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8:00 PM
Q: How to politely tell my girlfriend that often hugging may become irritating?

moorzynHow to politely tell my girlfriend that often hugging may become annoying at some point? We live together and when we're both home she often walks to me and hugs. Last time I said that sometimes I don't like it she said it is sad to her.

Can we get delete votes on the two answers to this one.
@RichardU I would if I could
@Rainbacon earn some more Rep so you can join in the fun, just don't do it using the method which may not be referred to by name, but is nonetheless very common
Yeh none of those _____s or _______
I would like to, but some of the more enthusiastic members of the community keep posting my answers to questions before I have a chance ;)
@Rainbacon I share your sentiment.
My highest rep ever was 605...
8:04 PM
It's alright for me to ask general questions here right?
About what?
Just life lol
Or are there ground rules?
@Azxdreuwa Sure, but we're not pro's at life either ;)
@Rainbacon is that the gravicon your profile came with?
True true
8:05 PM
Just remember the pinned post (in the side bar if you're not on the mobile site)
So, what's on your mind?
@RichardU for a Maine coon, mini is sort of an understatement :P
@Pheo Yes, but technically no. I originally had a different gravicon, but then gravicon changed how they generate the images so it changed. Why do you ask?
Kinda cool one.
The smaller the size of the icon the nicer I think it looks
You are right...
Except on mobile chrome. Just looks like a square then.
8:22 PM
As an aside, one thing about the autism that gets me in trouble is that the rigid thinking throws me for a loop when I try to use precise language (or it seems that way to me) and I'm told not to use those words. It's very hard because without the words I was going to use, I go into a panic trying to find suitable ones, and nothing matches
Rigid thinking is fun
Oh, and never tell me "I'll be there by 5" and arrive at 5:01. German + autistic = VERY punctual.
@Azxdreuwa come on, ask us your question. We're eager to at least try to provide good advice.
Was going to but I now feel that it may just be too broad
@RichardU Have you tried asking 'then how should I describe... In one word'?
There's a whole SE site for that too ;)
@Azxdreuwa nothing is too broad' for the chatroom, we'll just ask more questions :)
@Tinkeringbell yeah, I've tried that, but it looks wrong.
It's hard to describe. It actually triggers a panic attack.
If you want to put it on the main site, we can probably help you refine it
@Azxdreuwa ask here, we will help
8:39 PM
@Azxdreuwa We appreciate people who are wanting to learn how to follow the rules of the site. We'll be more than glad to help you workshop your question into something that is a good fit.
@Azxdreuwa come to the dark side, we have cookies.
@RichardU 5 mins early is on time
on time is late
@Magisch 5 minutes early is late. 10 is preferred
@RichardU That's... Tough. I can only sympathize to a small extent. I do have a joke though, if you wanna hear it :)
8:47 PM
for important occasions, I usually get 1 hour ahead of time
@RichardU I blame you for making me return to a shrink btw
@Magisch you sure that isn't you overplanning the trip?
@Tinkeringbell For interviews n stuff I really want to be on time
I don't have a car, and I don't trust public transport that much
@Magisch I know... I usually take a train earlier too. But my workplace is pretty tolerant on the fear of driving and understands trains don't always work.. so I usually have a thirty minute window, not an hour :)
for work I'm usually right on time
I used to arrive 30 minutes early to the train station to go out to a client's office. It meant I was never late to their office and often I had time to get doughnuts in the train station :)
8:49 PM
I live 10 min away from work and cycle there
So even if I have to walk if my bike is broken I won't be a lot late
@Rainbacon That's actually the reason why I don't take the one hour window XD
@Magisch Haaaah! I remember cycling to an important meeting when in uni... About an internship. My bike broke pretty bad just two block away from my room. So I rushed back, lent my housemates bike (which was way too big btw, so I had to stand on the pedals without being able to sit on the saddle). I made it with 2 minutes to spare though :P
@Tinkeringbell It was only once a week at most, so I felt ok indulging. I probably wouldn't have done it if it was every day
@Rainbacon yeah, I'm pretty dependant on public transport, so I basically use it every day
@Tinkeringbell I'm always up for a joke :D
I use it every day too, but usually to my own office. Well, I did before I moved to within walking distance of the office.
8:57 PM
@Magisch consider yourself lucky, I drove one person almost to suicide, once. :D
@RichardU Okay :) So first, a little lesson on Dutch: If someone is struggling to say a specific word out loud, or can't exactly remember it, that's called ' being unable to get out of your words'
@Tinkeringbell :D
Now, it that happens, other people say ' just say jail, you can't get out of that too'
@Rainbacon I'd love walking distance to an office!
15 minutes to wake up, put on makeup and put breakfast in the bag... Walk to work, eat breakfast..
