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Q: How is this comment necessary?

MykazukiIn a question I posted I mentioned an example of how things work on SO and how I didn't understand how things work on this site, I was hoping someone would tell me the differences, or tell me maybe that I was wrong and things are not like that on SO. Or something along those lines. In any case it...

2 hours later…
Q: Closure: How can I cope with someone who works too slowly?

Canada - Area 51 ProposalThis comment stated: I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because we cannot advise anyone on how to get someone to do something. But I've since rewritten it to fit this site. If there is another unstated reason for closing my question, can I please be told to help me improve?

Q: False duplicate: What can I do if people insincerely ask for my patience?

Canada - Area 51 ProposalThis was closed as a duplicate, but I explained why it isn't: This isn't a duplicate. Someone can repeatedly ask you for patience even if they aren't too slow.

1 hour later…
@IntrovertedMetaMan. I had a look through this users question history and there is a pattern of having a question closed/deleted and then just making a new one with (arguably) insignificant changes
2 hours later…
@Catija @apaul I think that if you want to disregard answers that include "he/she", you should probably add some specific emphasis on "they"
obviously being able to treat it more normally is ideal, but it is totally fair that answers could assume it was used as a more general part of the sentence and not the desired pronoun. Adding "he/she" is a standard list of examples and we can not expect users to list every possibility when writing examples
I think you have the added context of already knowing the situation which lead to reading the question as intended
but since it could be read multiple ways, I think you need to explicitly state it if you want to reprimand answers for not realising
although the answer does have a few other issues...
@Tinkeringbell I know, when I posted my comment there were only two answers, this and the one posted by Mafii. I feel that, while there's nothing wrong with Mafii's answer, the one from chauxvive is as valid but had score of -1. That downvote made no sense to me. — r41n 21 secs ago
#13003 r41n (241 rep) | A: Awkward end of conversation (score: 0) | posted 16 hours ago by chauxvive (19 rep)
Matched regex(es) ["", "chatty"]
interpersonal.stackexchange.com/questions/13012/… Is now unclear what you're asking? lacking a whole lotta detail
@Tinkeringbell It looks like its been through a lot of edits already but i think i can see a good question in there
@Jesse maybe... But there is no conversation going on in the situation sketched there. So the question makes no sense at all
conversation, and being able to transition to new topics is an ips
they have a specific example to give us context
I would just frame it with the question asking about ?online? conversations
@Jesse The problem with the example being that there is no conversation going
We have plenty of questions on how to change subject
ahh, yeah i haven't looked around to see if it would be a dup
Even then, I'd want some scenario where there's a conversation going: a chance or emails trail
although with a unique personal example it won't be dup, yes what was said would certainly help
@Jesse I don't think I can dup this one, but just to make clear that such questions are indeed valid IPS.
And they're all about in the moment, not about the first text message that needs an optimal pick up line
It may have been about that earlier, but I have just looked at the most recent edit and it did not read that way to me
@Jesse I'm on mobile, so quoting is a little hard. But look at the whole 'problem' paragraph
The question doesn't relate to the problem paragraph anymore, because it was edited... But the problem is still leaving plenty of room for cheesy pick up line answers
@Tinkeringbell It makes it a bit less about the actual conversation...
it is more about how to re-engage when there was only one topic talked about
which is different to the outlined question, and not as good of an ips question but i think it COULD maybe still work
@Jesse but for that to work, we need to know why they are afraid to just send a how are you
And that relates to the original question: they want to ask her out
Not just have a pleasant conversation
