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Q: How to as coworker to go slower so I can learn how to do it

HesterryI started a new job recently. I already new the person who I work closely with, and am friends with him. This may change the typical dynamic for a work relationship. Anyway, he sometimes goes really fast when showing me how to do things. So fast I can't understand. I try taking notes but it's n...

helloo o/
@Cashbee So, how was your training?
@AJ it was no training, we had to go clean up some avalanches. its not exactly military but more a "civil protection" pendant.
also my keyboard is gone, wtf
writing with mouse now(monitorkeyboard) lol
^ obligatory, if unfit for military service
oops *pendant = equivalent
related meme ^^
@AJ lol totally
@1006a correct, unless you have moderator superping powers
aaah, finally found a working keyboard. phewww
Heya! Welcome back :)
@Tinkeringbell thanks
glad to see I'm still RO :D
@Cashbee Hahaha of course! :D You're not going to get kicked from that for a week and a half off :)
@Tinkeringbell If that was the case I'd be gone, too
@user5389107 Yeah, and the moderators wouldn't have any time left for the main site, because we'd be busy picking out new RO's every week :P
I guess it helps that there's 3 of you, so that when one or two are more absent, there isn't automatically a new one assigned ;)
tbh this room would do fine without ro's
80% of all posts are by network mods anyways
The IPS Comment Bot would reign supreme
@user5389107 That much? Wow. We need to get rid of some mods in this room :P
@user5389107 is what it seems, while we have RO's, yes. maybe the more rude messages would pour in more consistently if there were no watchdogs in this room.
but yeah there sure are many mods here
There are literally... 2 users currently in this room who are not a moderator, room owner, or bot.
Somehow I've become a trusted user on IPS.
Bad idea. You should never trust SQB.
Ah, this one blew up over the (extended) weekend.
@Tinkeringbell Or we could try and get everyone elected as a mod :P
Extended, because of whit monday.
@SQB I'm a bit sad that Tom's answer was not upvoted that much.
it would totally be my approach
@SQB I am trusted user on two sites. :P
@SQB For me: IPS and M&TV
I need to be active on more sites... I've only reached that on IPS
how can I see where I am trusted?
@Mithrandir24601 Pretty sure that's not how it's supposed to work ;)
@Cashbee 4k on beta and 20k on graduated site.\
trust me already (ಥ﹏ಥ)
I think the "score" to become a trusted user on IPS is lower than most other SE.
@Tinkeringbell I'm not saying we do anything illegitimate!
@Loki It is lower on every beta site, IIRC
@Loki Yeah, IPS is still in beta
@AJ ah right, voting to delete comes with being trusted.. I forgot
Ugh... my windows pc keeps bluescreening :( It does that every time after windows tries to install updates :/
Mine's fine :P
I don't know what's gotten into the thing... But every time I shut it down and it installs updates ... the next day I'm having trouble with startup and bluescreens :(
BAD_SYSTEM_CONFIG apparently. I want to scream and shout at it now, it's system config was fine when I shut it down yesterday!
Stupid updates :(
have you tried downgrading to Windows ME? xD
The laptop I had before this one wouldn't even run Windows, so I used Linux instead :)
@Tinkeringbell Yeah, just use Linux
But I don't like Linux :P
@Tinkeringbell That's impossible - you just haven't found the right one for you yet :P
@Mithrandir24601 Oke, so which one looks exactly like windows?
I'm in :)
It works again.
Gates be praised
@Tinkeringbell Zorin OS, possibly? (according to Google)
I feel a bit bad asking this, but can someone review my answer ? First because of probable grammar mistakes and then because I am mostly uncultured with LGBTQ+ vocabulary so I fear I've may have been offensive or innapropriate.
@Mithrandir24601 Hahaha ;). How is gaming on Linux? Will I still be able to play rollercoaster and zoo tycoon?
@Tinkeringbell try Mint.
@Tinkeringbell Not bad actually, there's native (steam) support for a fair few things - it probably depends on the exact version though. For everything else, use Wine!
Yeah, Mint's supposed to be good
Well, if there ever comes a weekend where I'm really bored, I might try it ;)
Play minecraft
be like me and zombie 15000 hours into minecraft :D
@user5389107 impressive xD
or complete all levels of Plant VS Zombies (Game of the Year) :P
@Loki I'm.. on the fence about that one ;) See the comment I left on the question: I am reading it like 'how can I discuss with Alice why she doesn't use the preferred pronouns'... most answers seem very much focused on either explaining why Alice should use the preferred pronouns or even making Alice do so
@Tinkeringbell why do you have auto-update on?
I think your experience can prove some valuable insight into why Alice doesn't use them yet, but it offers no guidance on having a conversation with Alice to find out about these reasons...
I remember seeing a video of a minecrafter who built some kind of assembler or processor. that's frickin' amazin
@Sid I haven't. But I do update from time to time for security :)
Meh. Windows Update sucks. But, then, there's nothing better I guess
@Loki yes, the actual answer to the question hides somewhere in there, trying not to get found. And as tinkeringbell said, The question is (probably?) about speaking with Alice about why Alice isn't using correct pronouns
@Cashbee If it is, that would invalidate all 4 current answers :/
@Tinkeringbell reaps the rewards of answering an unclear question :p
@user5389107 That one... is exactly why I left a comment on the question :) It addresses so many things while not giving so much guidance on how to do them (and it lacks back-up!)
Thanks for all the useful input. I'll try to make my answer clearer
@Loki Maybe the question needs to be clearer first ;)
@Loki what we were trying to say is: don't. just wait
Oh alright !
Well. I am skilled at waiting :D
my best skill is to exist
I am very good at that
My girlfriend really sucks at that. What a shame
I'm a paradox, I both exist and do not at the same time
So I'm intermediate at the skill to exist
