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Okay, only half an hour later.
I'm not finding it yet :(
Story identification is hard..........
@Alex yeah? Find that movie then ;p
@Jenayah It's more fun to watch you guys struggle.
Looking at my profile, only one of my three answers was accepted.
Why are there some extremely long suspensions that are still temporary?
I found one account that is being suspended until late 2023, why not ban if they did something apparently so bad?
In case you're extremely bad but still temporary.
Q: Under what cases would a user be suspended from chat for 3,200+ years?

Sonic the Wizard Werehog Note: this question was originally closed as "too broad" since it originally asked five questions. However, I've edited it down to two very similar questions. Additionally, the standard for "too broad" is much more lenient on this site, as there are quite a few questions that are even broader ...

Also, why isn't there a suspension reason for some suspensions?
@Stormblessed isn't that only for network-wide?
Q: Avatar Sub-bending

AzazelSo after rewatching Avatar the Last Airbender and The Legend of Korra, I have to say that I like all types of bending water, earth, fire, and air. And now after rewatching Korra mostly for its sub-bending. I find it even more interesting. Just imagine the Avatar being the world's first most extr...

@Jenayah In this case it's network-wide
I think network-wide never displays a reason
I wonder why
It'd be nice if you could bounty on SF Meta
with what, air rep? :P
Some of my Meta posts could use some bounties...
@Alex right because more spotlight in the eyes of potential new downvoters is exactly what they need :)
@Jenayah Perhaps there are new upvoters?
perhaps. Bump one of your posts so that we see which way the votes go? ;p
@Jenayah Too many to choose from.
I could always bump all of them...
@Jenayah Rep on main SF
I was actually considering a follow-up post for one of them.
@Stormblessed why would you want to use mains ite rep on a meta site with no rep?
@Jenayah I mean giving Main rep to people for answering Meta questions
ah, then no, it goes against the rep mantra
@Jenayah What's that
you're trusted in SFF stuff, not on "how this site should work" stuff
@Stormblessed That would be good for the site where I've never posted on the main site, but both of my Meta answers are the top answers.
@Alex Which one
@Stormblessed Interpersonal Skills.
It's a bit ironic: I think every Meta post I've written on sites other than this one that's been about closing questions, has been advocating closing.
Quite the opposite of here.
you even edited some remeùber? :)
How to find a story-ID answer? https://scifi.meta.stackexchange.com/q/12291?atw=1
Hey, I got put on SF Twitter
@Stormblessed כדי שיכירו תינוקות וישאלו
@Alex "oh dear, it happened again"
@Jenayah This time it was actually on purpose.
I was to lazy to transliterate that phrase.
That's how I might answer the question if it was on Mi Yodeya.
Basically, on one of the holidays, the Talmud says to do a certain thing so that the children will notice and ask. For some people it then becomes a thing to answer any question of "why do we do <strange thing XYZ>?" by saying "so that the children will ask".
As in this answer:
A: Why do Children Steal the Afikoman?

shlomoSo that the children will stay awake and be interested. Along the lines of K'day Sheyisha'alu Hatinokos(so that the children will ask).

@Jenayah I like it.
So anyway, back to that story-ID
I thought you gave up already.
It was on hold whil I was reading something else ;p
So vote to reopen.
Q: Which Hogwarts House Would I Truly Be In?

Raz AquatoIn Sorting Hat quizzes (including Pottermore) I keep switching back and forth from being a Hufflepuff or Ravenclaw. Honestly, I see myself being in both houses. I am a Hufflepuff in the way that I am loyal, honest when it comes to my feelings, and I can never truly dislike a person because I al...

meh out of Googling ideas and saw way too much facepalm-worthy horror "ideas"
So answer the newest instead.
too lazy to repost all the links but that applies ;p
not in a HP answering mood fetching the quotes takes time
@Jenayah I don't think I get the reference.
Or was that still referring to the identification question?
Underground horror movie is deffo a thing...
The question will probably be closed before it makes it to the queue for me to vote to leave open...
I guess it's because the decors are super cheap
But writings the script seems cheaper even
@Alex upon reading it it's POB
Well now it’s closed, and I have to go anyway.
Q: Novel about a guy who travels through portals to bring back alien technology (jaunt?)

Ghos3tA while back I had read a Goodreads description of a novel that I have forgotten the name of. It was about a guy having discussions with his therapist about his profession which is to jump through a portal to go to some far away location and bring back alien tech to sell on the black market or so...

