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Q: Movie about Leaf- and Stone- People

Zuter_242A teenage girl lives with her old uncle or grand-uncle. She started seeing little fairylike people with translucent wings about the size of a finger who moved very fast and suddenly became one of them. They, the good leaf people, inhabit a forest kingdom. However, the kingdom is under threat from...

Q: 90s-80s anime about robot faries fighting

la1nSo I've been trying to find the name of an anime from my childhood. From what I can remember the main plot was basically about like these fairy-like robots fighting in a tournament. Sorry if the description may be to vauge, but this is literally all I can remember.

2 hours later…
Q: Were the Jawas hauling away smoking debris from crashed Podracers in The Phantom Menace?

Bingo MehndraTatooine's Jawas are well known as passionate scavengers and junk collectors that were usually first on the scene of a crashed starship lurking to haul its debris but in the film Star Wars: Episode I – The Phantom Menace we only see two Jawas -apparently as spectators using their common expressio...

Q: What are "divers characters"

PaceWhen Faramir is describing the archives of Gondor he states We in the house of Denethor know much ancient lore by long tradition, and there are moreover in our treasuries many things preserved: books and tablets writ on withered parchments, yea, and on stone, and on leaves of silver and of gold,...

Q: RIP, Charles Grodin

BuzzCharles Grodin, who had a long and fruitful film career, died today. Primarily a comedic actor, he had major roles as the villains in King Kong (1976) and The Great Muppet Caper, as well as smaller parts in 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea, Rosemary's Baby, Heaven Can Wait, and Heart and Souls; and ...

4 hours later…
@Marvin I love Pratchett's parody of Shakespeare, "Tomjon wondered vaguely what divers alarums, which Hwel always included somewhere in the stage directions, actually were. Hwel always refused to say. Perhaps they referred to dangerous depths, or lack of air pressure."
1 hour later…
@ClaraDiazSanchez I love it.
Q: The future of Community Promotion, Open Source, and Hot Network Questions Ads

JNatIt's now May, and if Community Promotion or Open Source Ads are something you care about, you may have noticed that there hasn't been a 2021 refresh yet. In case you missed this post, please check it out for some details about why the refresh was pushed back, and why a project around the rethinki...

Interesting, and we're selected as well
@TheLethalCarrot We have an active meta community, enough to get some featured CPAs in previous years.
Seems like a good idea, not sure how it'll play out in practice though
It's not clear yet exactly how this will look, but I'm hoping we'll be able to choose specific questions to showcase in an ad template like the ones that used to appear sometimes for HNQs.
Aye, same with the meta questions... so we can feature the story id guides, for example
Or the FAQ posts
Which should help discoverability of policies which has always been a problem
I thought we're now choosing our stuff to feature on other sites? Rather than stuff to feature here.
It's both isn't it?
Though it is nice that we now don't have to go to other sites to decide
"Hot Network Questions"1 Ads (all sites)
This initiative has an added goal of providing your community with an opportunity to showcase exemplary questions from your main site, as well as frequently-linked-to guides from your Meta site. While the latter makes sense to be shown solely on this site, the former can be shown all across the network. These should avoid hot button topics, and instead focus more on evergreen questions that show what your community’s all about.
Q: Isekai shoujo manga identification

isekaiiforgotIn this isekai a god pulls a girl to take over the role of a villainess in this new world where she has to "act" the role and fulfill her purpose in order to save her sister's life in her own world. She accomplishes this but instead of being banished like she hoped she is turned into a maid. edit...

At least that's the impression I got from chatting with a CM yesterday, but I'm still not too clear about this whole thing.
@TheLethalCarrot Oh I see.
Q: Why humans are referred as "flatheads" by Apocalypse in Age of Apocalypse?

user2820579In Age of Apocalypse, Apocalypse refers over and over to humans as "flatheads". Is there a particular reason for doing it, beside being "insulting"? I always thought that somehow not having the "x-genes" would make you "flat", but I don't recall any reference to say hey, humans are flatheads beca...

3 hours later…
Q: What where Fleur Delacour and Roger Davies really doing in the rosebush?

Zuter_242In Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, when Harry and Ron are eavesdropping on Hagrid and Madame Maxime, it's mentioned that: ...Harry looked around, back up the path, and saw Fleur Delacour and Roger Davies standing half-concealed in a rosebush nearby. He tapped Ron on the shoulder and jerked ...

@Marvin facepalm
Well if ever there was a honeypot
Q: Late '80s / early '90s urban sci-fi book where the protagonists discover other universes

Jeff AdamsonI'm trying to remember the name of a sci/fi book from the late 80's/early 90's where the protagonists lived in a modern setting. They discover a way to travel to different universes but are left in a cliffhanger at the end of the book. The families get separated and one group ends up in a futuris...

Q: Are Anita and Arutha related?

