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@Magisch Would be quite unfair on the boyfriend if they wanted to reproduce
@Magisch family influences are powerful though
@Tinkeringbell Thats why you discuss that before comitting to a long term relationship
@Tinkeringbell that is a refreshingly unselfish attitude
@TheSnarkKnight They are, but in the end you decide how powerful
@Magisch that doesn't always work, because when people get older, they tend to change their minds.
the only person that can live your life is you
@Magisch Yeah, I figured that out and it only took me four decades and a stroke
@Magisch It's not really a discussion.... It's more a PSA. But yeah, some of the people I 'discussed' it with ended up trying to convince me I would change my mind. I'm not going to date you if you step in hoping I'll change my mind.
Andy's taking Ben to school right now and then we get a free day!!!
my family would really rather I go to university and become a professor
@Catija Whoooohooo! first day of school?
@Magisch My mother wanted me to become a minister.
I would really rather not
And in the end my choice matters because it's my life and not theirs
@Magisch I could see you as a professor
No way I could see myself as a clergyman though
@Tinkeringbell Nah. Martin Luther King Day. Our work gives us a holiday but his school is still open... we may also get a "snow" day tomorrow if the weather happens as expected tonight.
My parents always told me to do what I considered fun... so I became an archaeologist
Are you kidding I would have to interact with people (students) all day
social interaction is draining enough the 5 minutes a day it happens
Then they told me to get real and now I'm a programmer ;)
@Catija Nice! Well, enjoy!
@Tinkeringbell well, being a female programmer, the usual stereotype of not having a girlfriend isn't as much of a stigma
unless of course you want one
Hahaha no thanks ;)
I may have a problem...
I hear the first step is admitting you have a problem?
Looks like 95% carb
yep, one of those cakes looks totally ruined ;(
@Catija That's not a problem, there's still room on top of the chocolate one for another ;)
or no, it doesn't look to be in that picture
somehow I managed to develop an acute distaste for sugar
@Magisch D:
@JarkoDubbeldam The bottom one on the left is broken...
Is this, including the comment, one of those 'self-validation' questions? interpersonal.stackexchange.com/questions/9178/…
@Catija ah
@Tinkeringbell what comment.... looks weird
as if something was there but deleted
Yeah I dunno, was there?
I don't know, I can't see deleted stuff
@Tinkeringbell nope.
Only mods can.
uh, so is that comment an answer in comments? :p
Okay, it's too broad then. I need to know whether they've already tried saying that and why they're asking....
@JarkoDubbeldam I see the comment?
@Mithrandir I meant that*
@Tinkeringbell Do your parents know that you dislike that they're trying to set you up?
@Magisch Yes....
Very very much
@ExtrovertedMainMan So... uh... are they using their parent's account?
I can cut the topic off in 1 sentence, but they just keep bringing it up
sounds like a boundary issue then
@Mithrandir what makes you think that?
@JarkoDubbeldam Read both questions...
oh hmm
I first saw that question and thought it was written from the brother's perspective :S
hmm, no, Im thinking of a different question
@JarkoDubbeldam The IPS one is, the other isn't apparently ;)
Aw, man, I missed a discussion about not being a parent? :o I'm great at that!
Morning, guys! xD
@TheTinyMan Show-off :P
Just set your alarm clock to wake you up half an hour earlier ;)
@Tinkeringbell Man, you're setting yourself up for a good one...
Also, I think that @Catija's problem is that she doesn't have enough cake, we need to crowdfund getting her more!
<=Diabetic, can't have cake :(
@TheTinyMan I think she needs more... what did she call it... bundt pans?
@Tinkeringbell I'm guessing that's what we call a tulband
@Tinkeringbell I am presently sensing a distinct lack of cookie cake and ice cream cake.
@JarkoDubbeldam I agree :)
Ach! You guys are torturing me.
@TheSnarkKnight This is the part where I describe ice cream, chocolate, and fruit in exquisite detail, right?
@Catija No, the first step is to realize that you have a problem. Admittance to the problem is necessarily has to be a subsequent step, and it is probably the third, because after you realize the problem, you have to recognize what it is. Perhaps you still have not realize what your problem is. Let me spell it out for you: Y-o-u n-e-e-d f-r-i-e-n-d-s t-o s-h-a-r-e t-h-o-s-e s-w-e-e-t-s! I humbly volunteer to help solve your problem. :-P
@Tonepoet Only Austin and surrounding area users may apply.
