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@apaul Did not know that.
Neither a poet, nor poetic fan.
Though on occasion I have been know to take poetic license. :D
@apaul I'd like to give you the rare apology: I may have blindly defended harper and complained about your snarky Meta response, unreasonably.
after talking to shog and cascabel and reflected a bit, I think I may have been wrong there ...
sorry, dude ...
@GypsySpellweaver Come on, Rod Stewart? You're old enough to remember that.
I recognize the name as a singer. Not in my collection, however.
@D.Hutchinson Ya...
Wrong genre
are we talking about poets?
@AJ Poetically speaking, aye.
which poet?
Gonna apologize for that whole "not safe for straight men" thing?
Oh. I have read a lot of poems during school, which were written by some popular poets.
@apaul yeah, sorry about that -- I realize, from a chat with Cascabel, that trying to fight to balance the IPS site with angry men isn't a good idea ...
But I haven't read one in a long time.
@D.Hutchinson Little late, but that's... something.
There is no cure for testosterone poisoning.
Yeah ...
@GypsySpellweaver what? who has this?
Seemingly way too many people, young and old, IRL and online.
I think, though I am not an MD, that their muscles go to their heads, and the gray matter loses oxygen and fails to function properly.
Reminds me of something me and my friends used to say "just cause you have one, doesn't mean you have to be one..."
So, anyway, about those frame challenges? Good things, necessary for the site.
Well, as per a much prior discussion, I'm going to step out and burn money, pollute the air, contaminate my lungs and satisfy my cravings. back in 5.
@sphennings I owe you an apology, too - regarding your Meta answer to Harper. Sorry about that.
@GypsySpellweaver Can't smoke in the house? Poor thing. lights cigarette
I'm gonna wash my face - back in 5, too.
Some days, just for a moment, I miss smoking, like the act and kinda small ritual of it
@Ash The act and ritual of it can be replaced with controlled breathing. Especially helpful in stressful situations.
Yeah, but some of it you can't replicate, like some of the sensory input of taste/touch/smell etc
But I don't miss it very often
@apaul I can but choose not to. My housemate has enough medical issues without my input
@GypsySpellweaver That's admirable.
There's more fun to be had on meta.
My doctor keeps reminding me that she's supposed to tell me to quit. She also says she cannot find any medical evidence in my case to prove it. All she can medically tell me to do is lose weight and eat more red meat to raise my cholesterol.
Most of the best things in life kill you eventually.
Well, iirc oxygen is a corrosive poison.
Though I don't fancy living without it.
Seems like a reasonable argument.
Ughhh... What's wrong with people?
@apaul That's your comment? Your value to an answer was acknowledging the misuse of "love" instead of "sexual interest" for the easiness of it and being used to it? Most people on this planet would use this term. On top of that, a down-vote (most likely)? Oh, darn, guess I met my first "reputation overlord". Sure, your comment is quirky, smart and would get the ladies down, but comments from high-reputation users influence other users into changing their opinions. I'd say next time use all that reputation for more constructive stuff. You're capable of it, as per your history. — Jonathan Guerin 7 mins ago
My guess is that the new user is an old user with a new account.
Speaks fluent SEese, yet has a rep of 1?
That's the tip on the ice burg there.
Aaaand I've repcapped, without doing any work, before 6AM
@ArtOfCode HNQ?
I have repcapped exactly once, and on a day when I earned zero rep from any posts
@apaul Yeah, my answer from yesterday
@ArtOfCode Nice.
Two repcaps off one post ain't bad
The headphones one, right?
@ArtOfCode There's a script on Data Explorer that will tell you what your rep would be without the cap, don't ever use it.
@apaul yeah, that one
@apaul oooh a new shiny to play with
An old shiny, but you were warned lol
Heh. Data hasn't updated yet, so it still thinks I'd have 326
@GypsySpellweaver editing? Thought those were rate limited?
I'll run it again next week :)
There is a limit on them. 5 pending at one time. Add in that most users can only review edits at 20/day, and you get a bottleneck that usually "stops" massive editing.
When it's a team effort, however, the coordination can be accomplished.
Huh. That's a first.
I think my uncapped rep for the day would have been close to 400
What's the new (old) toy, and how far into the past can it see.
Retag and HTTPS conversion in the same weekend
From the beginning of your participation, I think?
I would do a bunch of edits, and if I got stuck waiting, I went into the chat and posted something like this:
or that
Someone with the reviews left would clear the queue, and the work would continue.
Q: How to respond to co-worker who suggest you may be gay?

