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02:00 - 20:0020:00 - 00:00

... echo...
hello hello hello
Is there anybody in there?
Just nod if you can hear me
Is there anyone at home?
Not quite comfortably numb, what's up?
Q: When should I tell others that I'm divorced/separated?

John DoeWhile at the moment I am technically still married, I have been separated from my ex for eight months or so, with divorce pending. In certain situations, I find myself unsure of when/if to tell others about this change in my life, and asking myself, When should I tell others that I'm divorced/se...

@ExtrovertedMainMan someone beat me in answering :/
Request for undelete, now that the member has edited her answer to specify the reasons for recommending the particular solution: interpersonal.stackexchange.com/a/10633/381
Thanks @AJ!
3 hours later…
Q: Dealing with a difference of opinion at work

Alex AgapovI'm new to work. Recently, I've been doing this Thing that I had to do, and on one of our daily team meetings we had a discussion about how to do that Thing in a better way. I think I was accepting of the critique, so I worked on improving my result and presenting the Thing again, which was, in t...

15 messages moved to trash
Q: How to politely notify in an online conversation that I am a woman?

TraboolI am a woman and I sometimes post things online, on Stack Exchange for instance. Usually my posts are very neutral and do not provide any hint on my gender. It seems that most people assume that I am a man, since they refer to me by writing "he". I guess it indicates that something is wrong with...

@ExtrovertedMainMan oh, one I can answer
@Mithrandir Yeah, me too... races :P
Do you have examples of what you would be responding to? It's difficult to construct responses if we don't know what you're replying to. Also, have you thought about uploading an avatar and/or filling out your profile? That might be one way to do it. I am not sure if that's the way you'd prefer though. — Stephan Branczyk 2 mins ago
#10756 Stephan Branczyk (1958 rep) | Q: How to politely notify in an online conversation that I am a woman? (score: 1) | posted 21 minutes ago by Trabool (6 rep) | edited 4 minutes ago by Trabool (6 rep)
Matched regex(es) ["possible-aic"]
hopefully I meet my own standards
Well, I had to do a stand-up in between, but my answer is up as well: interpersonal.stackexchange.com/a/10762/1599
@Tinkeringbell Stand up?
@Mithrandir Yeah, daily scrum? Programmer thing. You meet up at the scrumboard and stand up to tell each other how your work is going :)
googles "scrum"
method of working :)
agile? know that? :P
I've been told I'm agile, but I doubt that's what you mean
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad keyword with email in answer: How do I discuss a previous relationship with my girlfriend? by Marculey Teresa on interpersonal.SE (@Tinkeringbell)
Oh look, a speck of green! :P
Hah... ;) Well, it basically means that instead of first designing the entire system on paper and only then start developing and implementing it, you start coding right away and deliver added functionalities on the go.

E.g. you could make a website, at first you just get a homepage up and running, then you'll add a catalog, then the necessary stuff so you can actually buy stuff from that catalog..
I have a random? downvote? Is there something wrong with my answer??
It wasn't me for once :P
I was so proud of it, it even has sources! interpersonal.stackexchange.com/a/10762/1599
@Tinkeringbell I'm guessing that it doesn't work for comments.
Also, the idea of switching it to "they" instead is... meh, IMO.
(But I didn't downvote)
@Mithrandir I'll see what I can do about that ;)
Wow, IPS currently has 6 questions in HNQ.
Yeah, duh... the gender one got 5 answers in 10 minutes or something :P
That one isn't even on the HNQ.
That's... surprising ;)
I hope it gets there, and that my answer recovers a little though :)
On the other hand I hope it doesn't, so that there won't be a heap of nastiness.
If it does go HNQ it'll probably push me closer to being able to VTD :P
@Mithrandir Good :)
But don't abuse your powers :P
good afternoon!
Good afternoon
been busy. what's up?
@AJ Lunch, and I just bought a kitchen scale
We're about to order cold coffee and burger, but that stupid vendor got nobody to deliver our order.
@AJ Doesn't sound good... :/
na, just naa
@AJ I'm not so sure what is rude anymore... So I'm going with a downvote
@Mithrandir lol ok
Q: What is this stacks stance on answers that involve lying?