@Catija What if I drove down? It's only a 16 hour drive... I've driven that far before!
@Catija Is Austin near Wesnoth? :-P
@Tonepoet I'm going to guess... no.
I'd come, but I'm at work
@Catija Aw shucks.
you must construct additional pylons cake
@Catija I'll tell amflare
@Magisch That's one way to produce control!
simple LIKE?
Thats a mediocre SQL display :p
@Magisch didn't know SEDE supported more elaborate regex
doesn't, but you can still do better
I need to find a way to make broccoli more appealing.
What? Broccoli is wonderful... sells itself.
@TheSnarkKnight It's delicious
With some creamy spicy sauce
@TheSnarkKnight Try caramel. xD
So I am pretty sure that I missed a "Don't come to work today, the roads and weather are too bad" communication somehow. I was the fourth car here today, counting the two guys who were treating the parking lot.
Normally I'm preceded by two or three hundred.
@Tinkeringbell hehe
@TheTinyMan oops.
@TheTinyMan Time to build a snowman!
You wanna build a snowman?
I do but there's no snow here!
@Catija Nah, it's cool, just means I get to work from my desk instead of from home today. :-P Silly being hourly... but I much prefer to work from my desk anyways. ^.^
@Tinkeringbell Come here and you can build a snowman with me!
Nope. I'm going home soon... I'm thinking of going to bed and staying there for a day or two
@Tinkeringbell Oh no, are you still sick? D:
@TheTinyMan Apparently.... I've got a headache, I'm cold and stiff, and breathing hurts :/
@Tinkeringbell That's no good. :-( I told you to feel better, remember?? >.<
@TheTinyMan And I did.... at least I thought so when the alarm clock went off :/
@Tinkeringbell I guess that's fair. Hopefully you'll finish recovering tonight.
@TheSnarkKnight Now I want some broccoli. I've been munching on raw green beans lately. Of course, right now, I'm munching on raw Skittles.
@Tinkeringbell Have a warm chocolate
@TheTinyMan I always hated vegetables growing up, until I realized that it was how they were prepared. I have sensory issues. I can eat vegetables raw, or sautéed, but roasted or over-cooked, and I can't stand them because of the texture.
@Magisch garlic sauce with sambal is pretty nice
@TheSnarkKnight That's interesting. Man, I hate how non-obvious it is when you grow up seeing something only in one context, that it can exist in other contexts. :-P I grew up thinking I hated food in general ... because my dad likes his food very bland, so that's how my mom cooked it.
@TheSnarkKnight I don't like sauteed vegetables at all
taste like mush
nvm the flavor, the texture is like nondescript stuff
I will only eat raw vegetables.
I eat vegetables raw and roasted and baked
I have a thing for eating raw cauliflower with dip
I love raw cauliflower!
Roasted or grilled is really good, too.
@Catija that is a very popular vegetable here.
@AJ Considering how much I see it in "Indian" restaurants here, I'd hope so.
Aloo ghobi. Everywhere.
@Catija what's your favorite Indian dish?
@Tinkeringbell I could probably build one for you. I think my snow is packing snow.
@AJ I have heard that American Indian food isn't very similar...
@Catija Ah. You know the Hindi name of that vegetable dish.
@AJ Most of the restaurants here use the Hindi names, actually.
I just can't spell most of them.
Let me help. Kadhai Paneer?
I like good spicy dishes with lots of flavor. And samosas. There's a vegetarian places here that have samosa chaat.
@Catija That we take in breakfast
I'm not a huge fan of the paneer. I do like the saag... the creamy spinach.
@Catija Ah. Me too.
@AJ interesting. I thought it was street food.
@Catija We also get some sweets with this like Jalebi, given that it can be too spicy sometimes but not always
I don't like the texture of paneer, but I love different curries. I just don't know all the names because a friend just usually cooks for me. He has a book of 660 curries that we try things from (our first date was him making me curry...the relationship didn't work but the friendship and love for curry sure did)
@AJ Jalebi are the orange string things right?
If so, they're good
@Ash Yes.
@AJ I like those a lot!
I don't remember if any party didn't have Ghobhi (cauliflower) and paneer. They are like inevitable items.
