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@HDE226868 is it because they support my withdrawal :D
@YvetteColomb Awww.
@HDE226868 that's probably why LOL
We also had a flood of new people. You've certainly got more fans on other sites. :-)
Also, I'm really surprised by the number of answers my driving question's getting. I can't see much difference in most of the new ones, though - they all say kinda the same thing.
I assume this sort of thing is going to be par for the course on IPS HNQ questions.
@HDE226868 it's awesome isn't it! Our baby is taking her first steps!!
@YvetteColomb I was confused for a second because of Catija's baby, but yes, it is. :-)
@HDE226868 60 up and 30 downvotes I do have a lot of supporters
@HDE226868 @Catija :)
Ah, you meant the questionnaire, not the nomination post itself.
@HDE226868 yes :)
I see people are blaming things on me. All according to plan.
@DaaaahWhoosh ??
3 hours ago, by Catija
So it's all @DaaaahWhoosh's fault, then. Good to know who to blame.
unless you're confused about why that's according to the plan
@DaaaahWhoosh lolol
welcome! I love people who have senses of humour
I only occasionally have one, but recently I've been trying to cut down on sleep so my mind has been working in new and unusual ways
thanks for the welcome, I've been excited for this site for a while but forgot to sign up for the closed beta
oh I understand that!! I have been trouble shooting something for work for days and I'm very sleep deprive
I can get the giggles when I'm like that
@DaaaahWhoosh that's a shame, well you're here now :)
we can be sleep deprived and happy together lol
lol sure, I've got work to do but SE chat is my go-to temporary distraction
@HDE226868 flag for protection?
@DaaaahWhoosh yeh! same!!
@Catija Maybe. But I haven't really gotten anything truly crappy so far. Plus, we'd only have Robert to make the call.
oh here's trouble @Mithrandir24601 :D
@Catija I got pinged on this...
I haven't looked at the answers to see what they are like.... maybe a post notice...
@Mithrandir That was intended.
@Catija Policy before post notice. We need to fully articulate what we want before we tell it to other people.
It's also 4:30AM so I'm not staying :P
shouldn't the Community user protect the question if it gets too many answers? Or does that only happen on question sandboxes?
@DaaaahWhoosh You do realise that a private beta isn't really "closed", you just have to go through the Area 51 portal to reach it. Then you can "sign up" even on day one of private beta.
Sure... but we still need to address it somehow.
@Catija Definitely. I'm hoping we can get more input from new people. Or I can get my thoughts together and coherent.
@DaaaahWhoosh three have to be deleted. No limit on good answers.
It's kinda awkward having three similar meta questions on the subject.
@DaaaahWhoosh 3 deleted answers by new users IIRC
@GypsySpellweaver oh, no, I did not know that. I thought about it, but for some reason never actually checked.
@HDE226868 Yeah. The new one doesn't seem different enough to not be a dupe, though.
@HDE226868 but that's our specialty awkward
@Catija I agree.
@YvetteColomb True. At least we're more normal than Worldbuilding.
Trying to get Ben to sleep... on mobile because laptop is distracting for him.
@HDE226868 hm runs to check if any world building users are in here before commenting
Me and @DaaaahWhoosh, for the record. But we're curious about the comment. And we're used to being viewed as that odd uncle you only see on the holidays.
@Catija oh wow, that's multitasking. We didn't have smart phones when my children were babies - I sound like I'm 100
@HDE226868 awww, I wasn't going to say, I wanted to see what the comment was going to be
World building is trying to create a "bold new world" here we just want to live in this one.
ah, they weren't around then either :) are you holding him?
(whoo the titular silence!)
Eh. We can't keep it up forever.
That's so we can "hear" DaaaahWhoosh ;P
if you were in the building, you would've heard some 'Daaaah's earlier, there were a variety of things that weren't making sense, and yelling at them seemed to be the only solution
luckily now I've discovered some of the other things I was going to be working on are already done. So it all worked out, I guess that deserves a 'Whoosh' of relief
As for me, I'm just the local gypsy. I wander around and drop random thoughts here and there.
random thoughts are the best thoughts.
Sometimes I even donate answers :D
I tried that today, turned out I was contributing to what appears to be a concerning issue. But I got upvotes out of it, so... net win, I think.
Donate by very brief answer in a comment then let someone else write the real answer.
It's 10:00 PM where I am; I should pop out and start winding down for the night.
I'll try to read more of The Silence of the Lambs and not come out the other end a sociopath.
Happy timezone, everyone.
@DaaaahWhoosh ssee:
Q: A word for someone who knows others' intentions

Erickaperceptive? intuitive? But a noun. Specifically referring to the psychology of those around her. She knows of others' intentions from paying attention, listening and she has an excellent gauge for what they would do in certain situations. Other characters are conquerors, loyalists, counselors, st...

@HDE226868 o7 / o/
@GypsySpellweaver 'people-reader' sounds so lame, there's got to be a better way to phrase it
Within context of the question, it don't seem so. Anything else seems to have overtones of some form of psychic abilities.
lol yeah but given the choice, I'd definitely rather use words that sound like superpowers
come to think of it, it might just be the 'people' part. 'Man-reader' sounds kinda cool, in the old sense of the word 'man' meaning 'human'
That last part would be a trigger on ELU, they've gotten rather PC on gender biased language lately.
yeah, it's unfortunate that that's the way feminism chose to go. They could've co-opted 'man', instead they decided to secede their gender from history
it's especially unfortunate because I just came up with the word 'mantuitive'
I guess 'humantuitive' works too.
Somehow, not being a native of that site, I suspect that they'd not be happy with created or constructed words.
oh, definitely not. But I'm from Worldbuilding, I can't help making things up
That's a place I intend to go, eventually. Got a few rocks in my head that need to be polished a bit. That's the place to polish those particular rocks.
2 hours later…
Q: Interpersonal issues with solutions that are culturally or regionally different?