@Jesse It'd need a whole lotta detail and confirmation from the OP, preferably also a good description of previous failures with the same person
xD i don't know the guidelines about knowing OP's goal vs honouring the ambiguity of how the question is currently written
And given the history of this particular person on this site, I'm not that happy to be putting all this time into one of their question again
@Jesse No one does. A lot of us just err on the side of caution probably: make a comment and once confirmed, you can edit
Also.... How do you end up with a -3 when a user gets removed?
I've seen a few before, but they were always -10 or -5
Or multitudes of that
@Tinkeringbell they just have to have voted up and down on enough of your posts
Oh hey, there's two
One got me a -5 the other a +2
the comment section is a bit of a mess, and does not really apply to the edited question... im thinking of just flagging everything as obselete
for now i think ill just vtc, its all too much of a mess, best take it down until its fixed
Currently there are traces of 3 completely seperate questions :D all in the one
hi @Jesse your suggestion is a good one :)
@Jesse And I think the conversation starters is going to give more trouble ;) but I guess you're right for suggesting it
I don't really see how it would be different from a ' tell me what to say ' in this case though
@Jesse I've edited my question just now - I'll see what else I can do to improve the question
@IPSCommentBot well, you'll be running around without a head for a while
@D.Hutchinson That edit is not really enough, any mention of the word "Transition" implies that the conversation is ongoing
What do you suggest I add @Jesse?
@D.Hutchinson Your question is about starting a conversation when your previous conversation was about a single topic. Transitioning in the conversation is no longer remotely relevant.
To start with I would re-word the title and first question to be about starting a conversation rather than transitioning
I see :)
ok, brb
You want to know how to start a conversation when your previous context was about a specific topic without restricting your new conversation to the topic of the previous one. That should be made clearer
ahhh ... right :)
lemme work on this ...
@Mithrandir what should be made clear is why a simple hey how are you text is going to fail miserably
* eats walnut brownie and works on edit *
Really, conversation starters are as much of a risk for list type tell me what to say questions as pick up lines
@D.Hutchinson But then you will still need some more detail, building off common grounds IS a skill in conversations... but starting relatively new conversation is incredibly common and broad... @Tinkeringbell's last question is pointing this out, its tough to see why treating this like any other new conversation would not work which is a really broad question
@Jesse because I want to eventually ask her out, so, the stakes are higher. At a business lunch, knowing how to start on a new topic of discussion is also tricky and not really expected to flow naturally - there are also risks there too, with, say, a new client that you are trying to win business from.
it's fundamentally the same ...
it's not pick-up, I already have her number ...
@Tinkeringbell yes, if we can specify that it is about starting and having a varied conversation then we might discourage list answers
the transition is tricky though ...
@Jesse Then you're back at transcripts
high risk of failure, basically ...
@D.Hutchinson The stakes aren't 'higher' just because you want to ask her out. You don't even know her, besides that she's from New Jersey and likes some kinda food... You base your dating choices on that?
@Tinkeringbell yep, or some other form of extra detail
If anything, this reads like you want her to tell you everything you want to hear to confirm that she's the one you'd like to date..
@D.Hutchinson If you have a personal problem with another user the way to resolve this is via contact us or custom moderator flags
We (as regulars) have no way to make anyone do anything. We moderate content, not users. We have votes to influence questions and answers and can flag comments. Specific user behavior is firmly in the "not our responsibility" side of moderation
If you think this is all going on, make your best case to the mods and/or the community team.
Q: My husband saves indecent pictures of his female friends. What should I do?

