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@EmC I like that Kendra person :) They leave nice comments on bad answers ;)
@Tinkeringbell agreed :)
@Tinkeringbell btw, I'm sorry if I came across as grumpy about chat all the time .. you all are a very nice group of people :) I just am not usually a chatroom person so most of the time I only venture in here when I feel like I "have" to :P
but maybe I should lurk more often :P
@EmC Well, don't feel guilty ;) You do have some very valid points about stuff that should be put on meta, we do get carried away sometimes ;) That was just self-deprecating humor ;)
Sorry if it didn't come across as enough of a joke :)
@Tinkeringbell oh, phew :)
Y'all aren't deciding site policy in chat, are you?
@EmC Please do :) We're still fun, Catija hasn't destroyed us yet! :P
haha, that's good to hear ;)
@Catija Yup, this afternoon we decided from now on, coffee is banned, everyone can only drink tea! :)
But now that you're here... do you remember if we had a site policy on deleting when suspecting trolling? I think we had a meta, but I can't find it again :/
A: Could we be a little better about not chiming in?

anongoodnurseMy attention was directed here by a comment left on the question. Shog already said much of what I would say. I did not vote to close; I didn't even DV for 12 hours or so. But I did contact a mod to alert them to the trollish nature of the post. My concern was dismissed with the reasoning that e...

Q: How should we respond to posts that might be written by trolls?

anongoodnurseI'm going to edit this some as per Shog's suggestion. But not much. This is a question on how to handle a troll, not NSFW language. Please forgive the metaphor and the literary analysis, but we have something of a problem at this site which does remind me of a popular book. In Austin's Sense & ...

We really need to change the title of the second one.
> What made it stop was to just either answer the question, or close it if it couldn't be answered. Clear away all meta comments about whether it's trolling or not and stop talking about it on meta. Remove emotion of all kinds (quit cluttering up our serious site with your jokey garbage! they poor guy just wants some help!) from sight. Just the facts, ma'am.
@Catija Ah, that's why I couldn't find it :)
I've been messing up stuff from different sites then... @AnneDaunted @JAD see the messages above, in relation to our earlier discussion today: I'm sorry!
Incidentally, I don't see how "it doesn't matter whether there is a water problem or not, you shouldn't waste water like this" is a true or generally accepted statement. — user2705196 1 min ago
#986 user2705196 (101 rep) | Q: How to ask someone to stop wasting water without sounding rude or hurting their feelings? (score: 18) | posted 193 days ago by A J (5142 rep) | edited 193 days ago by A J (5142 rep)
Matched regex(es) ["you\\W(really)?(need\\Wto|should)"]
Fixed :D
@Catija I loved the humor in the old one though :)
@Catija Huh?
I can't figure out how to strike through text in here...
Oh uh... I knew that once!
@Tinkeringbell Humor still needs to be transparent.
ooh, the onebox auto-updated. that's neat
Nope, no html in here..
three hyphens
we have a winner!
<strike>I think this should work too?</strike>
:( that's what the site suggests!
I think that's what works in posts, not in chat.
@Catija snarls I don't like inconsistencies!
A: Responding to my mom's remarks about my love life when she refuses to accept/acknowledge it

WulfYou are well educated and worldly. So you know about evolution and what Dawkins calls "the selfish gene". It's a phrase that illustrates that genes "want" to propagate (or rather, only genes that propagate will not die out). Now let's see this situation from the perspective of the selfish gene: Y...

@apaul lol you beat me to it by a couple seconds
Fun times in ignorance.
Q: How do I tell a friend I can't afford her wedding?

GypsyTL;DR – How do I tell a childhood friend (who has been spoiled her whole life) that both my parents and I most likely cannot afford to travel for her wedding (to which I am to be a bridesmaid) without making her angry/defensive?. Background Anne and I have been close friends since we were chi...