@Loki I hope this is meant as "I have none" and not "she died"
First one first one @Cashbee
@Loki good to hear. I mean.. uhm.. yeah
@Cashbee Do you actually though or are you a figment of somebody's imagination?
Maybe this is all happening in tink's head
@user5389107 in which case i would still exist. just not physically
Maybe it's a evil deamon who is trying to trick you !
I think, therefore I am
although I am better at being and not at thinking
This discussion makes me think about this comic
@Loki sorry I'm at "work". can't be reading comics
For some reason, I keep thinking that today is Sunday
you arent a good thinker either, huh? :D
@Sid I was on leave yesterday, so it feels like Monday to me. :P
I think Sunday is the 6th day of the week
@Sid I'm totally confused about the day :P
So mods, how about implementing a "dear abby" close reason?
It's Tuesday! Not that hard: It was the day all electrical power was lost in the morning! :P
@SQB Eeermm... I think that needs a poke to the rest of the mod-team ;) Will do :)
Hmm, apparently I killed the third gear in front. That's gonna be fun.
I am encouraged by videos such as these :P
6 messages moved to Trash
@Mithrandir Time for a new bike ;)
No way, I just have to replace the gear
@Mithrandir You have three gears?
Yeah, that's pretty standard. I've got 8 in the back, which is less standard.
Do you participate in bicycle race or any other bicycle related sports?
That one has 9! Do you really use all of them?
@AJ I'm taking lessons for tricks and stuff, but I'm not actively racing
@SQB I usually stick to 3-6, but I'll use the others at times.
I had a 2 x 5 as a kid, but I stick to single speed these days. My wife and the kids have gear hubs on their bikes, though. From 3 to — I think — 7.
I'd post videos of my doing stuff but I can't :P
Can't post videos or can't do stuff? ;)
@Mithrandir Are you afraid that your true identity will be revealed? :P
Even a bunny hop would impress me; I can't do jack on a bike except riding it.
A bunny hop is harder than it seems :P. I can do wheelies, some jumps, and I'm working on jumping onto like ridges... which is apparently how I smashed the gear.
going down stairs is easy; up, much harder
@Mithrandir That's a simple law of gravitational force, nothing new. :P
I don't use that third front wheel very often, so should be fine for now, but still... better to get that fixed
3x7 is pretty standard here
@Mithrandir that's 1st, not 3rd
@ArtOfCode it's gear "3" on the switcher. Front, not back.
oh, missed that
If I killed gear three in the back that'd be a lot worse.
...not that it should've looked like a rear set in any case, but there ya go :)
You'll want a bash guard, then, to go with that new gear.
A.k.a. a skid plate.
I have one... but it's also broken. wry grin
funny. you never see 3gear bycicles over here, let alone 1gearers. standard here is 3 in front, and about 6 in back, resulting in 18 different gear settings
I'll take it over to the shop in about half an hour and see what they can do.
It's still under warranty, at least
@Mithrandir are they just bent, or sheared off?
but maybe that is one side effect of living in mountainous lands
@ArtOfCode bent, mostly
A couple are sheared
@Mithrandir and do you happen to have one of those torches that you use to caramelise the top of meringues
cuz... those are totally meant for bike maintenance too
I do not :P
I don't think a warranty would cover you smashing your gears on a curb you tried to hop.
Really, get a bash guard.
@Flater I disagree. No matter how aware the mother is of her behavior, if the OP starts responding like this answer suggests then she'll quickly realize that the OP is responding a certain way every time they're talking about this topic. That should lead to either the topic no longer being discussed (positive result for the OP) or the mother trying to figure out why the OP is responding that way, which will let the OP make it once again clear that they don't appreciate this behaior (again positive result for the OP). I don't see how this approach can fail to solve the problem. — Cronax 12 secs ago
#14778 Cronax (1698 rep) | A: Help my mother to understand my choice when it comes to having children (score: 13) | posted 19 hours ago by WendyG (1702 rep) | edited 14 hours ago by Kat (1921 rep)
Matched regex(es) ["chatty"]
Then count every time you hit it, then think that each of those times would've meant a smashed gear.
This is... a bit more than a curb that I'm hopping. They're perfectly aware of what I'm doing with it - that's why I bought it
I'll snap a pic of what I'm hopping later
Well, hopping something. I'll be surprised if it is covered by warranty, though.
interpersonal.stackexchange.com/q/14782/8077 after requesting clarifications on their goal (in order to go away from a phrasing request), op stated the goal to be exactly a phrasing request. Which meta should i link to, where it says that phrasing requests are off-topic?
I can find this and this but I don't think they fit very well.. any ideas?
@Cashbee Link to the help/on-topic page ;)
@Tinkeringbell i don't like that this page is so incomplete..
@Cashbee But I think it's the only place where 'don't ask for what to say or which arguments to use' is explicitly mentioned as off-topic
OH was it edited? it seems so much longer than i had in mind
@Tinkeringbell GREAT! but I think I must have visited that page since it was reworked. strange. but you won't see me complaining!
situation resolved, a small edit was enough IMO
Nice ! :)
it's still in review queue though. let's hope its resolvers realize that it's all good now
@Cashbee You're free to delete your comments and leave one that says you think it's fixed now ;)
@Tinkeringbell i'll leave my last comment as a whole but removed my first.
if OP sais my edit is fine, i'll remove
@Cashbee Good ;)
I find myself more and more wanting to set a deletion-timer on my comments xD
@Cashbee Hahaha ;) Yeah, I get that :)
where you can choose either an amount of time to pass or directly after the pinged user has read it
that would be awesome to the max
but I know i know, SE is a small indie company.. :D
Q: Is smiling most of the times okay?

