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01:00 - 23:0023:00 - 00:00

Let's go bot! We chattin' away :D
@Ash Waiting is always the worst. :-(
@Ash It took my uncle over a year to get my aunt moved into the states :( it's rough
1 hour later…
@AJ I didnt get to say before but congratulations on your engagement :)
@ElizB Thank you. :) And no worries :)
@AJ welcome :)
4 hours later…
Morning :)
@dhein Evening :) Just finished posting an SO question. I always worry I might leave a bad programmatic comment message when posting my code there XD code can get pretty frustrating
Stackoverflow is so scary... I ask a question and almost instantly it's at the bottom of the page :O
That's why people tend to watch tags, not the front page. The volume is kinda ridiculous.
yep x)
Anyone know someone who is slightly addicted to GoLang? :P
Yeah, but can't involve coworkers here. >.<
Sorry pal :D
Aww man hehe... tell 'em to join the network :P
Whoah, I've never seen an answer like that before
Spam like that happens all over the network unfortunately
Well, this one is gone!
Morning :)
You didn't? I made most of my 500 corporal flags on SO with them. Just hunt the front page for -2/-3 rated posts and you find like 4~5 of them withing 1 hour ^^
@Tinkeringbell 0/ How r u doing? :)
@Tinkeringbell Nice going! Good evening / night
I'm prolly gonna hit the hay here soon :P
@Anilla But then they would see how often I am in here rather than focused on work :x
@dhein Okayish. It feels too early to be awake, but the sunrise is pretty to watch today
@Tinkeringbell Sounds like a fair deal :P
It lacks a coffee
But yeah, it's okay ;)
@dhein Oh shoot that's a good point XD
How about you?
Thanks for asking. Personal life is still great. I embrace my recent change so much and I also start experiencing that my whole change in mentality makes me more attractive for the opposite gender. What was the main source at first hand. So I can say I found my way out of a rabbit hole. And I enjoy getting up and enjoying life every morning... So I feel great x)
About looking for a flat. its soo draining. Visited 2 flats again yesterday. Tried my best with being empathic and sympathic to get an advantage over other competitors. And I think at one flat I might have done with success... I will see ^^
@dhein Oooo let us know how that goes :) Glad to hear you're getting things together :D I'm gonna head off now. Have a nice day all!
@Anilla Sleep tight :)
Hello people :)
Hello. =)
@dhein I feel you here, that's the reason why I don't want to move again at the end of my probation
@dhein Fingers crossed!
@dhein Good to hear :)
I think this is the most friendly room on SE. =) I get a warm fuzzy feeling every time I enter.
@Jasper Hehe <3
Also, I find that a lot of SE chat are just a gost town
The owners of the house (and the whole house + garden) looked like they are pretty much the "greenie" kind of person. The wife of the owner was showing my the flat. And her husband mentioned already at the phone, that it has high priority for them to actually like their neighbours they rent the flat to.
His wife wasn't really communicative at all. She wasn't even showing me the flat but expecting me to explore the flat my self and just ask questions if I feel like >.<

So knowing a bit about Interpersonal skills, I knew, if we don't have any conversations, I pretty much have no chance of be
Sooooo I think I did quite well in the "liking the to-be neighbour" requirement :D Actually I don't really like the flat per se.... But I think liking it is a requirement I can't effort here xD
@Ælis Yeah, that mentioned flat, would require me in the long run to move at some point again. I am primary trying to find a flat where I could stay for the next decades and would even work, if at somepoint I have a SO I wanted to move together with. So I am looking for 3+ rooms and 70+m^2 This flat tho, has a large open room with like 65 m^2 which also has the kitchen openly in it. and then just a 2nd room with 15ish m^2 where only a bed would fit in. So a neat bachelor pad. But thats it.
Ok I am focusing on work now :)
ttyl 0/
@dhein Wahoo, very nice use of interpersonnal skills!
@dhein that sounds pretty decent tbh. Having a kitchen in the living room makes cooking more social than if it's in another room. Whether the bedroom is big enough at 15m2 depends entirely on whether you use your bedroom for something other than a place to put a bed. Because it's big enough for a 2 person bed and a closet. What more do you want? :P
1 hour later…
@JAD I didn't say its not fulfilling its purpose. It in fact is a really neat flat. It is just not what I was looking for. It is simply... Given at somepoint I find someone who moves in with me... Sometimes I have my unsocial moments. And having such a moment, I need a place to escape to. And the bedroom with just having a bed and a closet wouldn't really work as such. I planed having a office room for that. Here the whole flat would be my safespace. That just works aslong I am alone there.
