I don't really remember a whole lot about this novel. It's like this...A great swordsman, who is like really good, was killed or died because he was deemed a traitor. And then the novel goes to this remote village and features about this merchant who visited the village and found a orphan boy, wh...
Many years ago, I saw a movie that seemed to be set in the stone age. If my memory serves me correctly, the movie looked old even then, leaving it likely in the 1960s-80s range. Since it's been so long ago I don't remember very much at all about the movie other than I really liked it and it someh...
In Soul (2020), here is the picture of Joe wearing glasses:
In the zone, Using a small maple seed 22 had kept, Joe convinces her that
she is ready to live, returning her to normal:
In Soul (2020), mistaken for an instructor, Joe is assigned to train 22, a cynical soul who has remained in the
Great Before for millennia and sees no point in living on Earth:
Joe Gardner: This is the moment where I fell in love with jazz. Listen
to that. See, the tune is just an excuse to brin...
Skrulls are a shapeshifting race in the Marvel Universe. Now, I know that it's a fantastical world where trees talk and gods of Norse mythology are real, but do the Skrulls follow the law of conservation of matter? Do they encounter issues when shapeshifting into a being significantly larger or s...
In the beginning of 2020 Russian film Coma, the main character, Victor a.k.a the Architect finds himself in a strange and magical world.
A soldier named Fly and some of her companions find him, save him from a bunch of black monsters and introduce this newbie to their leader Yan.
They tell him th...
In Soul (2020), Jerry explains about spark to unborn souls:
Jerry: Maybe you will find their spark in the Hall of Everything,
where literally anything on Earth could inspire. Or perhaps you'll
prefer the Hall of You, featuring a selection of moments from your own
inspiring life.
What does "life"...
In the 2021 Hawkeye series, first episode, on a bet, Kate tries to ring the bell in a tower which also contains a clock. After a debate on whether the ringing is due to the bell, or the clapper inside, she makes a first attempt, with a tennis ball on the end of the arrow, which produces a quiet t...
I vaguely remember an Asterix comics book or animated film I watched in the 1990s where Obelix and Panoramix are depicted breaking rocks with hammers, possibly doing forced labor in a prison camp(?). Obelix uses a sledge hammer and huge swings while Panoramix uses a tiny hammer and tiny hits at a...
After we watched all three Star Wars movies again last week, one of my sons asked me which variant of the stormtrooper was my favorite. I told him it was the snow troopers from The Empire Strikes Back, but that set me thinking.
With their all-white outfits, with more fabric than is seen on the ...
I saw this character in a Batman comic in either late 80's/early 90's. The character is a child or teenage crime boss who fancies himself a general/strategist; early in the comic Batman tries to "save him from thugs" only for the brat to hit him with a hammer when his (Batman's) back is turned. L...
I'm looking for a book that was vaguely described to me, so the information I have is only secondhand. I've attempted to find it on my own, but have had no such luck. Here are the facts as they were told to me:
The story centers on two siblings - a boy and a girl.
The story is set in New York (p...
Noticed this sentence in Children of Dune, and it got me thinking about Alia:
".... experienced the womb as prison to an awakened consciousness—a living awareness from the second month of gestation...."
Obviously being preborn meant that all the personalities of a person's ancestor are all there ...
Canonically, I can only think of three Jedi and Padawans who were of the same race:
Master Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker (human)
Master Qui-Gon Jinn and Obi-Wan (human)
Master Luminara Unduli and Barriss Offee (Mirialan)
Are there any others?