DamienIn group conversations, certain co-workers would make offensive remarks to suggest I may gay. I am a male gay and am not out of the closet. Examples of such remarks: "Would you prefer an introduction to a male lover instead?", "I'm sure you will be comfortable at the new location. There are plent...

@ExtrovertedMainMan Ask them if they are looking for a date.
Q: Is it accepted to suggest someone a "last resort method", when it comes to love matters?

Jonathan Guerin I have a question about my Interpersonal Skills Stack Exchange post: How to ask cashier out for date See my answer. As per OP's question, he looks like he's not going back. We've all been there. Our friends say no, but love takes away all rational thought. While, yes, in a perfect world we...

As someone who worked in the past in coffee shops because I was in a shitty office/because the weather was fine/or just because I could/because the Internet is better, ...but still had deadlines to meet.... I can tell this is not the brightest recommendation. Better leave a note or if talking be very short. — Rui F Ribeiro 1 min ago
#11126 Rui F Ribeiro (543 rep) | A: How to talk to a girl who's sitting next to me but wearing headphones? (score: 2) | posted 5 hours ago by user13463 (21 rep)
Matched regex(es) ["offensive"]
top o' the mornin to ya
Morning @Cashbee
I've been waitin fer ya.
O ye?
About the concept
what about it? and how can I help? :P
I can help.
It does, sort of, work in comments and Q/A
aah! thank you kind sir
in comments it makes a link instead of the image, but it's the same
(or ma'am)
Also, if it is a valid tag on the main site (even if used in meta) it will link to the list of questions with that tag.
so is a real, and useful link
If you want to make a useful link to a tag on the meta site it has to be [​meta-tag:discussion​]
@GypsySpellweaver that is when using it in comments I guess? since here it clearly does not work :)
And, like I said, in comments, it works the same, only it makes a regular HTML looking text link without the image around it.
That would have worked if I hadn't doctored it to show it
ah.. sneaky :P
Zero width space :)
I have a question about using genderneutral pronouns here. I want to refer to the OP of a question, whose username is "Alex Keyes". Is it okay to say "he" or should I use they?
@Cashbee I personally always use they unless specified otherwise ;)
So, I'd call @J.Doe a he since I remember them stating it in their question ;)
I don't like the singular they
it feels awkward to use
@Tinkeringbell ok thanks. So even if the username wasnt gender-ambiguous i.e. "Marco ManlyMan" you would use 'they' unless they specifically mentioned their gender somewhere?
@Magisch yeah I feel ya, the idea is a bit strange for german speakers. The fact that I have never seen the usage of singular they outside of IPS.SE doesn't help either
@Cashbee Yep..
@Cashbee If you're not comfortable with it, I'd go with generic he
People will correct you if you make the wrong assumption so don't overthink it
It's an odd concept for german speakers
there is no such thing as gender neutral in german
@Magisch Dutch doesn't have an equivalent either, but I picked it up pretty easily
even nouns have genders here
door is female, for instance
@Magisch Yes exactly
@Tinkeringbell huh? someone called me? Sry I just arrived at work ^^
@J.Doe We were talking pronouns ;) I told em it is safe to call you he ;)
hello @he
@Magisch Yeah, Dutch has that too, but you'll need the dictionary to find out ;)
@Tinkeringbell oh alright then @Cashbee hello too ;)
Where German has der and die, Dutch just uses de
French has le and la
Dutch uses het for some things, like het kind (the child). That is neutral
well actually german has another genus 'das', which is called neutral, but it has nothing to do with gender neutralism
@Cashbee Yeah, that's the Dutch het
I am often doing holidays in the netherlands, for a german guy the dutch language sounds quite funny
@J.Doe Same here, for Dutch people German is just as funny ;)
from duolingo: We use de for singular masculine or feminine nouns and het with singular neuter nouns. We tend to refer to these nouns as either de words or het words. For plural nouns, we always use de.