And hence, with that flat I might have to move again at some maybe even not too far point.
I just figured we have a "lunch beat" once in a month here. Hahaha soo cool. I am going to dance today :)
I'm so tired these days, the handicap bathroom (toilet) floor is starting to become my best friend (but I usually only lay on it in the afternoon. Today it's 10:50 am and I already did, I guess it's gonna be a very long day)
@Ælis :( ♥ ♥ ♥
Lots of support to you
@Ælis: Same from me for you :)
Thank you @dhein :)
22 messages moved to Trash
My absolutely not controversial post *cough cough* is in the sandbox people ^^
A: Sandbox for Proposed Questions

ÆlisTelling my cousin that she might want to learn more about cultural appropriation The other day, I was at my cousin home and her daughter was dressed up like "an Indien" (her word to designate a Native American "traditional" outfit). This made me uncomfortable as I was afraid that some cultura...

@SmokeDetector poof!
@Ælis may be of interest: teenvogue.com/story/…
@Mithrandir Thanks for the link (@avazula might be interested too), I will read it tonight :)
@Mithrandir @Ælis that's very interesting, thanks!
anyone here with experience to maxscript?
also is it possible for me to write a question about this: chat.stackexchange.com/transcript/message/49129143#49129143
@Termatinator I don't, sorry :/
@Ælis have a loof at this, someone's asking the same question about LGBTQIA+ & neurodiversity! :D reddit.com/r/neurodiversity/comments/agb1d9/…
@avazula bummer, it's very similar to python and i haven't had any experience with either
I know python ...
@avazula this is my current code, is it similar
local dir = getSavePath "Pick a folder with .max and/or .fbx files to convert to .3ds" initialDir:(getDir #scene)
if (dir != undefined) do (
local files = getFiles (dir + "\\*.max") + getFiles(dir+"\\*.fbx")

if (files.count > 0) do (
if (queryBox ("About to convert " + files.count as string + " files to .obj. Continue?") title:"Continue conversion?") do (
for f in files do (
local plug = findItem exporterPlugin.classes ObjExp
if (keyboard.escPressed) do (
if (queryBox "Abort processing?") do ( exit )
not so much no ^^
@avazula dang, anyway thx tho, for offering to help ^^
@Termatinator sorry :)
@avazula no worries
and what i said earlier, about if it's possible to make a question out of something @avazula ?
@Termatinator the question you specifically sent would be off topic because of being primarily opinion based (we can't tell you whether you acted the good day). If that interests you, maybe you could ask how to reach out for this friend nom that you have his number, after he's been missing for so long
@avazula It's a question I already have seen ask several time (so, it wasn't really mine) ^^
@avazula okay, and what do you think personally? did i act in a good way?
@Termatinator I don't really understand what you did, actually. Could you rephrase it please?
@avazula i have a friends group on playstation and some of them i also have on facebook, one of them (age 57) went "missing", as in, we didn't hear anything about him for a month, another friend and the one missing already agreed to share phone numbers. I did some digging on the internet and found his private info including his possible phone numbers. i forwarded those to the mutual friend
we got worried about him so i tried to take action
@Termatinator ok, this I realize I had understand before. Is that it? Or did you do something else, e.g. trying to reach out?
because so far I don't think you did anything wrong
i went through private information @avazula
@Termatinator what do you mean?
@avazula i saw where he lived, what he was arrested for through his life and many more things, i decided to only forward those phone numbers but the details worried me about internet security
@Termatinator I bet it did! o_o that's quite a big load of information to be retrievable online ...
@avazula and that's why i wonder if i did the right thing
@Termatinator You were worried about your friend. You wanted to know whether he was safe. You found some other information on the way, that you feel maybe you shouldn't be aware of. You did the right thing, caring for your friend. You did nothing wrong. After all, it's not your fault this info is available online.
Maybe if he answers you and you retrieve your previous relationship where you oftenly and casually talk, you could tell him about this and warn him that it's availble online
@avazula yeah, maybe, anyway i did nothing with those numbers except forwarding them to the other friend, as he never spoke with me about sharing numbers
@Termatinator Do you know if this other friend tried to contact him?