hanugmWhile staying with a group of friends, colleagues or with a single individual, is it okay to have smiling face always during normal conversations or while wishing others such as good morning etc., Most of the people who interact won't say anything for and against it. But some frank people ask t...

@ExtrovertedMainMan That is an interesting mix of opinion-based and etiquette
A little rewording could help nudge it onto the rails of a good etiquette question. I don't have the time though at the moment
@SQB this warranty is basically "everything except popped tires"
they have to order the new part, it'll probably take around a week
@Mithrandir okay, cool.
Colour me surprised.\
Still, a bash guard would be a good idea.
adds bash guard to list of stuff that I need
@Mithrandir How long has the list gotten in the meanwhile?
It went a lot down recently, but it's on an upwards trend again.
Cleats, shoes for the cleats, pedals for the cleats, gloves, new gear, and bash guard at the moment
Note that there are hybrid pedals, with one side for cleats and the other side for regular shoes.
That makes it easier to switch.
1 hour later…
My personal experience with those hybrid pedals is that they're more trouble than blessing, but when I used them it was about 15 years ago, perhaps they've gotten less terrible in the mean time :D
@Mithrandir I'm not the pro, but wouldn't you want something closer to a BMX bike for tricks and stuff?
@scohe001 This one was recommended by the coach
@Mithrandir Dang, you're serious. Well if you ever get a good video that somehow keeps your face out of it, I'm sure we'd all love to see!
I'll see :)
I'll try to post a picture of the place where people yelled at me for practicing, but I have to run now
@Mithrandir Oh, people yelled at you? Yell at them back? :P
@Mithrandir Haha sounds good. Good luck with your tricks!
2 hours later…
Q: How can I decline someone's business card with tact?

Greg SchmitI am in a technical field but I work with sales, and I am often given business cards by vendors or customers at work. I know that I will never use them, and I almost always immediately throw them away. However, accepting the card seems dishonest. I would be embarrassed if they caught me throwing...