that's more interesting that I would want to admint
What does it say on German die der das?
German regularly uses generisches Maskulinum for gender-neutral expressions; however, some wannabe political-correct people don't want to understand this grammar rule anymore.
i think swiss german is nearer to dutch than german is to dutch. I have no problem understanding most of dutch even though I don't know it that much :)
@Loong I know, it's called 'generic he' in English I believe, and I don't have a problem with it, but yeah...
@Loong I guess it is important to know the origin of said rule
@Cashbee the dialects spoke close to the border here are very similar to dialects across the border I've been told ;)
French has something similar with collections. If you're talking about a group of things or people, the group is masculine when there is at least one masculine member
So only when all are feminine, the group is as well
You might say: "Those are the rules of the language, deal with it"
But it's also interesting to wonder how those rules came to be
@Tinkeringbell I just realized you have masculine and feminine nouns but only the pronoun 'de' to use with both of them. Are there other grammatical differences between masculine and feminine nouns or does it actually never make any difference what genus the noun has?
@Cashbee possessive pronouns do differentiate
so with a boat you are talking about her anchor, not his anchor
or its anchor
but that's about it
@Tinkeringbell "die" is the feminine pronoun for singular. "der" is the singular pronoun for masculine, "das" is singular pronoun for neutrum. "die" is also for plural.
I don't think it's really taught in schools anymore as much as the distinction between de and het
yeah, but with nouns that are not persons, you wouldn't use 'her' or 'his', but only 'it'. Or is that in english only?
so it's mostly gendered vs neutral
@Cashbee formally you should, in real life, rarely
but it's the only example I can think of where it actually makes a difference
@Cashbee In german, every noun has a gender. Few of them are no-gender (neutrum). You would refer to the door as female, the doorknob as male
for instance
@JAD something like the ship exception in english where you use 'she'?
except that it's not really an exception
how so?
There are plenty of feminine words, but it matters so little gramatically, that ship is the only example I can list
are there many like that?
But there are some other weird things going on.
for instance if you said "Das Tür" then you'd be grammatically wrong
for example, every diminutive word is neutral
Interestingly, the door is female "Die Tür", the doorknob is male "Der Türknauf" and the door lock is neutral "Das Türschloss"
whatever the gender is before, diminutive you use het
what's the diminutive in english?
ah youre speaking of dutch :) yeah the same applies to german and swiss german
like -chen in dutch
I think
it's -lein in german, -li in swiss german. Its always gender neutral.
rules of a language can't be generated or changed by fiat though ... it needs to happen naturally or nobody will abide it
brot versus brötchen
(pardon my terrible german btw)
right, -chen is also used
@JAD no it was correct :)
that's what I meant with diminutive
yes i know what a diminutive is :)
german has many weird idiosyncracies like that
you could also say Brötlein
in dutch it's the -je suffix. It's always used with het.
Here the locals speak a genderless language. It's funny because they often confuse he and she when talking in English.
but Brötchen is more usual i think
even if the diminutive word is used more
even the diminiuitive of girl becomes gender neutral when said that way
for example meisje (Mädchen)
yeah exactly
mmmmh gestampte muisjes
im hungry now
Hmm, my german is pretty rusty
Only had it two years in highschool
Last time I was in germany (last year) it was pretty awkward.
We were in a hotel in Bayern, when some people campaigning for CSU entered. One started a conversation with my mother about immigration and stuff. I followed it enough to know what was being said, but couldn't really chime in :/
Q: I'm afraid to ask for something