9:00 PM
@Tinkeringbell it's hard to describe to a non-autistic, but when your brain is locked into something, it is SCREAMING at you that somethings wrong on an almost life-or-death level. It is actually painful. This is why low-functioning autistics cans start screaming if you move their chair. You changed their entire reality.
@RichardU Yeah, I've seen a few of those, although it was a broomstick, not a chair
@Tinkeringbell It's so nice. I'm just glad that we finally have good weather. It's been quite cold here until this week. But it's in the 70's today (around 25 C for you)
@Rainbacon Nice! We'll be getting that kind of temps next week, and I have three days at home
@RichardU The analogy that I always use for my brain is a circuit. Sometimes you blow a fuse
I don't really understand, except that I'm not supposed to move the broom
9:02 PM
@Tinkeringbell so, even though I'm high functioning, my brain is still screaming at me.
@Rainbacon I compare the thinking to NTs is that an autistic brain is like a train, takes a bit to get up to speed, but moves VERY fast, can pull a lot of cargo, but cannot easily turn or stop, where an NT brain is more like a car. agile, maneuverable, et cet
@RichardU Sounds tough, especially in environments where this is likely to cause trouble because not everyone knows...
@Tinkeringbell It is
@RichardU That's a good one too
@RichardU Dammit, I'm a car? I have a legit driving phobia!
Also I like trains, so it's good in that regard too
9:15 PM
@Rainbacon I've read that's a pretty common thing? I hit a lot of articles on that when I was looking up a specific cartoon for Richard lately
9:38 PM
Yeah, it's certainly presented as a common interest of those of us on the spectrum. I couldn't say for sure because I haven't met enough others, but it does seem at least that most autistic characters in movies and tv shows are presented as being fascinated with trains. So there's at least some impression that it's common.
10:09 PM
@Rainbacon I've known a few people on the spectrum over the years, but I either never noticed or they never told me about the train fascination. So I guess it's more of a rumour?
Maybe, I couldn't say for sure
@Rainbacon I'll just have to do more research I guess ;)
I have experienced the ' completely interested in a single subject ' , but it was never trains ;)
I don't tend to do 'completely interested in a single subject', I just take an extreme interest in whatever I happen to be into at the time
@Rainbacon that's.. different. May I ask how often that does change?
@Rainbacon Nice habit... with one downside. People call you oblivious to your back
10:25 PM
@Tinkeringbell Sometimes it changes after an hour, sometimes after a few weeks.
wanna see what I've been working on for the past week then?
@Pheo That is their perogative
@Rainbacon hmm.. so I've definitely known the people I knew for long enough to know they're obsessed with a single thing :)
Alice loves a certain type of Dutch musicians, and John Doe is crazy about WWII
For years, that's been all I've had to mention to get a convo going XD
@Tinkeringbell Well, there is a saying. "If you've met one person with autism, you've met one person with autism"
@Rainbacon I guess that's fair ;)
I've met people on different points on the spectrum though, although the ones I got to know best were all about the same (Like Alice and John). But I also met someone with what I believe was called Pdd-nos, which is on the spectrum but different? She certainly was different from Alice and John
10:31 PM
I'm in the Asperger's part of the spectrum myself
@Rainbacon I think that's the 'smart' part of the spectrum? What's called high functioning?
Or can you have that and be not functioning?
(if I'm getting too personal, just cut me off :) )
Well, my official diagnosis is "Autism spectrum disorder without accompanying intellectual impairment". But that's because the DSM-5 removed "Asperger's Syndrome". Typically high functioning is used for people who are on the spectrum but able to live a "normal" life. For example, I hold a full time job and live alone. Someone who is not high functioning (and on the spectrum) would likely live in a nursing home and be unable to support themself
Your questions are fine. I'm very comfortable talking about it
@Rainbacon so it... takes various tolls on individuals?
Yes, the saying that I mentioned earlier exists to point out that autism is a spectrum. No two people on the spectrum will necessarily be alike in their symptoms. We all deal with it differently
It's easier to deal with for some than others. I'm one of the lucky ones in that I am able to keep my symptoms relatively under control
@Rainbacon Yeah, the people I worked with before becoming a software engineer were all on government support. Not in a nursing home, although one of em had some sort of support in their day to day life ( there were three ). The girl I knew from high school I only remember because they explained her autism to me AFTER we spent a week in France with the same guest family. I never forgave my mentor for that one XD
10:39 PM
The things you learn these days... chat.stackexchange.com/chats/75397/messages/new
The link for how to make your own message.
@Pheo sigh
there's kinda already a conversation going on here
