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@Cashbee start a conv
Can someone explain to me why LGBT+ is making so much noise?
This appears to be something major in US and Canada but the rest of the world...
@Marcus IMO it's a very controversial topic apparently ...
Around me, it seems that most people can't even imagine that a person can have a different gender than their biological sex
We have "missed boys", like it's a shame to wear men clothes as a woman
Such things, you know...
@Marcus because the connectedness of social media has helped people understand there are ways out of persecution and shame.
@Rainb sending only a meme or a joke is not a good conversation starter to begin with 😉 if you want to start a conversation, the best you can do is ask questions. An example with a meme: <meme.jpg> Haha don't you think this polar bear looks like my mother?
The problem of bullying, persecution, even suicide through the shame of not fitting in has always been around in many cultures. Now there is support, publicity and care.
@Marcus it is pretty major in UK and much of Europe too
In media yes, but i haven't found anyone that thinks of it as big of an issue
My company (one of the world's largest banks) sponsors many Pride marches as part of its people and community programme
@Marcus wow! I do. and so do most of my friends
@Marcus most people arn't really going to think about it.
I know loads of people who have been marginalised or bullied for far too long
I rather get the impression its a bandwagon to signal ones virtue
@Marcus yeah, no.
Unless you know someone who's part of those communities, or are one of those people who.. seems to have issues with em...
@Marcus not at all
Instead it's trying to help people not be bullied into suicide
Bullied into compliance
that applies to many other minorities but this is something different?
I'm the author of the post, and I'm actually not "part of the target" of those offensive jokes. I mean, I'm bisexual, but they don't know about it and I've never been harassed because of that. It doesn't prevent me from caring. I'm against all forms of discriminations
@Marcus I'm in one of the groups that gets trotted out lately as needing additional support, and I can say that I feel like a large part of the "awareness" crowd is more interested in publicly showing how good people they are then any actual solutions
I have friends who are
@Magisch that was my point
I mean, I don't take the SJW kind of viewpoint. I just do not like people telling my friends they don't matter or worse, they have no right to exist :)
@Marcus depends how you look at it. On the one hand there are many minorities. Is this similar to racial equality work? In a lot of ways, I guess it is - people should just be treated equally. But in other ways, there is a hidden subjugation that perhaps isn't there with race, as gender is not necessarily visible
Of course you can't ascribe motives to all people, especially not identical motives. A lot of people genuinely care
@Magisch sure. And I'm sure some companies use the PR quite happily while not necessarily caring underneat
@JourneymanGeek I get the latter one a lot (I'm asexual). A surprising amount of people are of the opinion that asexual people hold no value to society and should be culled.
@Magisch meh
@Magisch ... culled?
The good thing, though, is that if the end result works, then that's good
@JourneymanGeek final solutions, and all that
@JourneymanGeek I used that word deliberately.
@Magisch Really? Can I ask you where you're from? In France, it's like asexuality isn't even something real...
Something about being an abomination against nature/god's order/whatever the hell they use to justify blind hatred of that which they cannot understand
@Magisch er... I don't get the point there
@Magisch meh, you don't want to get laid, Your choice ;)
@avazula tis' because its easy to hide
It's not self evident unless you tell people and outside of close friends it's not a subject that comes up
@JourneymanGeek also - asexual, means quite likely to not reproduce, hence why would culling even be needed
I don't understand anyone who thinks the only value in a human is their ability to procreate
@JourneymanGeek Actually many people find it disturbing. I may not be asexual but I'm definitely "low"-sexual, and people who are aware of just explain it because I'm a woman, and, "you know ... you gals want way less sex than we dudes do!"
@JourneymanGeek I don't get the logic either (there might not be any) but people still hate. Meh.
@Magisch that's sort of what I was trying to write up there - gender can be invisible
I didn't know one of my old buddies was gay for years
I get a lot of "But are you even a man then?" when people find out
and my response was "waaaait, you mean you an (other friend) weren't an item? dang. Anyway, its cool man"
@avazula that's nuts! Some guys want loads, some girls do. Some guys want none. SOme girls want none. It's like: who cares what other people do with their bits? Nobody else's business.
