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@El'endiaStarman Smokey had an ignore command but no one uses it anymore.
Still has it, I think.
@El'endiaStarman Wait, does it ignore your message, or that comment in the future?
@M.A.R.ಠ_ಠ Just the one message.
Imagine if you did i tp.
6 hours later…
Morning everyone!
13 messages moved to Trash
@ExtrovertedMainMan This seems like a personal attack. I don't point out something people are missing or cannot have but the existing issues around. title is misleading a little bit. I think I could answer it.
Is there a way I could see my deleted comment? Trash maybe.. On SO
@ankiiiiiii If the comment was posted on IPS main or meta, you might be able to find it here: chat.stackexchange.com/rooms/63296/the-closet
@Ælis Stackoverflow was SO 😅
@ankiiiiiii Ah sorry, I thought it was a deleted comment under that ExtrovertedMainMan question ^^'
Also, here is my future work avatar, I can't wait * - * (the drawing is not from me, my company pay someone to draw them for us). The drawing represents Stevonnie from "Steven Universe" :
@M.A.R.ಠ_ಠ the question got reopened. posting an edit too!
@Ælis Oh yeah! that is cool
@ankiiiiiii It's just a rough draft for now, but it already looks amazing IMO * - *
@ankiiiiiii \o/
@avazula Same old? Shouldn't you start your days by nuking some sock-puppets first?
I think I should too complete this one,, and then make a male version for myself
eyebrows are the funniest
I would have changed my avatar. If I could see it
A: Comment explaining a downvote deleted

avazulaI was the one who deleted that comment, for the reasons Scohe provided their answer. I'm downvoting this answer mainly because of the last paragraph : it seems your understanding of this disease is pretty basic (psychology 101), too basic to provide for an issue this complex. I do agree with...

@Ava I get what you're saying, but personally, explanations for votes sound somehow like votes to me. If they're not explicitly abusive, the author would have some rights to express them
Complaining about comment removals is very rarely constructive and valid.
I guess the best course of action in why-my-comment-is-deleted meta posts is closing the case ASAP anyway.
All my tabs are borked from yesterday's SOpocalypse
apaul in scohe's reference goes like Alan Thrall: Do not move the barbell. write your own answer
I think it's a meta.SO thing that leaks elsewhere sometimes
I don't have a beef with it, but I never practiced it
Then again, my participation on these hotly discussed metas is usually minimal.
It feels already like a defeat when you have to argue with someone about some tangential political agenda.
Since this is a sensitive issue, I think the experience stated here (Psychology 101) is a bit light to provide a good answer. Do you have anymore experience with this kind of issue ? — MlleMei 52 secs ago
#22211 MlleMei (1862 rep) | A: On what to compliment someone with anorexia in order to improve their body image? (score: 4) | posted 15 hours ago by gnasher729 (5805 rep) | edited 13 hours ago by Rainbacon (5516 rep) | Toxicity 0.053735442 | tps/fps: 0/0
Matched regex(es) ["chatty"]
Hi @MlleMei! Welcome to the chatroom. Have you been here before? :)
(Btw, your last comment seems a lot better!)
But still a bit French
@M.A.R.ಠ_ಠ It's because French people know that leaving a space between the last word and an important punctuation mark is way better :p
@Ælis I think the correct smiley would be : p
Oh, that reminds me of Finn from Adventure Time
@M.A.R.ಠ_ಠ True xD (no space here because those aren't punctuation mark : p)
@IPSCommentBot fp
Marked this comment as caught incorrectly (fp). Currently marked 0tps/1fps
@IPSCommentBot fp.great comment!
Invalid feedback type. Valid feedback types are tp, fp, rude, and wrongo
@IPSCommentBot fp. great comment!
Invalid feedback type. Valid feedback types are tp, fp, rude, and wrongo
@IPSCommentBot fp
Marked this comment as caught incorrectly (fp). Currently marked 0tps/2fps
urgh, avazula such a failure as a mod. Can't even provide valid feedback on a bot the first 2 times :p
I'm assuming the bot parses it as "find first string of characters up to a whitespace" and then decides if it matches with one of those 4 things. Since your first attempts contained a "." they were invalid :)
makes me curious if I'm right and that "fp great comment!" would have worked
@IPSCommentBot fp great comment!
