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Hello everyone!
@avazula Yello!
@AJ It's Monday again :(
@avazula yep.
how ya doin'?
@avazula let's deduct 12 hours from Monday and add it to Sunday. ;)
I'm good :) you?
good :)
great :)
I know a person who says "Oh no! It's Tuesday!"
why's that?
Well, they get three days weekend from Saturday to Monday. ;)
haaaa makes sense haha
A friend of mine works as a bus conductor. He goes on duty on alternate days and gets full salary.
Although, since he does his duty at night. So, it's kinda like two days instead of one.
erh. That must be tough.
He does the duty from, for example, Monday evening to Tuesday morning and gets the off from then to Wednesday evening. So, it's like 12-14 hours a day.
1 hour later…
I'm lucky my coworkers can't hear the same song I've been playing since I arrived 3 hours ago
We can't play music at work. :(
no way? Even in earphones?
Management caught some people watching videos at work. So they took earphones out of equation.
Any news on the HNQ? Are we waiting for something in particular before jumping back in?
No news, I think
I decided to take a look at the Parenting site. Some of the questions there are clearly heart-breaking :/
@AJ :(
It's too quiet in here. I would like to procrastinate, but your silence isn't helping >< :p
awkward, isn't it?
I can post a pun if you want. :P
@AJ Haha, nice one :p
I just got this from work ^^
Hahaha that one looks like fun!
Does it offer a good grip though? It looks a bit slippery
I'm afraid it might be slippery indeed. The object is fun, but it doesn't look like good quality. But I haven't tried it yet, maybe I will be happily surprised
@bruglesco Congratulations on your victory in the writing.se contest! :)
Q: Announcing our contest results!

Monica CellioWhen I proposed our contest focusing on underserved tags I had no idea what kind of response to expect. Would lots of people participate? Would people participate a lot? Would we get good new questions? Would new questions get good answers? Or would people say "yeah, whatever" and mostly ign...

@Tinkeringbell Thank you.
You're welcome :)
@AJ Don't you hate it when a few people ruin it for everyone? I had a client once that didn't allow remote work because one of their devs did all his work for a whole sprint in 2 days and then used cron scripts to periodically make pull requests so that it would look like he was working while he was remote.
@Rainbacon o_o
@Rainbacon Such a person deserves a raise! :P
I mean, that's what I'd have done if I was his manager
@Rainbacon Yeah, I do.
@Rainbacon And perhaps a gentle request if they'd be willing to actually work three days :P
would that come with a 50% raise?
smells like this question
Q: Is it unethical for me to not tell my employer I’ve automated my job?

EtherableI currently work on a legacy system for a company. The system is really old - and although I was hired as a programmer, my job is pretty much glorified data entry. To summarise, I get a bunch of requirements, which is literally just lots of data for each month on spreadsheets and I have to config...

Also, we're going to be viewing for a house for the first time this week. Kinda exciting
@JAD yay!
also scary
more scary than when we were looking for something to rent
@JAD telling them wouldn't work here. It's not ethical, but it'd do you only bad if you tell 'em.
@JAD Nice! To be clear, this house is for you or your snake? ;P
@Rainbacon I'm wondering if this dev does more work now. Maybe they are doing the same work as before but in 5 days instead of 2...
@Ælis Possibly, I know when I was working with him they had him doing a lot of prod support. Partly because he was the best dev they had at debugging/fixing prod issues, and partly (I imagine) so that they'd have a log of everything he was doing
@AJ both actually
although the one I'm viewing has an aviary in the backyard, so that might work
@Rainbacon I would hate having a log entry of everything I'm doing :/ (well, having the log isn't the issue, but knowing it's under review...)
"14h02. Stupid coworker annoyed me so now i'm watching duck memes to calm me down."
"14h05. I'm better now. Back to work."
"14h06. Oh wait."
@avazula Haha, now I'm curious about those duck memes :p
Q: Stack Exchange has been taken over by a rubber duck!

Shadow WizardI couldn't miss this now, on all SE sites: What are the duck powers? Was anyone able to make it do or say anything other than "Quack"?