@Ash Cool!
I will have dinner now. See y'all later
Yo @RoryAlsop
@AJ afternoon
how's it goin'
@Ash I found that most of my issues with food come down to texture. Things that I hate I realized I hate because of their texture.
@AJ all good. This whole resigning thing gives you a very relaxed view on the world while you work your notice :-)
How's things with you
@RoryAlsop Wha????
@TheSnarkKnight I am very much the same way.
@RoryAlsop Good. After a long hectic, busy December and first week of January, it's all goin' good now.
But why did you resign?
@RoryAlsop Got a new better job with more pay than current one?
@AJ Had 5 years in this role, and had done all the things I wanted to with it - now got a more senior role in a bigger organisation. Doing the same sort of thing, but moarerer!
@Ash so is my daughter.
@RoryAlsop Oh. Cool!
@AJ bit more international travel again now the kids are older
International? Mostly Europe or other continents as well?
@RoryAlsop travel would be a living hell for me.
seems like the "smile" and "touch" questions are attracting many comments
@AnneDaunted I'll have too check those out.
tho as surly as I'm feeling today, I should refrain from comment.
@TheSnarkKnight I used to cover New York to Dubai, and travel most weeks, so a bit of travel once a quarter to Hong Kong or San Francisco is easy
@RoryAlsop my brother, God rest his soul, was an aircraft mechanic. One week to Dubai = $ 10,000 dollars for him. He traveled all over the world for his job.
I could never
not even for 10 grand?
I really really like flying - originally wanted to be a pilot. Airports - meh, but aeroplanes are great.
@AnneDaunted I have severe panic disorder. Travel is one of the things that triggers it. I'd be the richest inhabitant of the psychiatric ward, but unless I could convert the cash to cigarettes, it wouldn't help.
That's indeed convincing
Below an interesting comment:
"I disagree. It is great to touch people. If, even in a work context, somebody is not OK with it, it is usually indicative of a serious problem with that person." interpersonal.stackexchange.com/questions/9016/…
@AnneDaunted wait, what? No.
@AnneDaunted Wow. O.o Really wish I could downvote comments. I can't decide if that's flag-worthy or not, which means it probably is
that user is very passionate about that topic
even wrote an answer (now deleted)
@AnneDaunted wow. Just no! I mean, I am pretty tactile, but that's just a no in a work environment. The person who wrote that seems to have a serious problem.
I may have responded
@RoryAlsop you really should have just flagged it no longer needed
No sense getting into an argument over something as minor as a comment
@Tinkeringbell I did :-)
Heya! Long time no see, how's life?
Well - I commented and flagged for a mod to delete it and my comment :-)
Doing well, kind of busy at work but needing a break this evening :)
@RoryAlsop still, a useful comment
@AnneDaunted just a leetle bit of snark :-)
Related to the comment talk, last summit I attended had a nice rule for that: Ofeering hugs, stand at 1 or 2 step of the person you wish to offer a hug, arms open and wait, if the other is ok for it he/she comes, if not that's to be respected ;)
@Tensibai definitely - and if they don't want one, you close it down - don't try to force it or embarrass them
Exactly, I found it very nice for everyone and very easy to apply
There's no room for misinterpretation
(and the 'easy to apply and understand' is the important point when the common language is English but not everyone has the same level/accent)
sounds like a good approach
In case someone would be interested: link to the code of conduct and incident resolution procedure from this summit. (not very long but effective)
Q: How can I stop having a crush on a friend?

DaaaahWhooshSo, this is something that's happened to me far too often. I'll meet a woman who's great, and logically I'll know that being friends with her would be the best option, but then there's that part of my brain that starts constantly telling me I'm in love and that I have to win her heart. In the ...

voted to close as off-topic
@Tensibai thanks for that. I was looking at examples to help me draft the B-Sides Scotland code of conduct (we didn't have one last year, and thankfully didn't need one, but it's better to be prepared)
@AnneDaunted Maybe I've just been lucky then
Most people don't want to just touch me
@Magisch you wrote colleagues - does it happen at work, e. g. in an office setting?
@AnneDaunted There are a couple colleagues, mostly women, who think it's hilarious to hug me or pat my back or touch my head for no reason
This caused some controversy, probably because the office setting and a private one with friends of friends are rather different.