And then there's the co-worker I worked with for two years, but that only recently got a diagnosis. I have no idea on what side of the spectrum they are, although since they live on their own, and have a stable job, I'd say high functioning..
and I do believe I said something yesterday about excessive pushing of your project
Did I miss it? No, of course not. @ArtOfCode All you have to do is politely ask, and I will leave. No need to hit the "suspend" button.
I'm honestly quite flexible in that respect. Sadly, few people have ever bothered to try.
@Rainbacon I love those people. They take much less effort on my side XD. But really, they're easier to interact with. Because I'm bad with differences
10:43 PM
@Tinkeringbell from what I understand, government support for us isn't as high in America. And yeah, living alone and holding a steady job tend to indicate high functioning
@Tinkeringbell what exactly do you mean by bad with differences?
can't easily associate with those who are not similar.
@Rainbacon that I like my people behaving like they're normal. So, e.g., I'm bad with people that have a mental disability. ( like my niece, that suffered a lack of oxygen at birth, and that basically can't be taught what I'd consider simple thing, like calculating change in a store)
I tend to loose patience easily when she doesn't understand after three or four attempts. Even though in the back of my mind I know she'll never learn
@Pheo I guess that's a good summary
I just rephrased it, thats all.
I struggle the same with my family, which doesn't consist of the most bright minds. So, birthday parties are a chore
Getting them to know it is their birthday? Or more complicated things?
10:51 PM
Ah, ok. I'm bad with people who I think should be able to do things. If I know they can't ever learn it's a little easier
@Pheo no, like birthday parties where whole family visits, those nights are exhausting
@Rainbacon a little, but not much xD. May be because my niece often asks me for stuff ;)
Well, sleep calls.
sigh, 3 days since contacting the SO team, and still no response.
@Tinkeringbell if my niblings ask me for things I just send them back to their parents
The only person with a mental disability that I like is another John, that I used to play with when I was really young. He was involved in a serious car crash when young, and spent a serious amount of time in a coma. He has brain damage, so he's still trapped at the age he had when we used to play. But I do recognize that six year old :). Like, he always was the one to ask for treats ( cookies or sweets) and he still does XD
@Tinkeringbell both charming... and kinda nostalgic.
10:57 PM
@Rainbacon yeah well... Mine had some sort of god-complex I fear... They know I'm supposed to be smart, so they ask me as well
Wow, I'm not still in contact with anyone from when I was 16 let alone 6
@Rainbacon I've only seen them a few times since ;) it's not like we meet weekly XD
Last time we met, I was still a cashier. They asked for a sweet ;)
Somehow, sending them back to their parents isn't always an option. Just like I won't send my brother to my parents with his questions
Now I don't even want to know what questions he asks...
@Pheo mostly stuff about why my parents act the way they do XD
I live far enough away that I only ever see them together, so it's always an option for me
11:00 PM
Oh, just the typical subling questions.
@Pheo well, there was the one time they confessed to underage drinking, but otherwise, yes, just normal sibling stuff
@Tinkeringbell wow. First time I've seen the word "dangerous" 10 times on 1 screen.
@Rainbacon that sounds awesome to me. My entire family lives in the same town, except for one aunt and uncle that live 40 minutes driving away
@Pheo huh?
10 hours ago, by Tinkeringbell
@Magisch I qualify that as dangerous...
@Tinkeringbell imagine if instead they all lived in Poland. That's how far away mine is, except we're in the same country
11:06 PM
> ... they all loved in Poland. That's...
Yes, mobile
Fortunately I'm only in chat right now. It's near impossible to do anything else on SE mobile
@Rainbacon Agreed ;) although it can be done by requesting 'desktop site', it's very inconvenient
Mod flags are the worst. You can't see what you've written
11:13 PM
@Rainbacon huh? I usually can...
The text box just isn't big enough
Oh flagging. Not when a mod removes stuff.
I've never even seen the option to get the desktop site
@Rainbacon actually, Poland isn't that weird for me after having had polish neighbors
@Rainbacon what Browser are you using?
I just used it because it nicely approximates the distance. And I'm using chrome
11:16 PM
Guys ready for a riddle?
@Rainbacon if you click the three dots in the upper right corner, it'll show a check box with ' request desktop site' if you're on mobile
I see no dots.
But I am using chrome dev tools to simulate a mobile screen...
@Mithrandir Mithrandir24601 casts confusion
ohh now i see. "You're using the new mobile version of chat. Learn more."
Cool. Detects your screen size before it loads.
@Mithrandir24601 hey! You seem to have gotten your diamond. Congratulations!
11:19 PM
Is it the same person?
@Pheo no.
@Pheo Hahahaha!!! Nope :)
riddle A few days ago, I saw two scholars discussing in front of a blackboard.