More than what is between my legs I am ;)
@RoryAlsop Well, there's been a growing movement in France, composed of men and women who choose not to have children. It's been 10+ years since permanent contraception (like sterilisation) si allowed in France, but most doctors and gynaecologists won't do it anyway, because "It's life biggest achievement to have children and you'll see you'll regret if you do"
I don't care either way, it does not affect me
So I can think of discrimination over people who choose to refuse to procreate
@avazula I have friends who are voluntarily childfree
and that's fine too
@avazula I heard! It's crazy.
If I ever want children I can still adopt some
@JourneymanGeek yup - some friends just have cats (and to be fair, that's way cheaper than my 3 kids have turned out to be)
There's always more waiting to be adopted then people wanting to adopt
@Magisch very true :-(
AAAAH Thank you people! It's so good to read advised opinions!
Point is, it's somehow quite difficult not to be straight / white / willing to have children in France right now.
(at least in France)
@Magisch I'm myself adopted, and most of my future kids (if not all) will be adopted :) I can't understand why people desesperately trying to have natural kids won't even consider adoption...
@avazula because "my genes are most important/better" :-(
it can feel more of an achievement to build a kitchen yourself instead of getting one from the store
@Marcus well, its also the difference between cutting down the tree yourself, and starting with lumber
@Marcus I've always moved into houses with kitchens already there...
also, its not making babies, its making men and women with charecter ;)
@RoryAlsop My bf actually thinks more or less like that, like "I want to transmit my genetic legacy" this is only my POV but I don't get how's that even a thing
@avazula exactly! More important should be how you bring up that yowling bundle of smells and smiles
@avazula this is the most basic instinct of living beings
point is, the more effort you put in yourself, the more attached you are to it
building a kitchen from self grown trees made into lumber is a kitchen you will take wherever you move
@Cashbee It may be, indeed. But it seems like an easy excuse to bring when you refuse all the other basic instincts and claim humans aren't animals and then react "so primarily" when it comes to procreation. Sounds easy to me.
@avazula It's a natural imperative
@avazula oh i wasn't trying to claim this as an argument for the other side. Basic instincts can be overridden by intellect
Arguably the natural imperative second only to needing sustenance
Thankfully we live in advanced societies and have a free will of our own to thwart that natural imperative if we feel like it
Is breathing a basic instinct?
@Magisch I get it, and I agree. But we're intellectually-evolved beings, we can understand that raising adopted kids won't be much different than raising your own
@Cashbee Are you playing the devil's lawyer? ;)
Won't be much different in a social context, yes. But for yourself, you're basically ending your genetic lineage
(Pardon my French I don't know if it's even a catchphrase in English)
Terrifying to some people. This also explains why parents get so pushy to get grandkids.
@avazula devil's advocate in English
@RoryAlsop Ha, I should have believed my first instinct. Thanks :)
@avazula maybe :D
@Marcus nope
@Marcus i actually googled that xD
@Magisch genetic lineage - in my opinion - is irrelevant to modern human life
s/is/should be
I honestly dont get where people find all that energy to be angry at other people's inane lifestyle choices.
@Magisch ^ absolutely
if you aren't hurting someone, it should be fine (hurt including mental, physical, emotional etc obviously)
what is love?
@Cashbee baby don't hurt me
@RoryAlsop i disagree on the irrelevance part
Staying angry or even getting angry is emotional work. I have a very limited amount of that to commit to places. Getting angry at something that affects me in absolutely no way whatsoever and doesn't negatively affect anyone else either is a waste of my energy akin to just being angry at clouds for forming
@RoryAlsop 10 points for griffindor
@Magisch I don't know about your country but in mine it's been decades since people got away from churches and TBH most people don't recognize themselves in whatever communities right now, and they miss this feeling of belonging to something bigger IMO. Hence the critique. They're united in critique.