PasserbyHow do we address general questions, or questions about behavior, that are highly dependant on the region or culture that they take place in? A new question asks about a student teacher conflict, where both parties could be the problem. The approach would differ based on who is considered in the...

2 hours later…
@DaaaahWhoosh I'd never blame you for anything. Never <_< >_> <_<
3 hours later…
1 hour later…
How to keep a chat alive 101
@Zizouz212 I might write up the meta post about community ads today.
@HDE226868 Good
Since we're now public, we should have one.
1 hour later…
"Which sites should we put them on" ALL OF THEM MWHAHHAHAHAHA
Q: Let's design a community promotion ad!

HDE 226868Community promotion ads are small images shown in a site's sidebar to promote various related things - site blogs, events, and other Stack Exchange sites, to name a few. Only graduated sites (and a few beta sites) have them - so most betas don't. However, I'm not looking for us to host ads, but t...

1 hour later…
What do people think about this question:
Q: Why do some people demean all other people?

leeand00I recently attended a computer club meeting of sorts, in which the organizer seemed to demean everyone around them. A presenter gave a presentation and at the end of the presentation he said something to the effect of "that's great but eventually you have to scale it, and so I'd use react.js" ...

@Catija opinion based
I think it seems like a bit of a rant, honestly... but I think there could be a scientific answer... I'm just not sure it belongs here.
@Catija Yes, you are right. OP is asking for why, not how to react or behave. AFAIK, this isn't within the site's scope.
If you'd all fancy reading my answer here:
A: Interpersonal issues with solutions that are culturally or regionally different?

Zizouz212This has sort of been raised earlier, in How do we deal with Cultural Differences? This has been one of the things that's been really bugging me about the site. Almost all questions and answers seem to assume some american-western style of culture, which means that we implicitly discourage quest...

@Zizouz212 Considering the number of Indian users I have seen, I don't know that focusing on primarily English-speaking countries is necessary but we should definitely be closing questions that are too broad if they don't specify a region.
Focusing on english speaking countries? I said that?
I just said that our user demographic will be leaning to those areas, and that the predominance of questions + answers for those users could potentially discourage users from other areas from asking.
@Catija Namaste!
4 hours later…
Q: "Just the facts, ma'am." OR Reigning in answers

CatijaShould we hold answers to just the question asked? We have many questions here that we endeavor to limit so that the question isn't overly broad. We encourage users to address where they are in the world, what the social situation is, who the people you're interacting with are... etc. Should we...

@DaveInAZ You stated a conclusion with pretty much no rationale, directly after insulting me under a false premise. There's not much constructive stuff here; I'm asking you to add something of substance. — HDE 226868 5 mins ago
^ Too harsh?
@HDE226868 Depends on the context
Eh. I'll delete it to be safe.
Probably my annoyance getting the better of me for a second.
@HDE226868 Was I being unclear? (and does "Was I being unclear?" sound passive-aggressive or something similar? - it wasn't meant to be :P )
Oh, no, not at all!
I just decided that in this context (as you suggested), it wasn't the best thing I could have said.
@HDE226868 Which answer was it on?
1 hour later…
Although that's (I think) a fair question for this chat - does 'Was I being unclear' sound passive-aggressive? Or something else? Or is it a perfectly polite question to ask in general?
In person or in text?
@Catija both
(but not both to the same person at the same time :P )
I'd be afraid that someone would take it as "Did I stutter?" youtube.com/watch?v=-kfiCnYT01E
Tone of voice can depend a lot, though...
@Catija That's the sort of thing I was wondering... What's the best way to phrase that then? (I seem to spend a lot of time being unclear)
Maybe less terse? "Was there something about what I said that is confusing?"
hehe - more like 'how many dozens of things in the last sentence I said were confusing?' :P
Or, rather rephrasing - "Feel free to let me know if any of this is confusing to you"
Hmm... I like that one :)
"I'm happy to go into more depth if there's something that's unclear"
"If something's unclear, go and ask the lecturer/professor in the office next to us, as I have no idea what I'm saying' :P
I think the important thing is to show that you're open to helping/explaining if they have any questions rather than making it sound like they are the one with the issue.
Are you a professor?
Yeah, makes sense, thanks :) HAHA!! Nope - I'm a mere PhD student (read: Prof's lackey)
Ah. I work for a university. :D
We have a bunch of post-docs and PhD candidates floating around here.
And a lot of students right now, seeing as it's summer.
It's nice working for a university :) What's your job, if you don't mind me asking?
Nothing fancy. I work at an adjunct research facility. We do sonar work but I'm not a scientist, just an admin/IT type.
What are you studying for your PhD?
(I love doing whatever it is I do though - being a prof's (OK, he's actually a 'senior lecturer') lackey is a very enjoyable 'job' :D)
I'm in my first year of what's known as quantum engineering
Tiny computers?
So my PhD project will be either simulating PT symmetric Hamiltonians on a quantum processor or randomised benchmarking. I'm happy to go into more depth if there's something that's unclear :P
HA HA HA HA. I'll google all of those terms when I have a minute... maybe.
@Catija Yep - that's the place :)
Well, it was the second hit in Google... after MIT. Since you're in the UK rather than Massachusetts, I took a stab at a guess.
Well, being second to MIT isn't a bad thing
No. Never.
Well, time to toddle off. Ta!
@Catija Goodnight!

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