@avazula he tried with no success
Do you think he could be trying to ghost you both?
i really don't know, doesn't sound like him as we didn't have any fights in the past
plus the fact that he's 57
@Termatinator Erh. I see. That's weird.
@avazula it makes me think of his health
@Termatinator It may be health issues. But if he doesn't answer your calls, you can't know for sure.
@avazula exactly
Downvoted because I don't subscribe to the idea that accidental racism is a thing. Racism is intentional behaviour by the perpetrator, not a reactionary response from the "victim". Otherwise absolutely anyone could accuse anybody of racism for any reason at all. That's not a thing. — Will Appleby 24 secs ago
#11408 Will Appleby (2329 rep) | A: Accused of Racism at Work (score: 21) | posted 353 days ago by Rose Hartman (2388 rep) | edited 352 days ago by Rose Hartman (2388 rep) | Toxicity 0.37118152 | Comment on inactive post | tps/fps: 0/0
Matched regex(es) ["chatty"]
@IPSCommentBot tp
Marked this comment as caught correctly (tp). Currently marked 1tps/0fps
yawns good morning
@ElizB Good day :)
"That last line gives me the impression that you're upset with Johnson for doing a poor job. ..." Yes, I added that line to make you people understand a bit my view. I spent a lot of time trying to get his model working. And if he did a proper job I would not have wasted so much time with his model. But this not only concerns me, others may fall into the same trap, therefore I prefer(red) not to obfuscate his poor work. — Bart 41 secs ago
#21063 Bart (11 rep) | A: How to properly criticize a poor (scientific) work? (score: 2) | posted 17 hours ago by Tinkeringbell (21517 rep) | Toxicity 0.37102643 | tps/fps: 0/0
Matched regex(es) ["chatty"]
@ElizB hello dear!
@avazula hello beautiful :)
how are you doing?
@ElizB About the dragon prince, any idea what Rayla accent is? I notice she doesn't speak "like the other" and I'm wondering what accent she would have have if she was for your planet
Okayish. Tired. Slow waking up. I think I'm fighting off the beginning of a cold
@Ælis Yer asking a deaf person to identify an accent? :P
@El'endiaStarman I don't know who else to ask ><
Hmm, good question. You can go to the spoiler chat to talk more about it :) I don't really know what it could be, plus I'm deaf and don't have much practice recognizing where a person is from based on accent.
(And for what it's worth, I didn't realize that Rayla spoke with an accent.)
I think it's very subtle
@ElizB I'm french and I don't have much practice identifying English accent either >< Maybe @TheTinyMan what accent Rayla has?
@ElizB For me it's not so subtle, but since I can understand her easily while I often struggle to understand people with an accent I'm not used to, I guess it's subtle indeed.
Yeah, interesting indeed. Okay, gotta dash to school :)
@Ælis *Googles for a clip*
Sounds Scottish.
@Mithrandir Hum, interesting, thank you :)
Q: What can you respond to the situation where you're expected to guide a younger nephew for X and you're not familiar with X?

MugenI've had an extremely limited life and a broken childhood. At my late 30s, I'm now finally doing things/learning stuff that people did in their teens. Almost everyone else around me has a hell of a lot more experience in their lives. There's a close relative who's asked me to guide his grandson ...

Have you considered that your cousin may have a better grasp on the idea of what "cultural appropriation" is, and that perhaps what her daughter was doing may not have been that? — brhans 1 min ago
#21070 brhans (105 rep) | Q: Telling my cousin that she might want to learn more about cultural appropriation (score: 0) | posted 8 minutes ago by Ælis (5504 rep) | Toxicity 0.2954642 | tps/fps: 0/0
Matched regex(es) ["possible-aic"]
Q: Telling my cousin that she might want to learn more about cultural appropriation

ÆlisThe other day, I was at my cousin home and her daughter was dressed up like "an Indian" (her word to designate a Native American "traditional" outfit). This made me uncomfortable as I was afraid that some cultural appropriation was at play here. I know my cousin would never willingly try to hu...

Q: How to start a conversation with an introvert/nerdy girl?

