+1 though the advice of the socratic method as a follow up is probably not the best as it assumes a position of at least equals or the teacher (in this case the minority) teaching the pupil (in this case the majority). — GretchenV11 secs ago
@user5389107 It's not a real curseword, but telling people they're pissing you off isn't nice. I think if you're talking about your feelings, only use it when absolutely necessary, when other terms don't suffice.
I have a lot of experience - several years professionally - with mental illness and drug addiction. Twice (that I can recall), I have made potential diagnoses in my answers regarding people the OP is having problems with.
I was asked about the wisdom of doing this by a moderator, so I stopped, ...
I'm just wondering if this fell into the 'It's one thing to mention that something sounds like X, for Y and Z reasons, but I would try to discourage actual diagnosis. It's not really what we're here for and there's a pretty big risk for abuse' category
narcissistic personality disorder is a heavy mental illness that can only be diagnosed by a trained professional after extensive personal consulting and a lot more info to go on then one side of a question that doesn't explain a whole lot to begin with.
+1 for the literally doing nothing. I'd say the main reason why this will work is because it shows them that their actions take the fun out of it for you rather than you playing hard to get. It's the perfect level of politeness to get them to quit without actually being mean either. — Imus25 secs ago
@Raditz_35 I believe you are right about it just being a worry, just from everything she’s said so far, she is one of the nicer people that I am friends with. A lot of people I have been around have made crude teen jokes and other related gimmicks, but I don’t think that everyone responds the same to that, and unfortunately, that’s what comes to mind first. — Sean7 secs ago
+1 for the literally doing nothing. I'd say the main reason why this will work is because it shows them that their actions take the fun out of it for you rather than you playing hard to get. It's the perfect level of politeness to get them to quit without actually being mean either. — Imus14 mins ago
@Raditz_35 I believe you are right about it just being a worry, just from everything she’s said so far, she is one of the nicer people that I am friends with. A lot of people I have been around have made crude teen jokes and other related gimmicks, but I don’t think that everyone responds the same to that, and unfortunately, that’s what comes to mind first. — Sean17 mins ago
from your autism meta question I wonder if there's just a higher incidence of people with autism congregating here or if the rate in general has gone up
+1 for the literally doing nothing. I'd say the main reason why this will work is because it shows them that their actions take the fun out of it for you rather than you playing hard to get. It's the perfect level of politeness to get them to quit without actually being mean either. — Imus29 mins ago
@user5389107 Autism is underdiagnosed in certain demographics. It's quite possible that there are a number of people on the spectrum here who don't even know it.
+1 for the literally doing nothing. I'd say the main reason why this will work is because it shows them that their actions take the fun out of it for you rather than you playing hard to get. It's the perfect level of politeness to get them to quit without actually being mean either. — Imus32 mins ago
@Raditz_35 I believe you are right about it just being a worry, just from everything she’s said so far, she is one of the nicer people that I am friends with. A lot of people I have been around have made crude teen jokes and other related gimmicks, but I don’t think that everyone responds the same to that, and unfortunately, that’s what comes to mind first. — Sean29 mins ago
@Tinkeringbell Some of my friends have their own wider friend circles that I'm not in, and some of those people fiercely hate me now that they've found out
@user5389107 Wait, am I missing something? You've told your friends, they tell their wider circle... someone in the wider circle doesn't like it.. and your friend takes it out on you?
@baldPrussian Can you cite any personal experience of these methods working well (your own or someone else's)? I am concerned doing nothing may be interpreted as an invitation to keep talking or keep doing whatever it is they're doing, especially if there's physical contact being initiated. The grinding thing is a fair point, but it shows we need to be sure the methods we recommend will actually work in our favour. — doppelgreener2 mins ago
@thesecretmaster Do we have to respond to any particular message with the feedback we give?
@Tinkeringbell basicly. The problem is I've gotten into arguments with some of those people from the wider circle
It has led to some of them being banned from discord and some of my friends cut contact with them as a result. And now other people from the circle resent that
@user5389107 do you still think it was useful to do that? I don't mean to be intrusive, it's just something I've been thinking about myself lately, but I don't know what it's like to get checked out as an adult :/
@RichardU As a side note to that: I now have a new assignment for 3,5 days a week (the other 1,5 I'm going to train my coding skills in a new language). Basically, they split the job into 'coding' and a 'social skills' part... and I got the part that needs managing and social skills... I'm not sure yet if I'm flattered or disappointed
hmmm maybe once I move I can look up specialists... I don't even know but have been wondering for a while now, so it might be nice just to lay that to rest
@EmC My mom once told me 'if you ever feel like you're getting stuck in life, visit a therapist.' Apparently, when I was younger, the doctor once remarked that I was showing signs of autism. So far, I've not found it necessary though. If you feel like you'd be able to pick your next move better with that information, than you should do so I guess ;)
@Tinkeringbell that's solid advice :) my little brother is on the spectrum and we have a LOT in common.. and I've taken some online questionnaires (yeah, yeah, but they were from a university study) and been way off the charts.. so I kind of just want to get an answer
@EmC I was diagnosed at 21. It's had a very positive effect on my life. For one thing, it's nice to understand why I am the way I am. For another, it gives me a framework with which to talk to other people about the problems I'm having
The biggest downside is that I have a constant imposter syndrome
@Tinkeringbell this may come as no surprise, but I come from a long line of contrarians. My grandfather was excommunicated from the Catholic church for questioning authority
I think the biggest help for me in knowing is being able to understand myself. I've always had sensory overload issues, but I didn't know what they were until I was diagnosed. Now when I get overloaded, I understand what it is and can take steps to minimize the problem.