nowadays people can pass on their genes without being in a relationship at all!
@Catija good comment! Didn't think of that :)
Is it rude? It mentions backwards beliefs instead of religious?
@EmC But my genes are selfish! I want that guy for me, and for me alone :P
@Tinkeringbell dw about
In case anyone is interested, SpaceX launch livestream is starting in 15 minutes: spacex.com/webcast
@Tinkeringbell hey, I thought you weren't into passing genes on anyways :P
So... I don't know if y'all cast the delete votes... but if so, why?
@EmC because that means sharing the guy with a kid :P
@Catija I messed up site policies ;) I've followed Snark to his natural habitat..
@Tinkeringbell ohh, I see :D
@Tinkeringbell don't you mean sharing the kid with the guy?
@JAD Oh crap. I still need to shower... gotta run!
Andy and I were together for 9.5 years before we had a kid... it was time to include other people. :P
@Catija There's always polyamory!
Man, I glanced back at this time just in time... :-p
luckily I don't have children atm
If you have children, you become the ATM.
@Catija Because it doesn't attempt to answer the question and spreads a pretty crap worldview.
hmm at my workplace there are a couple of young parents
they complain a lot about the costs of daycare
@apaul Seems to say "you can't, so don't try" ... which, I think is an answer by the standards of the site... and crappy worldviews aren't a deletion reason.
@Catija agree, that's why I only downvoted.. as much as I have a personal dislike of it :/
@apaul It does attempt to, it just is a terrible answer. From a crappy worldview.
It's just not the answer that makes the best sense for the OP. Like at all.
As shitty as it is, we can not delete content just because we disagree with it.
@JAD argh, my work connection to youtube is super throttled :((
Made it!!!
just in time for launch
@Catija Nope. Not just a matter of disagreement. All questions can potentially be answered with some version of "you can't so don't try" At best they're low quality at worst, as in this case, they're just a soapbox for someone's horseshit.
@apaul See, you think it is horseshit, they do not.
It's a tricky line to walk with a site like this.
How are they making that rocket footage?
Q: How do rockets stream live video during launches?

James CSeveral times when I followed a space launch being broadcasted in the internet, they also included live video from the launch vehicle itself. Such as this ESA ATV launch. Now I don't know if this exact video was streamed online during launch, but usually it does look much like that. High altitud...

I only saw the title, but it might help
@Termatinator Cool, thanks!
It is going to land soon too right?
Then I might extend my bedtime for special occasions :D
are you discussing that heavily downvoted answer to Jess K.'s question?
I see it got 2 delete votes already
@AnneDaunted and the space-x rocket launch :)
I don't see how that answers her question, though
I thought it was NAA... so delete voted it.
does this already qualify as a frame challenge?
Cool, so we've relaxed the policy on soapboxing. I'll keep that in mind ;)
Does anyone mind if I cast the last necessary delete vote?
side boosters are landing
this is what I see :(
@AnneDaunted I don't ..
they really landed spot on!
Oh no @EmC sorry for the spoilers!
they have lost signal any way
haha it's cool, I'll take updates any way I can get ;)
Right now, you're looking at two people talking and re-capping what already happened!
I think I'm watching the core right now again..
And I believe they just ended the livestream.. if you want to know what happened to the core you should follow them on bladiblah
I'm still wondering if putting a roadster into orbit isn't unethical.. what about space-waste?
@Tinkeringbell I think small pieces of rubble are more a problem than such big things
can't see the small pieces coming
@JAD Yeah, but will the autopilot stop that car from crashing into you?
nah, it's an older model
maybe in a 100 years we have the technology to shoot it at the sun
learning a new computer language, both interesting and annoying
@Termatinator fun! which one?
I'm still at school to become a developer
second year now
C# is nice
I've only done a little of it for asp.. like.. years ago o:
it seemed like a reasonable language though :P
just starting to learn it now, got any tips for me?
Hmm, anything I know about C# is self-taught, so I don't think you should take advice from me
why not, if you taught it yourself you have a interest for it. I'd take any advice
okay... there is a cat in my room who is playing with a knife
Hmm, I'd say, use the MSDN docs. Their documentation is really useful, and they have pretty simple examples to go with their concepts
I'm not really sure what to say about learning C# conceptually
^ yeah, MSDN docs are pretty good!
if you know other C-like languages (C++, Java) it probably won't be too hard to pick up
okay, and is the language comparable to PHP?
what are you making with c#?
just studying it for school right now
I mean like, an app, or webpage?
Hmm, I've looked at php once
looked like syntactical gibberish
but I wasn't at all familiar with any php, and I was looking at a big project so eh
last I heard PHP was .. not the best web language, if you can help it :P
@EmC I actually don't know yet, today I just did a bit with "hello world". I'll probably get the project in a few weeks. then I'll know if I have to make a website or an ap
but maybe things have changed, I don't do web stuff anymore
@Termatinator I see! well, that's a good place to start :)
A few weeks ago I made a website with javascript, php and MySQL
@Catija Since I cast the final one: I read it now several times and I don't see how this is an answer to the question (maybe to another one about why parents were not able to accept their child's homosexuality, or something like that, or how to change the way her mom feels about it).
It's not even a frame challenge, because it doesn't take the actual question into account - the question is pretty narrow describing one particular situation and how to solve it, while the answer gets lost in generalizations.
With a lot of good will I may detect a bit of a try to elucidate her mom's behavior, which would be fitting for a (soon to be flagged and deleted) comment rather. In any case, answers should be backed up, which this answer isn't, since it in no way explains and backs up why the OP shouldn't be able to solve her specific problem.
Yes this ^
Also... While we're here... I don't understand how that didn't trip anyone's rude/abusive alarm.
"You put it down to backwards and small town beliefs but what really happened when you came out to them is, for the selfish gene, about as bad as if you had committed suicide. Of course they will not mention it. You straight up told them "your sacrifice was for nothing because I will not bear children in turn". " Seems pretty damn rude to me...
More or less, you need to stand up and tell them to stop. No leniency, just man up and tell them to leave her alone. — The Mattbat999 2 mins ago
#10153 The Mattbat999 (101 rep) | Q: How to tell a "friend" to stop pretending to flirt with my girlfriend? (score: 23) | posted 21 hours ago by abcdefg (116 rep) | edited 8 hours ago by Anne Daunted (8452 rep)
Matched regex(es) ["you\\W(really)?(need\\Wto|should)"]
interpersonal.stackexchange.com/a/10171 how does this have an undelete vote? 0_o
Q: How do I address several friends blowing up a group chat?