Fred WeasleyAbout me: I am a 16yr introvert(boy), rarely talk to girls (if never) I like maths, wear glasses, 5 6', 90% of being awkward in any conversation, asian, not very good looking Story: I go to the school library alone to do maths as per usual and I walked past the same girl frequently. Then, I eve...

wooooow slow down man!
Haha, 15 minutes before the first comment along the line of "cultural appropriation isn't a bad thing" x)
You don't, because cultural appropriation is not a bad thing. Instead, you should chill out. BTW, American Indian is actually the preferred term by some tribes. It's not like Native American is considered "better" by some ruling board. Both terms are just fine. — only_pro 1 min ago
#21070 only_pro (101 rep) | Q: Telling my cousin that she might want to learn more about cultural appropriation (score: 0) | posted 16 minutes ago by Ælis (5504 rep) | edited 4 minutes ago by Ælis (5504 rep) | Toxicity 0.24981284 | tps/fps: 0/0
Matched regex(es) ["possible-aic(@Noon)"]
@IPSCommentBot tp
Marked this comment as caught correctly (tp). Currently marked 1tps/0fps
@IPSCommentBot This isn't the question. Plus, back up please! (sorry both, just wanted to answer that in a not chatty way)
Invalid feedback type. Valid feedback types are tp, fp, rude, and wrongo
@Ælis I flagged as NLN
@Ælis I've flagged as well, also dropped a comment that captures this sentiment
@Rainbacon @ElizB Thanks :) And wow, the upvote on those comments are going fast!
This would have a been a nightmare to deal with on HNQ, I bet
oh gosh yeah
people fighting over whether it is cultural appropriation is a thing. For example, people said that Coco the movie would anger Mexican people, but people that are Mexican fired back and they said they loved it.. so that was settled quickly.
@ElizB Wasn't Coco made by some Mexican people (along with other not Mexican people I guess)?
@Ælis it was made by a lot of Mexican people, if I recall correctly...
Being offended on behalf of someone else is a very easy way to tire yourself out
i feel like people think they're allies by jumping up and protecting the minorities from that, when we can do so just as well or better. I would rather someone show me what they saw or how they feel and have a discussion about what they think might be cultural appropriation rather than confront them themselves without asking the minority first.
@IPSCommentBot rude
Registered as rude
@ElizB Is cultural appropriation limited to minorities?
@ElizB Well then, I believe that what made it not cultural appropriation (since they did a movie about their culture)
@JAD From wikipedia: "Cultural appropriation, at times also phrased cultural misappropriation, is the adoption of elements of one culture by members of another culture. This can be controversial when members of a dominant culture appropriate from disadvantaged minority cultures."
I'm part of a minority and cultural appropriation definitely happens but it's usually quiet and subtle, and people accept it but what is not appropriate usually is seen by us.
So, technically no it's not limited to minorities, but if there's a controversy, it likely involves a minority culture
@JAD Very good question- lemme ask you one: Who bears the burden of cost when cultural appropriation happens? Who gets the profit?
@Ælis Exactly, it's a fantastic telling of what happens during their holy holiday and celebration
I don't see any conflict which could arise from this. Assuming she knows about it, you can simply accept it and drop the topic. If she doesn't know, suggest her to read up on it and give a brief explanation why you think thats something she should do, but also accept it if she doesn't do it — XtremeBaumer 1 min ago
#21070 XtremeBaumer (1804 rep) | Q: Telling my cousin that she might want to learn more about cultural appropriation (score: 0) | posted 41 minutes ago by Ælis (5507 rep) | edited 2 minutes ago by Ælis (5507 rep) | Toxicity 0.066841125 | tps/fps: 0/0
Matched regex(es) ["experimental-aic(@scohe001)", "possible-aic(@Noon)"]
@IPSCommentBot tp
Marked this comment as caught correctly (tp). Currently marked 1tps/0fps
@ElizB I don't know. Who profits when someone's kid is dressed up inside their house?
@JAD Who sold the kid's costume? a Native American or a white store owner?
@ElizB Judging their are (I guess) in France, I would assume a non-Native American (not necessarily white) store owner. It doesn't seem practical to get them from a native source over that distance. Is that unreasonable?