With the difference that clouds forming might actually affect me, even.
@Cashbee hahahahah - thank you
@RoryAlsop In a limited way. I'm actually actively disinterested in preserving my genes
Some unpleasant stuff in there that doesn't need proliferating.
@Magisch that's a good point, but that is for you. Others should not concern themselves with whether or not you want to continue the lineage
thats a depressive way to look at it
i bet there is some good stuff in it too
Sure, but there's plenty of people who don't have obvious genetic defects and that want to procreate. As I said, needing more people around is not a thing on the world right now.
but those few perfect people cannot be forced to be breeders
If I ever get the urge to raise kids I'll adopt some and get the added benefit of not subjecting loved ones to annoying defects.
Of course not, but right now, more people are having kids then is good for the ecosystem. In such a situation it is logical for me to not add to the extra with already below-average gene material
if that makes sense.
@Magisch this is what a couple of my friends said - my kids seem happy and healthy so friends have said they are happy to leave me to it and don't need to add any of their own into the local population :-/
Overpopulation solving itself, in a way
@RoryAlsop I've been pro child-free during ten years for the same concerns @Magisch raised. Now I don't know where I am, but I've always wanted to have children (so even if I wouldn't procreate I would adopt them) and after lots of discussion with different people I came to the conclusion that bringing a new life on Earth is indeed very costly in terms of resources, but you can also try to raise good citizens who try to be the most ecological people they can be
I don't begrudge people wanting children at all - I'm just in a position where it's very tenable and advantageous for me not to have any, so I'm taking advantage of that.
@Marcus My sexual orientation and gender identity is whatever the hell it is and that's nobody's business but mine. Unfortunately, some people don't think of it that way.
We're a minimalist family with my bf (and our cat): we don't own much, we buy second-hand, we eat vegan, grow our own veggies, I only use my work computer to browse the internet, and we go on vacation on bike. It's not enough, of course, but we're trying to do what we can to curb climate change.
I find myself longing for children
@Magisch That's nice that your situation matches your wishes and vice-versa :)
I don't see myself having children any time soon
@avazula yes! So I work in the UK and across various countries, which is inherently not great for the environment. I fly to those other countries. And I have children. However I am also very focused on the environment, so I minimise waste, I insulate my house well to minimise power, help clean up the environment etc. A bit of a dichotomy, but doing as well as I can within bounds.
I get to repair, resuse, repurpose many of the things in the house
@RoryAlsop I think we all act in the ways we can :)
and the kids are very ecologically aware - which I think is essential
@Mithrandir I think it has to do with the general imperative. In my experience, most people who take issue attribute their caring to serving a higher power that has an interest in and jurisdiction over all of humanity. E.g "my god says you can't do this and by doing it you're damning us all!"
Less extreme variants exist but that's been the majority of the hate.
@RoryAlsop I think this is a key point too
@avazula they are the ones who will take on our generation's ecological debt
@RoryAlsop Actually I think we're gonna suffer from it too... I'm 22 and climate change current theories sounds legit to me
@Magisch Yeah. Which I really don't get, especially from Christians. Christians don't follow anything else in there, why latch onto those two lines?
@avazula Question is really are we going to run out of resources first. Cause.. there's multiple ways we can doom ourselves.
@avazula ahh - I'm a lot older, so will be out the way years before you - but I agree. I expect to notice negative impacts before I'm gone.
@Mithrandir (personal guess ahead) It gives that nice feeling of feeling superior and rigtheous and above others without having to do the work of actually being a good person (a majority of the other stuff in there)
@Magisch I can feel good and self righous without tearing people down ;)
Sure, but hating on others seems to be an easy way from how many people just really like to do it
Almost like its therapeutic for them
@JourneymanGeek Agree. Don't know what's the most plausible scenario though ;)
@avazula more or less, climate change is one problem of many
@JourneymanGeek some don't seem to be able to
and its a symptom of... many other things
I think humans ain't gonna go extinct anytime soon
@RoryAlsop I think they're compensating ;)
@JourneymanGeek lol
But we're about to screw ourselves hard in a couple dozen different ways
So alas
lets agree on this: humanity is not gonna be the same in 100 years.