@Magisch I'm sorry. That's really unacceptable behavior.
It happens in both really
the problem as far as I can see is that these people have never seen me "snap" because I got it under control on my own in school, and they don't believe it's serious no matter how I tell them
do you think there is one approach that fits both scenarios - the office setting and a private one?
I think the advice you have is good. If they don't respect your request, leave. It's a price of entry to your friendship. You have body autonomy.
I have a hunch my lack of intuition in social situations is making me miss something obvious
Maybe I'm not communicating it right
Are you dead serious when you tell them?
as dead serious as I know to be
tbh I have a history of not communicating well in social situations so it's anybody's guess
No hint of smile or humor. Direct eye contact.
Firm voice with clear words that can't be argued over. "No. I don't want to be touched. Please respect my personal space and don't do it again."
staying up waiting for Windows to be updated. Uff it's taking forever to be updated.
@ArtOfCode ^^
yup it does that
It's nice of them to give that long charging wire. I have moved the table near my bed and plugged the charger into my laptop. Maybe I should lay down and check it after an hour.
nice, @Termatinator - I love Dutch people :)
@Magisch you said, "I suspect This seems to be a fairly common scenario (primarily for women). is also adding fuel to the fire of a sexist / not sexist debate in the comments and some answers"
I'd have to agree that part of the question is problematic ...
It seems to unfairly target all men
moreover, in the comments (now moved to chat) one user seems to unfairly target all American men, asking whether it's "typical" in the United States
@Magisch we have people like that as well. A few huggers here. I can't stand being touched (sensory issues due to the autism) but I don't know what to say either.
at least personally, in my daily interactions with women, for, I dunno, a couple decades, I guess? I would say that that request, "smile for me", is pretty rare - although it does happen. but, almost always from black men. I can't recall a non-black man doing that sort of thing. same goes with catcalling women, too.
so I feel in the question, the OP should describe the men, if they have typical characteristics, in fairness to other men who don't do that type of stuff, e.g. for men who don't request smiles or catcall women.
@D.Hutchinson When I was young, and working on a road crew, I'd occasionally get whistled at. I was built like Hercules at the time. These days, I'm still built like a god, but now it's Buddha
@D.Hutchinson yeah, I'm getting tired of the misandry as well.
Sure... Make it about race... That makes it a lot better
@apaul it probably won't make it better, but the men who don't say that stuff and have to read about it seemingly target all men have to deal with such unfair hostility ... I don't claim to have a solution either...
@apaul it all comes down to how broad a brush you want to paint with, I suppose.
So, enough meaningless pot stirring?
@Catija How are the cakes working for you?
@apaul we're heading home to finally eat them.
@apaul ach! more on cakes! I'm trying to stay off insulin, dang it! ;)
@Catija Yay
@TheSnarkKnight Well, Catija seems to be good at baking. She's probably perfectly capable to make you one that's sugar free :)
@apaul how is discussing how to improve that question "meaningless pot stirring"?
@Tinkeringbell I avoid sugar-free things at all costs. The artificial sweeteners wreak such havoc on my digestive system that I'd rather deal with the sugar spike.
@D.Hutchinson we've moved on
@Tinkeringbell I did quit soda entirely and am using a water infuser to give the water some flavor. I use ginger and lemon most often.
@ArtOfCode ok
I don't use fake sugar anyway.
@Catija it's nasty, and all it does is make me crave the real thing... and other things best not said.
My real weakness is white chocolate
@TheSnarkKnight Oooh I like lemony water :)
nom nom nom nom nom nom nom
I usually just put a lemon in my water bottle in summer
or strawberries
@Tinkeringbell Yeah, the infuser is just a fancy way to do the same thing.
but boy is it helping me break my soda addiction.
I put celery in my water ... it's really delicious ...
and it's good for skin complexion ...
@D.Hutchinson I'm going to have to try that, sounds good!
cucumbers, too
@TheSnarkKnight I've never been that attached to soda, only thing I ever drank very much of was lemonade... I only started drinking cola because so many alcoholic things can be mixed with it :P
@Tinkeringbell I can't stand the taste of plain water, and I'm addicted to caffeine, so... soda. Now, I'm just trying to break away entirely.