Marked this comment as caught incorrectly (fp). Currently marked 0tps/3fps
@avazula See, this is how you talk to the bot! :p
must be a french bot, can't handle punctuation right after words :p
@Imus :'(
@avazula Let's just say you're still getting used to the immense pressure of all those new responsibilities and assume you'll get it right next time ;)
how's it going by the way? Do you feel any different now?
Oh no, I pushed one too many buttons and now broke @avazula! Can some of the other mods press her restart button please?
@Imus *her restart button (or their restart button) ;)
@Ælis Point taken. My sincerest apologies ava :(
still getting used to the their thingy in english. Thanks for reminding me :)
No problem ^^
@Ælis Also lies! Girls on the internet don't exist :p
@Imus Maybe don't joke about that, that's not very funny :/
hmm, :(
Guess my attempt to keep the subject light with a silly joke failed. Trying to remember it for next time. Please do remind me again if I forget it. My mind is rather stubborn in that regard
@Imus It's alright, I don't expect you to know everything from day 1 and to not forget stuff sometimes :)
Oh, that's a cute one! @Ælis
Has anyone had to work from 8 AM to around 10 PM for 4 days straight? Today is the day I finally get to rest. :)
"Image not found" What don't you want to display my cute pictures of animals :'(
Ahah, That worked this time!
@Ælis Oh, it works, if you click on it ;)
The bunny is really nice too, I don't particularly like small dogs even when fluffy, sorry! :P
@Tinkeringbell Yes, but I want the cuteness to be available at first sight!
That's the cutest parrot picture I have :P
@NVZ I believe @ava did this for a mount recently
@JourneymanGeek Sorry ;-)
I really, really am not a small dog person :P
But Ash is an exeption, I can manage to not dislike Ash but be neutral :P
@Tinkeringbell Seems like it, it's not the first time you post this very parrot ^^
@Ælis I have to admit it is bookmarked :P @Magisch is very fond of posting it too :P
Excellent answer. There's just one more thing that I think should be considered: You may break up perhaps even in the near future - be it because of this or other reasons. (Obviously this is likely to put some stress on your relationship!) I think the last thing you want to happen is that she moves out to live with you, the two of you break up and she's forced to move back to her parents! — Thomas 1 min ago
#11689 Thomas (374 rep) | A: How to handle my girlfriend's parents' attitude to asking her for money? (score: 83) | posted 471 days ago by AndreiROM (16789 rep) | edited 471 days ago by peufeu (13680 rep) | Toxicity 0.22404112 | Comment on inactive post | tps/fps: 0/0
Matched regex(es) ["chatty-no-doubt(@Noon)", "chatty"]
Cuter? :P
@Tinkeringbell Different but cute. I'm a bit disappointed that I can't find a parrot that is very cute on their own (those two are cute because they are a couple, but I like to see animals that are just cute by themself ^^)
@Ælis Yeah, I guess parrots are particularly hard to get cute pictures of, as they have a very awkward baby phase ;)
And what people find cute is often baby sized, because that's how babies trick you into caring for them! :P
@Tinkeringbell What, you don't find this cute? :o
@Ælis I'm sorry, no ;)
Looks like a dinosaur.
That looks like it needs a few herbs and spices and a sauce pan :P
@Tinkeringbell Cannibalism!
@Ælis Oh. I thought it was a baby other kind of bird, I couldn't tell :P
I promise I may be a parrot and not so cute, but I'm not a cannibal ;)
You would still eat baby, you monster :'(
@Ælis @NVZ Kinda still on it. 7:30AM to 6:30PM for the last three weeks, and before that it was 7AM->8PM for a month and a half.
@Ælis Ooooh. Are we going to play it that way? :P Guys! I found the vegan :P
@Imus that is not a mod thing :p and I discovered about 2 days ago that you may type other things from "tp/fp/..." in your message feedback so, this is still quite new for me :)
@avazula You should probably work less, I'm worried for your health :/
@Ælis yeah, I'm beginning to be quite tired. I'll slow down :)
if I can haha
@Tinkeringbell /Run to hide behind @ava
@Ælis Lol XD
@avazula Would the project/team/workload allow slowing down (soonish?)