I constantly try to build up the folks around me, I'd like to see them being the best versions of themselves
@JourneymanGeek the sign of caring humanity
Sometimes it actually works ;)
I wish I'd know you all IRL. You seem to be very good people.
@RoryAlsop also helps with my specific style of deaing with people online. ;)
You tend to associate with people that are pleasant online
@JourneymanGeek yep - it's one of the things that makes me happiest. Being paternal can include mentoring, coaching, helping those who have none of my genetic material :-)
(dog persona aside ;p)
it's easier
@Magisch Well, there's something satisfying about taking a chunk out of people who arn't nice too. Just not too often ;)
@avazula ^.^
@Mithrandir What? Too cheesy? ;)
I've always favoured a sheepdog style of moderation.
woof woof
Journeyman using social influence to not have to use the tools
Seems to work well enough
Also I made the ash bark my whatsapp message sound
and when I do, its low drama since folks know I ran out of options
@avazula that's a happy face :P
@Magisch well, positional power is lame.
(returns to closet)
I have it on one site.
Influence ... well you can use anywhere
@JourneymanGeek You actually have a decent amount of social influence even with SE staff, you know that?
@Magisch yup
I've heard mentions from folks of my opinion mattering, which is a tiny bit embarrassing ;)
@JourneymanGeek this is what happens when opinions are shown to have value
@JourneymanGeek When charcoal did that smoke detector autoflagging expansion your concerns were specifically marked as important to staff for us to adress, for one
@RoryAlsop gee thanks ;p
@Magisch I heard about that
@JourneymanGeek well - you are objective, fair, open, honest... all good things
@RoryAlsop gee thanks.
you are also charismatic, you look stunning and your nose is not too big at all
@Cashbee as far as most of the internet is concerned, I'm a small blonde terrier.
(which probably helps. Ash probably has a perfect 20 in charisma, with fuzzy and small modifiers ;) )
yip yip
@JourneymanGeek what? You mean that isn't you?
@RoryAlsop Never said it wasn't ;p
@rs.29 I'm actually OP. — avazula 7 secs ago
#16695 avazula (5310 rep) | A: How can I try to get my coworkers to stop their jokes on LGBTQ+ people (score: -5) | posted 2 hours ago by rs.29 (169 rep) | Toxicity 0.1369378
Matched regex(es) ["short-comment"]
I'd appreciate that those who can flag/delete this answers/following comments as rude-abusive/not-an-answer. Thanks. interpersonal.stackexchange.com/a/16695/4550
@Tinkeringbell ^
Not sure if it rises to the level of needing r/a destruction, but I've cast a delete vote on it
2 more and it'll be gone
@Magisch Well they actually claimed my family is dysfunctional out of the blue, so ... not very nice to me
Looks like either a mod r/a nuked it or 6 flags accumulated
@Magisch I felt it deserved an additional 50 downvotes ;)
there you go
heh I probably should try to get some actual rep here ;)
@JourneymanGeek Post some kind of fire-bomb and you'll get to close-voting in no time ;)
@Tinkeringbell Thank you so much ... Seems like I wasn't prepared for such hate speeches ...
Dunno where the answerer made the leap from "My mother is non binary" to "dysfunctional family and traumatic upbringing" though
On second thought that was pretty rude
@Magisch Indeed, and especially since non-binary is a thing observed since centuries...
@JourneymanGeek we could use some more folks who are willing and able to help enforce policies...
@Magisch More the comments than the answer, but okay. Now, I have to write another mod-message.
@avazula The one thing you can count on if you show any weakness anywhere ever is that jerks will pounce on it.