@Alex So that babies will be konown and asked?
@Stormblessed Close. More like so that they will know (notice) and ask.
@Alex what was that supposed to mean in context?
Is it a Bible quote?
57 mins ago, by Alex
Basically, on one of the holidays, the Talmud says to do a certain thing so that the children will notice and ask. For some people it then becomes a thing to answer any question of "why do we do <strange thing XYZ>?" by saying "so that the children will ask".
Why am I never listed on who put stuff on hold even if I flagged it?
Q: Avatar Sub-bending

AzazelSo after rewatching Avatar the Last Airbender and The Legend of Korra, I have to say that I like all types of bending water, earth, fire, and air. And now after rewatching Korra mostly for its sub-bending. I find it even more interesting. Just imagine the Avatar being the world's first most extr...

Like here I flagged this as Unclear
But my name isn't in the list
@Stormblessed onlyboters are listed.
A: Why does Worf always lose fights and get beaten by most of his opponents?

SetenWorf has evolved in different gravity. His balance is all wonky in earth-level gravity and pressure.

This should be deleted, anyone have 20K? It's such a terrible answer but "not an answer" was declined
It is so completely useless
Q: Novel about a guy who travels through portals to bring back alien technology (jaunt?)

Ghos3tA while back I had read a Goodreads description of a novel that I have forgotten the name of. It was about a guy having discussions with his therapist about his profession which is to jump through a portal to go to some far away location and bring back alien tech to sell on the black market or so...

@Jenayah nice double answer
@Named yeah I'm deleting the other one, it's deffo not a match
also, hi :)
@Jenayah did you ever vote to delete that really bad answer?
A: Could the Scotsman's sword harm Aku?

Ben MarmadukeScotsman`s sword looks cooler I think. Course I've always liked a claymore better so....

How do you make a YouTube video show as an embed in a post here?
@Stormblessed no
@Stormblessed just copy-paste the link
should work unless it's weird mobile URL
@Jenayah It's normal
Doesn't embed
Oh, it does actually
Well it's broken
A: How would one buy a used TIE Fighter or X-Wing?

KyleIn The Last Jedi, Finn, Rose, and DJ steal an arms dealer's ship. While talking after making their escape from the casino, they go through the ship's computer and see that the dealer sells ships and weapons to both the First Order and the Resistance. Presumably, civilians could also buy from such...

See this
Does the YouTube link embed right?
@Jenayah does it work?
@Stormblessed yep
@Stormblessed I don't think so. It's wrong, but that's not enough.
Q: What is the long fork tool the masters hold in Game of Thrones?

JabibbleI see the masters holding a long metal stick or fork they use to examine people. What is that? Can someone tell me what it is used for and why?

Q: Why Agatha was desperate to send the message?

YasskierIn the first minutes of the first episode of the "Nightflyers" tv series, we can see a woman desperate to send a message to Earth. The desperation is real - she is risking her life, as she is being chased by an ax-crazy murderer. Her message: This is Dr. Agatha Matheson of the "Nightflyer. ...

Q: Movie: Scientists travel to the future to avoid nuclear war

NathanMy family used to rent a lot of VHS tapes over the school holidays when I was young, and this movie was amongst them, which would make it pre-mid 90's, (possibly 70's or 80's from what I remember of the film work). It was a B-grade horror film, and possibly a foreign film. I base this assumption ...

Apparently, I just got kicked out of Ravenclaw and into Slytherin.
Q: Identify a cartoon in which Batman shot Zoom in the head?

S SFrom my memory: Zoom was weak. Upon being asked, he removed his yellow mask to reveal a big hole on his forehead. He further explained that he had almost destroyed Earth in an alternate reality. Even Flash was unable to stop him. But, he didn't see it coming. Batman shot him right at his head. ...

3 hours later…
Q: generate random orders for race result

GFxJamalI would like to ask what is the best way to generate race result data with the given configurations? Contestant, winning rate A - 95% B - 94% C - 74% D - 04% Given the function dist.normal to generate random number from (-999999, 999999) range mean 0 and stdd...

@Marvin This is not the site you are looking for.
Feb 11 at 21:56, by Rand al'Thor
This guy is very lost.
@Marvin @Stormblessed Is there any deleted comments here from when you edited? Masters and maesters are two very different things in GoT/ASOIAF
And I'd say it is more likely they were correct in asking about the maesters
2 hours later…
Q: 1960s French (?) novel about two couples in a machine that burrows into the earth

David RothonThis could be a children's/YA book as I read it (from local library) around age 10, which would be early 70s. Details are sketchy but I remember it as being about two French couples and one of the protagonists has built a vehicle (called, I think, something like the Tortu or Tortue) that can burr...