girl101Recently I stumbled upon a folder in my husband's computer. It had specifically 22 subfolders, each dedicated to a different girl. He has known all these girls at some point of time in life. Some of them are his close friend even now. But he was never in a relationship with them. Infact he had al...

can we get a 5th close vote on this: interpersonal.stackexchange.com/questions/13033/…
@Magisch thanks ...
39 messages moved to Trash
@Tinkeringbell mhm?
@Magisch I thought the name-calling in there weighed heavier than the little constructive discussion that was also there
Not a good call?
nah, all good
I was just wondering :p
Have one very well backed up first answer, just to see things aren't that bad around here: interpersonal.stackexchange.com/a/13032/1599
Q: Are comments moderated to strictly on this Stack?

DanielI will later post my own opinion as answer, so this is to be viewed as a more or less neutral baseline for discussion - please comment/ suggest edit if you have improvements If been active on this stack for a few months now, and I noticed that a constant source of trouble seems to be the delet...

Also, hello @GretchenV!
I'm a little busy today @d.h, so I won't be responding to pings so quickly
@Mithrandir ok, no worries ...
@Tinkeringbell The source would be pretty bad in any other context, but here it's semi-fine I think
@IntrovertedMetaMan. No. If anything, we need more people in the closet flagging stuff, because I can't catch everything.
@Magisch I'm just glad to see someone that doesn't need it explained to them that experiences make a good answer ;) I'm also suspecting this isn't a brand new account :P
@Tinkeringbell I'm still not thrilled about the source, but I'll take a bad source over no source
@Magisch Oh sure... I'm personally not familiar enough with the source to say it's inherently bad ;)
But it's not academic research, that's true :P
From my experience it's about as credible as breitbart
Which is to say not at all
@Magisch That's another site I don't know ;) But okay :)
Better not to examine these things too much
we're better off adressing the information, we don't need a "this source isn't credible" war like wikipedia
Any help? What is transient information?
Thank you for your Answer. Just to be clear, do you reject the Add relevant but minor or transient information to a post from the help-center as a valid reason to comment on this stack? — Daniel 24 mins ago
@Tinkeringbell Something like a commentary on an answer that adds something
@Magisch Help center says e.g. a link to a related question, or an alert to the author that the question has been updated
That makes more sense actually ;)
Had to dig deep to find that one ;)
Like if the question is "What are apples made out of" and under an answer there's a comment like "There's also traces of iron in there"
Something that can be incorporated into the answer
@Magisch Yeah, I think this a good example of that: interpersonal.stackexchange.com/a/5097/1599
@Tinkeringbell In that case OldPadawan's comment is fine I think
@Magisch Exactly. The post is not though.. still a one-liner and not improved after been provided with that info
@Tinkeringbell I just cast the last delete vote on that
@Magisch Finally!!! :P
I'm slow
Like a Smiley rolling down a hill, if you will
Hahaha ;)
@Magisch "Smiley rolling down a hill" sounds like mood swings to me.. :) :( :) :( :)
@Cashbee You stabilized the eyes? Now I'm thinking of chicken like movements XD
now that i think of it, no it doesn't.. [ :) (: :) (:]
sorry if I repeatedly make stupid or funny remarks like this, I don't know if that is welcome here in this chat. If not, please let me know :)
@Cashbee if stupid remarks are not allowed in chat, I would have been suspended already
tis' ok
I am actually quite prone to mood swings
just checking :) Could be that this chat is supposed to be strictly IPS related with no chitchat. I don't want to be that guy who always disturbs the IPS peace in here
Yes we're serious about IPS doing serious IPS stuff always
can't you see how serious I am
( Í¡° ͜ʖ Í¡°)
on a serious (heh) note, one more approve here pls: interpersonal.stackexchange.com/review/suggested-edits/9180
a gave it a very stern looking approve
Q: Drove colleague to a sports event, should I ask for the money for petrol? If so how?

JasonA quick bit of backstory, myself and a colleague both support the same sports team and have therefore shared lifts when we have travelled to see the same games. It's quite a treck though and between the cost of parking + petrol it costs at least £50 for the driver. For the first 5 or so trips (wh...

@IPSCommentBot Pfft... I wish that person was in chat. I'd love to explain that it was probably put on hold because they themselves seemed to suggest at every angle that setting a boundary was NOT what they were looking for..
funniest comment I've read in a while, but still had to flag it as nln :(
Killing pets isn't murder. — i-CONICA 24 hours ago
@apaul Can you consider editing your answer here: interpersonal.meta.stackexchange.com/a/2748
It's needlessly caustic and distinctively not nice
I understand your frustrations but this is a civil Q/A site
Jesus christ can we go one day without being labeled as everything that is wrong (tm) in the world
That question needs closure
> You voted to close this question Apr 4 at 6:53
My hands are tied
It got reopened with minimal edits hours afterwards
Mine too, my vote is there now ;)
As is a custom mod flag...
My modflag about rude meta comments from 5 days ago is still pending too
checked back this morning
Where is this sudden hostility coming from
It feels like we're tearing ourselves apart and fighting a war over social causes. Every other question gets this right now and meta is full of it too
@Magisch precedents... it draws other people that want to do it too
I don't even know where to start flagging this has all become extremely uncomfortable to even read
what Q are we talking about?
Take a detour through the last 7 days of meta and the answers to the question linked by the comment bot above
Q: How can I avoid the awkwardness of a returning player who wears a low-cut shirt?

erbertSometimes I run RPG events for strangers, advertising on meetup.com to get people. At these events, I spend around three hours asking the players what the characters are doing and narrating the results, trying to tell an entertaining and fun story. I did this three weeks ago. Of the four atten...