DubAlright i'm not sure is this the right place to ask but still, i'm 16 years old man/boy (mediocre in school though..)and i need some help. Almost month ago my desktop pc's PSU popped and smelled like burned plastic, it's about 4 years old prebuilt crap, probably from Fujitsu if i remember right. ...

| interpersonal.stackexchange.com/questions/11069/… and everything underneath it, they're discussing site policy on main
always nice to see, 101 rep users on collision course
why is there a 5 second restriction on comment flags? It's annoying :)
is it to prevent bots from voting?
@Cashbee Maybe?
I think it's to encourage people like me to flag a comment thread of more than 2 comments with a special mod flag, so that they don't see 1000000000 flags each day :P
but muh gold badge
speaking of which, if all my pending flags are accepted, I'll reach 500
I would be interested to see something like flags/day
@JAD You can, sort of, on your profile page
Or was that votes?
That was votes XD
well you could find it, but effort. And also not nicely as a graph
@Tinkeringbell gone
@JAD I already got it.
Hmm, I'll likely be the fifth
Damn, bradley got it as early as last september :o
@JAD Yeah well, comment problem anyone?
Hello @Fermiparadox :)
@Tinkeringbell Hi there :)
humans are so interesting, wouldn't you agree @Tinkeringbell?
@Fermiparadox Your name reminds me of a good book series
First book in it is "The three body problem"
@Fermiparadox Most of the time ;) (sorry, managers and meetings, brb)
@Magisch looks interesting, though i dont read books. I do remember watching scifi movies when i was a kid though, hoping to get as much "science" out of it as possible :P (since my education-resources were limited) Did you by any chance read it when you were young too?
@Tinkeringbell they are often like puppies, ready to steal your sandwich when you aren't looking :D humans that is
@Fermiparadox I read it a couple weeks ago, but I'm 23 so technically thats a yes
@Fermiparadox Meh, if they all were, they wouldn't be interesting
@Tinkeringbell I had a good chat with you about frame challenges a while ago. Mind reading over my answer and telling me what you think
@JesseBarnett That looks rather long, I'll take a look during lunch (in about 50 minutes) ;)
cool beans
Maybe you should start another question here like: How can I confess to my friends that I didn't always tell them the truth - but check first if someone else asked already ;) — Edgar 1 min ago
#11138 Edgar (613 rep) | Q: How do I ask my Dad to finance my computer? (score: 1) | posted 1 hours ago by Dub (11 rep) | edited 1 hours ago by Dub (11 rep)
Matched regex(es) ["you\\W(really)?(need\\Wto|should)"]
@Tinkeringbell yeah. They are nearly always oblivious to their rationalizations and they are extremely predictable! Which indeed makes them sometimes boring. Though sometimes its fun to play with them.. we are both social animals after all :P (i mean us humans and them puppies) Anyway.. was nice chatting with you. bb
@IPSCommentBot I don't get it, OP never lied to his friends.. ? (for all we know)
@Cashbee I think it's supposed to target the 'I have told many of my friends I would build new PC' part...
yes, but op is gonna build a PC, at least he is planning to
anyway, bon appetit
So, the comment isn't requesting clarification or suggesting an improvement ;)
@JesseBarnett Looks good to me :)
Especially the differentiation between 'don't' and 'frame-challenge'
Hello everybody
@LinuxBlanket Hi :)
I'm struggling with an interpersonal problem that borders with an intrapersonal one
And hello @EnglishStudent too ;) I've seen you lurking here regularly lately, why don't you join us? :)
@LinuxBlanket Oh, that sounds fun... lemme solve it :P What's it?
@Tinkeringbell hi! I hope you enjoyed you quokkas and chocolate bar :)
oh wow, if you really solve it you're going to get tons of marsupials
:P Were you thinking of asking about it on main?
my problem is how to help my girlfriend when she's stressed out
maybe... but I'm not sure about how to ask it
and I think that the solution may be intrapersonal rather than interpersonal