@Tinkeringbell Yeah but now I feel less conflicted about hitting OP with 50 downvotes
@Mithrandir well, also, engage the community, and find my niche ;)
@Magisch I know that. I'm sucking it up. ;)
@avazula You're welcome. Just keep in touch with people here, even if there's no IPS mod around they can help with flagging and delete voting. Best we can do is get rid of the stuff after it's posted. I'm sorry the notice doesn't seem to help :(
@avazula though, modern western cultures are a bit...
@Tinkeringbell notes the word "another", goes to check flag history, notices they're helpful want me to continue with those?
Indians actually accepted it back in the day, before we kinda went full victorian
@Mithrandir Ehh. Not today ;)
@Tinkeringbell as I notice them ;)
@Mithrandir Perhaps. but stop noticing for today :P
For those eager to know more about gender history (and the example of native american tribes as mentioned above), here is some interesting resource: newsmaven.io/indiancountrytoday/archive/…
no no
OTHER indians ;p
like from india
not the ones called indians cause some europeans can't navigate ;)
Oh. Sorry n_n
But the link I shared is about native americans
but not as mentioned above lol
pre-colonial indians were actually pretty accepting iirc
of many things
Seems like a not-so-uncommon "pattern" in the end :)
(I think most of the folks here know by now I'm a dog I'm ethnic indian, and old school in many ways)
Now here's an interesting case
The deleted answer reads: deleted as spam or offensive 14 mins ago
by Magisch, Community♦
But I didn't flag. I just voted to delete. So technically it's attributing intent behind the delete vote to me that isn't there.
@Magisch yeah, because you put up a regular vote ;)
So Community cast the second 'delete' vote the minute I r/a flagged it :P
@Tinkeringbell Yeah but it says "deleted as spam or offensive by Magisch, Community"
@Magisch Want me to see if I can get your name of off there?
no, lol.
I'm just a stickler for minor inaccuracies
@Magisch Yeah, it is inaccurate, that's true ;)
After all that is an offensive answer, so it's all good. It's just the first time I noticed this inaccuracy.
@Mithrandir sry for late response - but have people ever directly asked you that?
Lookit. This is crazy... but cool. It shows how alexa can understands sign language: facebook.com/NowThisFuture/videos/2221206704587164
@ElizB i smell clickbait
I get it, it's a video showing how alexa can understand sign language
That's a big step forward for ASL-speaking people
@Marcus Asked me what?
@ElizB I've edited that a little to make it just a tad less spammy :P
@Mithrandir about your orientation
Yeah. ASL is not exactly what the guy was using, he was using signed exact english, which isnt ASL
Hi all!:)
@Tinkeringbell Oh, thanks :)
@ElizB Oh okay, sorry. I misunderstood.
Just making sure the room ain't on fire. Nothing to see here.
@Mast Feel free to stick, or flee in terror at how nice the room is! :D
@Tinkeringbell It's been a while since we last observed that awkward silence ...
@Marcus No, but I've never come out as non-hetero either
Q: Subsequent offensive-deletion of post you voted to delete normally incorrectly attributes intent

MagischThis is a small bug but nonetheless. There was an answer where I felt it was teetering on the edge of merely NAA and rude & abusive. I downvoted it and cast a delete vote. It was latter destroyed as abusive by a mod. Now, when people visit that post, they see this: The deletion text implies ...

Because I'm very nitpicky :p
prickly, you might even say
@Tinkeringbell Meh, you lot deal with people. I'm no good with people.
I usually stick to things which only talk back over a pre-defined protocol and an off-switch.
@Mast thats actually a good thing
@Mast We can schedule another mutiny!
@Mast Oh, don't worry, there's a lot of software engineers around n_n though it lacks of protocols and switches to me (I'm sorry, I miss my hardware activity... ._.)
we don't have to "deal" with people here. :)
@Cashbee Inter-personal implies at least 2 persons.
You lot answer questions about people talking to people, right?
@Mast but people here are so nice that we don't have to deal with them, we just chat a little
@Mast On IPS true, but not necessarily in this chat.