CashbeeI have just read the question How do I get someone to call me by the name I prefer?, where one answer involves explicit lying. I personally think that lying should be avoided if possible. This makes me wonder what this stacks general stance is on answers that involve lying. Because for me, a goo...

@AJ can you take a look at this as well? It has two downvotes now and I'm wondering what I'm doing wrong :( interpersonal.stackexchange.com/questions/10756/…
> Because for me, a good answer to an interpersonal-skills question should avoid lying.
Good != acceptable
If you don't like the suggestion of lying, downvote.
Okay, now that question is HNQ
@Tinkeringbell I think one reason might be that this answer is quite specific to SE, where editing is an option. The question reads more general than that
@Tinkeringbell You're telling them to edit the posts which is, IMO, wrong. You should talk about more general case here.
And the last paragraph appears too feminism and less related to IPS.
But it's just my guess.
Fun fact: I have an explosive reaction to awkward silence
because it just happens my disgust is built on silence itself, for it is the loudest thing possible
Having said that, I enjoy tranquil silence, those that is felt when connected to the close ones...
@JAD I thought it was pretty clear, first part goes on to the SE example OP mentions, second was for the internet in general (comments) and the third part was a warning that they might be overthinking it... ah well
@AJ Realizing you're overthinking stuff or having a biased viewpoint is important.
But I've deleted it, so no need to worry about it anymore.
@Tinkeringbell Huh?
@AJ It does influence your interpersonal skills, so it's worth pointing it out
That's what that third paragraph was about, not feminism. I despise feminism
I absolutely don't want to be associated with that crap, so I've deleted it.
Time to get back to work and TS.
BTW, in regard to the comments about the feminine username - this may be of interest
@Mithrandir The answer also gives some advice on how to handle it when it's already happening. I upvoted it.
@Tinkeringbell I didn't mean to hurt ya.
@AJ Don't worry, you didn't. Just wanted to make that very clear, and take distance from any suggestion there was in the answer that suggested me being feminist.
Well, how are you defining "feminist" here?
I'm very tempted to just vandalize the answer, so there will be no other people getting that impression :/
@Tinkeringbell Please don't.
@Mithrandir I said tempted, not going to
@Mithrandir Someone seeing it as their duty to advocate women's rights on the ground of the equality of the sexes.
@Mithrandir Explains why and how it's an alternative?
The question is asking for "Best" which is POB.
@Tinkeringbell Why do you think that this is a bad thing?
@sphennings Because it allows people to decide what is good for me without my input.
I miss speaking Spanish. I forgot most of it now. :/
And people actually find that acceptable and applaud it
That's an interesting interpretation. Can you give me an example of when feminism is deciding what is good for you without your input?
@sphennings The whole 'more women should be in ICT stuff' and the fact that I was automatically sorted into a 'women of company' club when joining
The fact that said club advocates themselves as 'promoting a better work-life balance for women' as if men don't need that?
And that I need to be discontent with my current work-life balance
That sounds frustrating being singled out and tokenized like that. To me that seems like a poor attempt at implementing feminist theory rather than a problem with the philosophy of feminism.
I just don't want to be associated with such stuff, no matter how well-intended it may be.
That seems excessive to me. The same way you don't want to be lumped in with all the women at work perhaps it's perhaps a bad idea to lump all feminism together as well. Thanks for clarifying your position to me. :)
The same way I don't want to be associated with all women at work, I don't want to be associated with feminism either. Just don't put me in spaces where I don't belong.

