it's not even Thanksgiving yet 😭
Like to go unnoticed on instagram XD
@CaldeiraG now I wanna find your profile :o :p
@avazula oh did you dm her? lol
nah, but I might have left comments :p
Ahh. I've told her bits and pieces of this chatroom. I think the only name she remembers is @Tink tho. She's always like "were you talking to Tinkeringbell on the Stackexchanges again??" :p
@avazula it's caldeiragg if you're interested but I don't post nor make stories, just very rarely :p
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@scohe001 My wife was humming Jingle Bells in September
@scohe001 That sounds like a band
Oh gosh. It's one day of the year but it lasts like 3-4 months in the US :(
@CaldeiraG Have my follow sir :D
@avazula Thanks :) i'll follow back once I can :p
@CaldeiraG heh, no need, I only post cat pics and doodles xD
@avazula your insta sounds like an amazing place
@scohe001 I follow piggy, you should find it easily :p
I think I've been in a few times to bask in the gloriousness that is your cat and doodles. I just don't have an insta to follow you with :(
@scohe001 My cat's the best. But you know that from Discord already :p
Lol tru
@avazula Certainly possible. My cat is definitively not the best. She's been really aggressive lately
@Rainbacon really? Oh no :(
Yeah, we started letting her sleep with us, but now she hisses and scratches when we move her out of the way so we can get in the bed
Also, she was really mean to the vet on Monday
@Rainbacon I mean, can you blame her?
Well no, the vet said she needs to lose weight and put her on a diet
@Rainbacon They told her she's overweight? I'd be mad too!
One time when I was house-sitting for some friends, I heard this regular thump...*thump*....*thump* coming from downstairs, in the middle of the night. When I went to investigate the cause of this noise and check for intruders, I found their cat who had recently been put on a diet, headbutting his automatic feeder. He had figured out that if he hit it just right he could knock free some extra kibbles of cat food.
LOL smart kitty
This cat also licked the walls tried to eat oranges and drank my whiskey. It was a supremely special cat.
reminder that: like us, cats are apex predators but would much rather lie down on a sofa and eat snacks
This question was posted initially by Juan M, who also provided the expected answer. Now the author seems to be JNat while the answers author is still Juan. How is that possible? — VikingoS says Reinstate Monica 22 mins ago
Magic :O the original OP was Juan
Q: Why is SE removing links and community ads about Monica's situation?

JNatStack Exchange staff will actively remove links to a legal fund campaign from user profiles as well as community ads surrounding Monica's situation & reinstatement. Why? [This post was originally posted by Juan M but ownership was changed in the database so that the accepted answer would be pinn...

for context
(it was changed because self-answers don't stick to the top so making the OP different and accept it makes it to the top)
I've seen several new faces in chat today (though mostly not people who are posting). Did TAS get linked somewhere?
not that i'm aware of?
i didn't see any new users chatting though
We had one user pop in who was looking for tavern and found us instead, and when I got back from lunch there were a few users I hadn't seen before
@Rainbacon Chatting in a room a lot will show it on the 'front page' of active chat rooms ;)
Ah, we were quite chatty this morning, perhaps that is it
ah i see :D
If I keep talking, it should keep showing the room as the 'first' room
oof, I have 2 half hour blocks the rest of the day that are not meetings
@avazula We'll see. Considering some options.
@sock o/
Did someone lose their footwear?
I was looking for the other side
nothing much tbh .. I just dropped by while responding to a comment
No! Come back! Don't go into the dryer abyss!
@sock Conclusion: sock = chicken.
Oh, the rep changes bumped me over 10k network wide. I just learned that because I was shown a chat flag
If you visit your chat profile, you'll see your network-wise rep
or just
@Rainbacon Welcome to the wonderful world of chat moderation :)
talk enough
that it shows on the side
it takes
what was it about ? or are the chat flags also private ?
...I give up
Roger that
@user58 Why?
it takes four
@user58 Ah, yeah, I see :P I got mine in ;)
@sock It was just that someone had flagged a chat message as rude
@Tinkeringbell First one was contaminated.. Discarded
How so?
Because it was a reply?
That... shouldn't matter.
...why didn't that onebox?
Q: How to reduce the attachment of an overly attached stray dog?

sockAbout me I am ~20 y/o student and live in college provided hostels. I share room with one person who hates stray dogs while having some at his home. I started getting familiar with dogs ~1 year ago. I know almost 15 dogs around the campus and most of them are vaccinated, sterilised and localise...