If it was a Native American, and they approve of this- I have nothing more to say. If it was bought from a costume store owned by a majority population- that might be considered cultural appropriation. Usually (from what i've heard) Native Americans are split over this issue- some don't mind selling costumes they made, as long as there is no spiritual significance to them, and that other people can wear them. If a white person looks online for inspiration not knowing what the costumes are used for,
For example, a Sioux costume could be combined with an Iroquois costume and we as a majority wouldn't know the difference.
@JAD right, so convenience and practicality takes precedence over whether it is somehow approved by Native Americans over that distance. Hmm, depends on how you look at it.
@JAD The dressing probably come from china in the first place...
@Ælis But just now the show owner was white?
@Ælis the point is, who is profiting from selling the costumes in the first place, inspired by very underserved Native Americans
@ElizB Yeah, I know. But since the costume is made in china saying that "America was too far" isn't a good argument.
@Ælis Yeah, okay. I've got class
@Ælis China is kinda big on its exporting and webshop thing. Not so sure about Native americans.
@ElizB Wait, I thought this was about people being offended that someone else misinterpreted their culture and was dancing around in ritual outfit or whatever.
I can kinda understand that, to some point
Because Native Americans don't seem to have enough access or resources to actually succeed at that.
@JAD Right, but that feels like just the tip of the iceberg to me
But the idea that only that one culture should profit from all things inspired by said culture seems a bit over the top to me
@JAD In any way, I'm pretty certain that the design wasn't made by a native american and that no native american was involve in the process of imagining them (but very poor china people were probably involve in the process of physicaly creating them)
That's like implying Dutch should receive a cut for all depictions of windmills
@JAD at least they should get the credit?
@ElizB well, yeah, but the native americans are getting credit. The kid was dressed up as native american, not chinese kid in sweatshop (who actually made the thing)
Yeah, okay
Due to my Firefox settings, I cannot see profile pictures that are linked from Facebook, so I do not see for example Eliz's picture.
However, switching to another browser, I can see Elendia and Eliz alright!
I think @avazula had that same issue, interesting
@ElizB I also have it ^^
@Ælis yes, that's right
Do all of you use Firefox?
I do
I can't see ElizB's avatar on Chrome, but I can on Firefox or Chrome Incognito. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
@Ælis I think you need to allow all trackers in Firefox to see these pictures.
@Jasper Yeah well, I won't do that ^^
@Ælis Yup, but that's what I discovered a few months ago. I am very proud of my discovery. =)
It might actually be a bug in Firefox though, because I don't think by seeing a picture, you are being tracked in any way.
Oh, I just earn +12 because a user was remove, that's nice ^^
@Ælis That user downvoted you 6 times, LOL.
@Jasper Maybe it was the same one as @avazula?
Hmm, I can't remember his username to check now. =)
@Ælis I don't think so, mine was a serial DVer and it was reverted
@Ælis Oh, yeah. I think that's a Scottish accent.
My NP has a friend who is doing a Rayla cosplay, and she despaired for a while that she didn't know how to do a Scottish accent...until my NP suggested that she cosplay as "Human Rayla," who has a ridiculous Southern accent. xD
@avazula In any case, I like the fact that someone who downvoted me so much was removed :p
@Ælis I think we should all downvote @Ælis, it sounds like a fun pasttime all of a sudden!
@TheTinyMan bahaha thats awesome!
@TheTinyMan :'(
@TheTinyMan Haha yes, Human!Rayla would be funny!
@TheTinyMan But be careful, it might also be dangerous! Grrrr
@El'endiaStarman Let's all get together and talk about which roads we can take to get to where we're goin' slightly faster!
@TheTinyMan bahahaha
@Ælis Nah
@TheTinyMan Hehe yes! And Ezran is like "that's funny!" whereas Callum is like "oh my god, she's right". :P
I just drank one litre of water!
@El'endiaStarman Humans are kind of the worst xD
@Jasper Nice!
@TheTinyMan As a human I resent that... We are absolutely the worst, don't downplay our accomplishments!
@Rainbacon Well. You're definitely the worst! ;-)
(disclaimer: @Rainbacon is not actually the worst)
I think that's the first time a user removal has ever been good for me
@scohe001 haha
Guess we had a serial downvoter?
I feel left out, I didn't gain any rep from it xD
Same here TheTinyMan...same here.
Ahah, maybe I should create a fake account, downvote you all and then delete it so that you can gain rep again :p
@Ælis You'd have to get it to 150 rep first to downvote. That'd be a lot of dedication!