so here we are :D
Hmm... intrapersonal for your girlfriend? or for you?
uhm, I'd say both, but I can only intervene on me, of course
the problem is that I come from a very conflict-averse family -- too much conflict-averse
Hahaha :) So, take a look at this site for example mind.org.uk/information-support/tips-for-everyday-living/stress/…... Could you pick one point you feel you are lacking in, and that you would like to improve?
while she comes from a very conflict-prone family
so whenever she stresses out, she becomes rather aggressive
@LinuxBlanket Ah, the famous I'm-stressed-so-I'm-in-bad-mood-so-be-very-very-careful
and I'm not able to help her because I completely shut
So, would you like to have her realize she's being rather aggressive?
no, we already have that talk
@LinuxBlanket is that because of not knowing what you can do/should do or do you already know?
in fact, the realization that our ways of handling conflict stems from our families came while talking it through together
she's working on it
but on the other hand, I have to find a way not to be paralyzed by her ways
Which is good :) Did she give you any feedback on what you can work on?
she said that it's better for me to speak and be wrong than to shut up completely
@LinuxBlanket Yeah, that is hard, and sort-a intrapersonal...
but I still don't know much how to handle it
yea right? It's more about me than about our relationship
I mean, the effects of the solution are on our relationship, but the solution itself is intrapersonal
@LinuxBlanket If the 'speaking up' part relates to 'not knowing what to say' that's an interpersonal thing you might get help with... Back to that site I linked, there's some info on what you can say in such situations and how to say it....
yes, thanks for the link :)
the last paragraph really applies
because when she's stressed and acts in her aggressive way, I become stressed as well
and I become even more unable to help her, because my stress comes in the way
@LinuxBlanket Like I said, if you want to make a good IPS question, you ask about executing 1 of the points ;) But looking after yourself might be better for one of the lifestyle SE's :P
(go and buy lunch, brb)
thanks for listening btw
@LinuxBlanket Enjoy the lunch, use it to relax ;)
@LinuxBlanket uhuh (nods)
looks interested
(sorry, working on the non-verbal listening skills XD :P )
@Tinkeringbell I like the web because these aren't present there
@Magisch Yeah, you can pretend you're listening while you're working! :P
And I don't have to concentrate on giving nonverbal cues
which I'm terrible at and always have to practise first
Mine aren't perfect either ;) I was still thinking about a question on either getting feedback/improving my 'do not disturb' body language, but after all that's recently happened I'll put that in the fridge for a good long while.
@Mithrandir still stretched? If not, does the comment bot already pick up +1/-1 comments?
Hello @Tinkeringbell! Thanks for the invite. My lurking on chat is mainly forgetting to log out when I go offline. Did I tell you that our internet connection is still unreliable so I am online and offline by turns on a regular basis.
@Tinkeringbell like silly putty, and no
@EnglishStudent Hahaha okay, just see you popping in/out a lot and never seen you talk ;)
@Mithrandir Might be a nice 'feature' to add then, will take a look at it later, to see if/how many false positives there will be
I like to read the chat like a movie script when the connection is pretty good @Tinkeringbell. OMG this is one lively place for sure.
By the end of the week I'll be less stretched
In other news, my regular news site just opened a liveblog because 'it's cold'. I think it's time to look for a more serious news venue
@EnglishStudent Ah, I try to keep it alive :P
we had -15°C tonight
not very nice
And tomorrow it's going to be +13°C
@Magisch Huh??
not possible :P
Great work and I really appreciate your fair-mindedness @Tinkeringbell.
@Magisch We're going to have freezing until the weekend. 8 degrees on Monday
thats what the weather forecast claims. It's like {high/low}:

Monday: -3C/-9C
Tuesday: -6C/-11C
Wednesday: -6C/-15C
Thursday: 13C/0C
Friday: 12C/2C
Saturday: 12C/4C
I just noticed I switched notations midway through
Dag Datum Temp Neerslag Wind
Wo 28-02 -7° / -3° 3.6 mm O5

Do 01-03 -8° / -2° 0 mm O6

Vr 02-03 -7° / 0° 0 mm O6

Za 03-03 -3° / 5° 0.7 mm W4

Zo 04-03 -2° / 6° 0 mm W3

Ma 05-03 0° / 6° 5.6 mm NO4

Di 06-03 0° / 6° 0 mm N3

Wo 07-03 1° / 7° 1.1 mm O5

Do 08-03 0° / 6° 1.4 mm W3

Vr 09-03 -1° / 6° 1.9 mm W2

Za 10-03 0° / 6° 0 mm NW2

Zo 11-03 -1° / 6° 0 mm N2

Ma 12-03 -1° / 5° 0 mm N2

Di 13-03 -1° / 5° 0 mm N2
@Magisch Looks like high/low to me ;)
I edited it
@Magisch Ah, I didn't notice ;)
@Tinkeringbell heh, still concentrating on your listening behavior? :)
Yeah, I have a big try-out tomorrow :P
Long meeting, so let's see how impressed people will be :)
reminds me, long meeting for me in half an hour
@Mithrandir Your avatar kinda seems like that it's looking at the messages list. ;)
looking at the avatars, it seems @Magisch and @Mithrandir are laughing about an inside joke :)
I've had this avatar for over 10 years now :D
wow your avatar looks young for 10 years. what retouche do you use? :P
Reminds me, I need a new one once the cold week is over!
@Cashbee lol
@Cashbee hahaha
@Tinkeringbell I am not finding any image showing my name in blue (or similar) color. Maybe I need to create one myself.
@Cashbee It's a early low def version of the awesome smiley with a headset from TF2 shopped onto it
badly, I might add
Thanks @Tinkeringbell
hey @Tinkeringbell regarding your answer to asking out the lady cashier, I think I was off the mark there, in trying to push for an IPS site that allows for more balance with angry men -- sorry about that ...
(a chat with shog and cascabel and some reflection afterwards made me realize that ...)
@Magisch I have -12°/-4° for today. The last 3 days were colder though xD. And I'm not even in the mountains :)
@Cashbee I just read that the North Pole is apparently warmer than the Netherlands right now
yeah, they have about 0° I read that too
or even warmer
If I look at the graph, daily temperatures do end up above 0 degrees each day :)
that is so disturbing
@Cashbee Yeah, I hope humanity will somehow be able to solve it before it get's too bad
Was an item on the news last week, someone living on Svalbard mentioned that it was the 82nd month in a row where temps were higher than average.
@Tinkeringbell In the end, it'll solve itself
we won't go extinct in another quick warming / ice age cycle, but we'll be decimated for sure
@JAD pfft, maths. 82/12 = 6 years and 10 months I believe?
It's the immune system of the planet that will eventually deal with the virus that it was infested with: humanity
far less poetic then that
earth is a very nice place for us
we're accelerating the rate at which it'll stop being so nice for a while
definition of invasive species anyone?
@JAD do you want a definition, or are you about to provide one?
@JAD oooh that comic is from the author of Scandinavia and the World, right?
oh no, please, nobody stop global warming... we're about to have elections over here and I lie my only hope in it
@LinuxBlanket Did you know you can edit your messages by clicking the small arrow next to your message?
(On the left)
ooooh, neat! B)
@LinuxBlanket Seems you found the delete link too :P
@Cashbee It was meant as rhetorical. We follow that definition pretty well
If I were your dad, I would tell you are old enough to pay it yourself working in a part time job, maybe a coffee shop. I would double any money you earned for the computer. In the meantime a raspberry pi can well fit your needs for learning. Forget games. — Rui F Ribeiro 1 min ago
#11138 Rui F Ribeiro (543 rep) | Q: How do I ask my Dad to finance my computer? (score: 3) | posted 4 hours ago by Dub (21 rep) | edited 41 minutes ago by Community (1 rep)
Matched regex(es) ["if\\Wi\\Wwh?ere\\W(in\\Wyou('re|r)|you|u)"]
so, about my issue, I'm going to try to write a proper question
it will be my first one, uhuhu
but I think that the core of the problem is that when somebody is aggressive to me I'm like one of those goats that paralyze and fall on one side when scared
and "how can I stop being the genetically impaired goat" is not about IPS...
@LinuxBlanket don't ask how to improve your goatiness. Ask how to communicate your problems (your = yours and those of your gf) so you can work together to improve it. You can and should probably mention your relation with goats (haha), but don't make it as the core of the Q
IMHO Interpersonal Stack Exchange is a horrible place to ask this question. What your talking about is called "cold approach" and, in my experience, people hate it in principal (a lot, hence the downvotes), but respond positively in practice. Go get your answers from a community that has decided "cold approach" is okay, try it out a bit, then you can make your own informed moral judgement. — Nathan Cooper 36 secs ago
#11069 Nathan Cooper (101 rep) | Q: How to talk to a girl who's sitting next to me but wearing headphones? (score: 40) | posted 33 hours ago by D.Hutchinson (1287 rep) | edited 22 hours ago by OldPadawan (8038 rep)
Matched regex(es) ["possible-aic"]
@Cashbee I like the word "goatiness" a lot. The way I'm going to formulate the question is more or less "how can I stand by my girlfriend when she stresses out and acts aggressively, being the scaredy goat I am?"
@LinuxBlanket that still sounds too intrapersonal to me :(
other opinions?
@LinuxBlanket How to properly response to my girlfriend when she is stressed? I prefer to stand by with my girlfriend however I'm unsure on how to do this.
@Peter you got the point
@LinuxBlanket I only shifted the question a bit more on the intereaction instead of what you can do to improve yourself :)
@Peter +1
@Peter That might work :)
Make sure it doesn't get too broad though, if it requires a book to answer :/
yea, however books are also nice once in a while!

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