Now, if I said I don't want to be associated with certain pronouns it would be perfectly acceptable, but apparently dissociating with ideologies is wrong... :/
I'm sorry if I'm coming off as judging you. I was asking out of a genuine sense of curiosity. For me understanding something has a lot to do with knowing what arguments can be made against an idea and how the idea stands up to those arguments.
@sphennings Yeah, rule nr. 1 of being persuasive: know your enemies arguments. I shouldn't have explained it.
@Tinkeringbell I'm not trying to change your mind. I'm trying to understand positions other than my own. We've established that we can disagree and be civil so I felt this was a good chance to ask.
@sphennings True, half of that remark was sarcasm, the other half was a note-to-self to be careful about that in the future
How long do you need them for @Mithrandir?
@sphennings eternity...
Does anyone know a good thing that needs a bounty? I crossed a 1k rep boundary again...
But I haven't seen stellar stuff lately.. :(
@Tinkeringbell pretends.to be insulted
@apaul You should share rep instead of hoarding it.
But lemme rephrase it: "Ideally, I would be looking for a newer user (under 5k rep) that wrote a very good answer, or a very good question that received too little attention"
(and a 'very good question' excludes all variants on 'how do I say X')
doesn't meet the <5k rep requirement, but interpersonal.stackexchange.com/a/7969/31
@Mithrandir Puts it on the list. If anyone else has a suggestion, lemme know.
A very, very good frame-challenge or answer with sources would be awesome :P
Is there an SEDE query for that? :P
unfortunately not ;)
So I repcapped, and then downvoted, so I'm back under 200 for the day :P
@Mithrandir Duh :P You'll get it back, don't worry ;)
I still need 93 points for rep-cap today, wondering if I'll get them.
> 66 up
528 down
What are you all thinking about a question on non-verbal communication, something like 'how do I show that I'm not up to answering questions like 'are you ok?'
I'm thinking that if you aren't up to answering that's a pretty clear answer itself
Yeah well... it's of course more complicated than that :P
Because those rare moments that I prefer to be left alone, apparently something in my body language seems to imply there's something 'wrong' with me... So people start asking and hovering and I want to get rid of them before that even happens :/
@Tinkeringbell Just ego stroking humor. Was more thinking "I look pretty stellar today."
@Tinkeringbell print a passive-aggressive poster telling 'em to get lost ;)
@apaul If you identify as stuff rather than human, okay ;) But you'll really need to send a picture to prove it! :P
@ArtOfCode I'll crochet a 'get lost' hat...
if that's the only way to do it.
Flagged: Not an IPS solution
Actually, I'm a bit disappointed at the amount of questions focusing on non-verbal communication... and this is one of the few rare cases I thought there might actually be a good question?
@Tinkeringbell ... Remember what jokes are? Those funny things people say in the hopes of making others laugh/smile? I know it's a foreign concept on SE, but I try to break the mold where possible :P
@apaul Oh, I can do jokes as well...
In fact, I believe I just did, but whatever :P
Jokes are.funny ;)
scratches at screen What's up the with those periods?
@Mithrandir They're probably a joke
They're not funny though :P
So, @apaul, you want a joke?
> "Mom, where do tampons go?" "Where the babies come from, darling." "In the stork?"
It's probably as old as Rome, but whatever.
Q: Only 1 row insert to database

user13044 Site Settings Site Name " /> Site Description " /> SUBMIT $site_name insert to database but $site_desc not insert error message-> Warning: mysql_fetch_array() expects parameter 1 to be resource, boolean...

@Tinkeringbell Actually never heard that one.
The correct pronoun to use for someone, when you don't know their gender is, them; I.e "John Doe: But this doesn't seem to fit into the sentence that the OP provided. Why do you say that this will help them?". — Clearer 3 mins ago
Is it just me or did they miss the entire point?
Okay, people keep asking me how to ask strangers to talk with you in a networking context, so I wrote up some examples for you! https://pastebin.com/ePy8vQ5Y
Seemed appropriate to post here ^
@Mithrandir People seem to do that deliberately around here.
@Tinkeringbell surely that just requires one finger? :-)
@RoryAlsop I'm more interested in avoiding the entire question ;)
@apaul Left another comment telling people to stop discussing stuff on the main site.
@RoryAlsop Cool, a script for life :P
Really, if I ever get 3 identical mails, now I know where it comes from :P
@Mithrandir similar comments are all over the place:
Not sure I agree that he is the default these days, the singular they has pretty much solved that problem: "if someone comes in ask them to sit down". "If the op keeps reverting their post flag for a moderator" — Richard Tingle 2 hours ago
@apaul, another joke for you:
> What do you get when you cross a riddle with a rhetorical question?
@Tinkeringbell a rhetorical quiddle?
@Tinkeringbell a ridiculous question. :P
Q: Is it rude to join a videogame server and not being able to speak the language?