@scohe001 Hum, I didn't think about that. But I guess I would just have to post a slightly insulting answer under one of my latest controversial post to quickly gain rep et voilà
@Ælis You're so thoughtful!☆.☆
@Ælis I think a better use of your time would be going around with the account you already have and upvoting us (but carefully so as not to trigger the serial voting script)
Ooh, I need a user removal to give me back 2 rep so that I'll be at 2222
@Rainbacon or 2 upvotes and 4 downvotes 🤔
Or accepting an answer.
But downvotes make me sad
@Rainbacon Even if you are the one doing them? I pretty sure you can find old and not nice answer to downvote :p
@Rainbacon That's half the fun for the rest of us!
*silently cries in the corner just to make TheTinyMan happy
@Rainbacon ^.^
@Rainbacon Oh no! Maybe I can make you happy again. I'm two answer upvote + one question upvote away from 5555 whistles innocently
I have lunch to make me happy again, I just have to make it
Also, some very valid and not close questions of mine are at -1 #calimero
I'm at 251. Just one question upvote to get me to a very nice round 256.
@Rainbacon Good luck until it's lunch for you :)
@El'endiaStarman Quick, go ask a question
+1 for that!
Did you go check and see that I hadn't asked any questions? :P
@El'endiaStarman Sounds like a great way to go way past 256 to me!
Haha, I was wondering how long it would take people to realize that my suggestion wasn't currently feasible.
@El'endiaStarman I was too busy figuring out why my brain thought that 256 was a round number :p
Did you succeed? :P
@El'endiaStarman I don't remember the numbers, I just figured that you'd get more than one upvote :-P
Hehe, yeah :p
@Ælis It's 2^8! What rounder number exists? :o
Which is also the number of unique values you can store in a byte of data (unsigned char in C/C++)
A very nice number in Software Engineering to say the least
@scohe001 Exactly this! Such a nice number!
Alright people, time for me to go home, see you all later :)
@scohe001 As the proverb goes, if you have to pick an arbitrary number for some software limit, make it a power of 2 (or 10).
@El'endiaStarman If you make it a power of 10 my imagination will want to find things to do with those extra bits and that never ends well.
"Titles may be at most 583 characters." That makes no sense!
"Titles may be at most 512 characters." Oh yeah, okay.
Haha, I get so sad when I have to append formatting characters in the backend to user input... "Sorry, you only get, uh, 256 - 8 characters, since I'm sticking some newlines and quotes in here..."
Must RAM on your computer be a multiple of 2 GB? I don't know.
@Jasper Each RAM stick must. But you can theoretically have an 8 gig stick and a 4 gig stick to get 12 total gigs, which is not a power of 2.
@Jasper Nah, you could mix 1 GB and 2/4/8 GB sticks.
But why would you do that, you monster.
@El'endiaStarman 1 is...probably a better example. :-p
Oh I see how that works now.
@Jasper damn. I remember back when 128KB used to be a lot of RAM and now we're talking in terms of 2GB sticks
@scohe001 Gods, I hope we're not talking in terms of 2GB sticks, at least not if you want to run Windows on it! ;-)
I have 2 8GB sticks in my home PC...
I think the minimum RAM one should have is 4 GB in 2019.
...with room for 2 more.
I believe that I have the same setup as @El'endiaStarman
I have 8 GB RAM in my laptop, which is fairly standard.
@TheTinyMan yikes. I haven't built a new computer in 7 years. Clearly I'll have my work cut out for me with researching for the next one
I'm hoping to get a new gaming laptop at the end of the month with tax returns and stuff.

...I should *probably* spend that money on maintaining my house, but who needs a house when your laptop can do VR? ;-)
LOL you've got your priorities in the right place
I have another question. Why are gaming laptops so big? Other than the screen size.
GPU + CPU + RAM + ventilation?
Because good graphics cards are big - they do a whole, whole lot. There's also a whole lot of heat generated, and a bigger size lets you use bigger means of heat dissipation.
Yeah, heat dissipation will be the major factor there.
@El'endiaStarman RAM doesn't vary in size at all. CPU doesn't vary in size much.
Oh I see now.
@TheTinyMan True. Though the heat sink on the CPU could vary in size.
(Well, let me try that again: RAM only varies in size a very little, and a gaming laptop will use the 'laptop size' RAM)
That's true
Has anyone here used a Dell XPS 15 before?