The one that brought me back from retirement
You can't pin that being open on me :p
ah. i am currently reading them but im still reading the good answers :)
tbh it's feeling like more of a fight against windmills then ever
sticking to technical Q/A sites only looks really tempting right about now
@Magisch Ya gotta do what ya gotta do ;) I for one have decided to just pick up close-voting again...
@Catija If you're awake can you deal with the low cut shirt question flamewar before it escalates into another 3 meta questions?
@Mithrandir Throwback to the teenage years of reading artemis fowl
@Jesse Y'see, those years aren't exactly over for me yet.
@Mithrandir And adults could find plenty of enjoyment from AF too xD
@Magisch problem is too many fronts and not enough people fighting those windmills.
Im kinda impressed I recognised the reference so quickly
@Mithrandir My problem is that civility seems to be all but gone now
This is reddit tier flaming at work on Stack exchange
I am disappoint
If someone else isn't being civil flag it, disengage, and don't react. If the uncivilness doesn't have anything to be uncivil to, it can't be uncivil.
They can and do pollute comment sections of questions and answer and meta
I don't need to engage to be disappointed by that
@Magisch Overall I think the system works. Sometimes just not as fast as I would like though.
I think it's a bit of a warning sign how often we have Shog9 stepping in to resolve things though.
The biggest problems with the comments is the fact that there is too much <CENSORED>
I'm surprised tbh none of the cm's made an appearance in the latest series of meta dramas
If I was only just joining the site I'd turn away in disgust
@Magisch some of it is growing pains, and Shog has been around long enough to have seen it on multiple stacks.
@sphennings that's part of the whole "don't engage" that Mithrandir was speaking of.
Scolding an angry person makes them angrier
Q: Can we try implementing a new version of the Be Nice policy here

IHatePeopleCurrently, I believe, there is a great amount of conflict here. And most of it revolves around our individual interpretation of Be Nice. Specifically these 2 points: Be welcoming, be patient, and assume good intentions. and Don't be a jerk. Is there some way we can slightly alter ...