Noldor130884DISCLAIMER: The following is not meant to endorse any racist or offensive behaviour ever. Recently I came across some articles of a well-know multiplayer videogame, where it is possible to read that a lot of players from other countries have become exasperated with the presence on their regional...

What is unclear about this?
Q: Is it rude to join a videogame server and not being able to speak the language?

Noldor130884DISCLAIMER: The following is not meant to endorse any racist or offensive behaviour ever. Recently I came across some articles of a well-know multiplayer videogame, where it is possible to read that a lot of players from other countries have become exasperated with the presence on their regional...

I get that it might be POB, but unclear?
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad keyword in answer, bad keyword with email in answer, pattern-matching email in answer: How to avoid giving my roommate a money loan? by Sbosh Shabangu on interpersonal.SE (@Tinkeringbell)
The title is clear but I can't make any sense of the body.
Yaay, IPS is in the HNQ a lot, that's the third spam today...
That's not a HNQ...
That was asked 6 months ago
Where's that meta on 'is it rude to ask if it is rude?'... what was the conclusion there?
@Mithrandir Yeah, well, the site is visible... :P
Q: Is it rude to ask if it's rude to ask? - or: What to do with questions asking "Is it rude...?"

Anne DauntedFirst of all, I myself have asked such a question already and I was responsible for this title (it was a "Should I...?" question before). The purpose of this post is to start another discussion about the scope of IPS, but this time with regards to "Is it rude...?" questions. Are they on-topic...