It's not really for gaming, but it is super expensive.
Not that specific model of XPS, no. I've had XPSes in the past that were gaming machines though. It's been a while since I had one.
I guess it's meant to be super powerful for work purposes.
@TheTinyMan Dell's high-end gaming machines are branded Alienware now.
@Jasper Yeah. It still blows my mind that Dell bought Alienware in the first place. :-P
And Acer's high-end gaming is branded Predator. =)
Yep, I'm looking at getting one of those! ^.^
I watched almost all the Alien movies, Predator movies, and Alien vs Predator movies.
@Jasper I've never seen a one!
Unless you critically need the mobility, I think that desktop is a better way to go than laptop
I find using actual mouses and large keyboards drives me insane.
I much prefer a laptop :)
@Rainbacon It is. But I do. Most of the time I game on the couch. Sometimes I do work stuff in the office, or game in there if I want privacy. Sometimes I visit friends and want to have a LAN party. And recently I was sick and wanted to game in bed. xD
@Mithrandir stares You're the second person I've met that prefers laptop pointing devices to a real mouse. I don't understand it! xD
@Mithrandir Why? If the keyboard is too small I accidentally hit wrong keys all the time.
@TheTinyMan Might be because I grew up using laptops? I never used a desktop at home
@Mithrandir That makes sense. I know that that's how keyboards work - we're always most comfortable using what we've used the most of, whether a big one or a small one. For the most part. Or at least I am.
@Rainbacon the clacky ones are hard to press down and make annoying noises
@TheTinyMan When I started using this Mac laptop for work, I initially used an Apple mouse. I dropped that fairly quickly because the touchpad is much better than the Apple mouse. For my PC though, I've got a fancy mouse that ElizB got for my birthday a couple years ago or something.
I like to turn the music on loud in my earbuds and close my eyes when I'm writing on my laptop ;)
I love the tactile feedback of my keyboard. Helps me know when I've actually pushed the key vs when I just thought that I did
I do then have to go fix typos, because I can't actually touch-type, but... I can't do that with an external keyboard.
@El'endiaStarman Are Apple mice that awful? :o Geez!
"find a conversation starter" -> what do you think of: the book she's reading, or another book from the same author, the music group/TV shows on the tee-shirt she wears, the small dance she made?... and so on. (to +1 you, side note: I'd just avoid the "I thought you are really cute" starter, as it may be seen as blunt and really dismissive). — OldPadawan 1 min ago
#21073 OldPadawan (14917 rep) | A: How to start a conversation with an introvert/nerdy girl? (score: 5) | posted 2 hours ago by Rainbacon (2220 rep) | Toxicity 0.1998489 | tps/fps: 0/0
Matched regex(es) ["+1"]
@El'endiaStarman Are you using the newer ones with the butterfly keyboard?
I have seen tons of youtube videos about problems with the butterfly keyboard.
I wish Apple would revert to the scissor keyboard in future.
And I also wish Apple would add in all the ports like they did in the past.
@Jasper I have no idea?
after 3 hours of dealing with salesforce, I might have to actually go cry in a corner
@Rainbacon Salesforce will do that I hear. :-( Suddenly laughing about you crying seems less funny.
@Rainbacon Lot of love and support to you <3
It's such a weird system. Everything returns a list, even when it's named getUser it returns a list of users...
2 hours later…
hi @Anilla :)
@ElizB Hello! :D How's it going??
@Anilla doing alright. Kinda just crashing now at home. Had an intense GIS class today
@ElizB Oh really? What was so intense?
@Anilla just the amount of information
@ElizB ohhh yeah... I know what you mean. That's me quite frequently with a lot of medical terms. Is the information difficult to digest?
@Anilla it's not really difficult to digest once I take the time to actually go through it and understand it. it's the speed at which it's given. it's moderate but I think doing the software at the same time is just not helpful.
I think I need to discuss with the teacher how to best approach teaching the lab steps through class
cause it was more difficult for me because my eyes can only be one place at a time
@ElizB So the software is actually like distracting?
@Anilla all together, yes. by themselves no
teacher talking and showing the software instructions on the main class projector screen, me paying attention to my interpreters saying what she is saying in ASL, then me trying to do the steps myself
@ElizB Oooo, I see how that could be problematic then...