@Tinkeringbell bacardi - diet coke mmm :)
@D.Hutchinson Malibu rum + a splash of pineapple juice.... NOM NOM NOM
mmm @TheSnarkKnight :)
@TheSnarkKnight what's your go-to drink, when you just need to hit the dance floor?
for me, it's Long Island Iced Teas :P
it's Martin Luther King day here today, btw. Happy MLK day, hope everyone's enjoying their day off, if they celebrate :)
@TheSnarkKnight plain water tastes different across the country here, if you can believe it. I always take bottled water with me when I go to the west, can't stand the tap water there...
@nvz is there such thing as a "middle class" in the UAE?
or only destitute and unimaginably rich?
@D.Hutchinson i'd consider myself a middle class sort of, so yes, there is.
@Tinkeringbell Yeah - I know the feeling. Here, the tap water for my city is bottled up and sold across the country, but I can't stand the tap water other cities.
@D.Hutchinson what gave you that idea?
Just something I read, @NVZ
@NVZ I have an interpersonal question for you :)
actually, nevermind - maybe I'll post a question on the main page later
@Mithrandir See @TheSnarkKnight? have you tried different sources of plain water?
mostly about how to greet Muslims, when they always address me as "brother" @NVZ
I usually just say in return, "hey", but I'm not sure whether I am being rude by not also saying "hi, brother"
@D.Hutchinson Any signs that they are considering your reply rude?
@Tinkeringbell I've tried everything, including filtered water. Now I use filtered water with the infuser, and have quadrupled my water intake.
Asking whether something is rude or not is currently being discussed on meta. So far, it looks like we're going to close those as opinion based. So take a deep look into yourself and try to see what problem you're trying to solve, and ask about that instead of whether it's rude to do so
Yeah ... sometimes ... I think I get back stares ... either stares in disappointment or stares like "geez ... that's ... rude of him ... we consider him a brother" - but nothing more than a momentary stare ...
@D.Hutchinson According to Islamic teachings, we are all brothers and sisters in humanity (regardless of our varying faiths), considering that we're all children of Adam and Eve.
@Tinkeringbell I see - ok, I won't post then ... thanks :)
@apaul here you go:
@NVZ right - but I feel saying in return "hi, brother" would be awkward for me ...
@NVZ I'd feel disingenuous by saying that
@Tinkeringbell i really don't see why such questions should be POB. If the question is asking about a specific culture or tradition, then users from that area of expertise shall answer, and others better skip that question. My 2c.
@D.Hutchinson (feel free to discuss it in chat ;) )
ok, thanks @Tinkeringbell :)
@NVZ Better put that in an answer to the meta then, instead of chat ;)
@D.Hutchinson Rather than saying "is it rude" a better way is to ask what a proper response would be.
yummm food ... mmm french cruller-like stuffs :)
@Catija Did you get help eating it?
@TheSnarkKnight right - I feel I'm being rude, but should I respond, if I feel saying "hi, brother" feels too weird for me, hmm ...
for now I won't post
Three guys. More maybe later. Still have more than 3/4 of each.
I'll tell a SE person I know in Austin that there's free cake ;P
@TheSnarkKnight "is it rude?" can have either a yes or a no, with "and here's why". "What is a proper response?" would be slightly more POB than the yes/no version of it.
@Catija In my place we say, if you can't share it, don't show it. :P
Send me the cake!
@NVZ for context, everything else in between the "hi, brother" and "bye, brother" is conversation that I am used to - things about food, school, etc. It's just that ... I'm much more comfortable with saying less meaningful greetings ... "like, hey dude" or simply, "hey". It's not the whole conversation that I need help with.
@D.Hutchinson i'd say stick to your own signature lines, either dude, bro, man, or whatever it is you do.
ok, thanks @NVZ :)
From Catija's answer there: 'or focus on whether there's any (specific) cultural etiquette in a situation.' --> So, if there really is a specific cultural etiquette here (which there very well may be), focus on that, instead of whether it is rude?

Like suggested here: Don't ask whether it's rude to wear a sari to a wedding as a westerner, ask "As an American attending an Indian wedding in India, what is the etiquette regarding wearing a sari as a non-Indian? [question body explains in more detail]"
me not know what POB mean
Having grown up in a mix of cultures I'm used to being called many different things: dude, man, homie, dawg, bro, habeebi, akhi, and more.

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