@Ælis There was a time when the conversation would heat up way more often than now (although it was still very rare) and so when we'd have dismissed the situation, I'd tell a duck joke or look for a duck meme
the amount of salt in that thread is uncanny btw :O
What the duck?
One time I talked through a problem I was having (entirely unrelated to programming) with my fiancee, then I thanked her for being my rubber duck. She was (understandably) quite confused
@JAD Salt?
Q: How can I let friends know how much they mean to me?

SuimonI (male in my mid-20s) recently found a girlfriend and another really close female friend, which I highly value in my life. I can openly share my feelings with both of them, but after doing so I realised I never talk about such things with my close male friends. It always felt odd to me telling ...

Good morning :)
@ExtrovertedMainMan I really like this question but is it on topic?
oh hai! o/
@ElizB Hiya! How are ya? :-)
I'm doing well :) Looking at my presentation, hopefully gonna finish up a few slides before practice with my mentor and another student
@ElizB Yay for productivity! :-)
Good morning everyone
@Upper_Case Good afternoon! :p
@Upper_Case Hiya! :-)
@Ælis Damned international time zone differences. I'm extremely jealous that the workday is nearly done for some
How is everyone doing today? I've just arrived, so everyone please re-trace everything that happened before then
(just kidding, to clarify the internet tone translation)
So far, so good, though my scrum master has started acting like my mom.
@Upper_Case I'm doing css, so in other words, I'm doing terribly
She knows I have an eczema flare-up right now (I requested a day of working at home so I could get medicine), and keeps telling me not to scratch :/
Oh, and I'm again disappointed with how the world treats guys, and how it destroys their self-confidence and makes them feel they can't talk about stuff because it might creep women out.
@Upper_Case "Nearly done" but still feels waaaaaaaayyyyyy too long :'( I wish it would be the weekend again. I'm mostly ineffective at work and I just wish I could sleep for an entire week (which I would do if only I allowed to take a one week vacation)
@Tinkeringbell :/ Any example you would like to share?
@Tinkeringbell Care to elaborate on that one?
@Rainbacon @Ælis This morning, my co-worker was hesitant to start talking about being single and dating because 'it might come across as creepy'. :/ While he had pretty great stories once we started talking :D
@Rainbacon Yeah, that's a less-common view (I don't disagree with it, but a lot of its loudest proponents are gross)
I mean, a guy should be able to talk about that. It's not healthy if people believe they can't talk about things like that if there's a woman present :/
@Tinkeringbell That's interesting. I have a slightly different experience. I've never felt like I couldn't talk about those sorts of thing unless I was talking to other men.
@Tinkeringbell "Things that might creep women out" are actually growing these days. Or so I feel.
@Tinkeringbell Mostly agree. To me, it's not the subject that matter but the way you talk about it. I mean, you can make any subject creepy, so...
@Ælis Yeah, that's true. But the notion that you shouldn't discuss dating at all is kinda stupid.
True, that may also halfway be me, I hate being treated like some fragile glass thing :P
Mental note: Parrots are not made of glass...
@Tinkeringbell It's a problem when the "rules", such as they are, are poorly defined and the authority that backs them is so de-centralized
Sexism is hurtful for both men and women. It's not just about women discrimination. I know we have different views on that @Tink and that may be largely explained by how feminism is expressed in our different countries but it is about equality among men, women and or else-gendered people. It's so sad society makes us think it's about female superiority.
@Tinkeringbell Agree. I don't date but I love hearing about dating stories, they are often funny :p
Which I why we all need to smash the patriarchy :D
@Sid Yeah, it's the same here. I've definitely seen a lot of men that are hesitant to say X or Y because 'it might offend someone'. While the thing that I find most annoying is e.g. when someone says 'Guys! and girl', where the girl is added after a little pause like some afterthought. That's the kind of stuff that makes me mad, I'm just as much part of the guys like anyone else, not just some aftertought :P
Although I will say that leaving decisions to the average man's judgement call on what "seems reasonable" to them has been a poor standard in practice.
@avazula Well, I think we at least agree very much on that one. :)
@Tinkeringbell :)
@Tinkeringbell Some people might be offended that they are referred to in the same breath as "guys".
It's kinda political correctness if you think about it.
@Sid we should either gender-neutralize "guys" or find a gender-neutral way to address people. I use "guys" indifferently, but I wouldn't mind using a GN way.
@Sid Yeah, but adding me as an afterthought doesn't make anything better, at least not to me. Because I know in such cases it's only done to be correct, not because people know I have a problem with 'guys' used in a gender neutral way.
@avazula 'People' or the Dutch equivalent of that has become more popular recently here...
@avazula Use "people"
oops, ninja-ed. :P
@Sid It's not just about that ^^ But I'm not up for a debate about that so I will just live it at that (and feel free to do some googling if you want to know more about that)
Anyways. The stories were funny and I'm glad we did talk about it :)
It's true that I use "everyone" or "people" a lot :p
@Tinkeringbell and most importantly now your coworker knows he can talk with y'all about this :)
True too!
At least in the U.S. I feel like "guys" is already pretty de-gendered. Although the singular "guy" still is
I've heard my teenaged sister-in-law refer to >= 2 girls (including herself) as "guys". It's very much de-gendered among the younger generation.
didn't we have a question here about that? :P
@EmC That's very likely indeed
interpersonal.stackexchange.com/questions/2802/… aha! and someone even found sources :D
actually several have sources. good job previous answerers :)
Q: How do I diplomatically get someone to hurry up and make a trivial decision?