@Anilla yuuuuup
I have a slight headache now :P
@ElizB Nooo! Get better! You gotta enjoy your time home hehe
@Anilla I'm going out in about 45 minutes to a cafe for a deaf social and I'm excited because I met a person at my school that is learning ASL, and I told her to get her butt over there
she was looking for a place to learn and practice and I told her the best way to do that is to go hang out with deaf people
@ElizB Amazing how being forced to learn a skill will make you do it that much faster
@Rainbacon not being forced if you willingly go immerse yourself there
No, but the immersion does force you. The same way you wouldn't be forced to learn German if you willingly moved to Berlin, but you'd better start if you want to actually communicate (granted this isn't a great example because most Germans speak English)
@Rainbacon yeah, that
@ElizB That's fun! You'll teach her well :)
@Anilla Yup, and I'm glad she'll find friends that she can learn with, not just me
The Jehovah's Witnesses have some of the best language-learning programs. I remember reading that the US military studied their techniques to help their own language-learning programs.
@El'endiaStarman Yea my ex used to be one and that's how they learned :)
@avazula Hello :D how's it been going?
@Anilla hey there! Doing great, I'm on vacation tomorrow! Its for moving out and packing my stuff, but still! XD how are you doing?
@avazula Yay! Moving days can be fun haha might find things you thought ya lost :P I'm doing peachy :) still trying to figure out how to leave someone aside as well as figuring out why my program isn't working xD
The more I use Go the more I wish I had my Java... idk how I got so used to it. @dhein you need to help me break away from these auto-memory-managed languages and come back to C :P
@Anilla No no no, come join the dark side (web devs). We have cookies...
@Rainbacon Cookies... mmm. Isn't everyone moving towards local storage with all these single paged reactive frameworks? :P
I store cookies locally, in a folder I call "stomach".
(note: <--- not a techie, has no idea if that joke makes sense)
@Mithrandir Ooo best of both worlds. I'm listening... Haha, it made sense enough :P
@Mithrandir <------- Can confirm. Joke is funny
The cookie analogy is so true though. Like, you gotta keep people away from your "browser's cookie jar" otherwise you're in big big trouble! No one takin' my session token cookies :)
@Anilla leave someone ? Oh, I should have missed something here!
@avazula Yea :P I saw them today again and it just never feels the same as before. It hurts me to be in a place I don't want to be and I can't act like my normal cheery self when I'm with them ahHHh xD
@Anilla erh, that sucks... I hope you'll find a solution soon :)
@avazula Me too! Thanks :P how's work?
@Anilla huge. Lots of stuff ongoing. If it weren't for my partner and cat, I wouldn't come home before 8 / 8:30pm at night haha. What about you?
@avazula Oooo what type of cat you got? It's going pretty swell, just trying to figure out how to optimize a bit of annoying code hehe
Meet Fedora :)
Do you also have a cat named Kali?
@Anilla good luck! Its technically challenging but I think this is part of what's most interesting about programming :)
@Mithrandir I know you're kidding but we're thinking about adopting another one and my partner won't accept that wed give them another name than Kali. I wanted Debian. I'm disappointed.
heh :D
@avazula Awww how adorable! <3 And thanks! I agree, I love solving problems; especially with logic... it's really great fun.
Also +1 vote for Debian from me :P
@Anilla Do you have a moment to talk about our lord and savior the glorious website that is Project Euler? :P
Here's another of our fluffy friends (notice the heart filled sock):
@El'endiaStarman Of course! Hehe, what is it?? I've never heard of it before :)
@avazula Love the socks lol
^ this cat was given no name by us humans but he has such a story... When my foster father passed away, he just entered my foster mom's house. He was only a few weeks old and seemed so weak. He stayed in the house and keeps my mom company. I'm so glad he came into our lives. He's so cuddling and peaceful. Sometimes it feels like it's my dad's reincarnation.
@avazula Aww, that's a great story :) he seems very calm and relaxed. He must really help your foster mom out
@El'endiaStarman Ohhh that's really neat :D What problems have you completed that are especially noteworthy??
@Anilla I remember liking PE #112: Bouncy Numbers a lot when I figured out the efficient solution.
@El'endiaStarman Did you use Python to implement it?
@Anilla Yeah, but these problems are generally language-agnostic.
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