> Questions that are about specific etiquette situations should have more definite questions. Rather than asking "is this rude", ask about the etiquette:
... should just edit the title to match the netiquette mentioned in the body then?
@Erik makes a good point. It is not necessarily only about the fact that there are rules about the language (for example because moderators cannot speak all languages, but have to be able to supervise the situation). If the rules are written in the language of the region, you cannot understand them. And you should not be joining a server without knowing the rules (it could be strictly childsafe, no roleplaying or only roleplaying... strictly no children, you know the drill I guess.) — skymningen 1 min ago
#10776 skymningen (219 rep) | Q: Is it rude to join a videogame server and not being able to speak the language? (score: 0) | posted 14 minutes ago by Noldor130884 (206 rep)
Matched regex(es) ["you\\W(really)?(need\\Wto|should)"]
Do not recommend: getting an abcess. Holy crap, was that a lot of pain. I can think of no better way to come to learn the value of pain medication though. :-P
@TheTinyMan Hey, someone is back :) How are you now?
At least, you are still alive, TheTinyMan
@TheTinyMan The value of pain medication has a lot to do with supply and demand ;)
@JAD I'm usually the person that puts stuff there in the first place, so no badges for me ;)
@Tinkeringbell Finally back to work, so that's a plus. :-p Not able to eat the home-made jerky that my nesting partner made, so that's tragic. :-P Currently in almost no discomfort thanks to the miracles of drugs.
@AnneDaunted This is true! It could be worse!
I need a reality check: This is about the "How to convince my girlfriend to let me pay for her?" question. That comment got 6 upvotes.
Was my question (comment above) really so strange?
I mean, he may be able to pay for it and she may like it, but she said no, so there are seemingly other, stronger motives
convincing her appears like trying to circumvent the boundary she set him
@AnneDaunted it does, but it's a cultural thing.
@AnneDaunted It's not weird, but might have been phrased a little different to be more clear.. Personally, I'd have asked whether they believed they really were doing good for their girlfriend by circumventing boundaries..
Or what their motivation was...
I may have been too emotional back then
@AnneDaunted Wouldn't worry about it. Sometimes people get it, sometimes not, and I have noticed the best approach is to tiptoe around everything with lots of words...
Personally, it was a rather big adjustment to not pick up the check on dates. It was something I was taught to do by the matriarchs in my family, as a sign of respect for women. It took a bit of practice to unlearn that.
@apaul So, what do you do now? Just wait until the date pays? :/
@Tinkeringbell I usually still offer, but I've learned not to insist. Depends on who I'm on a date with too.
With my partner, we usually split the bill, or agree to take turns ahead of time.
Yeah, I try to set expectations up front. "Hey, can I treat you to <my favorite Korean place in town>?" Which might be followed by, "Of course I don't mind if you pay for yourself!" if they request as much.
@apaul Oh, like that... I gathered from the previous statement that you didn't pick up checks at all anymore :P
@TheTinyMan Yay, Dutch treat
What we've found that works is keeping an ongoing conversation between us about how equitable things feel for us. Normally whoever grabs the bill pays for it, slightly biased to whomever is making more money at the moment.
@Tinkeringbell Edited that because it didn't sound right when I re-read it xD
@sphennings That sounds familiar.
I dunno, the few dates that I've been on were either just watching a movie at someones place or the cinema, not much bills to share there..
@Tinkeringbell Well did you pay for your own ticket at the cinema? There's an opportunity there!
@Tinkeringbell You should get out more often ;)
@TheTinyMan I have a subscription ;) So yeah, sorta?
@apaul I get out enough. Trust me, you don't want more of me roaming free :P
Problem is, I prefer getting out alone :)
@Tinkeringbell Chain her to her desk!
Or to the kitchen!
@TheTinyMan Kitchen would be bad for the diet...
Umm... That just took an unexpected turn...
@apaul Yeah, well... I sorta expected it :P
Note the italics
@apaul I wouldn't want to disappoint :-p
So, anyway...
about that non-verbal communication thingy? :P
* nods *
@Tinkeringbell raises an eyebrow
Okay. So. I want a good question on non-verbal communication. Any suggestions? I was thinking about 'using body language to let people know they should leave me alone'
I'm quite pleased with this answer I wrote. I think it's going to waste on such a mediocre question.
@Tinkeringbell I'm a fan of using your words whenever possible. They're much less subtle and easy to miss.
@sphennings Yeah but I feel like I can use some fine-tuning on the non-verbal side... my 'get lost' is pretty fine-tuned by now.
Sorry for the digression, but strange TWP question:
Q: What to do about the "tall man" using the bathroom able to look over the stalls?

raterusMy company (around 250 employees) has a very tall man working here. I'm not sure of his exact height, but he's a head above the 6 foot high bathroom stalls. I felt very, very uncomfortable today when I was sitting on the throne, and he came in and used the stall next to me. For sure I don't be...

@AnneDaunted Trust me, check the site's chatroom :P People aren't entirely convinced that's a honest one ;)
I'm not convinced either
@sphennings The joys of not reaching HNQ ;)
has a good answer though
I'm way over 6 feet tall
and I usually approach someone in another cube that I want to talk to by resting my arms and chin on their 6' cube walls
The question would never HNQ I knew that when I answered. I was mostly commenting because I liked my assessment of why things get awkward after a friend asks a friend out.
@Tinkeringbell You remember the clothing answer (go shopping somewhere else) you warned me of? My flag was deemed to be helpful. Yay! Nothing happened, though.
im 6ft4
@JAD tera feet?
@AnneDaunted Like I said, that battle was already fought. Remember the 'all guys are creeps/street vendor I wanna dismiss' question, that resulted in that massive revision history? Flagged that lately, flag got accepted, nothing happened.
@AnneDaunted teef :P
@Tinkeringbell TheTinyMan's teef?
@AnneDaunted fera teet
otherwise known as feet
Yes, that question was not one of IPS's most glorious moments
tera is capitalized, so would've been Tf
I am so confused right now
@TheTinyMan Why?
@AnneDaunted I blame the painkillers, really :-P
Share them with me
But I'm specifically confused as to what started happening with the two unknown words that keep being mutated after JAD named his height :-p
@AnneDaunted I mean if you really want some prescription-strength Tylenol... xD
@AnneDaunted Ooo I'm telling.
... or oral numbing cream.
Be careful with that stuff... It's all fun and games till you have to detox.
@TheTinyMan I said tf instead of ft
@JAD ohhhh and it got edited
hilarity ensued
@apaul I was not entirely serious
@AnneDaunted I know lol
knock knock
No one's there
@AnneDaunted Who's there? :o
@Tinkeringbell Well, someone's there, but they saw you through the window and are now hiding.
@TheTinyMan Good. Less interaction for me :P
Why should they be hiding from Tinkeringbell?
@AnneDaunted Wouldn't you? :o She's scary sometimes!
I don't agree with sometimes
@AnneDaunted I try to be scary always, it's that non-verbal communication thing
Does it work well?
@AnneDaunted Apparently not? You're still talking to me :P
You just don't appear that intimidating
@AnneDaunted Lemme fix that.
I'll get the hang of it eventually
Q: Telling a girlfriend the current social status / relationship