Benjamin SarkisProblem Today I woke up to my general channel of a group slack to friends blowing up over a broken toaster plug. It began with one person (guy A) noticing it and posting a picture of it on slack. Someone (guy B) then told guy A, in the general slack, that he knew about it for a week and told ...

@EmC People are dumpster fires sometimes.
@apaul lol, unfortunately
weird that whoever it was voted to undelete the copied answer too. I expected better from users with those privileges ¯_(ツ)_/¯
Part of the reason it's important to downvote garbage, you don't want some people to earn those privileges...
@IPSCommentBot Huh, I didn't expect to see Mattbat over here :) (I know them from Arqade so I had a moment of "what room am I in?"
Would it be wrong to edit out the entire commentary section of this "answer"?
A: Responding to my mom's remarks about my love life when she refuses to accept/acknowledge it

AaronThe Answer It's actually fairly simple - that is, not complicated; it might not be easy to bring yourself to hold up to it though. You just keep pointing out that you are not allowed to talk about that. Mom: You should... (or "Why don't you..." or "You need..." or whatever) You: I do...

Like they set it up as an aside and specifically say "This section is not part of the answer to your question as asked"
@apaul yeah I'd say everything after the "tl;dr" can be wiped... on the fence about the tldr too
I mean most of it is just "here's a story about me and someone else". and then a side comment about "you should improve the question by saying it this way"
Reads more like a thin answer posted purely to squeeze in their personal horseshit.
also I really hate answers which say "hmm, you explain how they have wronged you but have you considered that you're actually the wrong one here because of things that I'm speculating you left out?" .. but maybe that's just because I've had some bad experiences :P
eh, I think the actual answer part of it is a valid attempt
@EmC Meh, smacks of "I've never been in this situation, but I have strong opinions about Fox news, so I better chime in."
@apaul I mean, I didn't say it was a good answer :P
@EmC Always remember to downvote the garbage ;)
tbh it sounds like the sort of thing I would suggest, having been in a relatable-but-not-really-the-same situation (..which is why I didn't answer!)
but yeah, I can justify a DV for more than doubling the answer with soapboxing..
Q: How to become less introverted and self-conscious?

MuhamedThey keep saying be yourself. Well, I'm tired of my quiet and introverted style of being. It doesn't work. I'm 31 years old and I've little if any social interaction. I've had a back-breaking trauma for 10 years now. I've not been able to find God even though I want to. This failure to find God t...

I wish we could help you with your personal struggle. Unfortunately, this forum is specifically geared towards interpersonal communication with other people. Before your post gets voted closed, I agree with @JaneS in that you should seek professional help. The struggle you are going through is not one that can be solved with suggestions from strangers on the internet. I strongly suggest you seek a counselor, therapist, psychologist to begin your journey to self confidence. Do not focus on what you "can't" do and what you can and will be able to do. — doctordonna 1 min ago
#10224 doctordonna (1546 rep) | Q: How to become less introverted and self-conscious? (score: -1) | posted 16 minutes ago by Muhamed (1 rep) | edited 10 minutes ago by Muhamed (1 rep)
Matched regex(es) ["you\\W(really)?(need\\Wto|should)"]
@IPSCommentBot Ooo they said the f word!

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