@avazula Please, take care of you my dear, remember that your health (and well being) is important, alright?
@Tinkeringbell We're launching the product in September and we're far from being ready so, ... I doubt it :p
I mean, the mood is good.
I'm just more tired (and anxious) than usual
@Ælis <3
@avazula That makes sense. 11 hour days are very long days to make!
@avazula <3
@Imus well, there's a lot of new features now :p and the additional anxiety that the speech should be as clear, kind and short as possible (and the answer quick to come too!)
@Tinkeringbell My personal life sure has been shrunken a lot lately haha
@avazula Good thing you're usually not the only mod online then, so you don't have to feel like you NEED to respond to all tiny issues
@avazula I can imagine ;) I spent two years being 12 hours from home each day (including commute) and it sucked. There was almost no energy to do anything on the weekend except sleep.. One late night going out with friends would mean I was so tired on Mondays!
uh oh, @Catija is here to check up on us. Quick, hide the evidence! Ava is doing great here Catija, can confirm. :)
@Tinkeringbell it does seem surprisingly difficult to find a cute parrot by itself. At least real ones
Oh, that's knitted. I don't find that cute :P
Sheesh, you're hard to please.
user image
^ Looking for some refreshment, last Tuesday ;)
That's sinister, not cute!
should've put them around the celebrations box next to them :p
"I have slain the dragon! fear me!"
Y'all are hard to please. But I guess that proves there really aren't any cute parrot pictures on the Internet ;)
It's either killed or enslaved the dragon. Neither of which makes it cute :P
That's not a 'real' parrot though. Maybe same family, but we're technically looking for a cute macaw picture ( I think :P )
macaws really don't lend themselves for cute pictures
Well, think about it. Would you ever see Tink being "cute"?
@Tinkeringbell oof :( it ain't cool
@Mithrandir Trick question. anyone that says yes gets a suspension ;)
@Mithrandir It's a trap!
She can't suspend me....
@JourneymanGeek I can suspend you on main IPS :P
Just chat is going to be tad more difficult ;)
@Mithrandir it may be a coop. Dragon flys parrot, parrot eats lice.
@ankiiiiiii this is so cool!
Interesting comment on random question on worldbuilding.SE
"being a man and having a penis (or vice versa) are not equivalent" - Vice versa made me think here... "Being a Penis and having a Man".... Is it just me understanding it that way? '^.^ – Zaibis
:50834128 This kind of self moderation always makes me curious what you wanted to say in the first place :)
@Imus it's annoying, right? :p
I hate it too haha
@avazula please, oh great one, share with us what you had to say so that I can continue my day in peace
This is a great advice, and is on similar note of the previous answer. I am just accepting the other one because it keeps the distance instead of the physical interaction. If I still lived with my mother, I would surely do this. Thank you. — Moacir 1 min ago
#22205 Moacir (153 rep) | A: How to explain to mother that less support is better? (score: 7) | posted 25 hours ago by Aserre (243 rep) | edited 22 hours ago by Aserre (243 rep) | Toxicity 0.013578059 | tps/fps: 0/0
Matched regex(es) ["chatty-no-doubt(@Noon)", "chatty"]
@Imus it said that I think you're an amazing person! o/
@avazula Lol! Can't possibly be true but I'll let you have this nice out XD Thanks for the compliment ^^,
@IPSCommentBot fp
Marked this comment as caught incorrectly (fp). Currently marked 0tps/1fps
May i ask you a question @Rainbacon? Could you explain the naming conventions of your playlists? I found them again recently while browsing the chat and now I'm curious
(If you don't mind me asking of course)
I'm too tired to do it myself, but someone recently flagged a lot of answers however here and they all need commenting (needs back up/ not an interpersonal answer)
Today I get to pick my husband up from the airport and I get to keep him forever! (he's claiming his Canadian permanent residence today)
@Ash \o/ You must be really happy!
@Ash congrats!
@avazula sure. Just let me get settled in at work
I am so happy. I had so much trouble sleeping last night!