@Mithrandir Is the smokey site down? I can't load the report from that spam post
Q: How do the SG Teams stay alive in wormholes?

Kerem BeyazItAs we know, SG Teams exploring other planets do so with star gates. Star gates are based on wormholes. How does the team stay alive when going through the wormhole? As I know, wormholes don't have standard oxygen and temperature levels.

Can load it now, nevermind
Q: Is Princeps Rank related to the Titan Engine they drive?

Richard CWhen a Princeps is promoted do they also leave there engine and move to a "bigger" machine? For Example a Warhound Princeps would be promoted to a Reaver, then a Warlord or does the engine have no bearing on legio rank? Alot of what I have read indicates that Princeps and Titan have a symbiotic...

@TheLethalCarrot if Smokey is being flaky, or anything related it, it probably means that metasmoke is down or slow, yes - it's known for being a bit unreliable at the moment
Just a quick one, how does smokey classify "manual flags"?
(I dunno if there is a manual smokey way to flag without going to the post or not)
either people going to the page and flagging, if they have a userscript called FDSC, or using a script called FIRE that allows you to see the post and flag directly from chat
(I manually flagged, though, and it didn't catch it, so... FDSC isn't the most reliable)
Aye was what I was wondering
But that means then though that smokey users can manually flag and it not show on the report at least? I did think that was the case
Q: Is the Bangalore skin "Kingslayer" a reference to Game of Thrones?

TheLethalCarrotIn the game Apex Legends by EA the character Bangalore has a skin called "Kingslayer". This seems like an obvious reference to Jaime Lannister from A Song of Ice and Fire/Game of Thrones, though I'm sure it is more likely a reference to the show than the books. This seems even more likely when w...

So, did anyone see the latest The Flash episode? Those who have been around the SE community for long enough will understand why it's so amusing in addition to the fundamental awesomeness of the premise... ;)
I dropped the show but I'm curious
King Shark vs Gorilla Grodd
that's the title of the episode. Not too difficult to guess what it's about...
Oh, neat ahah
yeah! Literally a gorilla vs. shark fight.
Shame we can't ask any questions about it on here then :/
That may actually be worth discussing
Q: Would questions about the latest episode of The Flash be off-topic?

Mason WheelerRemember a few years back, when Jeff used the notion of a fight between a gorilla and a shark as the archetypal example of a question that's off-topic on StackExchange? Well, guess what happened in the most recent The Flash episode, King Shark vs Gorilla Grodd? I just can't help but wonder, is ...

You're joking right?
yes, but it's still amusing to find something that so perfectly pokes fun at one of our long-standing community norms
Q: 1970s scifi/horror novel where protagonist is used by a crablike creature to feed its larvae, goes mad, and is defeated by retraumatising him

StilezI read this book once as a teenager, I think it might have been written in the 1970s but could be late 1960s or early 1980s. The protagonist is left to due hideously by enemies. He is paralysed and left on some planet (not earth I think) in the habitat of some kind of crablike creature, which in...

Q: Would questions about the latest episode of The Flash be off-topic?

Mason WheelerRemember a few years back, when Jeff used the notion of a fight between a gorilla and a shark as the archetypal example of a question that's off-topic on StackExchange? Well, guess what happened in the most recent The Flash episode, King Shark vs Gorilla Grodd? I just can't help but wonder, is ...

Q: Was there a canon reason for the TARDIS placing 'John Smith' in 1913 (Human Nature/Family of Blood)?

TomstaRe watching Tennant's episodes and one thing that I'm questioning, the Doctor stated at the start of the episode that the TARDIS will take care of the backstory for John Smith etc. Was there a reason that 1913 was chosen? Given the Doctor's personality and aversion to violence it's not the best ...

Q: What type of ships did the Mandalorians have?

Darth End3r 25I'm on a school computer otherwise I'd just google this.