OddthinkingThis question was initially triggered by an incident with a houseguest a few months ago. Earlier in the day, he was tossing up whether to join a group of us who were going out for a drink in the evening or go out dancing. I was indifferent; he was welcome to join us, or he was welcome to go danc...

@ExtrovertedMainMan Don't interrupt the conversational flow like that
Extroverted Main Man don't care!
@ExtrovertedMainMan Is no-one going to edit out the mindreading part of the question? :P
If that hits HNQ, we're going to have a bucketload of answers guessing at 'what might be stopping them?' :P
I'll do it
Good. Y'all need to be sharp! :P
I mean, I'm technically in my daily scrum, but I'm gunning for strunk & white so... :P
@Tinkeringbell I liked the mindreading part :( (I know, it's off-topic >< )
@Ælis Well, another question could be 'how to find out what is holding them back', if this is the same person. Given that OP does focus on the hurry up and make a decision (also in the part about what they thought of doing), that's not going to be a great edit, though perhaps it can be another question :)
@Tinkeringbell "How to find out what is holding someone back" would be an interesting question indeed. But, to be honest, I'm more interested in the psychologic aspect of "why some people have a hard time making X kind of decisions" but that's definitively not IPS ^^
@Ælis Yeah, that's definitely not going to be IPS :(
In case of going dancing vs. drink it might've been they wanted to know who was in which group before committing, in the case of the game it almost sounds like the person still wasn't sure they were welcome in the group or understood the rules enough to play.
You can guess, but never know for sure ;)
For the game, I agree with you, the person probably wasn't feeling welcome yet (and rushing them probably would have pushed them away). I hope some future answers of the question will address that
@Ælis I can tell you why I struggle with small decisions. It's because I'm extremely risk averse, and I find that with small decisions it is often hard to properly quantify the benefits and risks of the options I have. This leads me into a sort of decision paralysis where I can't make a choice because I fear that I don't have enough information to make an educated decision
@Rainbacon I believe my big sister is like that, she always takes ages to make a decision. Personally, I tend to always make the "safest" decision, which is deciding on the thing I know best/have less uncertainty about. So my decision making is mostly fast but if you want me to do something new, I'll better warn me a lot in advance so that you don't end up with the default "no" option
@TheTinyMan Yep! Practice at 12 so I have 45 minutes to throw in stuff I need to put in lol
@ElizB Oof, you got this! ^.^
My ex-wife and I, when we first started dating, were both so indecisive that some of our first dates were just us sitting in the car being unsure about what we wanted to do. I mean, it was pretty cool to just sit there and talk to her, but we did kind of want to do other things.