@RichardU Yeah well... if an angry person is being angry in the chat room... and it crosses the line.. I'm going to scold them ;)
@Tinkeringbell that was in Meta
@sphennings You name-called someone... I'd like to see what the problem was so I can learn to moderate stuff better... :)
@Tinkeringbell (pedantic side note) "Name called" normally means insult, "called out" would be more appropriate.
@sphennings and how does that help matters?
@sphennings Okay, well, that's something I can keep in mind ;) Still, calling out is a bit frowned upon, since it focuses on the person, not the behavior ;) ...
@sphennings so, you want to start a sh*t storm in chat eh?
@RichardU You are right that I could have framed it better.
@D.Hutchinson If you believe that you're being targeted by specific users I would advise you not to call them out in public and to raise a moderator flag.
@D.Hutchinson Please this way: interpersonal.stackexchange.com/contact
I'm going to request that this topic of conversation now be dropped.
Thank you.
14 messages moved to trash
Sorry everyone, lets keep this out of here and as unconfrontational as possible.
But I am going to have another Taylor egg and cheese sandwich
@Magisch You know, you can now move stuff to 'Trash' with a capital T too... that's a room where people can't talk ;)
1 message moved to Trash
Just like this morning: I left the guidance on what to do. But no name-calling in this chatroom
If you're wondering about what to do about a specific behavior, it's fine to ask about that. But focus on the behavior, not on names
no name calling anywhere would be nice....
8 messages moved to Trash
@RichardU Well, I'm going to keep it out of here on my watch ;) I can't guarantee the everywhere else ;-)
To everyone that just got their messages moved: This isn't an action against you specifically. We'd just like to keep chat welcoming and relatively drama free. This level of conflict needs to be resolved by the appropriate authorities and not by public discussion.
@D.Hutchinson Feel free to ping any RO when you encounter rude messages in chat
Or flag them
And now, we're dropping this matter
@Magisch yes, and we'll all ignore the lump under the carpet
@RichardU It's not that there can't be a problem - it is that we're not the ones who can solve it
@RichardU Rules are rules, but sometimes they change. We've just found out calling people out isn't a good thing, so we try now to stop that behavior by enforcing no-one does it. I personally am not fond of going back through the entire transcript removing everything that may have happened, I don't really have the time for that.
@Tinkeringbell I'll take a pass
And go a couple days back
@Magisch I'll pass gas
@Magisch Meh. I don't really think it's worth it. Let bygones be bygones.
Remember, sometimes the person you don't like HAS A POINT
@RichardU I dislike public drama and accusations making our site look like a warzone, not any people in particular
@IPSCommentBot could someone explain the different font here for me? how did the comment get returned with a unique font?
Please don't make me time out the room in order to get this subject dropped
@Mithrandir This. Definitely, definitely, definitely do it via mod flag.
@Jesse monospace
Generally used for code formatting and quoting in comments.
ooh right
@Magisch and all of it could be avoided by allowing people to SAVE FACE
So much drama around here...
IPS seems to have become an internet warzone
@Sid can we rename this "The Royal Shakespeare Company"
@IntrovertedMetaMan. Pretty much unclear what you're asking to me...
and that meta question is being downvoted, along with all the answers, and people wonder why so many are just throwing their hands up in frustration.
@RichardU Might that be because the question is asking 'can we try implementing a new version of be-nice here' while the answers are saying 'this is what should change' or not even that?
Could someone tell me what the recommended method is to specify that you want votes to be used as agree/disagree votes rather than to signify whether its a good/bad meta question?
@Jesse Anything that's tagged get's votes for disagreement. The rest just gets votes for quality
Not everything is always tagged correctly though!
@Tinkeringbell thanks, ill keep it in mind but as an immediate use, the meta question in discussion rn clearly intends to be a feature-request. Whether or not it gets closed
@Jesse Yep, that's one that's phrased like 'I'd like to see this'.. so you can vote on that.
Its a little tough to tag something as a feature-request and then vtc for being a bad feature-request :D bit of a blindside but I think its what we should do in this case
basically the same problem as the current meta, but it was asked the proper way (received well too) and most importantly I think it comes up with a far better solution than any of the edits to "be nice" would do
Hmmm... that's a lot of 6-8 weeks going on there!
@Jesse It's apparently more difficult to implement and the devs are too busy.
@Catija well damn
@Tinkeringbell then don't be surprised when people stop trying to help.
I'm a bit confused by the language there. "And, surprise surprise, off-topic comments on Area51 have all but vanished." doesn't that mean these comments didn't vanish at all?
@RichardU Just saying... as much I like helpful people on meta, I like them answering the actual question better... Because one of the problems I've seen is people using the answers there for their soapboxing i.e.
I appreciate what you're saying there, and it is correct. But it's not an answer to the question, which was about changes to the be nice policy, not about how to interpret it ;)
can we clean up the uncivil comment battleground here: interpersonal.stackexchange.com/questions/12760/…
@Magisch nope. I quit
@RichardU >_>
@Magisch ... am I being uncivil ?
No but the discussion itself is
Answer comments aren't the place to hash out if all of IPS is a misandrist place or not
well, I agree with that. I guess I am not sure what is uncivil except maybe the last comment by the answerer. Once they edit their source in it could all be cleaned up though.
Perhaps I should add another comment about what the comment sections are and are not for.
@sphennings I surely hope someone would add a comment to tell you off for such reckless behaviour :^)
"Uncivil comment battleground" is a rather strong phrase when it's mostly just "no longer needed" type stuff.
@sphennings which is not asking for more information or suggesting improvements. see the irony? :P
I know there's been a lot of tension in here; might want to breathe and try not to make too much more :)
@Cashbee They're allowed though... exactly for that reason. I think I pointed that out on meta today :P
Case referencing more what ithe has become. And that one comment
And it is suggesting an improvement: in the way the comments are used ...
Basically I'd be suggesting that if they feel that they are being unfairly singled out that they can flag their post for moderator attention.
It's always an option to just flag and disengage.
If you think you can make a comment that'll deescalate, great, if it's risky you're not obligated to jump in a possible fire.
I think that things might calm down.
If they continue I'll probably jump in again.
I've already commented on that thread about what comments are and are not for.
Last time I did that it didn't escalate things.
yes the tensions seems to be very high currently. went away for one week and found many ips-regulars to be very moody.