MosCHSince one year, i'm in love with a girl and everything is perfect, since the moment of truth came, and I decided to tell her that i am married. I know that is rude, or even a shame, but that is the truth and that is too late. I would tell her in a way I don't lose her, until I fix my current situ...

@Tinkeringbell Sorry, doesn't work for me
@ExtrovertedMainMan Seriously
VTC as too broad
I dunno... what details would it need to be improved?
Come to think of it
It doesn't contain a question
so rather unclear what you are asking
^Point I wanted to make ;)
Even if there was a question, it would need a lot more details
@AnneDaunted I found one that I think is necessary for answering, but if you think there's more to it, feel free ;)
like: what about his current wife (does the marriage exist on paper only etc.).
I'm actually a bit ashamed of my knee-jerk reaction
@AnneDaunted Why? It was a good reaction, if things need more detail, vote to close, downvote and comment
preferably also in that order ;)
And I believe that we should allow such questions. But, as usual, they need to be of sufficient quality
^Yes, of course
Because the answer will be 'you can't' or 'don't do that'.
Q: How do I tell my parents I don't enjoy their company?

BoomShakalakaI moved to a new country for university about a year ago. I am doing well in my studies. I'm not so well mentally but that's always been an issue even back home. My parents often come to visit and want to stay for about 2-3 months (which is a whole semester). Recently, my parents found out abou...

Gotta go, sorry. @AJ will help you :P
@Tinkeringbell Huh?
Q: How do I ask for "forgiveness" after asking a good friend's ex out?

SteveSee this question for more context. I plan on asking my friend Penny out. However, the tricky part of this situation is that Penny and my good friend Kyle dated for about a year. They broke up two months ago on good terms. I developed romantic feelings for Penny around three months ago. I don'...

Q: How do I tell my parents I don't enjoy their company?

BoomShakalakaI moved to a new country for university about a year ago. I am doing well in my studies. I'm not so well mentally but that's always been an issue even back home. My parents often come to visit and want to stay for about 2-3 months (which is a whole semester). Recently, my parents found out abou...

"She wants to visit again in August but them coming here is driving me nuts to the point where I had a mental breakdown in public and tried to kill myself last week and ended up in the hospital." VTC as needs professional help?
@AnneDaunted I didn't see it saying "last week"
@sphennings What do you mean by that?
Q: How to ask a friend about their close relative who died (not recently)?

NadeshkaA group of my friends and I were sitting in our classroom waiting for the teacher to get there and start class. Two of my friends, Jim and Maddie, were talking to each other (and they were about the only ones talking in a group of seven so it’s not like I was eavesdropping). They haven’t talked m...