Eventually I learned the art of the coin-toss when I'm stuck on a decision. :-P
@TheTinyMan Thanks! :) It's really just tedious now, not super hard
@TheTinyMan Ahah, that was probably some awkward dates XD Now I'm wondering if my sister had the same problem with her SO :p
I have already had this for a while now, but every time I see that I have a 100 "Not An Answer" flags available, it makes me happy :p
Ugh I'm upset when I flag something, ask for improvements/clarifications and when my flag gets reviewed it's disputed. It makes me feel like the bad guy :p
@avazula Do like me then, assume that the other reviewers were really dumb and didn't know what they were doing. Because, clearly, you were right to say that it was a bad answer!
@Ælis They were pretty hilariously awkward. xD
I'm still not entirely sure what to do when the other person wants me to make a decision but then isn't happy with any decision I make though :-p
@TheTinyMan Well, I would let those people be unhappy. They shouldn't have been asking in the first place if they already knew what they wanted and weren't ready for you to make the other decision
@Ælis I think that their problem is that nothing sounds like the right decision :-P
@TheTinyMan Yeah, this can happen sometimes ^^
> eBay is so useless. I tried to look up lighters and all they had was 13,749 matches.
Ahah, good luck finding the lighter you want :p
Thanks. I'd need that. ;P
Do you want to quickly burn 2000 calories?
While sleeping?
@AJ I'm afraid of what while come next if I say "yes" :p
@AJ How hungry will I be when I wake up and how many drugs are involved? :-p
There are no drugs involved.
It's just a simple trick.
@AJ Is there fire involved? :o
Not really.
@AJ O . O
Sure, let's do it! :-D
Ok. Then put the brownies in the oven with switch on and take a long nap. :P
@AJ For a second I was waiting for the second part of the joke, and then I got it XD
@AJ hahaha, nice
> A policeman knocked on my door and told me that my dog was chasing people on bike. How is that even possible? My dog doesn't even have a bike...
@AJ What's happening? You are on fire with jokes today! :p
@Ælis Wanna hear another?
@AJ Fire away! :p
Never ever try to spell part backward! It's a trap!
@AJ This sounds like a well-known joke ^^
let me think then
"Why Not Me" is a good song.
@AJ I don't get it ^^'
What will it be when you warm justice?
@Ælis It wasn't a joke.
@AJ Ahah, that explain why I did not understand the joke (who wasn't there) :p
I posted a question above.
Q: Can I ask this theory question?

OokerI am being banned from asking question in 7 days, but I'm not sure if the ban can be lifted so I can ask the below question? Is there any research about silence in communication, especially in online settings (chat from established relationships, public internet forums)? I guess the common re...

@AJ I don't know (jokes in a second language are hard ><)
Well, it will be just water. :P
... [slow facepalm]
@AJ Oh!!!!! This was a hard one for me!
Alright, time for me to leave work \o/
I did it 4 hours ago.
That'll be enough jokes for today.
Q: Acknowledge there is a problem without making the other person more worry

ÆlisA little about me: I'm on the autism spectrum, I have tiredness issue and other related problems. I'm currently working full time and this plus my tiredness makes it really difficult for me to eat in a healthy way. Also, still due to my tiredness, I'm not doing any sport and usually don't do muc...