without wanting to rehash what's happened, can somebody link me to the most controversial post from last week?
@Cashbee Just read meta and see what is linked to in the questions posted in the last week.
@Tinkeringbell ahahah
@Tinkeringbell Catija said "@Jesse It's apparently more difficult to implement and the devs are too busy." So I think thats about as 'in the know' as we are likely to get
@Jesse (Yeah, I wrote that comment before I read Catija's reply ;) )
@Jesse Robert could be implying that he's pinging one of the Devs to respond.
@Catija Oohh.. Interpretation! :P Could you back that up? :P
Har har
I hope he does though. I'm a curious type person
Is it a bug in the mobile version of the site that whenever I edit a message for correction, it sends a new one?
@Sid I'm pretty sure I've heard people complain about that before... in chat or a comment?
Chat. Although I haven't tried it in a comment
I don't think there's an issue with comments but I think it's a known issue in chat.
Q: Editing a previous message posts a new one instead

user213963When editing a message in the new mobile chat, a new message is posted instead of replacing the edited one. Steps I followed to reproduce: I posted a message in (new mobile) chat. Then I selected the message and clicked the pencil icon in the menu bar. The previous message was displayed, a...

Ah. So people have faced that issue already. And nothing has been done for 2 years? Sad!
@Sid because its not reproduceable. nobody knows why it sometimes happens and sometimes not
Also, is it also a bug that when I click on a link in a chatroom, the next time I come back to the chatroom, it sort of happens that I can't see the text I am typing? The problem fixes by reloading..
@Cashbee Connection
At least, that's when I see it: if my connection is bad :P
Yeah, usually it seems to happen with poor internet connection
@Sid Are you sure the text isn't white? :P I have that sometimes too (e.g. when editing). It's because of a grammar plugin I have installed in my browser.
@Tinkeringbell maybe. I didn't think much since reloading s page fixes the problem anyway
@Ash Define poor internet connection.
@Sid poor internet connection: when your edits to a chat message are sent as a new message
problem solved
@Sid I installed a dark theme userscript for the chatroom. Fixes it as well :P
Q: How can I give out my telephone number without implying anything?

IceCI have recently purchased a new home and have moved into a neighborhood. I would like to introduce myself to my immediate neighbors and offer them my telephone number in case there is an emergency or if they have a complaint they can contact me without trying to have to see if I am home. The prob...