@AnneDaunted If you read the checklist in this answer the fact that it is recent matters.
@sphennings Sorry, I still don't get what you are trying to tell me.
I'm saying your post recontextualized how I'm approaching that question.
It's somewhat reasonable to assume that professional help is already in play... It tends to be a part of the transition package in a lot of cases.
I was not sure, since it is not mentioned anywhere, it could be redundant however I don't think mentioning would do any harm :)
@Peter No worries, I was more responding to the idea of closing the question as a "seek professional help"
@apaul I see :)
@Eelco I have to disagree with you here: other than the military, which can put you in life-threattening situations, I cannot find another situation where crunching actually desirable. You always a choice, you can always leave a shitty situation. Crunching once in a while can be ok, but when it becomes a pattern it can seriously affect one's health and is almost always a symptom of poor planning — William Perron 59 secs ago
#10702 William Perron (101 rep) | A: Approach a friend's lack of sleep (score: 32) | posted 29 hours ago by Bilkokuya (1164 rep)
Matched regex(es) ["offensive"]
So, anyway...
There I was surrounded, and outnumbered...
@sphennings This is either going to be a good story or a really good story ;)
Buh. dum. tiss.
@apaul Let's just say that last weekend was no picnic.
@sphennings Oh?
You were attacked by an army of kittens?
Cute ones?
With teeny, tiny, ultra sharp claws.
@sphennings you're just going to leave us hanging here?
Well, that was fun while it lasted.
What's new and exciting? @Catija
Pretty much nada. :P
Q: How to discuss with stubborn person when I can't simply shrug it off?

jesm00I have a coworker (and, maybe formally, friend) who is insanely stubborn. We work in the same company with the same responsibilities and the same job title. We often must decide how to do a job and end up having a discussion. Now, with other coworkers these discussions are an informal 5-15 minute...

Meh, just killing time.
Would it be possible to add "I don't have enough rep to comment" to the smoke detector's repertoire?
Not to SmokeDetector, no - Smokey only looks for spam
Possible? Yes. In line with the goals of the project? No.
There are probably other bots that look for NAA and stuff, though :)
You could try asking for Natty to be turned on here...
I was actually thinking about pinging Bhargav about that earlier.
Q: Natty - Bringing 10k moderation to All

Bhargav Rao Background and History The New Answers to Old Questions tool helps us to find all the answers added to questions which are more than 30 days old. However the issue with the tool is that it is not real time. There are requests on Stack Overflow Meta to not only make it real time but also to enh...

Some of the filters would have to be adjusted, though - such as the one for not having a code block.
Hmm, seems to focus on new answers to old questions. Would be nice to have something that just searches for NAA on new answers generally.
@Catija what?
Oh. That.
@Catija Stickers are on the way :)
@RichardU what's with the shiny new name?
@apaul it's the original, back in action
Thought you might have been taking a less snarky turn there ;)
Bait... Tasty, tasty, bait.... lol sorry, I'll be good.
@apaul Clearly, he's retired from snark. He's the snark ronin.
Incarcerated in Snarkham Asylum
@ArtOfCode whee!
Q: How do I tell my mother that I'm an atheist?

Guy who types fastI live with my mother, my grandmother and my also atheist cousin. I've had a feeling for a couple of years that I should let my mother and my family know that I no longer believe in God, but I haven't done so because I feel that this would cause some discomfort between me and my mother and other...

@apaul Boss offered to buy us lunch. Couldn't say no to that.
@apaul can probably take the time limit too
Someone who hasn't left a "competing" answer want to post a "try this" answer comment? interpersonal.stackexchange.com/a/10795/31
Currently reviewing a massive suggested edit
Basically rewriting and expanding the original answer
@AnneDaunted I never know how to feel about such large edits like that. The second half of the expansion is basically created fresh from whole cloth so it's hard to determine if it conflicts with the author's intent or not.
@sphennings So... Story time?
@sphennings This doesn't seem to have been discussed on meta yet. And I didn't come across a comparable edit yet.
@sphennings reject
@Mithrandir That's the way I was leaning.
@apaul After driving to another state for a convention I get a call from my doctor saying that I tested positive for strep and they wanted to start me on antibiotics immediately.
@sphennings That's no fun.
I still had a blast but not wanting to pass con crud to my friends put a damper on the festivities.
What sort of con?
@apaul The fun kind.
@sphennings oh?
I'm going to leave it at that.
Fair enough.
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