so I got my own interpreter for my april 1st presentation and I'm now having to justify why I did that.... and the agency woman is totally incorrect.... oi vey. it looks reasonable but it's really not... she said "I surveyed all appropriate interpreters under contract to my company. All were unavailable or declined with the exception of one who was rejected. I am not obligated to continue the search to outside sources who are not in my employ."
so she didnt ask the one I found so I know that statement to be untrue. "I am not obligated to continue the search to outside sources who are not
that kind of person just makes me so mad and pushes my buttons but I have to remember that getting mad doesn't do anything. so I've stayed civil so far and just stayed calm
@ElizB That sounds maddening
@ElizB if it's not her job, it's not her job. Sometimes those people also have to work within rules (the 'those not in my employ' make me sense a bit of rules) You did a good thing by checking yourself ;)
@Tinkeringbell the interpreter I asked and hired definitely works for her on occasion, and she was not asked.
@ElizB Ah. That makes more sense then (and no sense at all at the same time :P)
so her claim that nobody was available was not really true. She had interpreters that she did not ask and are not "under her employ" really honestly most interpreters dont want to work with her because she is super weird and unprofessional and has been caught in multiple lies.
@Tinkeringbell right. I just want to reveal to the disability resource center that the agency indeed did not do ALL THAT SHE COULD in order to find an interpreter for me. therefore the disability resource center and the agency fell short, and I went and got an interpreter very soon after, it wasn't hard to find one.
other agencies I have spoken to and discussed the major points of this issue told me that even if none of their interpreters are available, they would still reach out to independent contractor interpreters and see who is available.
so there's definitely more that the agency could've done but didn't do because of some reason.
I'm speaking with my advisor later on today about this because that's my last place in the school system that I really trust to hear me out and try their best to mitigate the situation without taking sides.
I really wish the DRC looked at what they could have done and told the agency to ask interpreters that are not "in her employ", or look for alternative direct-contracting interpreters to do that one day for me. They also should've considered that the interpreter I rejected was not compatible with me and the situation I am in (A major presentation)
@ElizB Yeah, this is probably what is going to make a formal complaint hard. If the agency doesn't have a contractual responsibility to reach out to contractor interpreters, and they had 1 (albeit unsuitable for you) interpreter available... I don't know if they are obliged to reach out to the contractor interpreters or if that would just be nice gestures. So yeah...
@Tinkeringbell Yeah, that's what's gonna be hard. The fact that I feel they took sides with the agency against my objections about this interpreter trying to make me accept her "because it's not a big deal"... it might not be a big deal to them but it certainly is to me.
I wouldve been fine with that interpreter if it was a class or any other day that wasnt a huge thing for me personally
@ElizB I hope your advisor can help out here :) But I sadly wouldn't be surprised if they also said you're making the presentation bigger than it is... So perhaps don't mention that you'd take that interpreter for a regular class or any other day :P
the presentation is during "Public Health Week" and pretty much the whole school knows about it so who knows who might come... (shrugs) yeah, the interpreter is definitely not a qualified person for me.
@ElizB I understand. I hope things turn out better after a talk with your advisor.
I hope so too. Maybe not a formal complaint filed, but at least something I said will be heard and considered.
it's hard to separate fact from feeling in this situation.
I'm about to go out and sit sidewalk with truly homeless persons, waiting for a haircut.
These persons welcome me to an uncomfortable extent.
@humn Ehhm. Talk about a change of topic :P
@humn homeless persons are still people :) I've seen it a lot that they really appreciate being treated as such ;)
I shell out blankets, shoes, vitamins, tents.
And the authorities sweep them away.
@Tinkeringbell I used to work with a lot of people in various states of homelessness, and it's heartbreaking how many of them seemed to feel pre-rejected for basically all human contact
The first step is to sit down. On whatever.
@humn Do you interact with a lot of the same people over time, or is there usually heavy turnover?
@Upper_Case I had one ask for a plastic bag on a rainy day.... She basically had no shoes and was walking on sogging wet Crocs and socks. Bought her two new bags when at the train station... Weirdest encounter I ever had, someone being grateful for two plastic shopping bags (and not wanting any coffee, food or even some change to buy food later)...
We know each others' names.
And aliases.
@Tinkeringbell , yes. One person i offered a fiver asked me for a hug instead. I replied, "why not both?"
@humn It makes me appreciate what I have just a bit more if I encounter people that are happy with two plastic shopping bags to keep their feet dry or five euros for a warm meal,
And I always feel bad for not always carrying cash
@Tinkeringbell , !
Typing on mobile is hard :P
@Tinkeringbell Honestly, it's part of the reason I don't carry much cash these days (though a minor reason). Even for small amounts I can't cover all that many people