interpersonal.stackexchange.com/questions/12827/… a perfect illustration of why I take "if you tell people how you feel, they can't argue with it" answers with a helping of salt...
@EmC Well, at least they can't argue with it, on this site
@Tinkeringbell unless it's a frame challenge, right? :P
@EmC Nope..
You can frame challenge the skill.
Not the feeling :P
hmm I think that's one area of policy I don't "get" yet... I have some thoughts about frame challenges but they're half-baked still
we have plenty of meta drama at the moment anyhow, maybe I'll save it for a rainy day :P
How would you even frame challenge a feeling? "I feel x." "No you don't. You actually feel y."
@EmC The meta drama is on meta, not chat :P We can spice up the chat with frame challenges ;)
@sphennings More like 'I feel guilty, so I want to apologize' > You should not feel guilty, the other party was an a.. here.
That's not good.
@sphennings basically. or "You shouldn't feel that way because X."
There is a common miss understanding about what is and isn't a frame challenge... I touched on it here if you want to have a read
@IPSCommentBot ... so... nothing? Then why are we posting in here, babe?
A frame challenge will explain why apologizing is a bad idea ;-)
@Jesse cool, thanks :)
@Catija It flipped on +1. Somehow, it doesn't print that that's the regex it used ;)
So what?
Mulling over the atmosphere on meta in the past couple of days. Maybe we could use a reminder post to assume good faith
@Magisch I try to assume brain function? Does that count?
Almost all of the current infighting seems to be predicated that we stopped assuming good faith first
@Tinkeringbell It means, when considering commenting or moderating on something, assume the other person is genuine and wants help or wants to help
@Magisch If you can write one with good examples, by all means, feel free. I'd love to see meta a more friendly place (starting with the questions ;) )
Seems we've lost that a bit. It's a requirement of "be nice"
(gotta go, food)
@Magisch that is hardly true... there has been plenty of fighting about the quality of answers, rudeness of comments and just plain old arguing about opposing values. To say all the trouble started from people not assuming good faith is far too much of a blanket statement
Have we ever had a case where someone asked a question about someone, and the person in question (or someone claiming to be them) responded?
I think that it's a bit reductive to assume that all the problems on this site are because people aren't assuming the good faith of other members.
@gparyani I hope not.
For example, someone asked a question about interacting with their SO, and the SO answers.
@gparyani yes
@Jesse Link?
although the example I had in mind was about other SO users
It happens on meta all the time. But it's normally someone complaining about the rules being applied to them.
In this chat it's easy to confuse "significant other" from "Stack Overflow" ("SO")
ahhahh yes i meant Stack Overflow
@gparyani do you still want a link? id have to search for it and a question calling out another user is generally a good indicator that you won't get too much objective analysis happening
I imagine most got deleted/closed
@Jesse Your reply was to my first message; is the question in question on IPS?
@Tinkeringbell @Catija this is what happens when I don't specify a reason, apparently
@gparyani Less common but yes, it still happens occasionally
@Jesse So (for example) someone asked about their boyfriend, and the boyfriend actually responded?
@gparyani More like someone had an online conversation with another user on the site and then asked a public question about it
@Jesse Don't think that's what I'm referring to
I did immediately add the comment "although the example I had in mind was about other SO users
Its common on the site to use fake names just incase something like that happens... although the odds are very low so I hardly think its necessary
@Jesse From my perception it's a lot of "You did this because {assumption of bad intention}" and "Your answer/question means you are {bad morality}"
I think these are common causes in the latest dramas
@Magisch Perhaps "Trash" isn't the nicest name for that room?
I think this might be one of those things you don't really have to debate. Nothing's ever simple, there's probably not just one single cause. But trying more to convey good intent, to find common ground, to listen to others... these are all good things regardless.
@Magisch "common" I can leave be, but your first message said "almost all" and under no circumstances will I allow for a moderate exaggeration such as this to slip past chat un-challenged! :-P
@Magisch I think a lot of the problem is that people hear "Don't do x" and think "I do x. They must be talking about me."
One of the things that always struck me as particularly useful about stack exchange was that I could always assume the opposing side in any argument wasn't out to just one-over me or make me look bad
That they'd want to reach a conclusion and want to work with me on that
It's a little harder on this site since the definition of what is and isn't nice is politicized.
I would also keep in mind that there are underlying reasons here; it's not as simple as people deciding whether or not to assume good intent. It may sometimes be necessary to look deeper, or to at least acknowledge those difficulties.
@gparyani Why?
So answers in good faith can be read as making a political statement., when that isn't the intention of the post.
@Mithrandir Read the message I'm replying to
Unfortunately it's impossible to make truly apolitical statements.
What would you prefer it be called? That's one of the trash rooms used by ROs across the chat server.
@gparyani Don't take it personally, if the title of trash is rude/upsetting then you are reading it wrong. The only thing it implies is that the messages were removed from the main chat.
I always find it amusing when I'm invited to Trash.
SOCVR is considering changing one of their rooms' names from "Sanitarium"
It's a funny quirk of this site and the English language.
@sphennings GET IN THE TRASH
in hindsight... "you are reading it wrong" might just be the sort of comments we are talking about discouraging :D it might be time for me to do some serious self reflection
@Mithrandir Now I know what you really think of me. :p
@sphennings This is why I like the mod trash. No invitations.
In some cases "[The] Archive]" would maybe be friendlier, but of course, sometimes trash is used for things that really should be gone, with no implication that someone should ever read them again (and ROs can't bulk delete).
Getting a ping letting me know that a RO is deleting a conversation, is good feedback that a particular conversation is out of line.
then maybe changing the name would actually be a solid meta proposal...
@Jesse a ROFL can always just create a new room to move it to with whatever name they wanton.
I would say that, broadly, it's always going to be hard for the name of the room to precisely convey the flavor of the RO/mod action. So it may be one of those things that's easier to solve with disclaimers than renaming/making new rooms.
Technically, it's not "our" trash - any room can use it. The benefit of having it called "Trash" is that it's easy to find.
@Catija Ah, missed that.
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