Ah, now it did. Wonder why it didn't when @sock posted it.
didn't want to take up "free space donated to the community"
I hovered over it and no thanks ;p
Just keeping people on their toes
thats what I was once concerned about while clicking on random links people post in their questions
Q: Where is there no SE on relationship advice?

luisarcherI've seen multiple SE on a large amount of subjects and I think that is great, however, I've come to realized that there is no SE on relationship questions. I think there is much to share in those subject, where people could explain their experiences and give their advice on problems. I know th...

and answers too. I mean, there are more links on SE than there are posts.
@user58 subreddits for the win.
Hey, I've got a favor to ask. Can someone ping me if we get an official response on this MSE question? (or better even, a response to the letters themselves?)
Sure, I'll keep an eye out. But don't expect too much or soon... This having reached a legal stage really messes stuff up.
Yeah, it was kind of what I was expected :/
Yeah, legal things take forever
On the plus side, 2 of my meetings got cut down by half an hour, so now I have an extra hour of not being stuck in meetings
Anyone else getting runtime errors?
I'm going to take that test to be a yes lol
@scohe001 It is indeed x)
Yep, things are down...
Yep. Network's down.
Chat is also pretending to send things double.
Yea, I noticed the double. Grrr
For a healthy dose of conspiracy theory: I hope it's not this thing again :P
Even SO is down. That's going to cause a stir.
@Tinkeringbell what the heck happened there?
More likely to be a case of this again:
in Beep Boop Maggot, 2 days ago, by chumpbot
Short version: a typo. — Tom Limoncelli ♦ 27 secs ago
@scohe001 No clue, but apparently according to Taryn in made things run at 60 percent instead of the usual 10-20: twitter.com/tarynpivots/status/1194941652344852480?s=20
Doubling issue seems to have stopped?
I spoke too soon, it came back.
It's on and off for me.
Seems every other message :P
Chat always works when sites are out
double effect
2 mins ago, by Tinkeringbell
> Additionally, another exception occurred while executing the custom error page for the first exception
Love it
Whoa, the double posting even works between two different users now :p
Stars still work too, though not double.
Eh, the recalc must have hit my account and crashed the SQL Server.
You going down the same path as Jeremy? :P
Haven't heard that name in awhile.
"Never forget"... there's some things/names...
They stick and come up at appropriate times ;)
@RobertHarvey We try to avoid mentioning him...
@user58 Really? I missed the memo :(
It seems to have gone to a more general "offline for maintenance" message now? Instead of a runtime error?
Or maybe that was just MSE.
Here IPS is just stuck loading.
(and I just got the runtime error again)
The blog is still up ;)
Huh my ips works fine
But SO is down
The blog runs on a nuclear reactor. SO uses dual hamster cages.
I'm now getting 'Oops something bad happened' for IPS
Meta.SE is working too. Looks like it's really just SO on my end
All of the smaller sites are slowly coming back up.
"Did you try turning it off and back on again?"
I never quite understood how that was supposed to solve 'it's not turning on' in the first place.
Well if you can turn it off and back on again, clearly it'll solve not being able to turn it on :p
It usually only makes stuff worse over here. Except for the iPhone, turning that off just solves everything, you don't even need to turn it back on :)
Ah, I have access to chat again! It was very frustrating to not be able to talk!
It locked you out!? Bad chat.
Yes, exactly! :'(
I go away for half an hour to do a backlog grooming and y'all get super chatty. tsk, tsk
chatty? It was full blown mass hysteria because the sites were down!
Well I came back to 50+ new messages
Good thing the doubles didn't go through or it would have been 100+
oh, was the website down? xD
didn't even notice
@Tinkeringbell They also said this over here (with a little more details about the issue)
@Ælis Ah. I had closed MSE for a bit :)
@Tinkeringbell I can understand that. I click on the "wrong" question recently and got my hand burned :p (meaning: I read a question with a lot of ugly answers and comments to it)
Thoughts on that new question? I'm not sure how on-topic it is here
1 hour later…
Q: How can I get a company I'm not employed with to understand the effect their changes are having on the broader community?

Anoplexian - Reinstate MonicaI'm pretty involved in an online community that's always doing its best to make changes to their platform in an attempt to reach a larger audience and help a greater number of people. Recently they released a new procedure that's had a profoundly negative affect, not only on me but on the gener...

01:00 - 16:0016:00 - 00:00

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