Also there's a lot of deleted answers on your Q ava
@avazula Ah, of-course. I wasn't specific, my bad.
@Magisch I know. Why do you bring this up?
I just noticed
@Mast IT people who aren't specific? o_o
* joking *
More in a commiserate kind of way
@avazula lol
@Magisch Okay. I actually regret asking this question. Seems like it is a dangerous topic on IPS.
@Mast How come you've landed here? :)
@avazula Nah, it's a valid question it just draws a lot of ire apparently
Controversial doesn't mean bad
@avazula Flags.
@avazula Misunderstood what? I'm getting confused fast with how many different conversations are going on at once haha
Any and all times a chatroom flag isn't handled within X time, all 10k+ users networkwide get notified.
@Mast that is not much time
@Magisch Of course it doesn't, but I'm a very (over) sensitive and I got quite hurt by all this uproar.
@Cashbee It's 10 seconds or so, not much indeed.
@Mast o.O
Actually I don't have the foggiest how much exactly, but definitely 30 seconds or less.
@ElizB That the video was about exact signed English and not ASL. I'm actually currently learning French signed language btw :)
@Mast It's been a flag in this chat? I thought we were quite good today
@avazula 1 that I saw, possibly 2. That one might've been another room. Long story short: usually a couple of those users will drop in, with or without being visible, and make sure there's Room Owners and/or mods in the room to handle the situation.
17 mins ago, by ElizB
Lookit. This is crazy... but cool. It shows how alexa can understands sign language: https://www.facebook.com/NowThisFuture/videos/2221206704587164/
If there are, nothing to see and move on.
that was flagged for some reason
@Mast Okay, thanks for the knowledge :)
@Mithrandir Is it unappropriate, or is it because the message frame is similar to clickbait?
*shrugs* I see nothing wrong with it
People get offended by all kind of things.
Some would flag just because it's a Facebook link.
@avazula Gotcha, yeah. That's really cool, i learned a little bit of British Sign Language, but unfortunately I don't have anyone to practice with :(
Others because it looked like click-bait, which gets close to spammy.
@Mast The flag is for both spam and offensive though :) So people may well have thought it spammy ;)
@Mithrandir Me neither
I tried to find the original link NOT from facebook but I wasn't able to, and I thought about not posting it, because it was from facebook. I definitely realize that facebook is a lot of clickbait and i've been careful the best I could about it
Things get really interesting when there's 4-5 flags in succession in the same room. By that time usually half a squad of mods drop in accompanied with a platoon of 10k users.
@ElizB it's more because you didnt say what the link was
(wasn't me who flagged though)
Dropping a link without telling what it is, is even kind-of dangerous.
@Cashbee Gotcha! Will make sure to do that next time I post anything like that.
@mast Yeah, I get that. Sorry guys :P
@ElizB no worries
@ElizB Thanks for sharing though! It's nice to know it exists :)
Thanks :)
you even attracted new users to this chat.. sooo.. win?
heh, yeah? :D
(shrugs) :P
i admit i flagged that
No problem. Even if a chat flag gets validated, at worst the message gets deleted (at the first offence). A chat ban of a minute perhaps, not sure about that. It's when your messages attract flags regularly it gets a different story.
Flag deleting comes with a 30-minute suspension...
@Catija Even at first offence?
did so because when someone joins chat just to drop a link saying "click it" ... that is suspicious
@Mast yes.
@Mast Yes. And second and third and fourth.. it's always 30
Heh. Things I learn.
@Tinkeringbell no, it's not
@Marcus Usually, if it's someone that regularly in the room, there's not much to worry about ;)
@Mithrandir Isn't? :(
the more messages that are deleted via flags, the longer the suspension gets extended for for each message flag-deleted during the suspension, i believe
They're cumulative... but always 30 minute increments.
@Tinkeringbell Even a regular can spam
Ahh...In my defense, I was assuming better intentions and expecting years of time between the offenses

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