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Q: Trying to find book from elementary school 1970s

LauraI am trying to find a book that was in my school library. I read it around 1978-1980. I have no idea of the title but I remember the following plot points: a girl who lived on the edge of town possibly African American, sort of an outcast. Befriends a group of kids possibly 4-5 and teaches them t...

Q: How did Doctor Strange know where Wanda was?

FodderTowards the end of the movie, Doctor Strange uses the slingy to make a portal, and we can see from the portal that there's an icy mountain. Then in the next shot, we see that he's heading towards However, at this point in the story, he shouldn't know that as he's been with America the entire ...

Q: 20+ years ago anime/manga where the main character’s name is David with a white horse he summons by whistling

Tim of GodI have been watching around 1994-96 an anime/manga which main character’s name was David(if I remember right because I was very young) and he had a white horse that comes to him when he whistles. This is all I remember. It is not Lucky Luck because I think David was not a cowboy and was looking w...

2 hours later…
@DavidW Heh, my username is excellent fodder for those kinds of jokes.
Q: How does the multiverse and time travel work within the MCU?

user110391I intend this Q&A to be a community-written and -updated post that details the most authorative answer to what is a pretty messy mechanic of a huge film series. It will try to justify things within the fictional world, not through meta-explanations (like, "the directors messed up"). I will supply...

Q: Publications of Freud's psycho-analysis of Little Red Riding Hood

Arash HowaidaI have heard that Freud wrote at length on the Grimm Fairy Tale: Little Red Riding Hood, highlighting all the suggestive themes and symbolism and "id-like" interpretations. However, I was not able to find any publications on Amazon. I then tried some basic internet queries and found little bits a...

@Null You must have so much fun on more programming-oriented stacks. :)
5 hours later…
Q: Stargate SG1 Two-way travel through Stargates

Will JohnsonI have always been curious about something about Stargate Travel. Once a wormhole connection is estabished regardless of the gate orignating the connection can travel occur in either direction without having to redial the other gate? Regards, Two-way

3 hours later…
Q: Sci-fi short story / novella about a detective investigating the murder of a man whose body was planted to discredit him or the police system

ConanLangThe central character is a male detective. The story is set in a future time where advanced forensics and personal data tracking makes murder impossible to get away with. The body of young man is found naked and cannot be IDed. The body turns out to be planted to discredit the detective / police ...

1 hour later…
@DavidW I'm sure there's a sci-fi character called Null by now
If not, there should be.
@DavidW The nice thing about SE is that a lot of users come for the programming but find SFF so a lot of users know the programming jokes here, too.
I've long felt there should be a joke about typed/untyped Nulls somewhere, but I haven't been able to come up with a good one yet. :)
@DavidW or if you have and decided not to share it, it's untyped.
@AncientSwordRage I don't work in loosey-goosey languages like that. :D
If it's declared, it has a type.
@DavidW only if you type it out
1 hour later…
Argh! I hate it when a book has crappy editing. This scene switches back and forth from pre-dawn to post-dusk 3 times in 2 pages! Did nobody pay attention!?
1) "they had arrived near dawn" -> 2) "still light enough in the sky" -> 3) "backlighted against the sunrise" -> 4) "the gathering night"
And that doesn't even get into the whole "backlighted against the sunrise" being a view looking to the west based on the geography previously established.
Q: Pheasant hunting and manual transmission driving

Tiger12506I am looking for a book that I read when I was very young, probably early elementary school in the 90s. I recall it had something to do with pheasant hunting. I think there was an emergency, or the adult got lost, and a young boy mustered the courage to figure out how to drive a manual transmissi...

Q: Film involving a white-haired (maybe old) man with spider legs

Tim of GodI watched this one episode film when I was a child around 1996 or so. It was not a series film. It was a fantasy/sci-fi film. I do remember one battle scene where there was a white-haired (maybe old) man who is human from the waist up and has spider-feet below that. Knowing the name of that f...

Q: Book about groups of kids with object powers

Harry IguanaA few years ago I read a book where a kid (I believe in first person) along with others were a group of chosen kids. Each kid entered a room where they chose an object special to them, the main character saw a floating earth that mimicked reality (water felt cool, the grass, air, n/s poles) He en...

Q: Book about kid with unhealthy father realtionship

Harry IguanaI read a book before a long time ago about a kid (named axel, axis something like that) who was a brilliant young kid attending a school with older people. I don't remember much, except that he crossdressed as a disguise with a wig and even used toilet paper to mimic the female genitalia. Eventua...

2 hours later…
posted on July 06, 2022 by tech

Click here to go see the bonus panel!Hovertext: iTunes actually works fine if the goal is to learn the futility of existence. Today's News:

Q: Short story about trading shares of people as financial instruments

Kevin LiA few years ago I read an excellent short story that I've been looking for ever since. Here's what I can remember: In this story's world it was common for people to sell shares of themselves (or shares of their future income) on the financial markets, like how companies sell shares of stock. The ...

1 hour later…
@DavidW that's not good
@AncientSwordRage It wasn't even a modern crappy self-published book, where I might expect something like that; it was a real paper book, by a real author, published by a real publishing house.
Q: Why couldn't Spock realize the crew was trapped in a fairytale?

Empress.SvetlanaIn the VOY: Counterpoint, crew members who are telepathic hide in the transport buffer until the Devore leave. Tuvok and Vorik, both Vulcans, were also in the buffer. In The Elysian Kingdom, Hemmer says that because of his telepathic abilities, he isn't trapped in the fairytale like everyone else...

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