Greetings, Earthlings.
@Slartibartfast LOL
Greetings, Slartibartfast.
is that back on topic now that marvel and lucas arts are part of disney?
so it's all one kingdom hearts universe
The works are still unrelated
Who owns the rights to the works is largely irrelevant
you say that, but I saw a storm trooper in thor ragnarok
I'm almost 100% certain there was an incidental storm trooper at the end, boarding the refugee ship
I imagine just an Easter egg
(I can't actually see the question as I don't have 10K)
None of the Easter egg guides I just looked at said anything about a Stormtrooper from a quick find in page
Well, when ABC do another season of Once Upon a Time and there's a Wookie and the Hulk fighting over Tiana, I'll ask the question :D
@TheLethalCarrot I will have to find the film and take a screen grab. I definitely saw something like a storm trooper in the cinema
This scene?
Around 8:30 in
Wait that's a terrible video, looks to have been edited so it's all out of sync
@TheLethalCarrot yeah, I can't see one. I will have another look when I get home. I was probably wrong
> Doctor Who has crossed over with Star Trek, and Marvel Comics has crossed over with both Star Trek and Star Wars
therefore all questions are on topic
@TheLethalCarrot "majority" 3 letters isn't more than 5 words?
It's more 3 changes over 1 change but is there really a problem here? You can always just re-edit the post to correct the part you want to
Though FWIW Earth is capitalised as it is the planet
Nice question about the Apex Skins, btw
Cheers though I think it is a bit meh myself, the answer is almost certainly yes it is intentional, it's just finding explicit evidence will be a pain
yep, copying and pasting the question into google failed me :P
Aye I started looking after I posted it and didn't really find much beyond the two reddit posts
both of which just claimed it to be a reference without actually erm... backing it up in any way
Which isn't a surprise
that describes a majority of reddit
And tbf I would be more shocked if it wasn't a reference than if it was
Especially considering the other references I found and there are probably others I don't recognise
It's obviously a reference to the kingslayer jellyfish
What do we win for a line again?
Q: In-universe, is information on Yoda's species kept secret from others?

KozakyCommon knowledge, it is, that Yoda's species, its homeworld, name etc. are never mentioned in Star Wars media. In the films, we only ever see two of their kind, Yoda himself and Yaddle. As far as I know, even in the books, or in video games when others appear, they never disclose any information ...

Q: Scifi novel about galactic students fighting in gladiator-style games

SenecaI'm looking for a science fiction novel I read in the early 1980s about a group of young adults on a sort of university or academy spaceship travelling the galaxy. On one planet they stop at they are coerced into taking part in gladiatorial games with the dead losers being described as "perdido"...

Q: Why didn't Death Eaters take advantage of Harry's bad eyesight in a duel?

the-profile-that-was-promisedIn Harry Potter, Hermione once says something like this to Harry, "you really do have a bad eyesight". So this means Harry can't go around well without his glasses. So in a duel why didn't the death eaters or Voldemort used something like "accio potter glass" and make advantage of his bad eyesigh...

@Marvin "They weren't the brightest. One of them was definitely part troll, the smell off him..."
Would "blinding" Harry have even helped? If the films are at all accurate in regards to Harry and Voldemort's duels, being able to see well didn't really matter
Q: Are there other characters in the Star Wars universe who had damaged bodies and needed to wear an outfit like Darth Vader?

RLHWe know that Anakin was very-badly injured to the point of near death, burned from head to toe and for simple survival he wears his iconic suit. My question is, obviously the capability to take someone so severely injured and provide a way to stabilize their body and provide some form of life ex...

Q: Has Wakanda ever accepted refugees?

RogerAccording to all the various canon sources, has Wakanda ever accepted refugees? More generally speaking, what are its immigration policies?

Q: Comic about a woman that turns invisible after falling into a pool

Álvaro PérezAs a kid (90s), I read some comics about a woman who was an explorer of some sorts. In one of them, she falls into a lava/magic pool that renders her invisible (she also becomes worshipped by a tribe of non-humans I think?) In another, she ends up stranded on an island with dinosaurs.

Q: 1970s or 80s kids' book series about friendly android doppelgangers

Milo PThere was a series of books in my school library when I was a kid (1990s, US) about a future where human-like androids were common. The main character was a kid who got his own android double in the first book, and they had low-stakes adventures together. Details I remember: The androids looke...

I'm not even grumbling about the rep cap, I'm grumbling about not having the little "hey, people liked stuff you did" green notification for today
I like seeing the +10 notification pop
It's not about the +10, it's about the gamified "achievement get!"
"people liked stuff you wrote!"
Q: I am looking for a cartoon in which some kids can transform into warriors and fight against evil forces

Aditya KumarIn this cartoon our heroes enter in a different world separately through a train. They all have a scanner like object in which they scan and find their avatars. Main kid got the avatar which is red in colour and can use fire element. He also got the second stage of his avatar which looks like dog...

