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@Randal'Thor Greetings, old friend. I barely recognize most of the people in here. How is everything? Send me an email sometime, ye daft git!
Hi, @SQB
@WadCheber <3
Howdy, stranger! :D
How's life?
Not bad. Got a new job.
Everyone still alive?
Some doing better than others, I understand... but I think so, for the most part.
Besides momming? I seem to recall a baby showing up
Still working in the food industry?
He's almost two now... and I'm having another one in October...
... and, um... I work here... I'm a CM.
I am sous chef at a new restaurant in my new home area in south jersey. Holy crap I have been away too long
Did shog put the brain slugs on you yet?
Oh, wow... that's a very different environment.
Yeah, I need to elevate the palates of boors.
Only if he did it when I wasn't looking. :/ That sounds unpleasant.
Is steeler still Around?
But I'm a sous chef, I wrote our new menu and the relevant recipes, created an on site herb garden and such. Awesome job
She is.
Wow, that sounds great! How's the pup?
She just hit the big 0-5, and in December we moved to south jersey and my girlfriend's house with a big backyard, so she's thrilled
Nice! I'm glad she's enjoying it.
What kind of food?
Oooh, there's two now! :D
pretending she's scared of the thunder like her sister
but she's not a good actor
HAHA. Sweet!
Basically, we are an allegedly Irish style pub on a golf course. We also do banquets. I love the culture and staff, but the food is very simple stuff.
Ah. Irish pub food, then? Mix in a few good curries :P
And a Sunday roast.
Snacks, sandwiches, salads, etc, and I have free reign over our specials, which always go over the local demographics' heads and don't sell.
I got banners on the menu. Fighting for Guinness on tap
Wait... they don't even have Guinness?
In bottles, offs
Ffs autocorrect
I knew what you meant.
I think you have a similar problem to what other "Irish Pubs" have... When I lived in Virginia, we went to this one all the time: irelandsfourcourts.com/menu
We opened in April but the owners consider the golf course their business and have been totally useless as far as letting people know "new restaurant, new menu, new owners,and a full bar, open to the public "
My mom always complained that their "shepherd's pie" uses beef instead of lamb.
But I don't think "Cow pie" would sell as well. ;)
Does the golf course have any financial incentive to your success?
They do slightly better than us. We buy southwestern style egg rolls and they become "killarney egg rolls "
There was a place here in Austin that sold "Irish nachos"... which was, essentially, nachos made with fries instead of chips.
The whole enchilada is owned by the same guy, and we have barely been breaking even.
What kind of things do you do for the daily specials?
Our Irish nachos manage to be offensive by combining fries, beer cheese, and whiskey aioili, because Ireland =drunken potato eaters
Though, on that note, anything made with potatoes is automatically somehow "Irish"...
I did a play on grilled cheese and tomato soup, with. Gazpacho and grilled smoked gouda and cheddar. Corn esquites. Cucumber ribbons with baby arugala and an orange vinaigrette
Wow, sounds fancy.
I added a Cuban panini, queso fondito, and Bangers to our menu. Pushing for more from scratch atucf, more malleable products like straight up steaks and the occasionally burs on bone, etc
Seems like y'all should slowly wander away from the Irish thing...
@Catija in large part, ironically, due to that time millions of them died because there were no potatoes
@Catija I could actually get it right. I went to the best cooking school in Ireland.
But all of your specials you've mentioned sound... not Irish. :P
No, except I called the esquites "paddy garcia's corn salad" after a pogues song
I'm going to smash St. Patrick's Day out of the park next year
... in an American way or traditional?
Not traditional either, because until the 90s, all the bars in Ireland closed for the day.
Bur I will do Irish stew, colcanon, coddle, etc
The place is called McCalley's Tavern and it is on the Westwood Golf Club in south jersey, if anyone cares to see it. I just popped in because se came up in search results and I wanted to check in. I work early tomorrow, a I am in bed. I promise I will come back soon.
I love you jerks!
Sleep well!
5 hours later…
@WadCheber hey man, how've you been?
@WadCheber sounds Irish.
Ah damn, seems I missed you. Good news on the move and the new job, congratulations.
So @Catija, how's life as a cm?
1 hour later…
@WadCheber WAD!!!! OMG!!!! I heard through the grapevine that you were in here!! I haven't been in this room in I don't know how long, but I had to come in and say hi!!! I am super busy these days and I just don't have too much time to spend on SE. I'm glad that everything is going good for you! I miss you, buddy!! Drop me an email once in a while :)
4 hours later…
@SQB Going really well :)
@steelershark wait, @WadCheber and @steelershark on the same day? *checks*... Nope, not Christmas today.
@Catija so... what is it you do? Is it like being a super-mod?
@SQB Not quite. A lot more behind the scenes stuff... Figuring out better ways to organize things/do stuff... making announcements, getting feedback, interpreting and finding ways to implement stuff that would be helpful to the sites. My focus is on the network, outside of SO, so I've been poking around looking for concerns sites have, site activity, for example...
Now, part of it is definitely figuring out interpersonal stuff - taking a look at concerns that users have and seeing if they can be addressed and how.
And a lot of it's just being around and listening.
Dang, I missed the (removed).
HAHA. It was just a bunch of gibberish I posted by accident... toddlers and all.
@Catija so you're part product owner (were we to use Scrum terminology)?
Are you involved in the new Code of Conduct?
I read the second version right before my vacation. I think that it was a vast improvement over the first one.
@SQB I thought room owners can see deleted messages.
@SQB Only tangentially. It was mostly done by the time I started. My current big project is refining the comment flagging dialogue box.
@Loong never tried it. I'm on mobile, though, and that doesn't help.
@Catija so where is it? :)
hee hee
@Catija ah, I see it has changed.
I probably haven't flagged much during the last couple of weeks.
Vacation and all.
AFK now. Need to ride bikes with kids.
Have fun@!
Thanks. Waiting for a bridge now.
Parenting pro-tip: get your son (Huxley, right?) a walker-bike. Is he about two?
A bike with two wheels and no pedals, anyway. The knack to riding a bike is balance, not pedaling.
Both my kids learned on a walker-bike first, then rode a regular one without ever needing training wheels.
Eldest rode a bike at a week over three years old.
@SQB Bennett. :) Yes, that's on our list of stuff for his second birthday, on the 25th.
@Catija yes, of course. About 10 minutes later I realised that.
And good! Happy premature birthday to him.
Same scheduling problems as last year?
If I recall a question over on Interpersonal Skills correctly.
5 hours later…
You did a good job.

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