Q: Work email communication

ggiaquin16Being a programmer, I largely run on the logical/factual side which tends to get me in trouble with my emails being read in tones not intended. One email, I even was sat down with my boss for being "condescending" when I by no means meant it that way at all. I just try to layout the information a...

Quick question...I want to leave a comment on this question to the effect of the following:
"Hey Greg, welcome to IPS! It's usually good practice to hold off on accepting an answer until your question has been up for at least 12 hours. We have a lot of users from all around the world and you never know if you'll get an even better answer when they wake up! This will also give your question a chance to get a little more exposure."
But it's not a suggestion for improvement of the question...is it still good under our comment laws?
@scohe001 Yeah you can ;) You're suggesting an improvement to someone's behaviour :P
That's one of the comments that falls within the 'exception' class ;)
And... 4 answers withing an hour? That's a lot!
@Tinkeringbell Oh boy, this rule sounds like it could be exploited :P
@scohe001 Yeah, I definitely agree with @Tinkeringbell. This is something of an exception.
@Tinkeringbell There's even more on that newer email question! We must all be chomping at the bit for new questions
@scohe001 Well, I do have buttons to press if you start doing that :P
Hahaha not the buttons! Anything but the buttons!
@HDE226868 Hey, you wrote an answer too :)
@Tinkeringbell On the other question, yeah.
That's not true, I need to learn how to read
I can expand a bit on my past email woes, though.
@HDE226868 Maybe a bit more on how you've improved it? ;)
That I think is more informative than knowing what kind of short and sweet stuff you've been sending your colleagues ;)
@Tinkeringbell Done. I gave a recent example. (Not that I've ever written something as bad as the "Don't do this!" example I gave, but still, it shows there's a difference.)
Thanks for keeping me honest, so to speak. ;)
@HDE226868 Hahaha I'm just mean ;)
interpersonal.stackexchange.com/a/14651/1599 Any thoughts on this? It looks to me like it might be more of a commentary than an answer?
Hmm I think it'd be more okay if he explained why "Tact, kindness or any other sort of politeness should not be a goal"
At that point it would be like a frame challenge (since OP is asking for a way to do this "tactfully")
@Tinkeringbell Congrats on winning the moderator election! I missed it or I would have voted for you!
@MisterPositive You didn't miss an election ;)
there was no "election" per se
the community managers pulled names out of a hat made careful selections
Really? You were just given it? Well, congrats anyway!
@MisterPositive Yeah, I got a suprise e-mail when waking up one day. Came as quite a shock, to be honest :)
that's the way mods are appointed on beta sites...
@Mithrandir pulled names out of a hat/consulted the gods/stared into the depths of a palantir and asked Sauron
...except for Parenting, which just had the first ever experimental beta election.
@Mithrandir I see. Thanks.
@HDE226868 I think I can blame Shog. :P
Shog, Sauron, same thing
@MisterPositive Anyways, you're trying to get your diamond the hard way? :P Good luck to you too :)
@Mithrandir Actually, yes, they are.
@Tinkeringbell Thanks, Don't think it will happen, but thanks.
@Tinkeringbell just stopped in to say hello and congrats. Take it easy!
@MisterPositive Thank you :) You too!
@Mithrandir Again? Don't you have anything better? :P
hey, that's new
Sounds just like everything else :P
@HDE226868 That was so perfect no-one else dared to write an answer! :D
@Mithrandir That Alladin is not my type :(
He would probably make an awesome Gaston though
He's singing both parts
@Mithrandir And it sounds like he's using his nose too much
I'm sorry, not really a fan ;) I like Hollens better :)
(Note that I am very critical, but can't sing anything myself :P)
@HDE226868 That's brilliant! Hilarious
I like that one :) I had hoped it would win :)
I hated the song that won
Right, I never understood Eurovision. Is it only for European countries? Or other countries as well?
@Mithrandir But it was your country's song! :D
Next year, you could go see Eurovision live :D
@Tinkeringbell I still hated it :P
@Sid Europe + Australia because they're cute :P
@Tinkeringbell here, this better? youtu.be/xfUa4IVRZFI
Wait.. Israel won it this year. I thought Israel was part of Asia.
@Sid I think it's still Europe continental wise ;) I think the border to Asia lies much further east... Lemme look it up.
No wait, it's not on the map. @Mithrandir what was Israel doing at the Eurovision? :P
Europe and Asia are technically the same landmass
We now have our first custom close reason: The one for questions asking 'what should I do' has just gone live! :D
@SQB ^ Because you asked about that this morning
Right... Now, I have to write some synonym of that sentence for questions... :P
@Mithrandir Well... that doesn't change the fact that they are different continents.
@Mithrandir Well, I'm impressed by the guy managing three instruments at once!
@Mithrandir Oooh! Pentatonix :D
I grew up with that one :)
her face looks like a little boy o_o
@Mithrandir True :)
@Mithrandir Nice :)
(If you ever want to hear a song in Frisian: youtu.be/JZon1B6a5Z4)
Is there a way to undo a flag?
@scohe001 Depends on the kind of flag ;) Post flags can be retracted, comment ones not IIRC
It was a comment flag :(
I guess it'll probably end up getting rejected
@scohe001 Don't worry, one wrong flag won't get you in trouble ;)
@Tinkeringbell Haha it's more like there goes my perfect record
@Tinkeringbell [you live in a nice place] (weforum.org/agenda/2018/02/…)
@scohe001 meta.stackexchange.com/q/285003/369802 You can't retract it, sadly ;)
@Sid More a failure of the police and justice system than being nice: I'm sure if we hadn't cut funding for the police as much as it was, there would be more criminals locked up.
Well, they seem to give away Prisons on rent to other countries. So, the police obviously isn't interested to catch the Criminals.
@Sid They are, but there's apparently a huge pressure on the forensic detectives, way too little people to handle everything?
So, people walk free because there's not enough capacity to properly handle the smaller crimes... And I've got some experience with that in person :/
Q: Can we start enforcing the "back it up" policy?