Q: Looking for a story where a man evades capture from a spaceship by walking round an asteroid

Stewart BeckerI'm trying to identify a short story I read some time in the nineties, and ideally the anthology it was in too. I was reading a lot of Asimov at the time, and it has a typically Asimovian twist at the end, but may not actually be by him. A man in a small? craft is being chased by a bigger spac...

@Jenayah People liked stuff you wrote.
@Alex woohoo!
@Gallifreyan Is that the first time we've seen young Master 666 in a trailer?
In all the fuss over Aziraphale and Crowley (and their casting), I'd almost forgotten about ... er, whatever-his-name-is-that's-not-Newt-Scamander ... and Anathema.
(I haven't even paid any attention to the HP Fantastic Beasts stuff. Why am I thinking of Newt Scamander instead of whatever this character is actually called?!)
But why the hell do all the angels look like American film stars? :-/
Q: Where is this quote said in interstellar?

AaronOn imdb, on quote from interstellar says: "Cooper: We've always defined ourselves by the ability to overcome the impossible. And we count these moments. These moments when we dare to aim higher, to break barriers, to reach for the stars, to make the unknown known. We count these moments as our p...

@TheLethalCarrot have you opened the link on that FP?
Yeah had to go take Stella outside though
Just pointing out it was a NaA...
(in the "shoul rather have been a comment" sense)
flagged it now, it’s not really an answer, can’t vote to delete it though and for some reason the LQP times out so missed it there
fllaged as well
(in review)
Fancy downvoting it so I can VTD it?
Also which review did you get? Or have you just not completed it yet?
@TheLethalCarrot it's going to LQP anyway
@TheLethalCarrot FP, I said earlier
Wait which one you talking about? 2 came in haha
I'm not doing the "keep tab open 'till I cna click both" thing.
dino island
Oh I didn’t flag that one, I meant the other one
it's the only one with a link
okay, let's do it again, did you open the link? :p
Oh I misread your previous comment, isn’t it just to Wikipedia?
oh, HP is NaA too as well I see your point
@TheLethalCarrot yeah... and...?
(okay the point I wanted to make is, it wasn't poiting to a story, but a comic fictional island)
Oh I didn’t look to see what the actual page was
plus the storyline it quotes isn't a storyline
@TheLethalCarrot yeah that's what I was saying, sloppy reviewing ;p
cheers :)
Anyhow you auctioning that HP one?
Pointing it out 'cause it's not the first time I noticed you letting NaA pass on comics stuff, I mean providing guidance and all is nice but do some research on those sometimes I guess
FWIW, probably the exact same feel you had on that GOT NaA from one or two days ago
and once again only talking about comics :)
@TheLethalCarrot auctioning?
Autocorrect meant actioning, the comic one is ready to nuke now and the other one needs downvoting to nuke
Well I try and not let NaA through but sometimes miss it, if you see one that I miss let me know :)
@TheLethalCarrot comic one is gone and HP is on its way to get killed through queue
@TheLethalCarrot sure, and you know the reverse applies :)
Awww c’mon, let me be able to press delete
tempted not to, just so that you grumble because you couldn't pull your dirty LQP trick... Actually definitely going not to for that :D
en tout bien tout honneur :)
Hey! I’ve missed out on the current 3 in the LQP queue in purpose
and yes whatever that says
"all above board" if I am to believe WordReference
sounds more classy in French though
2 new ones down, 1 to go
English lacks class sometimes
Q: Manga about a guy about to suicide making a deal with a demon

Guy who types fastI'm trying to find a short manga I read some tima ago but I can't remember the title. It's about 20 chapters long. There is this boy who is bullied and is about to commit suicide jumping from a building, but a demon lord or something like that stops him and offers him a deal. The demon will give...

Just gotta love how "Guy who types fast" made a typo in the very first line :'D
Damn I really can’t spot typos on my phone
Q: Manga about a guy about to suicide making a deal with a demon, he gets rich but one of the demon's daughters will eat his heart after a year

Guy who types fastI'm trying to find a short manga I read some time ago but I can't remember the title. It's about 20 chapters long. There is this boy who is bullied and is about to commit suicide jumping from a building, but a demon lord or something like that stops him and offers him a deal. The demon will give...

for future reference, if anyone needs to, cutting off your little finger all the way to the wrist, same/less pain, gets you out of the cuffs and you keep 80% of your hand. — BaneStar007 Nov 3 '16 at 0:21
@TheLethalCarrot can't argue there, I often miss some too
wtf is the Interstellar thing on HNQ or what
oh it totally is
ahahah technically it's kind of an ID question that I answered on Movies :D
Q: If white walkers can't go in water, how did they dive down and strap chains to Viserion and pull him out of the lake?