@Upper_Case I don't encounter that many people actually, if I'm asked once a month that's much
In various parts of the U.S. we've had an explosion of panhandling near traffic lights. It's kicked off an almost vicious backlash, which I've always found odd
I've been swept up by police calls of local merchants.
@Upper_Case Hmm. The only thing here that gets real vicious reactions are those people that beg on trains. People will try and find service personnel real quick
I want to move back to Suomi/Finland.
@Tinkeringbell It's not so much directed at the people panhandling (they're mostly just ignored), but there is this really widespread presumption that many of those people are faking and don't really need spare change or cash
And I've heard people be actually nasty and say something like 'you shouldn't have spent your money on a train ticket then'
And so onlookers often seem to have this aggressive reaction, judging people for scamming "regular" people by choosing a really unpleasant and low-margin way to make money
@humn You lived there? It sounds like a pretty awesome place.
A lot of that traces back to one particular pundit, but even so the sentiment seems way too widespread
@Rainbacon Nice meta answer :)
@Tinkeringbell I was born there, downtown Helsinki.
@humn My girlfriend lived there for a little while and was very impressed with Finland all around
In NYC, the subway system has an automated message that plays telling us not to give money to people who are begging
@Ælis Thanks!
@Upper_Case Hmm. Now that you say it... There may have been a news article long ago on panhandlers in Amsterdam earning more than minimum wage on a good day :P it basically led to similar reactions.
@humn Why did you leave? (If I may ask?)
@Rainbacon Yeah, same guidance for people on trains here.
I too have heard (though I haven't looked for evidence) that begging/panhandling can actually be pretty good money for relatively little work.
@Tinkeringbell It really frustrates me that people who would insist on triple-checking that their Starbucks coffee order was made to their exact specifications will just accept a conclusion like that with zero reflection or consideration
@Tinkeringbell , no choice, my mother wanted to repatriate herself in California.
I have a two stage response to my fellow curb sitters:
@El'endiaStarman Probably true in some areas. The pundit I referenced above did it in Manhattan while "undercover" (I would have pegged him as living on the streets for less than a week, at most, in his disguise). Spare change in Manhattan probably is a lot of money, provided you don't have to pay to live there
@humn Ah. That's kinda rough if you don't like California that much :/
One, here is what you want for your habit.
Two, here is more for what you need for nourishment.
@Tinkeringbell , i don't mind California. Pays the bills. (I'm Silicon savvy.)
@humn Are you interacting with the homeless in CA? If so, I'm impressed. The scale of the issue there seems matched only by the indifference of most of the homed there
@Upper_Case , yes. Took a few tumbles, facial scars to prove, but i've been accepted.
@humn That's really impressive. Vastly more than most people would do outside of an immediate responsibility (and even then...)
Thank you, @Upper_Case. I try.
@humn Oh, that's always nice :) Then I'd stick with California, I've heard great things about the weather there ;)
Yeah, @Tinkeringbell, we had a day or two of winter lately. Sheeesh.
So i went out with a tent and ponchos.
All my friends wanted, though, were cigs and beer.
Again, first to what someone wants; then to what someone needs.
@humn Alcohol is a nice way to keep warm too :P
@Tinkeringbell I think Mythbusters proved that one wrong - you only think you're keeping warm :P
It's warm on the surface, not deep inside.
@EmC Hey! Let me keep my illusion of warmth then! :P
haha :)
here's the link! your core temperature actually drops
@EmC Hahaha. That's why I always want a thicker blanket to sleep under when having had a drink! :P
"having had"? Nice. Stay warm.
OK, gotta hit the skids. Pockets full of cash, never to return. Thank you for allowing me for the moment.
@humn Hahaha :P Is that not good English? :P
@humn Enjoy your evening!
@Tinkeringbell heh, yeah. feels extra cozy ;)
@EmC exactly! Add an extra fluffy pillow and I'll be asleep before my head hits said pillow!
2 hours later…
But 99 answers...the next one's gonna be amazing!
I'd better save it for a special question
That meeting with my advisor went *really* well. She heard me out and will be contacting people within the school to find out more about what can be done. One of the questions she asked me really had merit- does the DRC have any feedback system? i don't think they do.
I also heard from another another student that the director of the DRC was making religion-related discriminatory statements towards another student, and the school's rabbi had to be involved and they are apparently filing a complaint... we hope!
@ElizB Sounds like a rough environment. It's good someone's in your corner
@Upper_Case I had no idea that other students were having such problems that were not related to what I was having an issue with too.... so that was interesting to find out and consider.
"DRC" keeps making me think "Democratic Republic of the Congo"... >_<
@ElizB It's a double-edged comfort. Nice to know it's not just you, but depressing to know that the problems are so widespread
@Upper_Case yeah, that's what I felt too. I was dissapointed that I wasn't the only one but now that i know more, it only serves to confirm my suspicions that the DRC (disability resource center) is not doing things the way it should be done.

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