apaulWe've had "back it up" policy for almost a year now. It was one of the earler things we seemed to think important for the quality of answers on the site. We've had more than a few discussions about supporting answers with experience or references, as well as a few discussion about the problems ...

@IntrovertedMetaMan. Pretty Please? :D
I'm a little confused who we're waiting for to say it's okay.
There was already strong voting in favor of this on the previous question. If the mods say they're okay with it too, and the voting doesn't somehow flip around and go against it, we're kind of done?
@Cascabel I think it's a timezone thing ;) I'm part of a team after all ;)
We can't force users to vote to delete answers that fail to meet the meta guidelines.
@Catija no, but you can, when some users do flag them, add post notices and/or delete
Which means that they're expecting the moderators to pull all of the weight and bear all of the complaints.
We can start putting up those post notices everywhere? Gives a pretty strong sign that stuff can be deleted?
Well, if y'all think that's enough reason not to do it, you kind of have to get out there and say so.
The problem is that it's pretty damn subjective what's "sufficiently" backed up and what isn't.
I delete lots of really low-quality answers that don't support themselves but they're all really blatant.
There are also lots of times where we don't even necessarily see those flags because they go through the queue before we look at the flagged posts list.
@Catija Thing is, if we delete them, they also need a moderator to undelete them. Which puts a lot of power in my hands: I can delete everything I don't find sufficiently backed up, but then when do I undelete it? I know that I'm probably the most critical when it comes to backing up ;-)
Exactly. We make more work for ourselves.
I do agree with @Cascabel though, that we should use this last meta post to carefully state what our stance on this is.
Because on one hand I sometimes get the impression people are hanging back a little because there's no guidance...
And on the other hand it would be really useful to have something to point to.
Q: Can we have a new Post Notice for Moderators to use on questions that don't sufficiently meet our "Back it up" rules?

CatijaThe current post notices don't really meet the need for addressing the problems of answers that don't meet our "back it up" policy here. Having such a notice would make it much more likely that I'd use a post notice in this case. It also saves us from having to write comments on all of these pos...

@Tinkeringbell I can attest to this. There have been a few times where I've almost commented that the user needs to back it up but haven't been quite sure what I'm doing would be right. It would be nice if there was one definitive place to go for this with boilerplate Tink comments® and all
Q: Can the back-it-up policy be codified into our help center?

apaulJust thinking that moving forward with the back-it-up policy, it would be helpful to be able to point to our help-center as an authoritative reference. One specific place would probably be on: https://interpersonal.stackexchange.com/help/deleted-answers Just adding another bullet point saying...

@apaul - word for word? Really? DIY Dance Hall?
I think it is very much time to make a meta post trying to define what constitutes a not-backed-up answer.
It is a tough question to answer... majority of our accepted answers are not backed up properly. For me idk if this is going in the right direction but im happy to see how it goes. I come from the position that only answers that make some sort of "claim" need to be backed up. And that is hard to define
@IPSCommentBot feel free to delete that and the rest of the chain in a few minutes once he's seen it. I'll be flagging then too.

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