Ashley AndersonThroughout the GOT seasons, white walkers are implied to be vulnerable to water and never seem to engage in it without dying... what is the explanation for the retrieval of Viserion ?

Ugh not that question again
I'm not arguing the ban, if they were getting low quality stuff I can imagine
Hmmm? I was on about the GoT Q from the feed
oooh I thought you were saying something like "ID is off-topic on M&TV that's been discussed at length already"
I have both M&TV feed and Marvin hidden
See, this is why you shouldn't ignore the feeds ;)
oof 33 upvotes gone into the rep void today
Q: Manga/anime about to boys falling in love

user112606I'm trying to find a manga/anime in which this guy makes mangas for a living and then meets this other guy and they fall in love. It's been a couple of years since I’ve seen it so I don't remember much of it. Though I specifically remember this one part in which they're both in the rain under a ...

Q: Looking for a short story or serial about natives on a faraway planet battling invading high-tech troops

SenecaI read a story in a sci-fi magazine anthology in the early '80s about a "primitive" culture on some faraway planet. The story started with a young boy practicing fighting in a group of other young boys, each armed with a wooden stick and shield, wearing loincloths and painting the picture of your...

Q: Do mentats marry or have children?

SeamusthedogIn Frank Herbert's Dune universe do mentats ever have children? As being a mentat is something that can be taught then, I assume, there is no genetic disposition to being a mentat so no great need for them to bread to continue producing the next generation. I haven't read last God Emperor of Dune...

Okay now that was an unexpected scene and a totally great comeback
@Jenayah he could've cut through the metal bar. Handcuffs are often hardened steel. That bar they were attached to likely wasn't.
@SQB if you say so
haven't watched it
Me neither. Just looked up the images. Was hoping to determine the brand and model of the cuffs.
<refrains inappropriate joke>
ah, fox it.
@SQB r/nocontext
Q: Was Anakin and Padmes wedding legitimate?

SeamusthedogAnakin and Padme get married in secret on Naboo at the end of Episode 2 but was the marriage legal and if it was, would it be registered on a Republic wide database? As Mace Windu didn't trust Anakin you would assume he would do some due diligence on him (spying, checking personal records etc) an...

Q: Is Thanos' desire to destroy half of the Universe true to the comic books?

WilliamIs Thanos destruction of half of everyone in the Universe based on any comic book issue or is this a new idea in the Infinity War movie?

Q: I cant remember the title of a book its about dystopian future, assassins, crime

Pf22Boy aged 14 very intelligent gets recruited into a secret assassination group he is very poor and is promised a new life but he must never go back to his old one. he then has to train on a secret island or die on another planet. He then becomes an assassin but struggles with the morality of killi...

Q: Avengers Infinity war: how iron man is communicating with others on Titan

BlitzkriegStar Lord is implanted with Translator.. but How Ironman and Spiderman able to communicate with others on Titan...and how they even survive without Oxygen..

Should be on story identication questions?
@Stormblessed Not if the story is not about time travel.
@Alex but if it is? That’s not very insightful btw
How do you do spoiler hiding on posts?
How does one do spoiler hiding on posts?
@Stormblessed >!
@Alex ok
@Stormblessed Same answer. ;-)
@Stormblessed Are my comments always insightful?
@Stormblessed if you're going to bump old posts, make sure you clean everything... That includes alt text etc :)
Oh, of course, da effin' alt text! ;-)
yeah yeah I know what you think about blind people and Linux geeks :P
or console, I don't remember which one you used.
Pretty much the same.
But both probably.
You don't use a console in Windows.
And...you don't use a distracting UI if ya a true 'nixer.
Because of the nipples?
@NapoleonWilson yes
never mind actually
It seems to be stylistic enough to not bother until the complaints amass.
@Stormblessed this girl's feet are smaller than her breasts.
Unless...you are hereby filing a complaint.
@Jenayah yeah
I have breasts and feet. The latter are bigger than the former. I just can't imagine how stuff would even work if it was the opposite.
I mean she technically has a shirt, but still...
"NSFW". So your employer is fine with reading kid-friendly comics at work ? ;-)
@Stormblessed She does? I thought it was a necklace.
@Jenayah That would mean she also has a...belly chain? (Not that it would be too far for Costume Designer Man to add that either.) ;-)

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