@Ash That's very understandable ^^
@Ash yaaaay!
@Ash So good to hear! Hopefully he doesn't arrive at 1 minute to midnight? :P
Haha nope, 3pm!
Ok, sorry it took so long to get to this @avazula (had to restart my computer and then went for coffee), but here goes:
All of my playlists have 3 character names where each character is one of + - 0
@Rainbacon no worries :) sadly I can't check the chat very often either, it seems that it's not really in my company's culture to slack from time to time
Each symbol represents a vector on one of 3 axes in a 3 dimensional space. + is in the positive direction, - in the negative direction, and 0 is a vector of no magnitude
So then each playlist has an x, y, and z component to it.
There are 27, one for every possible 3 digit combination of +, -, and 0
Each playlist is a representation of my emotions. Being autistic, I don't do extremely well with emotions. I found a few years ago that they were much easier to understand if I came up with a mathematical system to describe them
I started in 2 dimensions, but quickly found out that there were more than 8 emotions that I understood
I don't have all 27 mapped out, and I don't know if they all actually have a mapping, but I do know that now, when I feel my emotions getting the better of me, I have a quick way to identify and correct
@Rainbacon by listening to the corresponding playlist?
Not quite, I do it by listening to a playlist in the direction that I would like my emotions to move. So if I'm feeling too much +++ then I might listen to ---
@Ash Well, that's only slightly better, to wait that long if you're excited!
I default to using 000 because then it brings me back to the center
@Rainbacon ooh. Interesting
I would love to one day automate the whole process, but I keep procrastinating on writing the code for that
thank you for explaining your thought process
I love discussing music :p
@Rainbacon interesting take on classifying emotions. Do you also know corresponding words for certain combinations or of the axis in your grid? Curious if it could be made more understandable for the rest or if it's something entirely internal for you :)
Nope, it's mostly internal for me
ah, well, at least it works for you :)
I know I already posted pictures today, but I'm not feeling well, so here is another one:
Oh, that's cute! Did you take it yourself?
@Ælis My parents are walking today and encountered this gnome cheering them on ;)
That's really nice to this cover this kind of art "in situ" without expecting it. I believe that art "in situ" is my favorite kind of art
hey @atypicalguy! if you ever want to try a digital friendship sort of thing say hi! :) — essay 1 min ago
#21761 essay (101 rep) | Q: How can I talk with my friend/co-worker about that fact that learning about his relationship upset me? (score: 18) | posted 41 days ago by AtypicalGuy (93 rep) | edited 41 days ago by AtypicalGuy (93 rep) | Toxicity 0.1588251 | Comment on inactive post | tp
@IPSCommentBot tp
Marked this comment as caught correctly (tp). Currently marked 1tps/0fps. beep boop My human overlords won't let me flag that, so you'll have to do it yourself.
I didn't know that were a dating site :p
@Ælis I mean, Ash met their husband on SE
I think getting to genuinely know people online is much easier than IRL
@Rainbacon Did Ash or the husband decided to chat under a question to get to learn each other better? :p "Hey Ash! if you ever want to try a digital romance sort of thing say hi! :)"
@avazula (My comment was about the comment the bot reported ^^)
I know it sounds paradoxal because one only shows what they want to ... what I meant is that it's easier to talk to people, be it about random banter or intimate stories
@Ælis I know :)
Okay, just wanted to make sure :)
@avazula That might depend on people but there is indeed some truth in what you are saying
@Ælis oh, that's just my opinion indeed :)
Hey @Ava, what was the story behind your close and reopen here? (don't mean to critique, just curious)
@Imus Eh, I dunno. After a while that stuff becomes obsolete.
But yeah, fp for now
@Ælis Not a duplicate, but also not a good answer. I've got it open in the review queue, but I'm struggling to write a good comment for it
@scohe001 we realized after a while that we first thought to be the way to handle it was not SE's general practice
Ahh gotcha
That's my bad on the custom flag then
@scohe001 you didn't do anything wrong :p
. . . Teehee
You guy's would be favorites on Chem
. . . OMG
I knew something was wrong.
I'm not gonna forgive myself for putting an apostrophe there
I've noticed — this is pretty weird — that I tend to make more typos and brainfarts in The Awkward Silence.