One scholar said that A and B were twins. The other scholar said that A and C were twins.

So I thought B and C were also twins. But, they said B and C were not twins.

Can you explain it?
Hence the comment about me casting confusion
bah now I can't tell them apart
11:20 PM
@Tinkeringbell Thanks!
Uh oh. You can't tell the diff between a mod and a normal user in mobile.
@ArtOfCode you have access to personal info as a mod
You'll figure it out
So now we have two blue mithrandirs
@Tinkeringbell I was gonna go with just looking at the numbers actually :)
One has 24601 on the end, the other... does not :)
LOL using mobile version on a computer.
11:21 PM
Looks nice.
@ArtOfCode :(
@ArtOfCode Yeah, that was the first link I found :P Should I introduce myself? (I'm already there)
@Mithrandir24601 Ips says yes, that'll be good manners
11:23 PM
@Mithrandir24601 Introduce yourself and we will do so ourselves.
I actually confuse @Mithrandir24601 and @Tinkeringbell more because your pictures have similar color schemes which is all I can make out in the small versions
@Rainbacon hahaha! Never even noticed that XD
One looks like the upside down version of the other.
Mine is a Giraffe
I'm debating whether I should click the "request access" button....................
11:25 PM
no you should not
That settles it then. :p
won't actually do anything, but request will just be denied
@Rainbacon Mine's a photo of three little bird chicks
Well I have to go now. It's been lovely chatting
@ArtOfCode actually, that's sorta elitist XD
11:26 PM
Let me introduce myself.
@Rainbacon bye! See ya
Mod room? Yeah, totally
Little Pheonix analogy.
@ArtOfCode :( sometimes, I'd love to know what's happening behind the scenes. I know I'll never know, but still.. XD
@Tinkeringbell Honestly, it's mostly mods grumbling about the terrible users on their sites
11:28 PM
@ArtOfCode Seen my name yet? Joking...
Also it's a place where people who happen to be mods can chat without getting snarky comments about how many mods there are in the room.
@ArtOfCode I know. I probably don't wanna know
@Pheo If I told you I'd have to kill you
There's probably a few choice words about me XD
@ArtOfCode Don't tell me!
11:29 PM
first rite of being a mod is to search for your own name in TL
@Cascabel that's just a running joke here, but I can stop it if it is it's really bothering y'all
@Tinkeringbell it's fine in moderation ha ha
@ArtOfCode remind me to just buy my diamonds at the jeweller
why can't I search the teacher lounge up?
because it doesn't exist
11:31 PM
@Cascabel we try :)
@Cascabel The puns are strong with you today...
@ArtOfCode Ok, now I'm confused. I'll just forget everything that happened in the past few minutes... What happened?
nothing at all
you saw nothing
I recall a blurry screen. That's about it. Nothing worth remembering...
@Pheo you don't remember a helicopter?
11:34 PM
@Tinkeringbell No. Why? Did I get hurt?
Q: What are the consequences for trying to upvote my own post couple of times?

VladimirOut of boredom, I upvoted my own post few times in a row, getting the expected "You can't vote for your own post" message. However, I wonder if there is any penalty for such behavior, e.g. automatic downvote instead? I ask because after doing it, I suddenly got a downvote on that post. Was it t...

I feel woozy. I need to sleep. See you all... YAWN ... tomorro YAWN
@Pheo sleep well!
@Tinkeringbell Before I look at any answers, yes it is the system. Tried it myself.
Feeling woozy after the espresso... Weird
@Pheo just read the first one, it's short ;)
11:36 PM
@Catija your comment tho... XD
@Tinkeringbell SNORE.

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