Vilx-In the books of the Riftwar cycle (by Raymond E. Feist), Anita and Arutha refer to each other as "cousins", however it is unclear how close of cousins they are (first cousins? second cousins?). Nevertheless, they marry and nobody seems to have any issue with this. Furthermore, it is implied earli...

Nobody mentioned crack, so I'd like to put that on the table. — Misha R 14 mins ago
@SQB If there's a crack in the table, you might want some glue.
If the cracks a bit bigger you'll need to use flex tape
I think all but 2-3 tags now have excerpts again (once a couple of my flags are handled)
Hopefully we can keep on top of it this time :)
I handled one, the other one looks like it needs a bit more research to be sure.
Aye maybe, I checked the linked pages and Wikipedia before flagging though and they seemed in agreement
But I don't really know so I could have missed something
@Randal'Thor Of course if they were fooling around a rosebush is a terrible choice.
In a rose bush seems like a terrible place to "do it". All those thorns everywhere! Unless you're into that kind of thing... — KSmarts Sep 20 '17 at 14:02
DavidW is a sock, confirmed?
In a rose bush seems like a terrible place to "do it". All those thorns everywhere! Unless you're into that kind of thing... — KSmarts Sep 20 '17 at 14:02
Welp, jinx :-D
Wait, Rand's my sock?
Wait, you're saying that they have illegal drugs in Harry Potter?! Isn't it supposed to be a children's book? — Zuter_242 4 mins ago
Can someone introduce the poor OP to our community's sense of humour?
Q: Where do all the Super Villains come from?

JontiaIn Jupiter's Legacy, we get two story lines moving forwards. The life and times of heroes battling super villains in 2019 and the "how we got our powers" plot thread set in 1929. In 2019, the Union appears to be entirely made up of the remainder of the original 6 super heroes and their children. ...

You guys are way too familiar with random comments from years ago.
@Randal'Thor I mean he's asking a leading question which would make it not very PG in the first place
@DavidW I mean, you've got to know the classics.
@DavidW Some other comments on the same answer were flagged and I deleted them just some minutes ago. If TLC was the one who flagged them (I don't remember), it'd explain why that particular comment was fresh in both of our minds.
I did, aye
Looking at that question as it's very related to the new one
Okay, that's an acceptable excuse. :)
@Mithical This is still one of the comments I'm most proud of:
@leftaroundabout "The first Horcrux was the worst. The second Horcrux, that was the worst too. The third Horcrux, that was really bad. After that I went into a bit of a decline... But it's the Death Eaters that really get me down. The best conversation I had was over forty years ago, and that was with a Basilisk." — Rand al'Thor ♦ Apr 17 '16 at 22:28
There was a hilarious Ent-related comment exchange somewhere, but I don't remember any details to find it again now.
Everytime I make a hilarious (in my opinion :P) comment it ends up getting cleaned away
@TheLethalCarrot Maybe you're just not as funny as you think you are? ;)
No, trust me I am a brilliant comedian and I'll not have you say another word
Q: Movie about a part of some statue stolen

movie-admireI'm looking for a movie I watched long time ago, approximately 2001 or 2002. It was about a part of some statue, maybe Venus or something similar, was stolen. I guess it was produced before 2000, and it may be a French movie. At the end of the movie, there was a couple walking hand in hand if I w...

Knock knock. “Who’s there?” You know. “You know who?” That’s right - Avada Kedavra! — Obsidia Apr 18 '18 at 1:24
That's hilarious.
I have a good one, but I don't have the time to go hunting for it
something about voldemort and the famous Vizzini line from the princess bride
@AncientSwordRage Inconceivable!
I don't think that word means what you think it means
Q: Does STAR Labs have a revenue model?

Mason WheelerIn the most recent episode of The Flash, "Family Matters Part 1," Cisco mentions that he doesn't want to be "stuck" working at STAR Labs for the next 40 years while everyone else moves on. And I realized something: Barry, Joe and Iris all have their own jobs outside of Team Flash, but for Cisco ...

posted on May 19, 2021 by tech

Click here to go see the bonus panel!Hovertext: Simultaneously appearing to foam at the mouth was a bit too far, though. Today's News:

Q: Looking for Plot Ideas. Do you have any suggestions?

Momof2I'm writing a space opera/romance, focusing on coming of age, the life on the ship, and the gradual development of a relationship between my MCs. I'm coming up blank for plot ideas; writing this as a serial/episodic, so each story has its own plot. My MC is a captain of a ship (think Picard or Ki...

@xkcd 3D, 4D and 5D chess....
I want to know why the board has 8 ranks and files, but only 7 levels.
I also want to know how they define "forward" and "backward" for pawn movement.
3 hours later…
Nice. A Douglas Adams quote modified.
1 hour later…
Q: Short story about a man stranded on a strange planet testing a new ray gun

William DixonThe astronaut was named DIXON and he had to fight off wild dogs. He killed them but they didnt associate the the weapon with the killing so he made bows and arrows when his ray gun ran out of charges. This did the trick the dogs backed off when they saw he was killing them with arrows.

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