@avazula Ah nice of you to say!
also have anyone cared for rat babies ever?
We have 3 and want to save them.
@ankiiiiiii probably important to make sure your roommates don't rat you out to the landlord. But other than that I've got nothing
The rats are with a Phd student who lives alone in the room.
yes better nobody around him knows either
@scohe001 Pun is heavy
Oh I forgot about pets.SE
I should check there once
@KidACrimson, this isn't just a "it's their problem" kind of thing (they rarely are), it's a problem that you need to face as a couple. If one blames the other for something, it's either because they can't see their own role in the situation or it's such a one sided situation that there really is only one person to blame. When it comes to depression and it's cousins, there is no one to blame, no one is at fault, and no one person can "fix" the situation on their own. Good luck and I hope you figure things out! — computercarguy 52 secs ago
#22214 computercarguy (361 rep) | Q: My wife has now decided she doesn't want have children, but I fear it's just because of mental illness (depression) (score: 0) | posted 16 hours ago by KidACrimson (28 rep) | edited 16 hours ago by KidACrimson (28 rep) | Toxicity 0.
Matched regex(es) ["possible-aic(@Rainbacon)"]
I would go with this, as anytime I've had roommates we've never shared the cost of property. We normally brought some in like TV, couch etc... If one roommate wanted a new bigger TV they would buy it and we could all use it. — AbraCadaver 1 min ago
#22188 AbraCadaver (101 rep) | A: Different budgets within roommate group (score: 38) | posted 2 days ago by Monica Cellio (16169 rep) | Toxicity 0.113640904 | tps/fps: 0/0
Matched regex(es) ["chatty"]
@IPSCommentBot tp
Marked this comment as caught correctly (tp). Currently marked 1tps/0fps. beep boop My human overlords won't let me flag that, so you'll have to do it yourself.
@IPSCommentBot tp
Marked this comment as caught correctly (tp). Currently marked 1tps/0fps. beep boop My human overlords won't let me flag that, so you'll have to do it yourself.
Hmm, yeah. This guy seems to not have edited in his experience
How long has it been going on for? If it's just a week or month it may well calm down. — Smock 1 min ago
#22200 Smock (101 rep) | Q: How to explain to mother that less support is better? (score: 11) | posted 49 hours ago by Moacir (158 rep) | edited 47 hours ago by Em C (10300 rep) | Toxicity 0.08583544 | tps/fps: 0/0
Matched regex(es) ["possible-aic"]
@Mithrandir I'm trying to decide how I should flag that
Hey, @Ælis you're pretty good at tagging questions. I could use some help tagging a question I'm writing
@Rainbacon I would be happy to help :)
The tl;dr of the question is that a friend and I met a stranger while at a bar. We were having a good conversation with him, but then he became a bit rude and was trying to get us to help him hit on some women. The question I'm asking is how to disassociate from such a person, but I can't think of how to best tag it.
Strangers, public-issue, conflict-aversion
Maybe politness too (depending if you want to stay polite or just avoid the conflict)
Hope this help :)
Yep, those are great suggestions. Thanks!
Q: How can I end interactions with a stranger after a conversation has turned bad?

RainbaconThe situation Last night I went to a bar after work to meet a friend to have a beer and catch up. There was a man "James" sitting next to us at the bar who had clearly taken an interest in our conversation, and after a few minutes, he jumped into it. I've met some very interesting people through...

Did you say anything to him to indicate that you weren't interested in being his "wingmen" other than that you were in relationships? Sometimes just saying that you are in a relationship isn't enough, although you would think it would be obvious. — DaveG 19 secs ago
#22221 DaveG (5457 rep) | Q: How can I end interactions with a stranger after a conversation has turned bad? (score: 1) | posted 39 minutes ago by Rainbacon (5531 rep) | Toxicity 0.28908175 | tps/fps: 0/0
Matched regex(es) ["possible-aic"]
@IPSCommentBot fp
Marked this comment as caught incorrectly (fp). Currently marked 0tps/1fps
How do I find the top user for a particular tag?
00:00 - 18:0018:00 - 00:00

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