@Rainbacon the way I explained it to a friend of mine who has a daughter on the spectrum is like this: Not only are we different, we are so different that we have trouble communicating the differences.
@Rainbacon I said, imagine that the color orange was painful to you, and every time you saw it, you experienced pain. You don't know that other people don't feel pain when they see orange. All you know is that it hurts and after a while you can't take it. Then you wonder why everyone else can take all of that pain and why you are so weak.
@RichardU The savant thing can also work against you if you aren't one. Most people think of Rainman when they hear about autism. It's a quite common belief that all autistic people are savants. Sometimes when I tell people I am on the spectrum they ask me what my superpower is.
How do you know that the color that you define as orange is the same color that I call orange? I mean, for all I know, you could see "my" green and call it orange. I would never know
@EmC I have an additional problem of partial deafness. if the radio is on and I am in the passenger side. I am effectively deaf. (profoundly deaf in the left ear, can't hear great in the right)
@user5389107 what I do is let my friends and family know that I get overloaded and that I need to step out. When you explain that it is essentially a medical need, people tend to be far more accommodating.
@RichardU I wish. Some of the people in the extended group of friends that got banned as a result told me repeatedly to kill myself and to stop bogging down everyone's fun with my medical issues
they were banned for it so I guess it worked out ... but still
whenever images like that are being posted, this chat becomes NSFW for me xD. Too many coworkers are in line of sight of my monitor.. Don't get discouraged by me though, have fun.
Background info: We have a very close one of a kind relationship, always positive, always upbuilding, never has anything bad happened between the two of us, your typical cheesy fairytale meant to be type relationship - as close to perfect as you get. We are both fiercely loyal to one another.
A ...
@sphennings there were IPS involved, but the OP was not asking an IPS question, and that is a touchy subject. Plus, I can only imagine the backlash it could have generated
yeah, if this just happened, and OP is in a fragile state and isn't getting professional help yet, I'm really concerned about what talking to boyfriend could do to her mental state... the boyfriend is just a small part of the big issue which is coping with the aftermath
@RichardU I don't think that the OP was trying to use IPS as a substitute for professional help. I think the problem they were trying to navigate was their partner's feeling like what happened was an infidelity.
That's something that's very IPSlike. If they proposed a specific question I think that it is something that this site could handle well. There'd be troll answers sure but those get downvoted and deleted in short order.
@sphennings I don't disagree. But we are not mind readers and you have no idea what is going on in the former SO's head. I've seen reactions from pity, to revulsion to blaming the victim. we don't want to get into that.
@RichardU That's a good question. As is the question should definitely be closed. In a hypothetical where the question was edited to be a good fit for this site, I don't know. A lot depends on how the edited question reads.
@RichardU I guess part of my concern is that "Go talk to a therapist." even if it's good advice can be read as rather dismissive.
@sphennings That's why I commented as I did. Any interpersonal skills involved are the least of the OP's worries.
For the same reason, any questions relating to suicide should be shut down. Not here, but on other sites, I've seen suicidal people being told to go ahead and do it.
@sphennings Are you suggesting improvements or requesting clarifications? In all seriousness though, I think it is productive. That being said, people may see you posting comments that aren't doing what comments are for and get upset if their comments are deleted and yours aren't.
@Rainbacon Technically there's a third reason for comments, "Add relevant but minor or transient information to a post (e.g. a link to a related question, or an alert to the author that the question has been updated)."
@sphennings That's true, though I'm not sure that explaining how comments work falls into that category either. Still though, I think until people learn, you should keep doing it.
I downvoted because the question is not about responding to instances where the interlocutor was personally discriminated against. Your answer would be more on topic if it addressed the conversations brought up in the question - which are more about systemic issues that aren't "feelings." — Azor Ahai1 min ago
@RichardU "Suggest improvement" has also greatly increased the amount of times that I absent-mindedly submit a comment as an answer, but maybe that's mostly because I've been so inactive. xD
@Sid if mutinies weren't orderly, however would they be carried out? One cannot have a disorganized mutiny, after all. What would the neighbors say?
@TheTinyMan these are strange days. I seem to be attracting a modicum of respect in certain circles. All of this despite my best efforts to the contrary. I fear that my overuse of confusion fu has caused certain aspects of my nature to be revealed